Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1874, p. 4

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s - h~s ot;.~ uéi Pi2 4 à> 02 e0 0r- i.m Nztraordhzary B ARGÂIIN g oCnts per IL 's j extra choîce selection of that celebrated Sherbrook and Almonte Tw*e ed a #,,q« largoAumotnttof Z.n1at mad Stc Ic1oths & Twcoe&s! ALL' OF' TUE LATEST PATTERNS AND STYLES! 'a t- 'CT a on o O Don't fail to see therri1 4. 'e 18S'tnil EËù FURNITURE!GERTO7 Und«n.rtksa,&0, IUaBE N.i-, splmm dhli moeim Nd Omma»od&a MAN STREET, MILTON, Gt dvm~vlii 'i "' be..W. hmr. d.mld.d *0 lvY MJCc«mmet . merld ouI Oh i. ond m VOdou'* - it yli M eol eiedout hur«, " .Ouidm 14 i.te hp ..p m U de ie h ~,w rGoodaj p prait Çot*os Table Linons, Hoflada, Raba and Caps, (3Toceriea, Crockéry, Hardware, &c. Boots à Shoes, <Extra value.y A LAM0E A50RTMElf r o WALL PAP19R Constantly on hand. M K N~K~ ~ nues ununsu.rye.paiame vsso ho Oe I Om= = ritb heu tStyle., and at Che »B Y GOlr1 -.- . -J_. tlndertakiing i Sp&>letMd prompt fr se;l. te A"d atH olhvremqnltleumand aeM&mot.l A First-Class Hearse for Hire ORDEIRED CLOTHING. Is Ordelee l Ctin hiseby ofmer gmter indammenole huneove..  A ImSCocke et Rernlp Made (fhring, Cosmlly un bmd. wîbh ieb .e utd .ery eheop. BARBER BROTHERS, 3pri~ ~i'ia1sof New Gjood.. BEWS, HALCBO & CO, th" -aYeaummd.pmmd u"mm goulag W"vhal 11 vet il'a h lim. Our leading departments are the following: FÂNCY DRM G<COD5T IIILLIIrEET. Peimi. andCotemi. BIh. mmnd Lue., Mûebrdmehmr. ttibhusi and Jiees Heel.ry and 01"014 kten &umd .ileuli. Sbasa'v.m Parasos. Lâces & moitiecuommi Table Lioe and Te'vs.Dam.iho amd Corpte. Our&dvle.te the Indieinese muMrsetéck toflttleY butors porchwelg. an v. hure seeured th, e eces a f flelea. tIMor. andmon abete Ce ure ouni Mittlo. elani amy houe.inte D noino, and et 55medsolprices, And. Gentlemten, tor ordod or reslad.edotlimv o emo es h irpud, me vo sepiey atfrst-emtn uter, and put tbe beutvos-h and Isimmineoau oit oieg amutm- tred byun 'W. guaraelàmond filtoey lime. NO FIT NO SALE. Speelet allomspaid te Ibm gmttingup c e nt.Btaeh Dom.ulti, N. B-W, oboit ,eulioum le corvyce buste,. et 1h. Sous, sirtootpiro as terme.ty, vbteb mon. mns-bsng mil goodo aI lb. teveot prie. pnmlbtm-nahm me eeenud prine -Su. prie. tor nlt-uel ebiage nom pe.enohlgber Chou mmenbr. By deisg env. bepc Cc elsil terehor ivieronant mereomene beoesm, vioc bai booo entiofnetary Cte. .ud 'v.. lhiobtc.rori-ee. Chat hie pucm.ugs900àes-m go. ss e nt. srerybne oditUieel unr .Oo.b. TUE EMPORIUM. GUOIC(ETO)WN. GRANT, TEONESON& P. SP-À, immmu e toeh e Gt.ede mdcy' Rate ouiCsp rmteved sein £iobuhtytsi. CClom md U wsttbuvlb.m. CHABGES OEIT. -____ ___ Milton, Jnee25t, 17.' 52.îy ST* ANNES F1ouring K 1 1 T SBSRIEX REGS TO IN- have the publie Ihatthaoya emille. hav been uten h repaiandoam PZlST-cLGÂB RU1iNINCG MRR Partie.!.., atetion pid te Plour ' Crn iteel, Choip Corn, .nOn/or Sale. 1 JAMES SCOIT, IF Neh.,m, Apri41. od i Farm for Sale. 1TÇ T RAÂT VËRÏ~ DESIRAilLE PAttU tpreperti-, miCae inthe TOWNSHIP e NA83fCAWEYA CeCon i Haito, Ont., M."e seiue.ie ri ehd ne beieg eSepemum 12, ntIlihe th Coneseont ,.taieieo by - oTlsuenoCeso,floreore or le". Oln Let N.12, inte h o e.. hre aret-e i ubtanîlal aoe.doethue hooses'n nes hne.. The. ctlbuJlbbop s P R I N C baaophn. rnoeees., ni temtraei ebnata-af i iageedr Th.oo an. sienoo his l to eaon- epesl, itb ilces .cm ruI.oCehei tlb taof et ufvt n. it Iee ieli .teod etity ef the si onu o e rpe.se-ese in tearoie- Th.nàe&beututacreeoftht. cotier cli. oatien, h. unience hog Weil l fnod ot beeb. enpl,, eder. A&-.fl'heEt LotNe. 12. inth Ch.d. conuneWoi,bleuina sate oi 1ee .eloti Oelit torii ooo- .M. ide rams e uoe, eodeaeltae.and etale. For Wb sLqptty oni ont. &0,,it le .qu.beotbelot.la htproertyvtths b qui in btunc'e .pamly te n sui bammcu. Eas tomic paotet a tebem,-thb .1me cd c =mmuetmm rhmett imtolbupeleth e undereme. Co 11,Ont. b- P.iry! DAVID CAEGILL auC2stl;tionen ebCréit y TeuWe MO'-na,21aunles ; mdtusulbs C o;n NsePOY1sv'ailJue th. 874. . 4.tt UO itm+a Wool Wabte SARRIVAIS AT TI GREAT BA}1RGATNS- Willbqsnp lnopsrtteGeto CaO4 and go mi lls.ard Ut»M il miZelow a, BoudAI m/die.Bso Ord.r.d d a4 I.adynMuoimj, beforeýe" uorder yourl V' Og*eXgk SprIig Suit 1I UAIIBU8 JEOS., Joumimi. lAid, - mdl Aptoultural Mutual Aamtr. ance Aisociation of Ca~da, MITIE'WEAII1 ig.soI~ oeuapoumedetby detbtti., ,,or1o state of tie smuete... eleg frer frtmAlcoieol, ina acoyforja,is, en.rgttvg tifects are "et fot- loweel by torrmpoesding reto- #"onbut are Jeermeanentpi, mue. and butlsdng uop au L'on Conu- Z'ioooaae.ol have been cioaoge<C ty bthe use of tids reedcy, front I ee'eeoicikty, seffreeskoreez. tare to ttroeng, keioty, an jlappu i en andti rone; ande dnvo2iolm ogenenecireeesc»abtyioes- iae tto give t a ontrial. 8Se tiaeaehnAbotte bas PERIJ- VIAN SYItUP btoeo', in tie ass.. «.P. DLVSMO1IE, Pieeprtttor,.- Kmo. U D2EY ST, mNEW x. nmcs y inrgaetogeOeuy. Are luti eceipt of a choice assortment of >e nprieg LIandSummeir- Geods, 1te Comprîsing ail the leading and most jfr. J. Walker'n Calltbrela Vin egar Bitters are a purciy .Vcgotahti - preparatien, mado ohtofly fron> thten te irrn Nevade meuntaine ef Cabifex. madeup i stlesthatforare extracted tberolrom wtthout tht usI Clothing md pensyes ht o fAitoohel. The questien iîatini dailyaâed. 'What ie bbc'ceof bhý * te N , , " NUS nparauitieduce ooatf VINEG.ÂîBT 'rERs 1 Our anawcr 18, hat bhey t'oet ELE O~.CE A.~D C P&~ib~'!the danseeofdisuse, and the patentbte coves bi belth.The arethegronl Canno be urpased n theCouny. bood urifer ndaiifc.giving principbej Coutîtya erf ed nov~rand br and Iit'igorti ofet bc yetpn. Nover hefere ic tb t k btotey ef thte rti boon neditie h'rf OÇ onpeuaiei ponnesieg hreikal Caliland Inspect the-itr.ý SIIIA&ITRsi eln h * uottsmset eeelBrre m eni a.Tej Milton, April, 1874. 4 -.,onvit PCeo.urcotivo e sweiias om ii rai tel oe r. Ifbadne s thm eea Vaeeat Organein 1tifiie T etlrpertle9 ef DR. WALKE1R ESTATE 0F THE LATE MILTON VTezAR EPsan Tc peet. Diaepitretie Carminative, Netot 'eee.Laxativc e, retie EDWARD EMERSON ORR. STA UBRN .NFAUY .enndcti-Biioe Air se. se. lus-ODO',IALDa CO .. Deeetao eilse Age.itnseehe'e.Coffesi in oee. ïC o a.etRtIn, get- an, emsi, wb dieoner&bount he TJFF & BELL tavtog perchourd l.Cidtbdey Ofnile. ine yenetof- -ozr1t.orsedt hbend sud.rthe above etablihmenthoeg eta foe, ce ei-orbeon h. IWEN. bîimte tth.opebhel eeail i 5,'e TbETICDAY lOF AUGtTST, A.D. 1874,ta anurpaied Cetait e U rieu r ic Trii v îis stfiCbyvtpas ituWeJon DewSelest.; torjte Or, ee.cutix oethe lt ii aand Lumbnr, Slttugîns, Latb, Boantlitg GEORUETOWN, mmd Te..ltenslcfthe iaedtate Edward Emer. sesCIr. Cbsfr Cbritm mmd Msssomes, sel- dc...mm d deerptiese Cf un 'utars ANBILTUF e hir elslse, mmd Che nature. o theACIBIL ScJO rii i nibeti by thon., aed immdiately atc motietb dnj et AugustCneme eeisi th anseutei in sie t libeyt is-Ibu i= AUl.etboand ien. Pianiegdota re thbmeofthee fftdte ,amng esion the sberteeC aoC!.,, andee onnahm,,i, ptollenCttedCh=.i c aotsnteoereoe oly t t bcw lheSÜDelmof whiot ellfe. oh4itbave beaeunas tucoisbed ta h. sueculoix ne ab.onqeioned and t e ecutsue 'vite ont b. Hiablth'tbeESINE GT &bMOlrsy amteele bs.ete any persne DUFF & BELL. T eUDESIND EGT etc"ntc " cha b., r. Ch. ishbieane ts. alttis, We- oioed hy beraIt thellme u of m ' lttty ieeton and Peothet he bae perehaset DmledChà isth dayof Jus% LD.,1874. MOakvWaka..lle M illi oninu t - JO)HN DEWAE, neasHeaddstee. feobtlesee 50-t I Selciter o Xecctr1. and i n'vthscsg s thse ifarîn Lin, NOTIC . 0F nznntedin thenbe8tsetm. Grai-el NTOTICE 18 HEEEBY GIVEN hat e . o in.r h at on. lneb ed rdgput epuri.bdb trucs th tst oolisiallnesa i. mo iutbu os sCs heeCeCe. enp'nie -M Ohbc 'J qhta n om~ l eeo'"9-.o=s.o anmd noue but itst-etsse vrben ept. - Ote$io 09slepeilHENRY J. GalE, eeys.1Ws.,ONTuHENrY IL, SPIEItS et tIm eGeoeteu tfarebmCh. 1813. lt-1 im.ammt W 15Lh INSTAINTJ CO A. IL tJOems.c-Drug Store, by ýa. XtLA~torLn 1874. À dutlLsatue prôned ma"hto.ry RUBNE, rpit Hais evwbeu. otrodue.d' . w-el 9 Alakm sMd!vsied asoertsnet. Bey" wo as .kdeBRUGS CREIcWt, & BTS STUFFS, Cashfo:r-WoO rige-cem w ric JC sposved andepened ot;OmI et ot IBPNPTZ2'UDB and DBSgPA2Y7K.COCHIINEAL, MADDER, »Â rire. Dri~En, o pr"tMm adlissm Mt»17 Ufflls G~RIsTI~ o- Douse. th.dmpfrem~ '!êU4Ies.a~q ~aw~ L IMAN. ~ j 't. Aafis. DIrs. Cryitalmo Oem. Brmsbme, batt usdiertmtY. .4r QUBLPH FRICS& JAR nuIs av mmt4bthi ~P112t ¶1 1 91 44-âm. streetsville. ic tih, kONE ! oe rqueeîZa. 00 oyebnMd godwi... Sletorm Anl iruth whe'e d-., f. rititmeoik" tal mYP'" sithno Ieei, f- I dte My eolf T.' T me burn itt, .tlbe y etf ' T t hoene bfIghte.i-'.' .hyteer. t' f..in Ilee@ tohy irt bloome tikt .t,.. f kBeel et thyt.i- Ib, thepra>i..'T ' m»ine hný,ra '1b eo -e! . ie o ne ! niy phiglt.' .T.' tor ny-lot'.r Tf IgUST AND FAITH bet ie -t~.1- bearts and ii t iglit te t' 1 , utesith ltofe .1 Ih II ai d stet.t :. j It juooot l. lii ie tuilla ,. BTednet t h f e.T f tsotok'. 'ft .. k bOT. thuo. fhfl.i hOdT'p ht. ' theCreelo h nd Iol"itgti. .TtT.1:' [s gouei, ii. f.'- eonfthader. f i s'1 casme ItITT oboat paTTuce-.f ho rehtoellov af. nlaf, ex(Cot'f f uý iertd ttl. 'liT zed ied. I WT t Ti, ia o (j le Ouita .1. .TT' Wtoqt liote ,ie; I etrty . ITe tnobth i itft l ,b t1 frdy N' h T woef Th.11 Bn ae, tinie bTffrthe T'ft d n wh hagiTTdfti holiTf move dilie hedwi id TiT os f , and retire hoiqoeIliy reristTTfur cd ilotui ked ow biTe f$TTTt. ptayiebo i.-I TVkfT ftho etaiTfTt wT ni hT t i 1 on ni-e binroatede" ]Rs heto gaze tha hol .Tailors, .1ýlüton,

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