JAMES KIDNEY 59m i dm EIi FII CU I R i Il& s. Extra Bright Suga OF±E o $ 0 ilar 50c. Tea s'elling aLt,:30c., peé lb. bs, No,. 1 -Rice for $1.00. 1 Brooms 122'c. oach. p Glasses .,l crimp top,.5c. each. tllQIIS No. 1 Goal Oit, Imp. measure, -$1. 1 P. W. Chewing sxlv mTobacco 35c. lb. [Buggy] Whips 12c.-each.,111 s Suits (Coat, Vest & auts) only $3 50. AIl-wool Pants, 'stylisih, $1 ý50 ýÉ i Vests, "75.. A No. 1 Overails 70c. u p. 12c. Pi ets5 sellng t 10c. per yard (50sa a n c Dress Goods lOc, tW 22e. par yard. ýrer, Cashmeres, Curtainettea, Cretonnes, 2c., acap.Fa2orey and Bleachi Cottous extra value. tg Strase andi Feit), Haundlercleiefs, Shirts, Ganta' Underclothtng, Tise, &c., at your oses prise. is only a srnail liot et our Cheap Goodaini stock. Corne ens corne ail and aecure soeaDaitIhe cheap goode. Tise Cheap Dry Goode andi Grocery Man. [ems treet &Bastedo. ,ial Sale of DRESS GOODS. -ial Sale of PRINTS. ,ial Sale of EMBIROIDERIES. al Sale of1 Shirtings, and, Cottonades. e stock of Menl's,& Boys' Straw Hats. cccS the osseated Litecal t tstîaL"-gilelsure fer ha10, ise tee seleceoî. f,,,l 1le ' e, sîi l'u retc K eî,s. r.A Ilîc ecekia.N. Y., n',l leî kulleetîl enougl îetl ,f teN-cYrkS Gr.p1hi. ýt,f thl ( ecliîle ie rde cros kue, lîIc,, o Ycesîe J..wille bseirved netial, t OSpaclon Pidy at th- îKoo. stteeet. Th.aRýIe. . fWet Eci Citce, Teeet,e Sb at il . I . cu. je Bs. ocl as 7 ja Rusa Cissat, tl Ieý solsei is onti,, te issue ce Roc Ciu,t cîi le 7 p. M. i siie.reMiltn Cuet I îa traaiic tilla ,eei, t eîctity arpenast lakesader ieolParty feelingO socshisgli and as ilkely, semo asitibeoflise chose uas.ihavee ise iposed temcs i ,lie ed, thl isa l ige Mfiller cii issea ttc fial idis. aie appauls. <iAesee atise Qaena wîlia. ta Sr, a bosy aout ,arsalcfe, la i. he eclpierof eîeslieet & Busde, and son of eld is Relia Scisl as aiflisss pesa . n esby issaWhio ýg thFes Relie, ssu th. ars5ele, as"e-1 f s u s asaa se, 'sa tare dy, 'I sa=iiia*s ,yand ATinsrela .' Tise sasleesr' riThaisiy reli_51uv ,ab -aie _i aiaisa ceedo..fra is pat tisa saer-, .le2 h eisn1iy iails aad isi "la Amoual realirad, lis 155Iýt May anies- Mara& Co.'s, LS EXRABRIGHI S UGA OrnE)tboisand two hudred and seyen yards of Dres Go&d yau.d Tisese gooda are beimg sol t i 20c. in mosis stores in th( enablaisus to sali thein ais 121,Ç- per yard. They are bound to them. Itis i the best line of goods we ever put throoigh our arnd splendid Icloth.- we san. Crornptn's Corsets eheap. Stacseofi Roiery sslling soffat 10. 1 er tisai any hanse i tisaCty of Pratt & Wathins are noteS far ilg GIC Marilian. Ask for eure pises ansd heap Hasiaery. Nearly ight t ei then yen wil ha astiafist. sis andirs taselect fros. ài WHITE SHIRTS. MLIRY Askt tases "Ur '75c.,sad$1 'Whte Ladies, if yen AaisI ta set la Hat,! Shirts. They are iplendàid geoda fer Bonnet, Featheror Illaser. cauna and i m ltse pries, anai a perfect fit. Baya sas tise grand value - cfe offer, Spieo. ilici White sud Cooredi Shirts at, low ia Hiiate fer 20c., 80c, sud 6Ro.ith' pricea. ascii PRATT &k 16 and 18 James st, tle' Samplea saut fraeaaf aharge ta sU paîta Of the DOrnimo. i.ý 0cr Stock î~ow 'complets in aIl the differsu eetrneut eitise Nt la tIse following hissa iredefy Campetitiona ,se,',6eSPRING AMD S-UMM] Iu al tise Leasing Misl Nun's Oloths, Buntings, Sattee Colored and Black Oashni Lates t Novelties il, Millirlery,'Lace s, Emibroicleries, Ixusortioil Gants Straw and Failt a, Shîirtings Remember-,- -'lMoney Saý Therefore. we solicit a cali tu examiîne our sokbef&Q buyi:iý gý Atil kna ci Pedoca staen in exceasge for gooc uddhi.gtoa piaes patd for'the a The Lonc READ TIS! We wo,îId raIl tise attentiosniof o,, r esssaers is thse cesissally lbai puce of COu, tiera ai unpe1îsedestod rates. We are aits aioals leading liien Sii igle -WidIth Dres Goocle 7e. 'u Pliîits 5c. uni, shîirtinsgs 10C.. up, Cashimeres 25C. up, laizYGrooD)SAND(- Cornar King and John5 140 Ring street, East, Oc Oui' Stock for this Season Is no w Complet of UIGtIîs ini the. City of Hlamilton. UNPECTIO0 More Corsets Sold at the Rig House ini Cromplton &diCo., tIsa largasesu anabst manuaturera of Corseta ta Canada, sa iu Ontario. Tise orders Wakins gives for them axreeansemons, ana ieh aiwas see tIhe new style cf Daplax Corsets. Tisa Caralins Cersets have aiu astteisi U iùiaCorsts in all maes t tie igt flouse. Tise Dress Gods re gin Drisse Geodel, iellivsorths800., slltog off ais 200. New ChieS eàDrea Goods Dresses be sur orseth 5 ie BroncheGlrsnuss. Tisey are magnifient gondsî ofpltais ad faicy i(ss'a Cilos oa&n'pie" anSd raiiies.I. AlFre chisde Resessai slsid ablefr tise... Ishlsekegsdthé pienesc baelstaise tiels a aas qalitissesciiUy sl. Be sas o the aliuaisBiak Cs.issere .1505,UIs vs.ysaper Cît ilieRst Jesse as cely as t, tisatise blacsisand talerait Stibeare soniper ee Seis tiat sldth as a itss lessaeitaCets.aleddgse 1 ..y taeadssa siseis se liotasaiailpiiesa Irais 5 ta 5e , ta tise Varlatetastlets a4eeleIaçU ta sews ytis andxesaily cisaisgtTise ary ltisa isle. ad clsaiench aFe& biaisk, ieansaittis e secclainsfabieasly large. Naikinsabay, ailbisga gsd(f s ois, tisa ah iais aiofusa. 10 s, las. erasias andi' ___________________ Prnifmor Horse, Castrating. Township of Trafalgi i Pats ap'bn ho m ted asd dlive' OMÉVuWbu£isets d2ia 7~seye.COURT or REVIS sle ta a ina- __________________________________ Â55IIorie (2i iglan and25 in liss ssiws temt ine tsa u wIV .atise'd wMpo.. drop à-p" t ÀP YIt' a.ee.foesir ,.ccr th. T for ihesssasa.ia. Me ubs 1. RgsSceel, Waedows.rls4 h a ud fgla.d viais &,a5e faiespsleisy P. O. w , d.d oss:dsacsas.e nutfelatuTda J frd, A jMtthe ïtIaiC am ioe'T-M ac 5eicis:lel IitraUnivesity. iul dttis.inth theFon Il TON. 'elleiisg f*'al )CI offýrinj