Sittingu of tha Sauerai Division Courts of the Co. of Iatos. wrra rzts j0a. A& 1 ýk> hAD. sy ly - ai ~Oh20 . i12 [7817' 1217 3,91rrg2o46n... ..... go.. 318 18 1 5 8 18 2.13 8C.6PLi9ll3 S. >.R. 1.1,2r » 12 I15 10 à 13 s ',5 8 . 61c16>4» . J89.29 2i ' 2 16 Il 6 Sitting. o thec '2227Cocat adth Jury, anod 16 ofa296262 t6 he For..Ts..d.y 10m9 Joue2..d 9t> 2296212.b Stiîfthe >109> 5>23< 2>119> 2>6696a2Jury, 336.1167, lotApril andI 711 Octohir. 064441Cor ,u ngs f->22 m. 2 <î9 . Firz84 1Mouday in Jma"a, April, Jc1y a!1C t>21. eyor ,7>96, r 0>69k 91 th. F..oe. William Bews Eîgli> cotchîtîîlani îl nîa '1weeds1, itîglisIî and91Frenchî Worsteds, &c, 2 . '. 1<..>>,-M9I t>, s>> .ls C.1' 102>90-. Gardon Rakos, Gardon Hoo s, Spades, Shovels, Oorn Planters, &c &o. BIJCKTIIORNI LYMANY AndîlOtiier iencee Wircs. AGENTS F011 WIA1tD SULKY AND OTIIELI PLOWS M>îîîoctoncil ly lte Cockslîott Plow Co. ROYAL SEWINGl MACHINES And allisN. dUols o! >11 Eiuîls. Yore , iil (100 travelling agents exupeniscslby ýrE1w n. MAECr0an, 1 iretiin, ai] amp ud1 soO *Mvii, Wîîîîî<'îî&. Clilîlreî's Boîots» & Shoos, foîr Spriîîg and Sîîîîîîner so'2»r. k I,ý ,ýL.> 6>, - > p , c-'<9,19d , 4 909>)9-01999r, =="t df>2zt tz a UC= fihos. Wils on. oA 1. E 12t, -il, 2',<bt. 3'2019t DYSPIPSIA, IOI>Y, INDRfSKTG, FWTTEIlING JAUNDIG, OF THE MAU. EI1SIP!A% AQDfTYOCF SALT ENII, ilt STOMACKl «ESTU TH UYEM, m o a. o1i4a o TéLeiogat la DccSalnm42 Stsady ccapoyao.oc, at fico ift l tean ail rIIUg 24 ort. MENl AN» vox» «@a'"»neapluna Wwkutet r R1ud2 Sp. mliiad opaaiaiTua o r0-OTT W.ar8-ITWr FAIMas FocuKSAxeai i.. f aons2 0512.9 AND iWtEKLI MAIL The E X>aar .41=m ru araiàA& MITCHELL'S Trhe Strengest, Simplest, and Met Perfect Gi'baner la the Mart J. R, MITCHELL, ManTr, MEAFORD. ONT- AU IlIm dwr 151aiit If.. DucewDar 2601122a> uil hopmolpifs' aitSadcf24 D&. FELIX LE -BRUNS 'à«as s6 24.6C- forS. 2024nIGaniba DOm 2.<222lanad l kbev da9sslmld.L memc 24 rd»4ca4 050 if t9 cs-. Oc cte YtMJR FORTUNE' U ezvl m. 0.84Ià2 et î VaS t --ia14:" ira, sera' sGuide.- 74 u>M. PC. M. 4>511KI CIIEDIT VALLEY 3lAILWAT. 10 A. X 2.35 P.M t41 P.M. Sdi A. M. 10 A.W 23-l pM,. b-0 P.11.IOwA. IK Ontarie & (kueblec Railway. CHANCE CF "TIME.: Covnmenahlg Uaturday lit Mirai, laI T -.s2. H6 45 2 et2-.< 92SAO 2.13 6.14 1I3 11.45 ô6145 92ý. A 12. 0 S9 6...ok 19 222 6.412 .45. Il<6.29 31HO .2 7." .11 e Il01 50 2> 69 >o90 i R l URBINm( p.L niT Th..« D02 P &.00 12 O> 2 1 1- 23 1.19 2W 921 3922 <»A W. '0<>09T 1590> M9>01. 61>L 2 j,, > .< .2<.> > ý5 9>,2~~ ~~ 5<05 3.,0 29<, 12 6 9<,. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 OU<» ,,09<1:2y146 9 1.9> ,>.- 9 220 Cîso> 99.<ilo<W 2 b.103 'n6,><22',9«2,,s2 10 2.50 Li->0 Il9I0 2o1 .22; 6.00 NEVEU FAJLFIG FORo nio tsu o 0giyod :00od, a ,,'tll"4', 2:"0u 2. . 1JIJ07 GOLD tirCE ODNEWLLR SUFFICFIENT TOCURE. WOM FOWDRS Or. IIcq. ým ý-i l N.1d..coràlis New &l Sioer ior tCsîîîaa House For Sale. MOE 8919,2 921 Uî<eforL20 9 'lI,. H.Il»l..O 6166.0>Ht? l 1994»I2> >4ONE> DOLLAR,992>64 il iHH 492 6<89.ifE -T ' oi1 s SS*229>2>60226> 929 2CURE>. . >22j2%224H221H< 2629<2, 91I64H. >OSWI>012INo9. 16 'Lexington69<2 Avenà <1099>221York, 162,»69 H2966259. .122224 la . û922.29. d A C, N'AT 1, lD I 62211,2226229253 TUNIS9>e,2621612 69229269& 219.969902r664 Canada2 I>22141229>2 &2. 16224622672616. T. us 1 For,296 S0625210. t- ~ i4dg2îa holîl . s. 392022.2> 2h.all;anrh i baa 2d619 =1rn2 t -il6 4 ». d 2Ilp.1 Ciment1a. tI. A il _sg- edB ili al _i h il t hý?. O. braBlsa bna.dn. ASAEDY lUI. i As a&ai Cifi Y. wADVb <bTs h .sHEta.e Are oun atube6.itosghtandk» abtia o t laS o a 'a on5 kà a a ,liassendtmlaai fetchpa-> acaa t h a omThet ia d ma'plf abS iSsap-_ ulsa , ha ravrri a f tbigrao h B in y> '84 e"oat%» In ir a.sidy. s.. amIa in t tienas oh ,blia Xu. hkwt.b arx . 0& '~ IrZ:Jaof 'laa ac3a cpoz aillD1,11.1li' i al si.of Phyl- a rtm, ,daun Z. Aà .i.' -meou, ira'e., akaba h ic. P. Jarnr ny'arnresbag n boiead aM.41 mentitaoy lantlenrin a"a Wraix220 ocultes. Sh s icaisaatnela sfroen a Imm k icremntasr af tie Orai>'a futures Empr.rpuchuhd 2in belk 's illad ap frcak she anal qou a acla Aqat.caal sp. flc ng.a.t d s sodplaat.mani2. ham oa aa rt = i rl=Bai n d basl - sidn ahi toliorinq flaka erpla kt> oSKaisr wl>-citila poules56 i&W aats> 'an f isbc 12letic geinn.t pIahrr ThebFa> aolad. le.". iai Bola oPrtsalL'y plri p-'auon. 1 bislonag colicl ru hEmilyPSd. 'Mirn Htty'a En,> hy l]m alahePrnoaDiu s ] learly sid (iu9hiII. Vioeat,14' for Iasor2.1 Day. suaittiatoüeril mccf> es y MasmP. Wh.alar. 'ThoDranoS jodgit byrmalles, the royal poiy a s,' hy 89.111e F. 014.> ' jusuolt2d2îheghiiinomlu salo iîh the 82aio1., Stcrokacper, hyla ati>.0of A lsSou of omeas t606is261 govera- 'The Bad boy'. Di.ry.> -'Spmaica'& a met1eo2 s6601Ig2rUoll Oci21c2ma aer> haol 2radr, hy G0iff1thWilde..'Art Noos' 112a62e 6Wa.hiagTaa3rrilary, .wet ofJac629Kaox Pelk.>' & r h 0.26117.' hya î t. Me4ho clf9l6y.îlluoomoud 1y A. Dssid Btoa. 'The F llac W.ldrec inu C. Sedod M.y.> hy Mr..8>.IL Oberholtzor. Am U22e ier46on the.Bouleo yoIo1>96011231 W. H. Oidebsng. BUORLEN'S ARNICA SALVE> siillusatratioua. Colonel 1 11gg>uq2u, ho i. Aoe2'oso 1Hie tory0Ser,9290494M5921'4>adm.iiatoe The grr26lri2m9>ii Iw929r0of t1<-6 in9a paper 9nt01193 'TOc >Er1>. 9Jtai21-> oarld. 2'o4r95u62d ta opcr>îIy cor4 '0 olon61e2l11098>04926 1126>a2e hr.arnsu9,Br>oee,ou at62 1llrc. ..91>nshave40,1th1per ta29>6 t» lIy and Fc99r Suirrs, Cacerc, 619s, Chlaici >iiyro> 996931<>th. 46910.1 f1 >inc<1ie Courts, 3392199. Cip>d I Hardie, and 1i 0625292. The094li9r ùr1104259>12>1 39>1> li.skia 994pt1ccs, aa.rscced te cri. page6 409t. f 9J.4u4>itsfoutue,119i'2 629ry isanHe, rroaui9re<undrd 2, Cla. >21,10 King22. cents p66 botIL For sau.le y J. 8H. Me. 99210....2lJ. P. -31>0>93<, 21iOxford, c9n21> .m 190110246 au able .and enîe9îoî>ingeg.12 _____ grspb>ool sehes'> 95>2164"Dîr. Schliemann;l his, 61e20ad %09,« lI06190rd2ih a pur Av06099.o2N6396rs rao3621954.996'2 trai. . 1116 c<2if<> aI 36262 . 9. P. Raa.H21& Aîùemelyoand>importaunt40929> 22102919 '2>6Ar1rio22N22p.perD>6w6tery, non, uh'bat proç»a h1o. l>'n uade<9>2>2629th> >2 <'icas. i>1 up6461s1iraitthe9261<04990r se>ojlHe n9î6n> etiigt49 ne91>91>2314,'96291, 262114902.1192a151111091603prisent2<u'. il<611211>6116199lilu o2103 '»tL2atts<dCana<,la u>19<à oh tan 3>6>9111e»9 ii0»>>, radi .94 sof 13 402 This1>, '2 net9615>0 a oote>Oo>cd ly Dr. 1B. 2f 20096. iecly 1600 >Iug 1thelent tel>' -,'au0.. 219111<299<0292> . d 121 Tî-ti ,u oo<,îh>.il 961>.19ai9>s»>99 o05 6181 3<>6 19>21ur -Natur,"»as2origial2lit2992>26as2>29 the otal699901>er 42011299> juolt toe t1027 are21it 49091199. , i9frein h, p9u9 .l3<649261minc. 3The62 >960220ins187>409thoir a 3'2<>Hglgi>l>>1961> R9221106'219>90>15ud t9<211in 0529902<o1.>21321u1,2854;thc 0i22953<l>62>WilliamuSharp9. andareau- oo eeuhieo front 9.092 te 10.0158; ana th, 9s1294519d ih aetO b2e'a 02111>42d18>1>4499 02611>1<9fureur21091ta1,4.99. The g9061 pi>ît<>94ly >Alred1 949122,. rst 102620>9121in1116 Wes4ern0S8261s. Il A 9Fruench e29299 th. our29502lde, 2>02<6,for>instane, > 92396219,61009 pape,. D9h>5419999>92»1uue la 09091>mp 02tance adî>itho plac of len017969> otalIof 904, u'h<Ie 1<165619e9 9>1the Londo'0Unes, 122>16.40 l>»2604 Il>.tes> of tire 5239report' >e>1 >14<>n>219>14il>2<g flatter, u1<>10d >"T9e9c1 il1893. 0>129 el0»ig tern St>il22929 William>9 inesoko w >oî»1, l2d<I'>1 922>099> 414995 19 in INew Viol. :Shakespeae,9o ws in060>1> o loi>, 1101.Stato s 1 1,93, 9>0<2<001,3>91983. C.aa >ne9931 lu»19<9999292meula1ient. It>-ri,2da1hm000d in ire162>i00ro1iH99se. fi>ly >1121992293 loy E. A. .42,ley. This2Nuiî><26» 901>542i tire 2>2t1» l'art of Counsomption Cured. E P.102'.au01> " -Nature's Srl'>02t29y' -99495995 >129912 leboaortoi >td tirc 12g2> An52<> 62092<9<0». 629999>f-e 29192 92o2.ct 90>00' 2f6pring. The>1 srainby_4 - e >192210 o>20><92201a9916421>99- . 2< W'1illiam Halto 0>029- 5>-.1Frede>199 piî.îî,pîîo 9>12,l, Colo»>, >,9<eauî11 Ooîe2areopictuale3f 29011>lenaîy 2119.i .>lt<»2f6>9<,<> 10990 azChair ach0u0091>996as29'29> 4and2611lis, 2>0,6. 2>92>oj.29001e2s<626fee1 <7 l>0.' D0962629> ,iow co>duote>1 >17 Mr.,Charles 1<o De5a >4 . t . O0 1oH 124W-,< Dudleoy '071199>. 9462 ongt>6Broklyn, 3N. T.1 The2sopan ap9 rci6et fIhia m01292419<1 -Ieo9iegewo2lIy oof e , 4artiti, HAflsM> o 1>0>2912 Sr îMay w96>11oi. >e002y-1o2aparen2t freont aclit> 91lade11they>igbth volu.of< th2a2iura contents. In>a sigl 6 i219e101e<o 99u vllrbe91 ut n 269626 69d. p6>29>11u1 A»>62190> l0919 the, 116sot pp<laof>11 >2>0'A MNI-aY yI.iI0 ir e loî 1>9>T»oo <2n A2>e9>0221t29ye'9129>2> 2699xper9992>9051120 u qoltuld>,lliohio<ee< lov121r9,tori>»r trie9surgeon,2the62mo906t>1og>tl 12o 2 96091 9149. 1Tire 0>fin e 5art2utur, illooso«î>1o., ernno>22,>anOford1 p6<160009an>192>896ut ir111>29>99H ut9.099 s n.<94290>1h)Clo<2,>2 en 11e U>oio<1 States Naoy, 49ul1the ne>2-thio tUnis Tt»>r'> 'Bell.' 33>1 11992969o Londo926îoet tr>tanhr1 rte92>219Eo>499l19Willia,>îa ....2foi oîady Oy Bismarck'&'cb1112r9291199 AUE 0F ENIL1OHiTE.NIENT. Dr. Blueh, auj 09r.Shl>imann, ù i< . Prof.l. 3o>ffy 0900e',; tl>9e efil oui. a l ih a2,of9>11>96 929, 2146 10>9, couthe0, UnyClay, in1con 3<929101>, Il ýeo> 9199ri911y,4nuit a>r2112>2>2>0Iî >Co. H<gg11>î»s<î.u>o 92> (,i 99>9>2<919>0as 909>1toIoigento o ie>>1o Nlotime'esîaministratio. T<l»Ios<' 4pri.90129>. F11<990106> 900< the,5 1119 4>l9296<ja<i bre 2o>y ctof>ly91101>9>, el latter,6>hth4acregardlhthe t262>1111629e.iliTo>o0-y A F. Ja>a, ail of the tint90 anden3 t o>of ilsîî 119912>,sd t>O apidt'u rpu>> 0699'9 0 s"it 221 22 îl-iIoost:0i. uf ils0action,12 Ttiomàs> 99>6292919 012. hi w >2e>and the ondof0het 0 ao'>20y pspuao9 9<»999o1sud 195992951Pape0>.4 Iho 'F9462612 theCîoumbia 992>9>l7tor9c4g15.e<>Idc> sorc îhrosl, 66>1>99113E9o li62trsiî; Mr. Ri>1uîg -Id h Bn fE it tie 0rcati1>ug 911129art11ili>4100h12 out- tue,26w. VIho.oso 12.or9iolunl sard secififfor lamoeback,,29r969iauad 't9991part061.> Thexse111322.9Bla1k 9>ottouîoftheimuscles,s6and62r72andhP Boa Ilprenant moreoftîhe 251917 9162er9 96 haurt ; a prampt 096u99e>19219>116>1illustrationasloy Ahbey. Duoîmao, ot rlief for 94i0, and a u16319u962 oLiaioîîd 02111242; and Afrd P12029 i mil III. f 621120li e pub>leoniras 1o ioplicity du- traiihe l c11 har.ohgway thecfinitoflnoms.a pendoii casesofutrheoaiatias, nueraîgia> e.mutof ew kiod, TrnuaHipt roulai ples andkidney compls>aineiotomainana 1 ur, >117 Wll4am 212411> A01l9fthe P tory affections, dvs@tery, sand 222267 2662 lueIaotîc aiioles2 ah ieh.m thoogbtlol allher 11>booHto> Ia persistent 22 use 911the o1r919of1thed40at9260o e95>ial9s the montot 6ifslof>1tire vishn yon ofurI ig diîodrr 12 loih illa >1111 oculPh iste,12 Dr. Jaffris;ia222117 ofS'>3311p, di8oder tawhic itis daptd. hy-Thoioler ofthe11Paria Preu, vis., the I si.1a9>o speak of i11in tho hbghecî 126rme. JournaliduiDobsts1 5an :u..oota4il More9orr, horaeuoec snd toohk2>mineu rsader Matohor.. '1121.RivaLihte,> s>1uiitcr ile,'1221theo f62991 c212169ifor and 82602211296f tillels ic4460and.urin>9of9thorses and mille. Sîîl>1 yoai .o0»oino dealrse. AN EEoosenaOr Haooac -Onc of 99990.911Lally loy NORTIROP & the prime essentielle of loalîh i tla ie-2 b LYMIAN, Torcuta, Oun>. 296e9 ion 11ibileby trie lvor ic dueoquart20 2267 sud cf m proe6r q2ity"f4r titis >' Lurau'e>11c.Aziî>.e fr Mayopens992 lattatd 119r5'2>61051011 6912<stimlai-> 220290, 2lofC2ie»tit>< E9orythiag6eI2699fthe >1112991 ouglnd 6c5196ite2 NuOtTaio2 ta tI0tiy lm atptial unirent251>2p20 &tL006o>oVor.29621>62Il2OaVEo.ANI) 2901ý,tia>d 1>,oo paner, 111>gb he>6y 262. DY66BrpT29VUa26a mont6%ralliai-<,9190'<9' 29909099>and1h1oo29121> 1119296 lghton ferLe9r Ca»juls>aiîî. Au222o2tireci o99610. The9i 29iil oirue>1ra3 >c2eit.»941omiearc1heoquoa0cof962ctsyurp A9296>19oy r t1sIî 9icle i22 09292902>0 99of2<10s2of5lirHOc iahiî>200222 24 1252>. asjo6sney f2><11291r2»2461»5> 92292trace92 6111, transespar-in 6211he2.nt 1<120 >95>21>12 d>a9v of an E9gu 16 9999929129jgaes 5ffect0o>yell. ee o f, ,as 2the l26<,s >202>4625 22traversc thi. f>r tapen the 2a,îg>îo>and 1190d>9>e. Ni. r.outeclaîued 2hH92I1 atrloy t11.900911e1 ier recoedy fur 11724> 4>0 existe, 112' the .Arabeo e9499 El NIalîici. >59216o"pca. orîeîal.Ie1121090>20. 94922.e»1. 111110 99929>2set g;v.0.tho >1910<11219499d 61 tri kud>ey C99014>4>60> I w'9te9'2iews a th9122e91t facting mur1etorobo>ia. fesîlo r.,skuras> oryip ..i,' 64"l6201 <21b64u. hpi' lile lait rl>19eiîoo<l> 411 disor lors '>9>2>0 >11oReo>s>1 >ilrehady hi, reiH2iisoeuces c 8900960>4299999fthehblond Th1>eu>ir '>1902F 62rm 1, e iîder Baeî>1> 269A 3ac9elv. w9»11«Ilich>1 enoullau2a c 526>6pI»iq»I. l',oîmaer Weu. F. Alleucoeudb is h9ex. iin s oni i16296c46 t50i0y>L1f00ry i celent a2orint ofHorth RoanSp.ilnt 94t>0205>054521>44 lueff9292> bhaîur> p. 1112 Yoae.> 302606A Harria-oou .IL t'9.4e 1!ll-i -'>no.11u2>rtfi l 2 9>torocq>2>escipton2f9trp '229>l-gl.<ettFi - 9,» 96191ly tio.<2< 091u1.1La1River9aoi u>Pgt'a So,d»o»;' .u>î la>2>1u.2..' Y,< HuerOoLuiit vrrVc2 ietirorit'I atu d9>i1I>10060ds.91te laverad loseIo204>12991 uroruo 'A 9 ïol41> »Ol9>i92>l32002.129,42i- OaiEwly Spiug.> 4He» f n>902a 2.99d,,c l96>1h, >6in-> a .Aiooouthebsarietsin 2112259021c,'"Trio for enfer mc iru2>16a moue >oficient92>9<23 96616613392262096."a shotural ici3 61 h iehh1lanprep92ii222>u>2120î954 4 oh. 4=t262212hebthiol atlena oio.2Ieot.06612 2242 ut24899 îi.192âeî>oietcliI lihen &edrIlo ylth.e i.a tofiasll, 041 ehiuh amnistiasîî cIo<99 ýhéîi2. rhbl. 124cooltrislItypas if Roglih i due. Larga dcin oirbe >29'.' Amer>cao 9o46h2062662am 2-h2629h2dh.90ud0>1t la. 611>651e. ti629499to9î'>.'2> 1 ttdlyrn-lr.edecof aloîd ht diaerim-su 0100 91626 uolhi'> $1990 il,, 2 10421261 taul. -At lut" hyMi..a l- 1440)99 B>'9 l 9> .1- <"1 PorterinAaudhatthrit ri2tr omanhc 22 ç,,'K~TB2t,,p~ 9Io2 ,, ,>. tic wdh.r tha.eralàcc> 'Iltaliaio> »h Lias BdorA Peiniez,>in au ineiiurg u9r aII79s<9or.'>, and r.Ill-ritten. Ia6.tryu .21 "The.puienne raa fusisiu tthhiar >1> Roi.Nahuin 2 2au a.uéicg 22262I2 d ofarem.S621iby .11 runi eîaler&6129. Aiaerica ltisio.ary Lita sn the Afrirs usA3Inccuo prl1î2 > 4llealsalI thcatrui amre chas uiclly CoàSfaelnle csad 6for 64plaq1ue 96 IL>, lu Berartlmlbas.. of.oud s. s2<e i.i2>1 é.<I- Siame Dr. Tien7m.'Ecet1iee()il h->oentd >y abandni ' aIf rî»t > .ç he'rorn.ccîrbrted.s number of uaaiî- tait rai 4s22d l2y lt qi>é o.4 e 221 cipleit 40606221>66huit inlksVoricgta >9 >yB &D M Fu6. na If -brosptr .hi as. - i-1 <. p i. bi. charra- du-cheia cac . 'j'BE8BUPPLI Op CONSUME» litaisais i na aly haehait bis Ia tbtlia» &ithia bhlonit dslaait bilra, So.I Thaeamn slalcr ha man rhshey. strychnina, or opium ta icait lmontlprcfortna s orh inbu and aihe efscllonorsh ktogolthregh it .achoct asaiulats. rici 2>26417uDO thhla, but imsesa.t1e eloomioacof ius>_ fa Whsla'es B111.6of Phar. lihettes andt talisava aie havc the oaly soare.of ncrva force uafoiail ooor Sert Ton Smn rAs'. Eraenoac.-A conra.. pondeat inqaires if ic 22267iehamtiHipat.di taut somo .a»Ici tonal umntna c nlieo mqoîrit at Iagrroî sud Wcoditooh 16. eidecl ta the theoprerati306 of 1he Seot Act2in.1192172temallepoa 1th9 lin. and oncrgpOa of 1th2 pr.col.ttaff t1126 If thoe ilusos>, thut lhave h.ou s9 prevalHit in Baltlon icI 290724 Oxord, ot 007 lie soppeood chat Ithe me>1ic6i îaa4Iy in tir. 1426 so21enof srould bh. oidly iadolq>te ta grappis outh thoon.-9oit2F9m 99>. DANOBR IG INALS. eaier, if y.>. 26re troobîrd itih polo> ,9c9626m«, 29660269l2and a drcfffîng lfraI ug>in the luooiofîtlhoI<ackuîah>1uo. »>11h co»I>ed-olbui urinor Vhentyoo ave la91461211011»2Hlaaf a1296.26au, Inl îhould res2<09tuBu0r3,ooh Blob», Bittero, the>grand3 hu1oy 990atior sud rloI ad0»liu9r îcluaig tente. The l>lla>ing notesofla2speech666e11nty I>1e603 12 oinbina-1n6t9 29291 2 nt12er- >c1t. S4pe>2119 2un1the ieuoh oexd leul, tead 442>92..tire operah. ca>1<; "331» countîry la2ove9H9909 loy or>ec9laodîord," sud,>altr a1a09O12g00506rtperuraio>u> 12921996 il--oa>1: -I2tel] yon ir iî fo2 I9elaoda A lION FOR TE 000>330 la gc ersllyithe liratethio0' in 9caseto un usjury,11but a d»>3or canIut 2616297 99629id1t16te29cuitif vouthavo Hl> pardi YelIoa 0>Oilet1bad, y996h112ve22 9oliole rolody»for al o a inijue. and pain. Tbîliasa6.l lu>o o>v,.I .Iocou6îhartlabaiid9ed boire. K<'opui rosdy 1for>ose. If i . tr> oci,>proibition2592092 more9 l0i>29.-d9i»11000and1 more90d9a2bc ieso,'>as hocc foa9og the6saloon >1cleloo wh>2 >1>ai>oth> tiquer2ro992029066out2fur945« >1îOti2a? Ih oooîd 229910taeho 1062t0t9, 1l>ieg 111.9 are0 5199. 0>911 theTiuerii 2el099 da thIs pe91ople 11 llmkh pîîîî 2>.> DON T BE IE 11 Y1 >2923 <>TI09>1<iîcare 6161111 690<299>1> >oi><'I>1>0990uI999>1>1in0t0<909909q0 '<0i.19u>of.d1igestio1n9>3 iiOru.Ii 1>22>19166 e d 90<1401922. Tt lei,9>1d9.1 Ibela. 62 e>'er9O2<>0 the 90nbte>' >or-t»ou,Il 1211l iioiai, <93<19of>9>2 2>2>92. Let o> suppose. for i> îoî>oe, tlrait thc p91<I»1129122o2112>9pîîlîoo'- troue uand>..l95of29 h Je2099 u,1411î Un2 puOlîcher is 9b16 ta fille ad 1299 ment. 22ould the62Inter Oceao 996199>1>9 prohihieoiy îsos?-Speotator A IBAD CASE 0F STARVATION' 'Ta atare tho lioa 29aslaoh uf vitls foad cout2ioionpureair IfSthe Itie> aeohtroce,d hy ,olits, -2rmerie496 r ccounolatod phleono aith thal aafg 56,> pcanantut 11m1ai ad lang oemedy, Hag yardi Pectoral Balialin. T3he>c1110 >6o96a t oftho Western Sltateo 2302264 f90Chicago lb. go'hy, osnd bihe tha.lah 4Europe hy 'my oftDuluth Rnd theoanadien reote. TT3 10 NATURAL. Il ininature6l for 2uome people te h. bil1>06> beinggelto>arc.olb of 9H961a'a b0ia ion epereci. ehboh 2922 1î2 living,>t09ge427foodi>e>19900<2u ho> inactiveolhsrr> ainltrefrrq<9>ie6422ue. The 66909117.thuya,0ail uthera 1in11>0 dook Bld iters. tb n io irO>ly C 211923 fur.ail >2111097 9complainte,>0an>1fa,. 202tt9rllhau ployaleor >.inlactiv eîlîî>i 02629s1of6the9929910. The11e c9rî99'02o.rsl cdll 9>6>13>1221 oalt. a shortetI i»c hcage forot. D'ed 241 ry Dr. ThoasEletre Or nor a200, lae e hich, >roiecd 902for bhrerur Tour yraré,anduc<1foriudiliîîhý ire025 rtie1 e9c6629d. TtOhas ila9 a The fri.o>1, 9of2th. Scott Act have ici <orag9t>'>1 4 9ofor2a o26u.ouuI .2121 pubic feeling ie oh. >2uina ppo.e<l ta tire adopioftein 211224urer.-Mail. X5. T.iy &tii iooUr&rd, Ks >.290092 1 i.606 heýial24ta r926922226211 voot glertrie 1Bittrsm 4 o y ostaoe9ra, îh.y laecutiro osiafist'n d are raploia ,at ecHrlac Bittersaare the poras and boat mîaheîo,îowecasd mlpot, I '>10.1 -rire>Kt l<l>o 102.5929 3 r. iI t houty .caos 'la> 2 t'." 2l>,ireolei'lto9m onte a Wccobllm<~,.lo >9 itiag bon ireso9c r 9.' ". If28 <.9 «< tý o ri, , :';u>îla991>u' o Ir îtoi 622raa of1104.0.9 oti pab'9 oftheri21 ta4do eu. btea9«aval, ilMhHr thaon ii, salI do.Iar.s si> <>165 » au- s, by au; ardilans trieaisa, m"ea v, h oro Mcaail songoie Uim sfer tiosi parpnm",iagrfai. th pubic bae laeraSh1 i.aj. mmat. WELL BEWARED. #A " haral oud raiabupidteosur p r l.i i puaduoo-rMUnr, se 1..2 ilt,~tPscdtaw ]O8s2- 1s110ala latpabbi ra ka«=-è47%-tàe n ick amaei a a D an' no ima le , maM a rewuyao la " aiho ;;mo .brshaitm halite ham Da7waD tolibe asetu pa ossa s fis, mlari amam moUoh n uSlaleoso. u .h eemrre ths hy1ebaco. ilc lai. paseaof As"s They ha IIa sud r>ohmeogt tlî 1e o h .991,u thaSahoh11h-900 0>20>2 ioo ay>y 1r29g11 on> ,,=enotee. Sae bruol ol. > ralia f39>6d109.0hl. and>Grhamîoond h.>ulfuthe uiI 'tion , o oi tabhlu 891903. 09>11>24auoloftrioue>han Foiýca 1ituber, 1>9th62ah2au1 Aouu>1 >1 uo ot.009d oe '> hiui Grhemyei>a« t leo,0ut»eiad coma2>011909 Oin 91921uI9idoy rae9oaga2let Grahamo9 w>1190629>I>90>t3911 >.'o'a '212>' aperture Ibol02là2> a 12<912l o apsunidht isvery Ith 11a11 ibloo>t aoddeseau rrohcc '.1»lin> uw a'udiescyat1and<022 ><'<»olidN9Dye>6oboiuloà 9499>211117160>tro a>olohnb <0>91119209991 ar he 0course90fi .<.4<saOl is faîO2Od l>is l r,<0,lace of 11>12>9.21 ut 116> .o'o.»ofdiu iotuîiog tl ti 19 12 999 <19 911e911alli>ove9 if>1one0>2112902>21 oiovr l 22 >,n xeuohi<1, 992>291>91 gIi<aro'9o'fociy hsoftI>.iu> >2 .<2<0ioent<999u992andH1<>92o 119>2<00 lieu aulc blil.Il ii> L>a1 oîo, ishoco0it6 00>2 t N"l11yOig ou 1109 o Iao be»,utre ruIuo 91w<<112o >lmîgd, oitype 09>1î'19et3ll>uel in it trio Its eoîoo sa i sm<>2321hiio 291:zl'il->srtiea cool hI, tiü Pas t i> s.of,autvICI ames dive0>1<>o>gOthali-116e, poorish- u>auotiootth ornsd iprepar Liomba ieholora.T Ia tlii tho m4 Ljor0>yn wo bis'matlicui Hissaraeî apemst tn k ilofl bu hooa ie- oy aurmonat >22hoeocrwibIy In ra t41062thc hona, with i abas uod 1.4%Lug ribtl Iho wud ors OhqaIitb>2 o!te grnate mai i dc.o.VIiothautheuraeth Tlon uthonofthe.raifusi mua Lnouoîîy arustebit unliliber ath Anal Shyohslasuit hara s abro'ome L ti aHI las a0i29eiusd m L12adrociby linr Oah ,odrsî t oogcalalaliu crIsI, bom lba ice of bislau caeohen heatit it16 o 22>210>000noui hciof, lbs1 p6266itsf. lhcIloncade l il c2152084 a ns'i= h (I te hWgutbec alidt 2the FA .a dqjit1y au là.tenadba b ,,r iduawlaps tay bd tc er pauhlseasditararsit c a îîait, sass t e.aSand lier lag hrmraandteaU 22 Mraas;.2 aL elaagdacmmbair tin t ac flsooi arieeit0sitlialibe Mai.,"d nid Mas apnpat «ihafoadoye Ii> oifat wh. hosaeroji an nate O itram frntwhih i@pasi àmeccantl elistaegacel"q oerng s rbierehallabOmo. 6ArIS the sg er baW ig atla îoard anin tla ronsial.gpor oo Sh n oha »fala 'ai uit i 2261 e pbossa rm a.lra"s he i91600hbond wïta itlasuma thian dayn kn alldailiaD a rmatesS aa"a Sacoir' ,hoq w6uariM Iodâattnintt.hb el16 ras not 1sattmsoi ldantiM crijus tajfJits «b tc'ai au lISMn2 otfor yel., Mal.* 66u yP f e l ko2>l 9in61dhs -4 Uy l anoutI. Islokù? !,7 wh illa l'e4a6 lide'. Mecio biigg.n an' 'Fadocato rnay ha pyiu2 acn2 xI*.buti1 .coks. 22H11l'aelaid Il de' ýwa SU dla a wsh12\, uadMapmetoelput ont obhiba ýrdigamoarejineodo .iolcoaamon finit6 bacelI 'tg. Ac' if yallwcil colo 1621 ý, w i96jr colir> sud ebe. bolc ortx i0eas fox f. If gits utc lier de La66IIUm oIba, yetl uay a gool word for la, I roakal. "Iodoedl1will. If yHu woc,I'El akc 7H0u 12123063<036service, andit y goMI w9490." >Doue. hy goîîy; mnd wlosc dey ooiol mi, d9yll ollî a39546264167 uit hvenot 7H11 a wilo snd obil- *6)><1, \goaife<.oao1'egel ll1 11l unie2 sî't yen i îu6 bime loy, £02 1,.32.. nia' 912 ca1>fille. si. l,'. D1il l'Il1911g9>ver>iballi Il '1,9ee9 1 U2fof "9 forces,29 92>92<90.1 epoctiii.frsevral fte1» f, 20'Iý.<îaol 22>9>6 2>>'> >0'd iio ,ci t1he lie 2<2>1for bel Ill11 l1>9"'2<1 <>'>'<>>l2011lie 00>>iii11<9 9>2LI960<l l>1> jl rai 111, >9o>e 1.12>1îî21>9<" 21902911 Sf ully for-,.in9l2>tlo.9<><><1>26 >21 >19li>ll1 fhall'o12î<»>9os< Il<ho01hall2<coin. O .01 >>'s>1' ittls>teI.-,tliem 411 trlîl>>l>I>,, >19, 0 1s >t', »>li, 901100the><se'ret.or buýilIt ilhi,2 andîîo 9'il9 >121]Il, e l>2>20l h>.01111>>6 11c.a10> 1,>1>9 10,1li11> <'il!1 t2 >n<- t<Ilîooi,l inItduit,,2693<. 112> Il, (19ahl 9Il olie'l>o2>t ill LN.200a4>9 I<2001211> dit.> f<, >u.l>< 91'ill11>122 392141>1i 69.1921'2,<>l lI<»29the11199212124. l>iîî>19>099911ig5t "ll I2>>964>1llî>i 111909929oI 2th . l 9904291 5062y 124u 929>111a 2inbol dool 4202la 99>1»*>v I,.er,1a>12>teor,iSlroomaroury a i291Ili1 >22>1>69 14.9 0ug9229ail0, îtbo16 On1th 199 iht1l.229113ctîh rUiu05th., 2ice911I>9ay l orceili e ry fur69 ho distant21>s lo -U oiao91<1l1. irlno o 21 Ora1121low aiî 111 hocaseld 0412H129lt he ortd9ol. > s»>i ha A11u929danograuMiîî2 ud 1>1an il palo» tio w9999>99 163 iol an a mor cath 1h29 ai t ly mils 1261 bIt 6> bnrigae oooomcdtertheU n2ion caue enlta thgay owihe> oo dgul t Iho tuHd92atu,6I91960 219l 21clmationmuaoihi>sud lrie 9reA1 one0 aisuide.Min9 rH<>22t190395 Allcongratsudtionsîtaolng r02 e dlaxlio Is wrTovr niloli 117 arc-a rd' t mrhes a111oy 80960addin 869' brigdeommarndea1ndeximaderil; pr AtalShhawovo more pofHnhidIy, su beieboro Iooezldmsîikaoc eaod 1e od boudlt ed lo sud Ier 0605966 olong ieno o mula oartie ofe oS 111 aclIeas guideb lposti onems accep80 aH1W22 nmtheo<nIy bu lfoesk ail16 iel os niou mmDyIl sd cdol slowhos Ihey omble H6pin sur-o 'oiSi th6e oCbionî opi>tedes oS et bol lu ase rroosIdedfihwe laner acîlor obaae u 9011e0>61 1e wlya clfor thram1eclmationoc itriehodlu> audsit w "asrepm.ol filt06007 'ranlu ofe vicsud ensg>atUn>on al aroad n1e e f99 lihesabl691e componla e bo ihemeîleoefhaoalHiIedad9 h ol majo r, we regiedeasuoie 522>129 from Iho in81.01offi6ie eport111 aTheyud reîohnouad feooetohchiot aci1e, on (1out1<of 2>the whlada Ilîw>'<îtoheoiloIof0t>2ifrdte' lHh a nc> e of 11e 4212>0621 91>291>1>ryio , ties and1e s rills. 81*Hîtcal th Yl o, nd Frmor ucroneew 8l26 da>note g s chioec ctflai e ood 21bis lrasbre,"ofb.ocly ura higba li teote,"Sr. Johnd cota. lanIl 21er bey thevirstarye, o hada oiihtoc eniiah anliiIl orIlaàic. iLt -1112 var baidtaBofolynIfeto wLea ber e bca l Siin huri i Ig mod an il ecs»r "l rond at.- Il cltur rhel aeanha of 1ft.sI hetouy s. hn i J acdc. n osal cisa, cora i la. -Wlcai e aad ft io hs ferd. k y:h.rrnfou r , hi libank .11r..taîhl tifer pr. > - 1 b..rai l 11..aad fSx. Bi.