Local -Intelligence. MI Nlt &.q rD ,Of Mlnsopol, in' S-aide Gnlà-, ____________Q________evlnilcg hé. ernit0 hers BUMED bThe ronto Biqowlu tba.abe.ETEA5EA nrtinu1 Ltt4sosbudIsWes avt amaDou gmaid à i ad maaeiW tuoiepliraent At EiU' in ilblie ld in Bel. f@&bI ho Rueo inn hoflzs» I= I. .sea. II T IC I T lom to-day. Laleie ismoeId*u ~ __________ ca 1the Tlsenay esîug My 25h Th sur or Weab tonach hn neàeiea Foda a Nat" ouaellteshà*. f . ollowiig ladies suan y2tlee ,. s ualm icfreti tmeiil stettv dgt Ch" ues niheU as OCatiaTiay hebmn engsgtd: Siugers-TLi far-lamed sud eeping"otlii nleegul&r. PutlUster, whiehis toarila audmm A" admdedy. Ctrey Fsutily. Milgrove, aud Mr. . o p 'a Packages it 25 cens-e.SeI yfl eesd bYad tes i Mrntsd RbrsnPt. Resdom-ThsDroneàist aid eo.:rZSosceosw ocia=l1: dasi dei the tact dosad et .1 0»thOuaand two hiludred amoy en yards of Dresa Goodu, vort t font 20 to 25c. per yrt Tas rubicondt phii.cf 1Mr. Wu StHicks yad,'o to-giuuTb «eWsy. If yonr ègh d ct iflunstes e xasel5di ie s ,, »ItlUms the ri. bord Ittuslmorlits, Kennedy sud Aithint. Water- hiep il, Use No Othir, but eend Ioncarentse satyles of building adopo y ~ ~ s.blgsl t2ç nma trst h îy u ecerdotteetr dnoceSsT. otocngpys cilSmetront office.,or sihycur druint ta citzau. trau inte lcg luho ti entasme uStosen thetaat I2kcper ya..Tlhey are bound to sail like hot cakes. Tliey are grand g Jbuenioeted by Wei hocco amateurs: Obtitoît for yol. Seut post puld it » ttler ta the 'Newport Villa'of ah. m ti tebMUe fgoawe over uttm hOur ansatth res Spn ate ]inovcon-The family cf 1Mr. M.lu 5The Ncbieeuan la Diegus," "Seene ihflliete.ns for MEiCS, u ip.0 of; 6pnsflenfrt dl h ilst eint l. iddnoansd aPlead Idclotb. cbey, lats C. V. R station oMet hersaBaecccde elico." A grand oreblea 1Craig Street, Montres]. IL ILumet frei n eestyle te snUtittrougls rsnceed te Pucbdeon uscenay. Mr. ~l ted5iolsiidfulin O liSsdHoin.ct OLB ilichey tn C. V. IL. treai desptcer at Sc.Sc.r Kee=~~ ____ ePitareuder lithe ti aàrendc;Uri- OurOMPTONeE f'.itele. thiua. Dor pnu .O lnr Rc eli, esupposedantluitec li betinte tbat social bistey cf or.e rucbe' Creieia- Sutae oirsligff Atio.. W iin ei lelet$ li c le tabu t S AicuîînSfi.;ebidrnattedil hOtnk prs in the turero f, centey cbich i.neca81117 hidao tis n ese in telit, ly 01Pratt & Wttkinc are noteit foroelfilg Glove wth four buttonc te lie bcdltein eu maketend S.càue à B*setoie.--Slr. Wiu. Ander. t5te.Lord Lbitriic, cas disclirgticu Selur- 1attention. Tiihe de ciu'hHznlc.Aut for or primce sud eleap Rosiery. Nearly iglit fLou-lthe Cty cf EBiitn. Âtk foi it sud granod vaue.1 uoi, jr.. frmeo y of Miltou snd uorcf - -dayuc ec ieand nnrhecr Ioucetydecrbd yNcnu oansilo yuwtlletaheld ud arst sletÎrm ltni] oengcd byth ld' Illinois, eeceottod icstianey rece ly TTrihi a Ivcteen ae! Lacs ho etYtuOihrueche, ietc e WIT S ¶ m h.undhi.brie uo uo stis ~ Business Locals. , IihSa 'erccthut'u euegehretbe is i u andhoAnheriereno__________ ifom- t- ou lwtoad&tiINEheuta la.o pum mn tILTOrsss-XILIEI. AMLTN .ILS.&a £10C.00 crriaent o.edfer .remiuelýig or ncon'D.idot.*but huowns luAsi tt e tocpcr 75e. acd $1 White Ladies, if ttege aUi. u s-4$~ Se ye cat ciri tr-casi Shirt, ce te esigratiou frein distresco ditietiace hic"E'Mtillibarirty Blirta.The trapluj ed frBnnt ssluorPoerbenssdiug or 5pr ad tton l grand di eetai i Tut iceue Cer. Tiiefeiel, Tramilt on. B.îu onn.cre.e edu ts e e t rand. SIo.glnfo!0.parad. No a d reandlSdoen ne FraKiuittretNeau, Hseireu. tiuccd, ;the cyteec1 HoWSerron. by uts nsd a perfect fit. Beys cte dValue ins offer. pic.gin f oo.N enor ahurtosettted te go eh tupmt - .. The Lendon Pri.bytery laslnitoptedIl' dof the socialtsele, tand doeliu Wsaed Colored Shirte et loirdid Rita for IOn., 80c. isud foc. tâtai, but a apleesadii mkoitms h mn .NI.gereon Juàe 19 for c period oet tree T i le inie ec ouchine ou ye no e erture te the .yueitof the Prb'r y. etit u esirto ttisle li.eci etam t tt1ts t i dut~Th2d egiso c eetiy Pir a FetHat. tf yee ciet aetiit citerien Cîucla tnugtad fvuercuf lacder lisopathetie ai saiti aishuotrons **-*~~.K eiueuc tsweiioter OJnefuaien Aspects, wvide leyiug petiesar srets osnLW 'A T K . bttre.s; thth. SOîh. 31t, t. O, 37th, oftiebi rctmionanib dei etheSen SaIs 4thbaeleu.Ciecco, JEWEeeî.îy, be.-Mr. J. W.cf'bs norebPi arin, su thsses - h 4t aain.Fraerthne etee'risig jocstt.r. liai pt Oh WheiAàCeutigh sq et inîpeitios prstimsitupon them C. - - -~He i...cu ue - gu . t es tick of A mnercu-by aip-ecnsrs, maisers, as o i rng-1 Gecii'~ecst., Uel;.idsg.. uil Wi"' yoee beothIe warniug. Tuehe heers. Rate illard gireeau ni toMaitoba by.th C. V. St. encursînut i calttf te cehrsti B".spetaces. signal perliapo cf the cure eppreacliof ainusiof idesription of'A Roman Steu- 16 and 18 Jam es street,]Ram iltozi, the nuncer inuwinel Ubir onifoit hua epie1iDons.but cmpoet asistasnts, se Ak ycnrnelvre ee oucan orti ro nrei u d its eoas lite tnisti..là b'ienfrvight.iirig cindo a aeof aavin 50 te., tcrun the rizk and Nigt with Remeuyi.. by' L. J. S., cil §S npl«soant free of chag t&I pute of Ih Dminion lit a ou.Ted .V.oi i t y. g unit tenir gitdocinabwrk-ni donothing fer it. Ie hbe knbuwn trin m h. oit r ialylyiigbtfui by ail Who cur cf Th C.V. s nrelef I sirf ner. opeero het tf titebsCui re iti Cire buar o v r etmt eth playiug cfts% lurgs shere cf the Muniteobasmugration.-. ---- vr Ceegh. t nover faie.Tis. e gea~trouungarievieiist,ho pon.'n - --.-Iaudjy et tCii iene e et eont nuit Sfou»tb8 plinenlie more then eaIMillien SeUles aite eoticu tae is asd genial senen Osiiiteio-OcSedeylua a5GortSeet utTroici'Frsa Shrt os e s l the ptit voar. It relierea tricittes .te private ltfs i idly Chireh Cathuitrul. Humiton, lHie Lrdihip King @tract rait, Hamilton. Ceî,a]Wepn egi tci.ieiti uti hth Animalis Ex-, the aithop of Niagara lint! Ordination ser- "N"o~ tiers de net ho thoci it. Forer L irtîtWitltn u mnMu n tsory,' by C. y. rien. che du. fcttceîg geut.uir he latnstyloe in SPriug BHatt Bic1. 8ie, or Chant, nue Siluoli Porion, tler, n iteeestina paper cf AtaoItt otr i w t o 'l h v inWhu toilt e it àir T W tlehnet just reo..iýeod t Tebues, 8 King stre 1P&coter. SIt hy J. H. MeCotten. . r..olar sisaitic chamter, iait lra. Oueitis, (orne Bull cf Siils. nid J. -- Oargart J. Prestons* accouant of due N. . Soicta, c iirbihed, f ut ud. SUL(EIN sBUSNES. Tîn qtsumer Graite $tais, runtng Aneriesu souilpter Ezeliel, close portrait B.P oili o iknm, nlad uctrainRHarford, Clin, tNiw York,cua hsteof Liait ià sec on exhibition lu VcLUeerE", ArecciO..Tii, No. 7 huinsitFridsy mcrnîeg. Fivesu.aecro New York, in tinely sut apprelative. W,,,oSt hLov. tesoJt enTie UE ccuEILOP À N e ercauîRGA. lti-fonuby buneg and onhydrevu. Thers ti ne seniltote it attentiou te otPsinal od i CopnsvhLon il-Ait.oR, an.IeoIsi.rsoTrt. Ile. Tht veanwvahi eut ut$50,000 'The Jecet in. the Lotos,' cf wclub a Our Stocki is noncomplete lu anl the difféenst department niit thUtcNeWesti, Jitoiast and iotFaueal ud ro..mrpsuiutiei andi tquoet dril i thtsdrittl-std wvs. inuoeefor *40,000. lnisalaient. te gives tuntîte uutaer, lu ts6 folIingline, W. defy Cezpetition fer Prise., Qaaltty, or Fasliien. scdon Mlay du eee i t ai7 clter. A Sues iiilnirsnas i ndceitedty tIc The teibjeet cf reunien heienu the unit dict a iuttain. ita tuternat sud loir got runarei-rieuireul, Ad cil iehc rellc iite îeetigenie. pied, andoentprpris. North unit Seuih Preohyteriai lerch cheon citheut uhet.ioooi. iLesniter, lutatnigctbti e.eîeot.cnntli. nidtet heec. i6 iBaiIotty, cf the UnitedtStates,blisehecua prouiu. hy SMarion Ceeileny, te truing antd4 SP 1 G A D U M R DR S Nigarae t oclt e Ftle in hait. oci We.gtee, N. J., hs<s buucrSe l. et tepic cf discussîio iu the recolit pitlitic tery, soit 'Etoýàoit Socua - 07 Wieoice dte, tene ha tse en ge I eîhr r. .is Miracte,' by Roert C. Stipers, tsas TiCutulleouteMliecib.la7o ba st ie utollrsicstintaou s netigofteSuer rsyei.ThIndlheLaigMtrasnba blTt . o nHi ur frMiltonrriigcl'ahalgfaat ote au e eorithee iano a v nd hey havela eheco iiideit ince.the caïf. queer bitscf clarsoter traciog. Te uaSU.L dm ?etrssscia lia re &l oti. thacivsi rieprise Hipietry, 'Meutlty Gesetip,' aut book re- Dio.tThe. uaemietr dîd eot pien"a tienraie- stu,.'tiea cwu oueîy tureiroo einuse, sud lu EXCtTED THOUSANDS. i.aecfte uceceec. s payera ch hi, suasscet, ante ireîre u tis-uc tolieoceine iteresatedin etht e, -Nun's Oloths, Buntings, Satteens , .iks, leu ine. Iiity i. upprali iii agient the auit fliiettyicthoenufacture of mutioul Att Oeer ils tond tre ieing t no .tony NEsLTIC le ctoisiea-Witb the .lp cii es h ugs uelrc leis truestai Nonu .î, cJersey, oee Do. Kin*es Ne D.coery fuouenumenhr, juil intit, the Et!ectioîm-C lre ndB akgus.r s D ege ,S bist.er- ofIlni ch eu litsaine. Hifitsperanteasmptioc. Tiieircetoclisd for rcceojvplises anetinr voltume, andit i.proeftet do e n lc a h ee ,D eg s tir mae n an stuanau sen ri, olln the ver.en au til ite, but i. active.mcd by thentimclyeuseontthi greul lite Satine wtith uiinden, vliicb shoies ters cou- - - pregresivemn-t mwvo iet e ld s nttuoflsut. renisdy, enoient tîecuate go neenty it incingltinihec telle cf ceetents et a w m à 7 x w z C oct-rgc sud roturprio. fie hu a ineeer toit . eIce. t i t iturutroitte peci minge neniter cen de thc ripl tnriety cf Z S T Tcm i atoBîntiu oi. -..ls vs bseo vac or u t erteterithiis potteeb B? han ivetycuerS ,eîrrtCogheCoids, Acsthme gondtlivings whîot this sterling unditam- .tr1bratiI,, terret. t .y muti ofoumise c xI t klfuiandrrss'eni',ipaiel ai eoiu ,ed pitiesinipnesietc drdrcd pgapee ovda fudirdLanid ovmlifuan M le procLacdua foreriticI toson Pepl ill oetge ioere te pt ic eorvleort, o ui e thr tperrent tehie e ec.ceu-ofciotc icTe in-cuea Ti unoie 111. LtlsNVlteinMlinrtLce'EiridrnIsetos reons loir n GooB 'teIlýly h ricplcorftrc-triit re tue.ncai prieofetjUcucandLuînes. Trial Boes froc t J. HE eelleton,rcteîingeighteten aritesG n'Srw n etIus iisigD cs OSng oîtld tieeionteeWh e (iîIen elrketerroehc eiteeerd mortel. tetbeltu-esinothe touc VcCoitu' Dreg Stoe, Large iîe potiut ase iany delenrent topie. G n' ta n etIaslitn,, ukD nns otn ds tucur,epltoe it i.uroc lie. aîed Brmp. use of iu'tei, nd i bu pidten. 10a .Theb ot laitai feleee : An tJeslen. cue, tre luuob',atoeds îttic F.M.tt' ______ , 'ieterioal Siddle,' hy Jaes iAnthouy lui, e. te )mbrwývr) ,n. iteito ce-ethe cminue fitu on. Rpurte rie Bîtteiciti -The ]aeFreedo Eeriy ipring in Ceifrcia ; el'hteu'ouaieu ,tretctreillieoet eoeoett.'iteeof rulecetch. Pr...ief et-t reteecend teehvee'ciaffIeotrd tte 'Shakepare nd GegEit ;"Roert R m be - "M n y S v d i M o y M a Nssaaees ec Nt,, oilb rniee îyI'aîe at roe. l.uethe A u t 1 y Schumnen;' .iii andi Fasoit 'by F.R e luellb ii, yleI 'ieAie fiet urc spinefitetuy fulfromnFeFno,' ember- ;-'AMnieylSaved is MoneyoM a tiîdeîeitru, icen lcit,.urteeeenietg retey ftuee o-riprofi tiderrut soeienet , eter le-et ncd citer .Wuhny"nmlttieey r .h. If I.à..th".,. tteeeee neoct toiefeteuteuteon ecIeg n ibiýd. Ttleo e t -coeodree tore fB sad B us'b .A icidtr.tut Tereor c. llut aealot eamneeirstck efretuynternie,.andbecotunei thtt'a 'ei t'm tut uer l ,dueoc o ten t:ite. i itii i eeeîrd byua.tue .e ethi . Oaliifi c .utleogt e re tr;evdto. A. rrer 'terei ua @ey; 'The fcà'îeerrrc. eI cîtbe I te ing uion-lereîoeî'i Eurepeun Terreir,' hy E le de Laveaen- A it c rtis oui t.îtt" à4 eeu e t c r uet crtit e th. fa, t et c olit te ON40 u ar tîti îe fiua.,te ur f 'i'Uetee,; ic e eo i tsrry î 'Pheotueint et the Living,' by Ed n ï 12e Ln dsut ldo ts Su inerciaage for gonds, sot higleat pricea peit for the Aimesut k.11d 1 fors9û anduti, hve aremt 1 hore, tut -1Gurece aed F. CV, H. lSyr'n ;'Bits eof frth aI lI..n, Iteea,su o !t, ôu $1 010 toc a Ii.-o ie t it57 tîprt frouinUnted titeî c onsolain O kB I h lih dlfoin Aeo, c--I t iuitie. ,-eIIc t iî-u-.ti u. itrue duo ttc tetn, H. Canesate te ieeen dito h e alturgnt- cb u eisrhris ;dard.SrfferisAert.' te-t t.,rie, eeu~ui ie-ire, 1-u e utc,ieoed ce ita, ierprccei.ittii a criencarryin of lruie ot îChocavu e. Siria erri.n.; 'Te utDy eftt eipld otiiu. i-aieitu., ý,ii ie w..adnrh-ettI at fte ied fa ynt "Jmp nuo.cAnrt.' T h e L -o n d o n H o u se , ath- te te et ie . th- IFec trlt-..yt. . ,,t,,ieiaoeir ey edtnger.oe luiStatestcthehCanaden al y, n n r. Sic ticeA. V. PCtet ;TheFen ch ay il s r1! WH i th ity ee,,fi et-ru .1riet i mintt rtt iiin. ir uctuea c ,,Osp"t inccit wuyu.i tiuh AH.ct,,n.hFec gîuersioe ti.iet-y 'i r,.tiet -nii, i...i tetî,u- ciirrin tuteuand usent it, atdr hhctliiee iinuAr,cuhpl.liaîtl ' !'Foutr Japon. Oppesitue nTGVi -'.u.,tilai tiryeW.1 ii bcîiîîo i,î i , a gret,ertîitcle ,! Ien i c iiihomaet.le f-cc te cocupoe es PuuuuTaeojt'%'Witti theSelivution P. .-A Mitliuery ApprAntice Wanted. isîge ccp.IVi'C e,- teui , thu t , ter u, îuîueîerî in tou, ie îî'î.îc journel,,ci.] tetwuhtheofotNce Veui, Amy, by Mn, OCharles (Onnet i'A foo.t-ueirrîu iit cr eeIee nuuuy tiuîieytuLà ic-rereoiteulte. %Cinîry sommet,'Iy Chritine G . uit fu, frit ad td ie . AmAoýc icruce Ne Aor, tlIn a- ,etli;Llrr oie .eg i - prie ueo., tue latter cee, are . uereutil, ifnin fleb,vcrieer , ayNoecience and ARrt;D T H S!dREiD T -y ft'àrabl-. lle If I..!,. . fiit à, i thir erfomane. )'d eOPew O e.Ilinny. Pebtiaicit hy EB L.PELeec luceTn oieoureu tlette- iln o ee.i uriéiàteeiee4dueemsitil['ucuielrotrierpacencg iirtieîtfor 25 Bed Sret, NeweYonhTerme8nUaOD T HSR E A ttotie.ecoc 1 t -eoeeas u c0etr ii.. Iuei o i-c pieute-oetfile tecnr, andut cnstipatioe, ry r tsige ce ty,4 et ra teee-?I t ta iette tHMitonîîîî>l her.t eutoy revuRie enwe .Pc ist tueM,. CIV leeuc 1u ItcCorter, 2 .tnte e.utit,.toi. etit oftrhenaoe Il, ilote sct ie eee Te______________ lirai, 2b9ii ibe.t. Kened,ofetTreaieue.Ii L.- uues,iee.o'.e..ersandet ideo, weh Nerth rep & Ly. Toc CANADe MIgeiNts DonScRIices W. nIe di eal t s tention of cci cuatoese t te lsitnuaually lec peine cf Coiqms, cf DI eha e o vuriteit eeurt l y mikng lurgo put ,fa, I2 mol. 2,740 t,. ; C. luorc- ,- - - - --..s....cebn.1icceol uit ycoplle 1. tibttIl,0te.,l0 .W12uiIlete . . c....e«-, di n valuoie. IL codke wnderu sau nblond ccmiusin rm e ietnctctW dh D e sc s i 1. Iickýtt 1,1,12 Il ; .o__________à;_11_1menon yery iuîoresîîng oubecets, clielSingle Wdh Qrs oods 7C. n Bs Rbos ll hds 2c i1520 Ilu..e J u. .IcKey, 2 2700 Itic perlier..._*___I__pu,______e t hoerecgbty uepreiated by the 2o iiu, 2,6200 lu,14 . Iuc, ee ftuiitt-.t t-. A Mr. Lyterte, oe'Auplodel, we-cc Onnut proesio n nrîly. and fiee reiecnu *70 ci Frviey.fer, Hosiery 10c. up i.,. 30 h. ;.,V î,-t , a ,,, 240 A R..,ul (iteeu 0 h c-u1ii »ocei b, u nc very entueuhie. The mocueits aIne tertM. uWbcih,,8trît Oel .eo-.e l.iî. au-,n oeeht, ce tînt il w'cc oa pretic- drar tete cntisuaunomler eofitcrest si tlep-Shrtn s 10c. up, P*ras o25C. 11p, il,. ;.4,1 iitegCM. iiîumuîîî,I-y t. ce,. tetdî a..,iti , t 8 it ie,iîece l i ct t o î tiprioo tfitles, vîitn ils aeiteral andeotberitden 3.S70 Ib..... -. - ý ceueghLute uea 111c lu er e t-higI .stdeard. E ery Canadien pra-eneees2 c p ores5 c p - '~" te -e..-e. '.e î -c tî i,.ue. I cLiOoS'M ,ei ttioe ortlud uelerbe fer thin agn- tlr..iJobniWhite'. ingd fe o t s u1.- ul .u.Slu.iTRI.rensîcerîce ofn Aucrtcnn cd ideà, hieh is pcblih te 1,5thcf .. crerculdfroet llronedectorelaictiueueen. ou.itoa,,.il,0, od crniineenin theot)eniniontj.et-. scia, menttl lythe Gazette Printing ,nom, Tihor cor, tu e tal on bore Sateucute ilfrit but no car could lie go----d------- i-tre - fl t - ..ý -1-1-uncapencid tc.Tue Srocretery o z et .qi AAA.N&1 n tIl i ..i--- .u, . . h i, C-Sttc(Mr. Caluepiitepenchaea 20fc ict.-uqcoCaeconada e19 sot r-DRY' G QO D:S AID CAIRlPFT OU E - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t ,î.rî.et-, i.ut. ciLe.Anete. Cutieccn, lecifn nilton titis iveo, anit cetin u retuubto,,Jonathan Sctt, vuaic charteg -uee.l~.ui.eoIc.Iiîa-.tuecîtLiborl leader hledmadete lii i millbr cf beeitiflty eceetevieilleovaCorner King and Joh~csnOse, Hrit iirhioydcc ut te stuie, i.muieu ii eut oite Iîî.,e..- r. a.r ob& l fidtieen atien tre tleTcry m Turon n estird, " iuclcig OrknpyeosnfoCcucdhe string, inecueche o rtie cfte principua l ontaeoflicreat ceedchctthetrWtteb e-l.f- ut, pt.uiu cu,-.e.uores fCnil oh av id nHmlonadBatod n h ecciatrior teplae,rbut sr.utty te piha? flîua--io ,.toî. tticiurey bieaue !-Tribsne.un oil.et Hm tod, nttI throeiiriesorH r NlitItys riz inehoiert lita eof arnee-y in il. ucîgher- îlenutecfo.-C. ecpuli.eu .uî.iîr- t du.-..elebteondipptof tire Ceopelt. Icitet hien una ai cel se etthe the nine etyD, -.Maru i y p Torre... . u;:-eIl' ,I 1.i.uuesiý ..uiugutuiieen. ceaof Eteru, Dunitue, Parisa nui aiedey ruhi, t yra., hy Terrrelu.u 1, Itt. --1ro8ht îeSot Surthe meti pineoet75 Simce unit the em.. esf LnkiEne. jlrP 1 r D, LysI ti rî,î ceueiroyorltt trP h ou'I u y nemptedu ,u The idescriptive tepariect ta. ssii bts Il, i4t-,, cioukieut.ed . .lu,,,. c e n ufe t miof e , to tit en ni I reee ineo etu Aida: saind îOy,.ô ye.., ly lBig Ssody ttu tt" iieueioci,.tli~ theni ititrtcing complaniiyuikhut in l teproienstumvhch s iatyu Lucy. Hunaspu, ilys., ani fe ri l à .euc rrt,'-e.eî. st an d -. .enco -ne auClt aioursc tor cnd foinahette of ef ileart dprmnwil ssy brther te Marquis stand retei.n u 'on SitîtVu, i l;-- oe bcilc, e tiei l rue e"" -- - - peecird gerneeion -tuse Ot-0t-rdiccty ieneinthe string, butnti n the Qucena, eurare ft l iUc.c endif it ildore etc ne feueIL,] i eloce iyoc CeentaEuce a àezouescevuoCON- putH. is, hceer, ic île Belcay, - netitg. fiofithy J. H. Ifceca. nci-,vooc-It iteiveit uudeesioed tir 140 K n te t a t o psB o k a it j plate ani thte Castuhanicap. - Wontt, bieDr.omautts'unnuhetrc nupeac. sithe e oieal pathotogistetat a tendenry teaig sr eE sCo psB o k I m becme eloratd, nu berof oprn. he gittie in Irelind ilt ttlb consonptieon mlieh.ranitteit trous A W&»rone Cocus fist-îeeoetoc à Fnalsacipiet Perlonsohaves lien e.idenring te Papal mteoericçtcq theu datnal lmot-- stn i e ilfi. Tuoeorouse ltis ton S.&TaseceLare, Hxn-TIe tonaioteht Pela moff Rîrctren sud EcicctiieOit foemet ccuitinues,. Meetings tae4 rpioyleteanta t. c he îe rtnrytes- O rSokfrti e$ni o o pee U ee brýchl h the nenue Dr. Tîoea' Ecleiric Oit. iytujithy wcuhtI . fresll a arn be lld corse o.meiel mllsnn O rStcacr hs eso i owcmpeeau eiebe ehodth swept DentthenWeiuecfStau lut Suday eae offliberaeimiflar vata atce1ceariy ery cstrictiteccoy, r pence inalequat.. Thiers le, liever, f atsinteCtyo la itn upp.atrt aea mnitilteu.fcirviolon-e If tletr oiginstohlenltan "iesn Mutonoadieernan -cyu-t.ofaile usoaiofthelnhrtytofttHamiltona ut Minsouri. The ittrainiog evilage f beultig prcpmrte. cfthler ovu nedicinc o Heasthuî1tun ec to thofelath. tntons iity cf citel plysiciaus duemuluea Greuuge in nIa S tate vus Intraet cutrely tîoy tosît. lilitreuctnnet , àginse pret"l"Dg pevatoery noasoma. t. l- ace rsposietly tor.tuiooy. Sot- it«uu eut.@eV"ralpenina buug iteitanda ns eft tîir Oco, and nt t te .sel Ce'rtain in dkmutailini tIh eitdimu. cnly lai il ob eauoseleurtet by restrae P EC I* IN V T A is rsuiun thicu ou due reputotion oetsoctler t but :L ast dIl gnsd odssbo:cu uï ea telng lt otn nso inuorsi. Amngeu f eilius»dpsonsini lveneahlures ats insOm. Lymac'a oulice eoftCo tirer Ol I. ..and ~ ~ u reangoteinMet. J. Mercis YougIde"gifr et y o &te ioiàsail non. ATRBESTA. HyiepîscfussoStses cf nar lilteRgitirn. SI. Frit., te a ct. tneancfaltn danpr ERBESRI pronpt asuthlrogl sNofs . rlef t 00.00, tgedur dih thirwlîcenf nsthmby getting à olc 'e t cl< qalgpntv l oe C r o a tl lcnl dr ta teytueir dlliuit.nsanieAs esair se Pm5ile .t.ecîcie. 5fMr. David Les. DierbyN. B., cl wen tle longs amrairendy affectait, but o eMor ets S ld at t e Righàt ouse Than 'A.n aubu is lorsen am"CL Younag,$lac sisIleglo at teaà r m a re bné "Sma u« em lgu, Iimpaies dogmes fof gcr tthIe besadu ouse in Ofltarzio. libeary (bu lnandso at h er'a clsis>Eclecîrie Gil ta en the front et the crap. nwu ijses intheduesltapsby prytng n aIsok g orgeai, dhtin h e heat guarnany &Ilinto inutces. Ee duhe gardon i, si l iuturs ut Northarop& onut te gmuent. The o &,~ gais&duel. bsooustng dWeasot.The delaree, Doui a ireor àabrînt heug loftLymrns due pnjnreters tue Casaaen csine that I eus Pofioet ta edutrc,.efltasttam sbensie sot ioda" in in.Fcrtccney, CoL, soit MmrYoun -~,- sylng te oo.t efmé o eu wu min atleofinrdo e s'P ithdeceeilt sppl s it ar- Crontpten &à<io, e*Isgest saibout sAnu.faotuoret ofCraselu U aadMy"toey sel] more Corsets a te eigitRocise ts incdraiku =tuleite1inWteD. evi O"eseupot ut poisosai inuy. esc AI St, Cteie u. n irrty. ILose tuaIt osa.. clored dueetarattang cusneCorse:a mn @àl sses nt te igit Uom. The Drain Gols are gogoi i su mzlgrte hroaApit f dh. eu opllcy runi lt opeleemldnsity n . dDiO, e orhSinsllegcf tSO.oleileeiDrs Goilut ubusigssd I pie te&JIc e ic Avonsuee euicnc-I.noie.Auaboral ueianetsr stutin ameduit ~ itrggsceluert.antS. S pe etîA T. ite pore It4i. ut. Th.ty ans tins, Donti i subit citant GtoeeOsur undo fer tlre 'S etet. ~ sboe, is trl5e, ,L, MILTON. uit are effeti u range other houan rime. Juil "o te get the 'cool Fronce 'Uith sommet i uluoclmeîl, S #4 4U eIn e "eh n t«.- Tbuillionery eiuti, CIO" INSYILLU mtrti.tst i., ch f th,. heInitenre, vill. t..' -à,.~, ElL. e -. .t - 'L- i y te -.up etertucai- f tue u.i- naip che Emy- ed.aenrdusu- leur tnoeOlfl5R re wi.,tit by or feot o uiOited suS' th Stla. p ý at 12jc. per prtce wbich ome 4nd see idid patterns