.ý l . 1 1- ý - _ 1 1 1 , , ý - - ; ý 1 . ý ý : ý . . ý . .. ..",C, 1 . . ý 1ý ý . " " ý . ý1 ý 1 - 1 . . 1 1 ,ý,ý "i ,ý 4 . ý 1 . _* . . . 1 1 ý .1 ý. ý 1 - ,,:.ý ý ,î 1 - - î 1 1 , _ý l 1-1 ýý ý . ý 1 ý 1 1 ý , ý 1 - I 1 .1 ý ý ý ., 1 . - 1 l 1 : - , ý ý+,' i.ý _ _ ý . . . .k - ý . ý 1 1 1 . ýý -Immwàamzz= - 1 -il . ý' - 4 .,I z, ý . = Aý .. - ý 1. '_ 1 . _.. - ' . ý -, 1 1 -_ -_ ýésI&aaabiu "ý > .. . ý il, 0 11011- !W1111111M -!!Illlle!!1111!11!11!glm ý-.ý- MI - 1- - isbilq-Lon- i ý -_ ý'f', '10 - î- 1. ,ýý.ý ý ý -. 1_ - -: - . . 11 1 1 1 ;ilr1:1ý1oi-'-. weý-.. - 1 - ,ý_ _ ý 1 ý, -,ýý- ý - ?"ý - ;,., , -,.ý, .ýý.1ýý ISPUBLISH BV£Ry . - 1 ý . go - J- ý'. ý, . . op 1 ýý 1 .ý 1 ý l ý 1 1 ., ý 1 . ý . ý . 1,1 ý Cý 1ý ýý . ý ýý 0 . . . . 111 - , 1 1 . ý . ý ý ý . 1 ! . ý . 1 ý ; THURSDAY ýý 'I ý . ý ý . ý»lý l", t ., ý - ... 1 ... ý1 constat . et Hoitý, 1-1 Il 1 I)f dilata woak, dit Milton on 1 1 ,_ ' - . . ý . ý Ontario, fer ..... sesse, ; . . ý . j 1 1 ý ý n _ -,,, ý-- -r , ýý . ýý * . ý 1 - ýý - 1 il Z. D. XITZEBOX, --- P - . ý 1,11 ,1. - , Ji ý - .- - .- ý J'l ï ,* - 1 q1,ý,1uft rqwlot4r. . . - , , ii., 1 - . 1 ý . __ -D i.-., Ri'.111111i u n .-_- iý: - :'è, - ý . . 1 . ý 1 1 . - ý ý 1 , i;,- . oFF[0,0,-ONMAI'NSTRBRT. , ý . ý - . 1 T ... l-,,,$',,Ayear.i"&dvauce T la - - ý - ý 1 AND COUX-TY: OF HALTON: INTELL1GÉNCEË.ý - 'r' ,- 1 _ - - suios cors IL date In rib , if - ___ - - ___ - . . - 1 1 .ý - . . '. ne 4.49 .Ilb - 1 - 1 unnummumm Dot'. a ni ab. . L . .- . ý - ý ln;ight -- la . tim F r.- , - âýa 1 r'l fflLTON COUNTY -01,11ILTON. TRUREDAY, FERRUARY 19, 1874. ýý V1114 r . . ý , 1 jiy.%"AMICff*ýp-xe.ztlë*.,&.".-$Ig, * ý ý - . . et a ' ' - ' ' "' .,il tw- c ... . Dont à à ýV sl'o .le 1 a mmammme_ý ý ý . 0 llr,ý.,;. c.rilisof Inglact ligne av bats, 8.5 Mr Tenciers w anted. Tàf Sigoutar Toihpetînce mollement , 1 sall", ý Synopsis, gfýý Soh" RÎIL W911 as Cmuty Board@ of gaaminen Great mon. iu,ý'à;ýýý,IIlle, a(ligago. ta ha __ Ohio. ý . -_ OnIY One eltougination for eutificaW -, y" .ck.ýýne.<Iobdo 1'id 'J'ENDERS %'11117BE RECEIVED' Tite Dant le.w days - a always think of men as in "th., -;e Icý;-II.dl FUÇS,*uIrtdb This Bill, Whittle bu pansai the ûrxt la henceforth to faillis, place in aller) W ýWied.nothold ourgiselleige gratespassiailsal ift * iýn. . nu to the 2ftli'FuRukity, 1874. W tenait lutte -bave bronglit us 1 dot of performing the dessin whieh Rive fillige ioptaiom tif oser - mýpond7loý ý .1 ILJý-I ýli.ý-u-t all.wed gmýg%4v«*ièe: , - Les Isolaient M-ti.. Ne., il Es Iligenc VisoxLT-.Xxous. Min . rendini and wffi come op for alitai year. 1 tissens, renown, or ellets, in stately repose wl»-un lessis, -Poste 'il '11!son, il - a of a wom&'%'d raid nPou sien lit a few daye. in of do intacts lis- = and majestie, and yet 1 . . .- __ 1 rL,.tý ý n,,,ted fi,, ..te.d.d peri.d.. Badine. ý the driokiug gel se 1 lait'- remet Io ail classes of the toi-munitý The Depository, la net te ha abalieh Rrand, _. phm Bd SDaýiÎutilng am 4 men m th,, ,-z:ý.-ý-ý- . Y'-,s" "d!,,, fair. %Iý-tr.oiiujots Witûont, .pecial bottai The ite-ua bave agly tient Ire give a brief. synopais of irii ad, but the Coassait of Publie lustèùc thio 'O ,,ait eancoed. rýidený tif ,Nfr Wla , Conter, neige, lier, sauvai tient everybody ha si Ligues provision&. - IL consiste of ne legs the,,, tien are te moite out A Celluloses, 0 most gorgeons «A VOI[OEFRON OAKVILLE. the Bat biset them»lýýB ta 1 witil eftgel'lieu. Tite imminente attack- ý . 1 . ý ý _c, 1 .1 N.ticý. the abject of ýhi.b'iè escortait . human halage have jiU ýJüêiÎ1ý"ii , t, "" '7 ý'i - Boy taisader. 1 sevelktv-five RectiOn8, emb"s'aing the sintitagarised books. and truste,& cen m- Te as, Edi&or-df 49-ilssan Càdmpioit ir 1 _u t, prw,ý,to th. pe,,u.iary beuefit of #4y e(limftl'uGgtiu%'ilclble. Itlénoghelter- selves witthbetbaetlietntlteiotihiuogfe eufalifoumwahUiéihr ' 1 As Ste.-,Vmê.n inen:psi te &ma, '- .1 ""'.'E" iý,livit.., ýr -""pa.y, leil, be-a.id.,odàn JOIIN Ilý4,XLPY ý.T. ý, Ii Il Au ,Lof file bookà pno'P'L', and, ao4 the -ýpI.1= tinsir. WX. (jENTRII. , If Ileneath tige abeltering wing, fipilewingý;ul)jeM: Thedrsttwentv- patricienne fronts bookaelnlers or whoever No doulit Moses suffered and . of 4 , p. . -J .hwýeii accordiénaly. PETER Vý4,MpFti three avetions refer te the COQ'teil Of -they May flairait tient. a antidatait, on -ally tuait; fur saine- iir.1 al 'I SI 1 .ti"!,."t li uanik'ehls&,%w-9diMruxiiukY ta.a.,Iaontt",,tknita..teist. i Publie liiitruction'. the Bert @aveu in the Catalogue and asiira 1 ýý_-d1Mý "e__ - - l'aQ'l'-ing, FobruýY Sth, 187-. *n*3t But witji 1 the bond, and if a fly bit hie »1.g white l'hugg .ýprovideIcsrcsRrtaiià improivenleute in lorementlug the chisa vouchers, te )lave ý go, aragry when -ha boit a Bave .0 Id in ""Ira ne'je@nnoirluer filet they gay si - 1 late courage eliaratterimtie of 1 theffi lac Sebo' 1 ai,,atem; thefollewine repais], orge-half of the essai; wNeh sucli ho wu gitting in the desêýt, ,.13 19111tios airettalrIl. 1 teintais', w il aý oused, tpoopsof ladies thirty.Inir are devotrial to .Public book% eould bave been bail fer nt the we 9 ,whyshoqlcl or du, thst théiruames may be handed 1 1 11-1 1 ý - 1 1-1-11, Il ------ ýýý,---,- bave laid ge4e t'O lien engloutis. Tlieir 1 oppose ù£ did But jugal) and ruter the clown ta, pýategi Now, Mr. Bditor, it Illotto ili'-No Surrender' schuolo, and the reuà&illing auffl Cou- oducat -aîsa office. No toucher. hispec Z. sors place ? and Cmsat,-inn't it tais rably id bécanes I hav fille in view, and finir- ý -1). D 'WAR, Inclurai fat Marri 1 ]DILESSI£A = CT tain enactmeuLs coiiiiected with suis- Lance trustes, or any sather debout officiel essai tient lie used jjýen..&. Oflica-Town, Hall, Mil- - Tite eateatim of atta(gc are ,javel, ton, cellanoua& mottera. m il te beaucce forious ing lisant the future laitésissi ofour County ---- -- - - Don$ ivette, noisette, A -bevy of ladies enter the saloon and hall ha in any way an agent for the t op t.iý,.. te Rat bis faisay, fail te record the wcaraderful doings ton. 41-ly .rk and jouait tient *,ad "virage of the mighty men of Our ý1 il. ItOUNG.IS<qugÉoF mAit- Collistencoit Prayer meeting. Thoýv COCYCIL OF PUBLIC INboaild are ma sna'alcy ofinsuiske. Special certiû,3ata ,Claiplppb,,urniip, tituba -m and d."týh al OTRUCTION. bc siiedtoaityngraon wbObAsýwheu ho wedshcvedtheu'ibackunder OahviDO Council (for'l'878 MW di 111 0 -)4 P ý ý ff . . si r.;,.,.sos, Union Arcade, OBIt. ]MEIM VaXtMetpo , Prencli agni:jot il, pray against il, and Tite ruegitbera of tllis - "Pi.ylrlniv in orchir 1% ille Ont. ý ý allemand the igigtautaiieotis chaRtiog of longer tu bave a lite-feciire of office. been traineil et aû3- Normalgeboul in the boa do tient lie bail te sweep wildly 1 thevetio're toi - _ _ ý ci,.. it., the British Dominion; and, apparent J1 . ý the liquir iliolt. If vjected, they As reconstarriered if la te arouand for flacon witii a braorts, hardie ? that I may rasons Il BIGGER M. D., PHYSI- ?cents abotre liraisse Cartonnages Grognai ion nome fi ariaiiir.tapraý,erm Lingue tion aide. imenebein fines three différent lestaircies. ly. Normal gobant @tridents, am tas bc And when fielomon stracked hie érazy ofthe-wonderfulopeeclies, notions, &a., F te .iât., s.rre.,I" -go., Milton, Osât. walk. and rentoila ce Il the agalotta lu the III place the Lienteuatit- Plamisied hy ý. .,44,rilz.,iox, 3. A., MARIRIS- A e "IuPPIY of Isgr ont I Ji& e4"Utzit-. ofolaisiesteil lie.., je il, u.osors Týinmop satin ho ke,ýie.r.capit ri. of lis lots mombers. I VAU commence Il gaffý Chisal:. . Blattes. If une day's &legs (iloversâo in Coutacil Je te have the by Couneil, ci rent front tient achich ho hopped artuand tabbOleTôtOoMsuapnpdc5lnoeotkhèidt tr,ýtc. Oiace-Comer.f main and ý là firet with Aldermàn BA, hie aposolanqi ri. 1 . la net 9 , they, returu the Bert, potager or zàowillgtiug eight mentbm. tiîi to examine . ocher tombera fur cor- riz" and felt am if ho wantèd te cry 2 and notions~ -'la ",h.tèe.tq, Georgetown. Mî1toný May hh, 197?1 ..ci leulla ticates. . Imagine George Washington ILI .. . ý __ -- --- --- - di si 6 Bert- outil theY oitlior succetal four ut abois. litre te retire suuumily, jor Ili v ndw proves, inconigible. autilesaveýapinsinte.d. sied thotermet the eJge of the bed pattiogg on a nets _Z D M W, A lie lf A, Il IL 1 $TIC R W.e. luseve reyedaitain4t the tiaffie office of calais id tu bas fur two yeers; Grand Trunk Temperamoý Lugue. chirt and growling At Idartha'beco6,ue ý ý ý la ÎER, . la ,..I.ty DISSOLUTI ý N OF Pl REN ýUIP. sagg-sif a tain- efor, Ibis, but ascidies. etýc,,ndl.v. ail academic bodies po&-@»- . the buttons were 99; or St. Aug4Une -., -gs TIIIII. Mais etr..t.leilutm. . - la the very au-onabulda .of file est ut Ui.ivereity powégris withiii il-* W. J. Spitteler, Esq., Superintendeut with an apron around hie nqck having til ___ --- -- bassineu. Province are tu elect one malabar fur . Il alf the Grand Truck Bailway bu bis hair out; or Jean of Are holding - --- ý NITi»TICE TS HEREBY GIVEN ne ý . IL II)IZS.itD..3c A. P. ROBERTSON, . thest the Pelaitrienthir, là"ly "bai.ting The reaulta tiens fer in flic battle the aime perlant; sud tliirdlv, the ý les da wilà wrilten alcoolier on flic lier fi ont hair in bar menthe un women ý fi »q toit ont: Office ci, tl.eir Drug b'etwý-nthtundemig.edA.thony Stoph.aaffl nois, ragilig have' been varied. Ili legally qualided masters and tesche'îýî 1 qtieatiigi of flic Iremperance Leagne, do, while abc fixes lier book haïr; or i -ýq.,re. NI.tin 'tie.et. D. Ral3gaTsos, M. D., -ad ltub-t Rangothaw m glanerai Bionsta nagny cases the. ladies have beau of Migli Schogils senti Ci)lleàrWe 1 Ilsti- ý hîtely fornied in conisection with tliat NapoleoujaLupingout of badine afreqzy ý . ti . _- Nt. : A. P. itasiceqi M Il 22 -naiths, et A'tiin, Je th'e ieouatir of fissitou victorion lany saloons have been fortes are tu betouse, il ci)jjmtitueiiey fer ý Co"'i)al)y- Mr. tilleicer gratte that the ta classe tuoaqtiitos &round the rasant . . . _ _ _ _ _ nattes, rage t'vas Stephenson IL. Ram.h.w, h;i 1 1 League jeu* siumbera Iffl menibers. with a pillow; or Martin Luther in hie pý 1 rit 1. C. 111, ir 140, BARRISTER AXD thw dey dissolvoi hy trottinai ....lent. And At leu teui1so aly clonent. Even the the election of oaie,,nàeinber ; Public Utogse, .t-LwSe)lio-ttori-n Chan- tient &Il doble, due and owing ta the rat. tires %'()as 111 ý% y1chlid Schoul Ilieistrelors al) ti.or, saisi legally: RO roptidiattes the foolish opiüiun night-shirt trying tu put the baby ta> ý ý ..: m ý 'tRrv pi dir, ire., ire hy G-,,, s'of., a", Il il, "("eé èhal, mangers and fusellera tif ý nie sels lias gai Led curvoucv t Inuline fusil, dit two o'elock in the morning; 'Ilorein yen eur Givé ,boW ovoi7tlù.g ha 1 .',' t ý "' 1 .4 ry, ^1 ' ., Wellington will ho ýiyod . .ha id te fil J)JIZIZ ...,ci as, , , ýBýs ;,ý1ýR ,,, lie qualitied 1 -esslure bit& bancs I1ý,ýaho or Alexander the Great with the hie- ,,,,,, Nl,.IY,.),GIKon;a.(teratýtermo. 01,11ilsoligessid te ýý.,ýa Bied coll.et the dans. fair loicJýrs. Ise Iit.,ýn.,,, a I I Publie and Separate Schouls a third. pi limughi ýAc .. bas foretold saccome tc pose exRctlY As ý hi .IV. -iciptis. s 0 theuinplovees tg) insinue them te aigu couglis; or Thomise Jefferson Rolling ha prophesied, and hovi veryfew carrera " et . and giva rec, Solue toffloi lireducedtot «u-fliiids Ample provision Je made fer the Pr - il, _ __ - - _ -.-- As -itso. - haggd this irait day of ý the pledgi. and kly geignit& tient 1 suddenly tirer a fonce te avoid a dog, ho bal, er, Attoruey- Jarmuy, A. 1). 1874. Inopoi filon. Sonne of flic galoisil. pet conduct, of the différent aimions, . for. He id ýherofore tu ý ).NI,.( inittlY.I;-,trri.e . il, la ,ý1r.zII re-electeilafeecroaunnotther terrissa of office. l' ,a-,. a. , . 1 keeperd 1. 6 etoutly rt-&istéýl. sud [ýLid everything tient Caro and tore- te L vylmstagne ýtA a firm stand haài 1 Or tire Puise of Wellington in boit with ilý,ýýýyý,,ee,, it--. 4)'Ric.-i. 'ri,«n Hall, lt()Iixp»T ILA111-1311AW. sel ved %vai I 1 tais wife tanticaucia, elle hadn't tucked the SP at-1.ý, soliitor la Charge.rv ANTRo.ýy sýrPIIE'qSON. . tijougiit case ëugemt Je provided for IL ,a , ui 1, the aille dusire, ta 1 the tnumpB; or Daniel Webster abuRing chez, notions, éta. of,&lderman bd -a juge im the I)ur.iýgej-â. and alior,%,iâe geod mais froin dis- de bpýh deiivered on the Oak. ti, mi au. y * 1. Witnegal,ýGROPOE SANDFRS. lie result ' iiiany instance& NNill lie ithe elftýtive wuiking ofthe ellaisge. glaire ,,, -Y . ,ta., C t ?1aItý.. .*Mo.eyt . l ,cils in dingrace t*rOus the CtéiBpgéByý, rovers in et the fout of t'ha bail; orBen 36-ly. * 1 !à; à bour Question, in IMIP2 : Gea- .wi al Iv.l - in"s ' il ilne I .a fi ai.'.. ' . - N. i -The battisses& will lie ý ieýýl au hv law ou ità d legal %N«raneliiigs. COL16EGIATE INITI- ý ,ereice, and their familles from suffr. Franklin parrirega his corn with a si tlemenorand Mr. ,'Ilivor,-Whtim 1 yes ul - ,ýS. THOMAS. LD' Anthurey Stopl,.m-.. figure, la )a regrettable aspect of oloil ACHOOLS ATNLDTLS. ý ing sied want. Such a assied nu a Or Jonathan Edwards At t'le d'uner- vigillessa 1 I sav is the ana" tient daves how , Rý "*"' Êffl ( J K. Dintillt. Li .12.4 The tirait change proposed id te Te-'biglily comniendable one. essai shows. table wanting Lei snease juêt as ha Rets for ta gay il ain't in the ilitierrêlet of thil ,ai R. - ,-:il C-Ilter. of Dental - t', Motivé f reticierts inay bennes- Id Pi ,;ý,Z,.na. OIi siill viit Milton a. th. pli maible. Bill saloraisalid It.RjslAý quise Cotinty Couiieils to redise. not, ne filet Mr. Spieer lias the gisant of flic hI n'outil full ci llbt hâtif; Or Noal' haro Town te buy., tient thogir Hnrboui. di Iý.t Tu-dsi of ol-Y n-ceth. Office in lion n'leu disagree. . Sù .ici this .,a,, 'ttl)resetitlialf4toiiitiellastlieLegi,4-:eiiiplcyet-,ýittlienrt. 'riieciieulý%rgueu gtl-nding ai hie winclow al, niglit throw- I tell yoi . Mr. Mayor. we onglit glatie, lu hioni flotel, where lie may lie eau- - lai ive. G rant fur te tchers' salarie@. bat 1 et togieblerable, longt-h intothegood log bricks ut a ont. . fer IO bave it, oc we aide and bave it we ',,It.,l by th- soit.iring hie prilf--i-n-1 Po fair as t'le lalv ý's concers"'d' 'lie a. equal allant, go t'bat, as titi, iniýiiiiium ý resulta Lisait have ali-vady flowed fruits, 1 transi, go we must. Whisit 1 &Mr. May - e,ýiý... 18-3m xaloosi keepeig lire lis the iight. Tho , or, ___iý - AND true plein would ]lave been tu haie glalét tal oisela school at plaisent la this assouvemetit and assys, --On tire ý - . 1 sIsQuid âkê ta delà la this haro Town .as là î1E*,ý - igh -liait , and outil Whither 31-6 Wb Drirtinq 'si -made ait 1,)nglilu."Itt un 010ý16,,iïliètcsi a $400, eacli 1. Sciaient %*lit have j stendy. reliable axes 8 Ir .. without thst fiacre Hartour, the peuple, z il . least $WO for Ibis parpose.- f conduct, of. agearly live thonnatid of - of tais haro Town plat us haro, and the ',V,)'OLIC'i NiýXISUFACTURERS, LIME- Central G ry ! et tilt ,State, and demandait a repenl 'et ,roCe of cite, licensing . sy.-tens. If thei lied Tite twenty fiftli section giveS'our fellow servegats of the Gvand Under the above huilai an ai tÀcle people of fille haro Town passissil a Byý ,À Ionie, Halt.n Ont.,ri.. C..to. Carding, beaieged the Sinte Legisiattite and High Schuol Tregattais flic power 1 Truijk Railway, drpeud for support appeairs lu a recent issue Of the for the parolme of that M 'l ingCI.ÏhDe.i.g. P'..Ptly don.. t z Har Y.. , - they acked na how ta lit and stiaintenance, nt lenst twenty Opinion Puelique. ans - Ir - loi, dira, Ilýi,ý,ket,, FI ... ores Týe.,i., F.Il.d Clotho, 1 larayed the rt>,Pl.(ýftietittiveu itita the 'if edtzLlliàtiiteg a preparatory clasM . -ut the expres satiigets, .if their'4w. coolie, -1ýay- On ý passalle of a prohibitory invaspre. choisi for titting pilleils tg) page tige ý thosessand adieu Roule. Sorti if a sion attributed tu Sir Jolin Macdonald boy, il, and we bail ought ta do it. Yeti, 0 ý fi,, cash or .-I. in. 33r.ALW TX.£LM , . . oeil lance estansilliation. provided that: trifliu a If rifie %-lit belle te bring couceraing itidelm-,tidence. atinexation Mr. Mayor, I goes in for ta pay eleven un h..it, foi, i,1- th'y waliffil ;et leamt have e.ýciiiieil file 110 . ' Il ,),t,,b.c25th. le-69. 1 20-1 . ' ;ge of illtigality. B'it we Canuot part office Legislettive os- .Nltluici- -ý,eý-.Iiý,,"e7.ý,ý-t*"ort . and .tplieury t-o - tu the United Statue. Il Ji% always thotisand dollars for tissait théir Harbour, ai - .- - ý-.--- 1 --ý- -- __ __ AVING Boutawr TIIE GOOD clin' pil grautâ be devoteil tu del't'iiý-ilig the 1 ch',»ýg.ýý. . ý.nt laid erýýviIâ better tobbe colleter ut honte, if one la inlas muchmorose theColouelýsais penses of the institution. Id section ý !.-isL1ý. as Il. will of the .lit est.blialhed eand ppiel., expies, wJitai tveliiig. outraguil si) long, ex - There would iï wanlied. -and am re sels iii-il te, fevaýI-Ileat'thatviery. .ýesý.,.sLii,ýt. long existed, il la ouly a chascolit Iiiirtier. Baking ana Confectionsry Business ý Ibing wjlt be do.ie calinly, or evell ý 28 au aoi;eýtdiiigJy good léatule Je lit- 1 ý s to . 1 ans not asking bc grenier honor in our being the ILLOIst 1 uagder Jus stoussenand. (-,Rare. tiers.") ha O'NE'i ta ]-fin in assiste tas suit a. tfoduced-the chieif Supeiintendentivontsagi e away your tai-iling's, t'ut tiffl)l-ýtiltltt),)ýt feLbio couotryiiithe Theworthy Alderman thentskes bis le. long canied on by E. Booth, hm addtai , Ieg;t!Jý. 1 . agithoiizrd to pay P yet iiiideteiitiiii- Ïo save LI vin. Open ai. accotitit il, worid, thail in beiug the mustriels Reid août very natiola wigagied by hie exortions, pi b.,,.,,,.r No -ý.isýýi... Il ...rted.t.ck,,f. Btit cueillit the waves ùf Contention ', fil JOH-N DEWAR, ?nid $lo-Culation, olle great Cf>[),ýi(lesit- 1 eil bonne in inoiwy te) each Ptltl:ic: Ille ilýa,.,.. t saving,8 book, And rite, tu mont powerfal suite ici the Aitiei-ican &net giving one -of thosse, hosigne beuglas of Býmýt«r.ýt...T.ý. Rall.ý'4ilt.B. FANfILY GROCFRIES, 0] Lion ýinesevl-1 t il. f mali's Selcoul Teacher for cvery puisait ut lits! lis cicant r instad ,if that of file Republie. R;Itll.r aliîery with jadis- tais, for wnich lie imou jusi colebrated. Ill - __ , 1 1 ' -'Ut te IV ) whe) relay pas.i tige entrai ce t liqueur matile -. Yori will soins - finit ont Jgeiidýs,,,e thail opulence tvieli absorp- Of course bc *-Vot"- tu psy the tcleyeu 19 __ __ 1 ý . CROCKERY, iliLt-N, lit this vý.xcd ýý'.."e?:;f 'Jettent t";tiuillg tiiousand for the the H Arbý.,. ý ')rTRýIT3 IN OIL LIFE SIZE a we ý I ci exacilinittion for file bigla schools. &and ! ,Viili uffi, le the safest, aloi tI)o.ýo fi go. Do not tlieil extirigilishailicingst N fr.,'n Lif- - ýý ,,, ý 1. Asei -ýpèýtfull shIý' e est nag-; ý 811tierer l'y ilitýilli.e-1.ýtlice. The ,violet ý ail adelitiolrat ainsi 1.1, socle as illay'enduring ail iini.,iiit.*' 'l lie circolai liq louý file, oser eonutry, attâchnient tu 1 Speeeh delivered lu Counz-il Nov., fri .ý y 1 P, pam witil horsonise. 'l'lie lis" (et Illà- ý faits the ring il' the trias, ilietal about caloolitc, ainsi, to Ibis biegaltifili country 1873. Gen leincen and ,Mayor: IL lias 01 li, I,,,,!,,;,,,,, li F,-)-;TEft. th;ý-.p.1,soýfý li!t"n,.,Iýi,ýU-7,,ý'-"'-""cluutry. featiire lie the liistorv(if tlicii(ltii»i* Il and senondeet, that-it art ,, oiý will se,, ýroccris iwes, th.. tai la thit t11onýooIs of illnocent -i ogpersfor this muets -( L froiii wliècli wv liIivttili-ivriitlleAiiiéri- beau mOýe, 39 Khsz St. W-t, 1 ce, es , 1 t'os Le ýxaitýijizit ioii i il, and 'es alik cet l'table to Lieu beao CI 'winec ('ý1. sny aliter Houie in Mil , ,ýý -t tif M -I)i)cli \%hieli %vai net with- ýdioLiL lisait thoir OLkvitle 1-LrbouF, Il -'r E t.- III t ;.d,,Iaýt- wianen li>cus.ýed t-xaitiiiiati",, Ilith'il optioliii, stand lieai .. Spicer, wili, gl(-.-i-,ryeî,l caceî aL ait ý 1 exila . t, P'i". r-gin, front $17, le, $60. 14-ly agent 4.11 ha -Igts le se, ,trial. * auki ciliblieil bave eufléied W suis board., le te) liai elàfi)rced. Tlleý the support (If' t e publie gclierallytter out L lu ý t C t tif ý untold illiseries at ifs liands. Many ý,,Iosà- for our aticestoris! Leave i sied il bas brocs stated lier- t trio Ilarbour __ __ Cotweil et Public Instruction are tes lieu noilestand 1 hai Lýé,eü fil the ! us n'ýc,,Ililtý.V. ,IIle Unitett basilical lit'ý'8briglit.-,,t protq),ets pre,,ci-ile file ait,- ýjL8ses in , can bc gel for Lis 1T.wu for the soin of hi -ý-et.ý, fleuri% and f-ýx-'cauae ut teuilai ce. t a eoiiiiiry. boa, a baelar. whieh Jiftean liandroil dollars. Now, Me. 01 CI 1 1 S 1 1 0 LNI & L A, 1 D L A. W, cilaýClýj, ftAý 1 INf VIILTf ! ,klawsitt-ýd. Many no J'lo-r bas %vt-1'I -ý tent of the exactaiticatione, final the 1 1 evýTyI-ody passes ivitliolit stopiiiit.-, 1 .%loyer, 1 don't believe that the Towa biffer telle over Bonoc eïrinz non. , ci hy'h. 1 - %vilýre lie) allie Ji nt boule. Ilesideg, it ta that their flarbour, aveu if we ad i3AqRIST-ERS, Te- f ga'ni ta. te, t-c'ty par cent, 10%tor th lias a direct iàt,ýrcë;tin ý te a C ý "O 1 Wall ATTORNEYS AT LAW, su ý "',ý.,-ý'Y --s.ý,-si lit file goatil. i Tite sensations ofa oditor on fici we love liècticise it Je ý ce,, gel il fer ,hie, amants,* leschare ý any other ýý,)cery in the cotinty. ,,,, th .,,,Pr,«.i ,il of the liqueur traffic. Central Coniiiiittee id Canada that BISCUITS WIIOLESALE & mi . Sellools niay be eât&ibli.-Leed,,,r ý 91alleilig over bis palle and detorillIx our Country, bellan ' D IL and whare I say in the use of et. No, qu s'i'n'a n'a > b -p'« "aie 1 ý_ . f r le IL sa a liait but finit elle liei-ë;ýIt ý l"911 i errons, in il lire sein 'n i e",g ': '1 ý ' 'a Bo .1 inay bc te 0 Bert Auffiller. 'l'lie very a ou of gentlemen, as My Colonel Raid, wlien in 14ý),i ýitl*ii lui cý saacerf, etv. AND ALWAYS FRESH. 1 0 , u " 'y 1 aliscoutiiiiied bv any CoLuity CoîLsscéIý lat diff1'1ýel1t deptiv. [lie groll-ing-9 a-li , y We waaled ta purchase thut their liar- ý A FIRST Cel,, -7_11 ýýR Iconciirrýtite(t of the Lietit.-Gov'rslor' . ti'..ý,..,.ý%,i..ý,ý,ýýcriýll,§,or before ira June segýiÏ)il--,;vitla the, i flous chose rxpeiieliced 1) ý the reaqIvr the Pýtel.(,41 lieuorricKý : qS LONDON BAKF ,instinct of self-pi-,seivat.;I)n Rhoold on inasi lifte diseovesieý. The lattes, (bal tire will pins *1 bour for elupeu ri ý,1,tIL-r0N,_. , ý ....... 34 JIIIF,ï STREET hu charges tif tâ,e,)il.ke'. .ad ta noue eu bling Wonsan (O file front in this . . . lisse ypu backed te the pr.ýi..ý as r L. *- . out, lie said t are ait &ý REST« 1 lu coillocil. un the report and Jetions- , in e*itiI.r sommeil lit flie biais fi or 114 lent eý1oaysit'l.1-you wili becalladiffne. t 14P in th. Li -4fý"roN, ý __ .ý,,ýý.. .. ý-.XAIN Sir . cialmile. We case Iiertiteiy teks, op a guel -lessýle.8 talc' -8 ; Il thielge. If titi& be black conspiracy go La haro . , a. 1 ý olation of file Chief Sul'esilitend- ý Canetti et tige, oser( IL Canada beto _ __ 1 ý?e»sse»tbcr, a- Boüth's OldStand. I)al)er wiclolut JbId1oý, recorded il - , 1 ý town ta roux the bolet lut ta I of tiens Ise T4, Xiilt.,i, l)fiýý ";Il bis evides, th. . a. tofEducation. provisionhashe.el, ,;kLi.,(im il. nnd in Illich cjis;cg lire i -m ut ;!eýir,- tfOi th,ý prtoeat, what will haro town. and slow lie .aevraes il are Je a la acaoo,,-ýoi-ýt "f M,. 1). w câ!npbell, _ _ _ _ lances of eitlier ý% ite'beating or xiic- , , de for declaring a Union Board of th- "')nelllbiý)" finit i L. 1 si as tell- but lit .1, le futn ai, .1 ,siI %ýts,4 it 1 W . Wa-r-ber 4L Bros., snýuld4.rý%iiicitititl)ealgtuiiiglytý)evetI i Ko 1 a black contipiracy bocause yowwant ta ýt ., 1 titi, [.,i Ili ha '.'Milt-- blie and Higli School Trustees ai il% cidable, ;essai tient the ediioi Ji lot ý),5 , - Pi i.y.,f ,ý-_-h -k. ý titie-licasi wonlan te %"-ik toi'tIo Iý .llioratioii. Hithevto they have te) Islitinl' l'Ir u0t 2voidiaRit. Helli' Ar - buy et, and L sý,y do tee, another bassina In i f gens 1 U laugla, and silo .!Own Ji a II. ('iIISIf0LM.,ý WM. LAIDt,.IW- ý. baceil quasi eoi-jIqiittii)alm, ,vhich bas elaw au edilor take his first glance il tr "%'VATFIZLOO NIAlty."-Weltre 111-It .41 11PER 111NITICTURERS! '0'u",;:,vsýel ýaýnJ bi ù"ý d-ýi e'ý,i'eclgi ieitiýé'-se of . t . ce a Perhapo ý "ce IL: y- Aod if nossagen ai e toit imintairested ý leil to tuerie invouvenience ait(I-umc(-I>- ý A coi'Y of Il "itii'11- t 6 ; isitrotluccll te) a veiierable %vidow, ivlio OPErýCH oF Ai.r à-I 4,T 1111. N'UlilCIPAL ý_ - C>ýoc>lrggcDltc>lvv=. Laitaty. 'l'lie disnolation of schoals su 1 aditigni Je ...,[I.ed off la il this Oppo - told ne abont flic baille (if Waterloo PLUCTIO';s, 1874. i . in rhi8 confier, uci(her arti they power- wal fui- %Vith direc 1 t'h'litY in Pffl>"di"d file w Y ["an- 1 troin lier clivais experience. 11, r laits- ., . L. Ill, satiltud in also pre,% id ý Gentlemen 1 thankvou fur the honrr t'] Robert Swanton Appel 1 . ý ](.a.. 'l'i.iýy rail frown clown tionsforthe disposition ,et' t ne sellool ! bus eit lier triasteil t la ,ý,.,Cmto soni 1""(IV..tstsý,lili,-I-iii tlie29[lis(..)tcll ý Paper pinctice.f social di hiking. Theveau i one el (le, you have donc ma and for your liberal da Barristirr ellici Attorney-at- Law. , Printing aod Wrapping gay, no intoxicatigsg beverai 8ball P . J 1 in-ovisigen for (lie settle- se, rend ti ait Igisaisseif, but , Catrielonialis. and - lie was with Min. support. My frietid Mr. Roinain onglet, 1 W - . 1 (jup.tontly.n hand âcelissaissit, toordoi. ever.entei tivýýeIl two se -our haine@. Eveningcon- laieut ofdisJruteý on fille subjtet Ise- ilthe feelil.g ofilsead i I '118 Ag gleat il' 1 il being asked if ý.he recollected file ioweyer, ta tee] prond ta think lisait 1 SI 9,,liit.,, iý (',hs-,-ý,. &c 0îfiýi^I Amig-eie 1 1 vivialitite case ha a edci taled triple, the parating boards. le) file l the lattes las in the - er cage. bd > .. file of Wi tr-r oo, her reffly was: ý a ried laime jutas, the Connaît. Il id i sa cc . iiiattrr office igh schigol futrance 1 proief malles m IV noteloisult the Copy, ... )(1 1 Blind t4 balaie of Waterloo!- 1 f- the C ... ty of K.1f... bib",toi 'Iiii(.-tiiiiiliiiig. The festive a ,il . disgrace ta Iiiin. ,Us cinglai, however, P, .wOOL fuillim & aw Drzw«G liogirtis cette bc cleitied of siveauteis. exiiiiiiiiittion, file Publie-Schoul 111.41ý..,-: il a- pe-riet mil e t lie hi es liderte of i lie i a ., %vi, Redit Tenson. NI v sein guid ý tu tuai prend, and no mistake, and legs la l1 ,)ir7[,sý -'ýii, St,ýit., Milton, and Brise- 1 Wengen lire geinerally tile p(Ivel-g (il* sen in to be renoues atedfor hie trouble, in In wils illere. There ýva% a bail 1 tell you somethin,)ffiý,, ile i)ýkill.. i 27 1Y 1 on the shortest notice 1 C.tt.n Rag. in --Y ý househoIsI. Th, y have bol ta, w'd"'. altbo'1111 t'le 'oca' b(pal.(ls are' t'le, wa y negleet to tendu tho %VI-oilg lie 1 A ,lit, g trio collection so __!_ ___ ý" ý quantity ýiII Ise, reqei-d dit thýis, Plafi Nlill t'IL -mine chat il sillail lie si), aloi ici- to be reutisseil, a lie otlier.t-xaiiiiuei-,; ai, lias (toile, 411tiiiugli bis tittýuLion i ewe; wan brolight. I eVaa dr(-.ýed lit and I agitait hissa for ý hie vote, sais ha, P, toricatilig liquorâ wili lie bat)iâhed a.1lected to rendes, thuir services I)Iaiiilyýcalledt4)itaittlieprii(ef, Wileil - ----- 1 .satois ýr..wi. Highe.tpriceinc&uhpaid dicter iiiiislin and livaela titillons', Field litile K-y, if therit la no botter man than IL fer %V..I. . giataitousty. ahont ta Banka, Villa prepaiwtory surrev tit,,tgl.t.wlizitwýL.ýcý,iiiiiig. Thiellugle youin town 1 will. vote for yen, and 90 flotri li __ - the hoiàe cirele. . ý the editair d,ýeia aloi seize a cigar lie 1 'A 1.) . îf. f 1 M M E. R M A Ne Tite%- essai allemand the redue(ion of ý PUBLIC -iCROOLq. moiiiieletl soit #%etivia' natuer. Sonne of gaies lie, look bord, K- -y, the people la Al ,ý inouth and elevate fais heeb; tu le &lis- m ivai were ftonsie. and cueille clu elinck full of vou, yoxi liait, better ri Il i-mr-ia 1-iL--% tx 4 ccg JE3Ec»t4D 1 liceilg;s. Why should, they ilot rise, Altý.tatieýiis in scicisol .section boivid desk. as in the poigular traili soi. ;11:t;ý wark, greetia' and sat)bili'. 1 . you: ilsitalt gel elected, yoga ahvayi sneak lu a aveu lie London, and delna"d' tbe In- ai Je,; ,ira to b-ý made Ly ley-Lai of the Dying mein dign't do that way, you . gny peact-, and e-ztv goy lisait awa' and beg your wa-y large, the Coussail, gai& LI eV - .r. 11011=::::ý, stautillieulis iediiction of file licelises ý towlimilip Colincil. The questions of kilo'v, and we have to Conte the 1 wi, the rext. 1 eirildila greet ony. tant 1, look haro, Mr. men, 1 cici want lu in 1 110.111AS CLARK, Georgetom7lý,Ont. by gay lifty per et-lit f ()ut tt-II)lIt;t tiie est abl ish iiieiit,,farowisi)il) Board il conclusion chat mi editor ex lebel IR, garcle amil, hy mynel' And got %vithin a taguantiol, bis Bagne, kut snis 1 look tierce 'm f- - ý f""""udCýý tions Lu diiiiisting lire altogC - Iller fat) je fi) lie subiiiitted te the ratepayersat hie palier feelà very moule lik et mail ' lie a)* the bitttle, and watehed thore. Mr. Lebar, if 1 have Rat ta die 1 hi US ris te Aisoi r*;ýthc Stationrogui. « # IL ueeds et Iieart ,if steel ln - LI schassol uleetilig lie rural whig isaboutto Inossintu eter, r . He 1ý arly. ,Zýý,v jettantion fitaist tothe I aec.i in, (Lou 1 eh illany. the angles; y wilpil Ji Wall ail Over i *aw flic Dulie. going ta die haret. sers). 1 la «, ý velligig publié. Oood stabling and sa- DENTIST. ras 1 harmed tilt ongle the midst ait sellool Bals. Tite municipal readn along Carefülly and S owly likt, ,if Wellington. lie %vas on a piebalil 1 stand haro gentlemen thc uncloubteci m .tiv. bontleiii 3-5-ly PRAMCIM R115 PROICE88ON " .ýý7t'-ý.aý'icettiei)tm. Wereoiirl;tli,,St,5 Coancilof Ruytowligliii) maY81)1)()"ý a lisait fuèlini, his -gray acron a fait-ce of borde, &titi tiare lacs tel Hi I ý H .. 1 k 1 lits - _ - - ------- - dessellai this reduction. oser legisintive filles a Reflet ta ail the Lance of the people, and test year I In i enl P ..a ho u k a J . , public Sclio',19 lu doubtItal jeu. Siffl-lenly )Je face lie ,,, jo bis hall.]. le i'ýý:1,gt 1,n'ý,Z.',',y' i .']a'i d a good dessi of abuse from nome of I9, mEi and monicipal bodies vrotild have 11) the town ]lits. A t-,%Irnsl'iP coligieil contes dimiterteil with ai, avféàl pain. aigu[) te) the WOIIII(IPAI. 'l'lie ýýId vrai; the mangliers of the Cannelle bec I will ý ti 16 milo. Nerth of regard their cary. - ,Y. by y-hivr, grant t'O the trustees lie dotiqu't Cly out. ho 4bean't feint,- covered-wi' sipadegalilleig. an -W ALLACE NOUSE. 8mmil.zý'g.mi't'hE.fR'M'iAlt-Nn', ONTA R They eau a ý Salat in the fisalcavant, to nie i1iiit Wall 1 stand il no louger.ý 1 acked Mr. Young tt sa,.Io a a n __ Hamilton. 7é -Relancent of Kilbride, 4 utiles gaies pi.()IIibitoi*y wensure8. This la of any hool authoritY to leoivoiv 'rite atiguielà ivithlu m je go lui a feirfu' sight M, liée; but sur man once in the Couneil if lie coeild show meW.Iitof Palerrnu. money for he Inirchage ofschool sites, and deuil, sud inters . , that lie darés . À Ch JI k tige 1 the - preeedent for sny bitoh. çonluct. w Maix Stred, .1riuo.. OM.. IV file ultignatutes, desiie I. The deter eanit hack safe In me. ln - "ý" ý 11--t 1 Jalv zim..nam. F.bruý47th. 1872. log file ere tion or repair tif iichool not trust if lit W ci H J t i Illy tante wai tbreo mi]" trous the field . r se la. inck. op ý ' or . e j'as ailes Sais 1, yer can't do lit, and ho couldaut. al 1 -fi la .a -I P ait'. ai .a .a, Lie. »I._ . suination Je deel) is. t lie initiale of nianir langage@, ou tir the peirclome, tend erec- mâches op agit ta en handful Ili tels .I Morethi I .1. la. a- - - - - J . JOHN WALLACE - - - Proprietor. tu sueurs fille entire reinoval. Tite es* op and 1 iigg lino ta'eii'l)lnce Another Horu jongla and takes bis sont ý 1 " eýt)ei.I - 'a Il. bIgsdý - a IL caga", lieu I. Money to Éoa". tiQn of a test her's reaidence; and the 1 bail, ..ci ta a it outil the (rare aince divan. 1 am a ,ousa Wil(OV wo- &initial deain, 1 - uuited power of woolail ,111.ý"ti %wtbllid ,uullicipai outicil la empowereil fo ,,w,',, iu'ýitia av . Theu lie pielisi And now, log %c er, 1 muet Close op man non. My liai gudeman -fi% dWd aussi HE WALLACE 'HOUSE IS THE beailliU.itoulitipottUt. BaL)dillgtllelU- pmvide the, fillides 1 by file issue Of d 1 Mr. for as! 131arble Work*ýà,.. GEOR(àETOWN. BEG it J'l"d thut they j. f E. N. 0RR ý'hàh t4y ý-ijj 't- hýànhý, Granite and kpt. -()RR IIENVY il. SPIEU G, M.a 1, 1873, 36-ly L-1 Leslie, 1- C> ID FZ NOS, ORGAlq« i ClAhes lltitige,#, VIOLINS' CÜNCERTINAS 1 '(1111 )EONS. FIFES, Fi- U-rF*8 -nis, Fann; y Bibles, oit «» «» -issus. Vil :ee m 0 r«t for dorse mmtbo4 *Pd beau bying tu set them k th ftSt "«Pu bu fb sit, ret .. e m âcet door key. t th@ - aide de«. ord then put a Ou"nt@t la ý to j." repaim, but fille, o»d inte, the bitehon, mil lis . After dueoonsiý took the win4we out War and bedroom, but the Itgooddeve and planty et ý»iérday &ftýr >Amr"4 that discouraged hi ' a lenantai the bo holome went in la ru and windowm4 I= 'heliven rushing Ibb ike a ranaway 1% 1 Wil le2ve in à day or ewo.' ho.. lu t,!ed-Iria- whlb afternoon "* n p nR borne in the wm- ho f2er mated on the ha a rt-tp.-Deh-eil -Fr4à -,WBDNESDAT. ýtine business haiL beetis db. Dr. Clarke (Norfolk) mori% tu the Goyernor-Generalilà owers being grau"d«to thu viucial Logislat crus tu enàbm ike la ppre ing whoýly. filer = 0 in sý tozioaûng or upported hie resolution in oh, ahowinR baie -vain hall brts tu gtay , intemparanos l'y lion; alludhog 40 the ftep$ peut Parlismentu tu care inding ýowards the objecta la ,'and quoting very largale 'sport of file Committee dit if Commons, apvainted lamis ý inv@4,.igate the quise- ell as fmm Othéi. 1 1 Parliamentaryauthor oc bject. Fle ahio 1produeed slýow that the lawl4nt Maine liabed much good, notwith. b mens tkea in sutue omméà te antering queptions ha& Dr. C laïke fi-om the Opposi. the House, the resolutiola without a dissentient -snioa. , Cameron theti moved te aine 'of Mr. XÈMek to des lots Comitlittee, ond 0014 ig taken, the' motion *àit 91, Nays 36. os., ,ution of the, Ilsilwayl Bill, discumilioti, passed. througla neYýGenersl then moved the iof dis flous$, whereupoq as a question of privileg.. flic interminable 1-Pmbm referring tu certain stilie, e by Mr. MeKellar tu flot [r. Rykert had falsified the a Troton Cofamittie. çht up 31 r. Fare well. a 1%,àuz. clumittee, wlio inwie dit. rhieh le'l tu auverai itaLerrur. ûints of order frmn the M -r'. Niesellar, ltyker4 lire, ýtJuwlIt, and rin al- spjk,-, &tic rosuk Mr. Ryk,,.-t waï al-wlýeÀ putatieu of tainvering wâh file, report, wâÏlot it was 1 a cougý,1,.rable inistinder. tý-tLl) trms üf the report in the iniud,î of so;uý main- cuminitwe. 'l'ho -Prlâtou lui* t1ilis olice in ira diep"- [ouse adjouriied.- TJIURSDAIF. or, on "Notices of Motions- 3, moved for a return of mmeil, correspondence and relfiting to, file Municipal Se àlljiistmeiit Act & 116^ ý coniplaineil of delay in 3formation before the flouse, [ the Goverinent with alter- the âuthýrity of the Legitl- ocheduloq tu wilicli alisent r n a ye-ý.r agçý. rebukell Mr. us indisori..in:ite attacks eti : of the Goverament, SçLd iltthe, reý.-klessn".% with Léarges é:f the member for were dý%troyet any lie coiintr y noîcht nthertilisis m. Ili quotell the. Act 6t tu allow thât flill alithority give. Io the Goyerninent to imaccuraciis in the apPrOý ciller the Act, ta , 1 as.urýd ehad.bmi ctlre:nl te oh- r the terme of Ve rm,ýýolutiont r flic Legisliiiiire on whio't subsequently fontided. li egested by Mr. Lauder thas M witk file muilicifalitim y Of Wellington lied beet ®r ta afrect tire late electiope. erney-Gelieral showed "&,,, those eydnts transpired, the Beau in course of sottie- mi argma ýîbat iiii, aiterk. o in the sioliediiles m'iowe-t tint have pToceeàed in haste litemmare. Ha believel wimy, ridthe iq,.Iiýineitnma tire , of the appropriations 'In. rtbpe thaugliL Ilis Govertrà 1 met wisely if they submitt- Janges in tho appl Opriations m before acting uplm miein. ý* wordA froin NIN Llbl[46p, os salit all the .0overumenk m filet thon people ahould. ý proctiedine. » Witli rexpect er in q1iestion tliey woul4 the authoritv givail th-111, le ny iniâLnkýs the Honte thew for their. of Ihe Local Govertuneus krgoly di8cwScýI et the lats, illectiona, and the Govern- pweil autisfied witil the w thought (lie Oppedt'teft maison to coruplaiu. lie testi. satisfastion of 41ie Country with the Municipal Lonla une, sud called attenti" tu the attituae of sL "ýtý!OOuttty of Linoclx t Musie Book& -fOYý J E WELLRY 1 Tarm for Salle J 1l:ý OU TUE LATE f- inili, tIvit 1.1:, 13. balail- Apply .f tht, I.t. ni o t T N i lîj, l", Proérietir. 1) 1) Ee, le Dyps Crystals, A; ýi plompfly, A 1 zrr]PÎR 1 [TCE, ACTON. Mitchell FOR ox, Works. 1 Fr he sale "f all kinds of Agridu Itural Impleme nts. of the F.Irm"m (I '. Ilà ALSO TO KTRO-N(.' GREY$ Orduis 1,ýSpCýCtfu11y Solicite(t samples to be seen ut: tajr Milien, J. PUMITC11ELL, Mt. 2eth, 1873. C A\ A 1 COMIt dAnWe Sa $ýp« yr- ëj!