- 1. - .e1> . 1 Il 1 W. ONT.-- . Am?- L 1 4 ITLm. 1. - - . 1I, 'p ' O i ' ! HÂ LTm le ,a; e.. " ..11>", LL 1 - Appy aauwn , -e -_ . 1 . 'n I loS( ' _ i e, , !av ,O-L u i i ý _cw E_ f'7 _ ý' 2520 _ _ _ _1ý ý1 ý_ _ ,- ', ,J - -I __ 2 . A T N T S L .efSMR - _ . i nii .! . d 1 .4- _ , _: : - , : _.j ,r ýýh 1 1. " ýéa '"._ -Âooue2t - ý1 ,6îý,- î .- r.. 600,0 e oohie rcew SUe d Onn 1 iti ao CTIRo CA ÉN ISsg th.a ý 1 Xx- b g am f. da.ead. mutaAd .a_. 1 - , --i1*r%ý-,--iw ai.:*1 od,.f5 b0 .2,OO..2O,.O S. h 'Ocd,,e..,c.syolS ,-.c....1-asoia cîc tottTeW rtctco51pflortlFraJsaaarusd oros or. .d uhf#nw. 1h._-tti e;-i u. - .l72y * SoFa.ste, ra,,,2soi - -I . 1 t wlp Gtre _1 . .b - ----,oce rw r, B w, fOat na i. ti. 411 Ml_. masah l lia 'o- Ta no,,ensso >.*7 000 .A".. . ,. I.m la. ee.4 2fi o 1 wpr.JS.t..O.,bo.nh( . d.booIc I-l ..1 ,eo7ase ..---- ,a uuk iandh*Týl s.aa1 priii7yIiamuy aawý Zveia fý .. n u..j .ct,,0., .f ..c.l cpoe s. 2out rial aladyehta otdwaran wnnli.l'.akla .q0 Allat.1 n sionsll iima a iO n "_,20uot ears. ..daI -_ , ,!dsr..2., 502 770.57575-;, d.g.b MoiaButr.Thngnteî lab aarrMc. . ersecfmaiaIl-aus.aniaî o en ___g o Wu R 1_ . ,01 _ jI an_ to -.,c ý ýJstie i. ...~~ot..., t.4 4-OeS ..,< C. ~s. 2s4psbisn o .. eeto. rosIoa,0a too a hlh aanise ha reesesi or.fo Teoat, aml.e &wlal a a ouet ada ill s. a mi ten 11-1 - 1 _aR .25 h w ,. lsn. sd p-e , b e d rs a e n t sra d. E g o di b e de i A Ie l e am i mi S n i. O v eca a a y ife ioa h oi n 1 " m w r g..et CIDOsee. r1 702t(.7Ou. ;, oOrI.25.25c, u s e-: -.a»- doe1,e""o7wlsv a 1. ît.. 1 0 1 1 1-err t'1h.lai Bfy y.r11ar aatO.25.fe.hrh.-.0-bslo.e.-a2'e ,,.,,-,C'.. > , oý -<.4 ,I.u55e Ta.7J.heb Ilae..sudease,..e eeo, AiD cEL N "crti" 460 .fr. h ic adasreonaep fr-otpolloa marln. Bc elyiooetnm>dtcea utfi ihtitii reaie Atp-raagofmsr a ~ ~ AOe..c51Ica.ao. ocY~I'~O .neO.OsOsn. cfilgiA11, tiIVrois Bglad ntiot , i -_roR Mdh.t1 t ulori mioppmy Aenil. ept-aeoir,-n tcad al b.d-traaf1.swcg1li ea afet ?e,.,.sS 0.,î,î.,iIl..ty..o5011_______ AMELDCE eupo h,,es nrostreaiiorofe. olwrk;Yob a aea. no Ota 11T1t11 t afi y r aeaicepaedwh reeas%- t ai etfiiot1<r. it fr.in1 atbenelse aIl0a575* epsl ,..o o. Aso22~ . - y LcelOgl. oIe. Suc t te Antbed, otoueio Qiul I ne oe ~itboit ao s Tti ieplee1 dy. ey,î bet.ric t.dothirdty BeotsWerer tn-fw1os., .pt1lhyi-_h e f p l O e A p . . e r e , 0 . c . " . . ' . a . } f a t î j W a t îC . c H E e A e t 1 0 2 0 2 . h g s u p a i a m n ., o d i e d e c t b u - s o i f e d o e d t l r s t o t e r n a e S f u o . r e y l t h i r l ba , i n t . a o e l w d y n g O l asO .,~.al- scigoous Tbra . o can cf8d stok Vrtue tit O. dffialhylue in u.wra.axvaràee. repuelay mdirnet. t resonbteth- taI4-le aistnsodc Lega. .L .ongOh.aOXcdi te cf oc.-ndneedin ofone -ilag.In1rd- ofsa-;4 A pomuTnt -__._________lA N________ tecraptr? Oai a.leory1oot"isr, ce (S-t-t. then ttI ti - e .to h tc r o , r1hc r c V i r.78 3 .io o t a ei i e \4o - , I -sl .1U. e -1eoof. " _ 13 Is, r_ @!ww,nIel0est __ - 1e c... 5 * V O L . 22.1I . ,e M IL T N ,-' - - 's doee elle, 1804 met ,Ol-,c rid, ....... ao,. , a ossa- - _________________________-_____ ,eao ee. .ali eu:2 - it tmi, ,, hs re . tyoccp smiyhsp e esro i hatiwfa Fofde ros1-hcehel -- - Ws., .ead ,..t1___ R OY AL_________ A MpEp icOi 00 O eoc 1lta"jet >es-e, hnt f yo' Toroo1 -o .ation1haleherseoeaim i m 2 nndbewlemheîtehd er lpoeaoeffe.fe1a ,, ,_i ... )fAt i ELL.OT. ý, e, -.,,.î..,oI hct.î : h ooiclsdthraicioedscilc c e s .I.poto 080, 1,toy aacooc eO n ra ro -IeNaIer . eigti-,nr ota v~i't.ote. 40 . r . î.îo ,..1Is.. %SN, 0:: i ol aim, I e oer te frce sa'u ontt cbrelt sed dor . -aeo mISa ci. keiIeIICth its,-.n.,me l>a acee.an %o, ileejalitaocaditundI se sppl crgoud,-ren sd t.no - _ L i a b U i " c f sDne ddas t o . a i d I c ocZv r y ed7 y c o ra= Z 4 r . , «c u m ,»ta s a a u e a * C "1 - ýý , n a ., a . t h . . .h.n c.. . . .S . . . n up a inérét eiï tl i s.u t A >o k j a j o t.1s s litata if S, I t d o er l ui i I h v l > ret i m &.d . e-4.y.o.I'h:st..,':L.-..ne, ""ns,.fles. J('tmO sei ed.l,s illem wàhicd 1p.r- c Iabl ~re te a c lt tteSIlite Csoic*l of. a à lorat ofi~ ts bc petlt.cok, hi__Jrca icldegns-,,W e = . y, Le .. ..,,, ,.,.ow,,,My .eus. ydie Sdc be p.acS erttihermdiere ciipule.oi nprpuletecar Sefltit etit 4ýXr, A rîa Oatî ! funt Miory -hs.*c Sottoof eaii, aro iii fi tesElefcoog, oenstae-a. p la it tt hu7.an]sTPire, -,ho. e 11,'----l '.- - an,] -m .t ieoi-g )14..,., ,li, .,t.... L 'l.li'in.:. ,.0 b, , .5c.t'2U,ýO hend. casse hoads. ",ils ,.aad O@danfooprotction r la eoeà - IteIIIîmpi. ,sailito .s RadItA dieémet nrticap reopal n ta .'i -- Y. ,I d l tb " .. .t . . i a n a ie y i p -hil er ,m u cilv W i ah eier motl F - [i.oeM &a d D u h ar for m e 48 9 ak i * rI!& l 'wN - I.. r I e ' i r ,. d ]. , ,' i'a bo 0 d e ooaJa med tw, o f 0 1 , a s , : I o c o rM " r I bc o li e o t e a ,e us i N M i M é a e o l tll'th - il, _ _Al'a, in. l .in g o t' &sd, e e o , are t w Iocr in tl.. w r a m a tte r cf t . d , b m e e » I o "tcrd Ilt.e t- léApril gicenn h verley- litho.r,,«t,1.,., eîtenticnm o m souof3tise11 IjIIJSI;th. r &, oeshr cIIil 1t.oliefolipebedoaib c grs. nd te ousandcuuen = Aest ta.t',..,le f lind, wall trrgoa;lîseImemra.. neirouodiao e PICreaîtitirgtoàao;db ",drat.liteéitt featab.yntrmei-aSdan,], actheeclanb tht Otual riiladnpted0te th caris, sort.. ,.. "'EaIA e Oh L L* mo 10 . .ia a in heî Prsovoinceyes, ic6TorotIoee, e ! laovisa jma, tor*W cuy" W Streege te Imm, palist ..Felmr; abet'b sGrmn;c*li bter tdrtdect I ocii:I tIe esct lieuio fstîo ooci Z'»ostiryd,, Il. P P.,thaehc proact c.seoSf-Oieiv"aIrflou,.RTh-n 1-au,. Bocia, .C'Wrc*-goeadTjta" a coosjoroljaa j..a.-cte f-nc tte ico 51 s, ryîosagc,,,] ol itlcege15 ocis cainlavet-itver tIuitl.liteOncDtrat mo citecasfjleode, by Cted c CloraloOoces,"hy SOy. lanet 'nnd]ercesttol, adtuaaime6reMni lOt 5.O".. .. ~.a~. i.cois 'io.id, e 1ioslii. sc oricgsitaieeo olihi. n naet atoafeo erali, f I, sg, ,,] hopre hîctira; Pel a,]Nuhlignce;'cetai top .d p.tue-e secI OX ..:., .,...,.. c. , 24-lIile-4 cf coooi.t. Ti, 24:ocwbuîa sn,],an itaocr-YtILddieo -Site lrrd ctitreîddiedetor,]re,] y maipa,. tFtrtli'e Ituballe cccSrwnoa@bissels. iilamaenc.ltîro et a'rio asel T. d i ca ,U,.t. .. .eh0 P."0., ,2nir ohl antdt.. i. Atadcirse» iee oIcl itî cta los e oltnrOesS, o t f M.uhomop. Tis poir toga phiccy.rderile . De,,,,M od thuri6 tendt ame e A ch tieu, m J .i ,.' i c o I Isioh -d oe Llt o f..pam -'"î Oc t" Ye h ir e D cons it esdis t a.M rjD epe d iger ec o lit e p o ri cima llcesao abigc p cadha -S t o pwy Jol iaa it o r g iea,'ffT ho f o i o 'edo ni e r e MM df e o . - P n S a I f o r e . S I . .. e,],.firlicelIloelci îrr îbad,.Incorprvisa .In fMr popl, ehti tieynoiutl tteri0c oic,"by leU'ie crrrocisVietîtoatahe îed ritr îirogra Illhh..,.' "sI 'lit .tit,1 kmI ole-n04, 1tfamsi theitaute"i have ets o r thloko ec,. Agbed nieof bredrh 1oe la ieidos n ie .o tbP Olipiofacî"Dcbtdndereoc's aîene co]cl - 1 »Ys .pls,, i oiedDmc iep'br e 02 at 0 84ieArhiocsaoc io ctint ma=y pepioiceoc't ht- Bcanec.fAr jliro.Tc aebotce]o 0,,.. 00, r] cpseer02.'( re.cli,.Atio :oscce iGeeecd4r.nl0ic re hny. dîir p lstr aeP.t;"D.Jh UnIIt.rit .reXIaret focsm . 1"(4 W . Sfomthe' ic.,,prel oich bjotgtrpte "o alc a I atrn lth'Lirsrp NelesePpuorin Larp I- Amb o Searigei.ie9inee IIIIJI O 1 Li\I L î'ioossia Fres llhcIi-cnt..si.re f oî ll, Khof _ impraptio n&,ocesct erfect ccd pe l l igne oatoy. .cese, ob anc.np Terne. etlIi" iejtiticcsJ'asslr u«-kc. r Jhatoo o, ac Oore i ilcrato Iliog. S . cnhcIfno'oeoe -bO. W.P09MU g2aoeulait S a,]visit ctSien nl T. In- -- , ,,, , i . ."5J-ltl .. - - t bý L. ýo'cof H h ci.p Be c o c ,A.; Gîtol, ielflinorn cela eseng;Miler, ite etotreadsîlî o s ahle to th e SIot, NewtYes. er e, 85 pr pose; thop-en lrgipeo i omjî -l1118-TEL & toi Iiect1hILohcocsl fîitoopa] est milita DrtaIesl,]aor,],,rs. Tise sligetatcaoseYorkoginespydsoccana TcialsuitsarpeitifOit, eomefoulerd.o&ilparlaritica.tMa 1".,.._ àP".._______ î:,_ -i_.._il__ Il_ EZAsst.Mttin ie as heîp Alma1boduo.iion .ol inso iorneîcI 50 otoSim & sertu to litre, a.stca P lire , at ste, Si. getl ty.taJlepou OItc l«-Otis,9obool0 a Ihuc lic M laoroOuroitstcsplacefe batt'nspît se,]nncmtaoo.nta.lltare laogargs e a o o e ac a i i , at eo . i ee ra r c in b ci 10 ts s os c ha p o us c o is r i anc r it teî t uola , e soso t e i y ,]mîgo c ie cito a r e rssoo s A ry e a l nt ism't haillon.aTo ha"eccrclioccuoco Wi notcceoJ.iS. itorrioco,.of riccibsis'LatrforAprit. D.i,'".... .9.1, Mmi .te..lI4las-eorn intheare njd ioird 1cf7 andtOWllinossoersnolf.tte caution, tic,] a oers t rheAt. eopplif relsule tisa hoyoc lits aper ]fe.anrc -&D fî_e î_ _ otoe.;y e c L .t t.il' - - - N IV L . , Sfo hoie fr ,e ote rl ci Sto roorce el Spic ,]" [ 078, ,] Su To V t ia nd0 fSitei moiSa m hlet qu tesî ona t d oin te o r ailf r 7n h o o r o es la i ssu tbsc nmethler ta lati eî tuli iP I T D C E P A D G O h Colle s i aleiticth e olab rd a e L168 on. hs opa. H et ire rec' nar O, oy ltre u ycrai, th efinita te a'a îot. bio. eirr o r c. u ' i ... 1 1 __soî pI ls S, - - - - - - - - l o i . & . Bat o lv , necr isLau e ri . 1npefer Ofi i "rc p t e ' tb . ro s andc B aci i tv ry e cam e a andt e o lem a o nc e ntif ct r thon l p atsis e o i, c or . pr1 n c onse t ac t , al ii t .a lilkl's.c&î'.a.o.Us, polie.wl71-,nslorl1ytqir. ac.asti ite teoN--e -'edlo e tc ho,]Tof J b.l"aadi btteipre eur ase esg o .edoccpo ls:ii tdàvolitfo ie, wr i c . tcl r led Dtan] Vw draîlNd c0t,.w .p J. E.8K lto, il. I e ar if er. B.t i a s e s lrilîcreo:Icî clite.c"l.'c, aer- ciiomascu erti., îroctis nd ucaIL-. I 1 aflccout. ccbl,]aSilie PftietoDowern :lpcoî lIa. B nr.b sIt.ait thae aila. ifilS. ý tO ,, « ý -,,,,.*-N;'ý1-Ii --- ------ - -- ý 'aene*iice184 ue I. id ad ee. alabeifyor im wlipemi, a o ias . e ý. aPltn, im lykep. o ow ta retoe heboilirWhu P= .,ioisghh nol Ontaîso- , .tn.tLU"o.Aîî,nraa ', lt.I - .R,.fRI , .TH HNGE iîius ui ar 1 i .i,] 1.ilrones, otHc oc 'r il t bir ni epptil o ihic mpdmo e cS tmSt ]iirao01k lco vrys:y01 ob uhs e --__nb t' ý 1 - - --- - - __ Tuss. c Aere enîSco n ofbc*tane. haev be, t usticeObutriefoco.nrcr iwe robcirel ieesi tsnca c iou 1motrae îî otecal oo t .eci;t pf î,"aaane. i Ac.rcos.îîoicct..co.coîlo9.ctrrrfriteiî1iolit itndocf l J alycoina-ct,]atoolfo s2o,]ffentecpnidsl bomreiltasoojyto cîdie lytbodly oepe.ttt'to.i forrarfarnce I 1! LLoý) tioi11, l, edfi (îdr. Wcliglc cofp lttt.coîîgapndMaijffreecefreinesi bs rdisrcutaef tp mupet cod @iver m, iabe (se.,tise Ciibl'lr thehi t cia liodae'-eba,,à. ra ,., ,,~~ ~~ ,', Haý.,,.,, loess o'I ý1 .. 4 ic.. I ,ýlIl-, _'AIS:> ionour tilto a rfcy l, ai orby sl fmm F.à W.esciton otheGsaî.I f. nselrSi lyiteboly l c ati .]itTioiog ipoy Wrln' tto cd.ben.rfand _qter I. a B a r s e e c - n r . ,!. 'Il. , ., ',U ý, ._ . I io t. 1 1 :t: .i l s ls t 0 Ta t T cc O o p a b ec îim o r i n nd e ai & edi of 1874, d id in e i a d Peoîly au os o- n dil t r oni c le ,] e i , Sn e c up r e W kd cc ai h s t u y . Fi' eofP 5 ul s ' ta i o. H.ote b em s o e n ti m A e r lO r r iI-P .- P i e t d o o r e a , t o B a ti k ! ',," ' ù- t" r" L o r d E s o i g lo l- -"-frp IstS t i ls.1 o cSIou p sor n cile t.c af ro«s lytisen ie t o r r e Eip arte sm lnets pirs eta in s p e c tion ,.ba t t e alpe r s nifa itoacr0if o r t h e bp e,, r o u irlen t r e v lctioga o f t h p r e n artide y, s o foaub eh c ljh a c o u l,] h e ,' tr.. , ,- ,1,, ),-"i ri',,O,.. trsy,, f-s.eOh-o.orale 51 D.e.sp le Brof flashcrceritFandm i le o ]dh bre dst er aceicOleielctwrandr.lîcius re lSolScrobtain4aidoublaciduOf oie .tSt.ioisitIInb, .%liIgosioisricpeno, h__101c-- 1f:1r_4p r.r.Apilois a'pies. 1.m11,portetheq liîy, r wuro drritn'golieuicolàepaincpec Fcmrs Ted lecicto bepciOmadePaiono lîiîii ,cii tolitraeeetellepaano $ 5 0 0. tl ..,hc AItq 'tl, 1 -tt eclth t u g r i îi]t Sit y u e rT heis va l e f a s f U e H e w a d j t . ý,, .",, ý,,. A ' ",., - 't . jpj [ZOEtu mn t f1b lE R A, - t E ,ý. 4" ý pl tfc l i is cocîp ty a ndavo Jameato l1t e O1.1 l1I ý01icî e .l man e, . Ai etir, h u4; e I no s c a c ii,] i c en ti s te o c bsnia 1cen e t a'pcp ccpor Pi etd r eaîtfo d y t ec1ot L c c st rs. M r A . St. B o ld oti teIB e c k Ga-is orpri ci om'fI'f.,f o uIy ci sil.1ee.1l lyo.tirre ulo ic o c uuaa ocrce reat pB r e fst. i ir o t e c it î" a r ib s ers o n ti, ir u p o citttess ocoit, l s a . pscios ia'u y ath.c e d O we-eI- _'IliaIgit.S u c., tctIlwila s c a e i a n Wu 15,' .,iou..%. i (II lN(1ll% iloo.,t,e ;"î.',' my srsooatoe AI S, MLTN ofrseptse priesflic o caaâwybc g180u rîder ofjSh ot on e atîars eon e t o s t tre flisCa.cespi'o wOscu r.'adJlongforcaatoa.sTey " uithe ay 1 i t...L "'1 I'and sein. What more-nss..b.....d 11 ierr an ba s loorted o e c ioîp fr imaenpnSrtiis certioî jsntof re tltad a plecî i.cl,. lFi"atios oais optoni feriretionbrelci Dentistr ' IOHN j. .'.OT-,_Wlace -'UsZ cf nmoill bsho o h,] lrn ecrwose h e'de. isýlI.r.o uu tesoilre filss. itlp iseslmd. Iciscltroulinins'aiertilamLeteja. Opa i:i ssagie. pat r pte dnm I'E1.I 1.1' hi:'Priprstocra oesiing bc Psk ononi iteses ,'er eT li, t' mesor eiorrThomsonacuclios) uaclarigea. la reaifg meicrester&,orarp acsî-cnlIte-ial-is-..- ____;A ____. __________Vbron- kcîe EO tOBicnO P OWER arte of tie abodyc.an aea rro al e oainaduîeitmO Tiseat esl ompimof I ao ppilstacfMWEEIeB'BP',PHATS.At).IeVtI kd-,tm iecot.. ,di1l;,,gs.rrg.tt.,n.ois«lieraIroqn-taaend e th realy iac , - e-- ---- - ---- - 1 1(jIZSI.'. IL iNK ETS >,11)l S i n d a l o dto nainte os a ef n ir ya CA1 SAAi7 tos ,,oh d mo nh eeam fb ondtice. M e rool d ifchea t haïI o l Vite ue l catIP yJ aio l t .gcr tittda la i " m l .elbl;l filf.hrrdro ilt.ln mtshe soclsffe-oîiroi.tee cih.bras. ecuro liu atIhego .i, seIs isccetniiyhesoecorerecertefrtaI 'r T IAR LI .f. Il4 ,.1,IIi- I V , .kI Kir;T H ") , O it-e-te li t oVr blo d, w11 e e , , rlý-r. i e d p e a u ý -t e p i a E L C I M al n g a t d u e m r au Il 11.611osilu elîtor on _cil.flic . ,uOIli - b tel- oin meeticiar rer ioteora eiletro bails induleencen1 idnlaipitheeverionsisici A acl , t,,, A N D P OU R - sa In " .,.». .. ..flsit O ,111r.au:vids andp O ve cini niGan e d sh nt I it lda I ta a nds aie 0 Stresht.,]iy lu a ii ee l , ta m n e t m ss o r p l e ls a -iCM OI "sP LE'i as.5 sefcisc and a Mure. c lao &mit ed -nt s. irol li Ors a tit aptiO s irel e t . Il uirionsaveu if vs borealeSfconteae uahy slesp cffhin GI'ee. ...'1. eIl..s ' . :ots..c.inies.iseo eî tisa1 -_sert air.peoa opina etscagtit. ,,i.i I.Il-1....,',11, . Broc1 Ws, slicprîrie.n grer alue, ouiler ppao troouisor raud.laun , wabdIocaoed wou bedtseiccte eowa:-sanocoosuie. 1 te cu tti e u 8o e i l h os.G s ,m8eb e D r d e @ ,ofd le lie. an, ist o sP o sta raSsa s i a reaI&a oFriandhe tenr.a lind h i sle tem ri frrl mera 0Ltu.tl. . iec.l1:',e5 O..", .lOs,, 0001'ý -- , , '. ,,ýýý1ý ... Bl- -]'ec ParaOcta eerm enrcorn e a e b er c i rci d ng o - Irl I .1 i 1 B CH D J N ý o liS.A mt ong, lispe ad op' tmog cs, is eil a lteace ai aielli reu gt I car ef p te tie Advcort *I jsl t robietr. 1 oaIIcorT ,'i _«o.".s. J it eeriseeme r wopaIltrTie Arts oh""ý:",ýý , ,!,ý is, 7 Iff c.__c1 .niiiitp ceuns.rylr iaprane f r" roin, ile 1-'d, .1.11-e 8 asritn. Dhauratpr ov e. deccp. thr vst, le andisr elea looc f~ieg lessn afu tphysicai rer cd hePosetnee rltA. M eitiF. oins; "The Iovc oaos myS.. -e î i-ng a-' - n l4 a -g ma __i ae a , "cce'n.y es . I dJer er b pp as a u] eb , ud aton T .e,.a Ecai, cso, ,te s.,, S den iy - M l b !; J. t I !, : . , . ý , , . , ? , - , - - ' . a l a c N u e , N i t o . a l ic k oa g e s t i e a n d b or t r e t d , t o , i o d n n g o i t u e ] i e i o n e s n d i e O t i e a g e mibno n -lq e.......t - I ,,ý:, ý I ý...siss..î--c-. ', C. .._1..9atue i- e r l u lieom a wbe.e mn oI s. Und d b C doflsa Sttra T nt. b iat a sLn de .1 lýlzir.gil %!ond, e boi,@ lie te ie fo iU , 'ILI lwRYBreliabe. H.lias f lai natue fora fil of ndI d ", anawaIlpopartinecf; IIeostetndlNihting le@ palrcbai e prp, tad ca erofita le ben to_ I'I,oOO O .. .. , Oi, on i.1... o einis ue, et. . snoomasih yaa' ~ a r-c,..,.o,.c.5 e' nss.aOaoc . ."..,,, s.m..nonanaccaaiea ,,i.,Iraic - _ ___t-os aO..l..... 1 O.. a sotIl.,- .lin,_,- , ,é,- .,ea i...]1, impignecietee ioTld a ihe je a . Stchatie [6620 28885. .)Desef heedr inoallitrelantanut ýý,ý'.,1i." Iý,ý J... .- -- Iý1.,«-1r t.ý,I.13. '. ,X,,, peton. ..'.-an ' .I, of peicalbleeeng ! 1" SareCo ;il hIrecofensmte.nu nna b rrantthe s ntr a a.o.e ica toli,0c.oc 'nr aa"I.rasaaseu1soaaan no- ai ton. M. utoanulo hu aulrtfoteaI hm.cene.ne. 07.tise 'oý si euon ieice. literot he ..trceo . 118l,1111;11ý1;, 1 1,.. L,.11 ýý il l' I,,l'4. ýt,ý.,-- -,,%1 «. 1ý:'ý. -lIOP Th . ea erth n rap icll d scriia L rtroI"L rd B o ar Id 1" fnin b e . .1,-1llo 1 gii r. oonsro dlar fra iatmmifsir ow sep s n Mr.Dy eS' noII oro wociam aua he.e,,byJuin tsîs;"T eVili' Stdrv litrg- utai iWr ----em1 Smeoo ac l I n aý1.l ýme -l mo. ...R..A B Ti. lIuh 11an.-'. -'...',n,.. ... "flaco filera 1, %ltlIo.,. Ia:t.,a.ant41,asord, .ssnat mfl.ria-'i . :_ r,., .,:, a" [e a bagra d d b , trl i mai W. BockE ofre e d iceate Toiat dus the. ehoainit the sl i ce,f iba i y, a hn a r . ,] E p ,I.ui C a s . 1. 1 c %.,ero. - oa Utsrois [81(nssuit a vc, c omebf. g o . A sia s hep h i a i e t s h duan d l v r w r h Y M i eiItton e -eaoeror 5-, .e, l ruinasrhtai 1t1 tio1 la huIf0s wa o I ua he p .lis glint;caDcirlainerommmatd ". o . , s . . . , ~ . , %ý, , u aP. ' alill P - ;.0 jC Ieý 5 - ) ,b a k a 8 6 , n t i64 in r aléi e a ss Of ha ss ll , n d fb tmae p eop le fRo m n cem il - i re gm ai 5f ofh. t. " , a r~e s . ' * sou t . s >esaa e. 11r ic,. 510, , . , 0< ro, .ioi. 'q o t iur sa pe e we c r e t rm aie rti r u n t no r e w Od r uf ri g fae kdn y a d lv r Y S a ly La eP oeaim.T e c r b t . d o ";" .1-1-11- . . ,, )mites wektou, ad aami6 hlelam ';."ý ' ."_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._ _1A t I E 1 l 1I 1! )'Si,ee hv e uti b u a is in genfra.5 lamporteraa sand bre.eatua .0 aesITTe. se ca resus O.1 i__ -aofAUV IITIBEIandh U e il bsCoswl itina n nid st !gy, an s elDualy;IlIl uiinliors çl. ;1,oftnflospuarete _ _ _ _ so. waailTmme.np muace1o,1efiiI (Il ýýIl F'.!(ý 11 1 1.Il 1 1V. 1 Il ý ? ".;1 ,,,,pl E , ,rest hn a. t in cap b e o m a iied byZ.n.P. O,, 5 on , ZrV-I . . TUEI i,1a't,, ';-_ aÛL'lr'seiflele nfii ou tyasLJO5M - 5utü asas alre l g 1a-. b2 . l.t.";,IIt.'. r.,,.. ýil- 4 iflir fihep o uteG ep, odo Sotirn. Jm s iIr o h rets esit nd- n1 bet te Sret e or.Tris 5pr er btrohgdependvtltyo t 11UNTEIL & EZAU , cfI amogt I o "ed ietoelBogalasntfvidlewý agets ioir.Te lgts asssnlecp,4 et;TiIsusrpinteer areyo h odto