Moadd0loyaMr. BoMageoi of Henry Palha erdrtIna OatadO ianrrag ride o rnddivama N. 1 Ooyaa Sa vn2elisî&, arr. 'Onletlousand Lwo hundred anld oteven yards of Drasot Goodo worth froul Ottfftod t ait nautaaOu yard., Theotelgoods are beioig sold at -20C.ont SStoreS intheCity, but We and illig -arond n daEi< nemnotnaaa r inth ]Lo n o niCERMofhe Foi ph ztenbe S us to sel][ tiera at 1I21c. per yard. They are bound to seli like hot ca dSiatnenafil iuh ino, damaged loy he BSeadamara reported nobueznrmgtoe spndi e vpt h.g.orhidsa h ~roteeaOfenod, bo paii--Certieaj -ct -tpig azat orgi hm. 1tirte es u of good4iw vrpttruhoahnsa h Mered by Mr. lifobaod,aeadajly Wlile thafail eu aCrptit lomdad3 eni coh *Mr.ilerege, hat the aof $5 3 l aVe 1.k.a'aho et.aa Vary~~ rapidl te JacksoneSotuth, and $2.5 O W. hpfl alahTefarmnera aroosel CROMPTON8. MOSCERT. CE10 cic d fl r Hilsby d.scndedC b nat i blltcondition thon it inahis Z l' 3Coeoorla ofat10 1W More y f. nbad aoeoe lyapin. r ayhna llyn ttt & Wtinaat's etdfac ocillienGleve elitfour bntbo lIr. COek. Cat teCia o a f 11 le plntd War bhaleno frHamiland Aak for Or pracn ndleatp Hnsiery. 14oarlJ iglat ttene"lthe City ofiHamilton. la bh andn ni Henry Williamsn, Esq.garde(' anslnetabl o en chafara-' ian en alieotif"d d paies te neet frem. l odeyengoed. fir tiensupport fJanca Cillant, and VÏ Parts ae aiigpio;eil d teToulhoad WHT SIIÉ felor the osupport ni Elijah Prehard, 82oteuoil ho rA n ad a oy or tta on e na Âk7HTE.RT.MILLINERT. HAMILTON1 Jc.. Fhronnforoouppntng Thna tîtean hundcd troupe eaeh t Onaqota Akinlionr 75e. antd $1 Witte . LadieIl, gyt i ye n nan ge t a HaCtW. oi tb am Woeizinotdaiag ilînea, ad $10 tn B: T« ' det -;, aaient Lillie Cookhfor Shirts. ;Tbny are sapbondid goeds fer Bennet, Fealleer er laieer, cerne anal ing fer l15 pryad Feeoneen fer the anpncrt ofG. Ltadew.- thonr re breIld bas hecoigaord by Cheprise, e o ii*tt aleveefr pen aa nig de N arldthe Grand Jary et the adîounetd Londona anbatnt d Calerd lafirt, aIan did th ra lue f er Ofe. Annoon, Oheaohn tranPa' "' N bfrc'd hy Dr. Bucko, aeeeeded by Mr.eeel meý,tO a t rc billtwh ane, f oroond fer eb 0Wdi âac frh.. .an 0. ILIchecd, abat he onro ef 1$35 lhe rant» The Italian canp on the Ontario nd odIsd. ail 0r tien narpoe i gredang the rol nodeIaîcnae eobeenteA 7 ~ e. K clUietoeaone etten aletis. ca.Snd , in acnebiaherrbnterdPec oorday Au the meeoi nofa hrblepntier. P R E th5le àîh n . on N. S., oand teat H. i ihn t0 h. ailet oan altercain, W'f. Ccok, Seaeonon"CeziaP lied erg Do elasenh nd ar he e y a po n g od fa8Im d eeetaeeasinerstCea, tplirinte,îd he on- Theodiseusnmiea aretdl nta > on ibm e ithe sn'aee.-Car-ic(i Çeommun Taaeay aneqon 1piaahOth M1eed hy Aic. Cooh, eeccndoil hy Sc.M ir, ellott o y ncoao iana . he party 16 ande18rSames street,!E ileanil, Ctha utoief82 48 ho agtatnor a saauy grah. Me. iCtiaffil1aadn S a e treI ii LiCordy, i'ccilabkand tmrcr fruinli- did %ani te ropnilite h.e landora i tonae n erateai paî a i lr en te1 Me. itepitotta, palhtoanîr.-Cer. MeALeorrespondant saS it ail tn..a Samplea aenlt f a. fC1a90t l a ao o ilol tanesbelrteo ymcýaberdaret tn contre Men,ýcdleo Dr. Buck, sacenderd bà cago. 404. Ce cocoier hojeie îai ci ocsue gonad ni 1 eaicb babl't Terontr; nottîlor thtGotîtrie TîýeLo oiiîg hirtetand Dr. Caiîly ts niitedanrerî ofusa ti. tIi,, thai eîe h e tienod a ira i ijiie.- orattiead Oonetigaspecia astaiy ely ' Nfi;odilfor Mr. iYuoatd, seccnelir o'Tho Eari ai Dalhousie isn oeninoesed :'o. Lc,, Cldit By-law Ne. 4Bjiltt ceà Am, Lrd Lorao' et RideuMfal * m 1ai1 lnireî, hc renoda econod andlihicd He in 35Yeactsf aileandfasA deamiaitnof ~ pp t ~ d 11 tuOiletd.îcld a former geovecnogeneemland Aaephoneof MocIl hy [Dc. Buck, Eeoended hy Mc. thegreatt Thian'icecirob oasýa JCo, ChoC the sno 08I2 he paid te Msaaepncarycnaya, laid.lthe huii .ei a Cdn rinte. Cc ply tant ectoherroue.nyptaaylonieahi0 edo ane tha ebabath io. *TE -AE.î*aU ble t adonco thean taha ta.oDoaenC Iti)cd llîr . Secleo hCtia Tsinlgaare gottbngcoay te Ccp Cho i fi mia the poyeanciof 82t John ""ien , tppenn nou d., erdj s e. ec ii, 13IictNo'3 o tcat l'or i rti treraicet., anAt e c rc îjh l e g.tnaN.ini e.1rfn are aeneplcned their Lccdshirs wnul bagin- The Largest. Cheapest, and Mo'FshnbeSoc Mitord hy Dr. Buch, ecocderd r M fta sigthe wr.-I nrthrhny 5et- a h o a l t coh. iliet titis reit0ttoe 8deétienons fa atai e Legiia' L /E IE-O O E /I RM IG ,kýtha, tiiý crinil o ow djorn tnra.lieiitg ot estal. There ace îaleuA L IE I intoUn te 281bthnt., aCl 0o'c ei..h a oicsnî1etîtiee,. ("lA LiIi" iff'î'TRIa-,.."-a e ý n., eas aCourtCof Rocisita ad for th, A iT e13tioinIf ther biaiea.-Ciircld Thisti ieea yar age the lettes e on; naynofothetras wers*ailldrcciopaeild BLACK CA<II Sit leoheiiireah aed aoen lit presaitbat NUlIen ublie Sohool. fanaif the hîads are full; deveniede. Freit non ptodiet a pisoti anamnea, antd aay tlbnt etnenT atet t he conatiuai cii W'salbertriit oop lte..- - ~~Iiîeceteta in deralopieg oaiUttae Tho fîtloiegre the pnnain teo ito rOaa ed ar C.Cthfaiîtou iitftieol tikhtista ndatinig inaeaoh Jounaicl. U1na fer reoitlarity ia attenctî o n .- Oea ea tit at~l pregrotailasaIndy, !Mialiroiacd, theoladiy hospoionn9 nu0 Apel, i - ' e e trococo C at O W-eleoieg.a il rice, Meeiio btlertsn. h ei ofimachinoni.,et-oniei ir sy J ih " Loirnsa.Mel ,faaha. grop Lim tiiIreti ,. laîaîo letr te ola rod oie.m ilpt) .og.Litl voeAtI t. h . ýnd lItafer lieruhéieop l d -r h seniocr, Cristi-e i ioyi.Ite-tho ChiLv-scaae ietrndea, eii~t~I Ainaa. er e a t i iga itr, e id. robtie'R liViioe'lriecdniiaaîir.iinf the lIfoofrA jeeler, interd Andh.aoey. oE jnç Chaie unieheyeiiagt, loto'the couvent, evo.ofpairs of' the T ST DIA-~ ac intooieeiiinte ltînaYuneg The Londeonî Taegreph intspekhig ci eocd s in't h e D of.Lri il o ra Th s h jenîc. Emin e(clibII't i lth e neofleto geoeftheho ailnttin 'di.,Tsl,ýlaE liit l lrae oy te ora a ul l teoireetci .ie1 iuýredat, any ud hM neivofthte disitiegeiileeilattîltemor el. O. iohnLindisay. D.eofiYork didrieeiree col ihintt attclole., eleels ftht loye1aelîc;the BOOTS, S11OFS, SIfpPJfl nd 1OBIEr e lss.ei a, jJotie, ptteieMrqiseieeeof eirci iniîtGoi\v Tieoeo 'oDne aecAiehey in 18e2l s en qeiy clistse. eT.D-C.tosta tehuee o l llielneii alie 'JE 1 10 If ieepiie'aeatiio enroliioi- 299 "hlo gatiere oiiieîiiî i e tol)e; i-eithe .e.' "hep.... 14 b ntieniPiclerieiiaeeiiieniiîio giria * e~~~P ce l ittei.t, M'il Nobta 4 Oh VieEîery1[ii'n0 ci, îeWLis' i C i id )eîetfo'u ln~~L ee4 cage.d...y. 1h5 eiineitithPen he, aeee te at en - c .. .. .. .. . 133 ce t iiig l aiid te ha le i Ithe net f n ... .. .. 2 6 it i cl e et]. s i î . tI n i it ie l nI ~ F , hei c 'Aied te ,iie' I c is ae hge iCio er aiofii1thnr,, j clibr f .... ioic is~niiîieei.ii.te.ii.. e iec lc ~ ' i tit ieDi'it Hriut i PE N tnt ce ecGdR hcY, hl'l ii ie o fR. h pe,cî i elîrc t etî. odis- i a~~î~ areîîi rîoîenîcaîî hn. gu i..l t e ieeeci ae.htoeîe ieikpc th e l.teti eii r..,.titho ri.n a l- T e iiiit iiiiea.cîi Woà r. rhur eeîî î t --------- dii io ior pin eec de iîe O n id n , ly h i - s Sonii :pcao ncge nt «t' I Andeh Il h oe itnA-elh n Ie Iiee icii e-elle tiîo i i itelil . om oeM nItJheN ie inî',a, ie iah tefoi- in coaion.a 'et i unu I tor t'ie'nir ae ti ýi aa e.M'ir-i ýIe ) . Sier ih f iai i ni r o i.d t S a i a h o n d t .eeîgn a i, tsaeîeî,eeoîseî tng t e a ti' iiiv e li it 0 i li 'o e -t liejso iye cfil.ceh beei g rri te h. ' c h eiîlie - a-c tii' 0 n O i ao ed .l h i e K " ' tn te oe i'n O e.4ee titp'ee o f i ii tjr i i 'e it e t.r o rîl lei an diee-e ' re te i ' i e t ii . toi-Meeelieaataaaa liceaea.NeMitreeCece e'.ee.,.w Tin-l îhaîîcid c l i e iei'iiDglinei c ot h cre i i-eniaieiiciiiio'f ýcr11tlt i il, IyIilp tctheelte iecWesioeîolii... 1, r"0i-toe l 11 oRuel.lesieoaeoe1in ~elfereeilR itciirii, e em liasoioîo. ntnet 1 i~e ee i iiiiitriicd eiIli ochodhaeice. hile 'oic in Iinincxieear.tifluiIeai 'T iouIionsootaad Wto "i ecalat ai en i t i' in altian d a i l, et e ii a o e h e l i h i C e t i i~tinii aT Icie n i e i g i i r oo i î e ie j c'i 1otL aeî elli geiain reisi t a .t a c îeceta- i eri ieae iue-il'onjct j uel it e oai.î Uiiatîee~~ I et jcni aeoceef uef)11 al ale rsofth ml'eî . eeainieioaeftýineeteil îicn t io ae lCo thei.îhhpi.t- C e-e i ibaesfi huit e t hnlie e e.eeaeeîo ic -ct ona,iiciy'uuîta:. aeYe 'Pel e Ontot ofeb Tcîeohae ni c Ii i ler iit ipoct Lnas ai 'ceinacreItiial tauuI ageeitiocueyi ai Peeioat iol f ite Ee'ei n h ricTtime e. ~ ~ ~ ~ pn hoete e ee' eeehr eeet ii Aho ns t Th e ai,, t a f,%, doPiegiestof DJCr. taleaai n 'lb Ctctio-e eee neImn Sei le a -ni oeiitceien a hee i cl 1'til'eec i i'e eee na î tc iiri bc ieila n iiii o m nd Th tr fteasg e ceatea llleceira in h.e lporl o taîeafj isatoclbe inte rn l rs. TanRedoInitt l iia asscol, qitaceaalindui. ieee i o i nîel e ceea t' 4 Cho EgypC~~~~~~Tbei i err aatnafc aîne bcnetoti CeihtRIaeTinbejteeni-ec Cccii iee yaae d te hnh a ndo i e gaoe-ai ieoîgha a dit i iieaite a ndrb Itdit ete on i ea paae. ln Ca o lto bniii ert ntrelrig til , eti M ie eus ae iýs. ýi I loyaltapeee o mensaito fpercty.tkeci t i t. oefn reeleaaorbt a ý- or-Poie lnyte tt t teFceien a Lroi i' a hp ncti t f n*r jîr.ý'j, anniy1 enrii yieiany ' heinaeog tho eonit i Teia a itoijcaet' tD of iboy.gecii, toeeetuaetanana0e miChe e'.iaAil 0001 OIe th hns eoig grs i t.a, i itegtecbic taneio e th ela A ti Ci'niitaiiiteenivbojeu pcoeuratiec.eil_______ ail rott heaheei jaae,îehrc aoob at eiiaate lieehaeail ei i M tebotaiatthe a0 j k tha .pa' ~"nI auaMo. te iOýi',1P I f'ili steis e ihdatefra0ý'en MCi .t i cetepioc T i t is Mc.- n,!n.s a -oing atto hua a i ad alaCneuuair p aorhe Tholtaers Tete xctiseottiof aienoetaa i'finss e aiir et1 fMr.oi ai ilay aien t te L ivb îeil eesa eth eoac rilîaîa a P na eeceeies niplna e tiine t he egyti oaa t e iee oa B ee forc iapeotry inas le iea et aas rndceiling tslfc terna i atemh -t'aaa f hieFlnsan h too eraio ba SetaIetn cnda aantpe teartn hîuo, vipor fines, a Iliog nged On ttiteioateapeaal pioCoec0tirerbofeil a oyooadsiieO.tettow oc oo gte c he On n C a e r a ing te t a nspole tratio.n adf a e thia a et eq ae e ai h, e nb îy On naatite 1 t b la oB. c e, o.2 ngagIï ail lin t"go il;e ar. ee0;Stie uo ae ii pey arre onlo ianoeion itn osO iinlqaa iariay ni- Tld etaat reatatl sairnotCt a enj rledii.Cachr e an tito at oheheegeaniaetye~fm onha'. ota zt e'on eManOitban b o tiloanedae iataa.eeeelybt pcsil, olirtia ent ta1i on te ea eage nc nn, t e aCelh i ateed thatbd-a rrnatf b tetnoeartb ethi sinb l o ai i ha A t Oio, n ccoecy n ba C aleoay l dn' ta etleelias naC O n ea f oie îsc arat e,, Ch ei -pli esot K ie'. e r ' ttMttt abt Ct n h a r . ile t ' CfO h c a am e lihain Cit a t .-- nos. lhetiej'teiand niuchol' od ea a h onr tac h i ea n. aa cà u aimo t aîte cmbataeaas Ct, c ho-Iý'h 11,1,1ch ro Heena M uta a eîc-au naans iv tc amefaa' Te*Feaah oh n assn àlet'«l d ,.aedl.taaîecpial. ItO et e"Saeaisne, 11,ocaan ta he i apn eu ta a n ey rain a, eeiod ii cnd'o e tu e i ng Anayl tieeam;t i nfront ho '7"' N P 1 asleed tert'on bea- ý aie cte he n X diinor l a, mt e ta eite r o nvaiteil tioa ra oa u iy o T n u b r n e ilLn e t i j oaaîet"IOfcItaee&eea cl net me b h eadei e eeYu gîî notio n t ta rhaa Mr GI2,0 0 let. ol 'j th It 1,anda motai lent~tonc i nimad l i eal ,uaOt I Cteathentttaaten4,:t cat ta an s onCbc ta ria tthor ba ijate a W tt frec tbinn the c r f t m t r c lep ta à Fen ch ' abatet ra the l-e a o y e a e t a e i Intfeethrsito aagl y ov cnaie ir soc.- iner res.wastfs- bno ungtie o, irt ed (I %ier ]eais bin dtc tu b e i annea, I t teqais tataa O ha e a te u artea h aOaid oftetlpaatcd e crtrylrn - CI nanretan 5nnttaa th e sMora etsall owa il - j d sinte traefasoyK lyfr ai- A d aats hiatheruh fatatd-b i.Catt.tantdihtafcate,, all, i e h - ne m menre I aatanaa aytbe he Paa n i g are o m rawta g a it t u h .r a o t l a b e n e t b a h D a teoIh li IL. a n d e , t a i e r a e a t nt t e o f ea d - d a a t i o n a a a e hvo n aana asr e o n e tn - Ile aea .M l ato t ar n onght u t ib. anfthec it ioLar 0, en eomoi- rm debetateatereCaa -1atee neitit&ene ia e i d a a at e i bi ts a a p i ct i fint 8 ta h C r be a. n an kl n ad t ho n n j T h e d p nis e a g a of n rd'l t a o ir m a nh a Cte I ,;OmitEt. eu n h a r a e T a r j eiat nhi e 1 r. i llhe re m erd aadf i s i a e i a f r e î o l t a o stAsaraa y arr vedtt . aea f r te 7, b W at for pabitioni coasses taeeaCy arahaaaatah - t e i t - -i l »d r ;X t e . ll p , i1 S.feeyfwdoetcsra t a iovrnetithee opay leengat nfief ahetata nmr -efeagçaisns. L theiCI ese AA .1a b l butriatonirnu gaM ,new iatlyofA i- ar fnrmced t Ca wekastt e inoreilandantt o i tha eOronte l ..ra dfrat zRChia b . Cha ne, - 0e- C. r t t h e a h s a o a a n e t d t l o s t h t t m a f a t h mra e - a a y ta C h a n a e n f' c a ra d . il et. a1 I M . 8 -,c aI h e e e t b i i lse . I n q ie i ti in a ll a as n taea V in nt aaad rlap avoiha nAmihanre Iha mararmg tha4oaiahea ae etaittae ilf - Ctaai ait y Meahiam w est brf e envraa s m ota , nd le ,a d s t emoem e t b ott ý S tay t safC op he & n an g d it ertrear ar ar g aIlt tin oh in ia er i e d o tta a i p a e ndi shnt e t th n a gr e ntn n roa il i h o t udan a a l t .- C S J Â T t at o r t s dalie inteerBs h futs dog ; ie M r Bur e vn u rdr nehd ara cae ad a a.f Cit rasarea as.. > -ordi noahaA81 Amrunan iit o ibtfriana crrecandente re a.tiety har o 0tablyitallad oragCte aon h tet.faldao Cha R r M jrty e ani c T hisa ime ra n sympac mutla nt' aaa i n laCatafte.n ..,oat amia Ïa avaraga.oi -ctaed y r ont Ceaia taJe 10 l.a Ce a Wig piliia ras na ovmedsialt mfaptie eea rseon faeaeteagitaltaiise _ iIriea heTtoniftt,, a Snaa-The Rbageeaa 1'nibl appte Ittiltas. 0 e ovean Mliiat. , ' of a if. àN. NW.p iUt rm ran'a parlo milîsa asd ti ani Mat J. A. TRaCY lbaves town thil and goea to Alliaton, whero he w the management of 1non hrancli whieh ià being oponad ont-thora- Banh of Hanliiion.-Herald. OAoeVLL.-P. A. MoDoegald.. Mayor of Cakville, haa sentico Toronto for the amotat of theo on cnaaaatnd nith tahîng anotre enging Toronto ta Gahnilin on the aiglet ofi ceai fire. * Ilotairvs. Ttoaee.-Preaprietora mille Wi d allt e bearnc ieiathe pargon a enveotvd nifî,ttiog sarodus aoiy atroana ia whivh thora areai tront ýlablo te ho herly tnd,anodam 01aci Iohlna goaa On theoinforer tr hi yartiealarlyy hkaly te ho prceoet Tan 1iF elPreaa neaya hat Actat 90-d many niiiotruda" nho go fisi The nirérdo of Acten nitabh diiit a in hir inclinationsafrom the groateo * ai Namered, Who, we fava alnayoun stand, praferrad huotieg te ieltilig. Faneir Toae.-Mr,. Chariot S. Raca, hana appeiated gotorti agent ïer' o-notea oetlaitýon. Wetnooah, Peool fer the Malt N.reerie ea, Mnac. W Caver & Co., prepckLticn . acen Onaldate engageoan ocier of al.silne h-adienuracryastok, and .ill giro Fui, M-aatmtntrPie,tad liboral ,r Appli.aotto eit houoeicoteàtl te plly eoaily oraeel Choir photos.n TaeifAeleaërre Pre attoe, * nhulber anothe, Qaceate Mirîfide, tofe br. allonod to esAnatle oebralien. bye are najd th'., t n* eaohaoyanora QOoe'atBtil alobrtiwj Ialiton %oetil M185, w the lictt Actnillitave cotailsonnua no hoco aeieaoLd that the leotee1,m reealyé ite n to, ' vry large pron"th ule ni oleetbtd for a e i et n n arolol eceiroe liol1h c Malenis thie hlei iteo c oetec5 noe p oeel o l'y Rueo. W. 'f. Piet -nhtto tht ehe cbiî' Olîî l bei.ý. ' cîIyoeo'W,,-î1 etdrari tlany eoio'cci.eel. ittîco th Mve D . Camipbell. rsujetrrer Onaetv, tila 3' J'ellnly teitten bntATir,.ley let iceantpp ry. haloîcaîioo-ieg ell foreoa. kPa eahaliet'l é a rt'eyroti;bt Oloano nitli hol.en Cn aticin it' lent drnrycnd nplly, oetg cary jenel ýued a thuaiof lanilo C lI-1 fthe oleîeeeoe ekaMrWsVbYeeninf, li. bof ameofIeaa hataeoe giiieg le h4il aon s ow s h b