----AN-D COVNTY OF HAL Tu 1 -1--c V w- e new ecd MAY I.MAN.HO UkA Loan, ROYAL ay«Mors. jimaignibilw"M"aý IàMUNG NATURE DY rNSEEX DAN- 0 lu w Me 1 Djcd.P o * this citj cul 'breathe «loisir si in thé se a "té o ne &Y týmeoIýiroý, and in bis. )outil tord Nayblem,,"d -on lier ýýd, New Il Capital ........ . =_ ýjî0c'ç0-b- Gc-ý , acte proi ire boën ai - a auted uew a Physicien. Ho Funds lnvesi ý",GG1;003 ïam danger in every forai but the' ink. a a' ru'tiCrth- P-11 Medicine but lit abort- timme. hoiv. Annuel Income .... 6,000,000ý si v., la ha eitblàhid hi en rosa of Waterloo was. au ansecit folle, ç- net ints . ha3ýnôt P 0 avoir inth and titIol ulimas in Cansida, and doring t le ting, f the attela sui Inirested in,ý,Canada fer * 1 à ... ligg Il lion hoco »Il the a of 0 eut" Canadiaii pb3lev bolders, ChIcil 'IvIt] or 'a filon, 0 tic and, «"eus 0 ent... $700, opo . I-iDIR ý -bile hall a equilly 1 ili.1y ta the «.wn, an 0. il Vii In t mi le ,. ti bc 01il- WnY nauch camutueu o-- tha 'elli ý -- 'w si' a liens vi r. a Wall 1'11 II, th, ÉW E'ery description of P.P.,ty i ... ýred et pas: sigle a& the po.ýr Il, bal.MI that whichi 'ile rgm- iiominated for a a iat lattis adieu gris. gr f- il .. go by la liable ta break nt any moment. A -1 1 us ai,, Il t d.ýt. rat_ t lie al Mont, and was def -1 a lew 1 1, 1 - 1 1 . hand, tobe ut on.ur re oved -iny nialit vote,,. Yethoh«&Ûwayad that lie c Installe, que; but men du mot gr iaatec 10. Md 1. pýd pre VU thlsir ha.. wu " Sunted ont ý'èfber the mont improv. 1 '0 ie ict P V, ile the oveiýbâ, P n'es ite aides. t_ Largest businèîc of sny 1. the millet of nionna net U'éaitied éÏtber on the ad modéra syîteh4 wheà in reanty ho boa uch mystery and home.' more voiles thmu bis apparente. In épile la muly unioeu dangers, Vire natierally thé itrimi béing loft ut In = s men anâ women sono. Cocos ta of hi. aillent ho* continued bis oppositiôn ta 1 n the crown and axiet»cmy, outil finally hie Il ýýec«t Surplus of sois, Fi" ][annonces Co. in réel.al &allée of ange. We wonder if Soule 'if r,,b fý' -they are prepared by 1J.- te Ic. calamilly maillot lie just beneath à - iAnge.'.for'anÎch , and a -, DAVID McLELL,ýý surface of wbat , s apparently brignt fréquent ë of th Otficuww mObbed and desttoyed. hie 1 Y.,k. weathèr, thé y are ange, . a lits pisced a sach joupar bat ho con. 1 a Ild il. Did.It Amusait, Maintes, -di Mr ne.-Iw a- wmd«.*-,Mmemdl indicatora. . At no camoetomPlo For a whille aimer hie ru hé pratgoed et SA-MUEL DICE, Portion 01 the humain machinoiy ehould' gîggeed'àt.hoîneý,to connultjhe therMünietýr éluda te roture ta rtehtuella-td statue Local 4 961 nt 6 order what the resuit would hie profession et Iliqua, 0., but »mou re. 1 élût. NUt«ý ,ha , -,a.,! Vot, leu dleuter, £rani d4Wërs and tu adapt thé- flurfiade woi_&bë iub3tý-__tÜraed te the printing hommes, and bu eahli C. C. McPHEE, miub Agent ýàIemmUt ru cermet iompéshe lutin,- atove, or gr;kp ta 'the Yüiiài worked nt thé trade in thù City as i comm. ul, Itis »,ùuràl we demande of clayr mv44iightý ýjp. 4W,ý plan su. positur for niany Yeats aboula do sa 1 It in reàsonable as should w.nlewhtwould bécoine o Ahe $outil sied West pf atart-, - t f.u. if th. 1114 Il uni abc,' À COl LAPSE Oil VITAL ElfEnGy in lang t 1 délicate guechaniena of the 1r inégna ght lire llèmé avèfiil'là' ild in th after the "ý4ratdro -of îhe day ('15enge-is ereagly accllaêratê.d by the lama 1 1 mats thi. ..tb.,l f.Amý.9 lny lustoillémil gel broken. It in naturel we ahould gak becomes acceptibi i 'ta beîmitated. of fi Liait 11.,. ».ý on baud . boise ýtck of ,bat the réagit Il would- ha ic the million e64, àtrefigtlà and appétits wbiclà in. a ý11ORSEBLI.NKF't',S.hADDLES " . lianes of the longs, 'live or kidnèys, f It cati - Dot lie Cincealed Ligat any en. iÊ' It ils one of the VAIjzm-ES.ý milliculd become, dieurdured..rA alight-ex- oebOM"nt of con- titlition is apt ta ahow .11ýit veéOnuInendatiýn of Northrop & Ly v COMBS, BRUS'fE,'q, &o-, &a-, case; a carolus attention ta the détails i., Co cela@ in the impring. maula Emuls.on of Coaý Liver Oü and a a gr And ni Ilsllizig thsgn et gi -M of heulth apparently àoea no baron, but Very Mary, fail victime ta pnejimonia, ilypophoiphïfeo of Lime and Sode..thit Ill Jolie underminu the lifeu, lit by sains audden change, for xhich they 1gy ieamon of lit noms the the blo3d-elifiching and SENG! F, AND DOUBLE HARNERS je unprepared or by absence train borne È a draft lapon vitality viillicli ni ha are noutiahibg properiiea of the last-uamed tl M.de to Order an Short Notice. -airangement of op- ipgréa 91 honoredin the future. The trite saying 'ithotit necessary re iattý. il reiews faîlingotrength by A fow and instances of:thiskifid compensatinglorlosses al Ag,, alv that auch acte "drive, mail& in oiao's cof.. Pare" readyonstained *1 happeried nçar together, ý in Néw, York while a hem jing and Foéthin i lie i tl Nfilt.n. klIl,. f, 183 1 RICHARD JONES fi"" "' sa trige as if la old. if nie née 0 il - 1 Cityj within.al few weeks. . Thé wiferof a nt the Enme time exerted upon the in- But Our Own ngi in by no mean s former collage pres al,1 the un3eun injurie» that calme tethe governore a Ment, flainèdtnernbraneonsliningoftliothroatil mi man sy tenu. There are 8: thaus a and the- wife ofa distinguishod phYàicink, lungs and broc chier. by the Cod Livèr Il each ]ce týtheir 0" lives bv baillé inýàt- Oil. Digestion is 6tigmuIfttfd and appe- Il ovil influences ail aroun 1 lis at war wainth taiidanýce'àt. thà funeral of thosé mi Îi!e iinproved; the nonous systèm se- Il u out lives. They are inhaied inte th. loved. The chantge froin the.ordinar.Y quires tone sud vikor, and theseeretions c. longs xnd poison the blond ;.they the allie and Laits àaiwear tol-a Iltassi suit et nighthg;s undergo a hemalthy chaligembon itis absorb.d t iroulmh ter bison fatal tu marl " Wu know prudent uséd. Pùrel)asërsý aboula ses thmmi C i. . ý, at-I on, discase ; bey lire devoured with the foc NI 1 persona Who always have one or two bottl's (sold nt 50 cents and 81.00) have [,t'Il, tlo- Se le 't and corrode -the niffle importantarg a gauzo'fiànnêli ready foi suéh occasions, the râtelle magnai blown in them, and that "X Illn, of the body ; they are transinitted by W. r contact witli vegetables rnd :ýejW1s as auà wlï) ai) ý, Act forgat> Illich chant and the verlippermis fleur afac «mile of mur protection; if,'nedd bu. by an under signature. back %Id by all.druggigte. Pré- mail Mi,.ory well ai,.,Rukin 1 ýveèt ami y, romDi cpia la abýut as pareil only 'DY NènTsàopà; Lyman. acquirèd',ý it il ný,Lc ri .4,4 itis mimait thé TDigNTO. _? Oiten COL11,111ciud,ýÎ. dtâtkllt& ag I)F 0 aille accord;' Tho 7nak'ür * - 1 ' Iiiez v, la back as fflinefthe çh»tý - Atithia eau Ir powar-t. colini ali .01, of theeý,eae, tac, Illmonnes ami on a car; p il evil influences au. toadii hm Who ficela ei'littleýýtW vierge, is aura lto -Grau It 'TU lato Sm&e& lit' iiied à secret of uotold vaille. The. raies a window itIst'lar,',enou',-h toe!eve spondent of the Montana Labov a, constant strain and excrtione above te- force and -, d1remItioùý ta ý the ý incoming Union, writing from the Yellowýatk ne and m -ed ta, gradnally weaken some of the breeze. Bad lands Country, says: *'Travelling hi ni et important orgaiIý of the body. and ý Mont Parsons. toc, in the spring neéd through thé Bad landal'after laving thirlted 01 iý il M L LS ionvite thlIoln tu welcome the cominl, of spiccial attention ta food, Ther, is i3ften sale al days, we spied a r . avilie lisait lu a ti brokon health. The longs, heurt, liver and kidneya con yery eiisi[V become dicall of thé' systeni for foods et Ouc! soml iwittertricklinècvêrwlid gestion. 11; lacs- moi accru toe a and iaguraill'a firtatisa In dî wcallemed ; and how.? ',By theae very 'li U N TEU & EZA Il D, ,a trains thnt, are eo;13talltly nfiturS thât inilk and egàa,. ire. rock., Výe dipped with a clin filon a a(- more àhundant in the apring. thât oniori 2 th. @tous, and alti filling &'Un brought ta béat up n thalle. Il ie noces- gp. .okn.,"ýLoticed that the grue route were ti cl or&agis and preserve mîd greens start with dollodilsi and don- sary ta guara thes 0 éýlvo, and wegre entangliug themeelves. hi LI ordelA foi ail kindl. tl:eir proper toile ai al! filmes, dolines, and tha-L I)ILtér ýlierba* 'are reliâli- a. Weput two rente in the water in a pail, A Proiniiient gentleman residing nt die, and sa carried them half a mile ta lit at_ inatinýÉ of food, Illich ma", If not'ton Thsy boa suffiniènt locomotion ta = HOUSE FURNISHINGS eut felt-tintistiid.y tirëd one day but illu Ciller miIU418 hem tà mise their bande and crawl av il ni sucil As sapprsing it ta be called by over-ti civililaid, shailIa wiýil .0. ion. The early cleaýling away of ail refile the side of the pail. They were about the 91 "Il d.i ý,,7 lie gavait little.attention. The next day and rubbish in the pring in an iniptirt- ize of a knitting needle. three lest long Iv BASE. &C. ho was not sa latignid, but bis henl pain- agit considerati " -us tenté generally la 1 un in the iwegi oI a-idthesamecolorthatgr b3 LS, ed loin. This ho attributed ta indigestion heulth Whatever moly bu 'the mulla! are. Naturel history hall no ffleoant of moly V, DICAL Co and tuait no further notice of iti - - Mat- provis : mm', thora je almost certain to'b,, similar cur icsity. and vire have no hypothesie Oh NI, York tors went along in this way for several hing overlooked- amid thé cela of a cpiaming the origin of snob formation, lest ru 'SCROLL W ORK weeke, the lieadaýlte an sionct'o . rit, bc by analogous compariaon with the Os ý1c a languoir iný winter. The'keepe f the doorý,ardier d.ne t- or-ler. 1 g, accdrnpallied deca8intially by eity.plot'-,as weil-n's'athe lion le 'er h)rse hair fut into water and generated in- Pr arts o? bat children call horse huit snakea. - - : dilil #aine in varions, parts of the meeds 'to'look over the prornUox with ILI. OF TURNINI DONE TO 1,RDER. borly. nu Ille was net hülly insensible ta g exactn ess that nothing bc loft for ad 0 lu T. F)RIýALEItS EN thes. froublez; but bain-, closely accu tout pi4, lie he.dlegý%ly the early livat and mliisture of on iouler BUCKLEN'S ALNICA SALVE. Bi i ov.rloo'ked them. ta decompolie. Al! tfirongh tLe bouse lie ýjBER, FLOORING, LATH, SHINGLES, t million and [,Ul Th.,. fiý..1,1y cýamC inteanse Pailnb'l' th'ý in every dark cerner of-the itellar, il, The-greaiest napilicial wonclier.of the wi Lunibei- ý1aLched and Dress- rik a écame ove- worid. Wilira"ted te' SPec(li]Y Cure no .y closet. and in évery dar:z aie aille len W twice thuir naturel aise, tricot there iiikist be the 8a "le enarch. Li--,h Barn il BrmIise.,ý Cût.ý, u1cerp, Sait Ulieuni, a ed to Order. "io!tiit natusea took possession, of, himl, and air ligej to bc all,-ed ta sillonna il, paver Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains. ha ALSO and life sisemeil one intense pain. A and flooa partsfroni -ii!lieh abything like Oorns, Tetter, Çjiapped Hélias, and al] hi' tilit, - 1 .- il was nec" E1 1. I;UILDERS AND CONTRACTORS phybiciati was Called, Who prenoulleed "'A Briglit'a disieue of Ille kidneys; wnich.he an active outrent essarily ex gamin erupticus; guaraz:teed ta cuýe in tl, I-nt,-It for Il .0 ciel led. Our population in linon su much overy instance, or money refunded. 25 ti- "i .11 ki:nd--f was allie ta relieve, but could mot cure. ta city life that wu have encletinies won- cents par bôzý For sale - by J. H. Mc- Now, bad a;iv une wartied this eentle. Ig for whoW détail whether a Il 1,!wiiiiiz corps Collom. man th ma that boa tÎoitbled OnsU could not be establialied and maintainý pli hini go kidileys, lie eh rénovait À Deed'of Darknem to thom et once ion je, raclory would have sa as tu scolaire that thoron foi but hé did lpot'A-tioiv if - and Mary, me, for which, alas! toc raany indwellers lire incapacitaied. By, want of this and bj A few eveninge since a veryMty Young bit cg PAPAr and- iranien ta d.y, in' , every ;part of the ciozelleing and dallipnelis of holispp la ly,- regliding et Trappe, M ., won coin- ,Il simple rs il Z mari', 'Z'. ",ffý'iue aib8taniially, an- thé of (hà gratina * is mot dri > ed &in f the rheumatisin in ber back, sa Ilouse, dia this geutlema a rani t Pwb a C ta . mont suggentemi thet elle aboula col fo o, au 1 ' ý 1 liildii4,,,s- nre képi cause ; and it à igli iiine the à ni out, '.Il 1. ý . havé itý rubbed vvith, hartahorn liniment. Il r !aie in the seoisoil, and Marly disellaite à de] MILTON. know whM il means. It once pre ý o I old lady picked up the IaMý, agi t in in are sustaineil avale longer thari thè Th' hi discomfort, future unhapp esa a te- ýàeeÏi(lent opene(Ithe.culibbarýldmrtogetthe utile, da Instille death, milices site te ru t- 8pring Months.-Y. Y in when thé light Wmq accidontally extinguieh- a; but. the blottie heing a peculiarly D& BROS iy and treated riglitly. lie on] di's. - How te Brea lie in Reading. e it was emi .1 ., k a t in the big covcryý Which an ever been malle in thc Livery, .1,ý 1, Stable. dairCes0a from ot'tEr3. ýhe voung lady hil si pë ne' y e o OU SALE scient4fic ai, médical worlde that in a lluve telle the. 'W cante-0 Imm, aid ta lier sont : "INIever. miný[ relightine eut certain remeay for ail iluch troublée, is watching the me r val frg t é Wallace HOUSe, Milton. Wr.ii Sale Cure. Mode Irom a 13 box.11il til il Il is vered: i the lamp, jiistýrnb on the et iffin the darIL, ille prompter and the liniment wu applied. ta the bare thi tropical leaf %milices propertiea, like ecru"- cre which conaist in lwa 8 ki- a buls. After a vigorous eulbiniz, and much toi vian belli, are Iiiown and inviluable, it fr.sh breath b.fore-- L t one qitý- waste of the Iiqùid, t lie Young lady sudden- wil NEW , STYLISH, acte al once and naturally upon the exhausted, and in. do! 1 ie stb- C-0il mi of a . IV said it dia mot have the odeur parolier an, ,ut. hich prdduce these distrousini., the begin P ata 'ng ta hartàhorn, and insistait on lighting a %"D Organ&W w lierever lie confil on . a 'aý "an "a," r match ta sec ifit was notthewrongbottle. on, troubles, carrying heaith ta the entire an, lli. atis th, siy, nt -the fôlfit-whem COM FORTABLE" symteni and baniabing, pain. The lucifer was etrock, and ayell foilowed the &0 of the moàth being a ready oi.om thn White the Molli serions evils which clin malles il Possible ta tàke breath fightly, for, finstand of uning hartshorn. Beaumont, . afflict man or wormmkitid are those which ithcut the action 'being percèived _ they discovere& that it wals the blackest pie RIGS. l kind of ihk. The little boy of the bouse am arise from disordèred kidneys, they are Again Delle Sedié;"ttè celabirâted singer, hold'hami brought it home frons: acbwl thst wa t discales» which con lie controlled if italien- could ;inmP ma dOwn thé amle'àfmntof mi Ili a bottle iihitar tu the one thé lani- wr' jý -logis but tiret-clasbiborseckep il, time. The trouble' la, thst they are lighted camille without the thune waver. ;ment won in. Oth thl 1 iii the stuble. 44, "unâeen evils," and the Primary danger iogý --How in tins dont? Il iýhe-use-hi id employa exactly the quantity of breath ont arises (rom the fact that the sYmPtCrn8 11EST AND ýOXFORTTOTIIE,81IFFERING. OvE 'U lm they mouillent are mot recognized, bat needed'tocarry themmound of the notes, If . 1 .. Ili are attribtitgble ta soine ni mer dm'rder you or 1 were ta trv W we atiould simply Illu4Ih.Id P..aI.." Ings -- signal ln' waste out breath. la the cisailler on -Igi which, by being Considered slight, i. ievingpain.to-iýinternal,..d-e.týý-1- ltëume !Ive permitted ta futen ileeli lapon. th Inondation" M Legouve insiste, and the. rPealin ln.tht4ide, B-k.ro.wcl,,MmTbmat.Rbeu- uni a sys- preised, on- luatieo,'M,,tlia-he. Lumingoatidany kiudoraPain or t will,ýo.tzurelyqlllcken licol. Thot une half of phyaical diaordore ptiole'nvt mm haraly ho too'much I min, Blood and allie; the absolute Cécilie fut, ofiicar 1 Il -IBý..,. Th, arise fFom imperfect kidne'ys on oý -ad- . ITCH, 19 a new articulation as opposeil ta .=te exerti f ne o inx H-.ýlý.Id bci.g .»k....i digint as, ti: but @attisa iruth; and that thons dis- oia This lie illustrates, Ily a story 01. gcotpmjý lZeliever, and of double %bc strength or car orders miglit ha prevented by using BauÏe wben lie was PlaYing 'Pare G mollet' any Otb6r ElIrir or 1. tbs -ggd, h.uld b. in av." gondy for se -bon mutai , -_ i t* Wýruer'a Sale Cure in eqilally, trué, in ti de l'Av - or - o ' Valmy 1. tbo bost onndy la th. «olld for C-nn. Thoulganda of people, ineludingpromin- ta the momt tuching ,tetf the' ho i. r.UIZ: ejc st...ch, ed fait kgýIl. ont physiciens, scientiste and divines, V -ho Old miset rl'd il. for mie, hy 111 Dmggitu et 1 2 1 5 cent. a bottle on FUëÏi t - 1 &of who have knoma of lie wonderfoV Ïbe-&*eW t& , rat r 1 powers, indorse and recommeud it. nf, v bel acte tipon both liver and kidneys in am Xi - . li *0 la lotie na o ý.m.ccmpo N 1.1 Ilà tio con il in aMur direct and certain manner, an w g grouilla, lits nid frm d-invagriabi 'bal b.ppçmd-? 1#ý lie *-a prohibitif, relieves and etrenkthens bot It Pu r. ý% , Ili 'mîtamping grougid and etronizbold won in tý,Ous»ù tiçoïm illoifklinie Ülu ý 0., Ilheng. in a bealth a On. Wh , - - , , - ýz oblikêd*to Now Englailli. In Maille il bu elung the iag 0,1199- langui. bewa4ý-b ý There-are-monie Yerygood and Of' -dly force o, le Both roc otherwim, they won; il aie ni 'tKat, -0 very fougb 'la in aine, rtgivëi a pleuin 0 jý t a i On êiïéàe ntire arti asâlchugletts, an nmictieut have de- th, ayatein, and b&rine * a this,-parlis: èpè catd, ýt4ronLh ýthoir L-gistatàrw, ta con- Dru--,ýiète throughoii t eworid iell iL; thervere iidWà'trohibitoiV amenduient ta their con- 'Ph Il and the opportunity foi thuR chtai.ing tw-m,ý "at6r% ta Wh.m4be - t-tof -th.ere>yj Wit , drawb 1 ék 1 silitititionsi, OnfY 1 àtéiday the Penn. ail] zlýog4- Âéar% âmYlvalli. Il-,i» Propulsa eh( _1thCy*rè'ýà. ýar&Ïéù1ation the jf kobd, 41*ogtütii.1 probibit- -mdment lu th Mýt4ýy'-e. 110: QUI Il ep back the day on est proUibitiou h il ý to:lm, but it hm of Le di Qui, -él th, n'o C..iervative Pl" ,EeTlubrlc& iýlg -a l' a in tiquer ýelUngh» gris .ýtffl tt and FràrËeý ta P 6', 1 .01innati Moraing a friction aild central PosStici. or ne U_. -maftleýe. hot Wu; lie thm l.forlo, v is' -Signale ýDr.,Tîmggmgs" Uccie&i S ýOil lit4 Ta gg;, r-Dmmd«dý%t th. Lut o the wOrk Of ffieem 1 Bin. Lighi =, bof ,cwers ac weu lié, acting in the A ni =CL M.Vm, = a ni rbreabjug or ct«Uffl sais ý,#feîî l-h n'éIIP,ýyorinl;r mfe. tbat (,aIý 8ag>dgrmý, Who wu -the patin it LM fil 0 'Pëléetrie'Oil fa vek' g his.l;pý like the rulle,- of a pistant apj A14TRED te the ceuüind' '.-TblI 'ad- c. ýclbtWwringer an tic resI Bible, actually lige by&Udalem - Thffl ýéwàré ofâeM,4rýffâr maID6à -on . and boa thé bock targied xi down; Why. Val TIMP wonà scoVica. tenir a whla eym>m IUbý, yom&m raemblut de mered boort op.- ID Tmrrý,XüR 'aideýd»wxý. ý Howang, a" Possible, rat AN- e9,- ha PfAç"pfzaoý $bée, bq se tlm!ýOnlasl dia hia&Éibl- ta DJY wille, 3-d'l Ual un béat agi in tlfe A- VI 4-i ný l1l4ké 1 will be forfoited by the.selves notri.uý British governmont l il eThný.i D. tct bulk o ruent le ttter of 1 especially Ilisfi An they ari willing to clediaatical supreme, thimiilvu know me wrongi of Ireland th un know, and tberef the afflita-tion. it la the clergy will b. in dectaration, àmd' the thé people in a Mosul between the diuont Irish eeople "d tii haa'taken on ezteffli. to b. yorce worse by a letter 1 Catholie Cbureh. assassins &ill Dot t nefarious work becaui 01 a Priestworld. Corion There haà' just di, parts, a Mau Who h histery. Thirty ye, .hose Dame wu R" death et the 8eiCý aal an old gentleman, Nfý had excited considers court was crowdeý1 wi the personu standing PLoumot Who was Bal dûmes, wu one'Plm the Presse newspape contriýed in wigg1ý h lion without attra.t hall the senten- be Plaxichat, inoved, - 1 ed, by au uncontrül] the âiýe of 'hia 1ank mois lu imitation of guillotine, et the . whirring souid. R forward with.'à aliriel bystandera, indignant shSking act, rushýCl rouadly abuséd hijn. Ûquently pnsonme.t. Aý f., rteovered the shock, outil the day of hie de sa by the Elnp.mr, , Bicetre, and afteriý ard he hu juat expired- was under the improms ictually beheaded iii 1 %od wh.u relating il Ublt of imitating thc àim for 30 yeare., Sport Jiulong Y Crie day I saw 6, ýlaving et "breakir luvenile demon * wu@ ,our or five Gthera, )ig bristling bout. Luse in hand, the ld hie chance, and !ord ýnce. or tivia ient it like lighuling ha bout. Vie I.tttei lash only toý,run bis rito the coil,- which, )ined Pfflorts of all, q lire, in a succession ( ýaulte, into the sha Datant another lm& hrown over hi& band ors, hoedleu of mý vith vociferous gl.9 knd hold hün dôwn. me of the l.gs of 1 ind with thia ho bu ras Bat ait libe vretch« jumlm theré prodded ideà. Thun ýgc noertaiuly in al ver log,. headlo .ti.ý in. adven ver, to th.ir dis mtnedilatly seau ýr haul him ou Ie lut 1 saw 0 mg ; thty were ri arcass of thuir n OTTAWA AS e in the wholeý 'lantation of roi, as failed. Life ieen tao ofteri rom lie Li rth uessor y le ulik.n D.Vn-whe:ýe lusi ,f pine board8 t noms, and povt lie Civil Servi wapulabon. .0 beir wives are, InIl and prosai bolice conipaiii( u; Queen. Dui Anise muet bav gatiryiig lands roditeed to sSu iër ranci et hou [M no dolibt eni lie bas also si ,er-oikn bible, efore ; butth., hem, allie will pyearnnce, on ré.ý',Ottawa lanity Fair.>: nu