0D~ meruieasnf.wof thieget W1S hem Jehanotaima Op Fawkes. fo>ir of"And, ef eoume,11u tintt nme Mpr- wliehbreer. ccuai nS. Pu'a sons reueted bmaer aa Ia Ifer Vhurchyard, inu Loton p TburadY .V.ry 1ev. The dnfreuty u9 th teir cbaaS.ql te i7th taut, te <her four iu t.e Od entiuuanceem a ne caon us thathte mu fuimseYard in Wets*et. e diure, fdu uset s sli B againa te t euss-e ad wlch =ibt rellylhemcent ftaking curethueetraet emihife a, arelstienel te ther t sytorusWhoe'ofeodi omettaenemus, and tewhe slmulb. batlahteslle a ver.e, x:uted et Woreetr. o veer. williug otnibutors att he outsets- ter ot te tlnng ordere& t o-n.,-. Nt ta aggravte the nrreva et t eained tht teywere vxetuso. I hve te matertul lobe -u,~ livingtntheaanas oetb<dl &u, butteieente tetofichS nme mt 'Th$ il vas dloosudse liceideltutesiy itdied itre.fethaos poriles, sud vilt givo Yen reonulto rts e co utep coekictg their amee.detructioni, tsthel- ' i cetete.core. Tiedsiuhe.ne tep statsefe.ctin C e mtvl5 enel towing »uetlab sitt. c f hu ceurgl- eofticcPe.cesyve .mmislenee tetto et sitsctioe.-naelà errTcu WeTin erttChe eight popises icreiu amces-. e o cf epreiv m pey wicicrececl tle s, vice efincd qkdt $ lm ne u letue5~1,ftO , u ume Clair littS s c f surreu, Cl a ge lor r wednA691 . Tt pafol re ceiu tieu. eervsn ce IeiT hintAsedo s . 0.01e ci i-ecen .* ..osune r.i, eClumiser le 1 reie, and thir lctînt <y te te le . fifece ezpenoaJcm i ei splgsunc l oolshe55±e cs cmî lil cul- !, irt tee ihir tdtue - il u ,ns-rn hn Bceteprses nte dpeudet, Who Cce.hui U n sul e ti-le ,,1 ym,Âleo ,HggPûpyIe nu O. s t i t e ouieua; lt hidcarseoecf 9cIl irc ceeer-'e- ecil n.tu.fr detb-letm as- Mode.'v1 f Ipteethon lice absence o et Sssle.. . uilo. sUdieu s.ns,$mi=,uSf flluwruu eCt # taese ht it cotilt tceetly Le eliived s - ent mouetei- e ta8 ,4,, al bal gupkcctlepvcld justtfy natastaieCI=uvs es e n eress.s Ieu.= Ililem occiie c alîcesici tefre vere cnmbitn ft o m n le t fdoeaefl ePtDtheplu ofneiofWor r' eu~~ in<lelnilseo-iodiCi $t102,ao. thisottee.nenclepelow nt n d ter ne.ro a maoc-builder te feue sss<mFe ql 5 Ternliless-nerr arido- il tics eyîu i isnofte veelci." , .bpoictfor de.tls laimo l 1<UuP>O;- voeilt ieuobouged o mmptletien te the publai«m..I l ~21"99eP W , LARU «<elu ni .t-e'icd mrder 'olt < it tait- te t lice recit tel lienefortee ideom w"rol cbrteu eue. Sncb elle- __à_c,_asN________________ anN T Bise WÂGC U e fcif i-el, ad taie se.1a o ed l tu . hPariee etcgceeq samot tctisfaction te ,eforeeoce ve rks ofet nt _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _- - tact le lei e ita te whlce u-cldte<id ecu t'1 ecui ee ec eeteb-a proerly tice suilect ' LetT I ri-et etlie oocre l t aSt i Ite mre tz¶n88.ter re cee rnt ae:-iititc <rd f-m ie ectme i .s of Alie couemanictt.Rs li e Mie ycc - l care n t e iýl a m at i s i p e cce cc c e t b e r it icy i ac c ee er i pee e r te receg u îr i l, o u I e g aecs G ag i . « o s il ée ln <C tc h leet oelie a 0<2et h-it etleui Çiýllr cr aeobdi erex- -ceicide. hltaIni Ocuun" egiteineri e eeluthete niorey t Usuler tel cri-cete i-Ji-e' T a ndce t h < e Ist di<cii <tet t <eue vbc i eT sa eclpie ie adtell v tuse ccofnith. the at l Cctci, li pcire iop<l't-c<fe9.eta cect tsein 8et tice B te ofllietcd, Oudrice iuaie.g asecerhie, I e. eelu tue.IccYnk te lbtdue tnfinttjueslsuro h by ieilt ei!ie aau, tc ie ci-cp cai- taict eutle r o nse rt1 - e a t giidu li ,f ifc toeloievi0ù e rss&ule.B.0 Clîioiîi "8ieve. lieel 01,,ui l u ?iatsttecbatetCicremmeoWp-eopleaMilnio, ie siens fOnbarnoi eftrpeeI vtil teci hi s l ip ue ib-i nepe tai « i0 sall o -Un dcsclthi m celf, ut hu t<ce nacaeiaeaedt o t t % 1sen dctprss o r . i i -f n le C p c o tte th u re te i o uf t ehe p 'W hp1 R e aiJ e 1H . baO n . I G E jýst'Toeic Iitr tIY .ftlerelowbinsdrid iil i i ci-h aitlitra mderfni-Citantt a ii5Iuu suu1 Wmtee-i eei thhine ercy f da theyci-ci er, cîhrec icciceiat-- -Uaiccuthieci-eltefct io, in Ctcdc, eei'JER %U C M IIcalOUS.IED .çNJÀMELITYE fs i an re iinl c lhe C i a vine fil -thi - p îpr bîr- îin.1tte Çci-S- in -ii -casl'. oet-e vi - il piti<-,-RPeeqtp tede aED reuîtp e hiertii-cc Il ccceteeccIteiOhne;oeraieseshi.sie < FSNO <îe e r t rs r e t fn ti î Ieh- v- i î ina- e it ' asci a i-t' f i pte- ales-b fo t tse ed d u h it c Il m idet,'t Motliverb)etat ihnc e tieg ciietc i-eii iei-e. Tt-c-eaetptetai- e ipi-ii- ic1eicil. iccal.<t H .d citt iec ece -ei<e tîc itte alie e the i-aaec-i-'Lii tii h-ct cf ci- e et oiti îc nconîa iid et it ofthe tatîtiefîc i c Itthwlof. 1. eun< hueO 5p T er R i s 8 sti-retl<ii <et îhetcâfihe cipibfieeichall te ceBatac. uundlut ë< - t-c., forect!aellel-d* m alle ie la tai l p -p ta î i-reflne-i-c 88,18, eorîn Moro piiciil fauthi- i- c italthb ee ,au twontct tc Sc tsf cti tc ic retie i-T rns u at ia îcc ei tt-l .eii-c c-ii f t ic-tti.Texmple ofi-ici-i 'cethei-exe ioneteotfti eleT eley roplyatnedt.& andhicemtiiti-i e.t iliaaetrio out wat e- i i- lg a iiifimpil ihît e i eeî i ' vi d ,therdieitaï;ted eeicheta ecaleu e li icg fa ic V air if no , ti2. he icptc-,win 3,1,i r areicli Ltsîiiaic if he li te du lec îl i-t ceccatctî.i-iietc. asfiâ iten o8ii0.a5- I3 IV L N fceccc. cua eice-e nla t heii-i<tre, 1 pr i-iie frthe ' t o i tai-ca- Whtcc in-tie e ralIe ece at mid- î h e i-i c îe carr ie ratuiccio atiu - - FIci-hec, se ion et ti iten e ia <te i m e oil 1. - ,w t e tii-a-a i 'tkfic eccal ofcu36r e i-itic ela i elu inLittd hatctheedi t ftii- difc tt. audrc . 9-1e an .êo orF ntP ch s fulo o-pYiutfrti w ecesteinocii tt Thi- cni l ha ftii e yhlil t.11an etuY V-i t . . S c e ce se rseiecsud Th itaileofet oullrisulterar ottit aùu fiDl godills, andaillableorcnWIa ekr- IleJthe 11e ilt-,' lii Cia-vet itt enad i-ecii-gati e tt-ete-<dti-c88 a$,30 ie- etuctcîis i t cc rbablechowev. ,fi e cccc dt,1.1ah isif t 'i--rormoeth n 2pe Loeictecortcn. iae.ni audth unnbcc nS-.n h a t ifconG a nt ul TersY" e«oaffil i titi- lai-, tci ta p a -iti-t ettettiiet ir - - i aiic - e le cget L iita ib ic L tiie i t'y lic ozeaaveu-lierl i-c'sane.ent,,cel re<ilit. TelHatcor coi-îbut, a VensGEOJSGETOthWNtaueONT.3 ticet ci ,-di o. v-l' c o mu Y uOtttCo-an tlit's ceew the wrase. ona liecc e t cilli-r ;edcri-t&i Ottef<a pic atia of ni-i cit <tucdeie n 188etdi ic vegît en i-mtilital iith tr, I eH U T SN AW"P"T ,l <dp it e ofn uecith iat'rlaac Ralfrato o e ltl metd lod T e ultang).* Newnor k 1. t ou hti ci--iiee ti, i-li--pe et it siil coe- l ue nciitteii Nei-ilic c t maii ei îs ho t c 1W Jf -fheeeccecalgitictrineitut ectaicacedl l ou -c-et, -in c -li-<iofe83i0itt1 iti- shute1i pcemili hi- pi-i defit <i--cil.io hie eio ohthuihcct u liîlcic-lei cti-l'utttl i-ici fi et t i - Tti- lectilic utne li e tlle iidc e l cv ta<eeei lc ps-1 HSita b l e shtet p o i ecd to li ci ut nd l oni, Lwt-ic tn rat. TtisneOtou h aia int it cl t. 5 mo . Rietlei. niIL ic i l(i t t h e f our , hcii- anc e i ca di e ivi gi ltte i ati a n d d e w e le is tjs w o ü u h t ie s ti t eu . wi h it M t h l- net hil ielce. Lî t-hî weialti< Citii- pile u i- iiil.ntittfinie id talent- foridisshp iii-ti hi- iei-eli- iaeitlhci. A- N,\ A A E andERGEO W NON T Io it .th ud e li e <un - itl epicoili icte - i-dl-iti- e t ec ti pii-fiita ic i-c--t L a . ala e b s , ii n <s- c-iofieit ii c ite c i li c iit tîaing ita cypopa- c-c ctti i p ei ri f- lle . A Sý-ic titi t .ce he c cii ci- acuila îr tiii a irfic e t 8 0onen e e c io iio e cu d c c xu r ee fai eai-f t c i- t h i vacl e i ta iae ai lie ii a n uci-e -f ih c n taiane t e lek og let c ieh s t s dvit<e e h tii-h oe - - E LotCth éP LGr e at & <gc iici ilicü o eq est . iI 1h ie m"iîcgic ife tri. e tier i-cii ceaici a cpelof niii alc ci-iiilie d li e i-cti-e iiT. &wOVE e.itti $frOQtt Peiccin cealsi btain,-ici, ciiirall iiipli- îte sr ('lanaf teegr atf liai Vu-Id.'T tue ii-acethei- chie itittiec <c-lh u fi te pc<Hclcday. aca uitii ceecatitiltii-i--.eircth gceie it tLis condce-<ii i-ta.t bih(ici1 atta, cal n ftii(leeofra<i-lt etataat tit tîtali fii i-tee te edel, iaf ici-h <ced-ci, ile deîieet île o dhc ie ah e b el llRd 'in v-LIiIcs lutb atceIIý fýtb itifiticciy uh e- h -i-ilciicuicceeaue baancdtse- liq t he cf idu, <cd bi er- i-litai-c, T-leatiic utc e o- t d hi or ma- - J HN u i TLf , ueeocauedeiiiapctel tniîiî oi- ihu tag, i eicttcuî fiali-b iil hi gtle etiiitlid- ieccit ciiic ccc- Si 8ttiiR .,itii-&i hteoetandti-cl in <f , c(i - e I iaIa<af. liu ltiie bnia-liaic p-tia ut t uaicii-e h Ni- hp iai-t char ucepr e et C e A a eiîîr-î tut -i- -w "c '-btcl nudu aiei-t totit- hn oiliu-01-i-hp J.stifid s o e higBSa regad tb o Iec ca i lai lcce ofana l tni ic c <uai eodu a sipi-i Hi-lie p eeccy e qi-ct t . T e I VE a o t S A C0Id at o d t L E T O W hcR DIE. aI ol l nrl f i-d y i e fti.' i -hie c U f irm i- aoli-i- e t i li t xe tii-i thi - rViLa'elitacite tlhrtl (ci Le ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ littl, bu wit a uzilty corst n iortin Ofth,. ouitntalo t- titi te W , TLihc eeh ir ltnth-ie - MIILTON iL l'il c n ý ie' ri Wtt it ilnpelufite acace . auie t ait ie tuai il Tiai' sata n iaiatifai-i-etc -i--,tui-te ai-i-teselfieitnnîaea 1e efti< i-cec i-e- Mefi iet iaeiecec- i-cil te rnnei' g dllus Tetlaitft jitfLieni cli e t iiet ge- 2,tnti-ie--b-ctheau. titi t-i-tE , iatlceo r feed dem ache ce jt.eatti. ti-pcii-e alacin resi-i- e. ci ici-cm- iai-itate ii t ic taiteititta u - cAnDii t it - eJce ~J~ p £tuo SA I Ž D D O eci aLe iti-gpi-ciaef ohid.cd'ieun- i iti-,<- cto ý if lr ad plnstowtiepi-ctiia ir-ite shis ci, bthvigm d l i sb îhnedcpcfcLýni-i--L e i-ietf i i- ,carsr-- pioi1uiie ei-ceci iieLtttcai-pettiat te' _______ _______ ________ _______ d - Cci, lt cc i tl i ti teic ec i t i Im ncilito tL rI-i aii ti-nd scaihem i t., m b i oi$h3c l t r e n h 2 .g , rlo po li-esiofît Diu,dafidinNofîii c - tatiba tinthidcîottii- ciii> n. t s heEloIl t l.t U ibsi U5 fi", t-wvig' l-- FRGS ..CTE. ! paeiiC aiitt.e f-a 'hc ~ iti etive i -i ti io f meti ngata Iojl si t G ek ý: - ' - e-nl ltlJ.H R W R D likeoo, .nt ifl seehi-eto th e. lo acie;lor-TER S,. -l ut-h <i-t ci- hetiti-, cciatt hii.<guiit-tictti-tatl IfOnru tinitiNleitO it. 4 s flua"iuL- Lt lLtc i c on-critt i- û & E1"ZcA.Rs'oDn\ -l,11 rote st,1 cand ecii.ewteti- "In sa me..lttttiinatilatY litiii-tiaaiti li ai a fi aicl h an tsil-I'ýn[ o ,o i - Aali:.- s tetltiiila Te fLoandottnad wli tiai-i i.cci-iaca.'rliilitstoriclietla 4$ trialce't-ee20àt.e hi laetaii--ie- ta îtihi-ac i)vt eai-ai-i.menti-t ivp tliî I,,R,ýý' .S S I -D D O laie ii.fý-hciattion a tieltîii cc i fogus îîi-cîtduîe at er îî.te aiîac erhe sit a. f i --tnu'ei fl va fhtp n ltall- i- andbit e ini- ta,, t t t i i- an1ielie .int tthl it $5 .I Altl '-e cliii- dhOur-cci-lt.Bi-5ei paisC llfvâ ou ftoM IfoL telNIi -iili i t- li t Cini.-rent - icice ed Ucenc; Àfeia \V c< ic tlee<-n itn ciii ie--c-ai ii peeu i.tieos - fO S - usgn.i Chu i-îca i cneci pi-epti-al le h il i . rla eu r e ehk icames t il r ireps he u ere i helud eg aic<da<sst e tan cro.uleciiaheteecn'-f, r. etio-'éIs tic'.,. 'tIccane< a . çp&e05050i5h e a e . taXep Li- of OfIi-atide,- iit I . c ilt e i - i- , i e d cu-4< ie s o aTbie <ccl ii- ii-i' Fiid-y '-it i -- and - a iitn Iii- h-cia".i iiific aec i~nc s a-a tc . < e o A-n lle aneG aIt tafol wd fotf ip ol r ti ec lc itLettaciii - uit l it cecsTt, <seaicd in tie vonîtflitacP C fl icih.cp- tiienuiia eeikt ilihcei-echia hnccpptheicfi cti t-s ea eerta<vhic-aeiei-atiab e ,lb eeotaîîucncfu utel Crls ie& n i' .th . .noim.f. r' vS a -.%f tc'liietai, ccd ad tucon ae tie ria h i n-e-tc.ni-tu cci t p, "y evir La gq'clW au<34.N W D4lýn fr op it ce ted i ia la-ni ia . landt1eici e ta nd ipp i it icette eie oa i. t1h p r ic O nt H lfld de lî d r cUl P ti l e- .,-ir th. B i -< ' h t e 1 0h sr e pbiidouinus,5I 5S I~ Meu onthelusi-ut et ipets ftedyvteeled r cehle t li. Temivnfuit u cnaeIltAI fti -d s o -1 ..elen o- .lerc. , aicece. potelical. - t .pcp I ltcf cifl e ci-eraeci li-q ei LMO -'en. Â. £GU.t i ; -a Pm. U LURE.D stuIci àsJCAS-ntait, au eneteltejdi .....;'y aoflrCo le meeig Fily, le uliil i-rlirth ako i cieenclnulurehemubliCi-ln i > t riet.i atC11 t d ie lu -1 It dier- hefhlic Co ice- teit hcnev ctiteaie. tac s e cc ntaeh i dUc 5.0 yardh, nvce tice -te c-e l ii htii -tici- tteau, t cies n e -e ici fecel e 1and . <cl: .eiWeeecsu a tue,1 Pei ces se het cirs îp hea ci tlnrici le Ouic ti;teuit'te bup il~ i nso toe hue csinhoeficedottciAu$5te8dîru dmhoae*t htecic, cit i-e it cci rie ahic, i-i--ai. icAsctce die Nos rercaiitheeticithiusschs<icpdcHiOiMciE ILLlo l uct ilih lulececluiiee ici1aciN-hni-on aiIoutsaess aitteetlIAIte or wo it flc aitrta li (jarerig or ppren srviý endre. bnet01ci utelutieti h i- c ic<te t c ene nl ce inRish ae prln dS b u cedei le ite i-i-a e - i a edcacc ci -ne1c cali tit<<titntahanle, -fetra<e ciiioilsTm elteee ,maho .$.a Licc t e t o e P o u a U ,t h w G o vers ai-oti de flr wt-iae u t at e îiie i r . Vi ied ept he ai hi n c' e scc tcc ici i--toa :ia e uèck,Î> fIN G S , TE'a -ko PAtch andbre il tn ebbTins. ,e« %vi-h thana e *ilc e i rdy ai-icl ia tic and cfcieig thora. ieie-tha p e a ucî P i YOI ittfrfoe5.. et r-e l i e-pib.- iici- l t eH eca nteeor u'Gr a e te ese.0. hit amai -1 h actX i lu s OfeMle Moetat cf <ti ct<cieerCite'gthe ainhlcrih<fs1 ,a ntig ye<be st Eucic. Ths d pieMte rtCàl-N rM c-g'nstl', uttint Iiclicen eiîa ofs'conuebintersc and efbraQf Hamiltodt.1857. ESTABLI acse tea cit obaefl a-na ceancalMa b un.d fnd ehit. oceiiery Niotsuhcubeo 'ate th. i&r pitilia tit;'Lia-acre hie f b< t ciesso ic a ii udci-s, i i-se hav e -f tn u ofvne,Tceccich i ori e i nathsWhcîsc pe ter itTliletiie swilig uiluzs rin ctu ticer W if.1;M ac e an Cl ksR p i da d ic oietafic both tleefi aetfo tedtOi a ndciiseu-le p l . hscul feceigy iegpinaee ic- s e fip tfl Nie mctinembrso iie t"i f <I Âlle huîp Nle<ctoi he itumJ.W. RAER jien o ilpa i e ofh lynmAine-n theeeieatetinprtat Mlon i icreuc btst.Dk-viim f of.ail ntaLi rcusdin emq he rennAies onc2.2îthe240 cht -- tesiftsttMAite ~ ~ e" e ttie r oai fafoti cc g i ielefrsonneth-cCefbet h syeta <Ar fjcla haavet poc niai-ioinscic Ciupeof jte inet h.chute. nePut tni tht'Icý(er e bdyiide ~ n Clr hi-cu nfni-f mu A4,steW'soumtheoh uini gD e tidn ceeese. iO< acfl I icefudeththe- bi esonnYeentnECsI Wi . W.;ii w iha tîi np. ci eir ia i-e ee tteenlla.b- aitinge tusa i er 5 < r Ri S AouI leoatuelectel0u h h ate fa calO otiuin tfccoCitPl - lmNeas el Wghileer aptl mi yeelet ietîcealc aedelea-0. h l lety, s< ,,ce, n ee1nAllmn f iueghns olthe C nnet, cthek RBae, b ts eP niI tbun csenpt -si on e nlaiHesl Tras oi ts y ic l octhe, ,aiciAndtcgj enlo ersere setsiffiletiten er- y n yonre Ù secn t h i toe . a- D m euc.B nP'et stete hioneodlt ns. et1lenreaceies, Cbtecl<oe<7ixnsurhohsgmre c ome onCe .th,e amci Chsl he ile> n@P d tit s r ofisesan dlreanlie stunacf itercyg finen t 'hoe bon btheet Mu ien l'tesce us fSUS5,Bi.,Vte4ete ceem io isje tas uicg<It- re.carlote t eepo st o a T hee. sit 1acelo e. nrtc dhesbeeiitl Mmes ]i-eolsg ate lske.bl '1spuleron, cisq. an retHnea i- t - tecetp m >nte. beCompeser esenluue t.îre suvik d a isui ce Tggrtvo t ecrbtitet Yolseii-t b don a b .ie n u ceh r (is al I %?tis. 'auto;-~ rie' _Vatp2 i aoyaghoe, Cuuluin Nrj e : 2 jtD :Wj ff ta kCI;Tw< h1janealy 28,ely ru- siess n ast coret b el ilhefns MsiTtrstc luibs170 "B, ies tpre lemeadAu Iseacsr- nness. isSmery fer[adm.al-s zm-ve-, efm the thl eelpeliand hie ma l-Cs aIî leagnu emn andthAnboitV ly - tue s.e ' roen Min s . -4 c- t ~ i r tihh ae-~ g o d.tOZ t' O E ÂI * casac c fûs 9- -FS. -Ny' -e' IDRY00 -et> TO- 34 Ring st 'West, Es: TI$EY SELL AT POPULÂ Is nowc.:i>tt with a ftiU .arvest Tools, Garden Tools, I3uilders' Ha Li-achine C Liniseeci ePi DTI OE:-- l ï idatîe N ntîty e-lar(in P ONEOsF i Coughs, -c-. - LiS s' îclilcg 'are, }lass,»4 iutty, 'àS 1j ii tise 01( nhcsiile. TtiMOP-OT t LALE fITE Ii-ýFla.i O sHogrscr.cîs, Sors chtis, lr.flýuutuis, iooping Cough, <i ed ececi- go, and Choit, z iVli-.ICIiM WRIiTli< e tEBMS3ED rici-saîes ,M OFBItLD CHIERRYI, of"-ýL BUTTS "eon th aed oSîloa B Rtila. Pre Faims &teeNo, ieslifl, Xeau anddtmec -ecn.lly. .dc ssbuilaîcd rit lie 4, tn. Wic<o the suai iîosutlCp ef Ires te r" he ucseeofe -j la cne asIlthenul t eour, ixm"nnasoe, Mai -. Tis sclhdedm anas v'e F P t és;. 1u sd vn t.ef9~ msi meru eil5~ fienoteierlC t -i f o~n - -l 1- i »b