- 1__ ý-1._ ý ýýý:,1 .-"ý- ___ ý ýý1- ý ý. - .- ,eý",;__ýý1ýý' ýýý l 1t _ý7 - - _ :7 1 . . - ý 1 - ý- ,...., > - ý 1 1 1 1 . 1 ý , - ,,ýi, ýI , ,,,, ýý__; 1ý ,-, ,ý5Z,, , , O - ', ý - ', ý - 1 , ý -, ý . le)II - 1- ,-, ý 11.1 ý ý , , - Ï- -- -, ýý ý, __ -, "'. - 1 1-1 ý - ý - ý', *,ý ý , ,ý __ etý" - ',ý,ý., - ý, _ý- - 'i ý' ,! :-ý.,. iw ý-ý-'1 1 1, ýi, .1 Il _ ý _ ý - Il ,ýý,_e, _1;ýý,:_,--1, . ý, _ ý_ý _ý1 ý111_- jý, .,-.ý,C, - _ -1 - _ Ilý4,ý-V,ý,-, - 1 , . 1 . . ý - 1 . ý - "I ý 1 _ - - ý . > 1 ý __',7-,ý11. ý î. ', - -w- -1 - . . 1 1 ___ - . - - - M -, - - ý,2iý- - . ,rb"aç*4#RM-»»-%--'-ý 17 - , -ý-! 1 ý,2i ý-ý, ý?ý %-«P- ý "-e-,, #aà" îî,ý ý . 1 - - ý .4 ý ý. iI_ ý ý ýý- 1'1 , ýý " , ,ý - 1 ' ýý 1, ý tHE CANADIAN CHAMPION .t , Ido6ýJ- AOL , ý Il --, Il - 1iÈý I.e,..,-- militai ý ý .1 ý . hursday M orninc, 1 ;i . . ,ý ... ýýý T 1 ; liq . - 1 ý ý h ý-1 ý , ___ . . - Il -a?. 1 0 , 1 -1 ý ' - . "-ý,, - - - , ý' ý- _, 1 , . ý ýý ý;;; . W ý:; 11, 11, ý , ýî___ý ý _ Il 1 ý em , ý.ý. , ý"-"eý-,j,ý, X, ONT.; . . 1 P-,. , , , - - 1-1 .ýý 1 ý .. ý_X ,ý , ý,ý ', 1_ý. ý ý "--,-ýýý,., , 1 . 1 1- ,:ý,Ï_ . ýý 4ý_,. eý -, , '. ý - ' . Zý1 , BY- ý 1 ý 1 1. - 1 4ý 'L' ý ' ' 1 ,,ý AND ýù0UNTy OF 'q à Lk« ý , - __1In,,,ýM%- ,:1.-ý11._- --- reel F4 1 - ... ' 1, - 1 _11 ýý ""..;ý;__ .", l PÀNTO,'J & RIXOq, Proplsd . . li- d _. -.- _- - _ ! - ,ýý - ,'Iýý. ý e -1 ý -ý -1 "" 1 1 ý _iý ,,7 77 - , - _,;1ý--'1i -1 .. 1-1 _i; _', ' .1 -1, ý -1 ----- ý__ 1 7 ý_ ?'lF 1 ý r'-, ; ý 1 Il ý - - - . ý ý ý , ý ý 1 . ý .. M ICE: -0.'.V.m. 8tr1ýCý .Pillait. the--Tbé-,Il. ý__ __ _ - . ... , .. . ! ý 111 ,191à. 49 . ne " Ili M'Il ...... » ý ý ý -r ý ý: Aýý ..,ý _ Il . ! nma»À U T_ UL , - . 1 -Il. 7 11ý ý 1 F - 1 _ý. : ..... , 1 -... --.,. ý ý..-- ,* Tm-; 'rrý , -1 ,I ,ý'-ri'-ý.1ý.aý'.. D, lthi. ." 1 MIÉTO-IN, CO'u1-ý 0 RAIM , . ---" K- .... _ __ 111. - 1 ý , 1 . . - - - 1 - - . . ý 1 - - ýý la 1111 , te, 1 I, 'à 't, .f ..b.elibi.v" af .Z - P.4 VOL. 20.1 1 ý , L - . ý - - ý ý. alir ý- - , - - - tmb*4uol@4 -r.) Il Il b,ý ,ý I ý - 1- .I 1 - - - ,- III. _ ý --------------------q - ----- ---- _ ,_ ,ý 1 . .1 ,- ,ý . 1 r*iew oawbv4 Il - - __ - -ý----- ; ' ' ' > - - ,_ý - lu ý s , j= 1 -ýý, ' ATES- OF ADVF-IITISING-i - ------- - _', -'- - lâ*qt 1 .ý .. .. ý . ý !n"Il 1 y- ...... ýýý...................ý *1ý 1.0 ý £ > 0, - . e.. __ - Ir liffl - The mmewi» eonu Bat _,4éý1V_,WX "VàIESýyrb"lI. 153 1411- 1:9 -1 1 ,* ý 1 » .1_ý .., 'l il 14 . 'F , ' . 1 > ý1y d'ý, '""'.'. "ýi::*.::,"::":::-****" 2t , Ce f - ý Il lie the opom* of t) a pub le, a. .11 lie t, ......... :: .............. 40 W . ' _1 * ý - . way. The obly thiust tWy d,, ý,,ni-ýI ...... . ........... *..: SeIls the Best Tea. . 1 » For -01 ffl . ý ý 1 -. -- ý %ýp ý. , ý . ,* Iin .1 .. .... ý .... ý i àý : i mot»l W48 in the ehimh-à- 'O cuire pan ho ...... ::ý: ... .1. 1 yý,r......,,........ .... 25.04 ý ý 11111l1î . ý --ý-. d,ý ,ýl..,;ý!lIý.ý .. . M 1« ý'ý1I ' - I V O I ablý the kr n iai ', . "c ý «»IW à- -ni mom M or ý. 't . ".. ý:::ý:.:::ý..:ýý:ý.'.ý.ý ï. 3E MMOM m m - !M .cîý â_ . -1 . roi. ,,,,, el.atu"h 1 l ,ý n'.. ,,,,-*::::.:.*.*.,ý:ý:ý: - ýý: ý iôý;; IL - - ý 1 ý 1 , - ' jý 'ie_ý __ - muer lie beli"ed tillay , - - ' , 1 - ., 1,- ýI1- .f leu Ila'. D, ],a." 115 00 lion thinir Wh. .lait tu elliguse 1 1 I*â wm . 'j . . lu . ulimm ý ý »-i&3,-bbàm& y tu, - . ýý G Tiories. . 0,)CUt»t'op he left. (lýanai 1 = ho *eu&, e» . W . M ru. ,te _' - Bey. J. A. blarray-H-a 'C'Ill.t ,ý.«".ttl'Îl, I-11 nt and profitable homineme, > vol àný:iI- -raleil. Union Hotel. 1 la ý $5 Lait IIII, ... ina.11. of. Eýl)-Mt-g --' S LEGACYý liaft minir ý&î** **ith Jows, for ucw " *J»,&,rimt auccssopuLLY . : ý.^,ý,ý:- ,:ý.,ýý t.. !,,,,ý-k,.I,,d etL. .puelli ",.. - i.. i , I-nir nf."Iid , . ý ARKDALE ONT., 1 = 1111 SQUIRE son anyibing t. say ligiisi .. -'ilE 'i11ý1.2.;yf1ý% al. 1 el o- the la cillent tonely in ber tttÎ*t* ReiU . - 11,4111-1, 1. 11-1; 1 l 1 ,I ý "I't - -tÎnala M 'l'e..inu.ý.f the 0. V. einrything. 11, Il DIPI .,,le,, ý ý sin- . 1 Bey. il H. BOIIi 11-1.1 tue " TO ' CIIII.- -nt -,-a,-- ,L,-,l t.Il r"", 1. -! 1.1.Il-.,,l '- ,,nDgI7ý I -p l - i-1-T.,ý'Ul T o Cons= ptives. ý .1-1"."i."Ylth-L'I'.. i ber toci miach enuergy of One@ lu«Wb«-eatiting lime lit belle, heurt in a illifiatre I haye . . , -_ -.ai ne 1 bon. C lace train, apitit., gond beau "a,, I " _,ý_n,... >1 . - ' ý "' 'ý -Y .aZ a tho ta= . il in ta, bc hopuil that the prenant tonale, yons Rft.,Ofbeints ý7 "".,::." It _,, A Gentleman having been 90 ait ,i!ýýt,'.1ýr. "ý ttil'b.ý.11.ýL. 1ýIi ;:s UT MARY CIRCIL IUT. 9. "r,;, "ý, - ýý ý,.. ', i î Il etabli.g. fortilinate Uauy am iiiakiugfortuneR al of action, ton. and .. .I,ýî,,i ,W, . . IOO' RE, Proprietor. d ."h - un d"d - .1 Ili _ "I't.. In cure hissait, of Consomption in if& malle ail noch au mieu. un Youi.9 1 bc addid, ý tueu a, gouttent tmprove- t- ,;.ý-,Il ý ýIi ,.. 1ý., .,il ý' R . ..,. CIIAPTER Xu , a a oe"wx 1 ouas mm. (Lmalttr ) , ' - 1 worst y. N. an. uh. - ý1-1liyi" Iltas, gi 1, i 94 ' il , ' .,1 a.,. Io Whieh 1 ty. Mailly fait of rý .-Iýý II- --1Ilýi ; singes, after being givra UP ta lie nui . lie .,f*nt" **», 1 ible,, ment of pincent .il le, .ai.. .-y -luy Il.y thuillarin hm It If 1111ZWIe ý 1 as 1 Il 1,,ý.,7,--i",-d - - a n11.1. Pl n [Continua. A i wahRoahngvrewtbupaelnwin«tkhobeluit , 'ri M arlborougli House, by the Most celebrateil pl, vSicians, degià-età Danir lait -k .t.ny-Idi-')'---I1-1- nt. - bis weilýddued* qu Y - *a bc B 7;.tiut afknowipg how te do it :;ý;ý,«,ý-.-,.-.,i -1ý"-:ýi,ý'r_,fý.ý1 , ,i_,;r;h.aý.j. . .h 'P. Afair !" onstiotythè"füreb-efuse. Ir l ailuni) Dep.t, -., Fdut tomakeknown the cure (Alliait proves j ail, = ,ai Dure will "da a en d'. fort-. .1 :..ý IR à Il N..Iý,,ia",.;,,I1-- 'f-al- k'--i ,.I,,Itted mon - i r'.I!àIî,jýýýr?;r Ui, , , Tn,.Itl,. Thit 1- ont 1 dit A,- a ..., Pn1t].,ýrl,, M.i.e. &tm bills, ,wh«- - ý Ill ri, ur and cýMAk. - ' ', ., 1 ld,.Iern S _hntedý $1.50 j- day. Hu.T.eý.,f t le viiiiiiieils wokiugatomgU-upmatb« oser- 'ht lit- Gondi mellow &ail la the, fint'>Mýit ta bu t'à. th.ïstre in à titrent motr ' ý : . ýýý:,qn.ý'liý"e.-ý suce,ý.,rul in évery casi ta thonne atfiieted ., _t , il, Ij?"..,i.«-. el enu ilii.l,.ýýl,.-,..ek. M. 111= 01-12 looked atter. Troien are oft« planteil in am Pure I dili Rue 'V' the. Il opposite, alla down optent t,41 Il ma 1 ý".,ý". _ 1 *.4 , ý->- ý , ýtnoII A. .-ma .ithA_4b»&,Jkçumbttip,-PoM;be, Colds, . ý . foin Win*4«8 Il- - -il -î.,-',fý Iicilt Danta par In% & "" I.rq"i.ý "..kýti.,t Streete mutilait inter- 'In April, father.' soit ton butifilry and bamn te giv' havini. beau , -Il.." II,11- ý !ý ý _____ýý 1 a pro, of th. se utile, (_ - T,,ý.ý,;e. -J lý,-I, - , ' . leu region where the suarid'a ý -, 't . . Iý,nil .M --ý.;â LI ,,IiIl.na;ý; , 1 ý, th'Il.tl. TliroatýazIIlLiiii,,, and wiIl8eIidtheFý- o»nýet otfhatthor»qstsltIuping le lime been boild- r,,à,,t ', . [le, fret ni, chRýe ta ail who desire it, if work a done, as the nifichta iptervect one lt'@Luelayvehoiffnathe poliahing et onbee, then mise of growtù. ]4pt cially le this apt ta front my vondli opinera rI ', ., :. , , -IItý Il Il i .Inéi.., . ' the work, and off &11 lie the cum, wheu POP , ' "",["i"" ' ,:- Ir a P"" nt 'h, Colistmption, and &III A&ctions ofthe ,ý - 'R V".,!I'.e ".., ýnI-i . Nv. A. Grant ( ti 'le, "ý"7ni: QIJEE ý tllev will forward t workingdait, and yet hala atillthoir its vigor., . , .;ti Iý,IIlI a., . _NS iTI1,Li ý" lieir address ta ing, and the earth, doigt ont of eu. peints on his mind . ; .., .a ,,y -hný '. -eIly eaaa ta "'--', IF . Haru, -Il ; . T l-,ýý,-.,.,,,,. iberty Si., New own mm-and their oilui grimait probleme, -Not,' said Kennéth, ail! han beau, il ta ými» the site on whi-n christ hall mer a in the M . ', r:,:,: _., afil,413 ra'h. - DÂNIEL ADEE, 34 L ý 11011911 m iaiv-t:i= Z>IodacIL«Y- . tolo-in their quietneu outil Solitude. A the work in strong, alla 1 ,ive. " Y' a bouse bas heurt erý sied. Whüm the 1 1 Tý, i----,ý ý,, ý..;, 1 ý 111 1,,,t,,Plý,l ..il% 1 Pitop..BIZýILI-IP't'o"; ONT. , York. .mats. and in th!s rien ý Ili 1-ý>..1,1'«ý' 1 --., $. ,ý...,.: .1 tLr ý1ptj'.u«ýr th. 1 1 - ___ , , rocou whose meagre furaiture, frowned in 'Bah ! AUV baby con &&y that, but fil »d in poor, lit Ion ý et bc initialisai, aither frotte Tatber &ýi.ins«. , ,,ý , ;. .'t ,I:;.. -. - ,., 'l' ...... ý n,,,]* 1 t'iý..,t..f",.ýý"inzi".ýlat'..,I ,tu ,,,,,,aI,ýi.1 ..,Lbthýr 'L It T-s- rlington. Engl'ind, . heavY glonin whieh coula bc wattend needit a glatit foi! Sui work. And you by the addition ci coenure, or by hauling ,,Ait in ,ho firul, plu ý, _l __ A FINT TC FARMERSI ayil ciloyait . ttI.r.à.ghly rapply of rich sortis. The ntzt thitur fa Ihe,"Ii«&t;ou et MMI «,,Mz.*.Zl. .,,:IeI. Il.ckI,,,t.. ,a,.,. 5-ly ai. -Only Lung Pli la being by no indoistigable aunbeath, be-u» are laboring Dow ta fit eharactue ta your si W . A. Laàw rènee, tried hors. Oue lady bas filet aunb«m muer bc w«k sibli tired by &alors and actremw% eh fi to dig à large, opuim baie. S.me plaint . lready reeeived grossit bêtrefit, Who bu mo»y, ami * dm Business Diréctory. 1 y of Danada, a th. tiule it lied fouad il& way throuxh ,No--no, indeed,1 replied. Kmiketlk, a tree se they vould cet 9. le-ela pont, . iperti«lz*iig Compan sufféred for yeare frolin Bronchitis and as. D . DEWAR, I.«ýoimumpiA.00". 0 1 ISSUL IL OF M &Blè,Ac.rl LICENSES theme dim Windows, front the far-of *cM -1 am te Ili in my work, m bolejust lent«@ mmwb ta taille "= Pli-..,= le" Toual H.U. ]Émus. 041 GUEI.pil, MANUFACTURERS OF Asthme, and congestion of riglit long. 1 = , - -------- ý 1 PALEILM , ONTARIO 14- glory of ite hirthplam. = . tint lihan Il ma lit whom in with tome erowding. laisseind' land W-1 om for **a, Md B.,i.,- Go il, -- - ý _ _ B B. tloDox. Cambridge, Mieb., maya: And yc-t there. belon, Ime, windosir, on the sabote aball le« their *wu illeintilly. et tient, thé baie abondil lie roc my suillouait th.6 MilbirAon welle joust Xilý . - T - cara - . - . __ W ,M . BURGER, supei-pho h'. j o UMF', ibave been àffictod .ith Asthmal a long sheet of amn&'*e'ript. and .n à They plil net bc quelà. I know ; bat'who ta admit of spruding out the'ài in a ,o »Unis. the rend M mmamy E "N,.ZAý,ýl... ... -âý." 1t.u. MA . . 1 à -il AU-ý,--t-I-W. y.arýdIsA. Ilonly Lung Poil" gave me hnay, thinyoung. bond, there full a con- aime lit t a oky shoots bilgher fer thin lie horizontal direction, irron ta the limidhil wbae thu, Peuple les . SalIc W, ta Ch..-,Y. .. ojo..-B,.tal 1 Lîcensed ,juctioncer te relief. 1 eau renommerai it beam oven now-a wondernig, question- who Meaos a tme., être. The fine fibrous roWýte are &III, «ehoi 1 Crushed Bones & Rone Dust. . .. : Il. elous &cidodky op mi] as the greatest remedy virer produced. ing little ray. which timiIliy abomina the ed III Bradford, cuTtIv. main channels through Ili ait mi&ture 'il Th . __ grin, dark furniture agaiust the tuait, and' iI.-tl..' vý.I 2bm -h. ta- 1-rioualy from and nutriment are absorba iota titi ýIm .,."a du '.'IW.,:ý, lewbe' Il W.. 50 For fil,- (-'IIUIIty Ili lialt-IL ý . II "' "I'« . rt.ltli,ýpi.ý,1,,ýlity.,fd,ýiýgthý-ttýutý-- HEN.y VAN ]IIORTWICK, of Tohad., forjustoneluoinent boa shylytoucheil Stage. while any one -body of the tree. 10 tud, therefore, 01 Bey. D S.Vage, (e III T C. ortvp.ýF., B»_veý ..il Atteri -L&... ý OM,.,. . . . - . bliltinl. Ont. v Il rl.,,% il . ai Il of th. . a -tt,,,ilý1.1ý..ýý,,ý ýN",t.,.).Ipýýt4i.. .., 1 -- - IIf.ýXi- k ,-Iý>II-iti,-,ýtlI . "t'. Ohio, lave: .],,,,ýli, - - __ 'IR ,;ý'd'.IIý'. ý,;, , 1 1, ", t Ir la , their being crowded fi t..â,4-,,. -.* .IIýyw ... D. ... i.laa lit flo't thp.t, Il a friend prevailed "Pot, t'le Ito a matted 0.88, if 1 1, ýI,].,..i,"",:, .I.,ý, : th.,,.Ii.Z- MA là brow with il& own sweet with half au eve con aeehow lie keeps hi@ ego ber.... 31 -ý\jES A. FRAZE ;Il ý Il IýII..fý, - 1 to trv - 1 _imm rage in ' lietlier Mr. Robi «. __ 1 j --lii, 1 1 a ýI.ý.;ý1n1rl l'i Il , ý and -, j.ý ýi..,,.d . r,,-,i,. i tumd an 6&flnty Lung Pull," and 1 nu a.IIItry atrtictions instructions in sight, they aboula have ali the op»@ elley 0,in W . - . d nIe j:r iinnardi.te relif front, a raeking 8 cecripy. Set the troc uprieht before bo- dances *fter 1 týrarv Eme I!.iýýIllt_. Ofli- bu-- , it was a quiet roain, militaire the brain aud-never forgets bis audience! tion with a aimait 1 ý Ill", .1ýýl, I ýI la_ r-Ir.,; ing - ing luIl F.r "".' 1 ,,.,,,]ý. 1 kijoic the Poil helped me. c îFý1. ,ý,ý." - ýl"...Iiy ion fil in the dirt. Do o t depend *.Itatiýlý S.Vl-Elýly'T,ý'..Iýýyfllý,.ý..,.,..,,à = ý ý nid worIý ita Ail[ withotit interruption, 'No ; the young man answered, hie eyes ginning ta 0 Ber. 111[,. R.IbiIison-I Ity 1rtýý!ýn- ýii'ls^ý pil_ Rail 1 At retail by ail druggiats. bat a tonal, ta atrike its chili ta the heurt bnghtening with the oubject, Imy hero in on etamping with the Bey. A. Grobiat-Yýo ; 301-1y - LICUL IU AýCTIONIII , PRICE, - $30 PER TON. fa.. ta «ýt it Rfý.ý,ý,ý.,, T-t Of .lie Who lied just left a country home, neiger degraded ta fury.' etraight, but get it loto the proPer for a filet tingt afint, ai Whole2ale by H. HASWEL n the fre.li 'A tonne Ir position train th£ blart. Pleut about th, the mittinter han qtiiPgly , ý ,.: ; , ', ',ýý, 1, :, v -'. ,..."ý.,i, ý, .t i rý,, the C ... Int, .If lialtý'ý. ýjII .',,Iýýýý.lAt.tthD i,,,,,!,ýl,,,iý:,,,ii.I, lit In, CI,.IP.»).. L & CO , . 1 LI Il -', 1 - Ilýl- bIil"t, al ý. 1ýI . ý ', . 1 a l il - 1. 11, I . Il iýli"g.1,MlýýIIlb,ýtlic teudedtn "l' "l' l2ý t"'Iýe",I'uýl , Il. .,,.f,,,ir ul-ent. ý.' Q. l wheru the silence wu alto ý ',' ý, , ". N . , --- - JOH', CROYDON, fIuru air viiihout, ai) .à * ., iý, ,1:,ýtý'-' .,!,>,"'ý1.111.1ý 1. ;. Offi, .1 Montrouil, a 'hugIliLUdetiCi -No- hgtlj.y;.týýI'Ttowmthofeoiirme. saine deptlans before ramonai. ,Break bectime à aicaut In the . ', ., . . l ,, ý 1 ýý > 1 l ý ý'; . ý1 1 I.; ' 1 - - " , . 1 with àcentsand nient ,ri a. [ canner pretend ta hernie inspiration, the atolls and elampi. and ettrefuilly pliait tbat nome l.tiude Wou! il. CI V 11 111111111 33-tf Agent f,ýr Toiraigar Twnýý _ ,ailler, but the aim 1 seek in ta bring to- fait earth mund the tante, filaving no -bey thla forci a test ; IL This livils si, hy a shiidder pesai through . 1 1','til. ý 1 1 ,( il, /1 f111 . , . 1 Mr. Bradford'il tipriý-,Iàt. wiry fratrie as lie ~Iller charactels well Opposeil, etriking bollow opinez.- It in no& moeeeq&rY il, titi morning. . . llluili','N,ý,,,ýil lutl'i'PNEER - 'Tm ,,,, 1 * ý st.od gt the door (if bis main in the Sully 7ýý_ail escli other artisqually-do you deluge a tres with water wlien plaafing Rev. Mr,. Murray - - ornin-4 alla looked iu opon bis son. sec 1 fi. UnIeu the soif bc very dry %hors iý Il ý.\ 1 ý ;: 1 ý1'i ý ý jý , 'I', . 1 1 , "" 1.1 .N, 0.11 - I-la. Y,,rlz. l',,:l ýt 11;11tý"Il- Vainat'r 1 -1 'n 1 illun !, 1 Wb . hould, beau rpmaiiipd ait - ý 1. i..I..i1,1il"., - Ior course 1 donIt. at fa there ta tionýedollpouriagintiratermi Whou .11. 11.ý ,e P A U NN a ý Bey. D. Sevaigo recit Il li,,It Il , 1 A, lý ý i à ý,ý - initsalfavagneand ratherinsignificant met, il water, le taled, just enouch shoota bc ap- I. ,ý * ' - Il- ýý IlSi , j.,,ý(ý,j*o',' ONT.. P= = M ; mminsyllable, but, as IIr. Bradford tit- 'Ta inake, my dialogue briglit as well As p. lu lere Ils, IMI 110,40111 lit l - e _ ý i 41). l ý IIn!iýlIS Stàmet. 1 yX ý,j,.= = lied ta make the dirt tborougilly inoist ,(rang syniptow. of lien (,'('o. /,. '/1ý(1/'( , ___ - ----.-- - __ 'se NO PATENT NO PA Y. 1 i tertil if, hearinga whole volume of Menu- vigorons,' contintied. the Young man, The top or a newlj,-planted Ires shoota ,,ý.,t.-Ii. H.- ]&,tt gentry 1 . ý jUoiiey to Loall.. BIAINED f- '£-hl-,C.l 1)ýýic,, i , fil, t. K.1111-tli, and tloili lie1til been tl,,,ti,,Itiiilli,, -and with one strong inter- lie pruned off ta corresgond vrith the lota> tha ý;Ii r- ing on, of the et Iý \ il 1: 1 1 1 1 - 1:, ,I, (.., - 0 mýdi-lI,,,,ti,-rcl,,.,",..d. Ora-ent , 'l no fur avay in hie worlî of dreanis, il, ,.,t nt' huil passion, ta excite tympathy of route ineurred in rentoilai Natur- Bey. Mr Calliaff m.i.1 -n f).%Iýý'Ilý1,Fýý 1 - al D.ig.ý, T,.de Mark, sud aýmb-I»- Cul, bac't ta fils father. by the intrl of both humait strength rnaiutaios a býlance of poster betwi-ro i'.)11()"; ro. , 1Tll'VNýl)MrýlG:ýlU) lI:,ýi,.,tcieti.,., , e i ý brotiglit him swiftly .,ilietl a chil social l r - .. , est., A.iIm'...t., la(- -Ocra. l.fi.vý , -W lien dia I returri, ch ?' velined tbe and weakness, do yon understand l' the brauches and rente. In thig, an il, coui '1ý - 1 1. -'t ý tu 1.I,,ý'ý Il -41 IIIII., il. il, .. ..... l'ý natint. Sud *9 --ttffl rellati-9 tu l'atrutm 1 A lie sin wi4oni in jýý' \I III, :, ýý, 1 ý ,111 "It - il. ' 1) ."rtll ý . ooking, areiiii-1 ,vith a fro%%-n opinai -NO' again en-ipped the old lawyer. affiler respects, the province of art is il, j . ý,I. -'.S().", pmmptly.tt-ýiýdt-. I%,e-keri"li-Ii»-rY 1 twyer, lil . f.-I.h "pi"i... au ta ' ,didil't von purloin a -attire. The on - HI' full"" là 'At t' ,,, ,- ý 1 ý 1 ý y. y .3"liýit,,,, ke. -a ý the fan ýtl and scatterd papers, as lie ait- ,WIIý lot of nýoiie imitais ri aiment practinr' 'ln 't - , - exami.ati..$ a - ..il . i .",ag.,$,Ol of allais[ """ __ ý .\Iilt,ý:,, l , ,.ý ý. ý,.,th' l.qqo. tentability fme of charge , -tu labo Are t%,verd K.iieiptiI*s gài WhY, titi$ ,tIer f(tll.w's, and gave ail ý B trouble 1 esp, eially in planting Malles. fa ta saw toile rightly FI,, ,la I ý - - -.- - I:Z-.týd in ... i-ý.ýtio". ..a Pat'Int, mère -ry hour; and I in où again this very Itis the right thing ta tic,, and always was. off the whole top, leaving the trac a bon ' . ý t -y; Gý,ý)/.1;, 1",t"-I( . Il J., M LisiC Toacher. bi t,, -rId for a ,opj of ..r,*G"ii. f-r j là.ur, Lino. Are voit goin,, io the .tfice 1 'oriatille and Racine borrowed wbolesale paie. Thie in unnatural anâ liiwiet-. in. profi roi ym , - ,;ý,ý 1 1 ý, Iý 1ý ý1 1 N 1' 1'.11-1, 1; , Lii ý, , ý Obt.i-i-, Il.mntýý" whiil il; alcut frre ti1-1-Y e necessary ta the file of a tref - "' t ,IIten.led o Ajut 0, jl,[!ýýl'liéll - addi .;nd entýinS ...IIte i,.t-,tii"i. - -Yeu, father; ai course f allait be there nul nýver troubled about repaying titlier; Leaves el lion of Ill. top ii- ,lot sin. .1 . ý 1. ,- 1ý > ,ýU. , W i,,lý ., il ý_ lý:1""...], - - h.ý t.,.b,,!, p.tlats. la-1 .ther ý.;,,.h la , by eleven, as tiatiat.' nikil as for nlizikespeare-výt I dare Pay This entire depriva BiV. %Ir. G,,.nt-71,- f ý I,:ý. .il, l. ý .-N-11-"ýýýý:ýý,,,-,,,ý,-,,,;.";,-Z,ý-",:- ,il ,'% , ý,' 'As annal II rjacuIsi Mr. Bralf.rl, voilà, bighist ambition in in heur yourseif geneially excusa bccause the firme fa if),- IIý ,ý .ý ý ý.. ý. , ; , .il ý, p, - 'i ý I.'.,i k1ý r ý, : 1;. 1 1ý ;ý -ý ý ' -a1l, :;.O()') Tintent, fi'.' A.Ie"". . ii echoing his , * Any telle takru from t;àe il* is ,ait kinii, oomý la th- ce .ý 1. rý 1 ,,I,ý-i , 1: Il. ý . A Mis;;int, obt.iOý,l ii f nIS Di alla doini-, ýlllll,(-,I'-a vining SIjnkýsIa.ire.' tuil. ý. , 1.1. 1101,; IZý.ý, 1 . Il ý". ý ý '. , ý. , -tiliýIu, &pli f.r,,Iý,II iI,,-,,,Lý,ý. and ,.an 'i'. anti-fille. le ' - Rev. Ilr. RýibiliF.(>Ii- Il 1 ý 1 ý . . ý 1 ý 1 1.:.lý.1..1 ' ý il.:,,il,ý,!, ý l"._ ,ý id , i. 1 ;ý,.,ý?nI.ýýItý, . tý,V"le,ý-,ýý.i..".,.t,ýý,Y-..ty, 'h- 1 . ý. bis lacet (til("I-,Il fiait ý) ta holl faut tlat 'That, Said Ketineth, carda only lie al% woods in toc full for standing alont, witi- ýtand Ilint .III . ý ý , __ . ý U ý Irwli Wh eh irelted un(ler Kenneth', joult fi) file great dramatic palet, %vlio any part of il& natural hebd on. Tilerc * ' ---ý- __ - NI-0,11-1ý-n hm ý-l,.ný,j ýý II.3 IiýlI..I.thl, ni e le ý l ai, , w Several ,-entlemail--,, r,-,iýlI,,ý'; ý,ERI, CO., ýý,-ci- ,.z.- and left th- nid illiII'- 21aoc, ,t,,,(I, aluile., fore lien trees are teillent out of til K.-v. Nir. C.Ilinu ý 14- Addre., f,')uT'ý B AGI ý. l - ý ";.,,ands,ýprotiýi. "Autistiai,'iiieans am, it must lie from file adieu, wb", 1-1 J. D. Alathesoii, ___ - - __ ---- -- ---- -- ý %onof P.,,nts a ... 1 Al;týý,I,.ý"..t-law. U 1),i Iitisn'tgeiiius lilial; isnecessary. It's wOu ile la ho fa not toc hi., - - F, ý% 1, % I, i' Il , vroit Building, W..lLkngt.., LI. C% 3M& L ý that You faux vour bat there, and letive ,avertisin'., the branches tallit bc foutid ta have 'ta' 1 cintrait in Io. lula ti com Att,,,ce,-zIt-l,,w. Sýliýit-r-ill-Chýý17- ý',' II 1 _ _ _ - ---- , I you. head so'tilt%%,Iiei-c LI.su. A fille il tliii0differLntly of the Englis'a pub- ait Demi ta flic ground. When Ille , R-. IIr. ll,»rriIl.!ý ci,, N.tury 1*,ii-liI'. «C'ý M 1, il ý R T1s;Aý-,,,,Iý.ý-vý,i,,,.- u- - 1 -Il! - MULIMI,ý, a ail.,iii:tl,--.% lawver witliont braira ; à, ic father.' cannotbe gotfroin pait-tialclenritit-,« o. . - _14- jar, ,,,,,,,: (ne der, Inat air th. Bualk .f 131, 4II1ý.,k 11-11, _e 'fl. Ili williut njil'.1e, toi,, , n B, y. - r. Il..bIis,,n -je "W.,31iltý1-1 iý,ill,ý,),N','.,ýýý,ý,ýlýýi,;,,tl,ý,,i, 'l'- D T ii'%-,,ii don't talc, IDo VI, lad 1 IVell, mav yours bc flic opeuings at.the tdve of the woodit, it i bPlieveýi if il.. for ___ --:- (I' ý,,ý, :- ý.ý tlIý ,i,ýl tI, ý ïf Itâ ý E IL - p -e ; :t,ý ,,, __ týý,ý. ,.,.,,, l ', - '- :, N > ý. e%- eti a lilliber lioli'ni. , ', as voit throm- b. lier ta obtidu thimi, from a nulgei-Y. le . - ý .ý)IVIý) 41-'l ý ý l'Il lIIrItý iglit ilI,',tlglIt, alter :111 I- - , ' 'I toast lie 21le clvine, et a tics gr.wing thist fin- anoiu,, Was fi ta Ib __ 1 Ir N-ýllT :III 1.ý"";",n L-ili.%Tlâ IÙ,Iider liý, ilnty asa - lait do', uiilr Salt il,,, J. J. 8 7'0.V,-E', ---- __ __ 1 - 1 Il elr on its Mercy ! cw, - - .1 Ynà &lie litoking a iglit 'J'ceinieil .1 :IrtiiKii,.i-,swool ; Voting M - ""' 1.1 rrmýiu auJ lait la U3, li-1il ýn-, ý .... 1 l'., ]il onktoit ha, barn taken froni flic thick of t1w toi - I> Rail. .1. Il. RdineOU 1 . ,ý '-Y-I,-In.11ný;.- ", I.,:,!ý . 1 I, rniarilà, 'a et ZrO, . THE CREAT iýIv tj"'Se jI:,I..jý Att,,r,,,.y-at-1,ýl",-qliýit.r-tii-C'lýanceTy, ,,,ýIý-,ý,ýý.1ý,!';"ý. ,.IiI.ý.ýý'I'i. -I : à h, _VC - 111,IIIIL,11111-1.,J%%'. PLIt : ',' ý 1 t 1; si conte il) bis seuses about Iiis and wlia!ly denu.lEd ai iit, top. in v r no- ',ýý',,ý,.ý,ý,ýý,;,ý,ý,ý"tLý,ýý.ý ,.".ý",. ý ý ý._ýj"ý à-, ýý,,i ', BURLE ,TOY BOUYE- î'ender. The final preciutiou for 3,curi g lavI, be.in polit.. -T, élie. - , -ý -,,',,'ý, -, Bless the lad, voit look as etir- à itII aý--I-. Tý..,.. a ca-"_-, y , - __ l , , _:ý,,,,:ýIi"1_"; .III and ,vaik ont in .9,e I)r.' Bvd. Ne,,, ,,,.I>ert,ý,. @Ma IIIIIII % ýII, ý, (ý,,iiv y sL'_'ý11' :1 - .- ý111,1111,1il'Stl'-'M"I ,.,Il,. 1 - - ,!,,,,tl.ý,;,.,: tlli, j&-lii. citer lilas von, ThIrec rh 1 , . )l n ý a trac le RZ.V. Mr. li .. r agi- - .il[ ,- - V IL -, T.",.ý u4fit "..i, .:ý,ýI si l ii.1 ùAl Dr. Bolil', Sltid KvIl j.1j'tittiiiitilie thicw air iiistt-nil)tiritrN, u;cliiii--,. T!dâ coII4 la in surrimu., [,,ýI:' ai r,ýlu,.,l r:,t,-ý,. - __ ___ ___ 1, I - ýlý ,',,ý, ý-Io_>..,1 ... ... i, , ti.,,;,I, ý,ý,,, ,,,, manger Tr.ins Daill, bomen Ch= ees illin-1 the ý>ifiee tI,-Il;t.v. ý.ri,, -ý 'l ý;L 'ý*1ý ý1i..111"ît. N, ,,, il 1,.ý,ý,,: ,,n-,aI'o;Iý1,ý Moines, Couneil BhIff', ,ýnn* ""' * Iý 16 4ý .fatal Ilth, Iliimi1t'.1I,'Ont. ÀÏE-iý-JT--G."-.ý.1,ý.ý'I't.11,ý, iýýý:ý:.",ý"":t""ý;;ý,i:"ýý'.., Joseph, At.hitýI., 1ý,pA- .ai, .a- lie likvI %vitli me. -joity, belore a leiliper coroner fixes il t'i'ét truiik witii etraw oýr locale titi. r of an X reýý e gond l'es in Ge __ - - - .: i: & ).. ll,ýntr,,1,121,1-- ,,-.,,I,-,,,t "'ý-il"' %I't.':ýnl,,ý t,',.,,. ,,.,, i,,ý ,nI- i-ýil-I Direct couri lit luilitits Iý--.ýýý% i.tý,.,*, , 'MR and lang'. expendi - - -.d. Nv,-c.ip,. .Nient.n ý oojý " give ,lie ni) iliedicii.e, aitil iiot diet a kind, Lit ..- - - , ,l,ý ý. J-01; s 1,1 - __ - . IiIiý,n 1 ... Il.,": . -- , pij.-II-:-ýln I, ,-, Neýra.kI, (',lit""' or ' n ,lia; for Iti-ljit>, î' 'ith a view Of kI-êpiiýg file murfs, el ,iigl.,.:"ý. "Il . - ,ý Vadl.,NcNv .Nlexico, ÀrI..-a, ld.bo'o'el il 1 -FiIt],er,'.iitil,,l Ke:inetliIyoiiroarlike ofthegroundmoist. Mulclii4bý-t4rtl- Ir. - rcirî 1.1I 1 lL1I.ýEjj i IN &-IIENNI:,1ý1% lýI.-ý,I,[ý,ý.. ,l". ý.. t > e0% aý - ilang dýý.lýlý.ý1:1.,,ý..Iýý.11ýllý'ýl. Ill. RI.-'llm.lL.I.- r ý :,",:ý,::iIý."..",ýý,,ý'; a c ý Ille lai votir fathý,*.S eNimple ill il)%. ,Iicliti,, d"%,. Oca', Mr. .Nloiikt.i, watering. A vigorous yonng tre,, wý-I R V. Nir. M.l (P 'ý 111.- Il iIlI.,;t ý,,In,ý'.. lut Ilti p V . .,1,ýý,:ýi,,ýý, . -- ,Vme Ila ,lomi il) e Il. [l,"Uý-tt'. -NIP L E "Sa 'il, ý , Il, et, -et 4 ... ti, D àdý(iibb.... ... ýt: . , ýr,:;ý,,, ,,,,,,, 1,ý !,âý 'Ta',o's'h'ýortest, spredjrrt and %tost comrnrtW. 'If' Von fil ý Il Bý,,iýti,. 2-ly' 1 l'Al ,-11 (F,-.ý IIIý ii-l1ý- fnr it Iiiii,!, lin-1 ý I.1,"' I ' ttý, ,:- 1 ,,illrý-i bile Route vil ii:llll)ih,.l if) Firt Scott. Do ,.%-,i-ý-iliiI, ýIv, i,-jIiIýiýIl ý ý ile iNill'i-et.irn KiiigwocIl fi plaut-d And liberally mulolied, is pi.-Ltý ý.ii,.iI,-,, ý.4,,') .,;,,"", I:,I- ijlýl1ý 1.1 ... I,ý,, _,,I't'4,I.(ýù. . DallaS Ijoostoný .>%uýtin, Sa. A.to.10, euisan, - NIr. Braill'I't'l' ", w icilà - ri 1 colly 1 ,'r', - 1 ,ý __ N,ýý,,,ýý,.I;,ý.",I,.,till,.ýý"."ý-l'ýI.Flti'tKI 1:> ...... , ni'y a.l. 1-., 'il ... I, ' va"' detý'nIiii,7,I Ilot toSillile, 'voit illay folln'Y iý%Iit (fuite: but lie needs huit), and fer certain ta grow. m nt. rit. Citritia, 1-1 Ni i11Eý Ind 111, ", . ", 1,-ýI,-iI,ý, tlI,ý,1.iII,ý,.tt. 1-iý-:o ,,.I,.;>ii,ý Il j - - ' tep-the tolly _ _ _ OSLER, I:,.ýYý il, TEETI ,IiSl.lý, ýI. , il, a"Il tý,ý,t i', toTnauu,',,,ý,P.'.'ý','dg,'.'.,,';,'ý,1.ui.ta affared bythis IL ili'tl,;,t,-iI.t Iýtli,-i,-ie NoNv, l'lit op liait fi, own thatisthellnts týr Ir ', ý t 11,qi, I- ', ... - I, j. y .... .. ill.,I,11. 1. ', ý ". -,iiti;,,".I ' ý Ill 1 lie el. erful. ' ll.I,ý,,!".,.. 1111 , lý,.I'..It e .,I!,".',.',';..',n,,ý lna .... .... i',il; I, 'I', I;1ý 1 ýiý il 1 '1.1 1,ý.ý"I ,,- il : 0 .,;,.I , Lig'l'Il I', "ýý,,ý,ýù!,ý Lino ILOTIravelers nuit Tourist-. a- M fait...; tilis 1-libbisli ; Stirell; voli've Ili) more ta (1, ,]le which coutits, according ta proverbial IMMINENT DANGER TaREATINS AN% ornatim, iite.,.àg. in 1 .rth-'L"f-,11,--ý - in - - - Va"'I' f 16-whéel) Palace "Y -Iiý l-oý9 jý,. ýt: .... 1'. n'a , >titi I ý Il'illd ýýl 4I;Iý "tiI,., 1",I.t"a;5 Il,'t'ý:, 1 The celetivated P.11-aI ( 'Vo folind sortie idiot ta ne ,,.iýdIiii.' -,NE tjoubied with . littellin "' C'_ - &tt.,.lýy 0 ".1.. .1.1ýtI.,ý". . i' ,r thb t.in,. P.. B. ýk to it IIIAV voit .a sre"tlgll. lu veil WIl thrre vrattifil , -Î-ý.11.:olg- ,,eep ni, 1,r,,,r,.,.,.ILý,;Il;,ýý,cg S, "il"I"ý'I'.".,-ý'.' ' ý. 1'. T.-ý-11- 3 Ir ý_'l li, ý ,ýKIiI:I', .ý'.. - N. - - ------- tiI.ill'glýi in -11 - % Palace Dra à ira. with Horions c,ýI)t'it for Ille St;iI,,.' 1,11,)Ve lie is not in any trouble,'sai tismoun, ion, wlien it attitckxtlie delicmt .,la% ing on tllo stpetu à _.. .. celi.l.g Chain. .In eýtra charge.for Scats ,Tliat'S %vliv 1 ai worli ai it liow.' iýI.u 19-tll bis Voiee St"reýL bY ris' SV"' tienne Or lits longs and 1 ronclIi.1 t'dire, ' ýI :,f -ý,ý 0 F y ou r 1 !,.,rýýý in r, Iiiii ... tl'. f aient. he was art SU Ili J-01ES. KE'ý I-EDYTorw-to. in it,,II,,ing Chairs. The. ainiais .. B. & Q. U -,Il ,,hidi lailil il , 1 I, I> C. T.,ý,YL,,,It.,Vt,,]ý.ry'l.,g-,Gý.lý.11 il. , Il ý 1 LI -, 1"()l Palace I)iIII.C.,g. C.,,,gciIý 1 ta Vý t'-'in ay eý,11,_-e. Ail -11, 1,,,,,ilt III à k - ,,,[I,.,I,.,1-..,ýI,,,i.ýrr.,l ,,,,,,* ý, ,àmýking Cars saiil Keiiii lý, ,ith a lau, pa I - travels witil P.1-iloum rapidity. lit lere PAPI,ài whi Il - iltted mith Elcirant lligh-11 Hurlant B& tý, liiil, hi- Ili.', fi. Madness ta negb-et a COUIIL È.t;ulldt.. llý,,ý,tI -.I.i-d .anaý>;ý,,ý "",!",ý,,ýli .. N jj ý ý: %1.\ N' Il li j'Itý'%l \ 1 URE DIT % ', -aýi . lillke ilit'n'e ,Xtit,111,111; 'Berol, ad a writ serveil, 1 expect,'re- ,vont, filon 1 -ce. Card plavingh lu, - , _ý Iý,,I, j IýiIng. West. voivinir chairs for the c- usiýe use of tient- . . t il r-hetLI-ýtI, 1 wi,11 Il, finiAt ' ýr testilv ; 'and, OS lit orCUbIý fa do in fa siiuply (o inVi!ê Ind liait nevi r Il n'y. a a .,.j,ý,.ght and -Id .a ýý".,.I«i, . , Il FAIl lit 1 l';, ,'il iýI.jý_IIi,,n ,ý,jj I,.;, th. OTc,ý, 1 6 l', Io l'il 1 , Il pl , ..ai la B.Ituît Chianti, litit C,,ý,-in. li i t i , , . . , el M EqUIR.ent, coý 1 turnvd the IIi , lbq..L.g. tî- ý.,,..,ýýý,:ýý,,;,,ý-,ýý,ý.ýv;ýýý ... ý;nl'. ', ,,il Lc t.. AIl ,b. i pft 1 and Nic, 88',',ý'I'rr.ýk"n'ýd Satin, more caIl If' IL fail. IL ,hall n t a il Iý,,,'t liait a very mille e"erieiice in such Fremature (trulli. '_ _ -- 'tir,,Ii,-,ý re nI.lbýý;, il'. Use Ke,,;,e(7,"g Prall Sl'Oi , - ' cotisntupticn and . 1 Young, Scotchaient, . bined %vil the;rG b,,-,Rh t,.rA,,angý - 1,1-1 il. Ih.ý , ... il". Ili.1 1 Il .ýýgý!ýT ,o lie%%, iiiIiL%-otitig il -. l'Il -.iseas, il -i,,,,,I,- eýIn-d, 1,1 Il hIý Il 1 wa, I.,I""I. ,,nt émr, Frt. 117,,i","." ment M il 1 lmt allia Icin th favorite for wait of ente. Il iliatter., Zo Over and sec about if. . 13attie with and overcoine thr, , - ,natal, julv Ilsrtiler. 111 M ACKELCAN, GIBSON lit BZIJ.,# wl-1101, III 1":,iit "'. 'I', l'ý:,ý,tý,,,-..-.,I,,ri,.ý,,,z,ý, ___ - - - ------- II tu l'hê Bon là, southý«06t, and thlI Far wiitercýtýillý,t,-xl,,ci'],,ýýýlýle toiitelit', \lIrliat ni&ssiigý'for Doria l' itsinfancyaudaverttlippetil. Donit 1 . . la .l., ,j ý., Id ýr,.SIIIg in I.Iný ..... .... iifi't'.ýi'. ý. Y..,I,. ý -ork. o1l[Il ilot oIfýr flint i - tul,,re,ýg ta a_ -1,,tIicn ,villa encýru AIN . ý est: là. imil roi, wli, finit traveling a luxury *i n I ýn . l Illow 1 il 011, I have nu P qrcu BARRISTERS. &o.. cnalES, 12 Cl N o li Iliaild like ta crime!' cried Ken- allait, flic lang-eatint . i« Il Inýte.;I.1 ýf .,Ii",.ýf-It sait ta the public, fatliur., ýý.ti, his thin'fii im, almost beauti- volaille themseWs bifore resortinir to la Jamu fit. B. i ý -ý this Celebruted Lino Ip,>lil, 1 lyve thiiik the pulilic cure .lit *111 in the happin%4 a pare port love. ruellicine. Exnerieuce lien xlinwil tlui, .I neing, Il 'Tue ho . 1 - S. Tre--sur and mum, - or nale nt Rit om.ce in th. United States and ,13«miltý paý,-Slmiles of - Canada foin hom. voit finisil N our work, So that il No 1 dure nOt @Pare the finie ')Ow,'Ilcý the prevaration best adaIded to Sub'lui, i., prorni.eu,,us &%--M National Zank Bills. 1 j il shoot nat- of Fore Sleep- fLoiýbq lo' ihi-tu while thev cau kep tlit-ii ,aid' tictuly, wlien lits laitier urgea him. & formidable cougit-to sa th And brut -ý:-_A-arff mop:ý:::- Ail In -nla a.cd.tl,ý., Tinte T&bIý&, &a.. $2oooo to IAan . ,,.m Peursi clýN'ýli.,*'Ill.,(;.ýfýýiýý,,ýý,ýil.t Ini, ;,ti,ý,Iý".r unit,'l 1 eves open 1 Tht-y il rallier have th( là, 'je a strang temptation-the verv the lacerai lungs-iti Northrop & Ly- o4h mille. lie ci . i 'Ilar ý 'n"ien'ýhA"'f"'iygi, o ., but boliPerd bile Ans. 21. 1879. ý - ý 1,,i,,,ý'y S",ý', S, 'f NýIti"II'I lia"I, rl,;.k Wil bc ce, ,Il -en by applying ta ý . 1 l"Il , To 'Y,)UNG M J. Q.ýA. BEAN. Ge .i).krkle -A wealth than wit ; and the% ,trongest temptation-blit 1 reli dort' inan'%,Emulsiou of Coli Li-r Oil and and allante ilsralme tué ', lS1'ý cI11,I'i ,ýno ... :IýiInI,ýqin:Iti'uIS. ý%",z"I wi Eastern Agent, ý 1 Aiý ,lIt 1 don't know wliat ta sera Hypophosphites of Lime uni] Sod--a "il Il, tji tendency. Dentistry. . _l ,,ý,. ni dt,,-tillg 1,111I'IIllf"il le W-h *11, 'Ion- MR"ý think fur more of pose thau PorsY. t ... 'ý:, n '" "t.' York. __ - ý__ ý --,-;ýýIý-.i;', an i;Iý,1,1,. 1',iI.. îý, - iz,ýk.g,.. , and 3117 igroîldvolyý,N Il -r, lail, th,ý very liitS lie," lie alided, with a Im"' connut -irt and Pure specifia tor branchial aud --------------, _ _ uý..In, ie tIiýrthing l'il wagt a.tl:ri ,ý JAMES R. WOOD. Gen. Past. Agt.. Chicago. ý.aary Wou te mair .ITISTS ,10 L. A. .« AY il m & C-'.. _ Dit'l 'X. ,,,lu tl,.,I,),Ik thl, filI,-St will lie Aurreil -Ive, ,en'l niy lave, bedauqe abc bas it, And 1 long affectionit, laryngitis, and the ver- b . 1 .tý R, J, A Tý H. HU';RANIt n, out. , 12- - j. JOTTER, Ge.. manager, Chicago- ,o Klgtmet am4t, Il lunit. . P. ý , 'Il ClII.,.Ii SI., \- Yý,,k Citý ý. _ riglitogt spi)& on enurt ýý - ý - - -, __ ýý . j3- 1201, 22 'l' - ,---.- ý Il . - ---- , - - _ _ - __ S ý y your selon, and lait deuil wrote ta lier ibis morning.' OUR forma Ofserclula Itignotprétaild- lune there trould be It';I.ý , 'Il , à. --THE- nit. empty bI 'Xem. * eThils rnoruing? echoed Mr. Bradford, ail jhat this favorite remedy lui 1 euri, outalide amwarments. f IIýltILI '. ýý Il , , m - , , , , i, 1 a picture of' failtirt!',aitglied hiskeen aveu madderting. 'Belote day- frilly developed consomption, bat liait it Rov. Mr. Rose :II IK, h. 'Surelv )-ail cannat know who jjgh"ý I'muýPOK r ý will &ven it fa a fliet ton well proven ta ds@cinlý,, lie aloi, 0-1 - _ . . ,i;,Iý', 'I'l. '. 14-ý,-I % - il , savel.p., -,Y eýtýý 'ý , I. ýt,, - 01, , " ,.,rsv.n ,rl,,,,,,,,,ýt:.v ý,a 011ilflie . C. « il le cet Id a ., . . . III, X anhatýwon F oca ..et -Ye 1 the yoliang Mary answered, quietly admit of Imy reasonable doubt. The rmbprs eould ent Il .11 1 -"It"lIý-, IlliI--li. ý, Tu [991 1 PTIVB , .F--:-ý;-jur- 6WIlat , la Il _ I, , ý "', D'ng to..- 1 The e.i.b.tWd ..part. ta thal .tndrubi. y are ta act in iny al t ' in the alti man. not slept inath *In Tli,.il%'I-rti4l'I'. Ilul.ll'gl'eln Permallellt'5. ellre" ýr - = pu q liav'e' filet fa Pqually Wall knoýwn and appréciait In ',,,,,II,ýiIIlýIi.ý. I-Y - S ý el-ly d.I,,o-t.t., frait - 1, Ive 1 leil 1 I-týIy .-a .lit tWir familles witho ,ýS1,.ýc fl,;ý" ý pelletai. th.t.L-ý,tng "rtlql.,,.,!.17. ,...Î,= ,- ý hall le ý.d .Ilih .il, bath by the publie and the prefraxion. illy. a. THOVAIS, ILLILS Dentist Lierathair -1 that ,ýI-rI ýli.ý;,, , I haýtiI.,IniaeAnd, t'cl le ý ed tars 'Who wan it . (; výyua.ti.g..ID.ý;;18.ý",4u..O.t.ýi.,.iu , n -,,-a Il- hia 1 ý'I' better up. ils:, 1. Milt. .. the I;:ý;ý:;.ýII,,,«l:ýý,,. ,,,.,il.ti.I.,.scd. ý fI.ý,ý, _ý"I Illacna ý _* I4 i.tern For Hoises, Cattle, Milch Cows, Iling lune It's ' Il il& p Ilow with a tbousand and the article fa an admiradille fertiherr ... innI I't I nýIiýI ka, I' __":LIý1- - l1--,'- l'i-l'I'.ý"-l Slieep, igs, and Poultry. .. t 1 wýii son n Bell. Mr. Murray i., ,la .".l ýdIl,-t..I. a yo III Bee !I 1,11. ) ..'th Ille Iki,ýý-tiý,II. ý1 ý :.','i'- ., là ý e ý1.' ý and . lad, . duemm -'* I', the ', f.', j'o [,.,ilIg «!.I, Inan My on v ho e la à "" = 01 Mi elarenotBchemexelactly; cmm =1 ,.-,,,.-. -.'.#ffl I-h e il" ...... . ý - .il finil, - -.1 ., Y, .4il,ýan - .,ýtt,., 'hm& 1 of the blond, imparting ta it those con- front the parlable 0 ,I, .ý1l1 Cl.. en. 1 = ,,*,,,,,,.,,'.,,,,* rert -lie ambleroot tle,..,.ý,-, .1IilI th'y ,,III ami '.. lIL.-ilel allilly. ' CO 11% IS fed on, this FRED Will give one hie fa ryou If. 'an yon el en now, but-_Qb, father ! r sec such grand irtituents whieh are euqntial ta the coin- Whou bile filler bro Il...ý.Q BýI,.,,ný,t,% ...ýill 1"-.dltl.. -Y bu ' on or »M.L. ad'In« hW C'SIl ..'ll". :%.,ý..ý., > I .. pli., Il, ; more and tricher milk than laitiers infatuat Il value the drAccatic situations in the night ; and- plett, Dutlition of the avotent and Un 11-ard, s.)uud4 of Il ,= , let you o M ln ibn 1,ý,ýti'. wihin, th, i 11.1--op I , 1 Pte , ..,,I. a quarier a 1 this mental and even if 1 do aleep, I wake sa soon, pro nue h-.I>. in fa furvaàÎ01.1 illb.11.11 abc of hetith. . 1 , «,y fi il on the Old systein. This hastbeen un , jýous christ di»P _-ýý R- E. A, WILSON -4 anary - tu thm innal. et le ! There a. Pbl. Y. llomphoru---thst à ý 7 ý ý ý .,1,1,ý.a, Y-th - bar wil i c w'll with a rush in mi con of-' f' 'S"'Id Dot have ý 1 ý 194, Penn St., Willa.,ab.19. N. Y. proved l'y aclua 1 expe, fini lit. , ni t when i ment an] ex- of applamie, @op" ,, put in Mr. nocemary element'of todily substance- 1, Hotel Cards. - - - -- - A , dit.. 1 n * r Il ý titi a, -au al BI . barir.. un M, ir.àr.. - - ý._ ý TUE CULVERWELL NIFI'f -CO, HOGS.-On danhualmoitthefarme ' conte k a ubitioit, if you like- truffai il, turrang away a littie, ta avala in deficient. This onstituent, es wel, NV ý T.ý:..1I1R "01hI&_;=Zý =I d6 ili%-,I.1.,. , .1"*.,*S kI>llii19 j1ýl1'I'1tý 41 AMI -jit.. N, , ,,lit. barli-yard 1 have reac ed tiieir elinatil and thalle Ille son's eyeo. as lime and soda (important in býne of . dans - 1 'A - ll-ýýký'. 24 L'm'-'l'ý'ý'I-' ý'ý"ld'-'ýyrl""'ý"'ý'g "'." does ibis FEED show if& gond ý eicitation ---- - IlFà fonn , ... IIrd,,ý, Thl.r -- 'à 1 Ip,.toaý B.. 4596. . effetm animer or more satisfactorily than ý people ta ,vilain you have given tickets to IN.-it fa not that-I think. Borne- forinâtion) ààreýýtx sa in the EMUIAIOU B Y. Mr.'flrnut- ___ - - ,d_ýýt.g..ý,fil.ý.gý,ý,.Iý,lýýý,.ý,.,.f.,ýýý.kiý,g ' -en a air IýpIîp ploreil by North- M, a simet. 11iltant, 8. ways tlke . ý (in the B og. If gi% . in time, it in a 1 see yoor play, or who have grown elaciteil titres I think. it is. and then 1 flua that Of Cà Li, entrave ni danc MI. 'j'It,ý,,ý I,;,I. lý- il.u ,;- for n- n,ýIn. ý , gý':!,,r.rIlý - 1 certain preventive and cure for the HI19 ý ovrr it ju.t breause it is soinethi ý fa ; and thon 1 con fancY crieO ý top & Lyman, Torolr2ow Sera by-all .-,;, - ,I,,ý>.'-:, ý'jhný 'lie ILfil.-ý.1 n - log new, il, je mua ýý ýý,.ý.ý,ý[.ýàýU."..,ý,ý.1;ý,;,ýl::ý,ý,,,ý,1,--t.. et ,,IIilI th.,., ,,Iiý'i.ý,ýi",t I 'le I.;ý;:-,I-_""!ýýh;,ý- --- - . maniait concerilict ý . . 'Z', ..ý.IlII, Il ý S Chýiera. IL wil mako Pige fattfla in' or %ýliouibveliiiiiee>-Ou-ninvliný'eflmtlsed y and thon librielle tipon my aimai rame; and druggiEts. - n'ain in 1, ,,,,I>' , Il an niln, p . Imi ta lip .ri)v.. of il ý.ý DAVID I)I"WA]k ;l ,l gir t.I'm,ý,1lL -1, r , l"ight i-,,]I,.i"",ý', I'n-1ItI,>ý . liait the usant time. . . 1 May burtd, ont ilito a ligfitnili, flash tIl tien D.iris' sable; alla then-MY Own 1 _.- II ý II-11 Es, Il, i i I ý 'ý , !ý j-.1 t.. Ina p T irI. IIîjýn-n-.-tI,; ... t..II,.,!,ý,,".ri,"",ý - ý kept frac front approval and flatterY ; and thoue verv laughter, 1 think ; and onmetimes what I 1 B '", " rai I , -. , , !rIas. Il., l'il ', NV, l iII'. . Il, P ULTRY will lie ,. ,ý.-.h.%.1r, p ý',-y _- I , -. --ý lI.1,;II.g. T- -d- 1.,I,,ie,.It >1 iýt fait, tý..ý. il, 0 . air solinds like a long 'H ush lie diacamRion th 24 "" ai, .i'I li't, %Iý'Ir 'bI.1. 'l, 1 Ilise.S.. .[)a the increase-1 production of'p.,IAtý,-calmiiig down, will sec OfflY faulta' lie ' whispered A TOUCHING SVORY. tri. ý -I91;11,:1ýi. il- N .. .... , "IIýI -g g, . __ - - - - - - - .ý. n1':ýý'y --.IîýIl,. ý 1 lis .lit la, iIiII.e thau atifficient W Pay 1 and bleinialies when tilt flash bas pasSI bonaly Lv a thousand voici , 1-I never __ - ý ý ý .... .... 1.1. - "'ý, ,.,..,i:,ý",ý.I..IIIII',IIS F.11 1 ; .1 1 ,ý ,, ý - . - One rarely meets with a morè boni beTresumcd. - -;il ýýýlýllý ...1 inantihlv bold von ni) ,---. _î,«. il. ;. -- ;_ --...l ;_ .h. fýII- 1 ý - of IL b of Dira 4110 -opie nef, &Wre down enuki hurch tv wà& nunt, undez- er. Rk aliy in iny F 0 GrAnt. l.n&" d in ho, la Dot Mn ey DY psits n Min& n'nulle- àq Our whiels nd girie w eë ai there, ahmIJ výd of, him; lib. 'au hi@ bat ber rim ly. in the, .6 with, aelf, but iglit ho 'id dan- ýd Feel the leau .0 the, "ne ne tbis was fromme church aveu in piritulil- P»beh@4 imid cou. niais ho ehlg. Zt , eing ho ses kiot rues à> suit Dot but iris