Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Sep 1880, p. 3

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* VeypretyDrt Goda ai olliocake's JtBAt eO=nt.tt- orl~mts n ad oo .o,& Co.. of Goetv, Whoilaodenuy-is o -arfs fer ihir cuattom. but Jbavtdue d ot re -làpè lainProvidenceoand th, tiugiven Led at .,* . hgtanosethat theyhIl eaoe yl-ods e ooadtif.Whatis te resolt WC have beau e nabledtgo tay 100 cents for every dollars tortl of Goodo as suer kougt, aasd Vo eu )dlta do Ôý» F-MERT,,& Ther is t p5e- jt. ter New Store rgt oppositeotheîr th.e saine. sen t St. . W Faiea ewetoy ad tan. ttait enattd artites WE b nit; ne baubrupi tocé, anda sOoBot and Shoot, we kuow the people would not beliveus were Be lu tell tliem aisO otr f siloD to"t, B clocItover 300 see.ae 0ov-r the foroth of Booo su tht ont Ooe iiBhakeca Mitn.30 rssl. fr otgytnta W hh ate tensLong fBoot.sud 100cae of at ludia te ohooBe front. Why, tethta jo absord. Wtteloe 200Wrt fBosi h ea.Or .iýhw pOp f Mr- W. Féet.It buha0tenunSpeciat exertion fthis fai, ta ,give th etsv otrBtot h uies as centsa Mr.Fetea stattilyfor six geuneratio, sasd oleapet, Choiootat d l t st oda, Gesw oOralr ntebsns.i fil quit a tariiuty. tlitg tht Urne Of tuer offrtd to htipbic. Tht Stock t t a o oluglt uiobotw hdtityuu udrdBioo ot fSea-naCltugoncejo ccoewh h e i tue rese cub ida, he ay.idtht maonth, and Immense,: Varietdand Attrsactits, sud set lb downand aosy w. toretaelitg au utruth. No, no l friands, it waaid abuai ake ailthisRoady-onoCoitttablo acuS 1 005 oro oie o tht dayo leLv lnyo od of tht wtoek, As e Wllas WndetulyG ap or Neta Muin- tol.es dealitar i. clothiug. W aapet fGooin stocktto nploi aronsrus stoaiesoc; tnry brauchi tacosotiletRoi wmukb. p ru fioii etgtthe thUne. 1k bas a, aint 'lah- ery aud Nan)tIesopentd out. Now ooîced. Our Mit'a LOto BOOTS ara ait band maoaGr. ouotmd o iufr at i oiiilndo irewi uoiutt uai i iug ilvoerized dli, verY Orsg arn lt, lotte sud Oithing, sud &il kisads af Oataty. Ai for tr ur l Gooda, Etuoh as His. Capa, Shiirts, Noohties, Deatero, UCaloralirt, o, oc Setbey are AUiýlen tuisecond dlel Baiszer, P. skating tht mootn .ad pisuetesdta lnNewFait and Winter Gaudi, - Cuil and Oust aGroceriea are of te very hat, witIt every other thing required for Hlouaehuýepiig. gz&> hpleidid Sult by faicbarre)83 Ilbol roua dollar. fhum Pa e s e tetuthis -ohaiMr 1Pas -'. sea u.sud behold one of thte!uost Sag- - - ,, il,= aiofWincoy for une dollar, sud n'ficesât Stiiohu and Stores in thi. part ai Tut Higlieot Prive in Cash or Gouda paid for Gôod Botter. It wibu vtry mualIt'tO your nivontagu tg <nl auLI exîa uie G , oforog 20pl.tht Qouiity.-M(iLue. ANDERtSONe& 1ebewre, Gar Stre ls oppollie eTosro Hall, Mita. 16 yia. uf print far Oue dollar,, t Hollit- Ca, Mamesoth Hanse. day tus ,tht muçTs-Tht.ml mnt Goudabouglt ah ou place aili bc delivered in totout rquied cg tc, <rot ÂAIlOOlACCOUNT Huotsusaev-klulmn kkoea.raîmmaufacturrtof ibis coanty atyue a gaod lltad. iTe tit i spi lu er fb diicplay at the provincia Exhtbitiai. Mr. £6. krdysdrlddeu aluketi sd îtslritc cating Joseuph Brtittr, oe' Miton, skates a Do-. ____ 8,2no-per paur, total *1,51-tII et ahick mmituaCkmpion titraiker, drivet ky , tht "bal. oas stoppaid by thiio ttlem t'Hap Bit-gisatîv, bcsiieo tht Miltoa Harvetur sudi tusti hein.a. tera fallaitby nîy ite, whi bai deune hise alrlrated mater.: Meso4ra. Juhnson Dli t theight r eau hongeeort for %. pear sine, & Oses ut IMilton, show their Harvemt ~u Clîil e nte, hi git gmrvtausct- *i OO.00- every hody ta kot tfor their bene it; rcutiy pnteu3cdNgT FAg it>&out ni Jote Wentao, Buter, N. Y"'«tîteageo. Mueste.SmithBrtat lerutuo, for Fuuttu sus laeof Artistc tell- show Suithq tmprueed Harvte r, wtb laoba ography andoabtedyii i. kcuitc tht ucfor1atilt and lifter, sviçh rcica ropecini muest popîtiar plac forheatiful ii shi- natice o tmt ibooo ncinc eciee u-i'rraiti ron tilt dutu to .D. .& afiynioot 'oft csi NeMoelMoer wui a glatidt abinetaize, and te are tutuethe cititene tmpruvcd fyilstchgafi knfu h w ise heetolMiltonaoui viinity titi kie lad ta canult îoteo ork in. Thitaehing 'a art thatatie cîtablit etd wta tutu. Tht Tht ne* Faît and Winter Dry Gaudo aid Carpeeo for tht 111GHV HOUSTI ave atrit sg 3 iel:obgo aveaicdibu o n i uS ta strtmfile ta artauimugietros auhas.Tlieontotodftt È ulftebus an imprOvti maufatutes inthe Britishand Foeiegnmarkets. TluytllkLesoid Atfileatnanl 1iues forse ýth RIOLIH OUSE unuws uf-moto i Cge aau), nu inaceeo ittimiy a 1iteduco thir sboe oiastsi lweu, thha, it lis oaimtd att body Liaotge onea Taslted Lu irtis, hevy tt uahW eOutsaapca t fSf i eI I aIn a 0 St e u toIh uf É nd ehlrlacloaa stckmetessiveti 8 atetyitbtse eof draft. BOMr. yçataSit0.sOfedSaiigan atltru ,aCotatssonuacore tilth oes taici PatNvv Buuto thlseto fcutr. m tbt iuoe hiiotodn Pit araa ayBck aud Suai, fiaistied PttsPuopadour Priutes flB2aul fui patlte Ma et )n eOits, . p u-1 fsot .Js0Atu 1aidobl thie " eutiaso n~. houddougrîhteuîIiirun freie fold Bita Serges s. P ou per yard vosy cbuup. Waterproof O tb Sauey MunttîtCloth, Gruau nScal 5 ou bSIle dic ulaii etr iui tene'lttheir bet Cartel)e Vsie tPhto acutbcr o ______ st hal (dbifor 03.00 par dot.-bing $100 leos uenioitsil on aheidnilutal.____ ttfcsesthau tht e gular petcn Durt at tu the uti ttefcubsodooi___________ muil on Fariotc Bru.,,S KingSt stiuboruniaipoelutfa, c offred at Hamiltun Ot.,- Griv ofl12th otys -"Meus. Nubman Ne* BacktSauinue. net Blacis al-tul aI ,naero neBadai Gimpo. Fcisoes satOiniomnt, noe Wuol FigaaIeTpotry Curpclo. 1.p-1 rpn d u tt tètt anulK eatrs nawstylé f phat., 'La Ution0lape. Cause bD Wai IIET BOUSE and rste tise immuaise aliotbutnet ouods. RumýombIttht plac, tiu guet toctin tî i z, ê'.92 KING e. Adeer- igAhstals ofttfu.-c-Ou atuday oelVou-yage.' io tlisemot artstic uat tiac STREET EAST, tear Hogktou Street. ÈHAIILTON. Page uttcof totîtc uibisaaiasHlctv ttgiugtlîiabts 't beun eouc Street East, Otiltld arrus eaa omt- uIntuju beanuh of thecfiuo'ats. I îOsaWAS C A ina cuoniby Ot gtimtshopo ilreceembicu ibo 'Tablette' recet- aion uu 2fi18. uy u:îtanig d li a iuuhncirOirO usatiii uiat h auithe_____________________________toI teT S .-V AT N Buttr stodig iatutbathduorof ue btaiy brauglît ouatby flite eaine firlré,bue nilu taa 0h 09 isà a are adr i tus aooeiînî hatealio ta ite eîVlati fonhtsltiin heuitticikfjn188 ve c iew d mk isn vt ro on. e - u dis , so 'ittbilsutrpe, s do tit ti uohr aî lioig1seau-boc faeé athuugetivepaiut- P 8ramer teuinc ta lii.oeal be, ut sacn discucredl it, a e, roist ofcd fueét is a r reî e tu utt htatita. Tte gntemen tteo iele C.Ttulsrt ssi ut uesiiei t liaturul picturet.nla tumeut thse i- WE ARlE NOW IN BECEIPT OF-- Hlirknlatolls futiOtaisiseh tstiCie f h imnsuaefiets bave baetinlrouced wkich Colctrt tahlo aulpe aa u taaalc int: Mr. PrasEr au8aahatitantht U Cfuil 0 re- i" et ampl titpoyé,sod aI tuasendeohfor exempe, that in ahich O UAL L G D ON S G MT - hs bttr ary ou omig atoa kfuo to oyuuoclady is repratente asostlanding AL G atrknla titI t Ilp. a d ailit lit pipe in fie stablo, sl t ati ovc e od tue ýpiiBOand thrni ilesemlta h moag dht etrat. Tatllratcl(aatoci)f ahocb aro alroudy otdit utlas, cheeod a rbeai ahfiguras ilat ut iut uifp'.Ouiraemoha uue nalt~imot oifully. Wo presiet a groat pop- retlts A pbosiisiotacntlutoteou aind illt t a Vuoyag" whicb it inapt ___ O bcI ~i Cac a . lllicbeItlaî.* ruiarked, Messes. Nuamean &,Frate . tht tutu s a ten thceeoto s1 rtt P Rlitent. avnDi.griOa.N t lcî. the pattI'." toi hia Fait ave nover RvorTiuo ttti ouitia ho uotîn ui îpItlue ,a prcriout Briih ette buyuî, etrtp- r intoEog. Ai oiz- e eus' ate 95 Yura ut moi 'lut tort. andaiaituinio Milloa an T.oa o'te.-We suco I tiorieeob.We 01dm t/at We Hold thme Larg.st Stock,în ail Grades bath in Foreîyn anid DomesticG iacdivs' ith- ;uuday. Hei hoaccotpaiai hi M. uthag tuasam n uttne oo. oatiguusnt haBtî ed nHmla fillneut-. Masan, a sof iMii..Eooleit'uprincipal, soi, dvertiitg, 01ot n l rse, ta kle,souofteWh ýsjut ct C l01 e ?e Brn-No seci ta toit until youomaluluot,___________________ utI ChuAliuo cuhiulavlpurchaaa lu . r.In a noias ilt ilIcoume sotllpin cgiteri ici- e_ liohtehustcuidtthahlmraocds' teoralolie. ~r iiaeirenelyusioasttt1 S cent-,lio.tuu oScoas Wu ii ocontinnune ii sît VEEPT.,. t'ou iri t his tua a pue la in00 b d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Woitol cou-la t T-flu.H oîpna fxo t er. a etaf o inaolame Conut ionearIdcfyoe aerai mualvsotdioinalclloot. Wscvoeut ai TeClbaeadOi rgnl$5 atHuu okS FN GNS4MrctS l tleti suse hrtof OIfrupu a lsIlthate dc otar1auCr l, sud &]go t stvl ls o hssai fi i ullvu à.checiu noiic ana puiluonoiter i et duys t lbopr ti e hahplceou Ou r1ce tD s ou tS l t eulasulreolfiurelnse 100bac Setndarduet ti e su , niqy Ihfaam tr , coaalyauo id a u lutoobut os he. à ure a t uem m m ofU . lac tt Scol Aotpctihosa us ulerly soihoaning, i et *s u W.ahsois Wiltipi luu an Otaritfi hr ea i IRre ri . hhC s v W euuit't. eettm aty, onc thul ai-o t o n kils m r, w o wh tait lth ustio se iTetg addrosdaod rg na 3.0 Pa tIl u e. . Y r t. F N A x N' - M r ets .ol -bute tîtoocetsa lprttutlyttrotheOs vo i 'le hurze i m 835 o thtpitius alotforeSuutuau e i,.- aten fhi aou ilost Cii tic iopein n atute o to tui as owvîl t be rhe e.*aalaitielae ohtuiîîn D Rbooks~I - ~ b t tcl l lîh p at out tiit. hout cr Lp hoali e a lel huluuî epuauylu rtrdg to t . o ri t &I u ' i l i a i c O T Cbu t i Th e i uorw o s i d a in d s in d l tie mi l , ah o d iE n o, O D N G U F I , - T O I N O .ta uPhlu- cituutneta ouri t ai Ir iue uuhtca i fons uiht eteago, Eh hlic y ete vi ehî utpreuple hat thavreia luue hou lt ae hely bea ,28e ictivao attsitmla r Ttoplm s a ltlrrtuc îuioaitt ui a B out ofhenou andsua, rort rucre iet clpt.un tcui . t§,isa is ur i nt' ie.octtlag poohtsdoat fr iii. ns-' utO 'l hunurbe d- rauautli.tnfhh Om rcui ad lhct cf iboWealo is - ubacotteut Ilo gei pupleol esanutopcoeucforaaa mode lrP)i"anscier fth'bu e l nuit lisres uird.TslîuOa badslict.otrlib îuite i iea fieahte rbytrc ste peuhiha- îy-. a lsthitanticeliaseter, tuadde bui ELY OGLE GIFN IGSTREAT O1OT rtuaurtuvalWeetcttveYmuu tyt o b irtsl aiadae:niib IillbeahuitrIted outiateut Jut a nd da leat s treardouita asu a ttc ciciite o terI e et If nthuer n iaoustuul aîraacuag L. s lac toa t a ea t ao Ia ccues file tOl u'teuuic u Sobrdayeu a e ause r p o tc ui lta , rui b S m . aiMilse bo i t u Besi le i ,,t hé p opsi nas t aur te ntho a day L wil usreafe xilusi R S - ' O D -R S O .U*ý OtO.le ai u ie ut imatytml;it shl d bcoah t , eogaln.tee lodute yttiîg uicl, n hcoatmbO fu. si easiauihylitaIlite a t or reruvrei asllutho a' t uit tait osseible. 3eis io. t uuaiihu brt-ta oui tdiretmacntahetakoinl, nrvaiinIZSGO ) l od tecrouthb f fiioutnHiltonuh.sohiu r.Chitiaet ahdhuaaeruuaoyuainreeivtdaever Couu. lhhln. uve trin iteheîtii Oqietha on a i. M eadheluev o st it pp o ae i .Lida slcinoacie tuthety a ea arai-n othlyfalr ;joue cf yiîîuo thoilsnta intch toue oteh h uuîl a1o m CueLutcutauv Sgrcsfournitamli gofanicifuae.attoetdiaulto inrat esbee h oto fl luP TE , OGO D N RFIT U L O tehtad d rep oeuphiould lose. rtainitseraau retpuhed y eurs' Raon. Pli.tai cDrilua ld., eWe. -t O n r l r o d n a p t H us. lîl et i rt. Btto se au thraualc at at a- mnd enny Thé sc a p pras b giton t sur a turhby 1 - HsMliey tomra toetlysof aumemle tat h ie thé butai de ,urof l fc ltubons auicUt- aeo u.Tol binthe seiue nmthe rs eh in. litepa owmp fa èeataCt stuC Médipreala tterfueltuge, fretor a, 5 F L n t. E a t C r of J hS . liretet eA1 e a tie huih r a vt ea r f h ait . dv rta csi oc ig rît htbtse o tnr.fleara d eata f iti gui euth efra int W . tete rtecl forr, i san tegtii a iuent of A R. ailfleiuateia uutOipeinB tto KidtlnadsatîS c.tierialirsaraud alnurteua0d as mottentii tluholar montut îhîa- lattttat p te ru modaiti taae t, uisue b pubte carW fer Ttchair thoaeetacothenbat utpeuple totse ail rmteprsir fExrvsti oua ad Ca- it ut tesua e ahs afaoyriia -htnsv, r.W tll ocreefristnastrhuutit Mses C . t Ase hirmtas oe;rth utsbicothtHI on brought stea ofJoli 9 -th . . o tauil us, s d c. os .tan t ard tsar ie Ib u c ie Eq tof iu E ne . T h é s a s La n t th a e a pe d antbe taic esita r. Osa rgbe stkt sets aredi aseag Smititnul A. al d , eaa.nd bHu. vstaing A ea biem tpr iu t od tvntttta. t an , in PartWalfosison,'tout rizs gor ,oee sce WnCousi ars, tB. . Chis li cnso 1."elseepl Jo.batWhie. Bq,ilt osa.. frifirshelsls.on d r an i Paout . Me. Mi.-d t ce. A cui- s.ri aui 1ta tht-i lor hru eetaoriM tt tW teos .B ,eut Cumtaii taoh ite, prob yfiegforéspeed ofat h a iraul agpn hout f S eitMr.W. tes- DotLn adseuPile , M n illua, Osk ie,$2. tqand fo M. HaD.thiauDfr o m a bes a mte O EEbeJ~LP±Â ~j4< 'gl tý an neiterai asa eu gubi sefy a lt o LIS.afor smnee e at nd aVhs bustat i e sh ug tuis u~I j ~ U A l islths ln i n isi i l At d J. Broaari te on lsîd $ is g n earossep nrea ig tea deentr I1 U U I B ST C R>g- fcum.urewleti<.îraaft ssth tuaPP iyiaMr. tuiaiW.C Lftuos e ialsatac Aais aava u ttt' iiut ltd mS ua e u tt on-froierclat saost, sg vr Hane. Mre, frba ng iiytOnesom; a. a yfft ctin upret.ad sevdiath ho iecuaa u htc at shooteteoit y."-p ot nd ' t rl icrl'apeitd lt o ptn î, tt ou o und , and 2t'ttheersdd t ift~l. .hÉlé ci .4F,iiim N IY PEL Élmyi ug ts p" ' 'I' s-" " C E N ' E ..W I L

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