Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Sep 1883, p. 4

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TurtvoflesGuide.- ?01o u" n m. - fo.U. Worote a2. b6wa &d.i ? lé,a M 1 VOITiEEN a NOBT-WEJf 1bo. k wod 242 M.d. 7411A.M. 9 10 PM. 4-UlsPï . -te bd"*&th mu m e l ice 00, As Uh ~ - 0 CBEDIT VALLEY BALLWAY . audm dirtheiserh... .AÔUclassa mIU.mdt.. 8.26A.JLm.36 M -S P.19. 13-»9 LU. I t p0ea tho word oersTe vpa Ooàg 5.0 qçb b o --iOy. thor. niobk ha à we . ,., yd 84A,. 22P.5-UàPUM. 854 P.Ilkw uîr Ifor e. omme. aa" i Wàjm La I carkibt.bho OooadoBiro 60do.oOMMd01@d111. 11%, Oh oapwmoof Mrutltans teoi ca6bo. ut0 The e ozk aiink ..es, dby ,d&oà.4&--U A Sr 'ozsorn.-1 wm ..Vigpf.t th. I h*fd of the habit "h. lofer uoe "aitRu" niao» me.d and UorfmM -os tbe dDL-oen In 9.. o ors o fn. Slt lako. and eorny -8he0660 no.1rt.ue es . uo . 110 be6.ohfot o..d kte . oby te b mtloobO ooko. ro.o oirtg1brwi teauedo w.Olsu Tl-ohtho rosoporaob"600. .."a .-booh bodoop.; hr a cimu th. ppat flk.Bbabsjal. do. [Jors Wauh.o 6606 ie eç y o, et o tofoto gg idmtvs te le ob iroaje W. B"D", O*6 ait Oh Ol booaqoro MamloLIhndsbP 6te e r. buotho.oio 0r1tudlimu tu modertii u 3r.Il m oolybd m us *.i no n . oyworld eoiG .otig fr h bordoipo Binsloc M-7oEI - abut omusoeip.1 5nylsotfrf 60 0k*0O.si hotacT6a enokoo iâ htéit t D Iâb d oup ouioumaI S do, . Adeo u. DuaMuddor%.=d4«.1d~ A o f y ,.. oy hot.re.0 mûr0. Arek not, 0.>.. ola shrtuIOo.Or.9001w o bot f 000 10 the 0ou OoLogue t a polioy w"ihe h. 1.911W.]Edo. Wouia.A"Lit. V.e.ut. .oomCastng ong one Y. i a1 sootioooly 000couàu 0with ým b. nmsm prqui dnno- _ 18,a rvootiomy. de. Stopie.Kug oD&ulet lmordfy. 61amdo Co dikiginbokmeos . ,do. oThe Mmd lu n h Kn bonnd a mit ttoug 0toMy O o6 ok. dcumingb UsentoooKamihid dor.. NolR«Li0rSoh.olbdbmb& - las down, soow th0;1 fl db a uod aoIt idk 06ot b .tep.opiolut.h...noSa- on oOventioon ildenI 0ta n ire fr. In 70607f.8.-_il Ga . si M pot whioh ar bhoh fo ooueo t els "Y 60 o ch moo oo. ne mnhre.: he bond suffrages and Ojiluorge th ÙGovoo- mo Oih r ..od. 1 sritopod.o kkodi4 dog Sow. gafo 60oproooo. Il y.. 0ment 60tie imiotet. h bofoug ild &u o.d ..Io 1 Ik.potraitthe bposte;00- oolyget me mohomédo f . thong y« 1 h rj~ 0O aereby oertify tbât the.forogomng l1s acoITOt SeIOOl ft OVCIO o wfi.6. 0 l. 00llf oy d00 00,00,100 ~ rno o :booy o molt,oohstop oand h propos, d ohange. 61 -t biodn . i r tifreOh. 009-hruilh .hoooded in 1 ibe Oad jeter .et00a0mo ye, oooehlmu, ~ wî ow igA iMOm a-tb000of tthres poobrooM birds, winch and yon --t0 subioehbie; bot.if yen h eloondrgfn fOmn fruim theo 1o'I how te iho f ohthe oor=t, ffatabpty hier. if ooto.inm.i.Dot dcitea Walsh, Petorboro, write Oit Dr. Foo- Office of the Clerk of the Peace, poipit. and hIobird tidul. 1Dilo d 6.4out, lo wiliit sauAi 00 tift lhi... talrS teiract of WlId Slraoho Deopsn o I2hC1e miaveorY d0Y, for otOnoY hve 1 oro 0»If0Out0f yo.r pOpY. The offortof h of thrir "Staond aoumrr dicie, lon, u t>f September, 1883. an expert frono,nyyeti nit a brdunomtlognati0ns to wohoop adahake offiei. an d ho. à gond sale.- Au ooflling under 00y00700tc 00000. uthebglaced cubes %hat bo audr. ombeiy o tharto rem.dy foaitSforma offlowof Cjompbaint. broewuo porti.ool favorabler. Your forloy conternue,inprimorohy; 1fso. A boy, who b.dt kwsew fohog Oroogh $1000 FoI'feit. footatop. 0 hoy foil opoo the orpot of ou other woy bot hy jpoorol oooreooot ail the key-hoe.the «o f aM.opo foor, 660006eo.fe.o tmeoo i Ado dvance1000d iko, nd wmo rooo te" diSe,,y f0 bit Mutler. 'Oh. 1' auoh mOoplOOodG7O0~0 ..log te th. devaty of the o . age t w. il'tomme oofhlir ta mewb,,0 reoho flio!,h.o exfamito. Whmt,4 h .."orok f . @tst Ob noIfOfériiste fofOOOoh70 = timo.. ,oi l thoebheu lard o'oob,1 flohewlI ahti, ArPi b.drivro inom th. ciel, body. play oooioo.yîlo. a m t i t 0.0.070-e .6.r6S., ff horo . as10.wu Otooly &top- 1VW 6 ond i tu hre in Wellington, aslow 'Jobo, .ood hi.»ifo elplyf 'O ysa 'abezý rai hi. ife.h-ply thotmm 0t e itn ad60lui 0000tt OOtshmifer *hh0 fang o0000tth, hosit oh...re bOor eie . r g0otos-cre r in, moooreo hd ~., ,0 oooir,lfthoo Ooe.morsaoesth@ th. coote of th. uo.boaah, oad gropog au thoemo ine il !wonsd ~* to ro6bo fioiê og o. 0000our,lO06d.o0 oopl,.,Oua000 Oh So.s, 000 000 6 Oe hiog khtohbolàt AtodkJoeobloohdthor doll. eear.000r.p un y00la )An. 1919 about Witt h bnd mog hebrve nettone an t h oliobody, mOot oh toeur.inbi. eyra and .cla,10in oof.nI asldmni et oiSeuof N w G s afor Fali and Wintere Immens n uebSoka and, m1 bavera.id, rootiig th. oed.podi l ain ci the forces. 061 t f000.'Oh, no. No. No. AI..! no, Toroo0Out. 0 ~ 00 teint tehioo-And lho o.., aitboogi Sdd.oly 1Iuttra r orponsive iatti, wo,.o i, ChaObt ho domoioo ' - md foiBg dowo, loait iat 1wuswalh- 0monon00 5500.mader beronoOt.l oo or..oma&bout àm A In - rpi kah umi o.dfl, hikiagthy Neitt ereo ir .promody khoooo 6 0f ailff orn for le& ad jettin rE" . W.o21f 000000 'y bot. chldr.on tâo .mooetb l l ati cnooftIOr. Fower. illa.porbope the ort000popular. Bt1 A d A h 1 alet. to r 6.haine* rA. IhiitExtraot of Wiid Strwierry se.a curefor ofPoort thot thora in a iod of VoanilaeG EA -RG I taitbonlosiCootoýpor t,oi. o g1i 0 l ita 1 hoira Mrlns, Cholo natola anad which oudeadly poison. A go-et omberr honithe mm. -.ait0, , ai ii. iy ail Boorl UOmplsiisl. of pooplo ot Joliebt, 11fl.,' arao! li 1ooig dooo. 00u joio t inte t écisthe ut f inces f a ari-cooredénae rouglo rating ,mot oily vaubla moci aos i ner a toit of osag-bhroo. .osfog Vrons Trodro. creano, bout pddilig. damerrit rbth vent. MrRflLLAN ERSNAX- r C tc l b 0ock-hto bil t i 007MyOai o- ii l 'i ohe avoptours obooofy reool PtD"eo . .- 5*10. * 1to.0d.Oobho,,eotO Mlaoy ho woold Iloe to ]eara more o 1elooro.¶7Othoa. ao fimoo afoog000Ooo oof acr ausO.aaatmoie o...a.o . pbic nynew*nm Ohiti gorooso roptie o cl idsowariog, tioait oite rodo haos boro iletorroil by Sir Wn. Aromstonog hm. bob oooidor. -- Obmosfm;ro e at000.0 i nal io 1 L . Mo fi i; a. iranien»oolino of Wl...7. for he., G. 1s.e l. ntG., logb..lu, !ad t Obom. .,.riool mpt itheioo -obol fhoh theconatoteiortioo of tire oldii î0ng heoblmof inco-one in the p o-0m.0 0 00 00' gooo fbolioteAfe t poibo .3toi aàCto loo r oh arnaeM. curo10.d , g 2t0n,, bH p eenooooof osueteof ailIiodsintrader., or roîior braooos o b o ofrh sn e o orlosooooo rmts U oormaE wtiTT' foI . - ofoDry ..oaoe ioafdo .bpt Jtelsoprbo.OsoDro Goddoorto p rltae woin if o. ted tat y Aoood fooaooi 0ogo~OooI0o00tmob.,OOOOiOObVsitoto00 ohorpoery. oood Oat forhor iocoemsat sus-' EDW IN c r- hm .o..Ovfo, bhargoooao000oaboo fl.ro. Loiumdoi 0 le sr ptionOur, ro its olWrai moysupstitibons dlrooilof rioent. a 1ol -otier tirele o Oreraoceo.y thiyooong muet bo oontf-io yigaai.. 11 'rilpemoiodrhmog.sbfollloiootoood oaori.sooodho.. 0061 orslar'uto aao:vie ool Cho r ow lhm s.ooW " It..fcrro . v. o w a.'.h lacfre m gae itniyalpeistýk t alie Boui motleari to o mor b.a int a theotse &hll irai th rR.9 MRKhMC ie in otlneo-too glatrios hh Du stroo o ~h. soooi 000.I li 0061 oodo io, oriooo oftbooogî, ot o.. oo0000 ~., Ior.tf,.ot.0o. ,., o ><. 0O~ oosobol ofro;oooohoole o orvheo.ntot....61lhooft.mfourlahmtot--cofiaooro. eoo'b htao itial.lieo ,0oohroh ooooooooo.oo.sOoobooOo:ooh oooy Wtuopilrooosy.thetbooIhorm1 Roaodo. stbo r.Toohcs'c-ofoud itoof, til osuloi ooiotofrhcac baches. rdoo b. 000 ot nmbr fatooo "chidobr e a, botObat o... toOool Oo-topera05 And.s3 ,o.s00-ae0 0p0000001 0 ci rtho horoloOl ioth o orooSeîool o 0h,.,oii00h hogi.Thm&NotOaO 80000L.0,ooteO yBs.00 0'~ I osof ools 00. to oohoroortooo ioOooooo f oi rooooOrdr Aoloho.00 agrotdof f ooipgod ealasoooOooOo..a-or'oOO000 0e 0000a' only whoopn ]-ra horizon of th.iigh0. but nas Prim sJrir.ne cLeod CAn derso n s truck ibsaill00001o i te.h oOOi 60tall it NooploooS rodrhewos, tesoodfrontîies îord, ahr 000 ,ro10.0, 00Wi.0 otîo bo ooooo. lo I ooklobool ooopooyoooot ooora000070 lion horopciol'oro 0 poochoo OoorOeafm ooOOoo.odOOsoodo=oo-ooIooWo. 4.0r.tl o eof p e,oo. r 0. Il cut gout theoati r ooepetoo ooooo-of teio ct ga, dio. raitoo. 0I0 tf ppaotog. 0 t of oîla .0Ur.tiv II N . 41ilO.Os nylise.oOo n Lo argeIluson a et FE . bvr t. iatn riayrral ,t t o ir te rt ai. e -oi le l a aaioo b o b o o t o . b n () 0 brit f or n o t it,ooo s oro tio d. b îon i ret hion 00 p r 00 00 .0 od u.0.o. Canada.n nvi ed !lie FtIsoo or Olsot oh ro, oo lOs irethloeocato i ,ooooa iv io db lo . 00 peldor ro un "drai" tosebumCt -a S alviW kI. .lG.. - o o Obbhroool6 ooooboeolr Dis 0 ons o f oo g r o- etaiote. Aaito hie tus .ao nIadueloftehoosonosoa. r essr.oagTu@dVio ete 1 m 1,çodrooo, 0000 oopi îfierohroule to MantifothoSl opihmehngtiod., ths.uc ooloo la005hr hoihilir se..V V ilora Be w s SHOE«ILO nikloia .s apeoho tgoso r ooo r i ockOOob. ,llieo, itomore b raioio'oo ire ei c ho ao d Io14r i oo.elc,04 hoosd aireTno uie_____ c L n d r &tri, îad hpf, f 0coutne M .ret,od thoià tc f oh.p. g. UfearisaidI000veo odrigi ya pstoktao do boaiS l t e c oont t ortri c t he o p.îtrofrm n oociabr O , ol fpuaé iot s oor h r.s o nd ..ait0T'0'1ImatA" 2'0 T r .A T - 0laY a trukougmo nesuoi.poogop-nte& ilcsif osonat i haoi a,dChole o-, arem, foo 000000e l-. b ier . miardoritea.oiog. so o .omo laterF. U l. ' , 1 . 5 q n(00 6 00 eofth o acco egndt. 0 opo bo bs o o ow oi .or rt h has VU uTHIMM N REIdi a te ,eu-r ~ ~ ba k o my H m r wonohrertaifeooi moly 0 Morbeo op ho ron g. at toroIlSiaiotfesroforfo$&50,r.oroooro.hfhm tireoth Lit Cowuy. fd t oooo.gwiho of atiooocoh a ontocoseofr it eN teoo, mto h in es evrotn-elf fPstes .r. mr i d moi do.,. aor. tho gh m0 oehindoy 6inlno oo, reOire destho attooît e t il eo ""itWoaocestoatr of relaiion 0 au Mols ef M o >. no Ieds saigo6hloottle MI wth t ea th Jour andivr t0 ooous,, ooh s pot. eoh is lo ho o thobooodho ae iorl atvd bo fotbrneun a rc oo 0 sdtoa .oors nlih Soc ndC nda wedso f h aac Chat toersIhiiiotd bitait a reoptiir eva Chaooit oti r roetr t ofo tireodwfile. woAuoa goefoîti. 60rr of my eady mad .od oor tr boe o' at l.ryo ie a. cote h ore oon ho ooo oOocooI oy o Cht idb T ul e Oh Doorok.efotgoy opîpoo.o .1 Tgeth ndFrnch ro rîtda & Ood.ooO oo"-oooooioioorfotho ot, n îoroo' Oopone a otr olc orofa thegpatternlotht b sooooeofopeint, pourosironisons bo lfaI miiai te etithoo efi..soooto ooofogoo oiro'.ie toome Ohin 0re0arodot.t éao , ,n hewidw it ove otoîooi ot1- bb.oro iadWi.auiporos sop 50gouIanceiooeOioor a ootob front a, botodeiwoith the poong for ioheoobo .1 th trodoRoo, tha ks0ftoioaoloiol t to is o, tb s ves ionho-00.h a,,o,,-. the reqioia r roilialho ood obooractes . the lTrgs& W Lin GTNaitorreaut10hti ot. ot w for l ueurot s.oooke ri n oo0, Ooooyoo o fallra roprduie arlird25m Toolsroolto, Ootmae h 8.io0oftfoio , .000o mantino f à Ar0. ico b ah pnth'0er o ,00,0 ot Oloo1 the.no0,loo styles01 1aoogotoi. 0o eh r eao b ro ght oio oo t b,.on oiao i f al noooci ifim- - ite o O.00o0000600.00000in,.additOion0e etebho Olp OOO OOrt.he W roa inigtore... ffooo loo- w i tohoth r ola orhe,o ool ecp iao forc .'l,.ooooo e 1alti Wal h ! 10OO5-Oss.ii 1> ScotchdtandoCaoî,l.pesfTweeds,________of __the _balance _ 8. or kiled teincataton reptile, aflepot i t o nt oaobthe3e Fo i o, and az e. osa -seniVille courf Cioooo full tires___ ___Il_ anocrioffdthe oit l 'i" tu eve ratl« teOoooould cono ieceaiiy froja0ing.0nglis ndrench Aflrst ,& . f m eady m d Cht.1 htrtte o o l. . -00gond0 ,Oî,, îVld tooobotapiuaoo00c00 Ooooiomenn.... 'ai dom 00000 neOluttor hlion fopreviIu occupatonsBOOTSI0 sou Itoo irooioo.otireotolteoe toocati of Od. hotifreo ,aOoo. O01 o f amenooOoa.loos o nsl &oat etan-heten.fm- ft n oC.> C..)ed dw llsl t esan t o ai te t hsai nerd sproot liotr'oo ic r e it r éAntotihurn e hoonove ac o r !d ithoo r yshw NsO Ot W0ELLINGTOmNofor ser 44dis t . hat o ooîof. OVoio0 tho eo 1),o tllL Atsoio. .H.S. hto o e t Do 0.0 00or0'...... 4-5m oronto600, Ontm bE Sb soTojfatfsoh.. 0 0 o.tl il ocspo.OlOia b.lOtuto-itro!teo dO,, U P . I.lGLS . . 'r. so.oOf,0e0d.Oedoo. - 50.-ptol uprotito.o 10tIoonooi. urOootta-. liot. liooolaoprooo a0ndtP007Oo if 00YODeobotoooou"taritt oi. o.OooiBisO ar50 ont.. i or 9 Queof Wloe an .t-Ooftr oormo. go fruitoooo-o o! s s todobrriOotoo 00500.- . L00056, 00. Olf e 00000 fil retie. o. t.nioob n. 0o50.. fioogroood 6ood th.oliseraîo ; but Dr O . îîa î', àdoroloeO te.h7.et, 0000.0.ooe ___________________suF R 0 18Parti. - Si ot! li oly avevîtir-f bol,, . a e rror k hooor w t ilr om l itbsr 5. Mtinuit, Out . 00 0 v o s., blyoe o.Oo o bs .5 0 , 0 00I P Lt" F ý " t ifE P b,, thersoooror.oof tho por l otoitbs, itir popsrqtiron loit ob. " YoooidsPl, $100 220 00e.se.0005000i monti0n laitleu0tite.sai&0t0fe boooOsoot li aot odi t hsuy or rfnsm fc or ti vaaAme tin b y wold rit ahor.,o.î. Oobellso1.0Oào. 0n0 O b -ri nhoogd.i,g fe t n a 10 , ... ibis o ,d o ller th auspie. of tido 0,0e,, Admt-Sians , N a*. vy! ST ULIS 'se GALTsNU of 0fethe kw dtesut .m go,th , gcofreooo"t00000000 000005 oiod. Mo L eoootao hooeoodh ,io0 o0o0 .0@ses- t ,e oooO.s.lS.sod ta, possIiosoM E 600h.1AooO. N,,o. i s.oin t orldfifoot 0o u o te i opo ta p r e ht lnt vex pporf Pths oo.O l.00000u, 10 0 rAnt o isi0000t.dOhoo, ts0sf o myo t.At alles cuintuivetioLofodatereo 1 lre eiof eo . ubia .- '. oo0Ou0oot.0 4 .20 nnofP ierinezxz es u voitn tmy LresAd Uglrr ad m pot. Stsot and ooloup he facet . Ibot aobbeu s, roiyoot culoooOs ofooond mut OcOo lOootOO .,0-i 4.os, 00 8 to,.Ioroaou ir -Ir.d. Apý->oh-pooOo.ainysor 0,-outmo, o 00 oooooospo i spo ed.o00,0000, OoOoOOlOoooHa.ie.0.00 .010 HAMe. IO. . 02' . . ACEO .m0o Aoer NO E O II R EN I of..a.mv ovrthon oh,. turc Oght tsy no hat f ei oo ardoo Bliod Bb ltoploooo'.Oogaios. 00 a @t odm spolla.boa.O L o ur1,0 e,0l0.Toi tsshe etath o pt o rtinr. es-oa tonhe o oilpwbuerthgvombirObotrano -OoO1 OaoOoOOs. 0.0 00 W mn ifA WAC V B8 O . At. DE.. - bout afi..oiakeore iens .10 Ihu,0 o hat a 0614 itndhat 0 Rr.J.R.smei ht, o.oo y -ea . lent.g0 7, .00 .00 Ltg0 00he000ut CandO Ment"R A M O N teth fon t 60I . N o b aao f fcOb no"led open tin gehigh Or.fta pr.ithe 'à mOo tloe . 4 .00 2.00 OAL 0000N U R SER IESD TH fielo , 6 . u-oot'tga. T 0 t od po i 00 W ot0.0 00..003 5 Coitteoo foro ' -jeu t. .rto .y Us alla ét@ ad at .a'oIft-o g n- ots f Obe Agso cito.te Mr.oAoia s" e - ebg fOio 0.000aooot .oance.e ,Te.mdmen. Abolo.flj Jj l 60 ho ooo oî o no- 00.bornîythgb 0708 aifdi.sooouo. Oe BlCod.tWesoto& Ce.. . 00 0.00 1. ., .Z 0> Yi.. lia lard, i cat if o oala ie id o f o al a obn il a portow . er, io t les od OoCe6ooadlslleoscti d . dp, ullm a "o-e = rdN f u" -futme 0 te vi ly n heayteu f 'ted rish OoWOOoa. ea1 0 1 0040,. Eti aOu t. gr.,.O1 be Moe, fa otlsyd. anie ot aoo, b oahsrikinh aso.h i lar. isot, l h oir000ti0 le0t0oei00. 100 0 1.0 0070 .0.O toi0000 nout1.25o1.50abolsaifaoba -AnÂ0 er5e45> O&mm cm ro. aaahe . ro b a leraf-si ho, o . bh to . nch biser or orly a o o s O nPOumn -h.e p- -.,i ,l F ,, I , 2 0 .5e w m M ir d p r p r o al r W H E T Q A Y A bocotah O..îoeat curuleIin Aof no.ot oofsroLcs hsldr i.. Toroo2.5of3.ho Otuos0Naq.o'oeflbouCi ASOITOA TTte en hto.psil)t I RNELT oR Ibor k. o rosooemaiah oe. l.esinh l1.50g lhosool geocn ofTo70ONT.a lorortoobur ifW.soj.g ale, OOrs wblI haooiafoomea- leyasemo a. .BookT2R r., a â itamproil t ogaslh n o hNoo ~ ~ otoia OoeC. ILn. .t.foe.seisiofooiU N I uG " 0 C o s C a i -ui b a o.h., ewh p. pi..00 So ....0 u.-e.00sO O . A A E à 0 . ie t t o ,Dot te fo rt; i e auiy m d elreat and if 0. *'n M 1 . il 4.0 Ta îooa oriaoàoa.Lcooiee i oI pob oof Ohrmiste. n o..otos o r .ýtIsJ .00 00 00A» 1 MDB T 0.MONA 0kwSATU âomr e o k .. n Catotla r ers .o ista t ds th Otiofr ooo B Sit u 0, prorafo t I 2 0f.6.00 IASnts o AT Uhp. T A Y ON . il .6.. epl r.o l audbîteas. oo. Oinbh. tm e o fn phoie.Ar inauge 00 CestraiIthe ufour anall.a nauq.oto Of nyBnbo.b igte lu b l oidre.sf *c~»t~a 31.06H X JTà teoou no us, odod careo o mt , Béat, For inro p3l00 2.bi0<rot, l g d Ea.dlvta-nghheuaoPatraa mise : *amsla oï.o l . 06 O0 te O aso i p- o b 0 o rii e t ie tI, 11, r mp1 1,0 200 1." 0.,u ,s o ad ntaMb.M& .o h. oop1br wbO lttoro. Mloo, bar -ilicoag in. adOLESAB Gîd wjt il.-taBÀ mios udm fo.Oi hteO eadie ntiot i .oluegos, ofTootofd , -Û im T TI Hamilonponte poposat tofb.maaaB xwad.tartier, autiotam, _ _ _ _ _ _e. Ion. iC. .aOoukb..t for iio y. se. m d lf.Cbaanttol of i wb man heu r nfs i if p16 ri$ a a w up r r O l t 0 om nia 0o05 e y1,c. A unsm..ptMet .ian io n tl is sNdi n ss r _ _ l; teM L 0A g o ~ i~ Gow~d. ~'sO ashqedGobakId..tosuoIt&mà %lacunairek,-MBtosbai10have ipmI sssui.ks e 1sole 1 aoi eCde e~fuple. âtrebof rsh Hmio. silln hemb. o ise 0.6k te. 90wJ.5 95% iu tBu ntic- weand o- - fi tlta nè 0" lesU aabb de. d04, Cou0 of. ltn P;9 aoÔ~ wou hej hane tfarl ropasui atovOegooda un e.e Ioau MDlow offer thom retaif, lu ma rttaoery hnoon nh.O ho.h .-eatsluand dumabilify. 0oote ois nelsug ntBIisot ond o tmahkiso dsparmsnt lu ommiod : orO aapftliOufr Mgllf.rT. «d4 Henip corpet..()il ClOtha Md cIhooioo, .Md e m toid n p.. lomeostomada . fnello- !lasosoos.W.sooamioy em.mev.aod th bav eu..aOoutfft 04n obolssis Pris...W. .6010b. Georfetown. iMcNAIII. SIh. o es. 1857. PLOUC/i BOOTS, BOOTS, riptiono and uariatiaa. OWEST PRIUME, ý X:LTox ION!1 nMilton for PLOWS 4ufactured bi the veçry Iôw qu'M> ~%

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