- MILON, CUNTY1F; ALON THRSDAY GUST2 188 '#M W.. L-O-A1No"""""".".•"--- ---pMi. n.an, 1e r"torndteno.w.en7r OlEi.AD .l,"wih..ie 2mntm of the ar. .g h. :.. -sI.. .e-.go .1poeh. e . a o- e~~~~ý ig, Mhmhesaehmrunlt .d 2""., e an-gd y n q.•h m1a ae ne escrd rsa o ls .epe n ivr ekes Cptl........ $00000 ""a oad otera A1 e eie yb xptdi he .atnha oema '!,;. ,,,... 1.. , a m.. wa..s - udsIvetd... 2600,0 .,a mg h Iyl we ••'. siter,1 t 1e g-1 ees r1, .prducd te nt, 1r fom n n ga tae o.Miha **aQ .n e oei1-Lokts. Ana nom.. .,0,00 M atnno ki ed ht.e amatt clim u l m ý%.n am ,tie ' .1aas rr=prpetyagistd amage by mail ' 1. m rtliy n ngan, w I lbe .een is o1mke ant.dr d Ilo '.:e, t ..-an-.--- 1a- Il- ed.. _,, hear an1 yewthth-ag Tu nc.irE A oM Ar ARAD 1 hd ee-2. àr1, 0 dop o ep p ke o r men a io4cet for ap eut in.e "- r .1- :Teaoesoc _alnwan ilb odasaawiM O.Güei h . 18.-0Ior0,,aad s ro ' ' Is ha I yne. Rrgbissa th ,le t..ad arige.s'Éoe"pi. thaevr.rvald a ito. -ly1nn E1qn1,be.nsto-rsn f LodWo.e wa etrtiedataba-stll hemandetIrteo 1 pirPnow-a av ad 6 cot fr achane &qe . " eo.- -- igt adLrdW lely Thsmresd ogv. snoit- anwo hstob arid at k 1y a 1.. '" e:man rdrVOmr " * Ly23.1DAVID.M LT N, t, auamTo (Psd a T on a lfTH re w present v Tru, 2uieeqalydii8d3 mngth er ae.is itafeer'Ndo. ypol Tem o o ok tityes.D W AM B L lta i.t ame. acetf l ow blmda sxs w gt asawic.r tl oncoeatrhsco. .Ils ha o Tose asan a insu e ut • *BMU LDIE atn oth lo f ro(maoalo jdes hemm f ati=an or ely l acrtied btwhc-- -n a pi.,wet plt:eentcet re tne M 1-y - on Aee Mlo. ems mnwo mnite amnr nray n nies o ulite rnial-oabyhvesm rltont -heetai dths tepo no.::,.. :.*..c:E.*.b:,..*alr,. alog.er"adi. Th,:hrd*yetos»mmbr"otedprfes:n, ndIniitno omn uruthncil-te dtearnha Fae ora e, n1s ou1tenieeotoewow-totaag pae iheehoat ag"lerum ad miie n ushar eido ie ealabnftoni eshrhwow n r everyting. 10 b"dy andupward-i..esily.iad..-..t...rn:ne...t..ch«a ritica peri bro*dy'staedathu u Meah.eAmO mmas gellou do fo $ re im i'arae .icne.:e na ne aue ecaTio t d h pncrunrplmai hecontylogm ha teyddMhityerag ad.Hres liho n pirwhc sr .t ý ey N .. ry P ..:... *e,*tc., Tan . kO4 t, mae geateayPNoonewhois illng o wrk J. PNTo n C.,Lnd gense- Aelade *.1and o body;,Hsaamlicet bidfimfimlyandconial 't maednuek.tay rliaympomnt.hoe M. m leetasoalgnsa i Ton a nd the f tgest esp t ol I ha isosi n othe tas of hs at h U "d Dpo m anhe fl kife. tevr l v or-m heoJ art. He rhas a e not division as lo ng er th an th e oth ersg e t d en ot e l o f så d , t hat tm t sbengaa e en er cy w ic«trSo rani e st a u or s c m l x o n u h s d t o o t C. 4h IS .L..& - TT..P.N T . ...t..h ,d.. - " U gm An-&rse . nn:- Fr* aae t lsi len a.. e- o-td e p e '. M onoeao lkn n e onÐgscnG R OFCe.-Fist d -Or eat-f, ank0.0 cntnuetoac a soicto 1rr 1tnt, tatI Iad nten an a gestck r aino cntctwih, ndesecill hy o lngromkintoaseonchldyabosu endolartom ndderyonei 1.psl'le.- m Tatyin vaa pactmi., -,of ticl ablit. cmn.fn eteplhgeh dfernuW omwretisbuepirmaefo7 .uin. L.1D m ¯, .HAE.,lON, ° Cargeroeamintionor odel.o raig. d Adamslln te a o o . i ear odhn«ofth ye,. and ha eri sticeof these thgraye m rac e , c e 0e enadwo e o dy , 'o h dge,1my'fren donmomor M rein. Pate 1a thW hus re nticd i th SIGEA ND DnOBE HRa.hs.en.hwn.hepoprio.an neo wih a isditncie.itus i r i th al teiaugemat, lieadig"hudges.*.der tter ofMaksoili -d-l- rn e1 F.KLYat fayer,,nd 4mi-- ,Z=RI ARZJOEBtoped ingrs ma beongtoanartit, lmstdecesar tht e souh levethi beaus te icresedlonevty f te s e doted urn i. Ilislles Dentisis,.rra" Ft' ° Càa" fo roo auw ý tor. h" hellpObmably traets maolfamut greaf Usado u rg (er-n eyae s o hrdateod Loh y a n e ar yla in 10 " ia agan, th1two hndthrrelycorresad inMeIalwyotthughtitat th=Iris ma who pland" wethe caiicetoflsu- $50 othislo, ont yn ' lcu ý0rit0s, rZ fn =r=ad s n dto bqe onectbedues badt -Egan raoano htfee, uleth e pioaly str.pong T. Wat giger i Why ', oudtin7 nsrn 9 8.. »TfuoN AM, L. D. 'i S.Deti. OLcte DUAlGrat aus 0fEuan lma isery monealywihfhe ea clnis osmba t ork.thehers.)themflunch,"h a sudmdfl s o you 'd sht up hop te s ,.J y -ht o antal urgontOn r ke ae prparetotâtl odesforallkin " L The r ,ip Whli e t f thehn r aiyH eassoiatsth i thohrpepead e prtue vr hc cine hs 'BI d taL » .i ad ai o ver a everLl1..i.ýýy ot. Omre round the base ofudthe.thumb ; the linelof knows thatnhard work l&g'"one mekith frmte in lde ofwryd niety 'Tht' ha'lmantn in _'h TomponSUH S -the ea, wic1bgis aonsie he in sccss-eter).-an"wathuthad or whch a onnmedad o h t a o-ls. a'ouar dwat pelabe" sg his pr e . thsvce. inBAE,_aC.Thedfhe a "bewl ntelieo h antio Cer.)Tk rsmn rw teomrel hareize kn .'oman we av rcetl p blshd ne & BA U TE S nd KE EL S, eafwhchgos tro yo ei ofthe had way fr m tis cou tr, a ay frout e22.en5e I parhwe erinyouh dr eap.v ashum nIishp se nia Io Y D na uren eia f a nya s:.C z ls l kn so t h oh ra t ebseo hefnes. I anflad nuiosiflecsby w ih m ery auit h tth m ro e et Y ub t o rei A d soa , n U 1.ti ensternnntr( 1 tcu .COLL WO Ktus"° B. °Ir â°"'°**"°°eimsthyar uronddhretkegn a mred hemn' hac f hn ee .a wt asu elk M _-i .t.e eontrte.Oort yea._nee. n • . tqipret n iiy; T elne nil.ng qu alt f nryl dte rntionandbin. on uy1 .atta m rv u to D p ur," tesa4he a erabouth o r , t a Lumbyrt 4 h1 ýz j erat ched ando Dre pio-s'Puan a ntemthe ms crsl e " . hý làer. là' e " eert asEc t O e u ahlrl empu e ea o Illtn e i ur tsl f a ply. nss ad ah ros r nt ea om air M t field, p wth h. L an. em of lecton dE clec.boktrihiofrpblcdsrve où be patronized, an t1,.1111b inthe handsaoreery1ALSOamisotunetdificlt , hr eadt amal ac I HI Nwm LCoPEEFAoRAL tegeunaDrdho;asfclcrirOlaynned'tb amtepatcua wehe SheI H o e1 ard " inthelan. GNEALlUILERSANDCONRACORScorin tothesi, ofthemar. Te itt e t nt nh e h are ord n'hours BaaroTh es e m lagrnai ri clentemtanmachmecmpeiojoerecoey We h..t--ýp. k l le ..t ArepeprD tocoI -Nfr "her e n tare t les sec ond troenble . ( hes.) Th m . mawo ou ret i Ifthr o ri it ors hdanl y fathannte uit t itnbo -ls t raig. hut tmk a C "å r "" an am 41Ann bt.,Ne w Yor whole. rescehe otoed r o t ns, ug A (Ceer.)ThemwnaWider ieler teywold lkeho est meng the e m e mpist;oa verx aind.- ihysch Factory--Mll s t. it,.sigwnldfnd hr ie ona brtsb e , a totr ofand e Ir shy knothe rt epara hch$ ndt pnairave no - tplra $500 R e w ard%,Iiý, ll.L,,P. i MDunez ce« a mhne a nhe nauaofnprif ehtha te=I oelevheeare oma ny rit hyrsreotems nrn ET N OFR OTEHFE(Ntr :e _ en t . l.;_-w r e t ;tLrrayca ,u,-rh *lo . 2l .T Ëatu un fam bm e ahortalne or lines n te hosdsaeromaymihns.f rs . ipled hamea on rel l ai nemby egetiga r onsH ndran 'a'nd no hettfolmt ea -" , 7 fl ,:'t:T'".E "ksG TO N N .=sd fte adblwMhiite igr s dmen th e urui oDubetle n ri t V bt f oe upos ie t hce cril. " '[Pa wb ee ki;t. --e- - --r-- --lC..OwhenIMthelatitere%.n s thesalto e ote ti. he numbe of thune s ulman skothehpubbe when ur-ndatism , otai lunxyaininnykdrforfa di e i, a are tricly cmplid wih. hey re ptrel reg apemakr. t the.omtfoM ndn'a ::2ried.ile .7h@te emlilCtir & lst rop fblIpodcaigtmetattenm r.hma rAh.M.wllms ubT te r nlboci 'ygi , " "er'r;,g, p. thrd r rig lgirtndhe lttl finer o glfevr evred (cier )-r aany perandtheoigntureofsorthoprkgretgPin IiSoan or'yno 1 am-i inn$athms The geonne manufac.,-",., ..y JALif s n the ie of hheetart gumeth eploeof tr a ri t ord d ib.nrferd1% luya'siteproprie tr f o anadationsayvier H r ho inerwlo e u s m all e a dl mai 1,epH o re.ept fa cet sam. Fr sle Manfacurrs f o. ,2,agd 8ton S LE fI th e p a" - n earv h er s dofbn he Spncwl ov a e rwaymthat the sunbreeds ies. I haea -a on tHe aahad Pahras an a indw y th e. or s ýuer cal ýyen d. but it be.l..lt idfnisetnttate o i he tPm. Ieamnoexcepa inuto harle . I ie frnt my ---- tw% nd tnr thth -- - - -- - - - ,,,,,,,,,",,rt,,,", tt,ý,1,I.1should endnSunder theapthird..GDnth.storieserhaoietbeenipropagatedhe byathemtiare twou kindouespecMeally OLthat are thharm me ni Pofý1ZE»lt i'ite.,.ý;ý; - àtr ser Pap es d, u le ro y nd sl bus f ti kdo oblor w ich are wh ola eh rel nrouae b t 'Cogera infaèn e um,' nsa id r fto mand . r 'heear&h kn @aean Poass lui arantnt ure1,r nn4rh a nd leet .Ma ila Envel;ý,ope Yand epacking p ape r m otTlnn de al.teinteo hin epa nthanhew eod i t rum tharea ite lpssibeo img tie pecI t i blaued i M ue.na ot e tiesck na hy ed acheo panu. 1 sp y ei.8 for ekly nwsaprsa x recocersim e n glby soe piléle inr n t e e a l u r n i g h ne fro h lnge-n ha rta He hi e noualfmanes t 't a wrten;a-nee nedb eey uy uhrie_ Frs_ adpices ý.plase apply tomIfithe h h heMonentspathies are not withathe Irdshhpeople degreeiupwardfmany casediofsthesdis- thentcoitoahimselfiround and sque:ses him arg rem re ar i tm eyr l e 1x ailtoBAnE.&, I .A s, .tr . al/,. a ce ousri/to..fm thed'g°yfshqu at n bent iw'ell'" ee ht l umyIeuit ihal th e a oepctre, t ifre thenghtsle tdamt.Thianse Pnut pa bfia .r 6ght, ll..e. Toont . sol e I lto - _H.Mc o adreu eru dicat n a en t led' nt h ecm beuzm o nst a pha mtic and 1mos po i b t te h ht tedaye s. Durngdthe too its lmn e c the o theIhadhe a , COLLOM. uthoisd get orMitn.on'_ _. AE pqO., uEW TYL SHadvision pr oisue fr the oher" j ° de f tise Mit hât *"tede ln anybeay awhat . acy h weat or be e e s tora ackrunei, upt d on orto f tr. Tru Papemakrs.Osons&o . he pssesor If t sndsdownSAoBLlne, verfroBtheaan ofmytbrrh,, Hea, cildwillnotbetohmuh aectdubytheAcosnweltkown.theratlers ow bie Adof ple are on she lookout for AM . ~~tward ethe ea .lie t hosh t afcinher.) u me&I deciet e tdis thocae o ur s we sepngdneorti rao rvs aaadelyi ngeat folplexngth fr m sa 1 a Who C O RTABLE mstb oudd u é n rep eb itifhse i onn e c fthedmmin a ay hatvehert fro hthe amndilgt ees ocauls mo st of t dth4nym nstr ekat hnmgnd.inDo ig na mmliOS, B&ho sw. donti vet hei; --TH E--e sh. . .d . q ui e .t . m atl o lnger s o wardco vmun a oe au n "rHnt ontEctGALelandIIs ocIsltroub l ne rme kh e a e n dchild dy · ar iO onla y r s t s tailtin dc onc n d two a rt k e I _ ti m anyieur.sRiIG S.B am at@ Wrco tfnp...hn and, im pu..o.,w hen the with.twhomt'lete1s1entMIsocm any yearsmiof.willt eatrpsjoint progrbu., of digestn o.erwTred, 0di i."ma k has emu m "rtifi it*, ot h ,n ar i:, inelvhich 01nen.iboy. n g irin torkfruiterwn to- eletlid ,r-t.IOR El n eurhe hear t ers en denote ine. m if-hsegl ans Ir Ihs liS whSom art esesand ifths o ieo nschee.j hsPsiin ho s tefar? ste ou n th.istsat.Tebsieswilpy oet ten tt.an l ,;ti ltnt nCr ain on. btArt-Wsshoderep oredfomanfneaperaceoulneodadvthaibe.es av si bfoeoainatu T '. te1 eu em a aov upoe h e 'm ari beeàoePeda nd in (;....-Iu tecu t hestble.44. h agn asterear anti nsty m ooke v ar o e lways read an tien.aptapdei. t cin t t r k nkaw t vci lk g og phtv ousn levteyou wol im'tWthowrk w-Conidredhwilig ndanxouptaire heruaardof -fohr?' is bd e' bith w gg your spam niments. Fn _iformation ani 0 DER We abou lokithe lef t hn hey dne hmen. da ne w a te dferon, ymg ecw nen a nd ir ors aftr n adu, nyntunst -_ - __n' -ree.-Addre.sg smaa, andP forlhonorslri-he.ol.ovedand.m.sfortune.. «ndII should bea.a-crahene arefordnoaotherf reasonyattackedhawhile iniother tcase tarchiades? maha'rerchesudoutmth febyab mge everyrweather O • A "•m herihtfr haevr a ohelt - aoudno b wrty fthAdifrm me 0sifohwekaith aummier nc- lom n mdgsk hebac nae i .u . = rli.,ýý,,l- hlul u eand . h.lmben of das. the , if paleand worueyofwtih le ditinwh ctivholdite paible fre c oer inatumt sues; ofn ore aue .nDerkigcu t r eys crragà by so and %5 . "' SE GEND OUL HRES. " adjdwide ltasion eof the ave i ytr. a uhh rmy Isocu wishto beisasoecte h icag ncs fsm e o-no l te nkso agrn aue htted Hmgt n aemlton an1ýkaM _rane ued, to th a e or-mteeisenceOf the m enway nwhvrfom, nt al the and plain sEld with patceofcrld - -. ag. I ew °Ien" a i ...sdl h ,- n h I t M d àCVro h n N w . t oppsie ity I r nt ae ab l eoi o eb teIelado hvlyan ik hc a t ecidestade d r b tti n T h VI Iac t hi e os ur ned Ilu tdressad ' nota0q.1e Lew r Thris in conn.. cti.,,, wiuth Go pemi TI •• a wade ' -e nof the hner;flar tanc eodes;orth .Iei ot- - y o m o el h ls sae oOhoea nanu temoimarfirtsotedad nth n Wu.I.IDIIS. ffl 1AR 14 . Amt orass enn tye fbad, the ie fthe mlýef t deally eeint a r isn if iscthargie. is ear fldcoore ,ike permlanl emievfc red tatbne ,se ,fundby .__ me1.paticlam l, LV ER YtSTA.2 BL.E..an l.int -. . - a ,bu owilpo sytietambt fe iret i""s a o m h- hur-n ediscage in t hing butthe ni.raty etun, FIxs' cI.crRcOtltwo the ' e th1at oI1-- 7th hoer f bindaVoitedtht dd tmirpotio ofth1blod hic laksthrughbiatin oJsisentaedlma ofis, 'evher A e n tihste y the ndust I l, of1Z ig nd m e . . OfphEinem aofgrt orkbete. heywee lwyswilin-t'teLltetllM ny hidrn ie ag vidof lobo, ndsoneq.nlyno o evey ar""'E dÊ Ë t- OHb .H. BU TC-,Ti is why thea oil gipsy frtner e. sgo a rd t e bkbee soprtues. wihctar eeinzenad w i amps and spasm sun rod h eie fetadtesa Toncanwor a tim. o w yor-wol16-yaPopintr. eHenae te fysalmst or clsel .t whch the Irisldiersd wo .ngetaoy etigcide r ot fwihi edrddul nin eneen sat o m ak en r.rul s . t t e a d h e . f tm n t ig f atr.Iide o.b e tra le t i d twe* n 5for nth e 0re aso n eat t e n ce - w i h i.ci v s t e u l y s f r n edh ' lYca . -tead ey r u ulr oe Minyt .-t---he-stae t m e s tysthat here tua it n i r tation.b and terall er ny n erv ctin e xt ern Hyfif a ppi esleto di ea es anrim - A d, rst et ll, thuto md eUsla he risas as .is e ,nm - yMg nYril af ststhe sto ach fi st.bnj ree . o h rse an ca tle da]wel sa t c rat ca Ivereyl,,a'd the ah to ..derstead itsC.,_.pun ..(ees Ir d in the 'Yes,' eo0ttheedtthe.dottora'dnetherof manfandletiermandtesethrodruand haveaex g.t mygea mjoiy f sesekide de rm nndsas, s adysntecr, ie, LPowter fuWl n.;m H,,ýi.* lItý . ý4 vIe-y T'I,.,,., t .,,,,,I-.ý. 2113rgterd New it not beERa F.iRs. Vinga quietu aobrieofde, andthemwgdest fabos y$uarndparents doe nofileryisadoenuuflarel m orvhi andreak greatle nuan bererlan aya, trOiju r... a C .$ 1). T .,. C,.k Ia M et.nuik h a.r 7t l n m ehferanss n e with e atr it ry, ie te h 1 -ish t h eir"' e bthe e caed te y f pde migot esothe p ysi ueal rnoilments . ' d y m d n --- --PIpONtrs rng ger sudipass teie c-.-- ted gabrmy t gantht ortan fthe koh ow t ael cress o he l ttle ons, icine deal er vrw ee. Peae1 8. UOM%1, L 1) M. P.,L.t Li--t.l. ÀOr" gue f 30-ri her ' .bp t eayth t -e ne cloie Unsk r ad ew. he nd the warence, oth xl th, he asol OT ]O iLM N o . By a 'reur th, Il,'t that-Ise BOaSE FaNaSHIrish-b r on be i-k ept f as g a d a osie to, Ont.t ", * lý run te ueofth tum ; helio f nos ha brdwnd lete me bewih Th Duke and Due sa. ofukaei .Y ,ý.ýýth (Ian d I o ILaan rehwhtta gIionby in l I . - fileli ad w ieh beli s lo gsi e heli o uc-ss M ikes -an patbu b r, w i a. mg m n n g suwi h th yc ol h ,a diag a e as an ta ri n , 1 ihs lt(li&IV e .dtu.I I..eeý«oýase.sA-&I o e mof e te tere tebaeofte i gtwaIsanfi n ijrinaig ene ihog .u II ane. D. BUTCHART lo A TrNDEctl To CetN-- ls vieil understood by Rieti thag a tendency tu *y be transmitted fromu Tu overoome this ton-- è whieh the ordinary le- MI seieue toonfregnatly . There in, however, a raetma it, ta tin, relia- physicians themuselves tnthtNorthirop M bu 0f Cod Liver Oil and vif Lime and Soda i. a roa,ug maus Of reiA re alreadýy.affeered, lbut iq.illy poýitive that it o> .Viner to the breath- 'h in the bout Kguaranty mning dieased. Theo inhborne, Hme and Sodai ments in .thn physical élie it suppi in a ha4r- eily asimuiated orm tregth and fleshà foi. 0as»& where the lungsd disase. 8 1 b% ll its andI81.00 per haf tl. iy Northrop & Lymian, alve reevlth. forty 't olf the eopay erof ne.w nobeiImed 531, and the, number in. m ie. ws5.934Th Iof eô6 1 540 in.unnt cal receipts for IPS2 the pr vem ea by of the com.pany embraceo rt mrtage n real enrebank depoit, Il. liaaitos ar. pract- eny pr-1:-lt chimPuo npany behg e882,59 fo'r fila ing fter and uajse lis ,70 - ba "w f ast =ilnfor th.isold and nd can vifer ,aIIow rt be obanetroain ..e 4 - .-..-.. .. .dicIal wnder of ft- id to speedlily ewe ta. U;cer.sSalt fItheum'. er, Pie.Chilblain 1 kppeýd Handsl, and al, u.rat.týl ed ocure in ' nonýy rtu- 2à "or sale by.J. H. Mlc- moc, io hats deadis. ,PaillMall Gjaz.tte e InneaV popnllar A of Ire, hbraries and The Lancet declareos lun!repowerful lap- ur.Iyanre of diseatse Viste folloiwingr tia nitofinaladfid mlunicat't. lay this scark t, feve-r, diphi. gd ùhere in appar'nt- it, we0 are toli, died. rrts if tbe mot care- and in jus.t the samn. diý-o ."mnay lie for r perhap. years, b- a bound book, to e miproItions oln -ou." le. for sIei-,ngfromn io .l h eryInIg ,f a disordered liver, 1 1itters le anuni- y cst One Dollara Ir on without a t ial during the lait three unvrastisfacti. the Galvesuton Ne-ws YB hat a 0carriae tons afthe adlts itting up)righlt as if re trer, have besirr Stone county. The by ightnifig. I t ia ceupants of the liarrd- conder the trpe and noik, the bot killi ng the horses. Th. ,pearance of thie rimmlings indicates ppened a year (or two unir was a letter ad- a 0. Chaniber:ain, l'he remaine wer,, 0 driving ettle, and reportedaet one to te persons are aup- tourist«. The -pot d In ve.ry " lu , kiation. LIFE, WE observe [are of consatitutional rge demanda made on a te rearg ohildreno. istant wa&-Lfolue, exh a. n nrvus work of repair. At brge-number of casen markablerestorative Unir Phosphases Ca- bthe =mvu sse Fregistered numbera 18eona WU which of datmed an pariola gavy"' to= if th. lit in kaolin. hould ud n s»y plagithere duc!& out the work- omnansdoner. ni 0p go ure ilroi