[VALS, f RTC3ws be *0l IM bce eh Met to-aloIEOW C<durt e f.., Tisto WW t a oppliio0ifer 1thé situation et <BlEtof boue.f wheier of tbe foorI*i dèpêttihUt.. 1 . !- il Vi. < lli-S Ml. *,;f st. Ciat Lsd<. N 185 bO matou,7 l U5W1 ' bm * Ursn. - B af-m re 0 Mls ThD.D.G.M., PB.W. Brdei. ý .. a«- peeto he prudent f. m 0pt f d<me = THEECourt a f jgt,>ufbr Milton tbe foilowlng à héb.pei I: am et c@"; eoeefce t ittinga on umedQ Ta .mfee.P'e.e.Id vile le ,erni[eg.sud an tier. are a largo ATULETIO 'POirE. Put 0f th.e zome onUgEpffl niai uber of appeýio viii continue 10oit tas MoJup.ttaa MRIs, > W 1Jia . e îndel -4Je. r so tire. il et5ic«- nJM OL WFWlimi0n yjn ifSTNoIhe.; S uIc.M-Je& E Fm, o.. That havl5gd a rl Us. * 0,; Mondeay, et Grimsby, the Ok.- reee xu J~a-st a.lportet theb.Exécuté» CoMnsn MOrte. sie and Grimsby Cricket Clubs hast a McBrlen, 33 fbat; Sud, Roland Orr. the. ACtion of ont u tymmu r te wIchrealte ilua victory for flUfl9J JuEP-iaet Imm s. aIJMe- th w " .M vf lisb i oe nnng (ilthy sdDougal, 1-foot 5 lucbo Sud, Cia. orteItin. otl(.M. *ted lune.Ru lw Hp Tc Avola. nit h. retoli 11lb.heCe.farme 1 e- Im MD-od. W fnt inhi.Jorual; and printedla b t "tm l.for FuMÂT fot W" ae y-day on t h Snd, Samunel MoDovofi, fartlior ueans u referme.. Causai V . Itailway, audl on iaturlay à lot RUNUe IG« Hou mur-tGego A om tt .tonapIntaI Oft he navvie veut infu fr a poite.. Garvin. 4 fot 7 incie.; Sud, lame eonaltIuofPo. Mdbrf, ddnt speeutie f s auy bfcfloagldWilliaus, J. S.litceia, G. Bowln. wltb jdet n teexciosu dtor rfog 1030 YARD BACa-lât, Robert Mem . .Wilkes, J. Evans.A. .fgn. ,Oron th ecavtae.ArBLOIsteong;%cd, Samuel Meboweil. son and B. Hopklua, 10 onalsder thé AccizNT-OnTue" M W R 2W 0 T AUX tca.-lotSamsuel Me. ouneXIIons Eiiatio%, Md reportsncb ;tcnmENT.of t uosdary %ei.. H.Dowîî; RoertAristoz modss .as may bh.de.meda&dvlmisle, 3sekie, o the"Faroere' ufel' vasssstoog. tiseCosmiVt* o-bam Pover te tend ,s>ono a flag fre is aigu peut, tise 3M 0YâatD Rc.-list, Ed. Beak - for persans and papem. laider beoke, andlie felieand fretured a Sud, Samuuel McDowell. The greadeent roqestel la,. j. E. ne j ho ie. Wero b1 a bts> BonRACE, 100 Y-.s _o-fat, John Robinoin e 10addre. tbso Canireuba if ýiLseunder proper surgical trusaiset ho MeDowels Sud, AibetAudorso. ho doof rOI t10do d. Er. Roinson :ld1 adosogwull. Ys nôspuaplieh staspe.,lri àfd viabal GOI EICNEWS CN the whole matter mght be ahrtiàed. FouNsw ox AL.-Auotiser lot cf btleesi 1h. Miao u d BurlingtcuIL va al laid befote the biody ilothe hoeêLac Cetaie e Si Ppair, (Weâbgt<)In Square) coin t .àtts a rePort Of thé EkeoltIte Committe. ecoher ouppy offat tableslinuoet 80.oarge ersrwd of spotatars.A éci.drà. frôla the EugtehCommnfteo& s. * 1 pe yard, tleaehel Cotton aIllec. pr yard n ain g i dorons e part of h.nsght h. thooght rae. soaîavhas Worthi 15e., eleeap trev bats, e pair of ganta. tut et inu moumnt qunmtity t10 hy hie Ehlo brto4bth a ,MI"efue u w aiec outegleiscourege lis, ardent rsekters or ths. ldthse *hoie'c ase lleos thon> lut for $i: ,00 fba. of pleeil dbutter fer èui s petatore, vba witeseod Cotnérence, amd tiuaught hoelbel con- 17. per lb., eggs 10e. pet lez. t G. a reiiy goad ganue. This in the 'am st ot thon, but founu it bard ta âmiths. Rememter thet #1 tee. omachlea i bthsoeolubts biaone; couvert aners 1)roeutihe errersof tbir sufsd wemyeay the ireI the Baya. (Laughiter.) Ho (Mir.iR.) halheos iM. N. C. COMECEocc. -Tise Confer. Milton club ho.m plaedelfor loveraI ifel op wfitbtise covement, mnd mneesdjouteed oneWeduoday uetil sume yee. We cent accord tac mueis nuc criticaed, btlt tatagreat dsalt luee ie auguaI, wheu tfsoy willageain preose la thlise eeoty attog amd of oocb criticiens to kilt a em. ý He1 meti Milton. 'ithe members of Con.-tuwling of Ht. Harten, cf tise Credif earse.tly desired an amicable conclu« t feence exprasseji Ibeicves ase greatby vaiioy, vhis a member of the Milton seon. Ho pteforeed faeIsear the repart ploeeed wit thtt eeînent they bave re. Club. Hie ligttning talle woe nougis cf thse Comiotttee isefuré spootiseg ,.seed from the peuplé e! Hilton and te "asetonisie the natives," oud iesorue furtiser os t e quebttos. Leeghbothoaod naed we are suea teRoy wathe largeot, wiunng the Spécial After a few etatemente fr-enesome e si oeIiag teyeotrtate fowards Ibie prizer.Thee fotiiowingisthle sctre. tretters,, aud pleasaet ermatha froci esensuuiti jeharttly reciptocated.. difforent part, cf the bouseibe coco-1 BItLINGTOPf. oufifec rettel te conefler the osa. r .MESeSRS. SeCeIrdBrtcs. agaf n odete6te les NDirqrrs. Cotene o dwt om ot the publirc hrougie teé celsoscf tise ocelas.ireebeue. icness.epr . ' it oee ist (uese-on. Ttey tellusua hat Acton R. Bater rtei eut.., e eRatte bàiteth's 3 Thomoas Osmencd B. S. Pritchardà i teepeot placeisu te ceuni>,, J N 0«Lb t itee1 iruasont..... . b... ve*r.c erel d se probationere for the ui that t ifeirs in tise cseapeot store slu HE BntoebMartin 1 bàiittvn. b ...1vadsrsbec ate m AIco. Ths est Bey for >tihepubliioT betislbat in 1detbtMartin e... ..........te.thoreqeure &Là5 eH Bstedo WRetul 2 7.Matn......... 13et or worh. Waiker Sheiton vas à ta prove hie etttemnt ito viefC Chir R iLeitoish Met e .C eRttee t Matin t received, asd is Case ieft in tise bauds teit-ueite estabishenet ansi julge for C V Raery t Marin 0 t Mridu......f0 cfthe Exogttre Conuifttee. J BCf.bRh Rtn.se fi. t out.....e..... oeférensce djorsed. HGse SCueoLE., ERvecsEeseùeeesa. M Neitt bMalin 0uba tern ... 3 APTEE3qD, EYrSzSION.e, W Ibelnslontnt_.. b tMardine T15 a-de Eurne Eseeminatioe ofup- Bye. ......... 8..............:Y:. 3 ,Daroîoual execfsa.9 pl3for odmission te the Onilte Rsgh ien yse. ........1....i . .......t1 Ssruel Eddy v-s dtlîreeied Isaa asifl sielIed onMoeday ttc lth Wsles........ ................O0 prebtessetfr the eus*Try. l5'SaOneeoieatiocltt mCeeTta o teen, - T'_ildlsig. Cordial tfsoete wore giron J. Dewar,à f i'ad r emisson olould notyýýWbe Ttl]tuinms oal2dinn e.59brtiter, fut hie opinion ufn qetîu L C. LiSanctor thrtout tisa Head Mater HILTN. euhmifted ta -hi> ty tise Conférene t ua i hLese, Eseq..Oahnlle, -etrlinet 1uT ENMIeSc. I 2i r Nene relation tecisercis ptupett!. t1hnse,:si5tilsut joue, cf their ietetioneTis R r.-.T'Iodalt, cf the Metho 0o preci It emseetes for eaaieatioe. w. Patn behBeneone 3 et nt ....... îlot Epiectopot Chutu ais eiDtreonel W E Micec Bue- this Conference. Hoecas corilllyd Tee asseseetmertingofteMatou t,,n h Bell . ...2 t Bestos'......_. t eceivel. tNehsamico Inîtitute yl te bheli 5EJDWallbtottBsU t Bell Tise crdination Serti. es, evitif ta FnldssY erooieg te-euttcv) for the H JMartin a Bitoawsooosslletetvi os élecsoe et Directers ofe s uieg t Bell ....h..3 all ce Tuiesda>, teeeleg, BbeYs.Cas- à yesaed te tranoneties eet otiser boa!. E8 Raehee n cn0,- veli, Melicraf, Wfiktleec sud Ho- pei Tihis Institutsie l fi e ry j o Baie IL.0e b Be ton..........o2 Cotr ver. ppotted teaesrange for iinsnieihing cndeitisoeaed tihe presesst T Christie n Neehit as ur u heeaeSti nanti bu a vory favorable tiuee for t Bell ...... . 8 Retouct........ i Sevrai comotitteeu ieieg in sessio,à u,-wsmeetero sein»W K.Wallae enBell le Confreefeo jocrneesiforu bout, aed Buene ........2tise trethere tel hus an cppcrtuuitjs Annnïo.OuSnsedo eeecgRJZinuersmnllellie cf relaxatonand int f' o 0W Teplotnt out O n Emesy .....ort..-ge 0 lsn seaVin,, neteenPhillp Mdlîtteb e idez . o. .............. .ý.0thceght andel eautatIcea. &'id Jee loenecdvweseetectltî Mv> . t....e...1i .............. 3 The cernn>tteeo oùmotiols fotta- tin neasstbie fer ieieg Idronkn e scByte ....... 3............. urool a reeluticu for tise raturuat i (-Irin es reell e al oa - - Rer,. W. Wiliamees ta Hespeles-, SOI A stcas dtligisted crawl eiteesel ,d sne 18 Dtl e~etf . D.: Reestoa ta, Vento. for the fibt thesn Onics. Os; Moedastise Myor - yoar. As here la e gtovisg désire ta B aentendtlitiscea tepuy a fiee of $I aud Gred total, Minltee 91 have the fer> cf the meuistry prolaeg. entei. They apeet Monday nle -*Boilecten o9 ed.. Ceefereece secedel to the roqnest. N Jeil. Oibd se Tueudu> hef r finees vote Miton viceieg crus five wsck@tg te fa Cordial thueho vere îreseeted thé, nd.deve triples-Berlingtce, Mr. Chia- comn>fttee cf arraegeeuests fer the fIRu Tnttitiiss e ents Otu-sicehelen. Miloe-Me. P. M-Lean. Beor- eed effecire provision made fer the flsssa.st i5netetisefor Cent- Bt igtoMt. Ssmtb. Hilton. Conference je Mites>. Th[is.vnsir ti)il , iheSulu téC -Mr. f. Hunt. Aftersrome rotinesbsiness, tise H Viaé( yteretisenettou comusitCee un théise e sic itation ré- 5'Susaersled intise electios n Ir 11: RACES, e oprtilprogtess withthe promise etc n tus50 llg tfortuet. nei a supporter Lina in tise aflerons. Tise fitot race Tise Conféeneo itteaienarà rsostg rf t e.ýieîiizievernnenet. There was for a purese ot 810. epie is or- vashisoîl in thse vnieg in the "Palace," %v, Ol) f nnnevstire candidaeeujthtis es cet eisroghtrsl, ithat nover wos> R. Wilkes, M. P., fa the choir, ilt P fituf.hat pari>, sssporfieg Coi. publie meeey;t isef-milo, heate; t et iiet e lrge ce-evd vasprensent.sel 8inee-tnst herseuse te ebihelblu.tw jentrea. .Tien follswtng turoee egond fcelicg mouifetel.L bt bnsauàen ttse Globe seppeetesl Berse etrel: D. H. Clariseo Maggic; Esiger. ~~James Waldie'e OeorgeohJes>Mer-STIDHa1. sta' all e;e tOa. Grini Sbppsry ite tespoase ta o mernoriajfrtrthe Il. & N. W. IIAILBAT....A lespetch, Jukt tWmi. Sisrosole clVrde Temupérance League, thé Cntéren>ce lim tavier. Itel Mn>, tti, Haye: J. C. Dovereauza Tese. Gedrge cam eos-esriy patelthp follinq reale- -ri,"setteyos oethtiseHamiltos> aed in firat l intse t ibeat, aud seceed7 te ties> c WlletoasInemprance à he Wes Railvo>, have cempietel tiéseecceud aud tiie. Rate nast iu truittel sourte of eiucb cf the crie for ta tfs hat lice true. Clarht- 'scond ile tclustiseet, amd firatin te anadl esiralit>, is> cecountry,, and t; ~ Ttetwcpartiee. secod and tiird. Ree istprize; a ront terrier in tis a By cf the une faons e hbeld, rearbed tere yen-George led.utefblnusofetthe Chuoe, ihoinsg as tel>, and i- r te hare octeaC o Tieseceoed race vwe opete a; ebi odo hat tise moderato uneof inet F Mb tere~ faci«. bvi a o pr o f 80; islf-milla hauts; beet toxicatieg lilqors besde luneaeujosltY L a nnejster]a cto-IwlfrGsilrble 1l,*,,se.ceorue. sitent ttree lu Ors. Eetrie, D. 'W.- Camp- cf isetance$ tfe itooujsermce, the Cou- Pr, %fsÏie:viistise NCI '1ern Rsiiway. bell, namol Wisscr J. Waldio. fetencle telle viCi e doight the grovfng p Andesi uia t '.le sbsh isath Se etteet eofOe'rfet Jan. Marsall, Rate; James beésvrs anifesat' mong the péopie .»fItn lnou ',oI(nieratll ue asMea.i.1l, Bell itget. Geoergc von gouseally, in tise Chorihand'amueg si'd. aR ettsi. t'so oco'eltr>,. tha firt at ; Ratses>>lsee a, ontrleiola tefor eprohbitoryleiar Tht m*aie Jot Onu eticp.onbeetan Ral Ringet lc 1 . Tisseeesd 1ev. WÇs voul reeoemmd ail ont nese e Anusiauu -)cttVranc sueonb>,Bell Ringor; Ratse miistero an>d people la encourage tise 4I scilietelf ugu nIdHatLu'vell, ad C cl and George Ihird. Raeavs daveling cf a ertghtet dey, upen canr- etf ilce futa *bea aveand hir. Waldie ceesetedliandt, b>, thé formation of Tempranc E e- tUtenseb Le Ciscded oee l t ttira sccend meney, and Bell inger Secisties fu cofinectlonô lt on ~1!ee i Ch ei saI se-aw! w j ves leTlineer. Cisuscîses sd Seisatis Sebools, and sinîstul ITiescoeoeistin rase terbeLîce isetos by petitoeing Psrlisemt for a late ta carieloef b>, Cb.ak's Maggie. 1rOhlbtt hé enhunfteandu sale of cam t ntoxctengClquer.-Saa bveag TatsTspper tue loue Wis - secisies> of lise julge. gavrs olT blent te ichievo etiaiu eaete ta ealm beccs es srepart oet1hé Cobl ilaeoun puchieis foretad cfvand thettrtcesnté, Unies>vas reod, man iteresulug A@ 'nonil sourit tint sau lie championu0 olvdl Cnts.deiastetoog place. The tebole tCon. itisne, it amuet bcadmitg0< tisot ,n ON oCEaR toouce, except oely one, vara la tavrtaC nedeliterate, unil.oltieeg estratistl- ioeit ca e ftheise oos>ns>certai n.conditions. 1188 Sir Jetn cite tauide al sdin teseTovn Hal eZ ntý. evemngtaSthe at Ail pat dlffevonces veve ons neaval ehessders uver hi, ambiitionsalhontes- ver>, largelyeftoendc, êe:w t bIbs. a f l, sud a igesoral &asetyplssaiAt iet. Th. e lbptaests et tise paîtote lebetog adec LIQeeti d fi he befor.'tii tise tard verdi tis a li au e Ytetfshow týatto the sx premier dImeit Âiculteraill.Tha Lý9 fi1 rnudictise dscussio leatisapuat. t t gondras ui ssemuatien ver. mere famitier Ban etdeedHanverai seiections Cbee 01av. W. Wilams and B. Wlke., thncon cul traCt t sel that ta style- EnteeAis>lg reodingo H. Es MP., pra appolnlsd 4dpt fat os piot the sraslssilfsllytallet e y Dr. AtiP.to tiso Englir. aostr. am WlCnpa;hattes eta5fth e ouMe er. rait0 E. M albevn aLndaandt. o ef arasag Ofh eec S jesO viIoPao heen ýs.u _ tsos f asre . oIreto b lasC Melicra --- O th=u d0 thia Us calt ta 0thUs axesv fuLap.Slai t ra bs: Chrme ul mpi, cTGeat Dfratbo, sevi« h lbass. - vSechs aIe.. EotinemeliareBe..Muera.tue amais . st a-B on. Th a cf orne die eeot r0CAgitotarai Matis vne ofgs. a t.ston pule.oi se.nttn d. rbh opsru o u h steVi th.ri ol. Sphsésa e deiverewu ac. Mes athe Gov.ND. 8. T bimd.EuhiS.TetiS Comsion tie- esl>,ftaooooe vas elel>,eOn loecind eaabortanî coaltrs unetcflotri tuu . s..el tic e Czear retiroset toallov hucis s atPlauiton ridaCole..tha se..ro B.ndTop.g T an cisg Osasist-e stt.n petol ie IrarepCzrtheO ribe huilsteotheIGandeDeol Tis Czar u l Prnce r taishg-h ,fas Mâtebe andcs.ha CoasIof cdiuburgb ansher. Bnzuzagc.-EpeeasCoo..Gv. mUL Àu"»COUrsisrneu-isBy e Ihorougla nvwlsdgseoftheb. naturellates tebis geveru Ibeopsties et digsstionad ntrition amd by e«"fol applisallon lot the fine prejierties oftvellseeteloocoa. Mr. Eppa isas.proved or bekfcdt satle, with e dblicatl>, £ovor.d bovr- Mads simply wits boiingvater er mllk tosi1 poshel hn laeliel-Jaes Epp 4Ce..!làtseatmchiCheusts,In Ct.e ATne acreO r Coco.-" Ws elill sev gIre ou amaent ofthtie prse.u sleptol byHMeore. Jles Epe&o., nanitfacluee ot liettinarticles cI Cheir works e Uste Hasts>Rond, Landon."- les articlo in Cassete Joonhold GnU. SIR TRO. ipasue.-t-l Trafelgar, on the 20%uh May,. lhe vite uf Mr. Jotia fpioal, cof anoist11 born. tRYisIe-In Trdfi ottsieMd font.ths vifs f ni Ht. .ryysell, et a son. CLLeerr--In Haescavejas ne s 151h t the vitéofC Ht. AndeassElleltt, oetcwn MÂceosor;-oe tc n&ilteothe Us. ef Mr-MàcPh-, Mi Hlteeef ' aâ lut.. the aasMfe of t UssiPa idstoutr. Klhsi Leteveas.-AI Caminaweiu &Starda>, serig 4ChtMay. , .ie Et. M7teis. ,eeebcst, cf a dasogbtser, bto DIRD. OiOs-IBoes, Ma. AM%, aura. -On Msd thesig b181t ite Li nt tisId etr of' Me.Ni"ke M.aksilslss O py ruaettl. NEW ADYEBTIBHMENTS. TO SELL OR LET. TOSELL OR' LET, IN TEE VIL. pilsbnc eof loym .et-oead ttie. Tisu.nhnhanotnatvilS l.th 3pser toth 2sM and Tel.paph Ofions Au >eettsem vaadt5ulio a cod sus&. 1 àgroae sill sdetyfiol-elmsociety. ApIplp te D. PIèM:1TT, e-H Bnatied F.. ESBUE8INS ASSESSIENT. NOTICE.' rEE COURTOF REYI8TOr'TO AL bodo tae uemlno A.e = "~he s Laisassntferle. norrol vTm, sma %ues',h.i, in au .Vilawooe . tmmi. fldua, e. e.ey, fe11 as kt 1 bàeod&asu. j. MiUBEA,l TewnlOp ChUS. S.puo5in0. Md 1Ifa>,, M14., 54 -1 ENERLAL 5SffSIONS. las1i sdNeta - M oemai ARE USINQ "Thie iNyrth Wuvy" SMOKING TOBÂCCO. Ad iraStIotel1 Beware of Imitations 1 Pl"s "mue Ig T. &B. X" U& lutp.."I ET 5TANN ES p1oinin KiiT bave bsmeot listeqi eeeae, se" n 7118T.OuAI UNMfGO =]M Pcetiolrattsnje.pddlet Plane, Cia Mes, OheP CG, e*./e JAMES SCOIT, M1arbie Works, carr ote.ll lo ie se. arestmb forbig e, fA. in.i".., ode.ote@redi i etlufi..GNo alfoé Md noetss.fa eoits- :.u >ioucls u frT. O BIft . OE, Sule of e.d, AT Trhompon'. Hotobl, MILTON$ Athý eooksday, te 11007 Lot Neo. lB.la the lm soms. Tusvb the ~u fo i.poul a 881.1, UQ.,Aleos EnsiIez, Mcybloit., 1574. [ditc of Me Là ato .sRdiEtn T 19çDru rJAM~ r4b- J.GÂKAN ff~ & JtLLI I Tiw Énbmt EIeËaà*t etoère, 'theLargeet Bulines, The Choitéài Goodu, The'Loýweui Pr! ~A1~VII4..EO I P. ATYLI H s-.5 AND CHKAP LTd~ ~ OHINA&.- en-AS tTnsurpamed by 8317 city m.stbiament: Actou, May,184 mare u ceipt tif a choice 885071 Nnand #v $unasci Compriug in the leading>and' Clbtling made up ln styles, tii ciË. dddb. aufpsaad lth C MaItou, Apri, 1874. 18 BST »- NO'rIoJ. 1~ s I.. ide.Ana atL balIna DEvis Parkers., Pàrker'. strkers -<&Parke.t<B t lteuseo te ose rtment, des of tIsý a ieie.1 ,.'%au 48-iy Itou, dok.' 42-4 ns-a q> .......... 1-4 L