Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jan 1874, p. 2

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d~d j q 'f lu i s - V~pcod.nt.4 T 2 , JIF tfstinrd fro. fro-te pe. yleI' MUNICIPAL ELEC1,IONB. CORRU~PONDENOF. TUs iaSOS. ~4U~u1OU 4AIUpiCU.WB d. sot heM sl useuinem ptae Sihstn- OÂgsLsx. lth Des.. 111M tt- f tht- Geereet- Genert-l cf iià TI 0050the0. , t-1ius o N55005urpNdts. «t Ourjaa a os.eO Do. .-; OadliOet-rde to impresce lon Th#02laPput-ofthC@oty. T._ointon____iedonMo-«Isalatr_____u&HTua,____r o bmo Ok bha-te ad j o ihilsplerty theides j Tilest ndishatient w hidIMO-Plats.t-cpNtIs O t±icd thcprcceset Gent-rienwuil MILTON, JANUARY 1, 1874. dyio s r sfol-t-DNTO.Gbu ,sc l te lasiste.et e;.fln "thgcc-Pccc.d cOHb emcones ipu. the5S0C75555C0. -el fat"] accrdilg tles l-ceApplause).; W. Cay. reeve; Wsm. McEnery and The t-xafisssetitflof Horby rbeol 1 IIU7 »"t b -u-Dome. r Ifec dvcire dt-ot he cocilnî:idcrtssd Subscrihera. John Warrne, depty eeezs; Ge. wua fayotrd ith a ve7 -gndattend- thma&achare neos, t 0e p Mr. t-het-indignatio n ot its alumin ocf,- IWrigglesworth and C. P. Preston, cous- anos. and il manifeatol giseanattratsWt eout offlt-k. ..j lIttiehou *0()ro m eirsoooci it, tac1 SR4mC nt-tehttt the Coimspioc-s au at- c' a Co-.An i i 3sd difr- as,- WOec nhethethey -e alcetid he it-filirs. AUIl teted by aclamation. lf-eposeitae lm a.TeIh ujlt tlcbp buying Il r yldo breti nI s, t by naieoth,- sdeo s-plapoted «oI-tecmea M.soitis Me. Shell.*trffiujt5 t-c.ecvfilttir bod bren paisi e la'.iTe fifm ticetNABaAOAWKETA Ni.eau aend Misa Meas uoamevl bbtSt ~al thas. Lord De' flin. îiîtir Go,-tmoe-inh. -trtcnndeotethb.odatet. 10One remot-c or oueista Ieaviag thse arsool, with A hmadaMome ilsin athse mtuer l sst 1 f v Gêerait, cole].ih-e Sir- Ednioiml c. Isibbi s-t-tpi. i etch teb- -eteoeoe aor Bidl.four cousoillri titille p Pciteo tilt Cibaaeeasorfliat-ileerC72.sort-t-tai o bis boitilclesoc coebeeb ForrecTo John tsssp Ss ell5 ns be.Tseouci o:sgla endosinhbtaisoa&as 1ormmaotifer- loir uNltiiir, hecîîoutiideeotimsd finimad if in amoiescoemt oite b ibitter uilb-Archbiald Casmegbdll vere sonsscied.ctht-st- psu peumalîy "Ii oossaleu oq out deto th. almeant iotit a cOes. WtCadidatrs for cotnaît Mecurs. «asorgc 1EPLY. man imase te improyepour Linenîciseild hvi-tTetetaee cuitt- ed ou csht hto-fetrcho otyEaisterbrobJamsa ?ifocieJohn Kvan, D"nS PUt-ms.-These unexpeeed oppoetsilp. Where "Volt-t-" taI plmce ynldbo-cimortol10tcSb a tds ech subic dllr h t-e, l Ould Duncan Gilitsanad Geocrgc Norria prot-socf, your atlaent aandi love "-Doàt-alie town vas lise barbor;" mar ibe eWn hicti vboii n ocdifticiildt bim alin tity &rzremnotpa i oto bkimobon ofyo pecocuil. t-clescrt-m. cApliaiimpr. Tbuta e-t T5ArALGAR. by oe c tvarnua ia eh as uî s fpuîeaslp c -ritusîlest ciîccmnt~iet rie Id Couperr- Mthew CIt-mstc et-eted rot-Te b sctarcrly r)oznayucd our4elvea tec '-Do pou vant pour &rYerpgo in- Ttie-paety endcced tire)uts vbhiNO PAPEIL. acclamaioniî. Casidahiîtet ut-îîpuîy- itilaWt- h rJCt Oicteoue adpilnots-se*tat.or dot cse u alus aDopu tecd Cet- t-s esrast-dhslî&bon. ilt-snd, - tet-to-H. ttibisas, D. Bot-hand gaict-tas &pleto nant 705W onee s tadt-uc thai bIr. Cartwreight-. îLod epptase.)- Inus erdaticee eithsibé, iese-honored Gibusc;t-vs te bceleted. F to rt- rfleotci ta ilicmîgiafrtqsloebtt ms--siaes fts om Ticy ficed siewrd CiCt-tïireespetibie conformc amont- pristere cf tcbing asLtleCtisececilimi.e., . 'G- Kenned y bt-t-cipin anttosqearitsy te esflit-uc achasdorsd totot-s puescbia ËIMet fthé Coiieervitivt- pot-tvos relaxation t tîit fetivo etes. ce e t-« ad Drt. Alpeihe; w t-c iet-e a uditsumptdoge sd citc-atly sset-oand al-owuscisot-' "oltos-t-a1ve-hla West Toroto Wccst un- li t cotle-ute - tt -t-~~Ti ii csln tîîmcglî iimomsemit-,o f Ihaste andsirr-tita- that-thc lovadomcté olat- lhec'r cilsdît ut-urn. etrn nncsiiiett~f-moe. cee may tarsgieemeut-ltsurose te bar," sud yo*-'îVoterO wvasa enfuseat- -thtesat-i7et- mleily piiîiilig ttfie-o e Our-t-odtes noetpetunity tt-t- - Candidateforthe.rrc-veaiip. H-ny flaraiti expressiens vîichvaert-as fort-gs i ijlcarty it ail theaegotitimsu ils meouct-tuehaci bee roirctiiet- tht-t cii- silice beowtteely raid o.'pit-onure ftle Fiser ntîd Thiitcanmster Oîne te our naiture ut-t-lity moutblmn dis- tme -Overtement-t. Ht- co-etl lun @tifltîicimti--temeinetCft-imelothO et-iurd isto hoci-vhs de cet tat-ithe iit-1111t-t-t-t-'t- 0ut-it-îcosn;cJolie)oienblhe te oiit-c tOu-ttmtiimCocropo ylwhft htad esîîected fair. andCIjoot, and puCir,- Fclterr sndtDaielcil3tLarent-t-ciiiiit- - cmîlostdeecce snd lot-t- nîit-I lit- for 3-str amcptre le acqmire thec miestt. st-ml pt-et-ire. (dit-st-ensîd Cùwmmoo, and vii t-nble thepi-ctera mil. TIcoconsteîlîionîîs teue echoes> iiet-eusu,s-etîlîilt-t-tr pizO amnt- larbumtal; a rost ofS$12.50Ô. Harom- psîmîcsiisI-ThisletsîiltIittiîg beent-î tflinis pbhe acceuiolted nirt-ors cf frotmste ite liiilnie: .ligily. Oîm tbeotermasaid it'itsit-h aoted t-ta-spead t-t-r $3W1> f your leorîîrd, sînd o fccFt-lrCotfidclttte ct(hce Ia7jbw .t- ne msepe ci-o cneo-t 1Jclic Huisimmer, Thomiso Wntsc n l. reactasce t-bat-ne st-e oslellesi teummomy iieprrlimiaaty flacts ttc t-t-t thse igceicpcj-m.lc cPI-c<hetmcoto aeiorîîmcn'iHîrîllotittt. George sleNait- and WnC ccîccltîledge teo ot-eel-es thme atar bsarte,îicîtrxpt-tcditsre. by lise contry, tey cigict- deIct-gI oen il- crpF. 'mtti Iapprht-odileinit- he lmemicare te o y issot clt-atlyiaho iovnl lte mis- ele vtt n cîjcîite cffildîPeple- favot-ascfcji-ied uore s uin t-sîthe -rt-moe roft-c s omg yvo Ipsezpo ms, lie t-oaeslod htes have tîme is*t-hc vcweoi l owntan tht-y eigit list-o teiec pusi ydai-. And i-cpefniiy telicit a con- Te" COt- lOtlIî* lit-et- st-oui t-oana-setit-h too lenesiid y auctism, anîd te ntfy lise b> &sîceling lflci î-:c . succi I s1cui-e t tianossef their pateoge. We coe- VW. D. Lyon rm-t--rc'ted t-tevt- ly i t- aiceoet-c-5coit-y. We hipotleslitr- o iersimsrut of taid conuelmt-, antthe iitmct-cil e r.i oiiiftthRi- ent it, usuil aal ihcot iler o h laiýioi lii-t--aitchi- tui nft-it-mun vîc îcîl ieiiy vib tcoiy esur f ie -i5iit-rnau n i)r io i it-rtihei amui cý. cit-isoitc f triptt o-s nosm ttuar s i b îes ete bavt-dto i aitudt-e-tie!d- -ltýIt)vrfrter E&PO.4,Hcppy e- Ysr. Cccciiiecmici ît-iasse leiîs i ymm. Wo mccOt-InIatete tejoy Oeemosmît-mt-ail inv-itet-be Compotitlomo bp ct-csry.c-beoat-em fiesbon. fi-îd it- i Ct-ltt-r. J. Lindsay,-î . Hil iiocl. tucmlîrbt-e i te lest- studiolcider thélmu ct-ioltresmllrm fiilimhe flites mf Lime Iar- Ptitmt-3iistt-r solcsl lb-ieciascicci- MIL .HUNTINOTON. il- Comtny acd Jolie S. HbISon. tiguidanc cesse,1 nîmîvrimmîermîcaîct- ni volmer bit. -. Vtit-0 écsyaMe. Shoot%-Il vante séif ticr t-roseoililY if oppt-oiiîg tiC * - Neolu-t-cl.-C. iiim. S, y -tteutct- su ad et-c g.m îammccmg nov fictonLuget rid of mltri -oot-'-for he fiadso tht-ni.flic sreutt---ltoe cwi * 1 l o t Ws cyi uitioe friceethe GloT-h ystlot- AndlJosphNr1i li-tj eiiiiir d. sud omîtw dielicitiinà ite lmt-ite îitlihocaCin mot soet-the lmîu" îiri vcsd Cmîti dt-ns icyof t-ftlicitegrele pt-esut-Sui eaI aso e ie4 flisrs udctk e t*rietlefo rc u fi ot )p ol floOicirest-cletsinnlu n t-r BHic.gtt-eloctoat. dta c swntîsîiii-r. U tem tellemît t-litsteut-it cooid flot ha t-t-s estr i s ci ita of fist- duty of tliti by Hec. L. S. Hestiiigten st tihbtqut ., -rflraYu vnliot w a iil s fi orsyafo ovae o île insiregntdl t-o tie psuittînhliiisMotreal i gmt- ls 'thener., Iiosd TOWNc OF Ot-tAt-tltLt. c-tcmîs, a sbutc i-l nmmit îthenc --itîfî i vte am pt-o - ~~ier, lest tsî maiy omîl i d hes, healesi-med t-egoest- tilti tisefoltîtvt- by 1i8,îîml.tim Mta. lcke itrit -Gmorge K. Ciciatîei. !Moyir. sud y.s- icu ciihavet-ru--m itht ico friemido, pisî i O ie c-oi- -s-ntoa aisd Doriot, asoitel-r genlemeni mît-l - ____________ Witîiiiti IIMCCt-15t-Ylic-i-t-e- emre- but nithllitt- mIlqy éul w avticr melt-soeorse uos hlerutlor qîes- lisse frutOientmoiie iforimbuic ca mmmcci DEATH 0F JOHN-BIUCK. ,elt-iled h lcy t-ioî. Couesîiloru patl-s. Hiece ioî&haclcci e ble o flimes las imonersety ilmcmlmistt-,aîmd 1 infic eigtu- cu Mllti-, ticacte i t- ast- îî lletîî m ns fîsticfaloirîît-fili c - w ebouîce o t e ss &a isanîîît eimîiti- o c mtmaua »nc ofe ummcil. hop e ii-cun ct- îc hîîî o lm!tîo- a inct-re ret -î etric tiencot cml-Wiii.lRobertns. W. E. fnetntlîcih îy ly itn st omilOse adisle argument mci a-l ici Coomisel linge. but siiciy for fli uebciei-Mr. Jalo ck, ach iie ti-t-c-tof Tinfa-i YIîioecu . 1.scmi Hiieîu ic t. ie -t-i iCIIl Oc --ilOoi4i - slestheit.' inui t liii t e 'mv Wm eil. gon-d nmeing -mof iiîmtrvcpîublic gar. tii e onMcuu-ly. 'llii. Buck w hlilll1.- i l c. E . I tisc a. Ilbfim l.clcioifuiio. iti- -i-b m en oo otuw .vei o c-. et-r.tte. butllf nect n W sin I ejyinu it ii ri-nly retpetrd. adsimd c t K ll, eoge F. t-is. T omas i scJute-tine olei for0 amtyuisse tile n Ccli e.f inal ît-is . msit if t-es tisesoa l ifl prie., ieter n d Vieseeriiyec.iièr - '. t-ei nd TiWilliam H.t- m-i) i-mf igoi e ntisiy Imoil a ndîîtt- tmhas a oar lotI t-yaI thior 1 v iiiur thimm-m ystruiil et-rn iolpoijieir hoct-Lh nîîcieml ly - ge i- trie- ff-rido s--sefl .A ciesd Wilei H o iitmt, uirit-i, iisle--l ud iit ingic u ot.lt-In-Ir n Glc-rccerji 1crtu l11-lt- cftic- yt nîoi ndseccî c ecrnet o e se-. - ffectiîmae. Wt- fne t- i Ci cltlttios t theofelilcin that tbc Gdet-met1 aG.eîmî-y.iiiieiîcforti-cîîclfleit f l oht- loto gi-tSh t-te r eticulieourc. e WNi'iid 3 -Eciteî- Hilreet-.Jute-pl i uiasy mf y300 Wnl yet liludd t-it-ts mf hicoing huit- yeuit-coiil treoted tise contry to gve urherPaiiccahIlnus. Wi. B. Chilicii, John A. t-t-05t and4rteliuiihýiiut-. simd ]ct-muoc ite Goetraîouemt. omuul ksuscet lt a flten uad s pcccnr-fi ll O pspîiin~- - 'ililîios e ad lsac Wacucp. s Lye tis e l e o hit- tfint yoo thie oieti- rt cittt s mm-u--rsiv lia Opîmeet)l ue )l cîg t-sciit) dc uitt--tle DISSOLUTION. VILt-AGE-t- EGEO W tot---iN, îsîy teg clwticuiciiolî b>and t iglicumîne yîîcm r omîu im e , viir i msine lt-a bt-c -filue Gae-ciuucIferi-c et- t-h. illeui - il oeuiicImiut- Iility li t-trty , uire- Theict-erotfs t-cuit-iai tin nfoi- lie lichn iB. iBarberIt. iRee-e,sc-u-etied hy e d imrt-it-ueit-t5. t Our proyt-ts arW lurt- ct-euif itft-o to soeloe creeh. acîusîycu.iopocici.v uutheii 1icml- -t- V1X; t ' t'aigieciee, nDr. dliii-. %V Jrecl i. M c l- e 9fmt ie liin eî tiiiîcîs tleoec om ue îo-I tptlt 2,-icilcmlt-ii tt--to e tes t-u t ioe - hetc icg m rac- epparentiîi ccu T-. r. ii -iioili mii d J- F. Taylor-. Foui' tiuit iCimy e> uit-tIc i n -OUcîme C I t cs iii cmt-ct- tti-r. lft-r >mmur imteret- l to ure - nietCci.1;3 l- uilt e-tdi-t Tt- cutfamgne cflie eterccue itit lu h cranddifi, fin icit- po-uinac:y 1lt-mon cuifullm- Mr. Su-te% csintrrent-. is teo sînim ilt villat. itiglit ûm thvir Wisht-A fivý chif Grisaneiof th igiirrotît-andîecbu enmcîli tt-cghamuitrolt-lsuus-esundîccu.pcuit-hnnyoohi t-saou soit-ow doo os cc ednoOppiinc< slicclc ei-uiglîOppholtiil rieprctly. it-tenhu -tut-t-VILAE-OF etoc. icltica omesbt-se til otuef ycu tb. est reasucasblo t-rmme-acss btter tlui l, ctieut lbe tîtt-uliii cf Crcs li - ut-t- ehccc et-yofr rtlte-s sd c- tct-imflhfliycmcadminuuletet-t--I iiccuidW.cIL fuui and R.c W.iAclanyt-, lion.* ureiicîu ef lice oft-ui t-fet.eeseioeand ti-f--te'.n1t.aSt),t-i cciilHLieiailAemis.eceeu A"t luîîuii e tc it- ti lis le ppeltoi lice ceiey li ce ctim t-lt-- n -e. Wr ceilri-e1enicd Mt-, frrsiîcmcelîiallt-c-tr be lit-lly uist-d is3 the batter passea ino t-Ird baod*. , l ig titis fnli,.wamliit-' li-eil fuît- preet inhit-, i Aî n e eoc i iîic ir ne Auhîtitsinlsit c ne tîl-lt ttt e lc . .- mmIiieluind lironsmmmof outîm-e oi Tmîu t-ly tht-mî-oi-li ct-cul ufl-îiuciindeteî il teu îlî îli-dn-mil Fec o Fuur Cicuiuieiurt- e l etil fiuo tuthemsfm r-c ii i.Vt.Eo t-- îlhe t îiîullîcu- ci uthaoi eei Litl but t hat De e o lîîliuîîelîî t- AsauHalli. C. T. H i.Juî peri " emma. lui' romicliîniou o eicl ______ W.__ M____ KING. - itt- g uc;ciinheecc ice. iculuc otuteDo in i il st-n en t-cisi Ii-"d .N ickbfie andi tr. JitGot-vie Y'um su si -t-t-.y iurialcs sassoireen T e ncda en midîlutce îif' )O -y la>- cît e ntane p pt-eu-nce ealic t -ePLInSt-e i --iler lituifit-o n t-i-c ismadelen ît flic~blp e et o e ic tmtftc en Cui to in t-odcition and of i lilu-dilu iiil t-iutie uiro t-qe nec t-t-itlithell ti oîimccc dt-cil td tt-eîrcfcred butor. ct-r-y fe r et enef i l pit-xosluut afae in ucm liii- ictt-îîîîlovncîî ic l iii- er. AS eaculert-fcuet-tl.lch ts--ect- i cc.PRESENTATION. Tao et-. J. eNsuled poeretgti Clur, roumict-. 'Ilwy-> ccîi-iisolde iu ii - t-j- ýLN T' SU R .T eR v J aipttr fieCirh feris c as l ii e li hi-t-uc td-cl i in i uîuu - lui t-c e lrOppoi.ton Antsuuc ppoterlts Tic- cliiiiililjuitic lorulichuevillage of To te Eît rh amp n.-cupied tlichauit-, and ahie add-t-see Ctimcijcit-ii. nr-t- e icly lt-. Meteto. Alexncdr- fccicii-. A-diioiî dc t thai t ict et-lt- - fi l ii f tuie Gu,erneseuul dut-ert- el 't- as-on e îîulîci uil it-t-t-t-. ev . John1î Vuillieek pilc Oe . lt-.e îis cci l u t-e îîîîlî uf il, ic e-licIt ii et-nniinicieqort he n- [cetc-i ut- ttac ucmat Cicciiion. Sii.-A t-ry p'esoccu n et a t-ticil cf Nete-ni.Fiýtlt-ei-t-fffamclt-n, M tibe Canadaîî. uIt-ire t-i- l Oppstliioneliu cui t-io:c-'lîicfuil t-ecoe cg-. rie gatlirc-hig look l ace et cl t- nrîuîîîî l of ubeile. Bt-crinrictge. oft-teetaville. t-ucl -lt-h jice ui-c 1c cis e- t-- Liniicildissolt-ione. T t-et- siedm flice il Ceut-ei rlthtu- lBenjamin î Eicc-e ii tt-ici e. I, acc.lii Buiutcftt-uepe. iticîtnue peusumul, t-cco ccisl it-clicuucilandcucuiciirit-it-of theudt-lt-r-ct-t-Hic Encecienry Ja-mues A!Iiiand .SJ ui Dt-r, O. Menîlcy. Dec. 2t-dtrccd. u n s ie e yl,, andi Brotwmn oeilGi-ny ofMilles. foin lef-the genlemen li wijoin lto fit et-iost n apt-octe thencuntriilorecuculexsisentic- 'lien. aMi-.iFit-t-tMr berl liedr f eed luitfil ocab-ne petlieîr ie etetiuidltuhe -t-it-iet-e. seu R i ticet-lt-t-e st ccist- undirealosti ie vvi n ntt igdeciton o h scnidence. - lt cti cut- Hîiur ncint-i.Te il lcrs naue-T piîulin of tc.- as hEouilfuil plimct-.gt-uir hn ctl- oe-dadb eeloetrplic ut .suusuoc-piii- et iel lciteî, vurl lc il ciccicsecutc e-t iui-iu iii-eîc. jlirîPtjrStiel mcrlr-lt.D . Sulu u eîe-tcetn meeetlit-gcfflice Alliacet in New t-îli.iitoi onIicl lla.icuit-tti-iC t-t-reics ei.onle niuluitc .t-lciie (i c iri ri me ch o t-t-icui We-jin t -l-sioil onM.heuiet of TiiprseedauUcni. yot t-liedndlive ie.inLt0t-lit-. Gt-ct-theePloaitCommioion, e , l ice tîdîhîdî te pt-tero--indace cruihigit- Heus tir clt-luiici ilîce- lifcot.;icrrupi t nit-- t-tt-cl i e ct g- et']Pûlae jethlim sses s 1 eet-c Jent-, toiy dprgsset-n. the tot andtutlct-iîu dut- ut-itii.uto re -tilt uoit-clie- s .t-t-t-t- t- fota-file Ogansva, a i Dcse lut- pOti eutc oye to nti Nn. MAtt-cc- iiui .-i.etEc1ns. os frtluo ir andulit.en t-ut- b. cf eti ;se'- f-Am uet-rlty e1- eliic-_P pcu dhy t.si eGergto n 3ad fN'e iseu l-rthle pmet--rntat-ocî r thi ih, t. e itau-sea rîsteîr t uile ciciu letlu T-h eis leli h ut it-t e s fdt-le-ei s T otrot-n t Cc-t--rteMt -ut-y nig> a ossel el-ri -iîv fut let. N nyouhlrturIv i)lect-culle ies itel tle> cf lic t u e See n uîci ts m 't'tli Cv; 8 cOuhîir uit-il *3 fII-. ar T-chdiue t-r: R wt ucs-- lci t e A iiiiuii i n o lt-ot-, t-t-r lt-csifie lfirt.e. aiuits'oithlu,, citheofoe -ut- tut-n tncmiti.a. 3.lte sul hccuta eettllîicc O l i re MilOHton.D- cat-b ne-t , t-u eutrcuîfoluest, il e liii hit-eProest iiluut-rh i -e at-ic rut- icr het- Y CI, ci LiRt-G o-r e e-orl e s abuim tetyfauvelis, l ihlt a s igit-h em iie, î-.fur Ot3-t ofe î-t-,iiuu i-teiiîcl smluci r a le ,n r c ýil f h hret- ls acn- it-ugt-c et-ut--t-e hu of-t-he eet- . t the it-t-5it-i uioe ic hu c h t-u iteim tei n i-mmisu t-at-i r ,iiit--> te nt lcsmu Ofi t e igu c ha '-tttv i t-t-tiîl 1ui. a-tt-iluqiccgoiest-udflr fl iýiehcess ha f ad-- ut sh---- et-i d - -in T ert mu-u. itv cssîiî luluilnua cmn imct-hn Mej.îtt au-v itior thv lui into i: sgt-cc e iv ieo paies liitue t- ie, thé t-t-eht-lfft-yueocme nprcnt- îîhyi-u t, Sar.1h, t-cii t-eut cuive geet-irîmiecf dîeil es A t> HOUSE IT H fGrE mTWN OF t-he paccee-eiiiiimut- paet- onlic an ict-c in hcf eiiu atriu1îî ourndm ete l i-t- ppsifils ht iîtjhir-eut-îî i- 4 n(lfordte ond s imlîf -lav X M LT N cntii ilhuteendsuu an th. t-jîo d r tu t itiun ci s chueAre sccm uer h vu f l sel h-e ldjtl i- îehavry îe t-mu e- Watt- f iit hcholmst botned e- THJOHOT N B SP ItAi N lu the-cold rhildes Ofiî rt-t-i-Idsit-imprsreimetoe. i-t-bhcibasehum-orIEtit-luUt-oit-ut-sOlicot- Joui st-et-oint- aneocithiCl-tdikoei Miltot-tct 31ste 1873.nt7-t fliane oues-efr iicl. l i ilî t. cit t-tu. %vti i «" ' ps f o 'l eing a s e- m r il y s n -rstfntfl t-i)îîe fecuaine iiuuciî î.-umîe uh in a a wt- e cstigi-uci a ft-ue est-îl il refiel l file dricuir ui1 Vi-t-ruffstirticlmttdldl>- otOncrs 1cer lt-tihis hue eucPîcrî. lut ellacsteillurs ocilert-rocmsruuporaist-lun -lie-t-iti-tt o- stut- -lî-eLr'ut-oyommmri -ur yoles- at-t-t- Usda.thelut Day3of t-t-stuit-ml eliîîî is ngstif iri t nt - io n titn mti n u it-pion t-t-n st- ct - hPls M ees.custHallt-mimie- ioci omt-et-othea siiet- cil t -uu wr ihucut ct-it-ua lcy t hemm t--coun~t i n h peyexuý otl, A rrd 4tn osu n M am i l it te a sucrcmad ht-t-e atld. A s --o n tnattseh ihu e%,itim c licnîmctt-su i t-- (ii.ftier ci chcnle--i t h uit- Gev loi] . -la ltefi %-lgg nliInIit e X t w o u g m t , o fil ol essgio-ntt-of î t-litll iy n-t- of tht- nicorunt en - , he esF ecat-At-rmnmît-t-..ir t- We s.74 V it- gtsttt-it où ea tif ilst--tlI- îlluit cecemt o t-ae. tmloaf oiîs ru- Lr j itel ) %i" wll" e at.hy ?fait-m cf hue D t-u c f tsrs V. H.i ole,ecoi-us-imîi IîiîiOA ssmlb uot- mit- rupct-- uson tlecetfondîiiteiei lutel, ipeii as eil iu iu-e-hi-nP-it 1îci- it--e De. e.ehlrsti ire tIuie. -ni e n îai aemlt-ctt-smt-et- ul ascat-ILchcet-sdd gv heitci sieîi-mht-aut-dliieidd aoue ct-iait-I hiet-oup u-ensonsb Olatmmesst-tt-uhavese icteels mmfuuOoteuuymcuub av foumicont mmde l&fod-oi igi c t-u t e- e tir tîc e et, cii, -t- -t-oc-t-t--e-etstc tt-t- t-tutt- -t lt- t- nu th-o-n dctnt-, la y ueAumcntml10 lutstAe ira ticu-ccacy. cuil i- s-tet--eiiei bat- t-ledb u oneie- in e se t-t-y e aes i rcnot u n pt-ut., ue le ouca e -i.i ri n t-. ttca ve ut lseat-ci.cs-îA uttein. humiey mumigaitcci-e.acie t-co dlct-et en flcuemt-n e es)eveedslcra teinuvfihe rekne b o ca eitrv e trie1 ien a î--ty o a t oun n ýit b lc .noiiitt osn t ià hiad le thto p-tsn- liii luii t-i-c - lu n ero t t t-d filion cePtiolt-ce il.da nhiheuri ltî io eat et n t rte loe eo'dt- st- ls-fbsnlatnth T wnofti e .n mîmîlelmufied , luti clim1igtîc ancuculiefunat airm orîenict- fuel «ulnd ri- ;fatio OC- llee am tdevtee f) et-lu re s al o is im altit is e. toviii ouso emr tireupeftru filc e s uit-ut iect tc ciy ucop iot i nlep e et- ir ot us A . ce, erit-s. e t ad -oeiecets îRgt-nyn s le casuff -cuier ot-r eryToe - t e -10 h ay wicrc i ey l ive n m ic um-tetm - t-cr-cl t tiaetii b-tboe ihiirel n tdoced eil a ltgtaph o eî a ea ràd. iror urgt-oii os e fi i e in esmmat s o is!qyels .ccoi(ted eint ur folil hefruoetureiic ft-n pitsde adole-IVt-o iIi ot- it s éy . I i-tchîu s t-rt-t- rt-itson helete esa n aai - atn t-ud e shaeilcaie ug ym a a it-m7 A e,'lki heat - ,tarsn, t-ot--. u-tctitm Iic dle th h- tt Se Ac thue ht-t-eSt-e. t-t- ui roath- Itumetréss p entynf)aceOfist-. cmào is farad oapit o-cm neiilei ut--milie thoiuieif. t-t- Oppsiticuot- len luare o a r n oontet-t- lic a h ltet esticedo p.o n 8enifry ua sahrai Iblie -emit -y t-ýr pe cuitmu-amsy uie t hual sti- - e riuchathe n aifouseTht-ilo i asigli prt dme.ai a d osflib e. (igd ad e u riita r tbe t-boeziitn.)t e mbr1 thmoe doa-n aue. ubcicnt- h i-e h eigl "a 't edet et- beecsuapcrsja iht-t-srd lai Y t-t cas eia Su n pe. Jl McM" lte eis- E H ec eoox lR. .A PE finit hiai li e wicc 'v Ionsr itrt- "st- si, ô mn iurîire- d ayon lurnitho a chiner, tho anee fhetflsuh nS i l eiaetses . end, GEN2R39. IotciseHANT Cm i-t-iit. seuuccib e lle(] hillit-; - - iag Ieha i ecntioou iss buggs a m init- otcttt h aidre , andt-t-f1 it edderis dot e l lvay mah iiiniu(iJt-* It- i ise -ulule t -ut -t-eh. a irahht fc- retsd a ice ot huid hro li o wnut-drr is ytan ppsa. Ibe ho lis ccliiufalisgc 51 ua tht-tai cmliii t uy. asthe u e l t M i îu d 'ha ty t-p ie p t-t-pt-lelt d cp co le te ee tt-yf bonhusil ta os l tn lvt eu-o.e s w er v ry se a o V g y a n n P u l e toiymi hiIt âesi asîpu iest kilo%%'ii leu*jiiui.nmiot-.l ciii t-lt-cnet- lii fo t-hu!aI nC eu rt-et tv. fremmi jourt- i nd c I I T sle om uct- teirîuu tidelim --cesand m-e:,h- aluce lgocfCc tâtnaiunncthe tT-îcsnet-mm.pv s s Ht ud huiso auni t-u. fut- ue ot-ai distat- 5h- Fcautcf Set-. Jolnlueoinstîrctlndsmît-garde lettss slt--trt dng ad £ ln cuie tm-pot- ut-c l t oco nd tlutou mm hallameetn flene ofSi Tue EnAîocre-l i e lm offce iof ntt-c.tiat lcia U ivmitlu lins! li tetgtth-ret'U *lfa ben rprefsltei een Mcoad oil fndeae eft-eerel Lîut-t-a eo19. et-t-IfahdstsIt li- W.vt-t-sete.stmVisp ut reaoutIloe auî lu f. i ubeie lcsis-er. oÙlece-tt--f îtile nru eptc- o teien flt-e Sturd. ooicied lRid W.totio c. bt-eSt-s, s s lsa-cimule I a n el t aot-mos1 iemîttitetlin. tl iel f ta olouaereeron hal ytha ande ne M won-t-so bîdMuu- e o it-rt ic stetionseanoimdntimîppycvrarcoi tsXthob int-Gor geti tht p thlotl matsuis wucs mflovtîyliep-ii prenh. iuli l- aciss am steuhsierl a laonortticeiialte î eipckes t tpereer ysar ndeies ncdthr ho du.- h austoonlat.sjsa.jt tit-cont curyta for Iv ancict-lt' l aeofui emchityle vaurenThTb sisspo a t-e toerb'ns ud t-iodthsetsaoaetacnt-chsil-s- thos alwho chietu ciii ag*n otsdye nti bu Iberden. WBt-o. J. ai-ber -wsony u . MM hi avy I ARb vT«s tretnt oitio , hfaVet- cf Ddlie hy atcma. isIl Mhat-mnis . S.of W. fotu at-tstaepitssmîyamCI.rmYpOU l- t. athios. iwwudby4 s ivt-t-niuiphso sot-minet-t-t-n:.lits'mVn, iît- lo . . .ofle tt-ieer l lIsalciei. bt -t ERDUt-tR C A NT, .1îtstttene-ie -to _-îcgS. ct..:.Tie.Ciidî-o. .Ft.-ua- -. il7 har Pevaiko-o:i -ttt-emib StOCK 0r PILES 0F BLANKETS (CORNWAL1 STC 0C1 ' FWINCIESo , wges HAWKINS AreDo no SBit- la CUMMIN~VILLE. NOTU--Grocerie. Ba- ,o Try th" tl Mni - 1w NEWOANI) ELEGANT - Go MCNAB ý&--PARK' 0f which b.s-g.iame.i..Iored EV-ERY DA MILLINERY, MANTLE. &COSTUJ Diuatmntare tullyustockeol vitit LATESTNOVELTI] Extraord1.uyVaIuewg-tylei'-gud Pil e« thal, PIOBSO 8?87 Re#aaaaq~frci 1Uob &Pa.rker IK 1LBRIIDE. t.lI [fNRIJALLID NIN IATtfl -MR. GLASS. sot l «sae Hoeuiiîi Ticee je- eeutdby tise Contiiaentght- Mr, Gît--c. »kint- iia to remit-n hecauan iecou-~'; dissed Sit- John Hut-deecils acît-t-n, butve fnd -tn e r ticdcyniy a-d-t-ugt »WeuePr-t8 that aînuiieeîc lic ee-tc prt-esetohitabe tct--cg t-t-ug p, proceai of ' oacteo. rt-luddcrc -mm..a asscalqy t-et-ai n-rsof,Ir.- G= '@ îs *stiittdatil cicit- tlt-e-I isnd-eu flt-flie eluet uf t- i -dlre nezu.In eot-ut-an tht- t-t-ULht-t-,ilir. Glass thos îadeaa lt-it-et- Fer bus - AaaiethIl 1Ce6-lîium t LsisFres PPt 1 lano in bi. f har saethotoanul andmLt-i ýril-t-1-c1 ltoout ofIntottt- f 1,11, t-,lt oupresealthi-st-huc on e i - cseeaa boany balancemm - n u ut-l WSét cili bt-b cat-8lulcee doi ,ieî ExTILAcIomuu*l ttenCAu-', ,uiE u a-Linos. A eiîulaie-hiciiuc,1i" valibimît et-urt--iilit WI>lluu chu t- tise Ft-ninmpuhhrekani atssed offir t-d Il mu dite fct-hi lut-n dticItlt - istattened ctlit- i vdýi ir tise A5bey Maiheucchneu ci lt- cu, t-ad o et- -lt-luu>l hut-uc i c.i, lt: Pnitend iMariShA e -v thia gcmcetd ai-c Iuc uîe'i i c dmt.loiaîvtet-ecu, iu t sat-t-p. xitci u r fi wo aliiietfet-c un ut- lic rîd a luîud c i t L muis ha t-lut-il ici l. I cf ha ie tlîî i lws. lu I lbieath ie ucic -lit iv dtà- auuh a.-de 1 1 1 t l -i amîilee. mnd (ciii anuid ai te% leil... luiecvas. culiiiuc c. k-1 malt cct- t-clai, rI tlit-blit-n )iti--oi- theobcs 1,t-iTOtIîî15 c Mnectin cucst- iin,Ilhi pIl êintt-t.t-dl.it Auii-et-oanichi, loba c rc, liceLIlilc., Tht- lu-ut- HE c li tic lt-t-at uton c $painlut- - eelîc tc,.t- tet-whu- hiiiu(c.c- U Theit iitli-i.i" c- 0"s-iete dtrl Edcî)ti Ht-eiitai c itd, ttai d lIc Iý Canada cîty1ic -at-. furthouroit-cct t-U t-i lds l i as Ii-c i, ait t u le t-tut- t- ticattismacid t- t itcpIe Dutc>il pltheeus a Aut a eeigaamuo e-,ý1 Ti-b. o .-lit DciiM .I late, t nihe rtri i ismudnle tlt -r , w Ac d bta e nt i ...Il--t- -ieî L nThii e )foTi-uc ,, cash.l Tlit-N-t-îcîîuu u-, tleol lbt- n 'tjiboe tat-t-u. iuu I, re@bàat- n t- miles. 'toiM. , 8beasilte fr teclu Vuu tt-i h meI"!p. g1 ii-.t - l e s A liî hn-aoc ut-etril -i , Oldo e. Tauht-,rt-ulT-I : met- "He rh erhuccIl, t-cc ;ý > Tise apdret- nül iv I, Mrle.Chre A. iizti Il i Tis, ià crf u ccuu,.i aiMe ncap1-Ir mg-acTear-t--l-i cilorI l. hoet-lu t- t i .- : lfceb!,bia:-ebnt..u1t- 0 5 pet e t e ti t-lt-ud t -ul1 I u- A Jellsanleptar t-eu li, lutv eThoicra i a liet- t-t-e 'lI l c Hafeisit m uenofÙa, 01h, 14 1 :t A fcvs!ea.tikot - - u M cei- l- QUALITY & PEIC%-K

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