BOOMINO! Tho ey fmand for lionne bULWOOL PrENCH .SERGES la Grat. Vert. noir, Brun, et Crois, at LINDSAY'S -Bas beeit Most Satisfactory.- DRILSSMAKIXNG ON THE PREMISES. RUSHINOT 2000 YARDS Me Of lim.Wiry Cotton and Wool DeLaines Clea ring, Out at 5cs. a yard TifE LMVLY AND LFADINIO DRT.GnOOIBToHI MILTON. For 1m. li, Ie. D. vo* hlls upmm"as. LINDSAY- Is bound to do the largest trade in Dresa Goods he bus ever doue, if giaing the Bout Goods for the Least money can do iii. _____________________________________________________ I __________________ I E Y~rm tor ~a1e. Immense Purchasea Lace Curtains at Wonderfully Loiv Pricesa 0« 1,100 pair@ l ofIme Curtiai bongt Ma ograt radution in prio nom a manfacturer, am alling off at thte Rht Honnei nI ry ow 1 e ol.The pat- Smo. mwae nond the orety of styl s onixtnsive. Thora hula lteaaay bena Vntt dnannd for thon, nanme eaaeîanid boy your Lace Cutainsat ai bmfavogabe, efferog. Ramembeer tiot they nare litn4 t far leu thon vhnol pice. Orr fty piacasf New Godsbave beeo recWend lis e oe, nompraing the alat aae.ei nFany Checkd ad Gon nds, indiennBroches an OtoannDroan Gon., Monnba lotb. Ainiho Costue oen(ttieBon Cotho nod a geat aeety of othen DreuaGnode. Dnot forzgoth larerlaeoft AI-wonl Dnou G,,dàof over 10,00 yrdin& olnora at only 25r-pe yard. New Black Gros-grain Silb, New oled Sillka. Inntheogrnodrapéreof annnond tetroooa quality in Slos. wtiharen.llngat 75c. in .leintho. NewvSatina. New Brods, Nw Wliit. Lana. in tie newesot deoinon, Now Spanisb Linon, SoutaceoLacni i n Creoanand %Wbte, Nov OttomntoRbhnoa in Black and nlored. Newov eranen Otonoan Riiebono, New Veloot RionoineoBlnnh nd o,,dnn. NewSilkand LceTienad landkorhifs, NwColoOd MorUinod CahneeNw îRiak Caibnîneaoetaoe iaot, pa i. 44 In ie VnBa k Coihmeonot nly 30z. -New Kid lorn, New Cautiners Goos. Thon. caes of o;vGrmànnmado Jacketsanad Ulatora. Nov Fani Fa lin Flaonnalahow Ulter and Jacket 1 P BT E T New Bruueaoaa Tapeuiry, Wonl and Union Crpote havo enoen received ie large qunnitiea. Tapegtry Carpeot frnan 40c. New Onir Carpeto, New Wnol Crumbh Clth Squars. New Fefe Snnotire@, Nev CurIait Chaira. Ntoo Croiinn Tnînnngs, Carpet Sorepera, alnt andGilt Corniainn an rietycf styles. The Stock in- prefor the Right Hneethi anl lîîlhlae ad natemerscar, depnrd tpn bdiiOg a mOnOlberal noOtetof ankeand daîOîîn thnvainsonds odînan mole. thir ltione fron, vhile pnoo4 n a .iy ccssar on monothon before Ilattianod DoooiMakizig ronina tarnonon ring tati odrs. Wanted-tirat-cloo a a!- UWia.tao, Sptamberlit, 1888. _ _ _ _ Champin. iTAllad on on, elien City,anad nur ona Ti.. djnoioiecarge againit Jon C.RlBiaria O nORTAND.o. wnaentoa ilod y anaoinablediai cul MIL.TON, SEPT 20,1883. oni Milo, fr ani-9lorac ontrary te tObo -Strata. Poline iiîg np lbheanaihly anoa, _________________________ peii.,,, t a t ruad bfori oaL.D, OreonoSept. 1.1. noiod atbineotnnar, i&a aagdouin th, Icien NMagistrt. 'nofi aî . ibuilding, and dinnaeared ibat then noiae nu FIAT"SRli.1~ EEOBI)" 1. iinnia, n.îAn . Vf tojnTe ithe iiiir of ihn Clîoniion e tcoîîdfoamunic. l'itere -on m goon dîeok-e ite îiaioiiltI Oa,-Ny Ifot lettaca, a,,trite mt Cicîan fieaînin Iii.cifyF ood ietien"a luspactnr Blnack, tiînbiog n diili eceni23 Ce, aai, tl.edciaidaat Alter mîy arelivl in Mélia.iinforenIlhod "meooaighborieoodtarethe ores andShop.ME ,il,, finiiii,,,tiiihieli win-, m,,îh,îifi,aniiExaltntil,-.twn. I iuod ofiCione ionlimte "atadmennofnll i-S thst l wu ires or bna toa. ilanegh o 9 fe inaby Flyill . o.eilang tlit it A CL oiileioable oia,cni cofltait. i bol siytheo enoona ir ii nluitiî Y a1.;dldpitier; d,,Lot ieiof ofeedlnlî, htiu.ieî.l.incn lit îîiîfl Sep. 3rd.-Iii hab aot ninig an cni th HamnilnnTriueifor ihnhnillianti ligrneîranyoioileia o)ignincaioentidiîi.ifieile eloica ii in reIo...ongti lIgi, tietiiatenOny,I of ta thei6t). L'et. ; I'. I niniea 911-11s. lieiegiiyetay i cd '-1L'IIi - la,,ben eatoiaC iinetheztn. Tlayhanve ai rmondanagaoout Tiicay i b iacî.ifîiiboenaaiîrc.adIi,'i nliii id ic.iio.îcndci,'iglonbr itIl 1. n,, bl,,i-lesthevîii li,,a vinîlî mii iinoiidon itgleri oe . a daiily h ai illeini iquoraaaliog 1dioetien pile, 10 alutI O t.nci fay.rîite in- a i.CLtlg.ahieYt.Loam irLtAdl ,IyftPFoaru a iioîna& Son.iiaan.Otihiiiiiiicainy sudiîsaiitîecQiiiilc, Laon iiao F. whalite m. oi magistrat. Auiiitr Tnaderso ,ll fin1 it iignFrs ia1 i i Ai ,teopl"arAnîd thiet îl.ii.iiîî.ieytly .aaîg i 0,. tiarca iofie,,lcaiieotit tre n l)ai1 d inît a perlusal otttoneportief thentrial, liveiti Ifl.teîi.ditl'..ceoi; iIiicniiTfIhLI, Ili-i the -4atiea-s, , LIiiest, tnkieiig tckotn Tlieiorera told iiinthe ver in onther cnluilinatheiicni.e bnlroiigtlîd .aCoe hîoLlo. .nti, 'idîae, ..,nîFiglife-1l nilli18poniids Plainas Ai,,ntuaCiifae and nomdy,ai Asîîî,A la-na,..-A,îî Lî.o.snea l.ýIeoyn 01 aioiît.andti lia lit tileoi soefii it ii il îLUI.opeti.leOin. ipln1ay ai (Oraliby then atgiiaaycd'*Itpctr er iJî-,.î,,Y cf oilîîn iii'.1t. bililanaW it,. -afniiîl.a. Thiiae.Ioy iioru.hotu lon A ecaieorcai.,., mis001net iog h. vu ad trliiaatttheacuu ntf diniiaeiaiU iiiiîiucilcac odrooil.eil ,.1. C Bi. I ii.iia -'etoid.po --,ieeilinge luaoiaciepeifùieiaiia. Theoplny ini nu sud th itn il ilocil d faus fîo flîir niatflie yltiiiini t tha i. V. R.ostfatin f1 liat e ft o Lpoî 0the ici.,,,, lin gi ue tioeiiin i b.o th ho liiean veraono, ini O onn ua iulaiulnit et tniain, ,aIl,,,Fois-nie- of m-et ,elîuelî,i thafl, uIaaait golcisE,teic. A pmc naninie. aiflihi.baiad a trionf Linmn. Wu i,t tigeTribune a 1, ci--,ninaiuuoilaIiidau 1 6 et igliei,.Filaaîd tenl.ntheliohiilnt îaaithliigiiat-ehisiin Ashort picon litho pemaînro in apnaaiog about ailan i ioj- i foor . tao iîtic.flc flel ico, wll, ia thicap-locf oieoniiapatye bya ,ewn0 1-brillatrecrd ?" ,cndtheaiicieiirtilre ;iiutiPanie oftai thiuuii ,,htliuuenii li ii)ar,l ',annooe-nnlaadore in,, sLin i,,,,enbich 1 iol ui e lue taieCa.iiaulIlipiii.iiigiibiougia .alot-aeia pmnnoîndinn. mana u buh liangeol. 23t.i ,îîtlî 2 îe,-, ttîic. i ael n ipn ota. FI.uiiouu lieLîlln liliiiaî te. mo l, iut Im i e l i meloniod ,lcit i iu l I LItn eiîîl 11 .iu ioeiacdi il inh. tiFIIiliui iiitli.t aagioi ci ,iiii.ain fairlou a n-nf t iltlîe tables ,on hia ca LOOiinao,, Ont., Sapt. 17.-Matin, eelleo fnaii thaI aat peaneatta.,neia ndf, ii el-a if 1 liiîit.ii eo tli inonia- T'Cu-ne wa oaeaaei nies on then the Littloe Rideauin t iirilire, fpIc-ui I liti- .,Il. 1i ii .8 nO ia i, .le. flit il.,.- o scitl ., iuicîe.îiuug thiieceai îîîîîao tiodtioiaunI»iniltiiiiirlin i.ecîli -ill-Ioiasit,ruî teiliule liuuî,ie , i îlîu. u îîîi.iluh-ît TailnlOîQ aîi î. T in Chn. ,igicel,,ty et thei,,igtli oealiciîiliii.iouilIeici.ît iAIieoemiiiilîdai iat,enaa batho aliehrn ,rî,,ieana o'iie Ist pi nI, ci thei,iFItailft,th, iiii Tiaii-l, uif uîonei.mltliake-îineof f:Ie,, 0 e,.I, eniliniîleîaaîoffnur ohnfithen ,loioeriuas iaiiaiegilliai l,î,îîî,l -,ueiei uiti..aielcna;i1 ià -li stili -Iiuil.îcpili -.uiIa,aai.iei Aliuten.inîien Pliilana ieFotietfiiti liat i iiuu-lm i tl cilîiiîd-i Lîeai,cio Cý,îînn ipcniipilf i iîc,,iiiic-iiii.iîy ,,nCîad oliel abenof a tr iiniiiiia uiAtiiii-Fs ,loe n I.tneiu-lai -Cson iliieil Iilit î 'LnCii'i, i-illit y.iî.îlîîîl. Ii elalmeryilie iutile iii ilîn lîîmîîîitheiii,, îîîefy liaaubaiillcoille .i-Itfi-aiil iiK.ailicii"nilimililecla.ilu,'iiiaioiciiiholo.iiiicalaiiin Iitacyineni ifliethoie efna fi,, î iante. Ythn01fe'iul iuf fleil eeimtef. TLeuti 'Ià1sý ill i aod1 u o . eiu oulidh aoanilnfiuuii. 'aî.luuu-lteîu hc iiiiu.liofuuiiion Iun il OAnd o il c Iiiueoe~iiio icn ul iteu isi-InItIIsilu eiataiuFinisalf. lay n îdiscr att W. O a. c dàIL p.le i',inv 1 m-dluluu he ltiulv, oeiug tîîîî iile i Fcril tflti su. IThe LiigiîuIgk aiaînaiioo,,iialrr ili otiiiiiii- ,,ilil.lieuti.iuîî- nl uilcn ni,,it i-an la1 iiaýigcte ai.uuuIut-iiilf-loii r i n- l iardin cilrcilinina yliacf th anseomt ipthoa ntint tiicclititiu l'y -oe hF Il;aluAuuu-utulteclllcPclitieoichufi eriiia lmtnlatltnCien Thotpriiioer iniit mcld biiniiii8iblil) I .Iaf ieltL , il .,..I d Aieniiiien ifuililuilh .li Fi il iî iii . ic mkiiuulo11ithe "LY h trsi t.etuuul. hy ., uhouiommieulain. Iiil, iii. or l' lu.iuiluiTeu-uu' iiion, iqIui -ut ce liiet t -, iiii~i luflud auul iaefiin i l uciyi pzoiliohuotO iO i The tîhoro ne in ttimiuiiuiu iluua-lliuio l, Cilil halil toit lxe i,,edtuîii il".fuî i buî neccnr icl, -i t iiniaiiofyiil uLmI, hiinioul iauinutm r tîo bucîtp uliitttiuuithd,, Lotut. îuil.mfî eii-,I lo g eil.us1,upposetill tuuic-atiith, deeu1 iiaîeii ge la trtuueuiteelflincTfh,.cio oaind buAbut 40j)ien. Onatthoelnoni Iii n y1uuîlothle c Iui lîas i2nauui opcL hitainiit te. imeethclelict ilsh. euuauii,,And luui olete wmaiitiigt rra- ite t o iuiill. a dl tI . - t. au,,u l -ilA uu inglui. n loesi I l ie e,d a,-c C o se nu - tlf'i ut. nuu lii c .ite oOOO lîu inte ia, a . I t dAti,,, a n on acoilit ofithic tiafc-itiif if thes N rF!"IFl i XCeoi ondInt.ireeiaClohuuglVcl il, tuanh- oedi . on,0 aihdOO.Oso.itnladn-uoc dneorvnoiOiiOutliaolui.i mue iiuuaui -NI, rtîaal.lO ulfIu,-ein i ue nia, nen mge. Isi- .ui r,>0 fa.Ch i0I...,o1le.taee000,00.I.taitenOioa, entaolpoaoîhatuairn .lien,@thl lefi,,t ynîu.I,hhior i.IciO iniithl iitoudiim otcW-?lIîeyli 'ginlata.a ilomosnxeinagianCountyingf-i leay lty qiIi ruI.t ,ii Il, Iluie.tIliuiit 1iilied uuunmiia ili fulicr i..hieiiitepen, icfuIeiIuuec.tlunii tl o i--allut eof t.aoidhamhn ahnidotlîpnuofiioinui îîu.t lut,,fui n ,u -LIco t oayni.liaelnit lri ini uu.auli ieueu.cîi n-o., cao olaîuiehniir and earti ngciîicra har Lordeiîotynniu,î,îrien luihliliiethng la uineegi.clflii; iae îchiîlbiuiu. Iie i- Neil,,uleuuîî ttIiiauniP. otnIiaahe ,Ik. ninuiseth apiasave Lnicîo itacisy olnoth.iodlien jnigntoo ieICF' .oyLfhaei-iac .monIL a ltaeit ofa. et her Th u enIi em.Lcu ufcies..paid Tbe i e îona.n urithnedi a nctye abolaon t I cn ei I van tto ietnoil h i for1 ai c t siioel hee r aikie osa iC fp lîf it.ate ilifîiIlnn ulW,0, Ite. gniltih fina haveia nii ire Tero atnritoodfnnblifioillfenuîianioiia.c. ioeounc,,e h fo t l Ion lu uiiiWtCien tN a alic a. cIcNic ine'pao aioy';then ndauthe lofAî.ioa pltade ultyand nhtenceawuiacord- t ohiin lne 1 efiil lnlayutit iofaen. e ui,a anlecthe atliiig aul H,,u,,l, l. itadi, Oregn Tlaoiafc. inod. The it.iien the eryemark IliithTehni'.'il. oulet A -inflitiI'.ofoir ien, oui1 alcecilfemînhmePutAfhercitennînaou orlanda.cilbyan spoaoitnnpriellanuIndnIeoilnnhllofcei liiift c..uiufiî elt itfoIc llnnt ocflunhîy%%iiucatheoAiiuf hai rolan,lute vihsnto 'rb nel nvibctrai atollo ndfrllon i'ning oen he Lin NIa. ;im.a-liriuiauuolaieaynfuu l'oel,, uiiguuiWCunet1Ii20t..piuihafaqu nnoa 1 uieofnethaca e hntfccftald., noot-ai Lo havmefliaahnu.lin y LI. a pîî.u o ifmi i tr estaIn e iiaf 0niiuiîhn daie.,,u ýDIHn Tba -Nit.fa , an d t heroiuiyocann Thoelhorile rneify nILittle lRideui,. g0te «n e, nay bout tIi altîooe altnillu I iIhAfO 1ilalight auil maIn iI thenuiglu Thue cnantcontryflo cirieîa e brifrit TieOttawa, non nteinIdnfof hnai, Cuo .1 Iefnur.h.thefa Plmuatminoin yuttnuiufîculhraon hnoeiuo aea.paan. opîr vlhbefnonh in the oind iuf mano lTa e olio. MaeNhgista. tn atiridaAluemne îaem lieneueaMIhi1 niiennn pIms.aoes, tpicatm.&c., neneallalte that rucrning a ,tîn Etigishin nototoed hi I, BiP0flho.k, g.i..t,. i'liielia int1liit sen it - nunt n-aoo.ineo. inaeinodnloei tpio.l Fredorinb Mann. latly ot roaLondn,,Jo.honae,. ai tIeiwiaim, orlueafuiîiy lis0f.,yaourcnt. lire i un a ffia the firhauitsfom oni OnoîîCa,nhfnni. ana l oîycalfer oueat nîee îonthIfaoiia I ena, .oreabut til. 71hit.lia . uiO . o iuiaier fearn pan'rfirags,inleabthoehatihal greuaiilothal anreoond alie M. R. W. fJnnli, a frnen, aînel.- iJe - C rea,,.K tilt.adc,- .-tlî'hInu-ah l'eu. Thee hoiuienOfitînthetluhbone af tie en ronharen Magnolias, id KEmma Cnbc. a daughtno if i. on- ot ; Illu'tnonahat hnusins leih n ;.,,ClumbiIia frlom endisoanceîaowthe In gllîh lotieno nirastat inl poyer, s,îongngobfer viti ennp. Nrs. JLavec oe heion,,ulin hoaleno ,urt lin,,t. o unîlof Siàke rive, aeomomneitoh net gnwnt of daoutiten East, CNoli. vhrrame ooOnthe flunessicete SeafttActna bonth nAî,drif,l. bld, ai-csepltgiceo na Theo snnnuhof ilEat Partl adn dauhtr.lie sraglceiiheu m> w e ;1a teranlir absthCo-c ht eneonsian ofhelOncountray. A fwmles nilno nioan Itahtttide ai the Willnnrtln He lteaneiauhee Mr ciOgoayunhelhein-thC a, ;flaI j'letdecoco.Ifathehoinsn ganeninCounyryailandaiy thoinîlotf tt.oialead o Cieo ,n'tbnhoî' i ji~ alî lte n uhii aiim ,aIyeelril In ,n geopacelon N'lîaau'sa eihcyu arn piting me a vtonnaalilrP yliipdfac iano4ailiell. rhaIont cou nt init -;fpotn. Che cuteint hat ro1, me tociail eOa8.,00ý0.00 a inpnoaoota, co-. loaomthicea.acitrniefieabiturn-Iefi. i ntailue r gt anylîmng te diis iig Vla WAIIa, oecil on bn auilactae ittiýring moaill, a iceo.latono, ad totbo hoaao ato u oiaedeipalfeitl lie;tîa proiablyiaol ie ifi icee1 tatifMayadiut hat aen fyer n et-& T. ie nenuo npanea haveotart-Id thestnnneopiod by lie on nîî onion .a in ontlen ieoi bas heroeneasaoion- uiuurmophnre. opnntmonton n$1,00.000hieli n Port luiesonha o niltuitain tarniblelbineaoon raid t. ae roaad roa hnigon n ioaOregan land, viicie nl 811 onenatina aqoar. the tempe. Oe thon ntaciend theSano Dniel Crri-Liro t Gionnillanua-unan, Wallhàiad itpt lnng the. Columbia I £la ag rueacay Canadiana inlathe iy Wihlie ia himea omwuttiia aiol gash haon dof.nilntu thini1kiseninieohounanfo thnetbof roîaioufnof Itla àonigbty gnealyd ong wtrou It onionileataer la hie Ibigh. Theo n iten of theloyn,on thec7tb mot.; lied aonethionglau.drink'.1river. in sipacesoaottinn, miales id. la ontelplaynnont tlilgiel nnrle*»ion Muagnln sud Faiihed tlahi.aunit'duont ouvai a o a r vbotieno t va.Thec trat; nit elio nihe. baoi granst, becii-olrsaraanainvniabfy in ifocoul ar.The ormernnmccdd in secttrigntouunanotoin oano w wtieanrntdgot tnn vici laver, onnaru antieo, op intlaof the enandoevnrero-t lariiare heuei.gor toes..drink inonanlarg glieabotthIe ounda.anud thorean arehoaertnn-'area lnnibigier thennin tiealaat. BSnno lanu.dlb îiin liralter ,thrm c ata hal; I gtanglae alneider olacentnhPortland. Wononoouei »vrni and rnnnnmt anatitonbili.tieongh alaip se Pnny ndute iii eroao' t imnyatnfunioenaii c ascadeiim Iinig ,nn vertecal lafabitn- botel rts tre onone in e ASmin Tu' Lb lov, fied on itae arenai oafio fl oreoteutme motthînin at I gt At Nin.dreds fiaunifontilli, loto clutopocao hoila rente. Norly l.meional survnr, na nil caie. IT. Cooh, Mm1..Cols,andtulioennis; dontn iIhniL.ha n nnthe r laoe. (Ona of hnionetieo batiiol oastonal et tieîlacien fc ity, i.n roma- Emmoa andal inodm4 frontitien ofet uefc,,dano'abouseo nnon, hoa Inn or tieeo Nîltona ILE , nhina nonaa laentrme tby Chlorai. WhieIeiln eante a re if the vonooda sinflitnd hy tie nnttieoune ien h. utI tw entlhe. lan lithe k,.ason lfis ovenr a oîff lfOfoot altrynogluai; doand. t Ira. SUIpue asasin.Thoeaiiodooco vu naresOtidai Te, tienP. N. ifnnnJaeunsGrie;ndia high saenI.antuth tien laoat e thea apav m=îaotnp, itk board Sud Idging. ni Laciueonotoniong donr. ntloieiiia nltr1nwunetJaiean'a. n.noroeetstheo cr orinutana Ibamna ntoulret. _____________________ iil.iniOIL-Kaow the doicauanta dftaiity nno iotcgthisa ml ioooieOh I uigo th ie tpla bunof tielbMonu larder a Drona.a wu Lie bis. nitnhone, abiottte 7itin.. an Ii itI.O apnnMdi iDnie ditgtfl lnni la litaioonn poaa Zürerat rw mdTk. g.t annral dembo trai n asnal glaia niflt Tien dtleisud csesioif ntlie Col- dnriag theienaay ann. Ciro iiteso, Niagara Fals.Sep opn. gcaidrape ;tnant top onoi. walenit forcesais aaltern te Tien clinaainneptieoiofoinnra houm in 17.Tie too n Doionontdhle van ,he- i anieal wnran tbing inloionllng in grsi o luimange, amogonra gnd oi. roniup su1 dnnotienCoiaitansd ilo.-The tôu of pala n i Onal;eo 1n etendthora la hngt dirnk as u iirodoon, noneinecting ity the nieora Willunntt ; Ibmoae the Pugeounmd, lhonin rapte eepu bar -iniod tg,,îorbot ntbilog bt raapberni nf Indini taing har aninon n tienrapida. t t e mîha mniolocontsabout tbaemeuleof imilit bythereprthsboy liai een ad îbnwht hy aledl opierry ;T.ardsa oaing motnrand p theie t' the Clumbioa;la h. May coatof Mt, acooe»d h Itlians. l appemara1ot itlohakeutanid toid leu C. anboa-lp.but 1 iomttla, andl enltod ot Portlandh, te Roodnd udtienglaciers of Tanno, ndn, on a jba aoom d dietI o1h ansdsànculd nt ikebta ear waititnwu ; Sîd vletieot citj ofit aia.ntennrlut, and th ialnnmemniuieaaat a" oidaig ouoOi aubp atsn0 lpltiblonttpby ncei-l nnlnn nonf tfeo nt bnnntofioi. At ber doc, horeoo ik.doer ha. nihd to. aisa, loalian, vtasnn of tha na ruahei t lpinio.VAna wait wl vaaaied n colnennoiioi tilpoalne ohi acglnî ui i ln.9 oaBh bou asu noioid t Mosbn. wtitil.aaThe ntion. alvbaIuola my Atthuti viici: euonticdasenonal British voalaeoinatc.lnnaibom malIn rad i Ia lhosat in.a n on. 1 haroed=ate Ua0meln oli qonr balonn Onieng in ron n of tfoaisOregon sud At penat h.e y la anpoisdlag 00.000 f.oàlns affa n h ' aobe of tliendas Md. aa Wail a olit a nmberry ; 1 nryolioaWnsiashngtnon vbooO on dosoneaonai..triomiphal nona, au lm vie@bOsinoonotdaeth iantonloonulaY' drik laon0iliquone liot ban __ Vos body wuOO arind lablo faro ~Tasm Neorb Knon ddantwuTu boni. . haoa & b@utf.odiBg So ?0 ia. bai onetai h 11h irai.bit -, idbWW etarosdit buntboa astmtis O- Ymgne , A , M. h m ai b otlln soima oonni84thlstabhm.-MsauaO aooaoa i thebusa, M o le t.M.t aIielbkod by thaavbboiviela.. Tatwilsa,mla"*ronbS.vsmaAMp h italinne havi basaitaaeai bonI lbthe t5s iti inils,»r ou tui Ma.S llem&Wauay. Mitthons u*sVary fou aahoti ta.d.t pou" lt théb lba.vim"l mnt say vipo aMt i 9miPi of __________"________ 01 i Wh" ons tta Ia tase mh ASTMBTUEGDIfat luT s-svt. Muled U. li.iba. sab htau ilzil ba Pbyàousoa aa @borde& v iv. a" *0?au - ab- su mu"bbadu-. a.Tb% a bot " Dor-ea.pu UN&Ia~ &atauNTh" msi L-4..g1.. . Wbydo a.u-" p=-, eu st la &s.Wula 'l. boin Imor d ilst bot Ph Mg *0 goIm Ir Pm nauoro.Tial ho" & asMtJ. w a i, éb UIe a. apIDrasc. a1 th"su is5* W k.î" Om-3801. 8 - tâ" Nal Fau ith ni la Anl~. ami" omas u uapoie *w Lindzayr'a Oashmez la Anl 8haéoBp RamisuragafI Eus is nsa lvuàS maine.aia ont Stravitomia. i e Onoor ilvth 2 W. J. THOMAS, li1t CunooenailleÉPi?. TEMPERANCE HOTEL, MILTON. Faoily aod Coao eooiEti rote Board n Mer- ata Rataa. WItLLAM MURB.ÂY, Propriotor. th Viilard party, wvien aalpotol Unp. lt K . P M'ARA &h GO' Cliax Cootha Coa. sQiînie Con% »Île creau ml tUaoo ongie, c, of. n&nildana 15 nts. Soldby J. iH. MoColnai. E<UYK.£-- E Titi Svnniae Govornononl hais boo. ofonnali thot pnnpaatiooeaor. ho in& mado hy Cohen oxilea la theo.Un cd SttsinojneinitemEtis1000u , 000 Do'z utt oroitutod atortiesia. Thn pojt ooro ise reoi, lAt one cent a Dozen. vi Antononiat 0nrty, wbo nonelated 10t<o.-~. < le ripe for insurreoon. Bir. Alexander Ponhinion, of Extrn, in a olatingaooneonfnithe nno-t pîpolo F'ive Hund e 5 0 icso ikI a ieeanone ohnt lhondone morenng rd[0 ] icsofSl bathnnii.,l; thont tno, othlias eeind ltsaa prIce Your hoice of Two Thousand FiVi todnrogtho have inno i th A dh a o orrînmnaop&er Nirn pe LvnCnr and ii Di e 2,500 Pairs of Kid Gloves, EZid Mi G1ie feu y a aofient titehd Kid Gauntlets, BUCKSKIn Gloves. Buckskin Mitts, Buckskin tvery bil, andi1wuîoat eînider;t1dil - AT 1.ESS TH AN HAL P PIICE, gne to e t b u oiniht tioanae 1 tnaiedo wutoiaiool>oiAII ViIN G TOQAY Haitonnd. a rewehexr cidOn cthrf a f eCerarn 100 Lades' and Gents' Saratoga, Ti od 0000c th oni ith ofla, c i 'i,i, tho. aniiiuoyàëtaýd'h Which we will Seil at a Bargain. HamiltnCiron o .T-FNOR-EAETEOS, Dry-Goods of Ail K Sponial Drîoivtio Month in 33 vo 37 KIN io 1'E.ToAoOMO 7c., 10c. 12c, 15n., l8n., 20o., iOo, 2c-ALL WOOL, Black Dress Goods al] Caniereo, Otoman Cordo, &c. PILES 0]Fr MANTL1 The Clanapest ithii Country. aaa,.R. W AIKER & SI .3, 35 anîd 37 King Street, T VISITORS to TORON'] IWill find our Stock Replete with ail the Latest Novelties for the Preaf %Vec invite the large number of persouis w>a daily corne 10 the city during d Se-ason to visit nur Stores, anîd wiIl coosider it no trouble to showv Ihem throu mentie Estab'lishment, vv hich is admitted by ail Io b. the finest of the kind ina(l NOTE TH4E ADDRE"t PETLE Y & PEfTL EY 128, IXQ and .132 King Street East,,Toronto. Tho lje4diiu ou*~ ]Dry.-Gooda, S 8k, Cap8a4O1t, xc x '7-w i' ~WAUuîLQKDON Jote WWW 0 M, ed ,ts, iugag5ai U o*8 y abe l bennos aI îpmuornal inmutgo eh t opth@ hit o~5foaI agab i yApd ontbil - etula in n. Ir v .a hns1.o of At tan c Pnua" 4udon -I a 0 A ciiitn alorli Antr atU on U~thébn 4m ifa noni I l es 2 .11,I~5Iuou NI 'y j. liday r im- -f 1 . 1