Ï& CANADIAN CHAWMN TháirsdJay Morning 7le &R/X0V, Prop'la . - -. r fse. lm R A T'ES OF ADV UtTSINS. ztasg 1111 1 1 . el d s ý .AND COUNTY OF HA PON INT ULG1!NCER , .lma.fis eml. ý ý - _ __ __ý' ý _1ntlys, mMay ry VOL. 20] MILTON, COUNTY OF HALTON, THURSDAYe AUGrfT 26,1880. NO. 9 ,annoEg lm For Fine tae not pteet = Th Largests TO TH~on"P UBLIC - Ful1Flavored f cet'°°KY, and ia TeLreThe. Cheapest, 1a'd% 'uIl tteoi., .The BeStest We would reëspectfully call your attention to tour large and well assorted stock of Teas Srog1ra in T andt"sn;bt l orthena 1 Sugar, and Genral Gr crie,*wich fcr Quality and Paries cannot be Mlin Milton. Do n't be galled by In 1 lb., 21b., 5'1b. Caddies, et Popular Prieea and now eists 04aimaithaW Assortmnent of Renined and Raw SUGARS in NIL lON, trsy adveisements, butcome direct to the RIGHT HOUSE andZ convinoeid by .er.ial inspecin' rnted'Q1it = upoethlt deth0 atPrce ha dfycmptiin'tht eleiath aninte way of selling goods at the chapes prioes. Mrn A lot of réockery'on o0 uman J I N W. MOYES. Main Street, MILTON. hqand that will be sold at auction prices, to makre roomf for purchase now in transit. JOHN W. MOYE.S, Main Street, Mir.TN uox ealnihilrst .. ~spirit or soul de s tri S~~~PECI AL NOTICES. W. A. L.awrence, FUNERAL SER MON. th. knowledge of childhood affl compared: do also me the ung.odly lin écalai àsnebstanoe-yesa a :n9 I Sl ngton H Otel, --• with the knowledge of manlcod. Here'ity. For they are m noe peril = -;atone. es the go i g HARRY GUTHRIE, PROPRIETOR E R RO RS OF OU H ISSUhli, OfMARABG L N1 anmNra zEwith allour boated nineenhcn ,r . reUsyad iog.ThyCm nW@cennt "see 41à.912 •1PAERMY, OTA. O 4- ?=à 'Ked»Ycation, and3 MI bibles, .adliraia no ifort -lke trfolk neitaser ithr nwe1,ta 8 DUND A SST., ONT. ÀGENTLEMiý aawhoitad sllred foriears fom...... RI . OTRO - AT ST. STEPBBEN s BUacHa. HoENBtY, locrmon, and scibles, and invetins1ae m-' gt elie ther en. w,élihuieh r eauerltIhee - - l,.,Nervus 1EBILITY, PREMATUR DECAY, EE ou w twann UG s taiNconmMsonATomr or sroné'ad funchn so e § a he lmb ik thrmis he l are hwo analte1fecsofyutflindiscretolifor it aike. Youcang.;-.. ive.tiebusiess webut sp»eau achlren. cDu ratand as aie èIveM ir @usoli mi a g-l.tý R EVE RE HOU$E thedakof aferng uaity, send freet aIaho I tl d ue.Th oes ,- E~JAME. M CLE.LAN4D. WHO DIBD AUGC.ilenadth's".hlrnincm wt ydoeè.thegor the rook'. ye- ,ses 1ed tth r ttand .ir ctinfr asmfaingthe r teerord for those wllz , ; i 77H, 188. . .th-lst i int M tde hoforbd s.T ck«3 c>ac ARVV% , simple remedy w1I1hc! .ic he»reloured. suffenrre towork. shon td try nth,ý"in e ls ti'vn s pantisn hth plclté na- -1= agadmu ode. W Plt)PRETtP. RAMTIN.UNT wishingb, fito rtir bythe advetie's experiene canfor ouref haty. can do asth busInesa. ng ad-hethoughtsa of the manhod High. Yet-,,gm-roe in the ter to olar senti%. 1 PRPRETR.BRMP, 0 Ms4byadresig.n ereceoadnc, geNooo t epliner.Yoea ma1 10e«rbidm XIII., i ' L. * a an»d=îhegreefter in heave.Little woladth' avrc e, npesordsr o mr -- ' ' OHNB. GDE,- edrt.,-N.'. y mrt yuy f r, pare timet -i u nI. hu a"yOhildren meeland hear many strange sien. ald . sait, Thbnhaie 1 cleanedGoa bas implanted thiW (JEEN'S HweeminLour w -,own es outs.free e -- ' ';0.L'" men «,»d'°r "pe-a cd hildish thga. For now ye Bse ugh aàthngsarondthem which they do not my heart in vain, and washed mine nature, and we canue, Nok. acade,fou wanabunesrvtemanrte.na.a _îw.. 811frIlas arly; btte aet ae;nwIurtan d, and would fin have ax- hande in innocency. AI a og"aoH o ldnoihae ai .g Oy sy. alt whi1h.on f iether Sxenk.ie Y.. tav.el h alchaneAddes. H. aAL L3-f T klwintat;btthusalIknwee plained ; hencemariée the. many questions §benpuise,.ad chatened every fthere bhadthes .been P PROP., BR AMPTONO:'Nlr. or paticular t.oH&Cohe tly Mwar-e dc., PortlaMain. July 31, Ia. ase I am kown' . of children ; and although many morning. Then thoght I to undestand imnmorta!iY to satisty it. B..t.,f,ýmm,>Thendeathmaand burad ltof Mr.- Jame-sLthose things wiihitare mysteriesana1thtis ; but it was oo brd for me.;Ountilile woudhvepae ,jtrae H,.e.lturi.n.mercar nd 3er A Mo.TH uarateed McClelland were unknown to me outil onders to children are ùnderstood by 1 went bintothe sanctuary, the house of fiod, or Water, or sooief - _ 1 ý t.iot,.«ir.& .. wli Mryo.7..l'st Sunday evening, when the Rev. Mr their senior.sifwho would willingly sanswer God, the lpuose of prayer, and there i neither food1 bn wat UnioQnHoteMen4... wmn, s, and.: lsruke Massey, mwita whomin 1had eKehan"[ed the questions put to them, yet mince the Ipràyed, and hesard the word of God, nowbhaD aY existbencee AKAEONT., CLOSE TO T H E "r er a taltk.fi ra-nt. .mal a.. a9P1public duty, returned fromn this and i-Very answers would .not in somne es ea lightilwas affbrded luthis déarkitg Our tender af etion Terin f the 0. V. I1L Ment. at all cazt o , right at Those who are wislewhos-ethis .formed ne of these nnexpecteG and adunderstood, we -are obliged to say, in1of the book of God providence. He fri-ndPand Ontentiopeslit hoursait . chiewns prtgo bd n o i sn s t"er dsstffl.e,..nd ý .NO .PA TEN JrWPf . avents.Mr. 1Massy imtmated at thea.fect, to the youthful enquirer, what 1»w e.st all was not gold taitters. .;F. a for réuion vrillhi stabling. ' . ~ilforltem1 Coat e t_ d er fuiE.1% D for MmWDevicesfuneral that I wouild probably tol-dayouSairsidtS.Pte-ToThtheapieofhewkisntOrratrh.hsp 40_ .MORPoptr -monecay Address. TTUE and C.,An atn uÏE a édther Campm.lOrnament taellesome special notice of the los We knowrest not now, but thou saltJknow, only short lived, but even less subtan- ingr,and longingt de- Mainle. Jlys31. 167V. al Di» Trade Mm*rknd abels Cas have all sustamned by the deceae of Our herefter," Although it is true thaet tial than i seems. Tht if the wicked. baassuredly good rene ý' WM. BURGER, """"."22" ** PR«N&,lariesdeparted'frie"d a"d familier. It in p'°p"eraret advenon• have been amade in our l.e..of th..icked co.tinue unreentd The mot rational and TO CONSUMNPTIVES. ." l a lo W* ? e " m that I should den.o tha I1may hear ay in liaeknowledg. of God-a worksi of of til death .eize fiaen, thon they peri.t Conclusion in s a 1 06/86d.ÊlCÑyl67' headvrtierhavng eenpemannt , eredof ndf ndå •a otestimony to the excellency of hie charceatnYettoe eLhoaeth - and come to a fesarfl ena."lThentthealtégain with thronl thaen at . u ti n e tri dIred dise, a,Costn,byasimplerm1y aenaMtIL t aame s ac te slr, and to the graceo Gdb w e t e athava.edf e thmseles tohe iulr s aiglaai cniecei ih s he rsn For fthe County of Halton. i axou t as nwntohs eio.surrrsteineete nne n on n pta aetatcaace afGo;and thet thete aeptifo criedbitegra tegodesnoiodsprvdecnr. thees s ai'rd 011 e. . - - - M1ilt.On. n'. meas ofeur. To all ho desire ewfýl.send a ivite . end'for a i -fou G idefor members of this congregatin, whether scientist Sir Isaac Newton :-they are stored, confesses his folly fa-d ignorance hie ritee8 reIhl ¯' ýd ' au' s g . ae a resbaii t entia yongor old, may b e idd hti slike children piening up a fewr pelbbles in doubting it, saying to God, "I wasso negzlect al, and subýjected JA M S A. R A ZE R wichhteytwlletiOba SRE aUr, fo CoS. ther duty.a an riligrt lsoonte sore, while the great ocean of foolish and ignorant, I was even as it distress in tootmany in! Plar tio.n wle add Parties wi g matter. Durin the pua ve eatwe hae thatgaewh il t yet the accepted trutli s aunexplored baere them. One were a boeast bfore fihes: Thou has swora, while the wiekedl . A . wi LSoN, Pen t , wiýliam b urg.N obtinedBnal 3.010 ptt'l Ameicantimie and the day of salvation Every of the most learned societies in the world holden me by my righit hand. Thou and ,lonoureï. Wan LIC'NS1119CTONE 11 .1 tnd rforegnceinenmt or n a ive ntifte- instance of death among our friends or ia the Victoria Institute, or Philosophi- shalt guide me writha thy connme ; and justice demands fthat ,te for flic il referenceic ralmosttevery 1ounty in the neighbor-sremind tus of our own nmortal cai Society of Great Britain, having its after thaet receive me with glory. Whom ble puishled and the ril fo tecounty of Halt.1AlU ordenef a he eity ; fatasoner or Jater we imust die and lheadquarters in Londone. It has a meom-haye 1 in heaven but thee ; and there ifand tvmdicatcd. The CN. , Printino877, wNhe trictly atended,..o>.iv.11o ddrearLOUIS BAGGER& C. ie leave all thtis world's affaira behind us brhpo ery80 mrcn ag oei l h at htIdsr nrin vrtewrd -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~OE -- NF 1aern tew»franhst it Buidingas Wain . U . frevr1ods1kst11.oenli proportion of the most profounid thinkers comiparison with thee*' It is oJywhens a juat God, a mieri JOH N BROWNR IDGE i- - n J.'ýl"" " P'"ire "celbyl,1c- deaths, warning-and scientiste not only of Britain but we avait orsaelves of the sanctuary or q4a almighty ruter, del sits anv,,,e.t atit exltam here; slend a illtreieet ÈlF.TRIOJ'TY us to.be ready, to put ur houses in .also of the wllne continent, the United house of prayer, and there hunour God t r when all wronigseh sta m.p '. .youlillt aen.nt .i "peim f re order, that vwe know not what shallibe Sae.adCnd.A og the latest by usingai- the n.eans of grace which :and jusit Judgen ant9 ý ,iliiýiln W ,1 1.ýiiiý.i bicý. Adr- Õ l r I En.1 zeelor Ealestrie Oil on the morrow, that there may be but a publications ofthtlevarnied body of men hie has appointed-the sacrements. awarding rewatrds 10t 6 vr Yor, Pe-1 & Haltna. Valuator, &f, 2, _Lon-gnmut. 1 o • .Tui0BBs. . step between us and death, tat we is one entitled "flie Uncertainties of the Word of Godand a yer-thatwe jnat judgment ta the I sto ee Adres, -- - * houl theefor liv a lfe o faih onModern Physical Science," in which lit May exp e c o bain ifnot:a r vewsf(Ilthint i 'gt ISINGTN,, ý,ONT.. y se d bo --elof n ofh Tn "" ils Wepg (aisgold....the Son of Godbediigent in making ii clearly shown tat while fthere isa of providence, at leaist the bllessing of. thatlidis àwhat mu4 i 40.-- Dunas'tret. brtediremedy ith.a vl euab,lle t paf" (f jgggg, hor cal geandrelec tuead o ss ettrue knowledge of God's works in theaOur minais having .free fromn harraigins tite. Butlwhothat nmete iP.0a fr E., t. unsua hr1g tins emora tatweloe-otinaterial world, yet somie of the most idoubt, and our hearts from despond:n: in our mindA iuc ie isir _ r r. -o " - th0 tinsetrnl-larned men make grat mistakes in fears in %iew of allfthe sin sand sorrow. ndsha igmnt E. C--A- - - Tt esth.e chapet medicine *e"rmade. O Our depart ed tfialedthrough exten- forming their opit.ions: that what is con, - and uncertainty, and dangeadda u reatoi" dia .t. Al CAHBsNEs-$50 to $200 a month o dosme en mmo re omive r eadingn and r aieffectivn, hadl storeu sidered exact science to-dayi fund on by Wich fwie-are mUrr onded"andaith e s elinuurtatCh al ngts.T .-l-, t ear P,, -l t; b ry edanell tn digcog ,poi. i mn ith an amount of knowl'ege the nmorrow to bie merely error und de- which we bave ail more or lems to a. for the hum ln soul ; a I by,11300 emuient utlr."."" a ig.t illustratolin ad gvel. crescatrrhmathma, and croup. both religious and secle n uch beyond l lusion; and fihat Our roly religion han We Must fiot, a lestite r nt]f y eusada eea UCTION S10 E.i in any part a h ritebu< gok tawlom us eeyFfty Ilcae turhal. ue rcn ' wa sfudgnrll mn ugeeyhngt anadntig ols xett n al i esteeul ofGod's eo ndes unhirs .otunty a tded toonteh.rtestnreuba1ad h amuatt hscr a men ; and lhe doubtless contianuedil' by a truc knowledge of the earth ont providence. H1:9 ways are pant åning insclitat al[ nations not ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - l ne, annten tres a1 em utatedwok. .ith 1.t ttrnl.. ad qufick bakofeih yn nhsu a elived to seekr after and hope il r great- whcP edeo ftesnmo n u.O rhl rlgo a;ealteii t ow ir ew la rritci tnt 1 .aup v w ii, are reas 1 as r i m cls. .ils ;tif spi er attainaments, especially im that know- sasw ihsieaoeu.B ti uh o ieit conadbau ru p leera e n 23-6mu ltes dce c.N.ms.,Aýwry.% ILLS E. Il. TREAT,. 85 1Broadway. N-w Y-rk City d clis n ai n oees ny ldead wso revelied to uis in bu the mistalles and thle limitei and over them, and have pacl of rain and hind; and i n ry stci - - - - ý - - - - --- - - - J H\y slpttB ER PRINTIG ra. n ater vwhlera 1ilaay beanor from Christ Jes,». .1Itrust fthat1 speak to he-sitating knowledge of those who are joy unspeakable in the mid.çeoffthen fita r<tcoeni'ien Of gin -- - - - -Ssei uioe. Add1"1,res . eau.efilt may mi"i t . . a s o m somnethere who are endued with the samie ithe farthest advanced in the search aftler and inspite ofthem. Jesus tells uwaiit *and a l'uking fur Mergy A r Cpondi ie* . =moruso aof tr r lP . o NvETY T o nted b l nory• noble ambition and thope, and that the tuhi h hnswihaevsbe nti wrdw g xett atOnho oy erCmbie9.A TO.AGENTS.- So,,.thuiiglew g,,esem nfuleuros Colin in 15 minutes, discern in the text good ground for 110o maitconaparatively muet beathei tribulation ; but he snys 1e ntyorItia grtansd gloie ~~ . mpoed H irRstrtie &C. B.119 uliti,; rree. Address .111EUT allemean, ese of tplles that it in poss- cherishaing suach alhope. The departure kn >wledge of people who never makle h:art be trubllai, neither l'fit be afraid. leath of fthe body jesa -a OO ' li i mprOvtli1 ed I-hair . estraIvel oBx12 fuaQee. . >. bl_ - he to mmr. Siror ighit aplicationsis Of An intelligent, earnest spirit fromt thid s aworkis a study at all except fcr the ye belleve in Go, Il lieve also in me. the il.a!h of the spirr isulk n te n a o . Tei- -aetdin wall-st ýn. utlockscll Fof c nattil world seeking for more perfect know fmost seiish and utilitarian - purposes! P, ace 1 leave with y' o esc I giv tii rgre many .- o r. Pr 1 'inwvgtbet i rpri $10 ,0 $1,000 inskesft neeym nth ,ni eorF.nnme ea .es,'if ledge of God, and going to that very ,There are such people. They Look not ntoyou; not as th Owoqrldgivethi give 1 wha- e e sul of m gry a..t-ag ;sar a ' , , ,oos en feeexili,,g everything. A<reAd d f dsclrtintote.si. It wri hresc ko ldg sprmsep.ro.aur o .aur'.od hy.noyo.mfedfrmleaoy rcý.ýý,,. ~rllngi rBAxTfnand Co. Bankers, 17 waii-st., N.Y. 36-1v he el. -dnaureofaa burne'asGo.oonuanonpplied' to be1 found, and is3' sure to belgrealized ily receive 'l his gifth. but. sthankT not the Oure w« htuoiellsdusjethatnwe nowfileronfr, e andreantiveboayd 11,t t r ad heais re . M Q UA INTANCE C EllCOlHT CA fr)D Cofres frost feet, biles, wart' and arus with infinité satisfaction and joy, it we ie.T e e l ond'hmiulr hog gasaky vn a h f nts8 ti e- li.1ý.,ý -lyc.lpi,,,: .. IF U N li.F.il set ,), em andw.undsof every desoce,,-on Pian ,Wthtis that suglested the text-a text able prois of thc Creatolawisdom,n cientin St. Pul'sday, wholno o isaead r move.. n r i n, . a vt e runiT. buyath Cm-5 fil2r, .a - .'.o ,for o eitsbout. wihIlspeaks of the Christians in perfect wr n odesi h ok fhseaswnn aa e hv,'nthc a dilroang n ýTEVENs &Co.,-P. .nDi i.Montra a(Quebec a. If. THOK[AS. PaImELs. N. .koldei hswrd n f is alubut seeng them they see nut- when they looked thraugh their windowaf-death, fthe body lia s NETROP& YMA. oroto.moe erectknwlegewhe #e racesThey have in their bodies and ouls, and of oiled papier or of lihin plates Of sati, or imfluene c ver il e ai ile - d T 1r1 : T r11 e1-r111 ontsole Agentse rtheDominion. the better world above. in thecayriads of animate and inanaimate transparent stone, saw oldi ets Outida- ch circuunstan.c-e .V :- .-Tm....,Iod,- by ,11 idrists in tis - .%, 1 Noen-meserie-Seletd and Elwaneimd Our text remfinds usfetsi, of our pre- things atround and above millions or the vr ilyadfdstntyisow o arvellously qicke4 p~~~~ ac tdaeseswee rde«dda --cna r.ent iery limitedl and imuperfect knowl- Creator a contrivances or adaptations of may s expect to fil anfuv things JOtoie ri, and judge:, in s ,infjracturers- lfien b ly C. A.,,CO-oK &. CO.e,.lege scompared with whiat will be mans to ends, yet sneh beautifui lan d7ne r eneand grace. Rhoe and conat % Chl .aosleAensr ,heUitedstates.ad 7ST1 & IE 'EET. .njoyed hereafter God has spread out wise, iand,strikiing proofs of the Creaitor's beycn our comptrehension. Bo- ware igether from bodily im Canaa, andFby LY38A0. itos. Co before lus the wonderful works of Ihis wisdom and skid awaken no admiration itonot for the grace of Our Lord J,- raturat, a toavena.ýt Tomato. _ __- _ c.ASSES ý,fiRMUIO , .AINbands& in the heavens above and the or res-ponsive tpraiein such blindt, un- Chri-t, the Jete lighit, we should now noi the Lord, and latosel -. - ----- -I ,,ff,.. - , n,- 1,- : L'.1 ý-î uti : .-Freýn. h . allthe ng-,earth benieath ; and every.rmoment of Our thinking, anlemssesule, But if weare merely seealimly these , things but in then tat whichàif per. su 11"n. %V-1-" yb"ý."i:" ," tf."existence Nias kind provi'dencesti nsnotof au ourselves let us gave God respect of th e b sroudod in mdih ,lt mrk LU- - --L'- -4-t, · %s ; He has revealed to un in the Gospel heoarty thankitéfor il, and more and more darkne and cloom. But Jesus boa -ut comp eui'ei!9a Chiero rts jt m c ,- - ---. - - of Christ the greater .wonders of His alreis handiwork in thle wonders ofthonaeergovrhm.Aama rytuh:adim G);aMner flBiltsh and rth Arca -l1 h ot t - Ofe-letrtor7 racs and mercy proclaimuing te no tallena ereation around i. Too little bave we lie faced .fearlesly the ills of life an,'e0 i I11ndl. la nAý1:ýIlis eltest aoClie 1nd . athnt e de temolt., ndlsinital creatures the condlitions ,on studied this book of creation in which tiumphed oval fthem. He was w tho j , ble ieve that whent . fi- il- - C • c,ý.".i s.lwhich iwe can assuredlly receive present ood déclares tu us fhis acturnalpulwer alfd in, and vwent alaiottdoinl, good and di-b Ih -soul (dlportsIl >re a l,'. a l. ow"tý Drý h u o steGra Ipardon., and lpeace, and holineusoli. godhead; hence it is that vie know soace V, . _te icd thankles a ny li p .*t-lgof s i iý.ee .". am i . 'ter aclumi-1a heoh-l onesRei d asouet a lyrdeeed ýw hen we die immnortality And ere ,atlle. True, the more weskowsthe more worl p yrailt-.l himneov n to a I&- ftsW;slo b icv, . -pu de . rarni l.ates.1, aU o..tthe sneraifunm.t on, ever praoise Andgurnl a det tehappinesswith i msnfelf in a better world, weusalltknow our ignorance; but thtis 1Us he is now a ewla·ded with titg loii nd etrie ;1 1.r li. .no 1, . i e.'ý-ý.l;kt'.pnî puble;h-J o . o Lamg ing ,ad Ia lys h o r li e lhat endowed our spiritual nature. very knovledge Of Our ignorance is a M'.1-sty. He is our mmtple in fait] whet;thchýrai-ili 1 am fi. o -n L Tst; .. siidW,ý g e .lit'Kllit r lui. e iaases o f 5 o ,fe s",,'.""' . 1our soule, witha ability to thinkaof and greait gain; I teaches uo to bu humble andihopp and-ennrage. and submjisioe, his lr1 ent wil lt,.e a, . a aiid verIl ts Com lain Ami ne eeryd t-- tri a knw egeof the wonderfuloas we oug!ht to bie a true followers of to God's wiillin th. pr--ent lf.1 ti u atI h •. nle fround inva.1lua ,l);.a. n digRtl ndSi ies. flf.tigswihae siritnlal both in Our Christ; and It prepares us tu adivance on Only while vwenfalloir Him that woe ma. ,wi.l , oild Chrn i wl r 1.A. Ma i, u.f ,.the >1aninioi01 ana aon duatio.h ebe n peranen y rmov-ownminds and hate, and to riefromn thonseevec ascendng degtrees of äO - xit eno ny aisatoyviw mtda i-r in liaC .Ekf'. .,ui.ri.q .f.,,a.1ýtln i .iliiYe .d a. d rdicate. Toue .wh owhoteered ý-..,1,.)liy..D _R0ýe : g . the knowledge of our own spiritual. Ledge the veaching of which and the nm ofGod's po:ec rcontentmint to dci, Le tai1. i t eý; L wan.. fi ,ryb uer. the r testimony te the .em ay ot tbel eny. ER_ prHN E n.tretoom nolde fth ahe oy eto hihwilcnsiut aroitr"int'swrlo epctacea.1.ee. athV Jui \EL& OPuls ers. forgn c n ried ee mý.ab e e t ens iofotr.pirt eenGod Himnself. He of lheavens endleer felicity..w apir nwldgtf t nthcw.d' eo e ,-n É Monr Au t iso.3 8 tis onr, a s off erb al r d o en t in-ellwe inth Biletha i isno i.n.another Look vwillawhica-to comen • -a ndSaint Joni -B T1 ----- ------- -- tion, wose verbl recommnTat-- w for onr souls to be without ko leg1 B tter sYes, there in a hereafter for the charie- We;ad P~~~~~~g are wil ing to ret the renutation of thle Great . : that the h" ý_,:_ighiest and beut of allaod lhas provided us, and in which there tien spirit when a far cleatrer and happier us thât "W, shatLe She honee . If yo are".-itedIdo dge isthe knonwledge of God in are alseo,"nome things hard to be under- nweg fGdado i rvdneeaL e ionmeashe l TMI, nes-'TADE net delay until n ineiMay bue ,werlsto - 7 , now lras-eto "I i odsbook of Piovidetace' btwed e aad Theai hri.ncon o bewee TRD sRoe asp' adyn N nurosefaenpsably k-"4 . V Christ_;ZJesus whoma to know is eve .. .se lesn hchaadg cea ejy .tb ik hm;age sanfagngent f),oi>he ue of hese ndian emedis. asing life. - He has placed un in thtis world IL .has however ifse a uny hti a 's aho, h auit fh eing hl in;agýa ;;er sofna he conalin nmnla".ft. by whichthe fateasin a school where it is our duty and bitle. child can lear. Fur example, te mn n aetosand oiesi hn agnation, ainfl rolaf'.n i 'l ', ,teivldi ootn eldu<e h on I L ify the Bood, corret aill ur privilege-to learn, and lbe educated, child looking' abrouad on the façe of the to baeieperienced and enijoyed. We salli lin i.Je onot. W "e". n aofsmetmnrrysdaue rstmlat o o heIver Stnimach K id- .ad åtted for the higher emplo uments eaarth and seeing the ,ileiswvn ite osdrorpeetatimnsti tpe- 1 e ss-a aatfe - Tese Inian Rmed.eparblic dely know and fmilerwold. ,And tan and the gardens with fruits and ,i lcideht' mtiglk ti Tkag...iil ,Yàà fiti àaf¿e,-tm l ttthi e" itate«.jo.yybe tr wrüegve wers and the rainl, and thesnshilntet.ulmeasyinour tet-oThen %halIt O is oeimes our1 'i f u Takinth"7v Thesh..honceZ.. SVeget i s "a : tosted comif,,i ;i neinil in Femn,&. ne titres books to bie specially studied, comefing fçom iabov without which threwel e face to face ; then sall I know . mto the presence ofai, su.rIsa. a i heck Diffnetoas of vton, ma- ills have won for themae vea the Wmot favoir- Le OirMis jthe .only reliAle teboelk of Creation. the book of Pro- couldble. no growth or maturing < en hevfa" e s Iam known." - -6 ctian erme Iiy o c.,.,&ýt...Ida mlatdonir.. y f.,r L[egsà, 0ad Wiml, ,vidence, and the Bibistellait n hrnfhe e hTaonia®a t dose &soihatasingular admont saient'O s'pérmn PuPadT rfytf r o ne Simc h.e aiOes f oerlw t- htuaim of the invisible God,poiectht o u hrin o"wsalir intelligent man should have God, and whoste y, is alene tor be lea"tm inplt bottl-. s.1g;Pills, 2W neuts a l Fot r lBruniti, iiDiptheria, i,lie h, wasvisible in thisorld,, H agttehaen iseodto us, and ylcarse aubs concefrning the immortalitY of with Bouet" p a;"ý- it,,e mey fr nedsesals. boss id by allmdicine dealer , ot Re rt,, n alSinpopedi* ewsHoeetahng forour wants, and But eu teohumanrsular.siri an oft e e t e T. E -GEAY ti &Onsont.a--&&1 ý---- --------h- -'. --- ithera knowledge ; and-from eachboftthese • ecss thebeksfprv.eneconsequent existence of the soul m a g aincjetia - --.saesi noea.three bookslhe tdrewr forth the lemons of* are lessons mtebokoIrviecDtaeo eprto0fo h bd. en!d not, darnnot, W - ilr a u"..!,.7t...ôzw'g A rT T q. _ .,IA l f.: ore any kowledge and weo . fane whi oRoognnon telles i nto ial rsii a gor donav sals~~ and m. aster ortacher -and hencs aso alland fine inen, enjoi nadl ba tur.Tawie u oishveoewemn -.-Catarrh € mdyHia rue ft een cledHidi-ad ai ng unuusu veydayco rle mesions, eig t, ooileni ;fChrsrettepro Aýs ueyW WsREYASFET FOLi.4ll owS CAUsE Pe substan-ce-t ',!' LL. lti . h.of al thtis Christian know- with seoesAnd in Pmaing inabject cqualities ; anl are enir itydifferent i tehfamosDews seegh so srelywil d iis eiintullvi . Ttake h ,.i- ,anl,,t ifcatJled, raf.1 Theatrue follower of pvry tterich man's aa,-beggingl theirtessential property.Tht while is go tisethat St. PI *tse lf pnacyse dfiintinvtal bAPiais wir !v,,ýý- I,".-VLnsnlnlChrist j u ain holaves the truth and fore rapsý which arm left at 'the the body malyb e divir into ,at and text, sayin$g"NOw u energy, i emeication lisfnot restored ,. :;.:*frfb tas fth ihheNUR U hts llero, euso, aleoo' luxurious table of the great godlessman refoed to kindred eartt of ich 'it li, darkly, but fatsthe oInie h eesrytnec fa1 1 a , f1n-p!&.y il landrni.f" - ycisandélmham. He fear ot ihi.Wen we see the virtuous omnan coposd, the:indalsoul, or spirit In I bLieue iho6 Jam .4 weak discharge of the funci-tonIis of the W 'Uita ffrod rfft 1h-(,.!.7 r c1.al' ntàir lainis some uad and an eo ofaran trthfom t, a poo Widoith one only son tondviilw anodiiett sagneobewhC il btody isoto dsoder tsorgansh, ior- dgys 0 the oea M. üany uarter. EHis guides are not lhis ovinsupport her and that aonlytson eut off by iniiil ntedisteeei,,io. falu;bhe @said no jui e ationd. Xpromt ntoui teo n lud m fly gg a nt .low my NMeiaes to e ssld in fancies, Or. likes or disikes, nor those of the hand of death. When sie hear of tractible. It caomt lbeefaified, it do Dot tahmai r* safeguad.LNo rnovantofudeplted an par. f Lie United i fte. Ihv isernfllwmns n shhascrelyan-mrdrgomngunpunished, Cannot die, for its very essence is fle, it ••ome PeOp eImay ' * Z u nvarer rand ch i runess ha- ,isas lyma"u"5sud"l uate ud.. the mea and b ity of udgringfor u ond and noble actions omfre anrd all ethlg im ort. i ,i- Ie dsti ,n rsoaieo ls acn,6 h , .,fý.1ý,,týijý f rl a ierngelwing lnmea raiyadmre wre..'" i hcrpef more clearly ostrated itseficy vthan. .battom lCt.abRrousat ws i tr~«Od om Intebandfdciosalxe ote hemrset bhe news! cou e aile a in à eree mbton forus theair.-.ilt 1 soul utheblivje i 0sand G llenbe1, orfwt Northrop & Lyman's Quinine MWinie. In 1 bave tranit t edu•• riu teem ia "aamtl.a. warn ï tre nt menli himy, esbtra. hokwe armies to englasaruwifhrthe&ieer m tut euhe , spur.mu h tei. pmpartion, alociated w t mathe eprdnc 1 kfta Fu ",":ia 'ilrdcu-lJy .er'i. hte of I fornefatersno.Ts nati«ty hag e sow7'Iu he cttat eor sulprceedth da 8lth d ael e hchnneti attsart e bayuaaiteMnnu. arivd Doyarsei g g uo heeitnso in omiain of bodt materias - hedece btas@wit -1 easas-rem.rablbupmpi.s-,il a - "hw - - ,i T .a o.trik m re-eeint-,uhi oea e r v, .sov..a. .d t oei tè re - llae· 1g .eroitan dt chlesirio e..L astha m &W SutefP g le p ivt e . sle ift rei n e p a to o ri h e g , we lied tisheoeowould til ee t h otMOIpritut. whe ien oha i llou issrdy wthe aseroftQinianomaWine, 1awoafftM .la ie sae sa da er ndnuuathes flTa utanswferuhrhmo nhoest he h mad rm-an@ to sdifen roaniz dtw odyrtheeora ugh. n hi' hicU al2so ente i rs i thin gean e " 't" ,1. -1 .7. e w. tat ..n.no ach e. a n em pa sutows a erfHw ta e f r ingc le ep.nd Fve r a i n a e ....a .m là b nasd .. i. T wsay In the vä b t m ae m h and m s' he a r.a. K tAp o tien t, p o o h e l ych ia nk he _ bil o u re it e n fe er a e d se ses ti sa et u e T a s l l t r e t s p r h l b n n n x ine l a o u 'd g y i e - r u s h a 00 0 , T h e x r n l or mydec eiv e o m a O u e a ed ri il to hee rd i ctio of whInc e,,it is "all -»- ---a ndmmyases --» -'- ,ager ant ued in h red mi n-h o me.dw e nne ut teaong u h hol diib a an&deerdema o o fem r f e rs tr hie th e 4mtervals,_ b e IdresY" th egla elat lo ion, h u t b .i ge mn o l t in hs a y'te ti . ail y .be r t u e o r s i t nthhé Kmr m r tth s fa -r ., in rets >f a od im , n i i... di a . a . . 4 am m enti a arau - Thetr... . , s -a -and b i l . a rtia. W1JIK thal in la e r=n- i , m " o.s•' *, l ans of u efulnes deniitd se seifnvo lalvngandsni i o 1 i s, I bal d' My te halliedandp'lters rewI, isear paiteor 4 ,hoesifnncsru# 9 th are e e tll , u nd e t y ci a n d a em s e d y a --I t akt Nraitree no fb l - m aiatdhbru;th erWa al, ia r t ed th es s e o aes re ako rm pteensve se en e lli , Tb,. l. o s anWoor.hal;.ofte xsmiu ii N fian Ltin o bdlym téil'Te de a i oftitaupth Wa iemi : heua M onCap aYsP*e O iat aine mu adtethlsagfs gn i amatprdnt Fee8.. eige1 . 1u1nDr e ayvne*ai=W tl M ret bl = 1m à»,sfi ioel " Oneil r% ioxret nmoroteoart4 uelriyadui déciive Tha flnn " 1 ibaJý tnu Uoluhim a d 00 ain . mdt,-tgad nmun Business ireCtory. .·1 , ofw an IL. - g 41 OM Mat. b . Miton.se FRE.MaN. jz;M. n., ilto. olue. hour- --- - Rs. Ro MBERTBoN a BENEITT, Physiciens, iug n ltc. 1),o . & . R rso' s- ce M y Lee.t, e ,rt. 'D mi b of th. atri Cacr' N 211e T tir? TÈ r. 1. c teriN ar a ora . 4 t e ef the à-ora..db-1-ht a n s l n o eeso. idente ¯ . E . HRRs mvein eon,Gruae dad, - .o rm t a ddt. al S L&oncy-at- 1aw, 8,,obitor-in-ChanCery, No& Ryulic, &C eane o .16 42 : ne do or s fth a tnk o xH 1on,'iln, 8t- SolictSor-tn,-anery 9ýeMony to L atureduced a;tes e f6 42 JaesuSt. orthHamileceton,3O4! Money00to Lan on.Frms e - 16e Jl.B97.. . Denmnen. Atig. . àT.ILs7s N.D&'T$d D DNTST1N2 1ireaf- ighted.. given, s »*di &l ai ry' out st. r of mughits lieartà,. ence 1 ,daingt reafter for the 9wick- nse of mguised iations. f somýe he're is fur the" be« s mnore MM all its Mt fý .ns n ight, er, and t nevez- -1 alto- er with to face, -1n1, and 3n to bie. iimen- piritual khris ian Chist, d in this us .that th. bkly earth, or ic is far nwhere a We Chrit's ltIes tell» it for we ler. is; n -ist and fseingr lerbtandà Mt worl to cOme hristian wivedge, tin hiohi ruse witik Ce shines, hewaven. resenell. ter We think of n èvich a den, and Menee of heaven' es in] Our th a glass land hak ato what ré dyinge. Ias been sof. Holy thiît 0", ses whieil are cou- >ing, to,bo oeetectedn ihsa he tnad liw, elity hl- l t he MEa! b.le »VMdaet onori- ar 4 T. HLA RIllS, . 1). S, RGEoN DENT1 Warate C mde %t. Il .k ... i .... bytfl t dl b Jo. BOWSa DENTIST. rro:-o6 KING sar, Wam HI,&uLTON, ONTARIO, HotelCardse trav " . - jààoo. e tsi» iqoNur . G I- st ffin as I su . ~ ~r d gr th. b x oIMUsi. ausE , Ot. Ja Dv reetr.nrt-es acoendtiesb" =111Tm W M Je o . s t o" he "b°-NiHo N.-%. 0iththe es n e i-Armerican H otel, Commercial fle omt.0em å0 'I' 141 ofR ca tmu 1rOf. #W î Hotvqe, Dpýet. .. rm wý mk kK' Tb. Lý4[.Q t. au pub f tliq V".