len ýves. -:10 - ~1 -' - ~s k. -: Mini Eq fedt rt aa $t N ORt, 't ' - T H . h s 1 i f l l LAt r b :u a rbs ( l a e s - a s l t o l l i a_ _ra eLa1A 0. ' 1 1x --,, ýi-f1 ui4egat leilou t-.a who ne1 -s Comnst, "il! t chosthouin the doerte quuitie- ,, -,i01U¶ý Omi'Boos fôla 4.0-np 1 S103 ~*~ levin dout-tt-i youcolra ad piceasudwhe bsoite. 11ý..:**:::. 2 . 1U aÈOn£e, or Milliu*rytheGonds toe adthi s the a * la2&àttutttvn1 11, J1 iItS-.50181ý _ 84t . ..at Expel - xis, Osas. ,Hanta A1 1050 sr». ..Xh.sg... . e a t M 4e ap s d Milney thhavc ee you cati get s ,, .:::: ,-nx --asný ýý_', hs...I .. l a~.î~La, opaie bat at Js.Holirae -nie reas, fashialefiatr-eot.xax.aOSAa auJx n'aButonedBoos 1.2 ý Mitn... x ....... 1 lu 4p.1a..aaad-7, s- - A PAt .,.. a ..e > --xm» ood . ...... . i sud Cloîbyin a ge Stoe ilton ailo ke esan ies fa' ibe»»» 4'Ij er" 1" M - .x,, t.o"ox i , 2 -xx ,-erxelx- î, 'lx..d1 1 TA._. a "Cax'«Mt... C'.. iii- 4ioî t ., M." t > u Wh q m .:D eW % Cxum l . . . r. . . . ' _o.a.-S.toeIxý . P.1.Iolirseixbuig ote.cod e th r G .Hlln.- S .. 1 .- t... Lt-,ý , . _ ol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lies brismartel rre for1 ,,',. 1 ..SOt- f . .U1 ..5-l * .:iru Th-calas lhCui. Egs -idAplsadvlgierk',M ltn ihyurcs tt» xxhlta. LI-I.. ia es . ,ý ý _ - r 'Ul-1 MXL O, OCTOB R stus. qanîiîy. >'erp trna I fr hapgod. __ _ .- oneaad ea sean, y .ý .-. f u t .l" e ertaiMiy vin h > ,te TO O E TeT STLT I5 H SSO L 5 L.M . . .Dss*bitt .11, ,tteý«' .0-11x.x Lo a n ElligMenc mai. Pao.x thC hal0.S.a choc oadoue L iasutixy ae d thap lts" .e.t xtsst- -. i( 1 . 1le e a, 1 1._. . - .. -tfe isi o.:.:..1020t.voé-- - -«..W 4,Oe S. . S --lxxex 'Faut1= 4 11-Th... I M letaxViog xsi AL.-Mî. ub tai y u cor adi.. vhehx.btss v rtes. deTteot1exahxlixi.yxtLxOit 3 stti' tili qoit vetZ.-itg t seesittiàt-fisexlien 1 lit N1180r'etirearittt5 Etostettesd H.fiaciRîO , -teob iott s e asli t ikes ea Dr lnf'm u&mi L o c Hamilsati tae tttit ~tsietn .rs te hi553 6 0 Z , olests. We t ti e Me. Bitot esnd isselheo.. « Z iim"iokso e hos it siitexe iem v otts tsybo o o t;tebo)t.cetis tet rosa.'lsd.eioroa1s w is eabestie e wo uxt à Laket. erortgsht aaiers.. h etpptS sitfytixits x iois et firomcess.vvsonntaix:sen t i, er. - lrtta iti.iianp o . .'sbixiti, sud s r etlisset i . a te e cdearise oinith tldo A toulsles. b- m isbs pîis Ai e s. ýe t poP.itt..ster»xr ttxaeir. cxj iButter, t.at irsi tiat titi, otoibobetta. :ii1toatte 2 t,,. ,ot. otto. ,t'x octtt:, tasgstoo-tfs6rdsotes f25peisol.tslest.Tua Sos vosutsCesifio rfsex.aAtiR its- elaiasthee -- -- r-t-. i~ticsstett ixistiy e inisdee tile silr, f-Dsy if H, sitoongotin Troxot' e tasa ita~,555. Sits, Seees: Sieelsex Os teesseBiaSbsi, Tioxe eotitta ittit s.txed BaskVeirlsea tam lbonte81.5LarDm.iiWgi-s- th.. T 1 . THR~~~~~ou sFtEr BrsxT,0 e t.leIi u igilx e, t -P lb rnoaivcltetesIat i m toddrýf .M c A S 1S p oit % , i,..,it toI Lite 0,-lors te io sffcrd ~t Hossilios Oet, L ossToo-hi i Ipe 'tge,5aee:0testteoitso.O ami.ex, stebsrb. 1580 . = y&sue Lo alI telge c . -At . . S=te ,: tee dost , n te' It'eseW ho-t osSso e . .te Ad 5 letsiet ;iti 0e sitse ssoi te-%«f i-; ass ieie A. ro fM o. 0. h basr f oiassii 0:_ tsoo.Li " 1jI'sx e,3st;tAis t.otSOee ,eOai- re ls 1xoe-otaasBse t ti "x , teodtio.e e iit, te dy e is meal at. i l, eSai ts. Pei t, d oi %;e in towet rtetdiy;.tMo»waftoreit aitie teaOete- t ,iieglttcslttttesf "tttoee àcsR O . e'.sstol at lost to* Wto.o coo.'ityssde. tIsi itsrttA fthe ae. tlits sCesi ctse ___________________________________________________ Coirlj ag te .S. 1 ht.,olt-' te te =exeo. -.m. ,..-r- --tttx . o- . Os-Ais t-*e . C» t' oo, o te tfa rpts-rtotrinisl.. tzsiii Wtt ed r. a .trsg isesihostie O S ien t e t Os o eit tot a ,T tiiatea sxdt. blu e Y«'T.. Idlns ol-s lt . tt Ait -' . Bde khmS, etY e 5 ______ thinpensdsrri.t adatenat ises itswuo lig te sc,srmbe 1tt Mr@bc W. G r eentio eso,aa eod . C Dten.antJTs :Je eies lt tts.rti-e-iia Osa, st eatiesour i ir f na tes o f ila =Usse eeet 4kus., i.dDossntaktiti, voeiteEoît oMi.e Fissioox, 5o i-sol, Jo t Pmtisfatae ase ot pxeo, 5 Te St Juesa Soteor,.itMtlstsblienneeoiîoe tgtet ieien ferteele-.ilAs tetttos...titotablesgondre ;otesoTiletSeecetOserob»lees Yaoies-Ms.mSi-oeil etkritScuston.,J tirait OtvairasotchL I ; teiJ..a U U JJbrUU JNobL% O±J,-YL.U aboi 1 ,il- pEi ,c-i HI I-Ilte i pi.:sds)t Be.tt ,oo' iau intte 's u itu ssen i t obe saiebitntfit-dls.. e iisesti e Bin ioss aosf the xesS tt t'esr, . s vllyt oniî t o rtoo us s i s-rt eneal e x,, i ft oote ie o o itOe ths,,fies.al titss t te wsitreahetiboy oraee ;ttebsxbthiantir stocdforiashied»eeleforxes1bactt: hcxi heeOlO se o-e otn t to -e, te rst e S srstoc t r t hi eetS traye lusaiti.B.,-leleslsex..ujt..gt,--wn o h nrosqattiso od osla i etpoisae Adcoy lhuh esti -cneonsthdlas o Os ~tttti,5~t5C~t So tSeitt5sto asilaoioit oittPalaso titt t er leio- l.t deetsisiti sr tee i de stio ti of -ttt . j r tose O : exbcrasb.50kt _-tlt tioeitxetetei Oie a bi tse' tnd et rey e mth e tii stse destt h saiefiye. 1h . enle d , ee; t s. GIr K,, x, W-do t:J O pus 'il. .iWooo,, tsitiselozdselis ec asie=eus o"moitWt...sts A les Ceoo.-ite Oo -i ood ferMitn Bes isese, W. gati e o .. esoW ele J.'ctss..ltreSiee cci tooituOpts-iesotioo îtiAfiu"tetis li Bsiteîosat n w .«WBe;t ,,,, RO WOOF TE ER 4 Sa notses ues, W i I Nolîl Aoîùeel s:,,;tluZ pI -.4ttieptsiîaitcf Il ýisi rédion of 25thpecen t etile.T i uceiw@pet Cndit ion f"Mose ttss :~ 5y;ik.t0 -"ti t.-150,ai. l, s- îoeia, aeit et Ateste si oos es sN H tyl o e io,'an tts - PiS50,Ttee. : OS' dcx OAs-en heBakes hseBatfu ikFiihd lc eleen fot8jet 1.5àe»Iieey kt T wr 1i,..î,»r rom ea ehe otie edeftt i i y esp. C o i e t he ii- V yoe'ixte , Yoeiei at t r k sh, iires. C Ch bers 8, »at -Wi --t idri,,-o-____________A Il.,,. rým .' a ', sadj.=bxi..ll8e- The Celebrated andu OlckîtlvJt $350Cg nere8imprt V' tis .lland a e o r- . ',toro rteiste.ttoO t5 lubesr llisCsiohlo o ttfi s luit heC osituf ioisnt" s tttC sot o lt tietx etos y e, O igin l t tîtnouprie..(eafrt-rezn1e0o- t-eu81K25.- 'tot- lIotetx.te-'OeO o olsiloeCos cisirtiettltists' rtlstrsl. Tto,»e, .cl,ercT seesrsh tot ______________________a____a,____________________.____ro__ f 1 t ts t.1 * .4,»1 ,th floithisectti o ii»s liofstN e- lhcoubyns e ltry., h ou n,.ptx «': CO r t 1 e ý,. tre:o.Sý.-dl-sc 0,o o,,p,scrt »inobestoîtCart iucrPooseO n i re meynas tey sseutrxi ehetioaortthH.vsu.Tesaetleit sIec teeo, g ,jbaol fCresadLnlusrceidfortetnesti ek vr$000wrhoCresnadnte tl ig Site ,,,yte.txetv.l- eh. Ceeslry.-McLess Assoarero& rOxsfile. The md sfoaea hields.i f» i mn EAD -JAIcS3h5aTVED. Cet ce bot oSe.Ce, Nlesîsetlitsxe,101 ' -steace. _ H uýuot r.yhic r .Ity yaip-hoxîdissitlvlt sgsit te i, .roJotss. ,rsoxh Osotn.dnritsstiuiisseopo.as8sKtngct.Jest. PU,-T RYee,,ehttst'C.eTGAs J I ike t tohe, i- iesea ite toffii ttr eo-Àe rn t Hamilton C.tMe- c s aîe-sae iaoTgtz-sdTh o oeisp l ittees-s e tiBece hipalota 'rkx. J ries-ko.B. H mltn xcbr i 8 0 r'~ t, i atohei- ct. St S C s'. M r Gu,). owlîssie vd at r e t l to is 3 e i-sr stei i'Aà -, MrLPei t A redQ uiae Eoual ta C ustom W ork.et t 8,iNer t, ' lt i natO 'fia i o t, e Ii s ts ti a e i = Ir isp e t fite sil 11 o e, po x e r o l o ti .tWi Fe. l en t e e t a in P8t oo ig, ss hhotd e O t O O O. Jo ri,H , pht.h'- T -ee uI 8t K ingpa rt, et E ssast asins h.tfroen t th. xite s r tthes osr s' isp fosos ix esxi tli os dis J iseo ç.rottttnir eee. rtrk'ep. - Î Iro ei e oopes1ted. l ia s t h m,,oiE.laic.d sit se s latit Mi îx sia.a ale*is tto eriet e itotr lu, T iBx eet , Flhtei 1 805 prr - ,,re .ies t ito tî. ord ecffle.lxiisetitao itaoSettsaiteF.... layote rng ely, el iiarsprmsRier-u .. -3 E a à 6m x a A ,Vtoit.I - eit i rc , itv ooo. .,ý,too> etur e oil hitixts.otaetetrer i es , h a stesmtsdxta nti ir hauisr,JhceoJo ia t'as,,asls ,..o ho lie i,.o.. s .1.It1 ts Vie"tese'-ar, th otexu S,,t I fe uho trotthae bleuit- tescitiof hslsi eeasii el x sot--clottras1,teet5a5eît Cicsn or . t. coshl lit c t . i e seil r ir rt Ocxt e..to t he ettfiic. I Vprstquitglookt- xTwohsballe s . S oxestoci,WT Ik, occak - eilti c hie Atiltîtaooil tah .ysit10 J.' ps t it e 22A0etotO Oio et a l igt t icS theiîy o a nsd rps iilet xy c e lýýwotete tab;,c5tJ MC-it.mteta1 tId îeoe himwht h e olse iCi sîtee ae 5h.. otb,e, I oi Jtex ta .iitDtsil O",.. h..___________1 -Ot tt.R StNr:nsoE. -V I 'eo-to.c 0e lo o ,S ttteoe. OOs1 e o- m sttitss litrrist esttl. alt~ hcoctsxitsil, tte -Ri i '5 i mi te . 'o u . theeife ,mds mse . liAe. cile s et tiesn s einOor.n, aJ o tsS Fc O tf e c i-r cIlt eek 1-tii. Po otrehi nZ iicsii seso- eît.ts e»tr T woeoitgI N EI-M .1Ths;Kv h.ub-», etn MsW ls os-rotil ho sert itese~~~~~~~.edlty d ipo odhc eliee t it stc ur tely en1 oaeatý,n eg orche- nr ttseortelres ý -for. ,e t Sc hii enral i Ch o r slihe sY. te. IA w o rIelîo . i i ut eoeo t e ltl o e1nare wt pin h â,i oIsA" E E A L It$irrset..1.eir.ro SiSN.îrtsi e-- Cn e l'x»SM. Si-vltt M»tyinGeanHdaclitl f in ll,.s $2011 pe r ai, The,, vla nd -il senatoh Tas.rdx sgr ee.trn Wfl»t B shxsei: y si't iot ',.auîs - . esec ris i heo .ai.rsi - u- statit a o rocurea f . hl utsI,-ei r--sse eib he Xîuas e u - Alcr -txls.O iesW-s, J ash 1. urF u u to î 1 v s t5 c Pe a r a e E ra l a o d a n t e C t 'Y:..g.lrih. Y-u. hl,,,Il heir d uteltilsneWntion,, O Aiea 511 se - a t t xleitpad e o;,ioaettt sl.lhii' Tic leeseWe9as Betii, if 9.' K:: atef ttttetu EOUR5lexct, Altt ex. l-tttCPa5 t .isxaitt . ts aisn olover8eff theotS, rfrmr.llee, rit o Attda endo nt:llsJbcthea.xc astcoco, A fýIMPaORTANT Ax NOe.cF E NIei T -elOtiete - cm e httso o h 1s oi, s tdso.atcn, MCs5if. Wle sxo eshît ed.e ioa rc txsr esittO d, in od . tioreinhte. dt tir 1 sand.toOehtruoS teset o., ,tonhc;e, cebutecote t.w Ct. eh- lieooo s ecie 10 550 -tSpclotos geO ores e ftor,cteg- tncît stiot eobRsi osietx, al ot: FRxUst, IT tO. MladitesRao toneesdexstistoc ieWstn0SÛRlA)Oli ANtiCEHOiVOB fOea r m no itl . Cea pest Cil ioicSes -oow:adeks ot,: itho otns,W otevr ti, fateedhs« syi t, eaC Sic. -as-J 5elu.i 5na"CO. s tohtth il ttepl ieThtco ecStck n ri) of t oliays ri -M ss s i t - r ti d xx xs ' - e t- J T ,lim M A ici cous dulaWnRE D L C H E B A- C OSeRIN O LE Hi ecysoi- th mf;,lei I of l -taitieclof il . oe iostctirct cc» itoocti eieasiau .los o p tisale ,i.v e t ire r B;' .sar. deRe O r1iec,5 i1 c u t S a e wini il oiiey ls.frtissain e for $2.2et0.oh e r an sMaieo en ooe tooo 4e tte,, as asuPECe roued S ililî 1d ,,IA u iysse,oBll. __ li RIVE . .-,1ed,-.- 1cil ,lSI.1esot, . Sjeot:ooFi.l1 Je ihi i;. otofesf-e MiOSos - theadies FSBesudto ts Se to .icsinditeoessei hcDpatfi ls 55 c ial cons'steLe- fiteeopns-aaxtx ituateit Wiaio n 'titxrs- taxicotagoci is-tiix...es-ect BLACE ov A ..... ..e- it s-eest..Illf.. lll'do sot t... lun.s tos-i taceeeteos-ded on ,, , eoxeIl .5i;'rrl hte os'oc leOs-tst-î he s Si»xty.ueesist DANes t sxs î,cx - - B T etsi ter»î1ndF...aro t: it io r ttfait lae,JxTh.dOet.... sxSlae Tex,,xsstxts E T' U NRIGS looasux.f-s8et i-. Iratalpeoc . csii, eNtetSe ltoe5 l i&extoxaoaee O cuo es oi eeiaoiti yo Fte I , . Vit e-ils6ae ebte 1 and hier yss tilts: 5h. oxintd.exsahas-d for ta. sate!o, a Litsaitel Vxt'esa, Sites'. xc, O.aat'unss1%ereaeCn inaîl.t r sese w se t vtel rs SsossC79,.adimsn it i or' _________________ s, nd t e sioo: e9-Irs'oElaSdhANshpD MtUotdir. 1teeititn0,te.oceBethttedt e o oe oêvCDt ol I t'lnia n its»s ietti o d i -V '. utSii ..o Isetiss fer esensemlitletforme aJa515 Dyoao hcsastiandxJAreeQ uitouteee.- i-s-sort Shoe tu. o 00 Mr.tie , PIs-tesx et msh aimrt dlt amtis v>'aiiquar Vteoteo hpidvterl enficsh v eniird cdwlci Proa il ,IWt, ... mais hy ltre (oa pbsiatt vtisxilà Int tee.tie Il e ittisie, -ettii l lti.Faeis ors a oatOosot i ie . os ttie rti is!ee...aII. 0e OS Ote il -'eeo it5 1e .sgxodth.;ei ee eiettOro. Sr otr s- 0ea ic - ti & Mixcu. LOi..tteraouaen se tpola Se- kJ- ,tIesg ,,theote ti <scshf ave h ilets tu eeJiseorxempl, lita t in i, as itch xeel etic l i l i.. M arkC etKxsx ____________________________ ___ _______________,%NI%%_%%_%% ,%,%,_ I Fox: as, ai1,stesasse:exesr eti, n, i.os.filso-o26su ole-i-ies Aosilieotl-ts-asyltiae yes aat ixDryfiuggyantJOs-paxlgot A. Mees .coi-oCi .tti tthe i eJ IoSs.as i ttetî,ooaeo ixîsloi e teh i Coeh s o a B ît -ing .aeO i si:i-aetxlsbcei ax FrSt ' Iet T ae pisoido,r v o".i .T e c re i I.ox vsteiy sia es th e., aisf u al ,sp istiteS . T us iîienOe >' P s on A-b , po s i ie - D o ter: p tea as , AI .. : p qa t m bitJs tdcf, - l' La, Miý,.eti alsatoTb, oai.$Bos-tvotia'sthogI il ba th iue elitedenc ite Thel autatcae . DLanageo Set xlhose Otxo acpH.t Bkome p ilaî, D EJanteD 1D E S G O . S e, » eI :z ;ie i r e .f ae 1,,, t. ta il t' c i. o sto ia, g c itili fo o t u t 5t e c îtt r e f i . -ofli e ls c l i ýt l rt forv'Da e e o o s a ' wiea s e fo q a l i Ce. a i t ii - o ntr -o, M m T s o ie a: s-et . sh, g I ,j t h is t m t o , a m n a f n a , u r t) h w t a t e r i s s k l u i . Wp r d e a r a t o - M t h e l o i f u .s i , r s r l . .. ofe1881t. 5it0 c-'s.---.- mr nrAstonhaesae thpecuio t -roctOoyA hl.etb - LhID JIDaidflttrN , AuJ ,ýýtb Fxia .x Ts l, Pi.%, e! o e l t o fui ,1ti t li ef s stle cîcu. Wh. IcaI- n mils, ay letig iyi isux hee etln hn5 I. .t, cft baslix iitd p ot l xar-li ai> atiset lespo a n ipr'îem xd ataeloîtent."s -Lsî e . T Aii apte L-fh oIp siyIt e xii , oie r1 isth ag erea aad Pa i' ceitt l ssiiston ie xll s del, ie omiotsmoniti tpubao aPlicre-mlll d exi tsi.t .grae ho»a patritbeof fi ae - (-trt ] stileo debSotj c t, ase ioegtat ix , Teigbyîso.stid b almd sat5,00n0.Ii-.Futhlf uneua P T Y & CO ,G L E GR F O O T . lSiet -lamne- ar inetisud nid, 'Os. fom it. eti Aeplim otet i ix a .met lia ALO GT lE OSU P . Sxsas1- sntta.xaaxTsssaiot'alo hiegethe aseaai tibu litrix, sud issi atn an st e idogs s g L A DIex>faES ArI)E AnRTSexwt djn .2 htficG lobe wosaliesxentporie AHamaitIbsa sonParisxloy a , Moilem, mTery whiteftitE. ta nth ompiJtd b us lllpav otxî xx ese xfel.al aa tga ite Ni enuon Ttursteasixteiu.see TOx b'yatlre Iiia of optd eBai- Cesm ei. .sIrAttenk-i me , tiss .xx os u iotlatxtest .Ier ut tho DentA ysaxg - vhsKeotlsrshFoustidn'loxiiKedsud ovèaaeaista50ta.eserxoPea.rTiaraeb xl mutoetasisfer xaeat>iniltdexgCity ooct l.laettt'ne tal t q Alo he2id iili us ue; ostf. ssd xol, hilnasd the xe ern w mas, i ne n seOOsehe ebvo hi tle fuit, x retl&icaî.tcxeaxx nxo d . yFesti . -h,_II,_tK_____un_ s. n ePx-ksMr.;Derby'-. hh"fnew s h tsfu ixt e isto te hrast e i te jee't!rYxi lte ur hiif etepa i e et i n-an xen palntee dd kT iEle i. G rs d sau l Uo O Si a t " II ..tiy o cotir. h, eiu ile n ate xiyfNi<hx S phssexa lx JeHNyeeeax ButailhOer, .'." piitiM.r a, W Decatione,o a sito @ li ul-r ' . tI î . h r Ssoap i md i Aya efb eebei t atiex acoet trd . Tx1tse m i dxIetmflex tO mutatr eitriptxletdaal a-afei,, plexaIn l>'tt ,etslsexl d - ow r0 U am nt yeeno'aeo aOl sapiaqsislyeesedhi.buer e xe s b.q-lisetie ebos psoms-sciat blued CsatuieHeadM. A n R. Wn EAI.K E & SONgSGOLDRNs A PERmexAOL.s-M. JodnTýsab i h n s b jemee d ,,.ii..,.i-loate os eta xd C, ssssp.xae vo. xceitoed uxto a ýdi .. I sa > l eisto ;. B.ittera Ttey __ emI ecx a efeigIaossldtp te xygtOur ei> ta aItgtt.cor IVri nit F l Is> ared a neble.l pan yqoî ubxae~~e. l ,per ali .,,Be val f Iten.eraîtitol aicud lsha etfso t i u o ie'at I isxAteo T> bsat sueee in . ci.s fr-e liitssexer, t r mot taowtt .ora e ve aiy'et ertixietx tiir roameoth es at r:aos tini en m or a ,,etd . t. t IlOs oiit,-e - K Int.,ýgýI. .t.il;ltti..m7wm wGul rI' . -ut iel ,. h .wyo nu ST El airEdTi arCT rOw a j,,s"- s ineel isei ,x-"xx beioLioixatiailthr sudr JHrgrhgss»i hosld. tth nresdwat o u fins ehaesardn pi@ uacoea anorilntwih vllmras bt fa Beh it attwkodet nhi l ee . a n'] e i s a Y t c iaI- i pIssaltsCeOO A Ix P fiual. eue'icesSe' r705. O S tyt4 >v s most pro- Atoe - rbm die- pr, rfAi,$1 t 2. t- ittosOoOOxa te-lt sis-lti Lez. ro , t , l--e ilO ' co A th.,t 'à, H tht 1m mI1O MRe r, G nt, anaI toge et of'es ne3Dlla.. .ngtcn. or.~. ttit,'s e 0* 01o@ ~R% SOHOOL IX 'ltflotn!ro t~. * '~t~ly t -t r' 20 S ~0000 Y