& t.. 7 - - o -' ' - 'a~' o" -' i'. TllCANADIAN i-IAmNFIÙN -ý ýZ. -vý "ýý ,,,1--Tlw 1_- K 12&rsday Mornini .') ý,W, M ILan,-, Co. OPFRALTON, ONT ..ýý1.î 1ý. ý%. ý ýý Il 1 If ,.2- 1.é .. . - . 1 Il__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1T.m u., -i1 - I.y1 _ 1' i - .1d-.. 1 .t. :d' *50 b.h..d L.'3. IlIWI @ NWOT AtN;TS-SAY OOBl..183 . a - -. f l a 1t T1 -A r - - .L- ~ 1 __1 "VF -. PLU --1m as m9s nfm i q ew x au a '. 1 1. 1 l f 4 , -,l-là;AarcX 1 . i a .1 , ,il 9J JU1, ý. - _ _ f-ltha b a t s aifl e the. a. e.Ive. . a i.t . . A m e na" a .tw - F, b tb;, hi; - -r Char... r.- -CNo 1-5imi ho4.h."s.riROorL p-,->.y I sIi .amaaàeaieILt Gla_& rai at, 'rmilearoty eagis ho . po lelore 2 as ai namarice.e fi maire eriros .flà - 4 rý:... r Z. ,, lbctc ~c 6 . % » o r e n eeV .. ir," fric do 4 . t . , I.... .. ....*:o .. ..I!b usOe£ 9 .iD .. . t- h u," A, sh o p po hy l Iv v lte 0 or--aeat s" c- . . n a srtî s h 4h 1 Yus, ... 1 ..........a. .....t5.4 - &a hie rsh ad blaakb'g Pý i1F Z= -- he @mPUW.i. 13 nua.arlàOfSu sous.r1,0 . 0mie 1 A smaUsiegw.t1 gmimoa, Vtcap Us. t utl ectzl .ofr dOVa es veaest th as Uaglo ce.fepoeie.ever«Immoaedeese t eoe sl otg tc ie rac rkl yfite ra re' ;tto bis 1'9>'F Moneyto I..oM00 *r"baal rm"i- Cff'" îs-.CmarWotuèr onthemi! da .u nh boacII lu o a m ie- Io seI lb-a gen &a s. :d o .,e 'a . ite l h o f e i y s m l e s m h o y m l e o sraiee" î e q o i l i ra i r o s iih ed etme t Usaa i ! t aui t r.ho .'.r- Annuel. eoey au tt eo, Bidua. lPse%21Nf srt.mdlasbapyin Soerecao.md otr ad t adooi, s£ ifmoa, ho j . 0 e ..î1r r, 0 . 6rt»l P.b:. àp-, forE.ai..AM9ELDICE Sait To nt adanrat thrdumeti bodanced la....=.mo, r . . fr ' I vrr k .i.a lly s , liq  pl y t D A I D -ir E L A NT hm e . ai s a. c a u d oe e e M . s 0 -c h t h ody o i ti i T c r c r a u la s ie d rhte t h . e e i! .m mt - 1h a brilatltov- hlocr.4.ý. if whib toc rie pîoor.'e t»1tsa rnio li'l,".it...)il. .i .utb,, SV. le& laCmem or Poteeton O Soye;remWusea«É11evBal lottri oa papotet I__________________"'__&iWEtseoeoeflsmbanrm.j' iea amptao of Crtyne, T.qatiélkl apeattsnia.Eo b"L."ý,L .galh. S S Il,,,ml u e al sotte_1opim'tla-ce cstibo"ye " q.ââ ly ca ao .U-&tse *c f-lho.aeaî myoo a na ne.hst .ai! iel RroioauîV outl. ros srsud . i lrrrri ht teivu, - TI.ev eh-11c a ! hA re£e o.cip oies o ayms ctyh éa.i . enii e e n b r f , s t i d t s i 5 d . v o i a i r c r t . t rr'. . 1 , ts-.r1-.- i.1r.r.i Ofir.I ls, f rIOAfLrot. vo sg ol Isl a e tlc.i q, M t e o f OMMajr1redbt Jr i ie.i s t U 9t i a alrn ,inm i au» & i ii m u il ai. Ia s M b sald Usl-. baopaioestPla&blaokmt.ag iontia euitropot Iba to n d 0f sied oatiry IIa1'..e -.,Iowetohe .B-cobe Id&:abo' 'hIt,- u-s E u N'ti- "f l'itliý. ,aooy a ...l ..".,,.a25,jr ri, .b" .""k J...11 -rr , îo'bu -1« ri: la ed wittorcleeIris r-- -- - mp'.tti 00 5p ?0 oA i a o oi u Oa rrln exee at ah np mi b as .%o b a trv, reirhriiah;i.l»trcattsrm0,. J..,itr 1 ,ra' qV..te. -O-------r- là uUstto.if Eaotia Oiaiu irlSe»trs o ,0iàa " .tf frlt - tl, T. L issi b ien Pf *rfl jdm n e.1 au .8,I" fby , at a -nts par. am hetto i tg e r eec M e ltontA. --HM 1 6vorSgi Ss»' J ut ehtiio r is ort"rt o.,. rt i'tic rr s ' .., -liti.,_,_t.rr.!,-.r ,adlerr,,walata , . rc ',.,hrrr i on y o oa . -h..Il -,sie 1rdJ b: ta Mnti!Ilrslepa.taet met esWiutin c" y T'- î-, IlOeit Usosseleri" oi dcaofamler vitt hbortii Ft *11 - .-Fiv. t dry c,t ! t.1 Ii! .t' o c 0r war ~~ ?tr rh lr.tor rr rrrr t., fCM B LL ea » M e co ret ra 1 am rrid ta tbc oe nu. dadm l fmn t t , 81,ti d à fter ý d C O~t t l î s p fi u N K T S h » L E@C » Puo . li i t s o e e o t n ! t rab o i . ' e i s h oi h h hIm ion t h e p Ld i t ,. h ie d c* t r y r o r u a d a l B p b i e g m fî r i c v fî o e v e vp l n f h o lo t h eris a l d .! e 6 h' b l t l11. t. îrr -rrt,_ _ _ _ _ M i lto n.t;' sl .'i- M S-l A e n t. S F 4, ra > en n o @ ci et a i i lat h ps r tr l O u lt e ea d o th e y 10. r 1 o i 1i » d o i e k«t" - l > d b i » , a »w u 1_4. v r l i r r ' i eo r r r .- - 1 9ivanrm totqhettl),.. -1A..tTNCi Vl!pyif liloUaaohI altd nreet aeri gel adoiuaod a- bt, rled.Fr th rtty rav tisipo til6 ip;ea.rthira oario tupin~ , . tisrvr.l, 't O P bgc 1 « r& m * à t . the 1 i a o t p o t t is r j c i g i p r u t ttmoyr o r t o- . i e a l o f i a o g » o o r t t t t , r i . D.t 00, 11lv ruy haistri threit tbrtt podi fr. tv» cetout lot. 'lieGp.iaipla »totr1siheb'ubt15h. ihreareetA>Activoe nromme,» pvoloe tis oeaiilo ooînrertioltar tr b d __________ -__ - --- _ _ -__ - t. . , _ l o»siîn ale a"ea .o " q».r.1am Au itridt t»hiteae brrtto preliintiettabrpuîtiiatorprslot adaverio Im 'rr Butisa d , - ', 1 .et.oi etIv liliV ie, -T !, M,.. 'Mgu, tiso oe.cceMetisat ti tl»uitt t J l 't . loobo ca. ttuid oolt drtu vor. rt _________ roi *t'A'o ees. ailt.i Dld d0lvvcolt t ,l o-Ya *n fn » s-?vradtitace teefom hribeIo-in,1 c... malie Oire hon ee MItro 70b. r 'Y:î i RICHeDtJ%.S ila ise e.pril:sl....air. Thty1aioat aise ud.. c heu!,-isite tbc eo o p.scid.,.,"ri!lo tir e.rut1ilyar e»errl7 foteveJ. J tOi1a tlr Pl ot i ee t' SllOf DenisrlleerridN.rur»ooP",riîioutiroh. i. nt i :em andTlr iS t..peifkgrtc a w' l melits Asrrer...>.and luanild fot eh nipn ilc. re 1t , Ilt. b( fil" . . 1 %~~. .r , , ne ot i .c 0 "tf i ' = -a a , 50tCO S C . 'E m eaO 1 Jîvietia»., .ior. . t erieo pîo an lu ncl te k a t E g li is. nd et io t » op e t f ta.is as l. ti t iPr ' r r h " ,îFAtr ii Odt.l tani!uttcyi;Lu odu»e> aJ tisrir o b i.i h ot ialiô*or c! ecriocgt isarov»usetefoe1 otorel'ti». '3. evrt' .. ! ___________________, lo eisrhot 0rbrid_ _M.. riot isat lth iner imrer ad trei! dtise daIls *ioisaPaeis.SoSanrtiýl.,a»taeAa»v,îr 'scysa>, d rTr'.rî'..îI krAoArrt..AuA... IAtA..tr.. d » 'r nore feurnpi.ioridtr Itiovdrrs hît al tholmilbrairerotut»9frraoosîorriî voltante.bo . . ý I l i t it ' . . c . h e t a i t n t n r e r « d o m n a t on'l tiwsl oai et a t tos c wiq .n s a h urrbh o rn f r ttoo c e , j u a te rear e17 0l aio no nai d. mbiis i ea o o ts ub, -l -. .l1 ... IIFth t u rud ourd heoistd atel o i ailut e e u> ay iift ics ia t e boaaec te soiarr t p ea. TIV, cnetu h tleuoosr 'ro îioc.i. ,l httî i ,qý ,,.S - ;tIfoiaeIL. i hy bcneàIde n f tbeirliu nl.k rfiîur I;ýr i te â & .. ld , , -krv ' u- ll faii.no ýt.. th u v iUnl. a ir ih t u t. a o g J,. o» fa illi ih i s e dita t o l ýe - b ,n uaitarf tiupt . rr>, wer a ui . O FF 17.- ir tforr oiS Aisi D OO. 0 , . t Io 1 l, r. r a ryrhl l o9, s -x f s id Th 0 e n o nvpru rs a h ,s .ti so vs d t her ac ti or lc vvyoft hc e p iun« bo t ft ii en ofar prp lo. Pr rr i si ar es, f i o t o n utit . 1r11,1u' tia htr.Msci enh tot s>le.lou stfvitl iîa er. Aori.taî rra eaiu d e .ru hi,' t l !qt ugtsu » erois> vr o io r RASE, su..cil o-L U oti gi r.. t he i eooare ttir bru h d-ri cgiocd hp it l alljetsi&u of ti a . r oi oio. Tschver iu» orlyfritriuiits »ro. t>r> o r u g* S C R O L. W O R : E T:4tt s n f a t » bruoh trooh ria u h l. "1f . bor 1t S R .r . dN RIF RLE , tiSo dr i i ,o - t ii a e ra r r e d o p a r c S i t i . r o se a f;iv e i fed. n-P ai llis i . n dae ,uetr e rli g ramtru ouet o.in, prw rd ,ai d ruoi.? N , o vi.ý*Tila 11111W .LX. J.W KLI.1- rr B.A.I .. a'Il bi iidi rf rtc wof lis. hocat -his.. i a c h. ,ttov i .î iigi ot t hu ri e r opmat aipm »h o oam " cot tac arctt rou aideraim- su tJ orits noits . . la..,sin h w v r u tfidd i 1_Xmie hib t i ,. t i ng - -dtiae-hpOur Frirts Aids>,idarnd tu, siva gfà.i int uootudru- aeoi.iy. aohltcrinalaptari.th iepipgupdJlitr isa>.ah. ilrraii,, r ArusLA oit J>îotr' r>., or llbtesutho of s. Ur.%ad- u.u ,I1tusoo t ,t.l e reor VrY b is r ro trSu . i îerb tuote crrt irs ora.,î,ori itruih a . CO o rai d Lv Sok.hifr. ...rvp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ - r - - - e o I-o- r t t v i e T r t h - c r cP u t t u t i , . ' . ' ' iy «st s, ,a r.bi etu nthi ! l t o.iî i r e'is o b e i a g a i , d m, ,; , d;__ _ _ _ _ _ _la,- O tl M edîcaI,,n ."t,- .i ooaJ od11 , oorn ' 10PLoosrsneiOfbore iS>rl.à ' ea i f derlp-is oj. tro casota li0,tbasholeof rih Otionridte»heorum.wivisla orcw- 1l tio ueth' uio Orii-t%__,l__t [_.___ I___Oi_____ O l:,t Al*iaAlf. liriut.an' Oe' 1j oitrlatv it ae tre. trr pnd ,er tift.,ealo4 àbdop o tdîeirr. 1d'hart laitt bu ard hRtsoroea aisrisîu th,'i lh,, ' I otbuin ýlrý t_ _t " ' ~tut, f!, ~ » o tf. four test.T e Pri e outaeletl ou e th ri lts iice t dih. (ýotý 'IVE ME A CALL - th inventin la ___ttheroAoIrg,, Foc-2 fl.t th"Uri.sooia1rtoce.ucobutt¶ ,St r z dm o h__mrn. Il.(, 3_1RICP_ 1 h Ato-ï, e, ,reIJ 0.6Pte tahnttcrmne otiofthpol, roio!t aSeotil. A dtiotufi aruvokttt trun s , ,depr e l. ira retrudbther- t'.r Otai 1 _;_l_ _ _ _T OIN T O . _ _ _ . ___ - __ _ _ . ar...!letitdey . t b . se rt t e i pdie c v e S br hd a i p n o or s . I uo t r a . n , W ,ieiot a w m tne .ud rr rrrnth e p rla i at 1t,. i' o DenLis ry . 1 .%i % 1br t'o.trcs.il.o .th bodwhtth oep! il u.taadumnW clc «nrly loe.V1 £7)O rlý,-,ý,t ýr 1.50 f. ir Iohi g tOu.L Ar t1 e iste oa yuetthUeIe ionsoe otis, o laiscth ac h iav trin i th e au>,osteci boia i pa.t-uyisa.".~îdts ribrad .,t o?%tjludrti"ild'I'licsiilaiiiactvant raee eiiiiue t ii > ah~ c e » t l Use curlO a rharooreiat iiea re lue' aJ t u .e» ,s ud w .lo q'.i l A'",ý., ., ., .,,_'. " N r . taror D iris.,1 11"1 .l ui 'e1t3 y".aid-lt b sa lrfOuI,.an gatot Ramnuthdbnrltati rr -arrogl-y. r- -4 .. i ,-s uii dio thboeire a tea, 4_),a hel.tar terliw'uig t e i i ho r ore t. in rcie afpic tho a n o . t u m flo, a i ' . g »t r l . .- ', " .- i' .. . , , t. o.Irr,,1- . 41 ., r a a f i % tî o its,i R o.s rr a i tis ooy. ,, bo t t $500, Heward. W'. Ii t.B R O .i.---f-,______ raJa, rep*ou. rteo obid,ýr.Gue w a te aintei, a e edso hs vuih p eucPa rSiicge s cl or eu. to emto r t,.nhsseet1wlllttol - iý . - 1 . ....ol, e ' W & l ai'ltue s t e l t i tr a ti re evic .7theata. A euirsiicrectionr.7>v"Ic t.WalllltIl -1t". 1t't l'r Pl .- A ..1...t,..,Ib tisa o.rscseo uni! tffOh l'Jx e i sthir ers inos.bbASIplaem.v» 0>0,sdu>iAl irci o t. t hear'wtv 883uvl13p, cî. otrig It, be.Vis, .o .i»Âo à - - 1 1-ros. . r oea ed. tl .,e ,, fov n u'.a i nci t'io o tsa vit ic . - e ri am d tistOut oepau iottsý a i Eo tisY6. 01ai"[ei, ce 0.9 po et . l u 182t hum i e lt ; .vies. 1h..on1 1.O.Ill.strMntndrlch,' otcut0i.u. ed r oter gaii a iettQbSiu arrr d i q % "- - - _ t ilA at i r ou t aibothe [aiee thiook g out yea pîca s-,lam as ot. - s te r T ocriloci isa l i v hoonlra i 'O 10î gtî i rsti ac i i ller a nt e, atd.493 ud ri s it an c'.r.atybrd.'LhoovoAiniraoui m;everein u.nids te rOita" 'relt-ireCe o v.y sut.l't Çiviteiumr<wovoucahocctauthu hue i alagerf ,T__ c ota ,v« un t rro'artrob uitt orotiN A N D Iby the 3iitisoecti nhor I lenc 1 :1 1( t e ew r m r e I d r v u h t t . t 'kgiier 1% ratALVeocrI So!w t siandreeailiato sahoretrui. btisee tuhigo art is.rt tise s r o ornoorotinseetiodnacoIarebl, hrs/Ve ofyu h ai!. . .:du ofO f t efis t q bi !h i i aa the w ri aiJ t» d u a e.it a.hi fg ise biI n fon a m 6 e url chu, l i e a d t ir I u n e ghett n 1ja13 50 rn a t i t 33 , 0 .hti, > t r lj iotr ret, orrc o ýor "rioatn.. osi. ru1 u,..itlho s e pers pl in o,. cJbudyt e hbhita auit waeabrook i!wcb eva lie . 'Nf ur ie o ec d ule ee; M " -I1t a 0nofid se as As E g à m. . o n Io is 1) Mt!.. fIt ,,.il ilfl ,-:ilIbe., aVTicl.eisIla,.teroo inu '00 atenant audaudatiseevcltpover-tu8eol Dit. EUXoEoBIUmmS a 5-%. rir S eintir folNeygedrap;a aien.rentfermamd'cssIidatemat»àacg.updriReonor; dii' ooJctorho -tS, a i.StOlhreo;,J airiio dîa ai>, t -Je. iin tpot Is o ial rh. nm elayeptea alhr co~a I shtassbs tu . eo Jc.eI d mtictrtv F»:I. . l y th re d ca e y ftp p -f , i at m orva vh o e adl f llala u le fo aoor d op883,i t ut1tt n .t7t . la er033el M a s ir sr.aroV A Jt i -i laiHo r ofn b O 'ltl.rrfta r Ero .l fer vm Iiiisycva ccrhu aitcux.la'1-ta' atecIi'ti'o Stiorror'i ee r.r.o po orca - sebitepceeh-ega i lrciog figna cira lD A L R I Ne r n u a T h i si i i i e l o d v l p a i o a s b e i i i a c o t ! b h i! o i . e e tt d f u I. c i n i. e a t i. i .. n o r u Us. . fric, ta d tt»ohA abata o netZ it 'oi u o d n hreti g t ii 1882. l.b liS, e4 oeri ; n Hoa>hpegi..i t... evr lehw gidde a fe ci totis pole, br mI l attention.ut114,tr r.luabt.rtwic» v c i.nrrsat u luot t slà 1'lh 9o.5ueaoii! ho lin evo ha bs l la Mîtritrr, . ht r n r! Eilb il nu ri Oiii - hd.abi 11 rlrloihi"» roreurr -s. - -ac wuonea the ' hronaat e , th n c . ae tai t tsliysfiioei h a m e a d d sc i ton o i e s ta e m zih l, vpasti to hf o a r c"lEo it s- wm eihte r ia i l eogh s c e is. aî D h rl ioth ur u îa c iCn sorli. 8 , 6 r .i i te e » 4 1 5 r t ~ f , :s la . e'r ve n o r- o i, h ,' - ,- .r. J t e' ti , n - ttctr &,* c e n . fiW . 'r' N o v r r i o v o n o i ý -t» . ..v t w : br lt e t a v i, p plsOOl. . Il . ama AýI.Il(-"; All t de miie erog hu i n cviiaton a ab orue hIhot pod n ti- miu ! Cws elo ,aih, mio an1 plaons, ooed paos in f,î uate j -1 te FI , r, _. ... ._I ', ____ a u M e i . T he inv nt raaf tfiol-l'g io a itthtioga a d S w Orre s -.rrr- T H E- - . C O M FCO 'O Z TA B E r ci y a sb s l h ! e o on d o t o ii a ti h ote otaig st he f >r t, "ionm rfeiot bue uta btorasiateia nUso ô rb oir" te ec83tWa 419M.ad or es. ri e ink Oia ',r __ - - a.1i FaodruaoSie,31 ltt.rr e tI U eiei t isi! .tI Se t Gr eei n nt dO e r i wtp is. iste nveaon f ,tli o f ,ce i U rîi et hat frts fraot sthe e fti t , e o oc ds1 laOlc rOO.aniIlm naim Usngbthe a Sec t . H ,t'i a .Tuitopnidotsoe. nd c - aa." t f « tt l 1t y u gorne82of1592 ceo ,., .rarioE-rr,i.l -tollboce hoot.t""' ments e l toites . e'--.n totala 1mb asattruetfs a - - fi 5».Ao crs rrouc ch.ý,.'",ý,';- onoiir. rottiioraý, ci eoi¶ i thIlta..î1 41- 2211, - mn oumgbyave t.on heA SmpleÏ@. 1Lon die.7Tie ma! titn "Caua i l it I o07n«, or3.3er.>-c e rnft. Co,..opcauigti ioi p l ô l, Y o dr-1. , y o o- -t1 1 . ' Il . .- A n c r r L h a p r m k e o t 0to . o it - o n . ff rta '*lt h e S I el î o a n . Y n hMhI , v f o I c a o l t I a n P r i r i ea o b e a s S ari o n» . s e u t, l i n s 6 . 2 h1 m e r , r u o p et c a 82 t h.ohoc l r e r ,! l ' a e t r ' ,ý,, i." "" ýI . ralcir..i....ie .om t a S il e a ceofag fie se t lestopaton- I i!c ticrauî a!L uffinlalbotte, ei! c» o.a u,»eti> Srv ca. I»ro' rot. rudslea t» tis e y, - ,- - ý- - - w bi h ou new no hiy e s esI .. aa o ea l b d ihr g Bav Are n islherd la ,co er to e ifo n19 .1 ai e , urop a n ety ft os 15 47 m ii, i n id&ur ,1 1 O ,ar r i l - - I-..' b4 .a h ql re cO . il it t e- eo r1 4 1"mn to of ' o t r 1 i. .. . r L iV ery SAND S t4 b 'nd t wue ouil, 1.,t .i.er. 1-sidInrydebs CuaSir i l i p ur. auiat, o t isswl a go-b tt c ; h olSl0int llam dalsl;Wtvin a .1882ron 11,>ý*l ,:7.,,ýý1.:,!, fI1,.iý..1il, I,,ag. - 1, Y.v I inu t or bae t leactiinhals SMasulne ù (J heu. u 18i 7tSioIlIl t Kcvrpalao Ca, caS, au oo' - h .aod nrik .-A r Oo'la i, M nfcue&ufN.12ar,,d3tn-0 do aictey be.,sh ,ua a sdi o pms nhaigtebilo ea oodnUsesasu-d f se . . . trtvu eld rhetJauTeotit -el or. Me, fvro olrec ta cor-hm d anandihite bokepapersslain fbfssedAUdsrho taer habiecanavastatachaire wh hoilvforieeor oruerllmallantrashilor ovinunborlaterorlt waI-pI Ythesoemut coler t su nuts us ca lhoei . 000 . S ires2.1-, o uer'lnee. u sf11 Isba -t oda Am,.n n >;"pý182Ie 2,99- a ia-s 3,35etr1 ,n,--i ,--- a. - ---- ------- o 2areNo. PranangfcNh.s- ri fotin.andiof hech 1 nca o l as e tb.o di f b sapeobaso .dl Thm » t mtesda8;Ln to xen mum , iUruinedh m I r" zmt.eheBu tssi T1 oe.,,;o.o&t ap n ansOr utîinl t ui DIt. EU X E BR NS An Jol W.r. .. Y lis, tat 1 jlu iaimiM [ u md do ce. e s a ai!ia tl % & i u h"gvIm .i h i.iy pnd rlor an 1 iabre olti noiebean .Z~re ,3 p m i ef l a t n , "otM e-- ispa o i ty l d heb ite, ea ionI ccc ey a n i d e Nirib ad eri..asnd- eu p ut is l ai W ,ircseidé4,885ttes , a f or bi itbu S72 7 o;ci uarc a i.-,ho rhridoonal>and doubasealordL.»riribse. I..liedqaoit dpe mr s ,mou eAueoaboaatsih1oabout 8888.mfainis>, ahi msoarid 'a ANDuolc o'.- l, ait ie 0>d >5 rihvbs I llda in i. I__ c b«k m od op c aode ths ui2&gs , taaat 86,1i atlctrin183, .hie & u G G deuiy it tive coore. 1 ltl ilm.a-Y ron t, imb ad Cm.isf or uenMa e Ssho lbildinoris fe mlirtItsc aimdit t laa c reg e rtne %u ttrtelterhai eis se: orrugao flitOio 2 ptiede i holdre, 4fande1otacr otr ftiha reut.haiemnt. ocmsllety * r aailh *8cm. sS i hHon -'--'irae ai..- cZ *taball- snh ln - bsorrdebe a s se ra t l'corunatrry aOp- i 183, ,78963acu res a Lsudotea»er'a a it Extr Nonr3 fo colty nIf» nierai foO7 io umortiro0,0and.Soclerodotbiaibauthaoh..idali drsavbd the n 4 aa ,-e».a osu d taa . ial li e n c m , c 5to d A t y r b W m p m e , c l f W c t a i d ý , R 0 sa u ,h . h b o trn. o n tae u l aF cn d . r n t a s n ,A(ýlný e-- .;. .-(l i I.a1o e r ied..g a seerdatmkof IfS. nalitaam a. tbrod f t hn al . Teaoffsed ioaideecvlotfeotal. tntipaiîi netu du fft, ....t.uOc miao 2 E r - htJi. ha do-kta bath actas...vhs hou von c-tbn-IWhoshmcci bisonugis tisn regfo fie'tnt,-,c3md hybrIde, ch- toedIritor b. csedtafypaad8otUt eo bIla ghaveglî ai ouclIemaImmusoirc *nr1ice*:ittttaAjlied re toadithe is ,,il Lc raucir tnh pieso. OcO ,- , ,, aüc yWallacehaeoato.ttoijof114,871cte soLié h e adcreaj ,imalo t h.ed cio a a Unt . .[sba1.1 a ni N.t ýou ,,jsaut . i '; C = z : 7 7 tt 0-t oev isa ani . nr o n-Oc! -a 28,M r ;in 2 %uer ; to i troeo ,iýul $?. arceWMy.nsEy& és. onst rm ern o aleq , le tm= y p. bm nthoSrioywidjpndoill.0 LUX .%ithý,n1l tiret r-uMmente nlit. N W ,iStYfr.-I.meS S=c ,e.. J «IIm d o anis - h allb1,49 "pudoa reie slr. f ,i0e sta il c e uti eed issco.hw utrdonSutietAa frresp o n d n t x ti eu « h i l b e hore.n0e et es l1ain Vinas.rao;et e ascaha re paOsb, ho _________-,,..______Ci il ,u a W1t.eoetil h . e,9orttmni h d t tn ne ri tp.l i .,-ý- ers, YSTIMISI DAILY. râ ib. celle. D. CLUX CLEUI;Y%,Ax. elpu Tu ittinit tl.,. M a hot fintel, tu nI..],«ý', i., Io k aud et f la Io ý hO, cur th us with ..ot- thý i are jzýtti,,g te a liclitd sp- int, id ý,IoI hie be- oýj. il, IV ente- dinK , vl r dilIF quit'. it litti, and 1. legriph, lm let, up b, e Il. 'i hy ce ýey ma"N 1-1 Woulti goif tlley Aider that m, t1ýn th'. Dry v', lu thv y -ýt ion Ir r o... 1. Io ui .... ..... d I. ohr Il t 1-r 1 M IM 3.387 0, loId: et. pnt. P.- 64d. ralein ued itoin thme. Io Idlei.tim., dottod -A. gond. et no, il... mir, id inat làri.i.g W- on thl. (t'. ta D. %vry Ir-nt, aloi ti'n ird of te p.'1.ýy" t ýArhunjy 1- r d rk, b.,t . il. gý.t le t- pr--u,ý it ed n- en,,r. fr.dy of imr- ni. I'Y yol r ng -d oell Y.,., >h- M-L thý- J.iý,,h- i- that or n IIY tFe E4H YnI. M.'t 11-r n, C., 'Sept. 8, H Es. or my,-ý.rýnti»tn T* la t4w that mulit ettrold 1,ý,v, not g,,i,,,_, to ci v Cr, th. oy 'Dg ilà tlwn, itil'u to Ilig a to ýy almig, that r hie flou thwa. Init tor the arente rl-al. IV, no j"I'n bout threa tir d itiern. ýio De hir, Srtmin who hae the happy 1 weariiiC 0-Iry Ilwil net eu-8. Fil hin., t', the n-de a 01 IICI( 0 nkèht aaid IL. uver- ou inz well dj the hýarc là.r ýdàm, and in no .te, foncineu d ,08 if )01 the3, a t rayai. d impair,