Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1883, p. 4

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Jus? RocErLD:-NXew DrèmasGeods in ail the Cretonnes, Flannels, Tarns, Cçneq ne,Çtmam Groceniea; aiso an aseortment ofbosuIIT' mîýde Clothing, Overcoats and Boots aj>d Sitoos at coatL A~pc <pened nex, Wôià. wîth ail the I*atmlbýWdtes of these fam.z ga' main Ste1.OppiteaTown allmitan. V9uoe~ ~HON , ~ imtT.Yt):IR FOR I~1TE ri»1,- TB pT d.- B ttt-ti..a-tiiti ,L Nttue, , T3ff I1rm v t. hr a u 1.ta f i tth. ttot ..tit t . y a. MU u~.. ehtistIchau. i ta al e ~a' tehtif ' tm"doiiiBW ll"y-, titieoub. .11 , rtitiuiii te î!yth.tt. ptt,4 ,tiia ttadîttg the tiTtt a't,lganatia 'tilhtl.i t 'd.r.Yii atiiTE baie:re s 1'01 WaMr.Dalh f ' à4 LIGHTRUNNING àem li 'th,., I>o .. lPILES 0F g ytt~tth. IU-AYAE7 t« ilNi IlThe chespet à Afft lhit,, . it-d mott r st .'n 'y il, P., -ly1'.R. WALKEý bc nI -..,. " t',.att, ucas - - .nne.1 t..ver introdueed. The Cheapt imdBst te lb.Marketh Newt eoit that i-t otion , trikt-Ae N L OOS. Ramnt-S ge SMt , 0 ei~a.i C iti aandti a mp erirt o ___ tr.(o ud UEt-iM S NDTtiti oisofa t rYiitr , (> 1".t iAS AhMIIATION, bT.. .0t ,-tt-'Anitoried Capital, *1 000,000 Husin ore points of exciellence than a e okSne opts h u I I SI rt n iitoh 1'. 1-Y the iffl andIgaulerai mok.tiihieof th Ray. Tttttlto .Att' o d .tt a ti- i. t. t- 1 k . AT RATES. ailother Machines combined. 't'-t.0 ottatL oi Diplg, uii.li.igit h. la-of t. NVIIA».1ý on jdgeL . Wili firid our Stoek Repicte wyith ail - the, Latest Novelties foi Cdttthr i--o O.oi- ist.i-itt, . <,i S oto iion., 'tttd,.C't>ttdLIBRAL I.NDUCENENTIS te DEALERES Ma. Rt-t-toNt, hm a ttîtohe a new Auto- tdtatdtoof th ilai.dt. It,h-h. N,t , NtYok atd St o,, thael~gt~thrtai tathn t hh biti aaatoothiy and. 9 gtà J.000 .Oa yt-, ilI it'ii met 1.500 at,î ligExhn oui t ot, .,t- rta t i a tii. The teasionis tit.iT-ttuat iaio à'. esu l itigt auY-it,-ttt tkl'y un =' ~""EC rhîtrtttat, tie th,'tta u'.an dmutteld i $2000 il ofl tc te' i dgl i. ,*-t,,iittittCo.,t.td M R. Rytttd g t-tic it 'tait. d1 aun tr i'-t I JIl i tod ti j~t-j't ,--~, ~jyy<~y~tjs l0oUNIO.; OQUAILE, guarate who itatyeae h eZiti. arciivt 11 m Si1 uaO (alIy COn t IC C .3tu tt hé ' i !t.o,]t t,,it îî . ,NEW- YORK. R. S. PORTER, agetatl Miltiotni il.- faic at 1. i t - ip,l , .1. M", L, eîof.42.6m A C. P IT -- Otk't lu' . S asori 10 ilsit o S or es nd0îîî((r t no tiube t sà % 'Z ,,t tit~u t4. t t . il.'tiit i't rncse J sN shnEt~ hd s a î )vd ly ail o ho <die fimiesi of tile nttltiriiti itqo-titî, jîit.t %%- _ y M RCE ANT AILO . N TiEdT DRE1 f3..I.Wii L kJlfollamn f,u' t 't 74 t ~ lt-t> - K (~ ~& 0M-j~~t-- .~ -~ - r~- "s~*--j SMLISMEN WANTMI GAL'I T IhIUl T. btgtttsrk atm"Totut . n ' I t'. S.VOP.A uiY t itt-,~. -o, M t IV. A. ('h Titi. CiO., B.tf,iît., CAU -il ON EACII PLIU O-'THE liyt1 avy T. 4B tI rONWE LLETTLi h fotte 1lH RMi ISERIEI, 1tht ltig.t ut Canada. Xerris, Stne A Wellington. Props. in Be, a tdditiot te ui te uady 100 additlanat anymItera. t.ont i ohit oaamgite fulaittta bue. Steady etit1.oyummt atd 'et mtattor ohat pititeproevito oftupatiotn hm bueeva. IlYenitewtlitg tetouotytou' ftmceo.ret0awed. Apply ieulotig photto. ifpqwauihtt STONE & WELLIIEONI 4-Um Tortoli, Ont. Health is Wealtb! i' t>-% p--,'i igth, E-iT SATIitFACTTIfN AND DIS1 PRICES ARE FAR LOWER. SmaiiliîPhotos ... $1.f)( Cabinets' ... 2.50 Tîblet .. 4.00 2, t. 2 i -g t.,TO OtTO. Qùlit PRINTS At5U..ptr yardiat BARNARD'S. r iLANNESi.t 25C. atnd 3C. -LA NNEi4t t32C.-' tt3ko. F'L.NN a.ft 391c. ad 40c. F-ît- C itt ,,e(ltht 'tt 15. Pt, itl. .m ,,ît i u i .t ith, -i ,8' tle.t- t4 , -l. " ad Fl. 't (l- t nd. hacytil', Ilh-. a t 10,. lt t*ar Try r. B. Barnat Crit furBrnzet'o h aMiatitetattit -Iattt .a Plaid d Goodshnere. Oilfor.. Aucut 1t lt, 1883. SHOEJRLOR h~-~~. 1 beg leave to return thanks to mnu fuer- ous Cuistomers andi beg to intimate that I¶~ 1 wislî to clear the ~ ~ ~ ahop of the balance of Iny ready made BMOTS AIND SIoiOlt:, and ivili oeil the same at cost llhJ(H 3MuNAIR. Boots & Sh.oes. ESTAB1 H81ED 1857. GENTLEMEN'S 10W SBOES. We retat-ttittfarttprintgtta1ttttil lite. FARMERS SEAULESS LACED PLOUGH BOOTS, -Uitoqitaii'd for St, tth antd D't'iity. LADES ]IDBOOT S, Neat aad $foiig. Seasonable Boots & Shoes of ail descriptions and ucrieties. ,a# THEEBEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICE. -li Chas. .Niehaus, Maitn St,. -M- ILTON. Elarware At lOt> 1.. lt>.1 7e.. 2Ot. md 25,- Catti M ans ALL-WOOL FRENCH CLOTE - For Jatketa. try fnO aa, rdeineal, 1t,ýb Ctardinal and Grenat. ttily 5W- .peu'y( Jemey Ceahesten ot-t Je.ýu'y for' bo; JemaysJackte.ts, Mati mat mat Blankets! Blanskd4ls e d a n "i a k t ~ . 0.lu x e 1 0 * S de SOXOTN a 17.a u Cri ross-Cut Saws.' Th e Cdsêatud 81mms" Mmd oecutUm tw . 33 0crmmam imifrvm. QI 14-ol«Machil qffez,- PAINTS 0OL'S ~ 0f w Mama moth House. New Goo.ds for Fall and \intcr immnse a ond tubeurit Stocki at the' GREAT BARGAINS. MCLEOD, ANDERSON& COR in Caînda for "g. .~. Q Ba, pletiatre otiUintt- it tltth,-,r t t>o, t-t-c j, îtin 'ti ti tttive cidi:for the puhlic. For viriety, e'te t a es ; reat Bar(i ,ttItai'tu un ai Linet- î ,jo i , ii,' ; tifoi to i e tiof W\ cVtttytfor h., 8c.,i]O., 12c., wtrtht 8c..tlo.. 12o., 10 goodseve etccffutetd if the putbliciCotion aut>t--tiCottont w» i.. . e tal--itt-ttiu tfot>e severe.dt-prt-sonitt,, hit ageic0'y pu'isseat wiobooaie prictsuth'ty tait>adandlo-i ty. Itnitjils,tt(Aft tu.Stitinge ttd Otercttutiitg. 0ehâea jjjn ftutrihebiu thtfettt-y titto a t ui st ck.it , Th-eyt>t ti itti (J o- u Griit- isin)ou r ii, iit o ritat, tclo - ha il je t i tt-ititvlti aq.d for 151 tjaiduutrts.BIh anid oîoctd ii t Andh.itt,dtîy t-ilks u L,,î,iin,it,-fit et't( 'itt>otatîlti)edusruipion. Ottr Dretah iut.'àiin f'ihunaio o ry tthoisab o ' a ci hti )taittt>s pies.-. ir-i tei- i"i Dati nti l'tîu-ttwit h alth l tMesto tti-',r L i t , P u ' ri, u tet . a a ti t i , t . Y, t t , t f , i titt t ftV . h - aI tî f ' i t t . -i t , ý -if t t t t i N . t m I b o t t , el h . . . . t y t u pet , di l h . 1 0 P i o oh larpo l Ttuttot iatothtit- 1 ' - a - t - sa]0-p eiti.u.ioaveto ity -ilf McLeod, Anderson&] MAMMOTH Sept- 29th, 1883. NO LET UP. BIJ~iNESS Ri OUR LoW PRICES -THE REA$ofN. î 20c. Table Linon cedteea lt 18c. liSe. Trabie Linen redoced t 27c. 85c. Table Lin redaîtd ta 30a. Tomeiti Ticking reduced b 203. $2.50 Wtol Table Cover rdtdt.$.SI.Seln reded to $I, t0e 60e. WooI Dsmuok reduced b SOc. t-c. Wool DamatiLiedatced lt oIc. 60c. Tapestry Carpeti $t.tO Brut-tel Carpt reditsed ta871. SIc-Ail-t-nl Carpet ceduced ta 7c. $t.21Lace retluced t-94c. $ aeCr sceyell 1.Quta, ct001t-e Mata, etc., ail rddced.t Cornel' King and John atreets,« Hïiton. ~McR E Jê ITCHEL - fatS * T . Ul tai mod Nima Ml, Nm r.ad. titfr'havet>ftitclyttuu'pauçd W tu'hr tht-ut cttai, lemthtalb utolttt>cy khutitt u'hO 8,iltca ig t "I t i .iit'o citt t e itri le ttttiiality. f ria,- er W O,- hIl- otu tiut t-h. Oit>la., aautO uuande 0Qy Geoictown. to 50ct. ptc dozen. uduced taO 3c. b 65. -4 - i ' - i L'tKtî:.î juuiti~i. - aMt'l' a~uj ~~'tt- ti~ r coq" .s ail Rinds ras, &t. NTL-ES, in-y. * ý%7 SONSp 'eet, TIoronto. ZTO -Prcspnt Scason. rigdie I Ioliday thiuih ouri.i-

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