Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 1880, p. 4

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ý2Muscleacher. W.BÀL4__imù4j1, ,H, BATîvrEÂw COtÙVIAM I rgaîn. IMýtte2te R- . n1,84oofotowfl. .d8ntIln.0888A8 880 n. C.11d8. 8 p..d0D3<8888888100OK, PRIN iINS & <OOLORED THE LARGEST CIRCÛLAT/UN, Appîy t 8h18 Office. 8E 8818En88.8E114.[ nk r > 2'izrd, REA THB~ tt~..Afltt~ TEEST ÂDVERTISING - ÎTO.on,, OAKVILLE, JS M THE XERDIUXCHMPON Lontn onReal Estate J lIECA;AD,-, Cl4VdWION 22v POISOPI E_2 tho evr Tnrday, un i i, to Loa . 888 88<888888<8 8888 g ý%n 1ie CEUEly Toton oflHalOon, oasyto Learn toRide. An ordi 88,oh8,8888n88 8 k.88c88- W& .PN S Eni.can nuîstrip the b,,t.hnrisni 8EETEDIà Einstructions g<8 Y,08 888888;888888 MA NLLS, à. In EF8A TPRE TECUITE England, E. E. Applé, -g. Yaru . t dC <,g 88f8 , 88 ,,8<888, 888888888<. 1 V H DLTEN. fir, BathI8I L ondon88.888the A-HEO-t put8 t,1,8<h- 81ont 838Y. 88ce. . , .Qfl88< sp.nvl 8880,tt<8,<,<,<1<8'y 8888EnE . 0 . il _____100_________in_7________Il 158Eeu f88.88I.8t«,888888888. jy~~'88E88g188E180 88p 0at Britten rode fn W, 7.007DM! t prpmtutocuq8; a er1E88<Ia E8888E83 h-88 8 c 888888818880a8Corner,inbLondon, tEBath à] 18, ~ ~ h EST.5i 8 I (t M n 18 Et8. Drink,) 888 8 h>« o p..88888f., FE8p >8888 d 88lié , 8r8-pg .888088818 the«8<8, 8,i,8, JA2MES. 8818K 8., EEIE 8888 88181HI:ndl 8,888888888n . 710PTEMECG 18.88.18, Et. rinin«IE,'. 8i,88EP.E88Th,, 888-y88tf08o88 88 n 88 BiAt8t., ni 8, 5 8888. Nrf uANT<J & 1-AND-0 <o L< 881olv188818088888184The8 ONI&Y" LUKG PÂD. i tb $1O0fZ M ...fl Innued84by the ae tb , 8Jî88y88 78888888 I Ç0Lift. i nl480 88ty6flt snhrt Ln ia aC.., D.tot w18h. 8< 18 . ..Il77< a F.8888888 08_,t s 888 f88 HEp NUt.m 4< Lle888l80Lby t» jt t_ T88188.88 h o 8,8084884=4804.U RTERS sitbL 8 N1 88888 <tbn8n ,8 ,88 y 8De E8 -888IIt 3<8~~~~~~~~~~~s 88 8r t<Mt sMTCIL S < 8<TEML JN:ALC Ifl ~ ~ ~ th iéTDî<tt ~ . -- <$i8 Nnfl8888 db. IM ROet R 011.88ÂWE p 1iE88 888.n8Anntî nos£îhtflocftu cslc N ie 888<88<~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Il 881-e88E< j 2n<oq D U L Ctu8,Eyleeaifh8tdLn t~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l 8888« <8< 8< 7 18'T h8e86 <<'dtne,4.180 8480 aooto. <8.8 for8t ir8. .88,888888.8888888888888888888< FINE _rM01. ei8Fn0,n.L c'888,8,t8h8 88888R88888E8F _ _ , . - . 1 cures 8888088A 88808888 881 oi818 i l, 8 W lla T Y L I se DEFORMEDSCI MEOPLEiPORTRAIT (IFFGLAIJST&NE Th8odf sud L888 <88888~ieaes 8188888, 88 rel8888 8888888888888880 888 ll 8 8 8 ,8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 P O TU R A IE T O F G A D STIOT I EDe t.< 1t h,. T 1 t< 8 1 < ,< «- , - 8l3-88 8 8 8 8 ,z 888te 1Ui, 8alCl, « 88088<8< t e 8t t h.8f8.<tl<i888 ,,1888<8d C O M O R A . ttl, ~.t1tt<l 811,1y88 million, - Chafl« CIan l±aamh1toLt :or:r;8WOfWEEKLn,1E1tIA 1 ý . 1iaýte stble 8u0p8Iiy88Thn Gr tat Ftrniîy Newtspapeof n 88888888888the Wett. t0888888888t8and aveu SPECIAL 1<1001010105 pt< 8888t888 t8<81tt< o IS 1 8<88 8 the888 888188, . .<<<Q888.88<8<808the8.181<.8 tq 14888888 188. 888<<88t<18<< 13<~88~ 'yg1 8l88888.81.tIt<<8181< 8888888I88188818E t.tttt,8t<8t8<8e Ity 8888<8,, 88 888 W8 .Tn,«i<. 1<<81<8t-.88888 8888888888 In8 ""ad81188h8-'8<<88.tt<,88818 880Pe"8.ttà8-8;8880888880 88I8<h.thlt<t'utO,,<,8.lty8<t 4-i..8h,..88888 .8-ti888.8i88888<18888188-1-188 Ce. ie thE8 a88, 8888e ha8 aJ TILe n5888FOR81881808 381 <<88888858 888ont8.G.tdepno< 8888888881 88888 888<88«< 1<88lan t1888<8t<18. 0810 I8.IIMEMON & C0., 01t-RetErâliDi 88- Avnntsr 01fice, Ltn0t8, 088. 0888888808 88808 tn 88o 8808App88888l1hnp8î.8 te08of88188888888i1in -d8Sn888888tof 888888 7888n nnlt etn- QJ.. F AS FI? KnnpsWh t h0 OInn08<t e \Vntel<8, Th.t«f< 8<888 t8l8I137<88 Scthanwraii .PUloft, r s T88t 8 RPl,< 118 O3t8188<lJn Cave8, I «i 88<888 8<8<8<88088.8888<Trul G4vî iin thsFrît Clli..-i rul .3.W. FRASER,10 -Catarrh emed. . CURES C-ATARRII. Thousaada Applaud Ita Wonatl Cures. &8ys f the Cîntitutianal d.i.J 84. .1y 88,08.IL. y- 88888888<8.lpywrLz-- .888..tIl 8888888888i88,888888888888%8L8888 78b.8f. t.8888888<8<8888888 I 888888888l 8nY, 8 0881t888.àd8t888888. d 8.8n18081 Mi'Ey8E888888<88E11-t-n1 ha- 18. 88088 8, 8 r,-I 888 ,80 880888880. 4,o,,,oe b,. 880 te8n888g 888888888 8fl88F888 8888108Pt1.8Z2- 088l388 *8E881888888888<8888 81888. Wnz=8 .888888888<818888 888,483.808 00,88 8 n Notn 88880 T. J.88808888888888888881e48880 48n8.888It8888 88888888i88 8488888 tntIill 1)7 .848 88.886111Y 8888 084 j-888F888i8 tU < IT 7880B8t88< W. 1; 88- 8 N -88 1 18880 018.05811011,OULTIVATOr,<t A1100W 8818in88888 ail k8tdsof ni 18p1888n8thn88a ai.88888 of888 th.8l888 b-8 J.R ,AIJTCHELL, OuniinavsiIln. J. H. BROWNRIDGE, lhrmù 2br md lpwp.IIpr!l Capital, - $1,OOO,000 8 OÏE,, rE ,,08 r088< vun 8EtnELA8 .ý 44'.'.. A.GENCY., 71<88 ,8,88818pCa,8888881mac 1818888888 nt8 88 ,,1te80fi-nId Bt,88V8E8888LT PrCent Per nnurn 8888888888N808 rg mp o88 88<1 F888 =d88 c, >4117T4I0GLOETOACCO CIO., 6RIGSTREET EA,\ST, IIAMILT( Dealers, inPianos &Org GEoRGTOXV, ONT. tc Ilnaiti'estud<iysttauntnnt (rom888 as ttieis lnty qr tlîoterm i 45 71<888. If 18888 ten urtt otdtixovor n mth Con - - nf tur e888888t,8 giîesaittitu (Pt 88887 8887(88, and ail18 8 8873n8t888 l 7 n uili1881 8<8 888stoc.k tf Piants ai; a8u fOeyof8818..NI)ng8 1 ILVn t1' 12, 8<8L8 to8t<- pnb"ld i ft . 8888 8 1 1n<88d t888888t8 ,18888<CîîtOu8u, (' )ýiat« o ,,uc -t uiottnre ottd oIC 711 88188ta e ,88318 p<888 tl,0888t..8881 t 8888e t Esli ulol18 888£pn ttI388. 8<11888<tlM t dise i t8<87<1tt8171888. luînmteîthe addnehs, Watohes, Ololks and deweleu .&M (801W64Rn ce ul 8 18. nt8aturbtn ellgrdnl 08e8818808888888p bEuhi; dat fout ato88 18888, hh 8888 88808888888 tE'od. Z& .8unu08888<8880 n.. 8888<88883088 illinory an& Millin.ory Mat 1-Iy J. MH. ]3ROWVlIDIGE. Manties, Dolmnans and ElegantCosttiî R, err &C 'L rla~(iElldtnu881iiw dp10y8'1888f8fic s81885of the 888888. 25( wontI 08888 LOnnd)stu1ld hitel n88W-n1 108nn88, 8k138888d8 88088 match. 1,888e1O 7188881 tl i ifett18888 8088888888, 888888g n ________ 7006101010TUEME 1W EA10KE1CI1IEF 0088<U01110< 188s88 iitiïlTFR '& < b, fnÉanlfO 88878 tn,1e18E8n0,8L8EO88 - PIIOPIIIETORS. its of Oos 'LES!1 )Vk, to s on, p. e 4.8 S nd A. R. KERlB< l& cols, 34 in St. West,1 nod, îrg ROMIWW T TE EIND 01 BAE.1001 . IIS WFDW ii788MAIL8888 i88the8froan ntlofjoUrlnalism 881 88880 nofil8888888 DOEEL88N >oI88NGOB ÉS. the! 18888818888 ne, 8 8p888888 88 nes an88> uni 88888888888<8 &01,l GA9N>, 818d 1SROLL WOEe< Dominionu. 6ldi oCtadi88 88801 e88088 888pris0 ý18888<188 n Js f. t 88 Or. 0EEIE1AL & FLÂ1. INec E 817.STAIRRAILS.,AL ekiada of Tunng ato â TE DRTR, jyThe Biest and Uheapest Paper inArn gucsUon ef - W, 188888a8f.,r 8888 4,8,88f8oir 158188 0 n. 78888e8Annuels 848088=80p0ac1lou81Ag8888,118881 1888808888188 88888 887 hree dollar 88888811<8888 in8the n88881,8and we wi1181ive t88era1REbt0888818<881888188881 ~umeî EOUIKal, ShiIe lOg 8183<88. utWE WILL DO-MORE!I una..B3<T4Jma>>3W gflfl e 88111 pr8888î 888003<888888188088 1he WEEX8.T Mon fo 1881 w118 TOOIE. 4AI BZM F0888 Ann381 forli8, 8808 vlel 88 p8818888sd 88ly 88813<884. Ockoai uiestna >tontratom 8oir,88 n880b88wnn88888 818888881 wnon.O8888 -lN848 Te -EEYMAIL ftr Fifleen Mnnths,8 $ Thie FAMI1 ANNUAL ftr 1880, . ,-PEZOS KODfÂTE.-And th, e F5111 AN-NUAL foi-1881', . . fO lOatoO- VKILT.,- Ad 888,7101A ~Ahdress, VIE8MA141 t-- q E <8<>. e 1 8 88.180 <tiof 1 1-1 4b1ly,8888in8 yy 808888888th,881888 i58~8880<8«88 the 8818<<818 8 nnt8«<888n818.8'-am. M Il- * «8.,u880.th 8, u i B. A. 1118e Agents. A!

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