Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 1883, p. 3

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in the cancan Mr.,'Butler case ta Liifent ana rlatad that baLbad a pecaaal matk EIPSl & LIVEIR COIiPLAINT. ,t oc pn ja e ro a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~h Mîo olataaai*Mda!etlaodlirt larb,"'he said, "and il Is t nt Wrththesmal Piceof aona of tian customs of conr ecrlam b9t fren yoaraalf ai nvacy iyiip- 'un a amainaperioncesa a 'change of flisame treaing noMPlainla, >4 viewo for lain toeaMae -d announcoiL. iLk go oei at nir tore and gel a 'Zoo gentleman know tlnt I haveanlWaYB )f Sbialoha Vtalizer, every Lotla bLa na eonided ancueor tLe miv extreane prnted giarantaed on it, nse Proibiion demoràtlo, nade b viai 'aOi nglY A.nd tf)l d0eff YOi niOo90d Charli Hanrgar. tfonghi frit eoaniai 'oa lO yontitg. BulLY J-.IL It tam blerîd I waaight 1 now sej on. m y itaka. 1 ana convortad. Noat ii! am <n aym 1 leo iepraa!nca P, * CÂ3IVÂL. for any oveaare atii an iri n Wever. - ~But I amn diiguited vila the pirohibitin Carnîral hLd en tha iskating rtnk caMpigaddio Dot tii le la the t aigit waaid ia aàea.r8ltantad to ranch tria t,'nperaace. rera"givan Ly the Direciora, and For tha finI tim nl yeara I ntiiid a ilwtag mera tha aaLoinaaint denanera.imeeting wlire 1amthoroigla- B :ý 1 . ly ita-accord vith ita nvra. I 1am n a tcastma'-Mia l-Colban ; ladlMtie favo3, el jidtioomi rta.of tha laqUer i. triSte." 0f courge, nai hua nbieqnn kar-aiiBarbar a .; ladvwitig mi eiu Dot fiOItha exîrnet itialir. nagnagae of Mr. Baller. but thea lorego. oodir 14, aian Mii.Rim i n laanlEaîte bia rianarka. Tlao an ; ladSoite liogla ,csumen- -Mr. . . tria 2ild 'aOe greetedlitultond applanan, and EaLjý5.Prof. Baller vrai wnraiy cngatiiîtld SIlaoer-Mar. Gd. Andecson; lad on bisi frank aid lainait emuariai. We e. are clnd l t elcmetaaintai 10elIi aadof umdcc 14. hvlatr-Joa. BrilLera,:trutrio lanace. Wo nl waot ta -seo Ahnasc.P cnccnile14 yars.a ntniii- h te evla cf the litaîor triSte aaoiintd, t; 2nd Widliec-or. bLt inadi ail waat onliensea drink. OPei t lt i 5ttaite-J. J, Palweitcnnsanid pilernt iacennpatecay.- price e to t lars for ladies nox ýease our customei ler or yqu will ni ir L1v e Dry Goc Saléesat Eno'rmoùlUs. Prom liai ot cf dîa 0c a lit'of cf iunathia linnna lli n th an at Ibm irntâ,i Thti vintadonci ILaisliernadatid lty Ltying for cmua ikmeanliivary tiet houaie,ad coltiz amai profits.,vill tia p oaceaaanti gocdwia f taieoi'tiî ara Cannlabettar tlama'large ptc alttit twiic Ilanhalidock f ioota Ilaît any oClar haîeeniotoin Lisa canin la kiapiant Iaoielb the imiiinaaloaaoant of lit aleqIna olbîca ima l at il ml bar profits tlanif thlai $25,L100.00 paya Ieally an wcll ni alaleen. nati natprofit on encL ulltaar rîlailI(jW eE S SaQ O O D S, madc on goodsait Ihia fauorîta thome lately, saa a lai nt oai ta icabatra îhe aaw goii vilnaît for Eucope on the 6ala Jaîîuary. To ataL imategel t bit raIti îlt iieau 'ci rd to'Lardon voit ivek a alipay for lIae anormaîn suppliea raquirod fcr tha apringanid an; AnotLer lot ot' Chier Cîian rleaidfrm 70)la 50 nanti. Maîtta Clotlai pul dama $3 ta L A N K E T S , aaad-. t DrvaGccda. -y large lot of Drain Gonds miarktaddiini from 18 te 12J colai 1~TT~~TI ~4 Oflouse iittly aI' about tlahr taîlitletr value. ljndircltliangof attl knda Lave an amai cK *'S & D R A W LR cmiva. charmiîglle Iton Lote ou'queta, Erîang Flovrera, Roeanid onltala -Poionanaý Oit ClîlLo, otc. Mtttincry ai Lati pr iai. Thaetiglat Hoa.eKing . ai. n loie th Hîgiagia And AU Kinds Of I laitaDecember 28, 1882 Selling at REDTCED PRICES, stret &Bast, do'si Tlaeretore ccetai HAMILTON m ieurne afthe Bnrgair 10 PER CENT., DISCOUNT Monster Tailoring H-ouseé, 140 c OPPS BDL Thcoe Bnr on f Wioter Stecha toe cioictgltered. 4cwcaa t2 . 18,2 bPrIltt ii h ufalococVttt lýOt.. plcaa'ftilnr lace rcrtitcela tI tlttctatl'Il lth co l Ii: cmer ivr tri'. Al 1lit- îlcc,trs ttraathc.clira eicttcltctttlcra s Africîld 'tctacl .1ptarlsinta. 'iaI lit-an to km 1,lifid violecoîtghlltglilo andî,trc- iîttfrotîpllegia ;i a ed t ad bU; %era nvýolior, atdItInco Iiiaict'ttad Il 'owa cf ce. lTiti Icltaîn ce- .rtiiatoat ytîitloiit;andma ade a plîlta" cretofitime. 1 audiicncf xking my, clre lnowc. R .WITIERS. lVa. lare eipccaly atal positireOCre .Cîtiorrh ia piiteriti . Ctoîor iuoufi t Ired Aihe, leinlilo's Cîlirria 1114Vl. Avieial itjecltr freevitlla tltttýitfîtc' Ust lif ront, irire Lealtia dst, tctbrîtatit. .Ptice ltl à6. Sciai J. H. ItClc c. ciodnce1,,.,,d !oli toc Ilî oit tti ch tn. q in.d hints NEW ]FEATTIRfES IN.TUE DRY GOODS TRADE --ŽiIIJAUJN A---- 'Tiiere vWltt bL opened Upseveral cases 0 ilt'tUciOHO New LÉoods direct Iroîn 'i tat.Black Baslinmeres, .. Ladi acotcîcat.Oc'ct0o cttctcîatt.llt I iT- Black Silk Quilted SIrirts, A1eÔ 't a itl ldt"t li.Oa'atattt~tt.rîtdcto,- aattlîaiiAs turfned Out frorn tle largest dot A UENEIIAL STALIPEIE. Noever vrai noclta al,a' finorc ay m- Storea laDow t J. H. MîcI .A'ToS rvlr c'a frra Trial lottoe of Dr. K Lî A DI S 0' ewDiv.ccrc for Conaipa w'ihea ad Cioi. Ail peron afieîcd sAe or -yourselves iah Aubhina. tiBroociita,' Itoarseocm, n'ira. .,nl or aay affectin if laithe Cl ! t aî iriLeego, cala nrt a Trial l sofg Q w l iliD ata.y:Du Stoe. e, Ly be no difficuit y'c sCira vai sexaceert ileîLe iin the anal SfluLonArua I'a.u1" Ira!tî t i ayî00 i ba i î L ndn , Engla-~I..~~i at lac vrais ifr il houold hLetcouiaîcc - 1 ttrg aer ffltid lrôîagh titi theonce b e cabled t TRUE TO RMiI TRUST. Too mah ni L rai itafal mua ntl milleriilny T À atclntnag and lartng tac bar dinea , troc iîgtcclina nin in d t i har ran Ceand i-;ii- irOf '13 Matts s àa quan;itity of )tto ns ýARP EGE DttOn MNills it -Etîgland. Haiîg sold ot tOur ýBuisîie>s to Thursd To reduce oui' immfenise- stoc %%7are, Fancy - goods, Wax MaèClotliillg..Hats, Caps BI.aiklets, &c., prevîolus to t iý,c and no trade taken ini lgetsale of.the kiid everl Ia, HpIontId Sîgar for Exta Baigtt Sgar for aPuIonnized i i ai t O Loaf ai i a. TenDeti Pinga No. 1 Claeving.Tibaca» Ie Na'ey Tnbnci,'par plaig; lai. Ricen1 . R B 1 1 .:Iscbjj

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