71 Caitadian Champ$4in ---------~-~ X D. MK TEUI, - . Eu. u. kWw «"" Odi i b<k tWillI0 il)LI'OY. JUNE 9, 1881. C = CUaime lt= rml l ___________ of Eam$Im aa p eint W" d is N1hIBBD be ook.ge&I Utoes. alul.Thb.mttéslri ou- lsB.es etib i. .lasoa- tgwotise Govemmueflt on tlt s ml NORTH- OlTARiO. pasiaon u n mil et àapaisai mom nt 1 s . Wult oohbc knd enoueh De .Lumps wolh à vte c eaiua -0 thse Ciy Causa aedaf I1OOe. fute .repl te tise 1.1101 a ahip camai I e l.Iihm cf Mr. Paxton, -who bues preomut en whehocuombseadifft.gu mpts- i n laut is a ?oNosI (boths ýta osrt th. <luit odsth this contitucncy snce CinMedratiS t h.rtg 250 menefroemuniios iteselltS of' &OMM hof gttouf h.Ivolb tis e cu s. in thecLegislature,.omving reeigned o lisbufl. Of . V. bl aiuted on i. ~ W ~ ihslm-JAthynsWTts u fls accept die offie of sleriff san eleetiosun 00"1-ià" hy i f 0ftOkau.m r * <elst t ifath. erm eroaga Zof a Cloosam o Li-Oblu wuo heid on Satxoray lest, wbieh urs! itdIo armtPose <l< ci am1 a. giepry1. rl b u i~evu.lr y e resslted in thse election oifr. Mdlir , lie~~ hd as muachbrama s skttractDf m<05b attentoe.Theatat.l 0 tise~~ ~~ Cosetieaedieto tb I<qsslm f tissu i ldertSfd Ihe 'Wyoming forbod sncb nterm.dob, sud the Coservatve -cadidateb w d0TraktIs as a as tu ruau anlb M h.,Ould 5me that 1tisa souplelied lbhe ersnsony performod omail mjority over 1Mr. Bigelow, Crd$ Vally fw.ter lots mumsh t nM potaed1rMDogslslte e sorsloalei mw hr o tIse Goveroscent cadidate. 0f course by £aiigiser mhortttissu th.(loY Isahow M r. b eDoug5B s attroitDeverbClon dot lerstsdho. wDot thse Miaoitry cf 1Mr. Me&t i 0 0Coua 1 but B PS.1 lSic u att wonliebd ohen ho.iad h ottê psîetbv es<dce o sogn Hsslq. y toftotlieloso of one con,- îulerdo. hy lise. Cr@ad le Con a lt it; the 1, eh b~a! ie OfldB 09 IOnPlYiong fr it, an Lto l h ie Chses» cossul etDTesvr.usder sltittCOncy w minetmtcria et i t; so' se ' insin tes,0for tise pnrou of throuiag tise diretion of thec Clinese iasasuor- bu t e rsgut o tisheee, onsaon ' f th* w ub ta neI>fla sor noaiJMr M< oga cf Theo ne Wsiko. ef itrse i oe ther L.ac beronts wrssoitcftieeledtronon CbtrsGranthensitys. ml h aort e-tlt forusrd.o tise pastitios dors sotdessy hait of ois eountrymas, sd utîl conteR oerio~Theenerl 10 x'd Prune' flothe tavoaino pbesaci porto af e ns otymean rdo. Tiss urold àgsSao Bowssean'a "p.) I therassis brisg proparsd for the Chises foioon tiaI vilouionet efous artcf iseProcrt Comitesgoat-dore bhlmte1nosasstise partiese ho e"id amosasador te prmSt te the tate De- E a c S d princiotion will ot alweys Io over- 1139 Iis concesson te tise Crrdit Valey thy woold not hae sigssed mv Intition pertiment.I l s ic S d looked sy tES electortte. The Gloobe Comtoany, provide, iscwever. for aslour-if thay lied lhonesissoasu mpplismt. syn : tisaIlIse contitsency lhe for if it 10band tise tadepandt nt tracis over Wti regard te wht Dwil.d told bisaMARAGS -sis esn teovrfo h pea tis radTrnsa sonathe se it l i oIis. Tisaempt bg tâtB utoned K i ternhereeoitgon vrfrtiep stter sempmsî givea np psssaion of tise omes off tisetrain evey morniaf, sosa Wes.oiOn- Corne.-Attheis.rraidanof btsOpoiinin the GOtaro aoublieraIs-saison thes lapîmcade, sud bowimueh romtdeereth aortiseintermit- tisa brido'. parata. Jone lint 18, loY tishe f - Pariiement. Tise precite renson ili ttis arragement will, sdoosis, h. ed in the offce have nte e bnesty and 1Ray. W. ;;tc.rt,. Hrnby. tlnois o soins extent a nstery, but i in esrisd inte effoet a ne distant day. Ae integrity of tise poolmater. Wiliamsoa Es. Trafalgar,. la Mim I A.L 1 hy clear fi ontishe retrsetIaI thsedefet &Il Oeau- ta. i Ymaih. af.lY predorîr W. B. Dorlsod must bave îison<bî Annio Coobo. Torozoc Ocre. of te Reforso rendideto was due net tisai;lise gret obtacles ulsielhbare se tist tise roaerr cf tiseKNors ocre as McCoLo- McPoozaNo.- (l ussay. tisa mcdob ttittfo îrre tia <Jedi io rmoon mai s hiiri if o ld inst.. at tis a sidron of tise rida'. iog mi te afcianre opoiticai téeld long »ohtetle edtValley In jd O om tne ah i o fabher.by the e J ac. M ofioeeing Îi brn n i e UsttisE a dret.nd independrsl rigisl tbon<bttu1 ache ti a esaieve tisaI I Brnkd n. Mon-. Pa.. nmitad b, ing s tuf ' ilue tobrin outth f my to ila wter lots hrs have boe aiised ito hibes@aore witboot enunador- ltoo. BiJ. Laidiswof Hamiton. etd liberai trenglis" vituall ovroo.-Meall cf 3rd itat. standing a&bot rent or aoytbi isea. lier. JosAe se&.c oot r Tisereaoîtwo isins, n oc fe <Tisat thore on us. o derslanding ia ont Iooed.Mocl c..1 fEaqaoing. Dow downet eplesis n lseirpîafcro i ef t(laeilî, rnd tpernrond .earyef Mi.u Esqrao Frazery L sei. Tise Reforni pertv heu laid it TOWN COUNCIL tise case. Tisore va. one, sud tisaI iefors cfh-Mtn. taientMinglioer ofMr . 1 1 mTy tht tise praclice of eppointing memnt - part of it 10 tise fullt exteat, a sgareed bers of Paanient te offices, psai- Cor'ecozUI m E&Bnl, e1s881. h asst ca ie rt EATHS. cally nMilton, ngifthiJ viions.1 . thisg tsmtemd f fuflliisg bis ageement àuAon sMay 511. Geore . Rnosad, Thei isother sfNorith.Ontaviol oe. Tise (ouril met. Tise Mayor is tisei and doing &mi ie ispower te help me, au sged 63 yeaa, a roident of Tsslalsr Tis Iefoonreof orh nteto ~chair. Preeeot-D. W. Camapbell, Reeve; holi prcmised, ise boas formed a comopact for Oser tirty yenan d sud oo repec- doult, truggicd liord toc elet Mo.. ~Ecard, 0. MNair, J. B. iHarrison, B. wils 1Mr. Bosoman for lise purpese of madly bis 010f00<a Patton as e nesber o Periiament. Jones, S Conter, T. Lutsh, T. Mrs. ding me injsry. Mfr. Paxton repaid tise exertione of Minutes rrad and contiroed. Tise tinte usa agreed epos bfore 1 A Card. his soIpporters by eppcioctioog is f -Proposai on isoalf cf T. F. Biacisuscd lf labtOavitir;; lb.amoant cf rent wuaT îyor se r rooo tberreraodiedi 'te a fat office, leeving bis polititalIn orespoct f tis esnfins, st.,trui, iss selid in Htamiton on Fb2nd, sud onson t..ryoo.. ns-s...s oe..... arder frieodss n lcgsicy eaiard figit tecomunicatioons fros Biacwocd and J. Marcis îrd hb es-civrd, and gae hie bislofrnaool.'àe. 1 i ol secl werrlooslctr - coosstlctcy Eletri.5 Parker rend and reférreo te1 Fire and rocipt for rent in ccordance with thcse umlnu, REEOF CHARGE. Ttoecatsnsoy reai teir etiec.me 1tPr- Wer onoitte. agreemnOdsentos....soscsc. t he B.y. Joar berme isrd o c gme a- Cosmitoeu ppoiotod osn Rovisio Witb regerd btise pale e aspoabi c f, Icaceo Otîoi.. D.N« York Cit. ianment if il is 1teebcamre teppîflg- of Asssent repos-led tht thry lie acotol siagoed it, butc urolo it uske-- _______________ stoie 10 office. and, eiseîy or not, et isard ail appeaa i ade fiainst aseooa- isesSe mors for Mr5. H. Doranda Money to Loan tise eiection go y dfîtil, 'lTte mnt roJl, uond had coSbfrocd easameut. veraoty. Thc foiiceotso etter, uritten Ï'iN eunu orocsee.oe n am prrrtt'af a r (11oli frtorier sivs:-"Tise esoto for RLeport adopteld. by W. H. Dcriond te Mr. Webster aler 0 pkr cent. J. D. MA ESIiON& P ra-s tlicseJrrls of Ncorth \Wateroo is toc Ccnsmittéeo sn Firs and Wator rcport- being uiicod-10 icad lise iat cor him-M'MILTO. MSY lOti. 1881. 4-tf ov ls efo teesi emphsiig.' We ecd tbry cold ot rocommnnth tisaIoi, iii ondoie losoemiso have donc propoeinostitifBacsoccd ibu accepted. businsseaet tiese tation te judgee iaI M oney ta Loat2. quiote ogrere witi tise Gle i tis, Reipcrt adoptait. trtisîeisriin it:- iooJ eoiecd IJheOapplictionl btise Comosittcc ce Fi nancc rrported and Zm emoaxi Station Mr. 171881. J5OytEY TO LOAN ON SORTGAGE H1 r 1.îJ,îraiv of tisc Provinoce, inridiog rcoooended laymoot cf theso flitwing JAESEBSTEVRnc, Sept.,- M J.o6lpar cent. istereot. lie- Minse-rv. Il is no excsse t:cRay scconlo. os.:- tisîs ocre î oiicscrvative Gcversnent I taireove.thse pporunitY f mitig tcayo. THADL<EUS OHENI' qTETEC hr s ielcerooio sotto O-3m. Iorige in owir lis-y moid do tiesaime. T. Turtcr, $2050 ;Josephs Johnao n aas l on h e ttced ot is tise iigissey. Ws- firily Jîlieve tist tise Coveroî- 8750; Jeocph Toci, #20.00; Hcolo eond s- bkhy nra Jsdcd ticy tend o f.r e, There-aLert heS men-oloetMr. Uooat is infisitciy Bl. 20.00; IVeitor Pits-Oor. 920.00; 2cr3dny.. 3MytIcos ascoprecîycneoUt h-______ro te t . Jaes ouler,82125 J.P. loprin"eo-ylfrom or tlstiscrday;ancd . r sus;îî-si:sr b-nny govorooment tt asssCosle,82.2cJ teprHcodccoc nea Ire icf-lJedig en tOch. OUSE t. oent ediiixeCeocroos coid ii- formied ot ofliso Opposition, odur, lOts. rond. and refusecter.He ieas, e a estteri.. For crtiroines npJy il. Joh. isduh osiJdeeliy regret tb se il de- CONTvronreleS. &geed Irai o lio. Mr. MItteNcam. om CnWalace. 44- c.kki ; ebt s-e orcolo it J ee it C. Jones, e, clpoiino lootis-E. Wacd, illigtthm,pieesd extotisod.nd swt cîilese asc ciceiy os posible îc tise $40. e eO.iset Cr Haeiltts. md MrT L t h h a e te. Report cdc led. Henticin wos away. and ttis icet officer T e. T e C e p s n - P irse liiitishe Reform Party have William Jot ois b in O t isî e.Mr. .Nea isabtaik__ asiptei.cd bciins nt-s Hantstoa. crar H. & N. W. Eii.raIl SMALL STORE o"il d-rete tise adPoundd Icoper fur lise 1tua" f illcn. denrt liSe le find Cocl cilieut ,escs. ..lTicspsn Hocor Tmr-sscstoi gocd - -..-Motion pncsed tc instroot Street and Yonetesiy. tant. J. D. M.iTHiE$ON. S-r.UTRuriY DECLARATIONS. iideeaiis Ccmmtiee tu have atcne haci- W. H. LIORLAND. aoc, Mei.111 6c -. - A ~ ~ e er-ooioscfcltoo rtfron joiyard -and put on troet tes Ziom.ma Station. MLTNMa0,oR1.46t H.N <. W. R. staticn rom corcrof . Wisnleaunaedieortiooe pubier Iink is o ATALLIJN tDRILL. ~ ~ k te-es:;- -:si vds fiilli;soith ieilJcio f ocrManticMill troî!t. amanonet cs e Judas with is tenantl. Ts 0hOliis Hio lCo ss ees-ori ss;iis ofr aiqiyitsg tJsc terni tMotionpst and let te intrut Street eserifiioog bis on ocleresb t tisebiddicf odes t. go.Solo irizad.c oece iNiner. Ceeor tsesetnoiic te, s ltsstry de- -sosi iidowalk Comocittre tc bore aelsos Coci a nuisansco a Occess (owichis e odr o ioso 00.tcaclc 'oei-v icdor po ot set Comercjiaod Malo etrrcto tise case wtslsregardstulstisa aboya)>? o NC2(c esmrcynoeiseoo-.TrbýY oseiiedt.tenc,i chriois. l elpart aodirtorl y ehre rejsired trt. But lieoncy rosi asorcd thal i bave drilenîthe aeroeecy, o Tbrciae. Fiday it ES sosi-luto fiiC .. pat-...c (Slyin Os motiones ioCootcii diorced. ors Ber Majeoijo clS htocot lobt e *and Saturday e<ns, at wfl50WlsoO. uts-si, ls.- vmitrlsi!iy owergoicE on wilit ___________ rigtend by theae-y f alongcsarcd cstocacî-d kt.M llhai l.. A tom r-gssiiitieoisetboc-gis n rtc animai, aveu ad thscrc siocd bs apair oCfAE ;otSN esise, Jit orseiy ciels b correct wisssi -i cý ..1c ien. (set. Rom7. No. 7Ce. soJiJiroos o cieoelr errer wilh 8 I N2e ,%W. HENDERSON, -Butter, g s L a erussitctiee deireice.Ic 274 M c,; - - e Zionnsrmon Sation, Mayt6, 1881. Hotel Change. wsosiu e aisii sidîrevslest of -nd- El THE BOTUOriNO ;CASE. TcoIANo,-Ç osy ssssssse-ORfris-osîs for ciels: iirisi bsd rrcese ingolsatnrd B - tc- To tir Edior of h 6icee st fasreral tse TiipsiP Houer, J1 al- ilsssiniy tshc-e 004mace l olreetxstiie tbcosc htis1ithasve ssiuiersfoset theso isije.ct cf FLisy ia.-<2<NI olbrervo tisaitMr. Cemerceos oredle tbe Fjreres Huel, n, dishave a s-oijsirî 15r ss îsyci-r 0ci c, e o~Oo-e - isnlrft isecaein lIse bands of some llssrsgisireritJs(i ii. t silllbclhappy f:4 î1i cestïsclri. ]oris y wue. c- i - anoen-rcs rrsioetlosJ fticm-cc.e e ssls a olfios ils escl ri-10-ei r --si s55Y N1 snsl OJt le Laitsore po cecctoomy public. T1w Act uliriasrs scis preice illegai C ;r c,0'chaengenoluii o rpet opoi esr iso ie J. W. lAT, l rscries i e1rulty feran r - nocs c ý -s aure Iie nJteenut made frocns L Jistie orsus iisir ersecc admioierosg c- c à- - - -1poipit at BotnCîsocis. It0e sio,___essier thisusial è oJcl r ssfui fr scsv fooitions - nr.. cilie.10tJsre at4teeteto asecu caoo .-siei.I eoiis swor cr siicositcl hc oJon Alwcmi a a cey uesoi izricii y iw tcadciieter Act and jossibly th isnsynacoenot foi cis onils iiirerrors- 10ehe lins decinra- :a =î;ýM isilnce. IthlJnis t prove2 prrtîy T .1Kif iOTICE ISsI tbe M sooicioaJ tsios~~~ ~~~ ii dyJreo ostri nsog -00 OoO ooCIUioIrilissi lOr. taMoros mat cis- Comci of leth.oVllge ofAJOo pu- tlicsie c-o Jcfîsreisin ioefrniof o abro binbluoiof me for cci getOlof bscpuser poss n aBy.ioc teoatsîp ep flse thse séledîse ti tise At, 'in attestation bO . orse on tisat particuir Suudny. Ae Co ortion sel Agnos Streetliyiog btwcor. oco o rieO ~ th.e UIrcpone etoe iflcsl i N, Boklie1tand 22io sald Villag, and or insruenot. Oc1nOfogtosf fasct. c o - or of asny accoostorendslred or rritilof" M aosd ifanoy auoeiodeelaraticnlie fasie. - .u V or. utrue sosiosy0 sosteril porlicouins,e - tie aecl ehicg sccfli se decinra- tF tie sialisibe deemeot gllof a fc ___ oiesfooosenrr. "W TRO NRGISHO Tisotise maisiîg a faise seearticn WAEDW 10 COL ici thoe talntooy foru is sonde a crimes At tise lJobUniverity f To)rolto En- efthvie amne-grade ao prjery, andi tise -.iitOsîtiss, tise eo-pîpiis ic i8scodli peronemîiing il i JioSa 10theinesmmc Oeuied,as usul, Soglo pJsced on tise légnalpenlties. «lorlssiJy, tise persoos 00,1 oz-O iisg a falec lJsrstion ic eqsully isore J J. Ltte, , tcIse gosltycuts tce oeooss ssihng fnoe oosn3aulsrosutoeo. Me'. W. T. Eranso, 1,1ilt wih te prso ma'in a als 'tsreîowos s-is ihonoe. ios CviJ Poity affidîvil, as e itioro ic a breatisoetthe ocod NleLsiysicso. Mr. iiCha. WSethais, ninh, commandment. So tisat me lBrverey, trst-eJueshoore in English lOis or correopocndeet mas nerer Bitory, Gernas, econdsin F rdnch. Mr. tise bot ecsuen lie refesred tu tis e oî,Wso, of Nelson, lolm ood c delarîtioce se "nuon testimony"liglsy redsitoiolrexaocnoOs oVictcoOo liste bis cs-ic i. theso esic,ciscUonirsrity. Thorty-bix, canoChlotoaii lioiiss isa au olcoiigoiispsbic sito sol tise oraisg iotrrodiiste. thiks hat"auintllieubpubie Tise Ltercoy Socety lioiooa ces-y sac- renoot aond cuill nt ccept n simpleieos-ful omeetng ocs Esisicorrsoniog. En- dcaration os evcrc estmecY.." -Ilret resys %vs.o eintcol hoMissBosotiot, MiltJon, Mits Easseerbeois, Nelions, M. ENLA t.e1war, W'teods-. Aftres ioke ern TRE CRIIPS IN NLND lS iss-iocialusictoss ly Miss MeMosies -- issisandMroos.o.(srdio,(Aetos>, and iSteren- Tiseeocp prospoets in Eoogissd sreoo. A O%-e, piiod exteoopors sioliste very bnd. ' Tise drolIgist unebeeco eror ocriedinuic lirgisI nccoeros of tise cotiîîosîoî.coul spat iinde issve pre- Sociy. Tisri-oooiObgwsoo f tise bot vîileiIis eciosgtime, amdnmet st ts -eo A eiociog onecisg ciii Or of tise srre oh erseiso t-ove Scecs rebord, iîrlo on Thuseisy evenicsg in theo drill excerlt clost. sandi roce this t ohin e. lrs. Tht-,issy croJe ili lie aosst a totali h cr o ueapysban t lailore. Tiis- seshilSe a serionasibow TIcarartefor ospiiessoooJeliy ccooad t4) tise furmr, cisc ihsve been sioffeir- eoJoid oriaioieOOsTisahisbolri ofGOcrocoo bcg secfroriyfrin Amecictos tnd seoossst sogsilesb ~i .E Caoiiiiio rîeiititiofl snd train e ( ise ositsrisjOane n a bis.teld wmisie orieof blhueassxvest,sind havie eeo Stso1co1;l bi-eso roiss- ed onspEosglibso tristiosg teo agost1 isroel to enbie cisibors. 1Jie cdolbci nie fandossiecmof tisesosLe pa off ai rrors of resit, ansi oeoeersconstaios c eilly intrreatOosg 505tosîi es eJoeO. uts n~lcrus. nooloias otlise '.rockS lay . cecnty per- lh)l-aly if ho: iiiiappo-s 11 tfrns;rl stHiriordCu Tise issor- eVitsible. A gret igitation s tnling cus$oepos-Osoet ofie e s fuliiof pace ite furrofseasrebslistorys taiOrigîcbialmtterd c edst-d) cippoofs. 4gsinscl Franceroaolos-Asoerien, sd Theosooie c i loro istie ouslty, ansi tsogisli eittiesi by trooordcrc, bgconseorsc- in ssgOcolrnglio. Tise gret Fulcf Joy (Tcut a la Joie) Gulop. rsdyfrthe furîerc hd emignaion. oi-cs If ttcy osesii ny come t0Canoada Ab Noortide. voca. Lady Hill. o tiho Wesotern States, tiuey eocuid AS!Lyoo aorci.' seon ieirn toe icioodot tisry nov hss oatAs o odgoi osoîds-aneoî,asIlmcii t ck f me. Poche. csi tr u vh nas-cno' to" bngeMy ot bhomse is Alahea. L Petlon indcei thsowli ar nwstuggiu biodon Wrdding Soaisolîes. Joor. cn renteot firono b become I eLeiovco leedevocro, andi able tb iave aises-tTise troobete ntreîand are till con-I aga tb eie ciifieeeo.frte from the tinun r s ud treet mobe ieing1 evilo lioattappeer bt bolis ieperale almoab daiy ocurs-nces. levera tram uhacdry athtome. 'oer&esm have beau klledd en bth aide Tb&aèdate f M. Biaies osii toProne Doene;duag tisa stees uttis uuseous liluward Island iha& bseu &sbotstoisel- purgativsathat only dsbisittet. Bmoois tIed npoe. He iii arre lu Somnrr- Blond Btors isenaiur's ove Omsttia dse on tise 28110 f Juy, pemiing thora- t aes ctlOoe upon tise Bouel thie lMu.ý os Eida. tise Ibis. BeO illîlises in tis, lAver ad oEd th ]Wroaaiudg & Charlotteownosu btoudav lthe Irai d7yth@ seerotiona tom& eait a c"e of Aucut, andotla ione P m aco uKing pares tise Booc d umres &li Humea cosli, ieseitlr le be dectded upon on bren lise useat omfawef besl% M e Wsj.!egdi,tisa icd et AuaL.toueis Op lthenvou sud Desilieu publib disonaines cf the punties wiîc 8 ot &rd se npphv a 1foui eptiset" 10 M. Comrce or di r!are JSnu hol msîoold acier gelanoctses-hose rfonm." Bust SatemonOs as-t fn!cO Tours rsly JOIuN WALLACE. Milton Junr fui, 1m 1. MILTON PUIBL1C OCHOOL. REoCOnDOFos-Creno s cOR s-caMcv. SErooo Dnr.s.svoasv. Brd Cinco Senicor. Nu. ciof eoc- --.............. 05 i Licis Mofiat- --.............102 2 s.tfic Cobbaco- - - liii -**'**"10 3 Acie Httuon.-....--. ... ..90 à Ileres Glbraithi- --..........961 6 Iz7vs, mith.................. 94 0 7 Floresce Smith............... 4 s 8 Jan.Bews- - --............... 4 I 9 Hess-y Nondersoc.- ....... 9a u0 Fîcce Lvcn- --..... ....8 il o. iVilimet - --............ 8 it 12 Lbio i ctean- --...........7 f 13 JurscDovar.- - -y..........t7 14 J ssiV li e ...d ............ 66 &P 15 X's. Ccxe.................. 64 16 Ju. Blisg - - --...............w ig i7 Davi-i Rooeieg- --...........14 18 DounalIRoberstone- .. .....18 3. d Chaos tntermedir.te. N. of lassons- - --.............105 « 2 Prs-ceaus...--...-.. ...i.8 8 XWin. L-nelhorossi-b .. ......82 4 L-etiiu tredry - --.......... 5.. 2 u lOuaen.Londsay- --............7 7 Gleos-ge Ltie................ 74 9 Ida Patostsoco- --.............6 les Wate Hawtisorneu..-........67 il Bon Jone..- -.............. 64 1l Jaio. Bell- - --................6 13 Albert Bair-d- - - Se............5 14 Fannie Pabien ...............5 là Won. Spoddoii..f............ 7-E 16 Agnes Paten........ ...i3 Brd C(msJunior. Ne, et Isoone- - --............. 00 t 1 red OSoithi................... 2 Choas.Vaugha- --...........81 3 Joutie Eiiots.............. 79 4 Emma Anderson- --...........77I 5 Mati.Osdw ll ............... 77 6 Bradford Cisonte-......... 7 7 Carece Harison -7..... 8 Jaco Sioa- - - -7.0............. 9 Ssa. Meuws-......-.--...... 10 James ltady- --... ........ 2 u James Mfalcoim... ...1........s 15 Mary Lindsaya..............4- la Aiea-oumas .. ...........O4 id Ws. Bumn. ........ 21 David Bswnu......... ... 1 1Ah. yonng...............8 17 ot. Boussi........ -........ . ....s 18 Wm. MNos ......- .......... J . Fe!. Teachar. sOs-oct Loto 5 andi 14 ino saisiBlckis21. Ssignrd, J. E. BrOARViN, Village Cierk. Acloo, lOtis Moy, 1881. Notice to Creditors' of the Credit Valley Railway. Company. N OTICE i. be. S -ioee loni .pooaesart ttc. At 4010, YetsenCisoptee 61. Sstitulcei .40Art tosciros ceActa tlngto thecCresiit Voidl ssicoCoepocr. Coodit-. Oavboe claimsres issitise CredbtValley Ril. omyCem piovoiso .eet OcoMecnusadm- dettepmsothOle mïdAMt.aresenor Oasbrolth t-Iss-oO day cf Jonc, A. Dl. u1.-1 , imdtteaen y psot. ceot puisi.ot eont hisissco.Coq.1ofBrapn optec Vaieney ILFols.2.., cf Bonbbta. cesditere'tru.etes aotr te Abo et, tisi sisristianiomur Onm.m deass ccd dc- ocepticabthe foulpsrtioulua f i c aime cf theo soonritiesl, (ifasyt boit iseid by tIon, acormpaOleot lora atatsbory dcaties; o indefault thymui e peomorbulesebtd from thr lcelt o-f tOc "bd Aot. Afler the aove dote thoe mbd eeedbtrtcrs tee ireDo ororerd le dieteilistd theo amerloin IScir hads amcontheispatisotios.l tberestebe,,inKro- toe the b l olom f wmiiitOry slat uben2 oes tioce. Isate t tis s11day of May, A D. 1098L THOIMAS HODGINS. Soslilt.r for Cecotit.so Trusole- G ES'E1AL kSESSIO)NS. PoUNTY Cie ALTON, tIV TCE1 etist lOsoCourt of (erI Semuossof lbe Ponce. cnd aise the Coeotv Coort cf tise aaid Eiumly of Hatosm it e ieslot aitise COURT IIOUSE, ýTOWN 0F MILTON. ruesday, June 145th, 1881e At tiss hoar of TWELVE O'CLUCK no ofuisiciansstJsiea of thae s.csremem raoueott a ýmotOadte.dt ==j Pieces, ot Two Thousand and $26 per Soit, anelin ( 10order. DRiSS GOODS ,ouble lIse mone y. PIINTS for 5, 50lc. peî-yard., We have made an a stock of DIVESS SILKS. In our nigbt and day, Ounr 01 hJT~ ULND$ _ wU Seern.11 pix ri Boots at.ý a Dollar a Pair, llacing Boots at a Dollr a -Pair, P nella Boots at a ]Dollar a Pair. id hoqs at aDollar a PdrP LO- P Don't stande yoiir oWfl 1 ýs elieving! If !need Boots, INDOSAV ol Multon. HN li ligt HEAýD is offering some Big Bargains in Dress Goods, Y, Ladies' Linen Suits. and. Ulsters, & Lok will ba sold as usual at priceS that cannot fail ta. seil their L0s Stylish Milln0ery in the ouz.ty -of 1H211 vr-A BEAUTIFUL ASSORT31ENT OF - ,li ri I nC"W51 Z 0 u0 2 AT LESS TRAN NMARKED PRICES. VALUE liN BLACK ANI) COLORED CASEMERES CTsut lie beesgbt acycisere. Lrd and1 Bacon taken -as Cash in exohai for Goods. "Ah11î,id of ail Climpeltio[ SPBI L NNO OUMFST el M Be" ltave t anotinco Ilat they ave made extensive purchase STweeds, Dress Goods, Prints, Dr-ss Muslins, Carpets. Is addition te tiseir fcormser Iso ese oSissoi lloy h" isoe orchesod larges base of tise aboe.1 1Yards tit ail, of I'New asnd F0îohionabls' SUOI CH TWEEDS; e regular prie cities tbey chairge $30 fs oshesImd ,oods , and to bc sold for $18 per Suit ai S8, 10, 12, 15, 21c, wirth double the mouýey. 1 RESS MNUSLINS, 5, 8, loc., , o, , loc., wrirtlî iin erIs case 33.11 more. A Magnificent TAPESTIZY CAIP, addition of 30 pioces ofi'apesiry ('itrpets to outI stock. We have furthera tosagr - MýILLINEItY IlEi>ÀIf.l'MEX'lwe werce neer'so busy;. ourh ande are w 1021120 CLOTHING DEPARtTmENT ias nover ini such a flottriahing condition. .giving thie Bargains5 and pleas ing the, people.- mm COME &ND TLDE WITH US Z SVE MDNEYu 1«Mammoth Housp,,' McLEOD, ANDERSON, & CO., GLT DILEMS GOODS GÀLEs mc ti LEtrlOl às BOsNI codas c0cecd " l i nsecnsoa.t. Sang -il ro tI LESS TIIAN THE WIIOLESALE I3RICES, TWEMTY.FIVE FPER CENT. OFF RETAIL PaICES I Atscki.bsary eooro» oee n<d potsc OftanOc ir~t ns -ed.o. essof FRENCH IJIESS GOODS, BOUGHT 1N BOND fIN NEW YORK, somo Coora Worths 40 Cenosaeri5 CENTS A YARD. Aloo, C.LEARINO SALE 0F PURBE BtLK 8RI99O1S At LittJe Orsr HALE PrICE. Masotise. WKOLESALE STOCK 0F COTTON H-OSIERY Wib.i.offAt 1- galtrheiir ulÙOP»a- Aise, ALL THE CARPET STOCK TO) BE SOLD DO R. WAIKER &Ç- SONS9,oOLDEN LION KING ST. & COOTBORNEST, TORON<TO. . Md peoa aBU dstcish sPPi. mtul Real Eotate, For Sale. 1 Wool Wanied. Fancy Poultr] u. UlhausmoatflI bbTjo101Jm. D. iiATEflg&iTHOMAS LUSÉto. p .Jms xsu uei papa pof liîeORI WaO.JUNE 9. 1881 s i~ ocalIntelligences 1i amielBroc' Advest-lom fle si èe5,.»-alaper 100 i lMaIns Bîso rIeivea I î0=%Ii tise GoocipOJier#rll 0Tamis -Oer Bill Hsad&a as 'v Iu n Casd.Tryl1000meddc Geivr.-ty cf Tnonip Sead jot 6ilad hiJ. H. McCUIIOsa- me, iMlton. Tumus wsl totael erlîses moce on tbc igltos f th,; tilsoi 12-116Ba. reUNELLA GAITEES and 3 geed l oeirg- tfor 85c lut Liodoryo c CROAINWoRK asnbeadca tumprolse thass. Sun &M,.ez.-Arople of JgJsi o aimustroesicoeosrrd inMlton luad lotbe t $poi. le .M n ruitrrcro8inol'iseca Iohltme .liile Vrhosefio * tanmensl1Fer 5Sso. Y J-fI MHo dimeew o el GnOn î50 -o.0,l.soueJ Or hie bavyc ilctise esi t ,- ,"mis nle 201abenatttend sSa §itiot thi,a"asnOf tise yefr. P and, exousices uiii sucish0e ic ord logsai Milton l Il ueg,.-io-roi tisa eisal i>aitit LIOAX il,' eA.Ee neatt treIsoomou TsecsceofO ecnds Satsrsisy Iev DivINE SE"CsYr.Fi- isr Laog, Mosîîll Onuil>-l is- Divins ServiOcjui c'.S.i.icoi ou Sunday neext. BcorUýLP-Tie FerIsice .s placrot on trOus1 se c, isct"ouie. I Deissely. cand oilont blicsec O .Q1 i. . resio. naeh.lo lsc Rin aid e ru:1 nco un- TssOsieuori LaT._.c22sdJieylrOrO mnd COnmlio,iîe.a usei'f epers du b. Tiseales- iiigrsily 01uo lumisg theon ait tiseoffice. e Tuurcn' .11 t, iseus gi- oe A SOCtIL wiJlelîeJlit . O Of Mr. S-snurlJ itos, Il-us-y dci evroisd ti1tuses of e th.rprsiydiae Chsireîu ise Wcec. -P. A.' Mi-o -sii. 1 cfers sud iioeIJJ y to. ctienI e-u' O priS o r cdassy îîOsIilii . e i 1 Wz have plt rotý%ed auloO mltionerrYesselelicO-li.tr 1Isp hoe. xcurul e., e "sIs i ' at thesJe tPss e-, peuuiedi111lis 00-WIS& ov-ce~ Tii -iecs0 foiireps arniO,'tc use, uborein tceoen'r oi r-ilant guceiosdl nul bostoo .lia tdOsddddfor w. e ies- loSa "sra, M nd th. C. '%1. f- thusJls. Il C.LA'TRac-.A d(ýrrcs lu,1 graîsîief Dle Lecîcie cc-lu As.!trsaleslu 'Ies.Juhussui Cii sas te cOar out 'Or rots ins priées. a al b.,rlrs lsro Cuy Ter- Knai t.,, eu- 63),' dMORTiE lis-s Ciesi- i i SI O bas8 juil o.uaslIll- sIc o front cf ISOc te cliusui.usi Lindsay, el irsli c.i J Rosera. -Attecitn ltt. sissc aardetiotooOat l.schan h in i- Encen Fîcî l. s.-h."I octlît ioothcisc liiiigIte- and dell-r,-l il - IuIis ic of nsir l,.si FIi, torre tO socn- . 555 at ahup or Wlsui ' ýls Il Tee ccv U soie-o- oidiWrthe lVlniu s -Asos-den toliiou iTiuncsalles1 ) hibeisOng Paru.sso vlItlsi etftJot. s!11-9ul-2 Cu.se liav 5c ess- Jiuyse. a Tas 7OoIlisst OirluOts lm Miltso etBsliror A la' othe e Y Fie. c tslss- boforo yen ieuy-Ill'lirs uodoately 'ieeesccEs q1atity oiflatter. - Faesis-o.à pr.dAsto O0Usuisoes.e Bucîsit. -Th. LadirBocf. I 1-i (là ar