.Mara &-Co. ', 20 per'ImpDerial Gallon; id' Christie, -Brown &Co.',s O'elebrated, 28c. a BOX., WZ~ .XM x~rcIs Latest Novelties in 3Milinery, Laces, Embroideries, insettions, Cretonnt Geùt'g3 Straw and Feit Hats, Shirtings, Ducke, t SRemember-- -"Money Saved is IThexrfore we solicit a cail to examine our stock before buying elsewherez 8 »Al inof e Produce talion ie exchange for geoda, and highest priées paiti for th.e "me et The, London P. .-Â liiery Âpprentloe Wantëd. Mammoth Hpuses. i eg leave 15 initimat that they are daily sos receipt,0f New Fresh, Spring Dry- Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Ready-made. Olothing, Gents' Furnishings-, Hats, Caps, H-osl.ery and Small Wares, iIn fact everytling tiont constitutes a frot-claso stock. We have exerclned oureelves tolour utest capaity and made usenof our long. expevience and large resou aurpacu ouything ever itnttisu hcousity. We can asîus0e the public that tee wll seli them godt Ourstock islarge and varjd ats cmkedaly addjsjonesjdisneweeî and oeaoejgodte efoond i msjlery-WeIgoS the newest and moustashionable soaterjal and we kecp lighojujnag bands to goS up the st, quite a onccea.., speciolly of Mourajng appeescl snd Weddjng Troiescau. %e have an ibenses stock of d Lyon, Satin Marvillijon, Cashnseree, &o. Prjsss, a magniicet aaseortetnti Vike dans colora, Ociely Pat Yard.- Tiskjngo, domesjic geode, Cbeoked Shirtings, tlottonadeesud drill-a driil for 30c. a yard that. cea Our Ocdered Çlothing Deparsescat te unsurpassecd; it je ont, of the largeet cloacqrnn of the kinadin ahusy On su glup arpete, a magiificent stock; a Union Carpet for 30o. a yardý a Tapeekry Carpes for 45c. 'wo Ho ,efo tl, quoljtysud orie ô; aleco fine stock of heur oiclothe, Lace Curtajat largoetck atsd oheop fcjeade, ad sordlally invieuthe puiséjogenocally, sud they xnsy depead ost getlcag fbreloIsn valoue sud cour lYcLeo-dAndersc 1 reiy cf. the, cent collector fýu-d tRIfD jýle IYt h ' rg ânMrencij, Le-o,...aP thCOeh eh. roeuTiocutyfive lkcgsand Jttctc.ccov .n.., osa N IE W OS ,,rtov e n î ful, om 'Scuchter or OclistI Sec 5 Bewure f lsmitation..£~'È17Ct' 'T T el Dr. Tlituu' Ecleetrie Oit hall___________ 0.1 ~~,1j~O E ^fIectcelnsuade ci c O il fer cooDr. Tiicecco Eciroîce C i. ci Ohoco esicilar lautori sîuiiceu. OUR CLUBBING LIST. Corner KingadJh tet amlo Scesr " igicotosla ud acvfail ,lic tean Jo nsreH ml n, (uc sr t prp-iocf tkcjr cwo Medicine& tucuiet Wth -.--.-----.te-.15-- osesii loetmL.gv hm fý]G.b.> o 0 81'r Cretnese,, lOc.tc30C. Bakhsd colcced Sike alpcjces. oi -theircwu, ,sd,,oilt coel 160co 2.soc 15u Cotton. 7c.,te 10e, ShictLj BO s . e 8. lc.. Emkccdojes, 3c. t5éb. o lice reptuliet.cf ocot!or ;but ttstPecs 4si Os .200 Best Shirtings cely l8c. uoo 12 te25o. Iserion.,6,too2lc. Lacee, 2d. te 3Ic. Woody, 4.00 .20 T ed,4c e7c ca llectrepar tioes have o e o~,4.00 .20 mTeleseede,41c.sc7albc.ces Sley c.ort tti te Mot ccpcio- te~0Y .. z pec. » 16.00 Uoc DceeCoude, 1lv>. te 35c.Mosiit, Nret hon5. a p c . cos fscho imkygvîsc .,leOcoccc*Ooît 5. ;M- We have alsenoshsn ud l s tockof Toweie Toellingu Table Lnon, Npiokne PTckiage dheetongý as csîticle£cecvjc I ou 0~po,.et os ,oe Gents& furatehingn. Spoci Cotton, 3c. eock Remem ber the, addreen te, tkse tht l oome Dc.-Tkcoea "sco hccoe com.0 0 i, 1i is ounlice frontlof tics wrap. Atoectjecs 2.00 200 'w tice sj t o cf Nortkrop&k 50i0ectc.300tt- . ,lpcoprictcrs for Canada 0u2 de d, euutt 125: 1:J5n0*c..ct ais S...d. Pcee0soc1.700Corne Kin-and ef sreots aîn j P!iiiodoiyhio ,Prtieli r.,t, '2300 2.090 ____________ OieyecoWctrty . of Boy@ te 0Pat.0 heo eycg1 rI ct oote 119.1lYeco, 0.00 2 tc a8 ee klnge sI ortotothseee00elumgz oG 1 I dey for lmcnty doS, On a L3e,,cte5sgeo, 00 .0e 5 cd l cffcîy, oafbioytakones-* cvi4.00,cctci4.o000 tskl af j 0, as uc . ý Il tue 4.00 400 socrbI so tvu, jebbk a Ot.j, Du5Io . 2. 000 idocthicfArt. .ttcetteo9.00 3.5t GREAT DIS(OCVEiST. Eh 1000 10.00. M. 05002.00 -"18iiyv .gigjctcjhroms OcOsP ms,t, e 200 sot, ,ad h aooog asnyo01tcejc 011-1 c ttt100 1.05 ~ f T 0ýoi Doausa coly grave. Tcniy o.if 1 ete. .00 3te mgqNe Diocooory tSo.Con. Ot.k 11t 0e .00V140 ing street, Easitý Copp's. B: ob, ck Coide, Atit--------c- 0 :0v Fevcr, Loos of Voie.', Tsc- Twns/,ip of Ne/son7 the Tbrot, Pan in Side aedOuStc fo hsSao sFwci leadrin rnYdtseeOftîho Troaaud' COURT 0F REVISIOX. OrSokfrti esni o opee u an a os ie ce. Cusruteel. lObs.f free as J. H. Meoolome Novîgo ll":lu of U.thS in-l'the (3ity Ha 1 m'ilton. oct,. Large lise 1.00. N th. , ot o etert f s. ouhg. e tOîtN.1 00,. uc 5 4 e te.C at ee. pcolttbitg the manufacture dav. sthe tor yo .p th.oue set.hipteu ,lm t Sa.; cor of articles, drrsce, o e uru:m tSJieeut-aE TIO I~ the pnrpoe5f snrruptitinoly 1 NXLOtLtSEO mg boston ltife or ljurng pro-_________________________________________________________ el losjoor ir.e p tse e theeu.. X ,,elGclai. ScuNIte.1 ___- TCIMOre Corsets Sold at the Righit Houg sa, gd Gte, ukectroe. HOuse in Ontaria, truie whicbh le reeaered, but .. oe begon tLe use of D.Ots. Cremiten &Ce., tise larges ua best nfCur fCorsets ionadssy Iloat t ysoItmore a Oji L imtttu afier 'ehjekh bie * in50 Ontào. Tise ordere Watbine givos fer tlsem wae enormono, and ho laspy.ahfrhr Repjedy and permaonent. Toeu 5!~ u secthtie new style cf Duplex Corsets. The CocaIis Corsetsebavean anl"opo pay.oauh fr --ste ejefm liSoumatgna, Luna tcBurs &',nd areoben- hoe ne of Dr. Dctseuitrgeon 'Douoboe ha, ahomu proper t rnste snir, in mm.. -l MAM.1 ýLfarch '2é th fistOlualguR sale. Thev a