Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 May 1874, p. 2

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S U,-ir . On.' . if bm e hoIN"âm *8m ýv e rognâtd Parliamîm& u« Tmcdal. aitair nqgtl, g, G9*ng4 emdl f th@bMs mmmolUW »* mmib okm glolm hba mact teue . bumrgi mMd Thts leileu., Widu . bm éarli vusmeImwsEmmtu. M a it. ~ a p mIn esures, te.prdui t a, mae, lin peulé.l in a lun Gw 0«- aIII . itii. a voli mum leuor. of de.«Wmuon. Iridm *ve omutOWdlloty»bt - 2" -md-thembeur of dm The maut important mumru. am louer or iolgram. or ballmmmd lhie tort, viiI op1 utem rml aiMid feim!.2i th Z6eio lImimmelet A c .a iaiter if th. Crva.til 1W . lunebrimmon b vil ho mnqimi b . 'in g-W«a ot& .. 5ihai viehIa cr bigmo w ge Mmd bailet Màm n amh.rsthpoi Lv-imptlpis thmegpoint ho u. lu bigJan prampely. ai 1 poy lhmé c .uly m oite fýâd--ý-n eh. O aX ot eit he ibitm e.r tfral dotol cm ite"ý tUioLTU la Party o nrryont a the auIc thee- f It ti às tiliot ______ sent tî u office viiat O the oued.dtmr m.the allkgodlIottr luordortlumMetii, amg PrimoAstI.,Dbeif 1u Oppoiton; Ithe ôoatrovert.d hÎles plY mGe eusiulte..go batd oanna.gt. te.Qui. m .udue. à eMd. £]aions Bll, providg forteiMmpiL,î aiir. Mubomieald, of Cape. Breton. graoofhl amat ifli te.peupe et lu*- for tIi lotuer. and bonaupmhamd tc, ]sdaul ieh quinte taappreinat. à EWO@bo im4 sud impartial seulement t dt.pilod btvthmr ItCemhmld bogimon vi i a eaci.mtin Ithoepl 9 % et mde api f impeam ouss~ios d tti elime iprodmoodl. /emdcamrs ta r.ally odmtly lhoni-The oammui me opucmt te md& Mru. Mcl>oa ld iih. hadtoiltuiviCeith. Irih peupe Mmd liuime Mmjuas nut plidglmg h.country lu c.mmtmmuedaube dette.louer wvu vziteuby jmachsai possem o f theomr. TboemBe.l. in , hir. th road ioly au filuta.neh. moure.e.Naieii Mlt mdbhlhinIomdbut ahitnalgr M utatons Il i me . Teomiu o f h. country wmliiprmit; te.Trfc afimdhlute.impron b.. he. am.thon if sentimntal 0Onu loft 0omnm. 8111 prvhdlg fr 1h ium.au îxNCnite'alce. Hi (1r. moalahd mut.ecarilai. for emia eh. do- Tii. wmioi peitionum e iep».. péiitr aasab teex eh. , iad.dl bal ot bhu rotera- denillot u hem legimalieonmdooam un uaf t*.ib,ilmM.I fone ithe. 47, 8 IL D if h.e i oeroia t a h aDi l d Labil. brhina niu huaumute.logis]&. 14' îii. entthe mumuipa La», miablib a Milllmmj Cllg.; and the.8SirJohn A. Macdonald nid thattieou ai th Impart aPrliamcut af ?aud h. idiotm tvl h. mm"ai -j hotu5troll acqualute ielhM1r. Boes u.' ent date bu hea inatlma n l Suool B «tmai.un b.Loi ippua- 3111 aotharicing te.railug hy va> if band ting he.(Sir 'clin) hdammd lesmof. W. eh. Quicu lu mal.eIra- teau; trou Sool 8.atao lMD. dhnt -lou, fer-anale and ceher publieian- it lu higeuanum vdomn tiie lottirtalaid amoroùciquntlybhicPlaceif a te.mou.>'h lme umIiu-du [tr i g .» ii te a t D r . T o p p a n . h o t v u n o v a t C . n mn g h e l u a tta c hhe i m u f l ua à N ao . % t h a t t u m c'h . m ppie li e d la abnlîmg. ~mo ia.marked v atlue.Greenlaiemchithe roduotiou if la m*a edowi le addition ta Ibm. thro famahuot Mr.Eouaonplaln uiht theabsence vuuld idon, lu ataof>-he huarla if ida.msofte.Mduolal*, a inir meure.. vhicbmeretifof th. leUttr deprivelm etbu.ifte op- a people vsiu mmclau eoibttio? of a pctittou tramdnrtaIn Famycori ieaumdr.hlctî'ortaooc. Thenaag por.mrtaeyifrctgatomg tiie matter par.uual Interoât lu tiair watt dotagas Narval for aid lu, Thamaa5blMm. ma b..e iàTbe.mach au 1h.>'doeth. otnanet if nge. ment outhe ticoloocal Railwva>b' Th am.c eappcarid lu smmpathise legal roforme.. idh 1r 1uqmmdn hatumtraomarrdfrau theicComsvieilwtChe. initer, md .lu regard te. b>' M yM. r.o,, ha Si umeva, lmnters go h. Dîpartmcuî iof Publia uau.Pnidotlo tihe Icter a Aory goua mOzàam t aa ula>toJ. . Pu tesasof ght~ Winh. Th eficict.ai 11nm 917iou ngyicient lu tecaffir. amd dis Yia- merd..m.lu hu r..r i m frtesl Worke Thé llaint adinisratio credtabi, te il prtie@oonoened n OfimPinllcer if Mrn& a leumu metmMl. dlgau l .ig -Cara. ofJutlosnthemNorth.west Terriermile. dsatrme.M. ovilv ie.noabefmE-nd mcultCi.malaennccor &f aeant -ThIi.eplmr al mi,,neic-f.riaConvention for lt.emmcelug Novmd hy MNi Warrn, muid.d b farce Of Policeluin oder te. :..:te 1;7-5eue nhliu n e. Occuii ~ ~ .~~i m e>R cvp ThMIutemand Mates Ylmud Na«-in lathc nuaul cf eh.é meci Mmcc-Mr. MaRner>'. Thotlte.Trounverli h oc n u on ihh ieu. and bhîohor-yatiorlled tluInn lu peu md pe avuvih e. ut u-geiiea Bill wun vîhhr.vm. aid Goamumu. Mr. Gaa. rownuomei.tihe.Trume... ot Bubuol selon N.1. oampromiing igur the tuodcin:,Omn he11091114111Cammitie. pua da luoteaflhinglu.spîlufteh.C,,elnti , AOeag ite tiimm ot Pli76 caime theceur>' attention cf Goýammct M. Macknziepîulîiciltheii roail Cul.Skinner bai avez r M. Bgr. payable mmmi amual yl sn esc. and LegWIae'r. Tii.Maitoba Ac tamorta Ppouplnacd itroduciidu Bill acgehît dseMm. . Ecn .ne h.e.mieî.Tii nid Trme«alua ing camplied buhicutamncid d dmproirod; and founuic ce h, reuîiac. p - Secral calaericagnru .tan ammli- na0mmc> Ta-Mismo, 1h. globoe an wthte.lav relatleg tl uch anabu.- l an. At: narslatng ta Do sicpis i stae.carcm laelci dauc opl*Fh tl a v infllvd Oea b>' h. W jglsvortb, 02c, îcrca~!fualitco u uelaa l amage a-couddIhl Mr. Preston,lieMeumre. thoorii-es. Te usovet At rtwiliflit anoleoit@ se mcod Coula o il llln. Peter CambIlI.Thn ihom d auvit r.ii.go.f te Blinlay' Mclmlau apoictedcdoi n- vliioh wbuld cth.rwiàec havi *piroi -Cuoumand Emenimdodra mci dacet- A point bu ar"ci.ni.r thm emw 0-no- - cr lureend 110lu cnICuting deruig ele .cnaimn. huabea u truediril .marc lJugent r rctnriooaon tt mnce 1w lu hich ttcu.n . uedowvute.bi Iooti 9 mcd 10, Oea for ancehar ean. The Lav Of Lihi el mmd andimaufactureocf titîxicting beau drawn b>'nmmcc! ofor coctampo- Co- iU.rr n inluluopeog csp th. .!laI0a ou tvnie r. jnuauj - il? hcthh -tlreat Territoia. maria.. Thaemuenirarancquired- by nev rec&-Cari.- * llhcnThe ilv len romuiteri oer- ehanccvsut luabogie lhîir dutiea clnet 9b, n mr.u a0ndd by mm. rndanthird Cime, ccd paua. lalur haiePi. 5; lu comploe tlb Thorc a. idbauda eyenfair Mienne r Dorionmmîed th secnd rciing hy Apil 8i0; mcd h.y are ta ho reardmm~- Eated Pà,,,SCMn.la.,Lniir- of vonh donc durnutCiIvo moacof thc BilI rlaticg tluteiprompt adtit heClrk ce the fieMay. Thon rohy Mr «...-evamth, Palineu la hcni mao adm Piniratoof criminal mater. l furfeen da>' armm ta h.a llwvl for no.acouddib>'Mr. M - ûerý, cb Palaotbsba nBuoadthe Povncaf liauitb.. tceu of appeamiand toccmn odea cth rue yt h m , -aoz thei' outrybui ceaonson utua odia- Aller msai neiin, h Billva. cupir>' cf lIme ia theCoure cf Hi . teautmef PI>' lie Thongi. Habiainu altiaddth itaheiimanagemaenO tl thc haallidime, ami paa.ei. uion lu ta ho hala, mi dcl>' acccceeid y c11e usa c II .-Crigdc. gu Tit Bllexendngth Mliia ctaderi moccdTe em-ith. l eW Morci b>'!tir. Warren, scooeded b Botteshl th PremaLltaPrince Evd wrdIlndm in.li termend, gavrsirci*ocadr hi rl and Mn. MoEEnr>'Thît th. Cournt of - -.a- - ~a uhoartdehilunaiaa aecandmcduramiail townships vhîch mtdi poc ite PACIFIC IIAILWAY. dînc moi pased.ficed iluthe oh Actvill have a the t.itcviuiou bcha ila et ltewettove au Ch re o thanîr lllmlu, ethe l5Ch Ju ext-Carrid. -~~ O-a0.;aItDÂn- r. Mccknie mcvi Cn fHviacelimgthe elnit Mo e Mr. cii-y. meoGal TePacifaeItailve>' ilbhma beu esidonsempoi ng thCliavea- a Galoholbapoe that tviuty-faur dy i, r ogls-t, htM pasihrougle bath Housse vithoni ment a nacceplethc cte1on ame edcanelupth eodnftw Chour !. riJy . B.Ldsayavdhome. THatun7. amendmnt. l facethoracohla holding cfs sttlinginCour or ecture, bc peu luen dollar. iach fur s"4Yhosidtahveben uamr.c f tlîein lilen anthc Northernc lway fl _ - nc!ý etra services hn rollectiug nailva>' hircl> iesai oli,,bacenamci ompan>' nmidi wo further aumo cffit;' neDCD- .~,,. taxCai.d,4 meltpropouci, th. ccl>'proposition of. thcaaani pauaismreapecli;-ely in croc ,d i O RE aON ENC.J.. Mural hy Mn. %Varron, aecdid hy fcred bing one b>' Mn. Kimhpntmlck, rmc andci llmipnfermerbond& iu plue Wci. cfon htweencmpan qmincg ac ccact o ChcHou, h diaCliui ell b>' Ibm a e li preaect ime Wq dote;hli ocaciýre opoci 0c fr. Pamadeta t hseucamllut actacl forfaobrani iaec l'~a r te vidith Ch.a>e' i .teid. t lu Ibo01310ion.icrcraenil.frh ecmd aCi cn gla ocnrcs o h bac ce Wi trmet tâtât bas nrrruiiClu teboindu up oîninu mm y, Ioaucceandm28,lu hian C h îCh uî r for tecman inec. onea b>'Mr. Duc- lu h, present te li Cc hpîaii- Ife HP ate 12 ed bciiCrae ta hateh.s W sier, inlundeaia eh.Govaemet îxpncaed lie hlieftlîatthe autmmtae h.Pmhmtc h.ietreLUGEhvilb ta boite imoaldai varli cf cocut ua idiaclirge cf ele lien wa a airTo te&iîit.r of MeCans a. The conaîtcithn aijourmd. lie n 2 tbiuiolanmin BrDitih Coluni. boed& wvaldhica valsable Iniet wcimeDcun Site-la eyum lnlau net a.mirbhu1ia.btt c bis viit. u » .mMd ta cap ai athCle Comcpany vuput i c position t. eotie au articepuneuomicg tl i tra m Btehnau aebtl lamse O-tulo he l.total cooel nmcccii- naneandmise hatti.coind pnefer. UiimnaocLaige, Kilinl. Butetrom boiter, jyinMt ecin &jhr fwhcho. oc ugtta llear erm>tieir par doneut IpperaliThoi fmi for Part ilal@inuhefCoiem- vueolc pca ci u ala Ch>' ca li-pactiicli. And as a.habe euil 10 feoeld tii. pcinciplc cf the GovcrmmaeltIliumperuona îvho fielstockbinoelle th. vittcr cf elii ahoaIrticle lulil>' TuWmumCrita ioilo silne otha annsuulwvrc e.tui --------- ta l ii, if tht>' cadi, te.chargesa ipublia auectioner>'sa. i ofToronto.in rtgoronel>' pmoscuticg ije iobm,.fundu eefria mal eogoiiutioe uni termes the Iadividuel. vomie. faîtai, tba firit vithout a iivision, aci the dicaraga cf Ibe Gaver ietain h. Hv. Sir, lii farta mmm hou, 1 vint! The Sellaibucamecidlthu Elactice lbe tut b- Iaiotecf 77 ta i--te. fac If tht>' failmdinlua emoble ttme tmevieil manc>'lliers ta ha ulcDi,. .t aui ovmn nrg lii. Deoon, Dnstir, Parr &a o hi. tîce boni-holdams% b>' vloni anlecture au Preliition, vIie a gcutlc. luPcinca Rivari lIsland. Ploih ci eau Tui Gcadceuof.a ima lusemreme prerticall>' Cli rniai nme an rallîi ta heachair-, agaiame fort f the Dmno a au neecctice vau noO vorlici, wmccliehientiticd ta 'orsaichalargs lad hein mcdein À Atealu ci hlvaluai ut 0850 are Domcio Ccpotia reiaee pitl. retaeceata biscornituet lunceeectioc lu ho meiua tatle tcHec . .B thigatiuoacharne cf apaaicg tia At., csie islcussionctCeii ncnalmieowith a Laverm beepan cf i Ebride. Wood b>' the people-of Dranttcrd continent miCli au unlirolicu lace cf ria. iu-eacgreed te, andl canrnenc i xid vlîeu C vu callcd ripou ta anumer mc, A largo numbar cf ouinants amemccv va>' la tain>' acier wvuo tatunday., 'tii trth or tla lit>' cf thoech arges. en ro-ut. t Maitoba b>' Lake Buperior -A ucmberncf othen measunovres CeI done hlcliniif eipamibli for and he Dma.c macla.e advaeced aauceioanresta a thirni tue, hi cociac4 et the ar.Detcnu;aie PcreHyaclf inth ie ilaei, have b>' NOT mticfiad ta md. Arbama. mou- and thieifceijljurncuj Cit ocniar. te myéeit. and my anan>, Imicda in Cie invitation boueenmag a tocr cf lme___ apolin ilglle admirimoncarcf eblE, At th, iveciogusittiug, elle fret huai. luvucahip mier. C havibeauabreeglit uiveritic cf Holand.n publi, Soth Crolia go ait, camuva. the Bll ta einomr tlîc p, aid cf vich 1IhbaheCl hi a-în o The Mrquis cf Ripan a, wubieSl , m pubic Seti Cuotan otcpmmui-Gvirniantu Ca nv te British Columibia bc le. Chef Ecutiv. Offcr, C ul alli, for Cie.MJtlima, mu Grand Ç lian vithalita Garnceraslb.he ctral a amuni cf *25,in t'olae. f t pin caetfor noticg euthlbaeda of Ch. critebMuter cf I ccnua e c figure, bt vith inidiftement àuccaca. Pen anni fr euyeara ai CI ofa e.bocmei Xbu tlali' lilad The SotohelCaoliinda. icuable teanp. utcnlicg. for thaocncevurtian cfaà Gra,. aisni>'chiraclur 14 vtcnlY auamled imi Boabafrt rriv.d ailtiUt Lake, icg Dockhat Eoqmale. for vhat rnclc f hccv net. excope lu #M rouesfor lNew 9l, eSnd>.u Partellhe lueucY- cf tva Gcvrnoia, TiteDBil apaaaid.gaiyteslnofsmbdad. oI4n na.pu CODDied heid ofshwig te it moio t mal hePerannta. bm ethrhlndult!b>' pnjuîd.Vitr cmmel murefiuai ta asoepec neaghh.niugitteshuttChirrîchf ex-Building tcrelltY'i Bill ?6 thimdincmrmalice. fa, cr ii ri tu hat i maignâtimn cf hMMinstèe. cietiv ws A bilif etwrr, hanmod a hi iâl!.ein, nvhirh ulîculi Cîîmv na>'hicg ile we. v an'Gc-me mmgrntiela gnmbr te- Arkanssrival, bath lcgetlîer Mer.aDanlon, foltiu 'Cmrintir the Temiporelescne. I cîvermted landedmti O" Me Mnly adwtlii beti ewtedeJohn A, Coad Oanccban, Oliver ineChthc Ldge oauci mure ual.. Chuems Mua' alicc i Tr- lIe> i- ciPlombtak purte. tCeIinlvera,. but cht I ddl i Tent m b&ne-lucdrivriaf Newj York, ara- guî in qlît>' cf grand mrc>-. URimital>' tii Bilt vu ase& ..L hat.compîieta mre mde C m hat rg5.hv otvre hy e Goencar UMarait once reopceci y Oc;Mocuàr rvel; littlî hameuinia v thr. a amare n.-ca, mmui. t ontmina 8*3a a.c rcllimg ont hu Blt. Militia ta reelt. trmmcted in ,1? b chn. tie ta emRail th nerb; tai te tcDalrccmrmei,.hoe ouet. n t de Bile arerecive frnt he issra;andthi wa bytwogentl.. d M.Ja>'asmu ita gtes Min. lacue uéneately, &lcate..Tic Bllsla vre couueril n.enU 'àte.tmidiate inuait>' afthe aller t.am'kilia. fteCii epulaticnote a Cii. Cmroii n el c tar. Mitchell, te.PremirHaII, Ai h.>' tted tl e musChathe The Priechaîn cf Neorknlpropoepoi lb. helihgeraca'of h accui dam. mii t ira va. nafaintacemmun idl iindmi dancen rekepe aill Mta gtme Rochefor agrand c-umplim a^ . __ OM«W" hor lffl asIl et hc ]lansageaoiis, 'hoe goCiauicadir.s. a'acin he e.morung. Wh.n bita arrivai lu fiat Ciy.-1 ernor va. ohae eliteaiai anhaySa erWauloua i ep-gy TiCl*e-ltitu i'ouk o 1-P m Lgmbalu o IAtl lisse m.lu&t b. ue utaibauneeilulr ihiu rn'ebould anie uacai hat IPaihamacn iseCha int th. Mail onau. aamgFort biB ramiaton noteut h amimuedua allfo hi îpuas mci .prgucu con Tunia>. cvealug mb ecari>' Ivelmi atutcool. anITexan horderou a aldlg mpeltum. hifreehacore tonaor îeoimrg ON. Tc&aeà! mllr givlug bilaUanmt h.idace va. In fulhbait. Fr> CruG-nta lmmiBBeau-___ baira he oure a aswe th "aW'ta ne a d dmne.mesucrea (û NwS, t. Ibmare rusac t4umm, ebvu:eue"onMo" Wîtlt&ch nrhîticing cxempl.ae@fth.riva s6 d49 publce) chiceliai leau in l ntcalehargoe l ier ort, te dvaua ud .!= ~ Mmm.in a iftbtie. ut Repubîtamani,' a. poueàb>ubth an. th Gaeruer. lJro thic unauUlM.ietpoetm« f h .aq -- ai1liboro cantinnall>' iep bailera U84GemlrogmuParllantent ai dhres, Ori.n, mmliie vriterveudhave ehi. aeladi.The a iocvng hàHMaP.xalid. wmcmli a, ail hoe mmy m>'mn Them" m uoi.uat.. PtmAr- ti v in aur a ati n u, t iem serm ge cy m ia " :h - friand . v le c m po se a Pa rt of maa t h .lieu b hom u m a d e B obom e C ou .: - 11hmoubofiu i a eulme i uitaiaremo__.Ir.mMeemuem o.pande, as inbi heCnaiSiz lumi fhm iaumnC at me eGoau@ . rell ezthaua foitloenime ii.mgbsI anidLordl Stoaimnu au0i _____________O Aé HM ofCoi "C u -l. watte.oplt:u Soinis t.>hduimt abi- ilbzed hb, aunirmtan. mou. natwiiaaau e ctea i hbtram Ch.d.ielm ieb. N I m g t 1h a i a mparatim el>- T e m ana. p ibmiplc. vtîî canp ar. v n d àm a lM . Th e b ram er'. laq atln fis .the.Czar Aleander emmuop. earby perd octe emoc 1 an Imni ahi. eryf' iihte irtrtmaaomnne lm boUraBasi h nve . réleohesyu tram ote ttn-0i iaOYLdeai bl i ratrtir Teaieamdep Cdmlao, flomsLiverpoocl laIuba mrfBou ha. en o e tien - dsat Ye f.rthe devu>. Terapain ustioable. fon NvTa.mnur.o dlb 1h. ciemmelam for iehave>' hiaie aimttoc yce acc t.-1Chave alwa>uîhaiflimea &1 mu6.if.b, X44rotm!m mailt dm. thnieneala.amd1,;.h l a g ï.a nIi mum ractc tlb n'hm i aaerobiu i > a ro gq cq 0 if 0I P4 Ima-A - uma~umr,.n T'a AT Souts pribM6 that celebrat.! Shmlrrsk &Bd AkSuf gau " pv lrgmtawm of. 414C or Tgx CaTzoT AuiflS J Nil 40s you ordep NewSisn.at MsNib mi d arksai IW-lhaoery mli *Mc'24b andi Parkàr'u, DiessG,ods. at XKiNlib andti ?rkeru. Lue Ut dm at Ibk%(absac[ Phrko~-.. (Jhtumoel mli M0Nab and Parker». Black LustraatMtNbal rer- Oot*taa ~ XimItNabaii pkerug. c Tw~«ab. uiMOtnhIl) t IoN,~& P&i*tit ~'m - ha4 lp iaIl i~a aphital itlmaDei~ if Geut Or4o~ Ct~iu~ Dopa; PaIR t"ummepmmi itf 'j 10 44-a imos. t. inr tm.nt, e tlkm AtlmmItm. IRai -~1-- -~ lic-al db>' b.c-layai t'O I~ThcVister *às vu madicnl l" ). l" o. kplrily Adîer le cig tunmlittae Thea utpaof tht Rhalai cff ta muu.lei al fac fottovic2g itefai tame un alarge ATlLETIC~ wl m tlune la it BTue-tlto JUXp- Ilaretîlo cle a Grimsby,thie Oîha tr. iM Tuir Cc-ueitCubhâla a ncte, 3:3 fac;;24 teina vicoon>'for RUtaNîue Jtir. (anp<mi tii,>' ai Doogatld, 17 fest I - aiMire ot 67 tu, 27Jouas. RrC~IÇxulier-OPST lot, Ieue MCDeceni -wuiepa>'.dan>t e Cma i, Samueol llotlu - ounatuni.>' Ilot RUocxo. Hue fJo mlrntin tun n Bpnno. Gurclo. 4 tct 7 tai et 00 mmm>'miemateni OeDougeJi. amndait ai>' etmrng h00 YARoDuRCI - A rm s tro n g ; l i, g S e Tuada>%Mr. W'it l.20 Y~ADRACc.-I "Pauerao ot.l.;' mes Douatît, Robert Arni hum hic ilgupast, the 3(0 YARDt R,%CE. ho feII mai fracturei a lad, Samuali M--Puce *0 am cugiad tllcna BOYS-utîa-, 100 Y mirglcal trualumnt ha VcD,,e:l; - c, Alb voaECICKET &aie.-Another lot of butceno thu ldlloc. ah 0i per pain, leing" quart) .ftbtmihtablee aC 0c.lagoowcfpot iota al ie. pcr m ni z t lg rin 1 tel s ieauia ilah ,apair cf gains, but coin iufi twaraatoftohigm usliaira theadet o f pa u ralo or autimuicsec picttors 10e. #ëemdoit. et G. a eahy gooî gaine.- Ï hi alm. matche playei hy lheaa t ac nd ewe a vesc M.*uitamvca. -ThueConfer. Milton club beu « Pl& oecu W.idiy ucciii ouc Yeats. e ancîoola fflam Che>' vIi gain praauututa the macla, mm... ruacf Cea on 5hâgo lrMten ia thoa.me! a.sgreatt>' ,olley Woi u a eb lmiidetCe>' huvre m- Club. Hia bightacg b, 60 eplepi.0cMilton aiuandtuuautGýh the atîaa 1 A OMi 9reacethat et>' cea îe lageat, viaI lbpnit.rlaminvaria titis pahue. Th l aao se rhiy reeiprceat. me Ibrngth Crolumccf thea 1c u fleTho>' tell useClintActou R.Fuccaa-uc et. 1 e Sihplace i0t.hIerou[)[ pi J b ht1Ielaae1t a à h e cii heupest storeic H j uaaluyrl etatemeul je ta aiba o ei «*Amàkhmeot and jaiga ton a VEi Ezab,\ue. 0 b j B.11 b 1 1 . 2o WRlutà.ae Hnimination o!po. hl1ca 1 IM ict.CiaOavill. Iligie1'Leg it, t 1-bolceM te C ia hwad. tmg-dat9a'elachnam. Ca- 'Tutua I t, ah Aa * ailmeon abouehact fte flvhirughie H eaidIfouter MLa kw-. Pq.; OalirlWe nt Ler-a 46a of Ju»,, cf Ceir intenon al*muiii-otr eZalmitation. wPua- a a3aI-t tModmemerting cf Ci, Milton Wt-2hua,-B làaitictee ilihibelhl a-M D Abaîc bal 'ahf b W 9uug(l.mcrnov) ferthe HRJ\NIoa,uufluaot f1Drc or a thec accoue b E- I 0 Ib t &aton cfelliter buai-E SF '-a, l u- ramtituat, ism i; a ver' te! i .a'e' r cOditl*on, and ie pr-onut- e' 1fitirfltrablehlc Clu ton 'ý Ob=e uina. hn.- aa tun dc>a rc i g RJZbaaoe ao- al yeeigSW tTuatle)a1a -a 4u. uined Philip Mcibibhus1 ?i wid el>t.vaad>' meninnretri iv Bjý OMabmeifornirgdruea mcd Fi. o.d more liod e njeihToial Ilit eai-" l deighte rwdwtless eoaaelMa iaThcp s&-PettMocn>' in -l a Bit Tcmdy Chir fioea&cm aia aaaaa lI MitaOin luSouth Oxfoi-uoa aca Bnelaa.:lAa Ma 8 b lC.mole la Cie Coru- me-. ta Poe b' It uretinr-elt.of~ bui. rom d ult thIe eleclioua haicenMn. J. D. Edgur t,!,@nlaa 2e Ien «L i1V.COL Skiner inao-aaaaîee caaaaua b on lioar, acnd asuppoerCminIlata le aa- QeuhueQe ient. TI re, I eue urapurs, i- à o pdiaat lu tiieuoolluaa ltua h eUA part tportcug Cal.I p all la u all-Wl tà» tuGlobesunppoilcil -e-rn aa )- etla.Cl' -Joae a uiduaa GeirgE W. RAILWAY A irîspaîchJachk: W uaa. nauaa Ille dmai Ma>' iti, gacys: T.C Dee aOE , -Pf.heHamiltaainuofast an t la fie-haut gwmwybave rompîtri tua caincao Oualtbaea. f or th"t lino freaont lu.carcalaian finîtha UIMviaii.The evopenties or, ol uadua. te rewbedachebre yec-Gorafla te hOrl ave loratci c Theuneaaad raune vo, *b*qâmuanaait le iIfouers'of'ît$il;hall mald %0i » rula cluoa; thra-an au an. Faat-ina-,1 dmsIýbt have Cthe offe t of G aorage;e Tua.. Masal j»»aj% -4»aiciLerahlearsn a Mrshui l IaI n liauer- themony IIbinalt lic aencOoui I4*t.aca -iceamoiBaIl Iiamr tira. ~auaapp9irt8 n1~1bru as roieaaabyUnfi ~ ami 1m LOWlI o , r anud George than( t~iefn? hat nlutubeawan d d rt. W a The UsOuuiOn rate foi cfàd noffta"YCh, reamatian tonrala ti-n-te .i11, cpi Cie mm@Miaifîne tu e.. iwr=CC'tî t a l oune M'te a.a"aton ltcI -CO;l:t be aimiittd at - 2L meal ad athe Townma DCla a fflbitioûs lieut..- onaaýlv etiecieai,o te. at tih . p ue ofthnmn lnaO" u. m c o Aarulturaî fill- Tho tOexpremier ireeit E. vmm ore l i DandrnOe vraslc bt ht - mand ; s tg tyla E terateojuf r mmmi uttml>'alat>'give b> Dr.hA- P. Rob 9 Wif lt.iCaen .mt r.Me ay-ofi ta m à eta R-' E'a a rtfi un. iccM i I. . t nst mci e muta 7ugsog Mimd if ie r- .an-t-oa --ucn 1-îîNI *où mi ce"

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