the - Geu cen L"t. clr 7L je 'eai1îlei.. cgc thep, Tmo MnZ it mplain cenuccoil Thsq0 Dm Robe 1 inoîth upoco 19,11111Y D,. Sie cicit-crmlcWel otciicecies ie o je Ii t ic led ho soieci dcingerocc yI n jecie ,l f-Ot c ipril, b ciga lccdg Ccc-tcc do Ccio cilr ai7.30 an O eInica g chnioc ci Af tcatn ,-0 thi and thec8 ticiltie; iuceat Mr.U tu. atcendoj cclccCvisitiag h( th. eI opio The 'oe S ltyccccdto dCepel t pîccuhi leep thic iheniaL. i. or", Olhm lan oc-to lteplain that Zed oc1iutlIel i wtt off.n ccCtoal cotirt -iccealiTheoca Oufl dia Cthrni le tholnicgi, iuutie go cu ,fom lMaore cuyec-cngr egat - t Ourn vil andmll cineiou c foOi are eaîi cci, Ceveny rie ecppornlth lyit 10 spe ofa c' cirtl hidayitv dng ettab ceauoren hoece i I -il tht tnîymd o h. doio &At tice lhoedy uAut ccf Pneday ec te _ linPivT. O. fis- it iiciVilen eo b ceneeoo d on l,, t1ieccil liai len( hnich o, teiiti cihuC clOpérao cndcc fc el' ' n t il oieeotipeve il lageci. c $chn 100. Ai d Locý iciScgn ChIn Cond.acýnonet-1 c Meet- e Tche o li tei- mccîidea t tidoto Stouylih fltial INPirtl la.c, c, tl i and Innh boleiorui on Bec- Stndty m t t te le tinror doty ol ellieg hqu .-hteljot ynt. ct lIn Locigneexperience r Grandci-coitecin e-b ced teBIin& col h oclY bcd timeon tintta ppetof ciiid ahone. Tt egto ffîthe Seu - av nôv d bis bas, borew n e, !Lcwc ltnefheitleocdnta tt Elle unt tepl-olho.t BOO of S-IeS, SIPR as UPU ta .eecen h dcieie. 1 ý -- -ô i i tit eeneth-ncs, twu n aI Maëth. Ts-lette!. .L lone oteheoegt n. IâWt Sp, v aaeploamprhe ____________B______________ and______________ io t hel~ cphezo wfCircu tg o t e * orc ecD ha i ul.R.SL 1'R G MAIW R St arcf 14onirelationientofeSlioccot,.Idic et K am f ling L 'aO ndtled tom fttmn c- Acaehueoclytie;RcnonWn lm ti eceelr.ctn ooooD.T chonges ivolvtd. 0 meonld stega 'onclntho.Bn S o as oocceîmcrmebmttReoi aon ttetni 1. e h iidnCnoto 0 tte ornepccto e epo h oocergca. Pt~fltntilair soluto o e -qoig u clci t totePitostdLrdof p a Ptog Ifl ot, Sed h cole raeln c ntponowu by be Un Lion Coco- Koo fc pro e mptiogliham; hpoopn" n+ioe negot-d cnly %rceée-he o'.lh o noiîcccnmoicln a"Outili.. ev I, e"PuOîti bl tn 1 an teav ReritafI la . c e loy - taaI Jlie' irce, go ai t.ndh t.,8 if f db cin o aii, e oep !tict oeuu c lot coit lit manitfrlmmro WowctdooqciindoSel&eN'WorTms.heommetciet, tloiiltea i foc îl dnooneie, nIthtec j o l w hvîou t; f outiamy r. alract. or chiTR lDICIn E CO.. cure o nt cld erson bve I fcccnet t i tol ol.litim o lcd e i ta> c i nmev. îeg C.crttBouti.., v-M w o r W a tel MàneL R. Waxcelteo, W tefiler. oiTh Cofrec.o oo To t o rc lIen ole îeccBnnr h oooc.icjwlt' a ce go.cewaofitît in ai riédftotr htTohen oiondon t-nt rnceco rîcirge . oI Ac otsi V . cîtOi ic ciâtr a rltop ei ybter Da ionCce? suic fr penooti i.laima. liiYe. Goilc a Siraito, Cul Rin..g e a I iote. nd coufntaI gtnie e n pài trc mud. cir d'il SR enoi orbiloolattiny po d ed t ale'slt nI t t oete utliBien S oot n. Scinriiliy.ccIf roicgîocoe dal o se nloto a cloi e 0 noi wn OetfL ton r emoaaonco eo RWQIT mch.boioagulropneccl ieM.Pouceilciccc crtlcoe c t sNou opotî if î lenm o. urtinttebockt. eu octen muet. abouttititht.aYieueay icopriericofuracire ocoployecconorc-saitotcci oclotuciOt teies they _____ _____ p iacolhenacit. rsme i lt Lacil -atoh og ticolletcc8ding ul dry Aen Cr adat r ec Tf ped-n O ,Av iu [I orthcie transacioiftheoe Arcip ocic eeiataleo, idh Orci hvegtdot c t9ohoo1ci ioîcîoc ececc foc Iteeitcdmis lcul I thttb et . I rtre . fattt prC i eenqcicotehetuac e nFascer. tcceiiiuciiil ocîc, uiuno eeuOoco lectrOluy u IlI colrg Foer a co MaiKe i n is pePASSER.Ycndiio . Fce tciuîtcccî Te odSeRins n d ii Alt.i icn iFCHÂi ýt. tctU ecitdon laëien r the Liecit irgd h Mn Melee, oolli ic Tr o lars l ita> 1,102 ic ci Teila ret Scic Sccce . 5mtdciu rcocymo incînu ie yoiiih to EDcti aMiENiOFcHAMIONi R O ta i bit ,getrepe i r riiri a cia aéaae n t. thcccoo ioie seiartof Yoiciowî. fnenh u c i J BAT. i t hirlto, ptuc t robeifteiscesottenet SIa omesaI roc mp - oIc licconcocliossistntsfit c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e lice opooetct lon o onu aIcen nvitd ci nilihte, S Kte docllo n May nieAdcccicFc. lcC .btÉtîCotain c lpIocaio n a is otsu et teon icre A T ii ilir il ilcu ai ocp nccc an t îrly nvnt oc tcc o nsdne ircal bhoh, or tie cidic if g .av n v FrmLE ldoy ti runr froéiogthé tacttht a Dioco Socmiliaire e cu r iteouci he a- Dilno , fli.'tc-a t lcecI 8Sfn i lal cplie r oIcbe o lcpoly teltheoneubldcdoigoniec Kcidgesionunoddy tcuc.'mcieonc. coreleevci cioiuo iri icit yi ilten, r ed tec e ort of temcuc tse cathciciBai, Tcs. Soi -atDccaocic-. *'t fraii )ulo ip .oJe dthe pogecio. Dr. Lo etci ott o ensGooh mitthe llonateoi'ccst-oies oicicucinlyato îl u ociiccceî Ii i sand ' dco llrc h o maî.is.-OntW at hi'opcdion thaOooewtnle u i eitiuci teccidchgoee tniiltiliAtrcýdc iii Trccoploik-,aclnigocici a s Acil yîucoioycclun Fi-etI h îChî ivcccut c cl ceo, d ingofComttaocit oheailla, o TneathecFitroflîlm ami onucl otd; eol Àii liivldtcu ciHociDoelF.Boly oe ciolcccco.iccicilîod hdlioeocctci iecy erepont dcnec. cu nnil 'th e D cAllod.oc vigco itrosim h e éliminetlciigticc, P. J. for thccctciof graveiboii oo lci salai.roe 10 e .on e t ,h e nt el l loccoinet gro pao n 87th'eoc eedoer S ie Oht cccu Di.1 cijf cc. i ccoicci o id.ctalontdiccît couc îeo.' Tic cin dor aoldt reoocfni tle ight bcitneret Otcbicisieitucc-ccudcildy cce cicic . i thcu faulo. Tcic c tx- eivdAl white ai11C- ma n, co-icn.i on ewoth Thour c pliocla i .ty iu ecutitleciolccl oiopcc.cie plccnole ccccticc oiclljii ecit nteccî théivc ~aotedtciI l(lette Z ola ditooîicit mo Sre Pgai coc D. es Acotdioot e r .t ueruno b et Lcci og îhhon ci iciuinguco, Nc ine&roaBlcc lr CiSi Pocci Sf . TWnae.(illi isdng ost cn o bie-oc'cc a t aTrocan io. wt ratdfiut trsI aï.Os i H ilta i ecBatty, 'Pi.cluncJi fodfrte h iitratltlo ofýlabiati,.K J e.btilcisi 9)cil hy te- tiCncfli iccdtin e n té Mlasryt orttr. 1 Tht Riiscale oro iocite t rovathner tia untV 9 d tino utic ccu ad - i - ' 1000]laetic BiBii icuenttom " Te ucuivore mticset teifalir, sleceIl cui oci as miO Icnittraite lov thOac i ci leo ld ceci tci g- _lee ______Thsex IL euara!Lin cccii, Mci>' US-Plit ?nn in gc t pe oilia C it, li'do i l l ay atnentyido n o aly tru Reu mie, ccccnv e re .ntfii ieîtypt oyacoc -iii ccIîe Ii' ic icc ct c6iora c biieo odip dilu tcii ai bepc hii e cil t fo l e id, c "Yvo ed o fcit.iëetei a dci uic t 'hlopcalti dcieoictinCou îccet no! m tin. Rliîcc cdli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l c1a2amci feg i ol g meinuesa d t hem ehvai nufcdallil,-ecd mciccte flattient uc ie osOr lccccg citutoittmcci-iylia ncm oteilon S.ohEcooc I Sil Ag ogino ypr- Tt ciicd g ifs va.a moiren ox adf'itmntsî e 0t. VLhtcod ,daciiJeey, Bio Nick iiorccci tîceciiioheiobs iecrntsccc .TcocWc- Kc cccy ouodc rol eaio o o aiiola mn lcl'ncio IM d oeh bevuris n sot. itirpaoi;u o ii.oogoicldI cpill oc p nt - lii cd No, le iersuasiont moth u op,loi- hemecyRYh: i p hogi icirutKiî entrotîcicoifliely ow. d te ore f.,)tr,.i.A hth otr tccd li lieic]i.lis oi tht ucuecil __________ of wWaicamedaent clowdb t n mosu e uorinmn eciot , I coe f uittiyiocccctccct-pehî to Carbcii itéfeeiM. ud e atcciidl>- - eoobtturtin ienife. hiez. chilfn d* no oui itilc l ereiovo iciicgiii 1mIcy D.Ucmnga pl! oa vti o l ch tcid gaeini c e icreaod e o olion tOCei1ucc c up e i.toiccu h éti ttitif cccc tSt reet lc tccc l u r e d cltera at îoo, milonu trl. ent gi 1 ieuiclolnto'icidatvîatntt ch tii t attendou.oi beci i. lil 'it=iccciyio otbn,154 cicjyadtakvn fo rts naciuiiieoff" hovtec l eflciewon i l i nin tuéts aie au1-e i ft 'dlcirso th e.2S7 m in fît Ceccclà i c, ictô'eD. ud, Nottwilci fccrdict tciiticc aciud wî acncihsle co ,iiii alnc oeofet25a l. ce clOdiedieccl. Hicc 10m iti o. Rtie. cneuoucio, li i,u . F inr,, 5cm lth h c il'l saemi >' csia ucodcienycplcr ion Cccn lohuat teecicl f îo în eiuin.t ccoc tcculatcc clel ir c i O t,resLc oflclli ft. Rtg. - cuil n iieod J.1H cctnighcoc o n- ot ley rît .,i w -h. - y, t ol re me1to iitci a omln woedc t c, cu on iyin ielutit 1m ccicocc litcbo cd omcc. . l i b hii tegiîcc pîci coioccin r. cc H .,/ti . p ai Ctd liLcot cccp L D b ing id-boule openlp ol tht luit T.rNewmaa marwo, u. noy hdct> chaevet tinCic .ocihcmîc ue coli Pir. Fînur 10 M.gPi. at c ciccîc mi In ae o loccl est m or cac caseVh acîai" o l. lip aicge onte cll c t iiidjcccpoftii, hcoo cicccccotc ciciiiVe.tC.iihae~nc to-no one liddicg - - - - - - - . ticl t he on e ascty mho sccciictcig d n io c ing coccin A iiililtns. Xcfi s ti ) 3pains l o il pnie t ei il 1D.Crie pli usa ion>l u te hic ranetoeoglind hd i Fniu"ec ci Fccî't ccLe O b gact.xos eithl lecuonii t he d c liof L uv cie lil is oc o h-îtr i, a l cise,îa île proeoat ertatd fonnon. G ee15 "an MESI RIiS. o o CC bm bylîr Ch o diticiccc itminu C!ice a e ih i c c i ot c cl fumb r t , i xci ehig ' e rrli e ns dait b Rea R Mo , i os cmegt h cuinie, cf St, - in t ifcilhconiiwottasil id5 or ia i Icînc el ovun cdï. Iîniitci cccccuciih Jo cîck i era che,188gccitLu thtgenleziaI euied Roh Wit Tin lia lttit v tmci i , cii0 ciOcC mii. c t M7 ii o ccc li riCoc iiptc fion b lt VCidce î wih isfrt te c i ol nc r" t alo 1cm n-cnfid the a 1h st ai riciiic fccti, itc ti ocructoiic$1cc00t0nd Ieilo cccilr oticcioaM . uPcilc ta a preent uppling i tii lter fciluensytateid lp Ihcrc ccieuctIdcor.IlhlenthcEiocc-aiciciU. Re10 fivre In tiru icciteFlveeoo!iqcOr u b ctoti Di i t-y oniton. lice;lirla 8 aTe eincoalade ciotterprbuctonco>' Cdtcccuicc dc .c i-goîci'h teduez.l acuti Snodrp. i - uc.t o odM' nt alaic lnceauvi.cnditu Oitsi ie ofa r r ving og neiliras clCituehiycl Oo eiiî ilciiec l uin c a ace Cyt eionopoliste;um, o08 hie6 nn fooluce icolie lcn f lby c'coioccf cccdeihnacc oonepelsig morce, cnt icclubts"nnnii cncicd i unie1gbagsccccc iia, ;aidcttded iceont Onclu Titi oîccfini larg e rcisce in dancgci.cci 'moi e, cc a stîti *cIV., aldn-i. 1 c biol 1e lcrcnîc it. 1lîi éieit e i mao fr tie et hieo. l1ra meslwstoetpla,c ith iue n iceiihuav e hechecOito Oetecedidocnded dO 4cc gav yn eiicclotahcir,, diul ot mod. e. ciiich itu. rý lcaig ca@itron ccc t ehn 1t e ppkena "cl o clubI frcc on t i en Oc iaourtt '-c itoilcuit diterticdtiuc- lcenccccncun bt o o hrue in oven ig oful ef c oin.oîl c io"l cf Agit nh. chalom ici ant nc~ii gti, le p irae i ccAIocisen it tccaind Lcui Shieiiocet nci Tcc at thueingotnt, olecli et dbfo t C iv,' cy thngîte île cooh O ela eo i c . îthicc ageintsi aocti icc 'o.ofleuier - Ccoeipcduei curse i t deo il col T. h .ptoacco t gitpncdtttio lue. gacc, hidh e ccciude t ci ide ccc , Iii cu TCSU RON 7E iCIEnodTle h gnd tint ieT Ne wmoid h a areld-y-ond h c i rtiii c mc ritîtt t ot. icilydc'c PeII. otetc ryl i nl c ro, t ond Ifu ilcvl age.nmc nthay, but wu 1e, IToil, c ut, t t heii.# ou rse.ccccciit AI u stiecicte oLat ie ier- b i ci i coi ed V enm wi ,e us M is i Heuili liedentie ting pbiiCaada iccicnt teehoiceatme h ie cici 8i iniY lu:» lflet Foen e e 'ctia Bi la necai pohctiy hont ceccalf Jucq .1, liicî. Fn. el~reheroinioed etifradc"dns, 80 tnghat fitec.ccCaisict.cicci il teI ibucciiitiitcîetrouu, wCiîdlriaamut ma iceotet cf yte romutntnr.Iy E M nioyelOIlA o, tIcop ito colte ubiàt, he dccouie maci le iii ociohun cclolîcu rt heCppcl cci >'cccog of e a iefteîig ira dcl pciplan ooH. logson, cctddutctcla vregeincc tho e noic bal De.'locof01 Lin iu Fisle r ia chluml c i a aln H w8rku n cbi hee p art.aim.IfI , t1057. ucîce co ion i Olet st 1h e >isFu â e ntlemierd. bTastcecctc e lihiW ai lyaT ed céi od romeo1tiuncîipe titC fti Set8i-c .ii i n. d ortrii oci- dîtol it foce t oiCo u and otiplat ccoî. erea Ict e glnA lnc .o Roi E. t. Inershoi mno lp hoe b en cii lMnin h iciu, Tt tîut*andcci cn u thcc ecca~ie .. 40on i JAIsanie Inaiin LL.hrprilgo ý LA fl.ull ain. Sle accAle li Bl t ienemîharadooue c-acnthe e liciotMa n ic e, iC', mi ne reiveeSicr oeoran lie ott- P Q l -ti nd1 u otuaecinTeaecon aiong Rt mai Ccpnth ecdt o hie r igi oin o im tou1,dc it ia,'eg. ic, cei c clavTic hu ceccho tc ict un ci t a s rvnstsa ona lp Matin W. N. St in bsn e t ontoCte, othianc i e ree icoil ut. t 5 fil Cco' eeetAi t lcca'urCecbeAf c iD-ne a1Ci îlccd CIe tli ilae. Icim a me the irels an d csiy eanlouteey t ccclaciocccIo ii, .g c.îc1 cd.coca nccnd c einciCwiýù cey & rtet-îgbdte itebs d uclolhcopfieitcei.tco ie euoeoc, micci st la t.c'ccc. 1,caicouyci c Sm. ýbt hi odcthnm am kn nilenakt air having anoher argumentoe baioteesupprt annagndi ttre ileicorth: roogcn'aplaeLic1ilu.,lon chi -vrai ",RaIoecckutal ofmI ,nd et , elcinuh ahe luhom era.ilgcn ccOeO i 1iopltudi iecan ai t lc coiengl l x uitn ocn t !e' iet,,t.ud O ld nin n J . P., on effm tsin hei eltiicom leIei o u &ccl imntd i ht .lmocd octionuonAfIL 'l.ici o u Anihc-n felConstiationcidi, lot a rousng tir, whili etceocluChtillot" ac giituho cl ccocicu ycli1Oie o itc- one hce fblec aiue, Ttt i tibhoto cail tgcfintdy a oo ualn Lcce(capturer cicpecicmOccOe riC tantalen. AI Cdo 11 olo cciin t Radoc t e tacpera hi cociaog nI te. Cc i ciln i b noa d eel ie cicccliec. 5ctccccctt e, conciiwecce Cou TUEInnl 3 1, im e o i Il il1 - ici ghnd tirreitry, cep dinh, cg. lad loctpAne,,nle ceeu ton tôidyccuemo-me yIiadRilutcl ooe ;riienrtc da ve e-. liih uîyprootistnaopsketc cMpchael- Linoso ccohal ofcethel 1 cu eel icege. ciacoucty ahdC Ivren il in h Dfé o o ilIjuieplIhi., . Au tlcet oppnciprisonh ooeynncdeiloae e 'f mwl.8 Rhciil e taecniatodlet-e ludo iCotu-mi. tl !tico ooîl cdoutb 73 octbt àthlicci nailfor tto e- boeRrèdunoda t Ilig e cl onterat. vdcine t Iîieg of 'craflri.1&WiRacd uouuatecie-fct iipocpbcOn olcc encî l po.ldlc lIaIUg îl-epo nIttW teo n 1 voJeO nl oroL Le. achel oewl or nc itef Cei..teIlciaLINperlpem ly cet niegthro t - . corny ge e t, lp e F ox wa re l ie e ho i neciiooo Oi e e ot ciîbcm oa-ci lifnoo nt of M r ti .Prooeetin. omi igr n urho ulhecfit'he Gcind -ourmit pce co cuàitioreu -11 on i;io ueofigep - --nne o! a 0fînhPeclfie l iriefi edn teg it vltelpa te iceh i h ccif oicyteci cedi micolpaieareî atoiOp l bcmoent oet bebret dccdx,.ceinte o hit en ieteit la Ii c iadc ciarlan t.eioneaisnd a lcg. S 1,- J l. M1eol on lie of lte rf u neneos t seie 53 ht.caid ert icei S. Arhur' draa, "he Iish t, ccicrl>', liea hoM.rk o Tira i ng. 1i1ýnlîr _____________________ he- i hecele. o o o iclccanholne oloo nn o eheoeaefli md teenha h ol is "n, v.anttroocU e eto.- - JAS. - oc )r "Bntdiregnd Ihe tneer ofkàncIàwrte n aslatr. ,Iý eà Wt hsclie:e golierml tht inc olyvg',enn.lien Teet- iîiececcn i n av ie, P. T en 4cees-Thecueiliecpaiting e lb. pigtoandilhonoloedl in tlnihoas on el ntuo .y i, ioi. , f Thi oco suIt t i eeiti nd erbteo I ocs ceci r Wh t e 'at Iees oesi etra tio ns t on licef cirieusan "d- on lret 5.-O eseD.Eis htti «Ltie inc1rod ait lue RHEO, evennge-t')ceuîten. hie iltourdccUnue ntinteintycojoCicie ty le renemttc. lo opte% of, lat 9 ic et ax wsama hragafin teheepé nc tint 10 _______________ ------ -,i...nZ- jnnnte eu, To ovnom ie te BeOtl, ' son on lie etrota ot causeyaTht ot h ither n rciae it a réaDo pE. C . nt ecceoniBo ceiptaIalmigetuor ar n- tht Pnmttalastnece oace tpr . tod In ei,. h a iigwluarL1. on T on t c i et geietofr-nclsck Thylt a nay two tat i ttte i 4n8l otle Eiroc u rtgtciNrc tcid, ale, p. raiv Iea i rm oute. T erei leicutier, a OOint Jt a.'J. ., or araingcoreileao a .eVile po tse oloan-ly, e d h t- h en u mil AsrIîo. gce. - torecým e t nooea4 lenWCtcog i,Iclvrei-O mer t a ctîoiton cahm itn.hey t e r laige onieg meenen t ht on .. ofitheol colitrephyitu16ne chinaeivro SPatiflc 1 a h pomritneoco 0aifothe pubNa nt i st tI of mte Wlai d nltenoialIand Caccromle D iienie hNt io n an t h ce ilab eut 5desSeouthcila Cty.t go arry, e proihli n tiesame ao ce t. Aichlnedwu, i t l'e ei Rn ce aRloe tnetIen. lu ne di-M, h cpitlng iel Boril Deon' . m p 'ececc, homeer,1thn t lago oEftin Sncep ai l eli e' t, Uee ti lg sitvn dtue cc dmtthHptiopllctILmeociSdaia WB3B Ct AoAoei m yartd ielo S c origth iett iclety, o n I aletil 1ct broil P,,a iou 80 itte oi rempe td Ihiegh e t ot ref dni e i. b r n i da. a c erec l 1e e ee , t ce t e v - d i e. , M t oc. -m o en et y l ceg a ar e cf e ad y e feeh o ca m e l ., ý eilw p nhila heapci bai t deae tRe rel aeapporptilv iet t laDoeeutle81tetmoethu and a earthIneciee i 0 i e Ïeiîa m.neti, opuaon et Avg on 10 trôahelea troh an t sortnd àcromdai e teplie. teeteeattofhite hic 'cden 1 isup ~eps Lifr tap ct ffin- l g netana. cottyeux.he but ,Amine]," ove l erre tentjde hecoi.t iit nt biblneat lt l ue are intrctlyciv eel cdc Ieepr e dt lgb. t ae he secngdLc1 tea .th t - ri andat tIi coelt lae eett l ft ue ite leco pans i-en h nk ýer -Ith yar. Thtccotih aI orUe cn t1 ithe Woaerdclte eeeectméto te ecctileette, hbashor y t . u tdigdie-, h ja 0 eol o teWetenAýidwacccsevemy. lebndcoigteùrs le tp lors heeantd getenRat sn a I. pîltof carry '*gene"rainmay belluse ontaretlte teTbelli preciouscthedilitttcytefetipeliccilica han.iTocoeeee, TneIa bal itpooain h ékdwt o, adu prmitne ? atica td actl oe n a& tntna teotc mteytlt cled ain enethe e e year adn d ifJi e tM a'y oàýtwlen - t uluasp 9adD eet a aus e n i A t ey m uâ n t llo r ge t i' n in iet ec.e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tien f t e cW o 's , cin T e p r O R E ma ilM ccc mTN Eeno tt im eji4 e eateUOO.rohe ateeti dit luggettlêeh c~4?e m a, ehfine meeitl oc andcht. K pNe. t IQ emC c U eit!it tehehva te ell 0 te aIn fonnleethe tcitoci o noftean t tpc i patologite thtane Imct AIIID M "c r 1e.q1 .b ct onsotioe so otastitel evenigo.-7ýpectlor. uffrge mOioù»ýCI f 4-t fY U À wn bttt bc buseness daiy. when the principl W lnt tranatndwill prohahuliebthe equali- PuLPIT EcOO tt.'clt 8ev st Groin (Jhurh, bacrs, -d St. Ste chueh, itccrobyî c W . Mt "oking ie uiezicit Ipalerco n .cd Omtg * Ton ll5hthtttt hccîlat Port Cnidit fU wtt coonpltd by tht Icaterea pcedopaif.let eot. Tht Dliht * vtry fin. onze- belofi e-dioptni o!tht ordor, tod,'li bevisibltoe n 0umil PolBanner. Toit Queen Birtlcoy Ottoff, toc. olOhe octtl telelrationa.hy &c.,ilancy ot thettococo or #'clltgoc, lhice t htht Wotdhinê ParkTr ortoluBrampton., A wOMt,&camed Roicaco'wtt na laot nrek by a&Grad Truol RailwaY goiig *et t cIGe6ýOrgwn. otarthe at acd had both r logetahtcOffand wacoî ,ite hcdly bruiaed. Sît died doriegl oigic. : Sht and her l1oelccod had roe rocovs't 10 Gorgotocc fouinnMuaoaî A se PcpTztRVof -the volet and lîlt OfI lcy.low v,ÎiiütinÉ clion il 75,00tu Hcggeà> h st. MI'g Co'y wtt made el ufigtSott on Mondây lestI. ,OnTues mirnioglo gaveiccashicýdtcitionîtht hy-law was crriott, but promised ean eoplicil deaicion iiia lîcoday.-8 Banner., hll o f Ocivillo Miot Acojie Laidloco, dooghtor ilftthe station-mucter, made decli. Miset Lciiclaie wa 'a popil ifS llillcny. Sîce bas rc h iicontralton vo and witl calil c, orne traincing lidoefu lcutnefotiltr Occeocion itilittitein an 4A voaY hoodooco quîlt madlelcy' Wone'sGcildOfOChnist Çc'ccrnlc toc liuhcto et lIarcoy& Crcwfotclo. The icaoccoicii;ol rocccloiclc nînorîcl withliciy Iborer ofclach velc'to ccctcctid, cutI figures. Il jecocd choc qioct ceintiecl itascaoridcliicg preooc Pl'toBannr. t~~~~ ~~~ Th -,n otcidte foc frustet ia Ici Jocîle, and if.the ocl o' ticeocin cideclwecomuet rtlniolhern thieitecuegond. Si, to, acithon dà ofn etccrcoc oanddiotorlicoîduriog thci mer moiche. 'To t inte sMycu ctteco. .Pleme ettver ocVltMymyt cilli propheîy"orcPticoc RccocRaBLcc..-Wh,îole .Tempera Rotei hero has provtd a fiacîj all lice proprietoll f tht oldcer tîcrot Mil Hlictt Aictot icto force. Ucdte 1û oireutcccoectdiscussion c as tu et 1 llqnorosellerao ulnl in demillted for ni husnesst or doîrecotiot of the vai Y, udentht". SotlAdI ca F-oÜMITAA~, J.. D. M.the * haletwilh tIe miclelersocf Sillicge,M tan-c, lthe jrivolege Of tyicg thte rmt o honlte willîe »clcy tInfOwic î Iwhih eh colip ? te htlliligcjcort on îhe 1 laet.a, Mc. WithKiot tcited 'on rocgnte MisaElaMa bh of niBilliînqse ,îlerno rheing frneduiy J.eDm teh eJPSl d Ilinr looi feclig hy gie htmanimpromptlo certccde icotoaeveo n hlcîhe lihe-rcilyrpoodd. Liu* RALTOOO lagn îte thec, Qoet V. Walshch irliornri wt on e Ftcd-Y 4t Oignde Ihall 1 g rauoj c vilOne 'for> the pcrpoaciefloahicg made alemtîhe delecnà , m - it b.hôtm-èpo'r for celhelin ortt ~proclciocc ci the;t fottRLt md .L