A Rfi VALSJ Ç~bIDES e ruoon fait otur STOCK!l iunthfeii weelta, WO nowoffer nduci4etnts in1 DEYS & CLOTHS.1 i--cilAi .E BI CES9 Buffalo Robes, 3erman Mink Overcoats. an «.ad SCCS,, Pa.rker -~~u K3~m NOASTED OX. An toublantni Ere Ph w IM., II*Ca . 111. u tSi.u sumto Ltte aode su the w~M mmfprvenit t li t. t a re 1ijg ~ 4 ~ ~ *m;.TaWaialS me tide4 whns taea'11'qt M ub.* lleaeenct. BiSa-, .ý duce certln delirBokmay iM tl emr a clild tae hoa poeUb *or. thé ou Valu, d anrrn. ther *outil knowr*m . cj. acîaehlaited wouid al efmMÇe 4-j r ifr the ltaa-im nt p~~ bilittrcPlaacbrailà. w o u nt6b mD obeatson fer ofcc el tue albate uai Mr- Clixr On- moyed, i, ecndeti by raw catael flbci vlla b. graho 6ame5élad. M r. WadlaThai elda coneil Boardi poulinac±oftthuglt liai bienfuit>ly la T111111 ilt~uiton, reod iboîr deep bam fet ii a titaêteorrr, ai ana a>houaiedise ' lýM ty1%"wt. u Smih egaim a la>k.maiala by ibthee fthie Ihe her>,ua ntn nahodutaipaB roiit luata.- ie John Bock, péri., abce format ap tir <lente ta acYtblug.- i> l ,hI ~ ~~ombrenare peutlabemamue wit bue cf Shakespearem on t a ne heurti, iireOtoai -».tylajea emteý ia.ibthila Cerpermtacenan Rooys cf the orglai ding article in file Toronie a lIti Utdes. tbh grae ii,Township of Trafalgar, andti hc- £ýadier an the oamer. , vaimnarfix nrgwueiut faciieavait theafaelvg of Lille Titls scitiie t4otrer>- cerred ti n taa ceeuola le ti efralatece e eadîa~letan n~bîc iemfic>-e umu inh r mt hst maedium o f gviet expression te tiroir armat tus n redin inlutDighO ill U&t ofEll by l miihoePimor.J igli apprecintien et ligistering specfchlr an aeci.of the de. bed adenbc a iia i>-.uhb l "itics, ectiacce andi gcntiemaeiy mo' ataemilon ail-m leOàhvIIIh meunlanodm0qealaytrani the -molo elle alient, bohaa e neilier and Tueaday, liairfaLhet "u I mni' e- la slangn paia thnia mainmeasantan, anti thoy deairo te nenre> ta mackattie aaemîa, >D. B. Cli U.Ieianorpuri. sl8 1-"l-"a o isi rrowaag patuer lia hie. and bie Mi. P. Inaireu aflernaace Mr. Clalabalnt Thecnecg&nemcu nder whil, ti,$ becenvei fanil>-, their dieep anti heurt_ ad hic frienile coco ted epenauanor. now by.law la subintt ar us fliiles, toit cymathy.-Caa-led. rccsecd wt'ale. As 0 on e ntpôr> A ilepuailn front ti. vaions foire. Mr. Wmitie mcvcd, semendoti la>-Mr. glacagbtlliy romanche: emivi pmttire Diretwfîîathe opan>-Cliaaenta, hin ap-ctof themria- Itianatcihoc u eaçt mt-ertoaoo brca0"the ltbeoflcrenthw nt Fialn ilon Ja »mmho farward tio a icthe camcueof aa na ibanorer pat f I al uendeavor ta eucre a rdaîinofî vteat aml> fthiieib Bcn bc properli- doui, but w na sprinti4 -Boneem hie l b aen carrild by tre E4q, b>- tihe Cinri cf tim Cenei.- ahi apectacalein m mii e deciti oBdeeait majeitfet16- sed tancet acide Omeni.l batue,adtdid hie we acb te iaaiefaacjae viaicla ucceyediate]ladtibeon comme - 'rthe Cierk remtima py oetihepeti- Mf &IL. edib>-certin e ca;er ti-iTflao tee nt-cm ialaCacacil te tie Onario Evra ta ftic eetiqfaccile cf tire aaîd Maltai. Tiree lîtatien a '.eLegiatueopraag ftor ihe repeed ef spirit ofitire deteased it we preimiaeae, laccil cf Col. Cicr, Meaiai- Wa ttue Beilwvi Griaaaiag Act. cepp4iti tatai lid à spirit aatua itTaltiuaindl Sitar- Salu, cntvîg Mc. Wiitiie Dmevei. ceciandet b>- Mr. its spiit van preitnt ettbe proesatSa ome Hue. wiîner, -BaiIL06.-. niee, Thoet tre peation cf l3eorge cf rcatng itti nmortel cromaine. h le Bock roPcoefntiag Trifaigar, (o vai- Kenedy, ati 11,9 etlî-re, raie. net unintîtanet ta linoa ie t ilte italidb>- Mr. Davidi Leetat.)Mentin.PaersidcftireCoccat> cf Halîcal, nair- rcaticg orneiel daine. becace aftber Wnidie, Altoan mdIrland repruatieg ang thia Courrait tc manit a By-lnv, rctnag cf tire ce, Mr. Chiahlcln matir Nelson. gpaeticg id ly ai-y cf bouaoatrint aspeaech.andaa, liedt thtechery bae Afttrîemaracg theo nve fIb fen aetnpctina-heact>,emt lid, If tiglit have laittiatn injuri(en barsofithie Deputatie5i un g dfürth li sorti ajtltioii taLtse Haniltoe vi-atr(it the ciatar. leiag. bcveyer, btti80i.bonne ahbout io iiti matiud Meuh Wnatrn Raîlavi> Contpny Weil c,,,aeil, 8 arn ae fle a positioin SuOi. mat ttte by.lnwwailllihnd ta tîtoentent et sntt,-fivotheceenti * te mcvw, front rmat Mr. Cliiehlmi lta rar'd a ndclloregardedMadallai-n.ho e nw.eceiret mecdi ao.- eliRtprapaly casied air astioeiuapo.ta bpiaatiti reUtih etilieu es-Ceicl.ireied tanti rend. Iiti ccasetiamenats- Bat te malle tii-iorsafurtie Cecpaps>te cnbiî anoir BppPermissaioan etftre ccil, Jcohe effu miac tIi" n a CMParIacan Wu by--aW. file n recftlaeCcl>uatian.Stuari. Ecqi., Preaident H. & N. W. B. acee-a, ici tmI.ton ue. rn i e n Iuud bmepprîin tlirira-eiai-tenaowe R. Co., nd-eaed theuntne hal-f cf il flic aeacig cf thee d ay. arlia, eitdpsalcah nov imlent fertibmretacet eiaid roat. acci-dicg Lieifthc reporti fi-cm armh auaitmet. Mr. Facter.aiacved, neccatictib>- Mr. ieva alea-ati>-qiatta aAfter tliarnrngcmcnt wanearrivai MeEeierp. Tiatithe lîplaîr graeîing T»,. ccffvc ati niher nriraimnta v--re t. ciller Portiote caaaaateîcet preomt- cti ta the entente aift andace imagte t a aide Ibo bvIni-.i Teulhave tc iiac eia atda i aann aiiaed for the purpeo1 haine defeadieal thia ,nwiaction anaglt bave NrhWsenRiwyb o ei cciv ct thet. preHent bhitierinn f thi ectdiindefliae dehay in ttirencoin BroIa u ait-,àm-ir. mcut ca, ihlecnapciia ccc acit ot i n, aîeaceaîarat cf the consat-rctincf t-e lvtn tlitne perapn, mlat cîerwiàe ecaiti baccbeain. riacl, alii"il teCtii;a- ipa-ctrr-a t M. Wli iai vt.sercondeti b>- M. The fiaau at atavrrpinf i-cniezo place new by.law beifor irae pepler nt alîathl eiclli eli dinalîlinni alnthe cen aiat~eilitce anc,,ccac a a edctn'i-eliîi ralamiter cf thae Wlele nitie Bp-lav cofr atia-in. aproio f Leu, c grcie. . .-aciaag aid te the Hamailton anti the valet of tie o cmaisn t ee If ti6by-&rlainei h tm N oyfrthi Western a iiway and ihatita tueBe thenmc 'P' - hi-cdatiecndti liea.-Çarcri. fiecure fdici, vôit taer r e auf- "il1 imneedialcly on the cpcniag cf Caai eCaaatn fMnWee ficicitl>-diticnt tu tacalihgrtaaada Sping commenca aperaticai. ant il oci w laîlac ii-ltta-.bL hoe fa- ontnen andte obl us o jdgepianinferwaactte a npccdy cm weill M-c.aldia ntecar fhe rescm-iitiveere eto.alend tenonuthe costrluctioa cf iiafina. Wcuatcust B-las rrendiacaial tamo, a il' teet a eclnie. no ne o yl bc ec licd ta tie lrcata Cecacil recueai. The Waima la Tteiet wve net nescntlrtra ane cf tteCclta amieoppoee ln passage the chair, ae cocti leticirtd, atd pentibi> tire cf-tlin hy.laar, Weav n emar foc- Mr.Stare>- acra-t. ecantici b>- Mr. rasaitaili neot eanti a rigid ecictilic e r acracansendeanc>ec taic hc thte. Ware, Thatirelatrepart cf tht lau ntauti, pa tpari.teno firai-e ae imene ntaagcnta accrue tramn ifs cecrtcrcf Public Sciiecle haorretieed èautl(gero, th epermen i mar cruci a, belnt in temaaimc a ali elrrcdtair te Ceamitice an neaaiudgcfraa'tht repetretarda>- e ulti al>- ay ihalithe heci- cf the Elcai.ii.-Cara-ieti. ccii la-ra-it lalijcl iriaa.t sect t ia na nepletiget b>- the ticîgatea MI-. tBarbier, Chaitan Stantiing coafl cir flti l tirtk -1tei li-cr dme > i rpî,trmc Cîaaaigitr ee uFinacace, braaagi ula ili.-cI] faal, NI. Ciliia ,iaa ii n-vi. litl ne cpi)tac ia lc railard. lIii- i ai repoai i ra- t îjicla %vie ai-ad, i-f ~ ~ ~ ~ rt li-a -tial.aaîa ~d.~ as beenrelueed fronac ;I ;'dilitac iiial-le. îca. alit ta t' eit -Wl",olac , c - r udedls eOu tw. l tir iiaia- - tail ile-Stiatiti Zl ail- e, .iti.iit, Ii At t aili- a eabagatelle fcr a weicîî agtiti oiîaititta &locicatinbrouillaitah, auj i-i--aie lr ia-ai ca ta- lc 1- ciulyliha Matlti. Wawilu ai tri-ah It tieh-iri rn-ar i chasciraid, Gnrgtga tvlt'4lf it. Macg- farne i-a, r-tuaIt Mci-cru failell titt aubji-ci. . aaitatimtil a attîîîil. liliiiniattiri-t. è araii att-ai catotr ()ait titttacattacil ajaîtraren ltil 'ciii itiliariii t i jaa-.ic. ;sud lîratglit. A Sianc vilinn gui-a for tient ae-r- .i. ,thei- tiladay ef Apt-il. CÀ FBcLL- ifr--aaiiîatliiriia ittttil it cfthcM. N. C.g Saciaiia Salace1. hW . PoA-cON. BPalni iai- tfrnt filmata gentt eie tattport. Kilinide, ila tha Tata iicreHall, Catuiti- Clark. E., caly 1111 *ite-i. viti t ic liraU- a talird DittiCuamiarcilit an Tliietdai-, ciaeacg, __________ ____ Baîranaca artiaaaiîral bat. Ie. iirChialiiaci-it Sm latacci.____ et) f«ia tiiclan, tiact. --.MItLTON MARKETS. Feth.a 1 Wh t a br hrparay i-stiinction$ abccî LecCTUar.-A lcclte waili ha de- - - b ah -whi u ahrcri lone. the band ia-Wlivri-d b>- Mr. W. A. Wilson, Knox yiJ. J. Bail)Den tlîîii.îciaitwn thi-,a-atyo i- ihtcibsudthe Cciicga, lin e TownaHall, Milcn, oca -MaITa, TacmnÀr t26ah Fein ____ Icaînaf vru. Ha brped chai- ,l rced ini-day-. liiiMaich, tcortt hanafit Fin.lauihaiýý......t...H. te125 finia.tdhi. iiin tho partr ci iglai. of tieiMeeliaîaica' tcnitcîe. Sueaci i inec iiheai.. 1 20 a5 e-iv.. atjjjjl iiie. aiaaral ta, aek- lttaHieail lia relaticonstin Nature. 1l..........i...... _1ce i 25JAtOic.-I patb-iiit, i- faoncati a u atin t irtait )tici, ... ... .... 35 44a iaihlc I-ilat- acaliai aïi-e uittaeai iria ScaaRE.-I.Si-ca vilSlabc li-Idlain " a -- -- - 55 60a mt54 've ..........e..ta60 0 R a,,. -t. a i ii-sa -iii t ta ara, attiif 9c 141 lcalun iBotonCiierra, Ecqueaiîa,ci'ei acl- --- Johnal -,,iiglil vin i )tar tirelncaaaiaaaaaaaî nesdcp avec cng, 41iiiMai-cia.Thefuktato oielloe i rftrlwn lrye il add foi- t-eBec.-Aa haa i oaa a Ii eiiîl, rlIa Iile.nn clai-r Mcing:aliRev.Mesrcn ren ilicetoa AUCTION SALE 1Chi-a niattiit hbce itiattr4igi-tilaieaaaarticle Gaelpin, Ccii. cf Clauda elaujaci Tue ttaangti c af fonad. . Bible'; Baihia. cf iicacaptona îaîjcat te uAmnte-r fi-ecc tîtet earflitta nna, Mapincn i llarof Ochrila . R eal Eistate -Ït-A cîiiilaitaanîaita t teianak -ie, ftatri o biahcciDaGil; Little,of Nus-ara iliar it'ahg. afaere iait-ltag iateiîjdaaneya. mci Caeon, afAcica. AtrI-eC.tMnic Ilii-aiaaiara l-Itaaria-i-ipe-tatiee. Teailt6iclacn. A ae ,C.o ain Niri. Cihiniaataniil frattn- t. gaie iniiteti NEW iiaaiîlriltiiitcamaaa-r. 1 li~e ox ~W Wnunbureciaid ieairaiticnatfron il-lui-a- iifar- caattrld tlant tiii NESO CUN' V iii calia-taitliit-anînilaieprtai-ase rCe -Mc Absalom S. Book, tolaiapttic siXri-aeie. hat tht irea oneil met purmiacat ta siiate-- anad cakei aauaca lit i.teexronuent.aitaiea ilhi- Puhble Aucticna at Bagec Boetl.AiMILL aiaaeiqaairlliitia spp ortiaec brh al poscrat. Palrmeî, oce aitJli Mdoal ld. 1Tho articles Minta s rte s itiaeetinaga-ed anti rSSntmird ifaddevf-iaM.el:Iom tie cotlirmitet. Ttiaecnand ofii a-u1874 trutiafali-marki- nat '-lie petîtie^ ni hu e teatdreset ic Tesayo3d f arh 87lp bileacri liait bei- aashortibac eo ltinai-ratd a communtication trnn t irerahetelecwing test estâtes, ,,t iarliaî aaa-a iatetnea i crIi ta1mcCiiy- Cica ofH tamîlitt. wili fanare- c..Tht aactb hit aiftrituX. .32in tht bil i ti-a aauic piat,. ca.ttori-$18 tir bhaai-tiaca uttiatac re tc actiran, inr-h atDandi t S.. in the - cf iltirh auience tpenrsinothte Clid T iaýhip cf Tratelgair, 100 a- ireavti aiapiti.Afttr in aitaission, ie f ci-sph eyodsi te iiy adha- erbai-ci, ahi. 1 .uo-e,aer AIL lr.cerahrtil)tam c a itt l miat guia tHospitaIl. ~t~ e- flicrac-ai- e ý. ai, ditrr ilal..nA 1uth. Pa Sia Jolauti na îdrpcdrant uporacttat Mri. Watson mvdthttr aCk&incs e lebicatie. Woii týed iii-thar &cocent 11 iit l ier attiai-ata ta a>-agaiunt itaiit, oett4-pata it rM-. Wclietir le laie reh anti avait; t.nraî g-d; sifl, a cia>-o e riil1 aid uduici Reeval. toa inertain tic iiaaiilit of ti alun unlagtit eutiatiin. One qartcercoclletion. teaailil fii-ila aeatîn [cntthecmicl. ina PnltIaa snd 2j nilesa Icmm 3l-L Unci.e ae.balletbc.elahi aie n-t ahi e hmct>- cf itatultinci t a rai-lnaîtatte Sce.Tia oati. -iene ow tIher, is doiget ht soinc ot tbeProvnaces da ncaetof ,leepatBeynoldsaai tue ,,pad. bnlaeit.Bokahe rainal,-cc f c-i.itoitc.d.cfronu, and Plait- nein - apj, tbMc s.lerso ani -d.cillai-. et f, 'aleaacsition anaici-cctl ea bTherbaCon rdriiec. eadSic Jcbna may rct lbanileut Mr. McLarte e - oedt tîaittetwote tcla, iutentoinsea.gondcti ar, cjacntrtain. the latineof pahaticl anfaire.c. ueicil go tuie a Cemaitto etf tht tita aucd-bensu. dicitg-bcand mt itbleM OI ecdia i-t crico hai t eactecinavre an Whlctcon tire B>--a* epicntiatit i-dinveiladaatefemoaaimltentiW. -reorle m tnebr aing peae d trS-townaihip icficestteietanteai * Temailibéral; maei. cn tayta'of pacitte thie acunry." -Cecclet. m -aie. Other p titalm ac 1.t a t ofhait nlMc. -Ane8. OOEPaiuta.or etitbhei-cticneic Thec thepatan«o hie tieoilcatinc cp Courraciin Cancanitte ec hebmWbcI itmaOikill.alé sit loclc. 200 Pam hait. etin an ineiStitmi inarIlair Mr. Waiean in tirc chair. w ~a Plate. PaU iaem n ane~atics caliMatt e f>-a i-dat nsfut Wp. Actaaui. iectua lieblacidng aiea mian ad illn ibe ent op cntcil a h --al lc It. C ognCaimat tnmacdOmkicle, Pch. 16.18ci--omalii painf a,Oni etrla nteAiteex- rsmd Perînce f te Osvdlepcceiima. la hc- The- cuai-matiepatteti By-tav rond- d cent,.iattica or tck eeh ne iMr. a secandtietnd emaenditirepart tath bat i ntt.th rceve.Auction Sale. Lé la9. Se touaas ne h nnti hintailite i-lai Mr. McLarenimavedtamaitheoutail rautceîttoz.tont, ahtau me am"lafitih ilwibavoiriead a timird Lime ti t W M. VASS !'AS BEEN IN- F( ti-dg.g hua.c e ho b mi f tan. 1'paet, mtaechit. VVt.rotd y the Eacatccaofthe estate beie se btnfic aVbtih: Mr. Ramier acvrld dhiat the aucmO e thae LaiJohn Butab, Ena., tetilcau h icla. 1SE, 9îaiiacnLiciac«tae ibi deati intdccf"Of 131lho paidiH. McDale orthlct>--tirn air:= lm No25let na a.,N,.S, tbachaerelI.e. liante ci graineu pet où ihe bigbva>- ceiloIne.caqc.min. ta Ote tdiend ibiea-cii- cemarkbihe taran, Canet ini Mri-D B.. cajbiln, ill rve une céitt fer Mr. McLaren tee-elit taveaiî>-TIUrsdY A;FridilY. lth 2 à27 Pela. usi gne'amiftcvés ientier to i ececeeara.oe dllas Io pi i- ase frta eAdtincbt, ifr theba tuinta coie nni a ie aiaatn ed - The lobai cf t am-ttStock.,Fiar tés .eii te admie cez. and esche.i tesanti ci-b neiai, building an enivefi and tare- Agftel ielelmînte. Grct Tle lateC r aidntly lit tocti, a deca npîhbag e pi rond cn t e Miic t- niici-Ut-aie. taeahcid Faciac,&c.p avecI ccc-ecin!pcitiaimb ialceMo lt«p -Caa-oo'd. -Th. Pare Stockn, Iamlmntae, k&..aili bc I ;-, n ..nosa -ct~ma-l ic M.Ilatlatl acn taiC Ao ch-c itra-, md t. h.emebh.a p-.V I COMPLETE OUTFITS Blankets, Boots and shoos, AT rn B8Zolay & Llndsay'u, X'NitOfl ?4~W F~ RGAZNS I woaTz ýY.4oods OM*T*W>fn oow~Jat ~ BtRTHS. m-n -0e Theendai-, thi lmihlntI ie ailT G. MthnnEa. zt]I~O ECAý . n 1 ateý, et e dnofbt.__ MARRîtl3. In consideration of theè splendid Fail Trade whlch we have done this ~ Seasona and to, keep up the steam and excitement, we haie 4oterznined to ,-W b-Atn5r ti w"lltc cl auhrf Jmn *ht, . Pq Clear Off theo 3ùit.o of ur nF ail a MW Intor Uo a-Dentiç-AntitheM. B. C. ree, Elbtitin, ca ahe lcthinat., Ret. J".t. lBter, ttc. JohnaiAM' FOR ut Miilice.th leD.g îbbc THE NEXT FORTY-FWVE DATS a.mni.it. fJanecan WiII 8*II Gti@ds at'Extraordlnary Low Pricos for Cash OnIy, and ne Stond -Plou. a2 tôaEc.Oauaitha 8t iihtnt., Farmera, Mechanica Millera Hotelkemecers, Marchants, Grocers, Cierkm LaeavaiLadies, Brd,e .ta, nTu,y, Gentlemen, Idiers and Hard-workers, in fact'everybody wiIi gez goods cheap. W. are mea. aicel J--r, oe-aat bound to make bard times easy. The fatlt is wo hava to turn the inûnense stôck inta itýo aul B ge 2 money ; our neceseity is the public's opportunity. At Omini-lhi, an Waedae-T, the nnât UAjemott in ahi 5tb Corne and iee us for the next forty-fia'e days. This is no blow, for womabsie. __________ se-_ 80DS FOR COBT PRICE 1 800DB FOR LEU MURN COOT, ÂAMD 8H OSR aLl r MM -d t ADVE TmMENT5. VV A N T L . Don't fail to Corne and met the Grand Siaugliter going on at the LLIMER O0F IRST CLAsS niamcet db.ebatealehbinca. wbrhcien, appui- te BARCLAY & LIIcDOAY, ultes. PAY UP. PARTIES IMDEBTED TO :etnlce.ecsnqmir.ad tenttln acan bilathe1ofletMeca Liob pluiein prtpihm" mfor I.LSH. BItIGER, M. Dt. VICK'S rai Guide ai Y»~ EmpacinN ge, aidCaain ih.t io. trii-m.& &te len m "a i pls Bielaneac, 1f. h. -OR SALEe MW MILCE COWI. AP- La UtNo. , .tud con.. FA- EVIDCAYEU. b. 1874. - ei-4t. Land for Sale. A PART OU' LOT rV, Bd 7cnetp n lGr . etaa ±;s SÉihIbooY Kt abancOMMuof &gar. sq. Ir. beIt. w1573 fl. 1CONTRACTORS. ,W WILL BR UECEiVp cf ib 6ttdy fFbre., lia- tdrcaldalnig neoe&ma eièome bridge oerc be SU "B«loEa-on. Toua. mppa-avci b e OMM&ei. pllticualia ausidecof unlé. V or r. mâ r " > MAMMOTH HEOUSE, GEMORGETOWÈ We enumerate a few of tht leading bargains: F~N IU 1AITS, Twlls, CAPITISIAiil& CJotI[.R U:IT~i Dress Goods, Manties, Millinery, Furs, Buffalo Robes Froni two to fihe dollars and upwards. Ail genuine bargains-ail new goods-no aid stock or tram-all first,-clasâ goodat. ..- lihe biggest and cheapes-' stock in tht Domini4. We must senI, sa comeansd se us. RÈ'DMFMB.ER OUR ORDJEREIý CLOTH-ING DEPARTMENT, Second'ta none-Cheap. 0 (712VJwNE JEPR>e -izxvri The most fashionable inî the Dominion. Boots and Shouas te comfort thcnunderstanding. Jannary lst, 1874. NOLEOI>, ANDERSON &à O.V Georgetown. IHzW AItERTI5HEBNTS. $5 REWARD. 1AO5T NEÂ ST. HELENA MILL5, on 8tda>, 1Itifont.. a brave triever pop. anse- ta the omante cf ",Dottig.' ýThe abovr raci lîl ho paldti e anoeoretta-cngbils. ta tihe aodeticegmeei.sudiany peracn e oaleing hînt caber liaisdata cUl hbemocta= I.Lt.DOUGLAS. Aar eae Pl. Ifth, 1874. &ICTlON SALI>iOF 89ÀL UTATE. rEME FOLL LANDIS WIL mat.aim bo-. a. = MIL tthe T~ Eall u. itheTonc il Mtom. 01cit y a lot liNo.s. Uilnthe cenaililemd w ssi dbor. TIie bmwe r7Mit M a etil Gi«mclfl04 At àtiI.d àp i Bé, e née gnommraté Oaile Jommobeebta cite .1874. S1UN10SOUOS,1814, J. BASTPEDor 8e.mam-lita obié h. bai.TOCKnh I Ulli LID VflEoLa lid ceeu b .I. . m M G wmi&a8. e "'. pà mia MLncl lB ý,ugbo4 imw 4r.L1à4v»i. L ; r 'UR DAY J8flUmi7 To BELL 4azia i-~.u3 uwoa~ YGOODS -OItel Âuct !onj feneieauia./oai dape S umiectilima Pcaei~ae. i I att 1 @,cm& OmI~m4rl ýlý,