JOA& t;a/adian Champion. | 1_ llnd2•&etcsu.Mai mã • - -The ant am asiesfor the Ceaty cilg *ma$7. a sentep ZiTN S, 4, 1483, H.hon were beki on Monday, lait, as the ààt arty MITO, CConrt Ho»semiltou, His Hon. Mr. Jisi a eitoty, les d •½%hes inafli, .•.a Morese ag. The GrandJury wer 8t,18 theaune subail$ »«I@ 6e-hMd-, . fai.cald theflowiesemprussnt:F- EsTn CeRsAar,--It wudtb a* aadm Meoh Thé AmossaeleAction for Bmember f the Cart s, retin o C h m Edwas Dvi1 . mendp ailere toenat n oCn.tamir justn, =co "Mui b-se an su e leegisltive A aiha e mA.tedsamrthe JamsiE arly John, H ashed. Jaun.Hender "" " ý,t is goming otire old ton, dielMrh opinnthSu sciH.a tBehiKen T anr m tiserns E e any as tt Ust Pr va edt.h. 8 T,- h --did.t.. bln. . 0GeMore Sm it •oa, ritr iues, my ais haven't anght up with tion. It ia bigcoutry, umpgis pet hu) tt heroinene a18Bejain.alok. Hi le sincee 1left Montana,a musnthe ego. Bessant Of prarae, asomti,48" an sss raisng he csto ary cr «fcorrspeonfe ratelated thq (rand jury ;,n Ctheraelbing A Cr utile Ofwekus inthre fbooamits itCn;n"me ofa meou&. yeein y h ta.ateconornbusin .They thenuxain<of Portlan)d sat lit d anyfnc c mg limat-stand p-dactinm Ia u.O 1"ck«& el Nie . aM . u i th.. -aoi and ndit ,•Ct, let " noiso,-a have lhadtfor city flie. and the wildern ans nr asso n o f arco en W a.somln old ialt ien nal ilo ian.andhuitmny - bing incarcerated and di.9 not thinkit hsa. againts reutd an irreitableattract fr waisomrmthnt fie"dein this v.c.ity wrts, all eglad t, necessry to a e eortuas-everything in ton. i. so1faabe uas I aine sclt'y and hearof hs suce*lmco ne.ton with it.was in good ern.litione. I left Portland whilethi rp tkthhrozt n uthe .»dbenduSe parreth. Thiere wen thtree civil case., on thecd. ctiet thoi . eoettizenfroandtll la :orf0theu protctio. ess TUE DAKOTA "INi" tefls aewsThomas Hali Av, piff.l Wir n a ron llptsi r eg.n1fetonamll nteagrncampluralmad» -- aend Tnornas lark aoi Rol.ert Lgndeflaas. .as inao e celrating th, r ogtit u apenicsa The bf ilus, very -.vere"n0cra,,, ronsTh a voar an ac;tionfor tnonis met ,faltet nzofr. is rd nihi e et.thbth" oilMandscimte roix begui&e. aatReformoer for.i tn .momy oi eal., a conmtratfor delivering a quatity of an heoeinif Nrenpacide ly a."rable for W-hrt' fq esutatselsculationi ai asiskota selest ry ins!A iusamber Ofwit e assuwre examfiined L.,Railway. The dec oa6 nsanilIlsamina .l l i ambers Of any ig prference tu the CananNothwet. J issus parties andl the caese.w-0 tried wrthsout t"Ons were thssmot i fabowatrayeer sait- U&pre1io1111111à-ar ton, Me.4,, 1à W& A'.00g the nmrebers ofi he "rn u rethe l a ry. Jiafigment waeevd .Vneet .sed on thre Pacifie coast-thessein t!a a dydeerivdtoovosno i glw >-DacCrane.Y. ex .1P..forEn.qrp .ad W. LidÀlw,Esq ,fr dettý Chinoies quarter@ beins aecal itr oser ggarter metion ésisé the ' n, m.Mc-Craney, M. P. for Halto. Wiam làcevit. Joseph br.aley.--Te eting--and the bil t ,eis wich'" tlc intend teo exranin m n A. 8. d. rvni'sertrpartiesin this ca. e irainBramptonr, and it Cthe ind nrdri-à of the Ctyd my erre.t C ritain th at drto n n thi ng uot inl Huit. T. H. Pan',lee , PP, Mr. tikr, ..san actieonfor sBettssment of atcouin i d,were vsireeL s pre t e . eaOeg r hosew o t it* òfo orsgtom d HtMaP uer x-.P. Fwr t Gr.i Mr. tashwa noth: bl ate ai d vaidraiersonres sof the P&.:Eiecmugt or railway lua shouid not delà B a k D e sG o s Puek,,x-M. P. f id stearysnistn-, nt.cople b thi* nu athepwit if aalà rt-id t.The manufactr e. are beyanedonext spri gas». dte enomu lirt .. Iraltipe etn.dianroabl a to dmafnfalringtosgrement. Theapidly eveloping, havnng alreadyrneur y grtion tatt i o.try raill a--onabsobthe" ore weirteorse19 namein temes, ofa:dp.lca e as ri ithotja , amn. The reached the large file: ru of8-00,000 ost deasirable locations, botispii e sdn=. fiarent politicai stripe theysoul 1 be given chief jsicgaejdg e li orfthe anun nd ee exetonlr -tir ecera ne nd' 1.umber n tairm evey ppor turiyt go-ble governmsent defend.nt. • vantaes enjoyed by Oreilon a,-d Wash cht r exeri enetNrmhensd. rmPlL - M A bad uinth auanNorthwSt; htlas sECOND ' DI'ný,Ms, il, the possession of the gjnestvo er i bt e vrua ate distha i ThPI eS OF MAthe NTIO it istiasi#de ,ied thems.s w do n o mt . ody of titnber tmithe world . tme tf ate er. ril andce me aueable ithn ase Boe why they sabl<i be blameapd fo-r putting 1 Q-oss tr. Beutiy.ioct--An interpleade r "snt vainuable dep ieo cxl r on a"' i 'e ye ars ti brlanoug t uitabefr o aGren.i mpst inthe-0tonr, thirCmo eney eethey cou d get Ils t1rthe l a s ls e stwee nnmber ofthedueendan's oi o cailn r clu ,e. ebuh recut rm eoen value for it. As far aM railway lande Are ced sos a teplaintiff. Tir.plaintit i h rec sitosetarls, he inx aastibi- c enstat M &lot a u p. oncserned tChere isno qsution tiat the landchasoedthatCthe defemai tu t, Joseph BeAssey, h re n ragiutrlretre.tat . dthcent c eta enPtner th reultinsofth uNr ernPalle ra an, od hia brotherwere in partneship, anmi with uinrivalled flacilities (for shipping, to Pre.eaption and Hi>:nestead Acts wvua Cno.fe the nore liraadfi t ha as chi, beng aains»tt4he P rtner- all parte of the. globe, and ansali lI. 1IChnta agrost many Cansadiasthroug Cheo.eliemthn hse trleaean ai. b, soudhezpid beforethe cre-litor ndlthy climtwae, are attracting a this Country. Mous of thoem aefom 3 5as 7K n tet PaM $ yndotiertiaitthe. Ai ongre ha gns o h.y Tejr el htroulto ht lelrg pnteBritish Cohumbia, *arireport very.10W 3.3 n 7K gSre l te o ef ngcoth s la nga ht d ltsof Pa rre ot:ited twee tt»britera Ipre.r .t inlu t u ao n iralcrulatobleer toî:aa ihabsatrciddo heAm;. ev orty. Thtis lbing thre lut in the procession nwere nome enorHinao•epy and old fashind.Te n illunreNorthwet.sdt urther.Cmany Cae, " n etr' het Lle court closd. Mr. sticks of the native timuber ipotcyof he ovenmet cthidst danswh refa mr lub . o nadesainent for Mr. Croéss and G. 8. Goed. section of a tree naie fee, e ioanethebciands inthe atpoce isdrav li. than immnigrants*aeging there lmo.The e'Iis, Esq., tand I. Lidlaw, Ei., couase n dctofrsikse d - d9,1 flt e mny etesars h dt essidbthGoenetrgnhotor creditors noe ftesikscnand P,0 etr sui toni-hment att thre voapid mth.. Ce adansievesnginUited 8anotesns.of lumber, hbsardlmmelin. In fact, troc*s regoan and IWashinigton, iaspmraîd vaith the bettàier. aDeathnofnion. Mr.tBuchanad. containing 8,000 or 9,000 feet of Ilumber te stand-otill condtion of British Cabane -- ..e. et o iln r.Bchim arc quit. cmmn ia thie country, while ba-S P. PANTON4. .The Temperance queston. Hamilton, October. 1st.-Ho. Isal ne viela 15,000 feet,. and larg -r treea. . Buschanan died this mo)rnmng a&tfhrs re. are left standingd, being too hleevy#o To the Fdife-r of the Champlion That the tempatrance rquestion shoutid sidence in Hanmilton. Thre deceasedt Lcroandle wiath tclenindustre.Thoncsie Ma.oEarroa.itwo !iall atlq . r be imadie a political question is mont de. gentlenaian was born aet Glastor, Scot- geaet S lumbte rini erdstrisaire t c nty tothBalon.1 i cr inspectori airab'e. No Illestion ancre vitally con 1nd, Juliy 21, 1810, &ani was consteuent "livint a ""a e .theof larg e filutheure thue ounitofthealtn sowentils fiil me-a rth ho country with respect to y lmtbis 74th year at the tine ofhis llavingba caacit eof2000ir feret per1r14 tre ]- tilon To thislaàea useof i its ahehest'welfare. We sshouhti have dece.ase. He receiverl a iberal eduication, oay t t l the i re cmasny lrge i llocs theD mtinT i sa rs tem.perane noen in Office aml tenper.soifd having entered a mercanti 0 houi catrd ogte casfrm o s awoldt]likre to have answvered.bieautis &ance lawus senaetedi. But temperance msolt hlis Ibainess aptitudes gainied haim a part Bay tor Gray'a Harbor. The collet coli.n- aniy persions contensplate supporting ba tenir>erancu. It tasnet 1h.ase ib, nership wvalide yet only twenty yers of try Yiele siomie valusable orninentalm1 sesr to prohbit, the unase fthE an "rcia3ce» tatsnth g.i 80hecm oCnd otk woods, inettiding the imntain nninho- lignid throuahoàut the D mi.,ünn, iand i it. e e b r i o i g anmi prctic 1a nilen ill suppoartchae of130 th ie.nadi asbanchof thke any, fron which eleagant Ifunture is woulýd be weillto lkmnwasomet h ni i O m whc haIbm a ou theériesitI-11, ulre besii s, which hadlboeen transiferred tu made in the factories at Portland andl the cost and n:eans toi be ai tu t formation. It oumut he a shm which hini antilas beein a citizen of Lihe Do. liter towrner.Taiencorda&Le cmpaiien practically accomaplisha the end dessirel n O hO a O C the great omairity of imoýral amounswlrt, iui )il ever sincs. lThe deceasedgKen ;'.ow a large d spJay of rope.s, &c., rmade If sincere, wuemn u te the animal be coguise to bniualli ilite logic anad even dJvman took ane active part ina the.sp. ciranmtthe excellent flux grown ina Eastern the "hlorns" with th" determination teo a d see the B ankrupt. Stock in tsjuce A ytin ese ha tispranonofthe trulsi 87. I Ysigon hl h anufactuirers of end is wild career-there is r.otuse il,(l may,tiunder ipressuireof an excite-ment 1811, aing ibeen elected to representionano.enfrelyarbleprs, c trying 'oo Acton 1l'clikeatetsuporerof oriy ml b a erane t nreoftheGiada, inheoas irlastenti ocipàt ariged1heeweeagang of MWara Spring ln- labor by the opponents of suchs measisures rampantabomitaton. hel ten reiann, ibe wsgoermetai n aroCtin da i indpupils from the Foreait Grove Many cry for proibition. BHoe in it n tZ arelo mredeiat 'le mlor numer used more wheat th n h pd uceaid min scolfron tthe Tillamoiks. ]be executedt i in te question 'to bePl nounac riimto ele th oplat-ion thaen at seculrintelereducition of thre duty one Yakimàap, Umatillas, Nez Percera, Wau- answered.Wevacknowlede tre necsa l y o p r h s sof a any ornir læiod.Theyworkthei tha staile.In 113 h suporte Loruco, Alasýkans, Sno)hoishes, and other sity, but fail toee a way to oftain d fthr h S0 SOf crinaiinal niil[» openly in the, face of aIL. Metcalf e adinistration, &andl sue- traibera. Thre Indiana fron the west coaset, nil. andsertsee-thre ar.reamsi of vice ai crime il lently took a seat in thre Executive fromt Oregon to Alaska, are called 8i- Frotide, thre historiansays : ' Popnilar D R Wa d paouring forth froin theseu nrces to lay Cotmical. While 'a ember of the. washs;nm th at toaftibs ík.lgsau re a asllsi e wat tecouiltàn , vew mteIlouse of Common, Mr. Buchanan was pnteNrhr aii adofc a feoin ltuls h toi dnsikes wieh hilareit.hy ha rctd.etesieyngdnmercantiletp utepting displasy of fthe most la Ci" intions, and with the lawls they pro-M A A & C Thke e ari.h ,Iirthe pobe e -d teuc su it. , his l nae of binecantbeinguatfrmiis,imcl rdmg peachles, plume, porunes, vi<de an exention t i vie effct to tir Tieegnrae yh e irond ti,-bolnlc atlà'n, adse O o n ie p'air grap--, apric-,osapplee, pers, &., all of reslutionm, thre interposition may remain of these <listoirders(of thre peace, find il everytliing rconcerning thre welfare of whcailm'yo erg wtop fe atralbtam te nd epespr et e.à e frter ek-naue o humr lthat ity. Somne 3 Lars isince ho retired tion ina this pro!iic scountry. There wax Their session endedot, their indignation- enilirand coniv enkat irwced o rk rm blns ndrmie n pi a ita<, a large assortient of grains, roots dies away asatinfed with rwhat it &oeesto thomanlooppontlrn. Th gr ceat majo. f, susequentlac eptmg eil apoivint-aend other a,rieniltural productst, all of a have acl i e. Corruption rensnme's Its tyof the cIvotanun t r at o j,rel'e fu miioBh u n arbpintrea under the .zp ad quality that iaetoished te way.and after a brief puiss th st ..n anty ramth. ui oie rcby &lài ia ori prsnt o veromnmen a t, ich pos it e visitors fromthie east and Europe. fallu iback into i•s old channels wh and h y ait-ilaw am hynele i iefenrit. hld te t ithvrieti e h his death. Mr . 11e, an [ bhusan to tell yon. I left We h1ave a la. to stop.or check the l eAf in e-Ie av. ait]eonl . fthis enor l- hananoutlwase a illno aldoseawide. Portland nethe ituoring Of Sept. 12LIh Canada thistle, and of what utility in it 1 S.?E ifkW ÊOS FO RPE Aifi S S t y Î 0,HGT mity 1 eil in theil. i ron, o lt nialority, r e neral informuon. He was a erossoiig by ferry ! f itren teimese Asho lisewla w t n expenisive execre "n"Inset nvrl tietdb xri, eo pae n1awiero osdr-<ok f the Oregon Railway & Naviga rien, and of little 1n.6 with all it seo jmeaanrsri n n rori. e, 1yxrwuownte b e alit sneu l ic rt e tio ns. Hài s - ion m!.Ipany t Ailbina. wheru the --rest plicatel clausert--t least is generally D rmen inh otewa l i r ht r gen i iapoit i rnad o e trmmail sworkýsofthie Northevrn Paciti eionst,-red far fromt being perfect &fter hiirtful ande h ro-thiait- re inm.ti-.rmiwr arted litspitality inade i m lnpersona!13 " i"" re being etabàllished. These ai ll te .:ilation i .iae. ..e akn okth ahvilihr w e rigt uoe atJreadt-veldfo n auacuigbui uacahr " avesb n)hehfl;csrnitinb.venPoplalir with lt'l w ho kniew hime -- "r w gi-ve permanent emiploymient fore. befo1re e petition fornlit.é, Ther Wadboltms tookdethecrainwtheimhe go ing to E re aoiJtn1iley andi'lledfrom on manufacsud os t lomMsoketpitd mods f raitg.astrati: wlttin- fne.t' dou! 200men, and retal estate hao thait it is well to consider the efet thev sa Onng ht h goods drc froce oakers. A ties werdl at iay Ifaryte oey bavey an to rnp wn to a or eas, w0 ing asotmelri.; <i-. jucreitaatind .edrin-'mit 1 quI-,ently renehied very respectale w ill lhavelbefore they.are sanetined. dmitch ofhaer tan e lver coudrocuiin reimibefo r s 6earoires fry Goodhfls b fll gTedermous stoms of ath igAt ; <rninipv rpacsfr H ROICALSO. r-s. FromtAilbina, thre train pu -mc il.rne emit ueess&to hope tesndut esoi uaealnvrE]rpaiin rmte.alrs ftecop o h att r h onpecdnelilwpls dutnehfor dùmr; <hsieoination bletweenothrHn ab EDst PortSHmW, turne ot henb i ncmnts ; pe-h" a ayrely on it that they will get th4-r suop'iesofthle verv newest and mos3t fashioable 'ree years. The mnnomrabte anatomet fa dririmg On te pense eetirrn1E1w1 NNE RFOU HALToN coUNTY AT ,cren, 1<,,wn the Williameitte V,ý ; hi-ylare The Scott Act shoi.1 ta vr ik n aisu uulyola. -ikV ]es n ls o ein n fgo riebem trasa liuo s olaniornmui a hm ; TE uoicltsHwifELr oth Iuiii, at rendfol'ows elle southin ,rish argument for or ag.ainst the d-isting of sanenormonls variety of the very nosetdeig1 rvelOtigs ai leain anid mb lensedt arless bhan fomer pric. O the r sl hs a1 hr éiiailstions wad. T1:etrip u the1riWr wasverADONT aiNlW t on scount of theoir beanty of designs, goodness of qnalities, and really lonprioles. Severailaleios of,40arwhh aros mer in pa of tih a,' GUELT H oni BRE IRE. 1 . s the r er see ri 25per cent. less rthan their retal value. Au n snmous aock of Black ad lColored Vl ete i p sdam Prints ts eek w demandes tof th, ultra men. if a.n. nof Yearling colt, 1st Jna. %Whio:-2 %vear C eMtnanirsnenerhde TER TFEC RM n eltointgulesstfanrmel.Bea autiful wide Velveteng, elow rth 62½., reseli dsi lain anembose nstarrved teprnefre i ob osmat l1fly stJoie;varlngfily st" 'h[lenise cluinilo moethat Ihln:a, LeDue's Periodical Pille.. eetdein iec rmte efs akra stnsigleo rce.Oelt f ae0ueais Gns n Cides Wih tteuo.teei ntg n41 2nd tJt. Whi:uo si iare, 1t 2nover th,-e,,conntry when I wetdawn. At selling off ab from Se. to 8c. A c!;mrtamtu tof 9the vry latest at Yie- f MWssePea rsad sof ure Jinesurpaism.he e Wapripnitteio.thee eil and onthS"e % it.3dJs.MKre; 'best te. the eie.wherts rain in frequent aoi Ats foe irter nFac.Carpets, linoleum, BMattings, Rlii, h ii4, Flooar -il lotyhy4t tkn e;agcethers doubrl.énry901 arvd hsg crnalled tmperano laler, antreth . - iplo. : falof18 aneatw ase houhasor .""P*.ham estblished thre faet that thwaPane mbr 4andt 1-10 trpet 8S 3 Pire are im'nlsuse. Thog ldities u lame. il T hey haco nsdeti » rltutean t,- Ist & 2i Jno White. Roadsters-Stal. and safew tuiles farther east,pasintoialPs! ls oleur uresinc ooft ens E rcslw iso eswl laerm m e htW tiske io. hndul smnsrasd h tl resa at aibboeth.Whent br a a h d e ral i y : o er a ariey laimmyselygreaer. he RgligHousfistnhKig-seeeonasteloa to ughsn-seeut.The1s0an0htue anHam aband . tirrte enlemy will lbe conquéer X.M Hown..fent of 1883.W.A. Beob iT.ence of climatton the eatsuad m est Aidesâ . ,'uH t . McC mn Chen e ruisst slei rulin etm « 88 ad lw e s r meue b•o ilt ttl hI. pir inatched horesa. f thre C..a ei M rtt.Th leuaride bna er. ae Aent m l e y ge nea el .dtn etm e2t 8 the ruts interest. have 1,eeni introluced ear old fly. Hartley & Elia 2nid J. W the Dalles to Ainsworth in Washin ton n h ol-e smnnecpd woid l ave bieuenactud >toi r for Y .Beey;flofr r IE RG1T OD1 T HU scltemerancp embeClireofthedunby their 19832fndt M. Howson; matched] pair, 3rd A -large proportion of the passenger. Mr. J. I. McCollutm is always Bwide temaiaperanc onbs, uec tei he Tia J. %• .Be-Osey. I.N. Scott got a2ndprize Changed arat WalafrWlaWla wk i.hsbsnsadsae on et homr.ef on fusil of 1883 in arulrallaos, and thriving tre a or 6 000 inhabtant. 30 milesIr- meunre the beut of s •yatcej i UTn£fE):NwDe88Gnsflaitelâiie tlsadptitn ovtm clns ei. ine rs i. ac ve n eir zta Jubhn wattn Sot lst on yearin.gcuit. in dfr h oum-bia. l1t.'nsiated lin. e h«.,e,eedt ¿.h otREEVEs-eerea od n l h ats tlsan atrs evte ilàts, andl'ytheyomaycarryof aliwnoreuolcàma. tifu eand frtile al;ey, whi i een lebrated Dr. King's NainDisove r fr Oetonnles, Flantiel, Yarns. Cotanterpanes, Coverlets, Blankets, Hinier and Cottonfil & . s Cahmres« the 8tt a Woiaqlto Godtheirasuccesu Avrshires-%et ball, 1 year old, 3rdW. Ainsaworthe, at Z t a moth "Io le ver, ,ntte irnommtaheiony 0,rt nins.Qhre G Certs IalsOan ssorqnetAofqoot sa ihys al ofwhih î î] wecre really suessa-thàat the mrm inter C. Beatty ; ball caelf, sunder 1 year. W (' es a Young towurs a,.djust »now ha.ny Pnmptionn c ha. Clohls' madle Clothin,(O riat4ad Boosadfloa a 0oi. npcilani Vlir # .Bat were strioken to the hleart biet 1 But Beattyï lhifer 2 years old, .V. Beatty Ega."blere and ther di r table Charates oshma. H da ve.oroanch&«ibm o e w ne o, veCot all he itstandoltes a ote Seaisngget mot utis he reac"tioakes place. and Durhams-Bull, 2 yemarldi Grain Bro. among ita population. ey bha v ur- nEas. Losof oice;a ny u dbse 5#d#E 6Ê i l h aetNvliso h es these mon art convinced of theoir inerror. 2nd Jo. Fothgill.tuned from th.e temporar town tht .th-ratrLen sdonais- snd are ready tos build on tenith and not fllow. ed wthe end of theéac f teminIronse gulare.Wl ieatilbtl ou impuilbe, co an we expecit that union of asr ie ndwlR -ndaaest e ed re.Sglrms .0 $l1 gond e'ements which wililiaalydi Cotswlds-Ram. 2hrabtresia:djoet robably along the Casande dvisso. ,At Mg M in tree, OpposbleTown hai,"Ulenm the grave of rum and bury heim beyond & 2nd Jaur. Man; shmlin r, 1 & 2nd miwrt I1 met Caàpt. Kngabmry. enguler A repli limit whoe a unasebotasfa all resurrection.-Ceul ury for i8e lJas. Main ; ram l isait, lut. à a d Je theCs.d.iiso ndnx'aye o s t ig. E= ad To.a ,pt- Main; 2 ew.. over, lotat 2l aompaaed fim oM :heS. P. a.Lst..mer. dy.ili.. ..r the&a sào2 tndn sesuW.9d moedCluba t btb nia U DEbH E I amC NOT O teIhowarthatthTempoaiie Asis s e alha-Jam. amrbeve e, fogoWw- ie thoest e a ourywhe WB MWy.t bt ith o"rtp Puba Vieillir 0"ad metØss 6tm be~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ie reid»mvr iet ae oyug or r oaadr2sua s es ssofbga . ulne -ti f odI.ihae rland v a a amdis mllaent of ighmrl inan p d ,miPlesfrt ie i r ndr J ' 12 ; m arredha r , J ran es al.v ousin sothe sa nd ish tte Liaadsdti Orelde thae e otto whiebor diplra; mw, ne2 er,1 s My sh fte aiaadthuhte it in thurnt ly ssume .»àthatU DI BIR P wil ma h m osetisfatoryo iem ue 1 ou.,budt asw.-adPm e ee.,ayeni los a-ytingbt pos»ingarre caisanfc t bastebalser Ogli dilal. In0hOu esupo thPro hibition its ae 2d;swan gdpol ha n lsasoxt = hina of evsit s men boitp Inia Noria sthr w e" u*siiosMMm ae» m bo » w e m n&uebtil dIdlel in enu me fte as athe' enlsser y d , eur gndha2% «% li: btee.mdgThagefst pyir.eBramoer lillf&rnihdb.thmwo sttruiesselr.«e thaber inth. mi e , d o easst -thMoiofM-mio aniowe ea ehJadans, &tepenad re Bsite pnsa, 9' ocu o ut .Ioawi nooe tdin It unl& d -1sta l il hot at ,4i"but ch mui&th 4dk.t» -Lw0 avil ' and*athern istatte esrt ofm , srd a t ;revoiaanylr 6 M2d ates sBrtm Ibses e saat adal is oseet a r a Tulms ees s asm Mwe" a" au etal t amdèo Teae a1, i ether stan tie n d l aestn ht bre mBd behlsof m s e e W n ne i a hio" of B len n ié » dra 6 i tSOL leiaist, "ere n nat iesit inaehme selle må n 1aseedi"i spee~Th thm@"ronme a end enteo tmiel atit 7E A" 2764 .t.t.,... es...., ab as...naluslin aitsed i ait v atma .) ts ie l emt wo fur btseees us "0et at eau dequls.elM mt«.sisO- selon- e « w a am = -"aun - z+ o sied sa,& mtff "@m t%éiii a . - inds ate 8M"m a bem. e we hem init ami nt m wife aa4 whoeia,1I ab• a hedwas b»@«"t dWn9T aenab h em e t bel£oo rGoods 4 of the à hmee r primo ut pile lief in Md, arm "ook Of hm b There are Thousands af YlàÉ per Yard. Trimmings- of eve descriptiq»J at Lindsay's can be made up-l