MILTON, THIURSI tic anti -A MnOng the Oesat"si.- pas-o-onilih important disciosure tînt' y at va- 0 i n woCi-onf ~CHlI cNA AND s-BE caIans,-avs-n iTHEtieoi ir, foa- - an-s', n. V. LUcAS. THE (IIINEantÂoic mathg t0ýL is snpo t a-Rev Y ý. Laca.' de iis, ~ witnnt pkn i aee in s etiemnalvas attagethan- tbs-engIl er yn tue Wllington nti etic Chinase. iaeractere. The firet systani hait ti îave Cmm'rci-James Wayms, Esq., ter ir1,00 0.un bratrn -' f lla th cairg W trsfie h néillus-rated. novea-aiof f hesa ly taltidon-tsnn etur fwini e hie'way chaa-etss, sonne ef,1vieiwill hac oni- -appeas- la file tows or aise toea f0s-at t te iderotivas-y saggoestiva , fosinsfanne, id ci oasts-y in pamphlet frfor wearasa Aslae umonaea-; y nproos-ia d ihsure the faeîe ant igufosni, eSlae',ignifies mge a rapaesesîta- th OgaY ad hroncoearala9 tisa of a couple of peaalseaxncfly St twoild ps-ove gnas-nter s- - . alika etande for ae f-se s- s-faetie îto-fY g s pove Wan frst sotineti. As-nngnificeatsriver-, wnseipictet int a pleaient vin. Thé t baao..w dqnling fie Mssîssippi ta in ie, di- affament of. a lites-ary degrea is hie doc- vides the- tousts-y ta aqual parts. mmch'covefti bysthe Chinasa yoti. inn) nia. Chinintodiaicet ilate iguteen psovin- iTh-a nonos- ffthe lads is taxe t t btought co, oci ouio t tédeaa-- i stOScaacity, the fiýst wos-kif sonna0f nante ast conafinag l fiels-dnuyteconnut teinnemory Soaino motadacu départnant ton*du- baing-abiok eqn vlumatoe alsays tri-ite. Theanstiqity of thie ancet oNwTame . inrlyvl as-oteop- S0 its conntr-y, eotainisg ona-this-c offi e pliot w afuraor o-fia-e yensosfay a k isow, iconan fanily, or 400,000,00Q iniahif- tileouoM. Nnaoa xnnleae ýotifist nsato3, casne sxt alîndotito.- Bafora giea 0f fia alimerosg eas-gy - wtt s-at s-lanae of~ thengptiro itesnergy, iamoi bearne inlareofet int )f ie dotes-fiý,a-l t e 11-ny i na-Tttisl nho s il'go fideqpea-ole u-fifea-o infeotea ou- y. Tbey hanti hea tn fhaî: ýmovenneafs atadetijuatice. iiony Itik , ite enipoyeti ni f0 cail', bt lmd Chak iLas net paytsg. (IfJri,iaiaty cans evi- 1[i1It4ieItshtiscour- ilimc cninioastv a- Ilisas-s-st. f1iras thoogb s-be case cali- ulso sa-n luage asti1 1 nades-loole t. cia- se s-ao onOaa sas-a i tbl econselftnsd oa-slct i oaaooff ica.' anas,, chînaiflic tipins-andytifinally; Sof tlen iitect. t eol, fos-giot oyscif but t d ena hos-f playes- tf f0to civer îny n thue nad itsuos t ilie 1'itggcsl fond n Dr. -, of tbfichtg.1 onli ania -ctogntoeti saan a--eslcd, hal 10 tIf e -toere of his ysulf fo ho t1Iîan- foens-. We occoînict t sati 1Ic .ole e- motis t lanhos-ot, f fionthliinamy il reittente asotton- nses- oîne day ina cx- nne sa-luth tinfiy a na-al Supions.i.îe san, ,til.qti-oigiii the Wmfb adcnnovitntpt fa onafohet li'on lî1io hiis ari-m i-crety etk- -ire n - osni sà py. :huthaaéfîof clos-- iéns-ti la my tlsont f ay e asti loody tirent 1t sepl y.« 'Yaoie ec- alËti% meo niye- as walI die to nt fy novet I'oi my et. 1)u ft hieiseye ina-et ne 1;i hanti, adied toave pnf yon bin a-af nia-, woicls." 1 nulty àiftel, thitanad ls Co)mýlefa. Ho se- n-.pjisisg ame on te onsI'tsaith lie offi- hie henedintionl he re is a sIi tiIleo fc f lo,,i poul'linh panie tiis gonfle asa-eh imaggine, saas sites-a yens- f0tea-a-O'," Live. i ant siof ferfnl obf ie 'ens-eý wli change fieh s i, lêvrs-enongi f0 ntssisg nffter lite tus- ho hluatet flua- My la.iis cére by isticn la psoenuflnf e ta-antiuacetisfy' tans- as-a aquonnea yet tferre inof ha t teeexigeqnnies. ýar Dispu .lfc in foagif anilea- nices, Oaisoeastie!n,, senl b;is-fb te an lsfnît, J.ameyo t" Macogna, La ier hCas-e f asetgb- Cit aboiftuehsane sftew,,tid tfin nothes- the joiia-suy aetmrnad eld t fIi-i i iithail bhe nnaistdthf If- t ntd ast ci vuld et 'ced t mcoi Pti 0f 1 lot n noc d The religions offie Ciineseoavre dwlt npoa at tosgfi, the fsn of whiie, Bnddhtsm, caici teacies a man to KEEa- ON 0h05 'a-CMe WIs-H TOHEOs-IL, ban in Aia: eone 300,000,000 follosa-- es-s. Tieearligioniste appear to os- pocially woreiip fioao fhiigs sa-ici as-o supposocitf0 do tue woldthefi niost ias-nn,'ne flooclo, fs-e, asdthfi WiceetiOaane isoifl'îe ps-testa of Buidiha swasm-ths-oigb tha landi, practica celebncy, atn-ac muci pivea ta "vain septiions.Str-ang toa ey, the modes-rn altiuiat doctesi e ex- istence of ftie auf bas-ofhbis eeteas. THBE PHILOSOPHlER coNa-aICOo- a nusibes- of follosacre tboagh ta sny fs-ly bis acienne for btihsing fite niaseas me os-f phioophythan religion aoot.if. Bora 5n .. u fame spa-oacike a delugeoves-Cina. To-day fie recor s-t sfaf ha i8 aneos-y io proses-yoldu-ta16,000tfoes'.. lile 27,000 pigs ast ioinunes-aie pecoo ilk as-a offeret in ngieoh is fol- lowes. Conucions doas no atteintf f0 nidotiia-iitln divine tings hie philosophy runso "how tannnen o ns-e inrdiy able ta osrve tfiis-feilow mon fhink of sering flic a-ode How- aevor. ail the sreligiona hotti cia« meni- os-y cf Confacions la esteoni, TUE OLDEST SOnnamAf sols na tha followern of Tautai. This systani, whtthia o0 nany tiavofeee ta tue Celetial, counfryy b of as vea-y spiritual, natare. The- believers lai file religion tdn ninko -tables asti chaire, hep asti tiasolîvely nes aay of fhis-Aagloi-Saxon ospia-iteliofic is-etison., Osegreat article in f liela- faithilisthaf a inteallfer wesldt la opirtais sffiels- co-religioniata lire f0 ail intenta asti pnsposeo i n Ib is, ancl, thea-efora, tfiis-p-ests are s osy diligent taneuriaf for ý,hem.I psOVts- ions,-ninafns-e bouss, appas-cl, hi-,, whieh as-a aIt -ocsefily hurot anad trananniffei tinoue brio fi theis- fs-ende in:Macina. Chisamne ail ti-, is-e 1 hiae tiiolaiones ms-ted in their nafive soui, asd tis sot ail an- usuanisigif f0 sOO wagon-loessof se- mains winding- chats- nourfnl way froiniLono Sounfain, Camafes-y, Stn FranciscoIote.stoeanship îailtng for- a Chinaneanposf. Amosf' : fhe lectures- sotedt haf thay 'on fie denfli of a relative wora Wilite insfeati of back, kapt hr fiai as on wiea ta fue bouse, anti insfeati of kissilig fie babies affos- fie Anglo-Saxon fashios), wold holti thoni op a a neli fiien, senarkisg, 'Oh I how fiagriitl" Tbe s-oves-antigestiemnasdwalf paiËà- ticlty on fie cdegraciation te wbich tbe, wonion are sabjectet inl China. Profesolonel nmatchbmilakesbrougit togofes- neaaly ail fie coaples, *ao- mon bisg nsnioci solti as beants of, bas-dona-a ,haro. Tiare wan uartily oves- ns-ny of love arouhitia Chisa- mens fieside. '- The lecture *as broagi fo0,a close, hy-à stis-itaf, appeal, ta fie audience, espeetally fie young non anti womn, ta enlief ticir syiipntbias ona bohaîf tiesa saffos-taf ,pooplo. -If asy Word, of iestihonit stir apansy yoang mann os- worninnf0 ause theis- beof andearor te briaf abolie a mos-ai nocial rafos-ni whas-e tbere Wan 0 aniich spisitanl nigt,,ho woul, grenf.y rtJoica,. 0ofcoumo, ai as etteal at tie fat- set, fia 1,aboye a tai ,anouflisa0ff n vos- pleeset_ bois-in Chinai, ndes- tie guitiaica of Ms-. Lucas. , nougi ian bean aittin co frseta nake thus lecture tookeor s-wbeoaa-stint gais-- fliaomn agin Paysels avisif.-Bant- ford eastesr, JeaiRailWaY Travel Tba -ilwaa- cýlaa t Yekehamtseys a fsnavelistsa 'bstatiel s stuf0n- tus-, atriie watesgream sueries-in ',nfsst tenany etOftissa ta oua- evie ci t thome ile a ilraot.wne, fia- îsaieoitthrec Yeacs5- fsand niai tih .fn,,ae g 0os5e mctwenhy. million, CÂT, JUNE 2la ,1874. The Troubles ofOChrltopherColunj nyta n. 'The.e ye, wbich ta the bu s McPherson. genit've a patof the bdy to theaý of ligbl, beeomneeenfeabled and fis This oy a agood boy. Hewould bde,, elaio . hecar,1a havebaenan ngel o-da batforhe hahnge fs-osna.a cark place d aeet ftu nf1et h-ay t or.the atrong ligt le cngerons. Tnegl dasat onhsle-hut- ol.Iethe'snow ta vary tsying ta the oyes ýýs' nf n st of tripleta, nnd therfic e rin htte wal' thierefere diclaf havelhonorahowerŽc elcin r t l clown npon humi in biaenarly dayn,, but ii ated renËûi teainete be lty old womon eaidthat there wasi fdaa wich â,aetnog tomte endin dation thora for an osatr ' nay ne hitte co sinona-isp genoral or a philonopinar, a'and l ontoibthegdaetantds examned bis hie bod and sidil wa bY thea inithuan caasecl. loveol. .Notbing partieular bapponocl ta Chriotophbi orCluns nit thé The Highest .Moiitain-A igfh year, cf hie roiga. His chilcl- soription cof some of thelàa bond tinys wore fit of mud pies, the btt onclof ahisgýlea, parogoria, eastor Mount Evoroot, or Ganhebaab cil and old'ta-aw bats wttth faedf rh the idalàyallange, te upwar bii wora off. Ha wneLç a doep tbt*nki- 2ýý,000 foot, os- ilve and sisaîfn or anti a clese oboerver' for a amail high, ancl nojys lie.istinctionC boy, aacl ho wns jset innont onoegh ing fha higboat moontatail to beliave thinge whicb othea-boyswoôrtcl. Sixteon of ifs sumnif pttch, ont of the wiadew avthet a abnve 24,@000foot, andi oaa ha aaead. thosgbt., andl twanty a-te ahovo 20,000 foi Wleen Chsistaos- éwasegoing, on oneo han ôer estonde t haen Din ears oId h hboas-c i n nea ay tains ftota- onsinitte,andi ane that'tnpnysvi wae two penne doemnnriination of a noontatn of ean-aocl" o tiioroforo laid a big high t noald net hos-liod Cpon B' wa aay ia nanckunder the ta 1,00.0 feef. M-o 0 4, aaan ey cay hliotei Thes Sierra Navadan, of the Pi to o eait grow ta wo conts. iSiopo, boe ch ofolthis- grau confidence and pattono, bot at laagth after onfring Britfish Cotaniuia, bothgaveway. Thon ho gottho dont bave no vea-y higi pointe. The duOn . a dsclMae Nostansbihy nanding position of Mount St.1 swallow dif, anti tint wne tho.tant of ns neen froni the Panifia, hasÊ tint Bangtows. Tho yoatbfal Chris- a-tee te an oxaggorafecl otimata tophor diclat blievo ina maxinis ctito bigiht. Some carefani nienen an nnooh ane hfore, bt lhohada'Vt oufplace if taboniet .1,00 oo t. ail his ayar-fofth T. la California, instoati ofnie& Whou tuis bny wae a yens- aider haoniant-batng "doubtful," wè1 hoard it 9satd tint, "frufli wae nntghty n0wisg ta the onrgy of Profè]38 imnd muest pros-ait," and tfint a boy D. Whitney, Stafa Gaoiogist, aeý who alwnye epoka the. trhtb wouidcl arefat and more extended acfi eoreoly niake a greaft nnd gond man. high ninotain niononramntseu .Ho connnented tf0 feu theo rt-_ n e. aaoing fie rimaotanoos of the re day hagot bis fathors beof renafa- out than lmootanaywhiire ia thew and bnckod if oîîa.a tone, anti whaîî un lase if be ta the Alpo. Thoot fie, oldgost canne. homo' and anked flint no mnoonfain ranches theahi Who inhlanen bnilone tlint, Christo- of above 15,000tfoet, whtlà Monr pher Clambatespoke np nnd sid Bernadino te fur blow thict 'IIf wa s I , ti-1 aofched i yooa- ponko, vanhiag ta oaly 11000 oltiranor.' Mont ltanc ta the hîghaat EHan "You did, etc V' oneereti the nid penk, lit ifta also ahove anyn man aslielooed p ito i pachtain ia ile aUnited States by fa-en; "wal, l'il fix yoa eo80yen WO i t Th. erta onoaei ate navar Kotch another iacor for mae 1 hr i omatani h And ho cnt"_aibndding 1 mb and- States which risea above the baif 15,000 feet. fa Californin, abon dranoadtint boydcown antil fia yoiifh miles notiof wiere fha Contae stars. That ni 'hf Christophar Ce- cfcIntralh ai-- aa lombue dotas-linreaf nev*w fel thaetannaniagnifihant groop of. ponks tî-oth egata unIosby accident, and hihootbof which ta Houat Whi ai'. throngh lifo hae stiiak tb tha rese itnay posthly risea f fefoa laition, f at 15,000 feat aboya fie ea. 1Whou the lad avas twolvo yeaa-s old sni-souncleclby snn erons pan hae rond ita aliffla lioolchat 'bonesty fweea 11,ý000 and 14,500 Il ,wo fiheast policy." Haecidaf nmore hatght, ooinnsof whteli bons-theo tinot haîf boiteraif, bat ha, thoeghf of prominent attentif e mneas an boeditay. Ha aent t being honoot, Tyscdll, tissa, etc. Ia Colos-n Oncdny iesnithor sent hbu f0 the, a sertes of cnrly parnîlelsasg( fracas-y f0 bny aggs;, niaiBill Jones tlacsicintty &fatthe Mddle anti1 indccd hbu 10 3qaenader tho ,change Pars-a,,thorearns- a greant nany1 ta inte perchana i soda wafer. Wbos',swhich a-me 10 the viisity of"1 hae got bonne lits niothor askh bulor bat Froni Mount Lincolns( tho Iiffle balance, and Christopher ex- 14,000 feet alonse one nnny coant plaised; - oxteoa peak-reaching abOya ISpant if for soda, eh?" ohe a-a- feet, anti oves- Ofty seachisgî .pttcd. "MaHre yoor poor olti nother 13,000 foot. AiUOog theafIorm ta woakuîag l'iceoanslave, -and yena as-o ach. welt-leaown pooko -aso t aroosd swlisg eodn water! 1 tdont Gays, orysEvans, Piha's thiple yoou'Illwill any mos-a,. 1 oi't!-Thaé getpsneaesO o na Conneo ves- ny s-ght kseo." the, saine higlit that it is diffici And she agitnted titn isthea lait- sf010 sahichits the btghost. l'ii est nnaasor. Thiaf ntgb ns bofns-nocl wtll pr6hahly ho cars-ted, byY os htedowvny strnw bad, fie boy mace Havas-c, or Unconnpahgra e ep bts and fn hoaeety didaf pnay, f0 the soothiweot, ,vbtCh wa i andl liaqs-asolved tbceot the whola presoof esîtider ns hetng bhi wfald if ha conld. 14,000 and 14,500 feet btgh. S Wbh Chrtstdpher as an af a yens- Maay observations wvhidh older ha canna acrosthe injiincfioa nnade thto sommirare now IlBe kin t t tha poos-",MIe. diti not connpufed, and will sttie those know wbafher if wonld pnyý or not, tione. Moulut Ranos, ta Os-eg bof ha, set about if. ,Mo ekiew of a about 14,440 foot. 9oo f tfi poor wonnan wbs sadly' seedoti a Dow tah Mountainseranch 13,500 fac boninet; ant ieho took orer ia is othoras, Fremnat'eak aad the Grand' loaf Iiti a faw other thînge, inelnd- (Honnt Hnydosl. ia Wyomîag. tag bis fnfhos-' second pais- of bofo, tor-y,a-anio 13,500 foot;tbu bis poseNn Sosd4y shoossand so on. Hau Sieri5aNevoaada n ad ok' Mou woast. erouad feo.lipg vos-ey big-heas-tod fr0011 na r ally thaenînnaa .antil the lti gent wanted Lo go ta fhe pointe of oea- tesritesy-Tlic Ch lodga ose nighf, and thea if ýcannaCes-aes-. dnt. Gi away nnîy boocts, e-h " inqais-- A Germa playojean aamnia cdi the fathes-; Il ggeti yous- nothere conaonnptioannay bho uen-d byt habst bonnet off', eh? Welt, I don't jocfioa of iodine into flo longs8 fhtnk yoollrétemeos the poos- vars-yappose the lange are first takl manch, afteat-aigh t 1" - te aimen yips AnthopondtiCs-itaPos-Olsn-rocent nanibor of the iodon bus wifh a panp-inndla antil tho boy if'. wns sfated, "lThe Chais-ns fainfed nway, anti aven- thon did't ithon osdredti o repent pri lfool an if hoe md a ntiýlorongi job. The woa-ds italictaedo t.i shoulti 0f ~ ~ oa if.rend"port progres$." ' Thov fooedtie boy- onceanons-o Thonnas A. Pike, who han b, IEeHà hoa'dnrtcb mnasythat nons-y- fti afFt ortlandt, neyeraIdays,tfi bodiy obonîti "nnnalebey wiila fia Eniasdes- of bis wifo, lait wina e hdna." awiathr cna .arowisg bas- violently apoisa sainay dalele wont ont, feiok bin fafi- :asti bs-aeina blonti-vonelbhs IlIl-1denOoO 1the lam to convie,:teti of nnanslagiîo-. anti iteat tenniag bey. -ie rnke fi tescythe, eut cown fie talipa anti The tuontion É2'tsb anestabt hnekdbtisiesialas-in the: ieel, and hie a tategrapi lise fos-itself fa-onx ioQthea cameo ont asti lot i hnnns-osd ta ifo owa office ta London, ans by the hbais nd boancoi i un ntif hoelishea ites 6rrsopondoat'e lé .alnosot want inita a dcnine. They sornntimee seveaat olnnnasinle ncoinabambeenltfiOboyaftoithet. ais-evd b aesa Ho graw wiceat evey day of bis lifa, , The- fat al diseana whbinh s-o anti bofore bis eighteanth birthdey ns-- bs-aie ouf amnog the Angora go sirod ha whaghins- u ara HaAsie Mýinors- o ls-odykiillbed50 entid haedid I ar s- ehaklebos-ny of thesa. valuabla ,wonf-besg ;about if- ant i clati tot maing the niais., The woolocf the ,deaaf go .anuaa Fous-fi of Jnîy ovation. been abersi, howaa-er, ad t ava MQoAta. for saenadasa. Bellfitof 1ht .Cosonse as- aike ail fie and intialgo in a fontineen for f Chinae wao; a powefl e ounîtry. Oas--d sng fweoty-six dynstiies, 260 Kiags' ant E reors ia-a helti away inthf b CefiiEnnpirea. - The bloody waro 0of china hava e en inny int, nlike any ofies- nation bas oxtesclet anti prospea-etifront biag ronqaaeedasti aohdood.' Thoreae-ofseur Principal raanono for wint.appeara fie saonles--v fnl preas-vafion andtiprosoeaity of1 China f.os 4,000 yens-s. The fiasf ra-n- son fthentas-es- gave frtfila long nau-iteti es-a f senctsof fin Cii- nose pofoîîfnte o-es- fie Chises peo-t pIe tonssoetini the Sa-m helief cf. tiet înopaatoaasthat i Thie people helfava fiat a idat a-1 lilyNso-sheerythisg for thois- wel-8 le-. I'he Fmper-or- tsunivoroallyr spolecaof as fine.Son of Mea-an.r faa gooti deal te do ifh thie ta. hiify asti osity offiahea-nt countr-y.5 Aiaoong al rclnsses of fie 400,000,000s peoplethfe Ciel Magiata-ata was look-1 cd up f0 ns lithos-, in fat the leofa-t s-c- lcsasfly emas-kedthfiaposition cf fie Chinean Empas-os-te bis people ri-ed scet nof thoens-re 0cite ltIlle otti sromnasaho ll-ecl un a shoo ý antd lied oseniany ehldîea aie diti not caser sahnitfo do.'- of ilie Chihese combloati witli thela-r f liai piafy Nvs oangreat reanon whyi tiicy tooti ao walIfie dasfsoytnge hanot of ftnne with ifs eatatisgt sana-tnntipaisiagos. îInfnoonfayc aas reletIfr snpaa-ios- fogs tlan taChina, astinoaiepople hmd1 nttnchmnonlfor thantraditions Offthois-1 ntioan anti the poliey of theis- s-aless. .KO snooNATIONAL vains f cd n ga-nal ceaI f0do wifh Chinasc pasospeaify lla-ogh so mansy yoaî.i Inn teCliellaesa ail poopîto outeitie1 tacta- fOves-y la-naIns sa- ar e-arteanst Se sirons-' saas tfilofeeling ansoOin-f gaiticsi macle itselltinht Lordt i -ied ta sîlpulato exprosly tintt thne snne of -Iasbasin" shoulti nef hc appliedtef0nay bs-nabora Ilaglini- ii. Fs-onu fhiis-greaf philoaopepra Confuciuse donaef0efie naaneot pans- niile people ail congrafalate thon- setres f liaf they fbati boom fortunafo esongbhi î)have heen bora ta Chinan. Ti he bve fonr roasono fin lectus-or îlaought had vas-y mach ta do with flan -tabilify of fie, Chinoso renîni tha-u ongb50niny yens. The lectus-or î,axf ga-e is audience.a glitipce of reca On oIs-EfoEnSS AfN coaINSEn GnNTi.SNEN. The esenceofo a Cinanan's coco' .f politoaesO coniste in deinsing bum- nelf ns fats-as wOsts cena(de if, anti ex- a1f ing bis neigibor la -the sainne comfodily. For exaniple-: Insfeaci of sntgt t-nor on meetfing, Il plennant avoiaf sia," teChinese ex- qaisifo foegtns wttb Il -ay t aik chat te yoas-. voay bonornbloo en<?,-te whtth thie gentlennan replies, honor- able faiend, iny poa-syerts-cksainie je Snifb or Jonos," anfie nase niay be. "lon caaf Oloable bill doo yous- noaf aamiable - peroa-oa eside," I ticali,"re-plies tie efaango-, Ilin lathe rnan aonti Coateptible Valley Of Hnung Sn," This sainie extaavagauf niethodt of dasnryisng Self anti exltng your neigiioro psopasty, pereon ai-c vistuas axteadtef0 fia religions of fie landt asti bas beon fseqently fie iseans of tieciviaf lioreignieis ai tao fia atiniata fie Chiiaae pince apon Chaitiaity andtirs own systonis. Ica- instance, yon aik n Chinanian cahat religion sb ils, anti, toobtiasa. ho will roply, I"Mont honorableir, 1 bave the ouprenne aoavow foie6 fiefol- loewer of theo ancatandnt tibasiaf don- fsina of the-Confaniesu Cseeti,'! t the sanmelima-fgia-e hun tie chance, anti ie wtll extall the Christia n&itIa 10 the skias. Mnny othes- curions anti laugbable axaniples of wat Europe- ast wouldtri snpeitenelsa s-s nnc,. ra egivea. s-an ARTS AND SCEfNsCE&a bave foré a long pas-ldot f tmû flOar- iieti on Cb-noeQ oit -Totie ina-cnt- iv"baain of a Olinaan theic rl is-tt indebfédt-for ifSsmasiners coniplS8 >wbile bhens-t of prs-inig h10011 known t in e CGeétiFPre for tiouandtl yens-. In sndciie; Painli- nel"s in-- -it 1 1