ra OUTE SAIO staGu U7E rmë>1 FOR GOROUTWU SeTROU Lgoft~t ert 8'maoo FOR HAM!LTOi.-IARTO 00107 mtlug At Rh.T Great Western Railw-' CîaomI Lea'o . ".îRWNJ Èze~hIR Sta, ot xrm 26 p rm and a l arge, nusesO n TIheu G ilr OU eoph Foig T E 335r *.t.oulioetemeb&oo ubmetooIssm i-od Miord -10 t e. oiteocyandte roiooo ot Oeaulrt . CAoLOO.No15.Màomut 1toMNC rot . b. m l rmg tow g 00qm 1 3 c m th-h p ViOWfth'c0nioL~îî00î000 Throdyorotooooloîruf.tjm0m idIeEOOUoootre.. D Chhoh ~ 0d uS~Rtoofdritkocab'St.L OIoLIT M Po5ugbty ooret Aopoitora ....:...... lï;PM elin t o l t w o h e reflsto i -, oalem o Eg.Ohorbeorolalmootàg sIlOBatIp". ....1-l .s rndr, bli oîo Rse hv ao Hoo Loo. o ë,MlOo tot oovr ReniR o ,*ae thcmmdaton....'a ll &bve Rh& m IVasforni se* tiitOSR 1 t - .0ae et5.58n.Ny P.Moo. "eeeOO T hitgoyfe, B" . o ý g urwooi g poico agoomtlmoot tshehore CON U." ebh aaeko 120, Ki thee, mos beote d iat Chouthat oios,, lett ow-tracts-C MPEL.VoO Ttoo picTHEoROLLn oroOohel Officro. Wneor 104 the = ', ., P--. press . ...................... 8.0 10X W»Rwo.leri edx 10aIss IW O1en .j7m-AJ.Le . ....O.....A....I.4 ..-T; Drooy." 1e.Atro.,, noco o-theo te jin Witbo dto antoor asJRNtIS Sy t mat rro.yO ittcba e be u d. T e - * oC. bre o gtotb d bo te fr he fr!O 2iy od bi B S t)l , tý4 0 . , Y h T. . ary n ealevrycM- a.ise l othb o t o ddee weofie l M enbb i goorin g .m le jooru th ... .... ........ 7-50 P. M. 'b .ýe~~~~~rigb stt e cy i he P o into O t r o n o .pj L n a N 3 .of h . n tC hi 00 0 0 lert aooti loussooo o no o is a " t o f dot \Vo aroa U LIL T - leeootoofoooot-'egcoedetgt Lo:tapaîN:tons a, m, xxxg nor M e ünrZ.(aday b'IOek.full ontr dfle @ fOM:ooan tl atrainor&foOlibis- - a isro n . 1 e . J ti r, 1 .M h o. W . Cm s i o e 4 .. O .S ' L é O i E . I T E V 80 cBrotthe rorl&tobertthon, BUttoyerNof Mil. No.,î1t, Btleintt naài-P.,ete f"metoe10soed uaeiLElIveroÏ W loti. Mo.e ontWad.esfaG etiobOutordbDr.rfrthtoe tho a. Ib fth ie toab i;toef in nnOf lAxroud te do let anBrut mo i og pbotoro wo tolord13.3. hihot M.of crîena, ota noo o rioc fuflr l aio Pt.Ni-tîî . ffromtDof tti-lput ort t rco mo stiVrd bjotoo = nei osotfld ooaproad Býuotos our d b otao H awin r.. îto gooco cf lit day, otoco ood. tio ittitoto Conopooe fooast.chvateiIOtOio W leSalv-t botbrer.prospects craro. Aseliiseztottol loo lionof ooo proootcoo. , Oqsost TeOmeoj.,of S r o f ithCr.1ooo=t ealY O neb rorr caey grot e laion S.Coob I. 0of Bases.thoo h alote. Theliro, &. AsaTso ciaton ie deo oge uthto .R L L C D IN notol of tr rtTo nhp « Trfl a " "., et o u e adO au S lor f r nit e o Port, e ,ao thosaloof o of it cloue& àbo liiobtinbt es vhv MnTNLD p.Nor, i t '. - (1t oili paigert'o orotu 0 e h otfvu-beOrultOO gav a 00IooIopLnpDGte lNo.îot128,îl Ibttotton .eo-oot'l.n îtoo s Mz e n . oosl ltt quesoltio ,oagoboOc. il s. o ou nottnttoo,.tOtode T h p e - li i C i s l o m * G o v r e u O eA t M e ntoev . c l o e e tato- ,' o o o . l tt e e d , of t e o lA t t h e o o to t m e e t i g o f t e a o m mttl ed TA L I I S O I W aioretbo n F oot-otototo 0 a00 it~b c b l T hett o. int000b!-oot o TownsbLE Li leiNo 30wOill e.elee Gte!1o Ienoect- a-trot e lt oottuogOloina roltoetitct e TT Wtt l0ttttt e. t tfooroodo rooa Men, aPaolforylqotrl oot o Atthe lono oood c forntliad.- W 1t ho p0-alaraet T htndtotpy 0 t4 a ey usat o 00 hi otolc oit ro ifibt e 2tosîtool ake ioute titat Voer w i oot o' ro c oilItedaton lic Sat ute-île I ciculeroto o o tooppeoofrtîrng fottyy.&tiofioloiîtoîI0me-tote ott llty îlotB ooks.0T he oincor00y of the men of rproeooîooooboctl.itgolot-t e octoeiit 3- Btîtcl -- îo-ttto ooo .îohemitsci ednwihds oI todaîrOo oto ouocl t a rook too ith untin unOotrlbateffaret 00itail socoo.osotr ito Il-ot totot oviti ho nlorrrrd loy litron Itecoon t nd tring iss londty pc nt t he itao 0030 qoototer itittrnt 6Iehîcm o a ur Piiort. muictltoouthe ticoria, r oo'e.oo l o Mu,-rrayoco lotoototo. pafhattee W.lo00. ut e 0onlt. ad atl iteoroomûrob'yan oltoteto, b ofen. PYM o nld , vlit e p o tig o t t e sp i ngo- .ioo to i t n C m a n s a ethec o in__il_'a a - - - - fie e .of i tt" e ",tfO, a 0 i o o l o o s 0 io r e .î toIn 'l t C o uO . oo a .o a o t s r , l a oIVouttcabdrilotyssilit t tha * lthe0000,0. JO tt itttolo -.td rou1.1. s ' d of Le t.oîtor b loto it iti NE *VERTt'oentlyri it s ole cindoitot i lu hocire yo l -uno tboor, ita o iSotueoy . an e maoooooe-oo-i'rttn]-c titec arw sOcp d ois.tx 0 ton a00000 otditgn aut;oroty, iil B J o Bts-Cabinet Bre a i sn. 00 00 O t e v a 'J . itl ,Ar.io W. &0 on lotlp rud tIt.ttit i3 lontit e e a oloto PTRONAG E O E P LI I fl cBi r e u w r n M o d v T o p o o s .Co k.ityd i or o ti o Io no 00ed is p rob- vuBJE o U P., the-tuesd.of eiHocco, oddcraecd titte ittltu oCompanycfr tîtoh fboctIborevototial_____________ tra nsi i st o f t ets ltO O D r . F r e vvx:i n F . B .,ttureoito o tn-,itto o isor tite) îte sopt arau ns trerlre ,de-nhtizi-nthetre0u01 o0 o n t, b u si-t1 c 0edvey ei ulfoore eared i. y& iCttttct cde i fleDofrlSledrthConti c ert n00tfeor inVtheae nticuti drnks C oo totopnnng tof ilto n, W. C .too oo to lloat tlo-,S c. of f ic nd 10a r o t-n' st r c ri It to s c- pootnoolteoolulooolttapgre ts ce ss.of to-outd i t oir plot aceso fttrotly 0 d0 co000f rce, î ou nototAgrieultulocty, 00ri0071 iof.oSortspeheoeCoale 1u0 ad7 r mnt ..Snoga lwewudecial atsn.W ol 000 ie lesevd i cu trsufl!T heO ' a ilrofte'ommy olit petooomtonofooo ter t r u ail thooe a. ecaue oc I elytoIla tricorerésentaties ofl tebeaoo o reoo ov .wtr toof 000t1n812).erotoo -ti oriobMservontpeoool nmterOtfti tl t iototoo ta ob f . otocio-Oyttolco-t loottool tctt toto loor itot tott-,aACui IIinfOlitedt, lion tlit-ir art iVal. a clean T o wnship tteOktîwtoloottaotGîl ot Ttooooote loopt o he ot alongthe t are 00.. O e wiâ bc polttcoadohapptto a thatyietisi to ifolite c o t e thrbat o erttd:ps on I l:-orncoho ptm n ytb- n 0 c b llt '0 0 tict utot bte atooe oft'tta 001 i a io cdt 1 or - l ftt301 g ota lo ooo a o e nlic. 'vi o i t ebtoroan.ofit t ro -hJeoLuHt ona . riie l, a oit ad vteo ý vsetr fumo tol ho no-lo t l lotthtetocclietoe 1"1lIl el ofto îtrbit î i i!e i ls a p u pt a it-r ctn .Be oity ithd es-'o Droilt typ tio ert ieuott rOto îlo t u repkoiraP.LM.co te o toryb, ar be lto otd o ob.iitt oonîott00. o le t flint t to ct i ot'uî i ttongoiltebtofl oo,-g&7 io ttooe out i nte te oti n I I fr ii.bac fth beios.w entv bloottoto lîto W, o y -ngto klato od ut tt, stessi01 botl o oott oioc ooit! be cririot1 iot Me i lttoaio S O 2 eeot titeto HilitnJey 'u ft 187aig nt wr 'n sh re tteth nay beloaitbinssinloboo itaibtatlitooogioeoagothei rpox of plese toiclo oinotereeoioettnd atod reritds b rl-lclt Spoobol aioe tb- 3 arcrfeeod moe ooonro hotroge boto bienoyOtr i tnd ti it ltat-0o0Moli- olf.Voioto ttod liotticott offoe tepld esl tli ttgiocad d froto t obto'oor t4eol tiag bt toot delot oootol otroooigbotttasout ur. Joo l it . 7,ai 10 îlo inopoord toic ttootutoton. Het Ou tIt titttttttdt ~ Oi. Atiuocotmalle totota. ltorrodobco etl nreto1gnerigeoooIttohe 7itltd 1Witteooiooydi Lodooy'7ltTHEt.PFRBTRI bte aito po-boibiton ooeo u ol dc O n t â ti r , et P arlo oflr.I ,i lInoo t j icei s o ruii t( ic rto 0pubti crto Opinioton IVis to. of lieoclesoaoo ,adtl oe 'n aî tuîdo og a rid e otrote oeIc il rloicny tol Itloi octob: oo a , Hto OOUM ML oe m t) Yamai lt i&oo 1 Ifl g-botte ite s rnoorel tie tîo sen tttin rt oiBrca c& rindsay lu on.cai o e il nto s Ev-b te aNo 183 it t t e ieors- t h jonta iete ucitu- o lt Ifoto Oils 0- igi lledri lo ueolig on od rus i tits f .lic oa&Lîuiuollîla rrlli beii une crred uob e ired o t. L oies prong ie lio asI lcao thonJuvelah,184 I>.Bllug olto .c .i ls riand obcoreot li e (II r t . L OK T .-ic .sI . A Loyoon il e at oloed.xtbotautiersiDutel %%nba to IItition o nc on elbis nott i oiao%-tr oing lt m t te n pet-ons1i a rize aDvtttttti <- t ie oct elo okionrp. . . Theou Rmao ieo lo a loessec pte u"w1 u t'lo i botty ofHbea olooloapparu tcîlo late poer looi O Il Clitootai ot.P..cou hopr C ot n iot a ndooc ottrnlato t hortite fritc-*er Boteror di LodsC. 11 un.u at tIl t;gto oifnpoiy t 1ie i onlo,for i nbe t er ln . oed ori-bt e ittnnoctto 1c.itettxo ttio ocisi.irid T A W I T~ hns uti o ttWas hualieo on. Pnt ae oe ltogotyt o- lito atî 13o0,aiF. ulrcooynd gi ln ic etîo M i liea. joneneti le bits lOtttonst.k logic. an itra sot rl o cîtu,1 I n t e e a uso un) litaui neyeripopie pe . Voc aor cOn yM & e iuy arc 'eere Seîoo t-a tl oc il) raît, po),adtirnerctxp ilent ae roioo -..l bi to s cpdyp rne dcriteOli e rnm u st Ne lii g itoitiee aofietNo t tngatweya. Foui olirul ov r oitoa E S O N EaCE . iRs . -an u a O ai nb'o su pe a t ]s leitec o yl itgeO C an i if l slia s bw ilsnover nny ooorr pint of loto ooonîy aremhov poosiito Ot lio creso ecno co eeeo pt~l t vioab odm nimt oib iobtg îirdulmoeo rio Im t Wod al uw d o i o le l o asonct O lcletiol.lottl Lton las s'Io able w 3jorovitoa, v l 1 unbOr titoî l , i luiinty u o heya on otIei. Srtoiroplsolo o To1etor of île Ctazotpt the itn-i bo Bswl;ih tool. thess Ic oMn ballet dain ..wa w~lu ~ - m snc h looîd b rtrombe anytieg a mac inopuvvils: moefnthe TownSt shiphaLe nean ed to t tOm Lita.,check, Mosutillmber oc% ilenit pr eviafiheen Raonl o nd 'eO11Ls t he von t ht m lvtr, orsud Iongîn t, t e o811itr ,hit e mbon l e s pons ore fh o l r lisTh o w ynshl o e c telltl le tc '20 to st. th o facto a - o ~ T L P' %iI Ii cn ue llt m'ln I lsbory ii l Oavi t it 2i nech os oe onoetres te orl ni elgon ttectsutt0i Tcm uthobis etotbo ttoa corli sa, anre o la a tt nadrlitiuo - ta o ngeo n. c rr, a . nto of oýIt sls l 1o fi,;amtmentiy. eactt.e m lYtla ile y0.-1 n1' II I h Tan lituil draoa anteotsa 1 anoarîtylo Lidoey'oelMtiti.iTite iaoeigio1aseshoof ooicisaeioa aI îîaîsooo--Oo h. Itot.Let.. o inits-ot Mo a volemovynu gods or ash sud gae merW tso tsaligitli f teolen JoaHaNoitt. bo,, i. etSO . oie iu ott at igataiu e ssa i eo o ltio - v eifnaono i r l do ei aca 2 20 pet'ce t, oF .Berlty & L-- - bnclx-ittea m ypo t snte otrt t ir eorgo, olP._M . _M cx _% _ _Se _tory. m n t Prlie ne e a rre o th eol m o f ort p i it s inanci i à posoltua et an d a, te Dnter en - r to e ot r ot n en tof ath b i onloe r t s . et& int se coar n d i tnaun 3 d 8 eliete tombeRa bine olgito oafilr otreota thanh el lite courehehaitoin ctofltfatconcessioooN. D.dS.copiotmsoalbthon' 11u3o atiet h oii oo n Man theCandian r vei f nuoo, as a Hr ve rkDoigon lb. aitroiui c receiv b oit po' tsOhiei arbieIl ofand ereiu Ico.1.BhOlOoMlo.oo colabeig sis tae t a tehallnee 10 hnil notenlia le expa e li e O uieo ti noe IVthe fi uyies a o tre , man flt ethu 'r.7 a tsdo n o vchlolo the su rotiv eo thu aiei da r sal. e ta thenayth eniSpek;and leraholb s cdnst d Ovliteocotliabak C hi m ee foritt oIvaSroe rd 101ty vollarb aid Robrt Harisi, I-j17, l heoico hyaed he doosbtge oe hisupty Io %%itictsiny e larIoepoi e wia e ai t4enbitese hLoweugthebapncemlydu e io tea c loosMNEW dnvETil, E te te iprovd snis of oeln,,in oocnl t ry Ctanade. fvausanin to lia rogtoit liA td~om i tt f5 ennltsPof t1 the) forl iofinlta b ig h n lotst5 &I7i .Baely&Icda'ellu. O H iss the lseproeiti oerm al noîuo m onr etodit ci!,aoî a ande-stsidtino lonnrs fnresoî ta aoe viii nI .dc ltiett tsntog E U lento to Ghiffli, ontevre'yolsell£:elR untIle t e iulyIlate , Mroa tsit 106fer ove ygli t hoaRDn*c.o' dsnw i da vrd iatg a tis Bla C t anadvcoutlarnî cf H er. o gitt e is u baon wit o nsdeqsees 1e ieeod oettotlBidosnoftt ota to r F Bacly &L ./. PMilon verenet epeeias aa >anlProvareacceal o lit coroapnrosef fne ou ilocoyvitoaToelteeotngIt eo gealiee soce $10)th s vertavsc yeac . P1 uLN C I fo hiro ts t e Te oe t urm t ' i eb l lsen tm ot tht ere ac epier- folo raart ood olte ) . n seeha i b ui g let. abrdg- - the W VVmMle - - k d vr ttraC ali ignntiae îruc l b t bac ei litere aie lepect fornvitem eio s sinsN D .- uridcoo Gsct LLF B cay&LiiWj iie ll tiees zocen ettdooin t eo g o , tlottnn orel loolt t ond 0 hr b a ol ehait ow, . Mittea, Jonc R d to v d fl it n dtheRssono f tisqueton, and le. uielo ep eaei ta reoatedcatitoIlb.Tiete o ct t t0 in OOtao , t a. MoR1Nl laEFeBofPIC.NIC -.çoO193WITM devFelton te Lti tise, Mlso.faironioneliglise tatn onlny A adis A r ntltlbutS nt eestba Raiid t eia ti ona fsud c flos e in exise lo talo el siarsoy fie s fon t re is are hop sioal toos liqeon oeanoot via. a .w oe ne pi et t F a ca pellin the utlaw nd c4areil the w4ole eul an bodydestryinz tutt(droS. hsPie M.-AS.nWtfSellat. beyl attclied L7loosa.v', Mi. (ivra nou tloooftlit he pbO. n a n sonn pieTn ao ain ty~ ,?~ coU î obogot DsaS :Ate et xr~su ariofs rove1L_ lt thoa ,osIo-nie wieillt Ilsie Ron. tum ooan 1fileaI c am ukair o eL aeu e t i Iot io G ns teu.nt h I n arrti fRicel o lte i alte balnet bol THEtR ta , tle t lho stoll Gl to bot gr Wmsxnt aeiD oo eb-A 05of Nel o tn oarsla.d t Oh. Oo L b, adosteeti Dominion00 It lit;Inter. Treutystoiatp. . h.dP.uZhim010f,.ae bounfosthe balancetetfStreoeioelteintinhe oelsest.ofottc Ssobboa, ani o otastuaI'Aenm 1ne bo outemeq .B . _aaa Uaa to DL,184 fotiid ithhi eRon eccnnt ofli oe O l l i sy,inul ra itro utif a D.13h Gbcbo M.P. w l . o o is 110k Euutfr lis:f M iedfr lep.Br lay & â a cu. tM whcourse vinhs hltem. Tibutans'lr4s sit hidrn ase heRe.hiila 1 f h s wlili.Clli Ilre to aioqiaca tthegd t o i tea -O OR i n Ciuei" n ý,8t a t Ii. C ed ot Mlty o , d e .G. 3 oN iinil aj u ndt oto so d yC A P O Triy antipa tlin o lad p art ir lilinRi dfWaenarr ootcato ly1h.. lthera91i se y i 2 'Ue cl P.M.OHE )luetltai rt a teote tot- easad100 sez Cotogouinvitano ddsn t sh selstaaCutofi misSRt elso bondls..pireytoferuc zwuqq .u1 oa4bybusns, WCR siRpotcr it10 î h ave g eatlcm niaeîanly day faoth Spe.cant puarob. 0< TweedndI .clU Eoth l) e ose m a rt dsosdof u r r o a ppal ndb -Wal c nIùe t sV tieà P" datiuh io foetale hergotte a inaceh atintflg 5 origin a l 1tl amao F arly& iicOt'a i ton e rn ed ota he29 n sgt. i acasefr ro11 .00.nIeÉtt he" ,yarIt u o n oul hle mus ps lp et Toa, oix esWee ig F arla ad iidsay', g luu t -,0srv Iite i to Cv n inc reased pr otetntu sort le ud~~m loi bt el ilitd oce uh .gond prospects BoLe iaonu aappy revetnue Mo. OU %ntba4.ygOurop11 iI.sthheov a s ll s o s o r a a r ti b , a a n . oeo h 'Il e - --h . of o th ec ad f"P ia aYitwil evr nY piith oinon o cr oms ll. - atmb Mltncia auc Largest and eest ýwASSORTED STOCIKSI General Goode na L te-ai Which will be sold at pRicepsm - t and on tnrms that wil Tm. A ourpassamaything in F.er: the County Monis, Tuesd For Thir t1 ddon Cash and PF..tyltoC Ciin .0t Sj UN E.c Stady yquortumeso Mdolgo 10 IIAWKTNîs & LITiL 'E. e for 5iJ&. ý of LMB if e.HO Sooy NEa.. Rmto a rdu,, tfS, I -OmTI 9 oot JIsteiod te Ondin. >ERATE. MITCHELIL, I 174. e-st LtC SCROOL toittata of Cadidatos for foo CîasotCertbiateu. Iui b, beiti ID. V.) lu oh. ill, MILTON, EINCINO O.1 .Tly, - M 1;30 P. IL adMs,. scdo st July,,at 9 A. B, itno Conoiurtlen o Celh. [Y 27, at 1:30 P.M. ait 00,0 olsstui a pi- 0o"t hotoOl tpc. Ti1IXltRE '24TIOF ltetbn t.,ltrealnt h.tn- otootot-hn tiec ta te W. anenoii d eStli- cter. reqoirool bp the pro- I3tEltT LITTLE.j PoicO !ot70tlus And-spend your bard 02111630 doUÙs to advaxtage, atîd whern 7011 cRU get ail your , wants supplied uttisf&CtOTi 7n lteri Diass - i--o o- lai F Thueaalp 001 B obulto ntho Teu JELT 41h, 1874b Due Prim 8o S o l4lflI PfombeîOtIO roohetsismttodo 010 CIL -~ Ao.soss. t. eot toohots, 50 olsem haorni prlD boIta t S~ettIq Iii Sa ~r&stsSto Turelve e Toresty.S~ttet~eu, 0<0 L. D.$31 u if Pnosost. ~Ud Cheste of1 0* * e ~sj à1,l 00 600" IPý kPpi Judee to AR i S ORIR'OF TUB