J~.&~~LIT~ILIGNCL WEsLEYAN &lkANIVlBAUY. The sana ts% .eeclag of th. W.à suhoîtribe for the Dabar Ne «t leyaa =aiu Ichocl was held e S. p. Palitoiia- 1odpvslgl tiie baatementc Retomberb thedi Afterh 'ur tea thacrowd ad t~o te t 0~~l he ebhnrceh,, whlîb wa OU&. Cuuns.. Wb M il le, bêla Grâfl'aibor, took the chair. mi in GaseChuohMi ton enChrstms WlUM Harrison reail the ainea day,04 litécieookreport Wbl lais follows: Milton, 22nd Dec., 1873. Kiecx Cilaci.-TIe Bev. Mr. Meihis, lu preseeblng teo yon tile loch &inou of Gakvill., vil preach, in Knox Chre, repor cf the Milton *W. M.S. S. fi Milieu. Maby àlsxt at iho ui m h. yogr whlch le .1.0.1 gune. Wg I heur' 2zo0. P. M. domne wt flii z of plessgure ali ele #abIbU teï1ui i mwboma*l bleus seqgaanro.-Xn sidditio t* tbo. eau lai go -, fo th, P. <blld jidatià mjED I liaI <ok for the .ated 0 0900 of euzcilce vauudesuand tht Thé tne bo otta, goif au. Mr, Robert ,froi bu haihn rO rogular. The intereat of the acheta, queated hole . id goûterai. and elirneabneuof t ch th re fOdteachero have bec. marbeil. and ch. A,au vlt e dgs ofbcOdrfd preecuceof the Holy Spirit Manlféis Ip.iiîwa aa tàrt4d le Greeavrille, Andl t. truat chat tbc laboura cf ti lait v Weda i wiek t >rdiiiug'adperintendanut andi bis en-vorkeâo m r prooplîtr. It ia cllled i"The Moua. being the meanso efdraw1ug thc miati taln.", ofthcoe aauengwhom bb.y labeur. faix ahliglmîramoral an la here,cf mouldine NomTo«Dy-Then.mlnation choir characcera arlght.. an& leadini belli en Monda>r sei1. tavor cf ed, and connecceil themaci. remn with thc churt, dnrieg ch. year Bantou Acenx -_OP ,naa M.rW arc glad ho àaae chat nethini Richard Tacor nq is Trafalgar, ha. arieen te dhoceri, ths haru.cy ch.i <hile o"woi he¶tg ra ith a isrn.c. btetweu bbc .nbtroef c(h séaff tr a the. grater portien of boardl. and bbc aimeli ai.., t e ob hill rigbt baud ent oit Dr'. Precnan, chaet whtcii ahoulfi accuate every 8ah, ef Milton.,a w uM~ ad dr.osd the bah Scbeci Walter. W»Mmdod ar=. jWe are <clad te, recogefre so mue3 faces chat greetod ns It.t cr., bu Couliir Tz»LEC.ý-Tiie 'nelt Meet- car Jey làte nusaiei. eahao lug cf t. cHlton 1Cou ncy Temple. Doc paissai ne by. yet, <c serrl 1.0 . . <iiib. leld lit bbc Tee, nq e îa ll bb..itheut boité, bctýnra perace HaIt, Milton, cne bc o ret sce te, know thac anget cheiri Jaeuary ccxc. welcome hlm <hem <e meure. Tiie Draver mxeeting hield evcry ai- I. 0. 0. F.-Thcto b'IeLeon cf cificers careate Sahbathialf an hcun befere the fer the enatilea terait willi b elld ic cpeuieg cft ch cheel. acil continuel Miltcn Lcdgaeezc'Pueday3Och tuaI.. to, h a great hlesaing te, beth teaolheri and in. Orion Ledge, Gecrgetowe. cu aed cholars. Meeday. 29t1cit. We liav. coetinied thc wcekI; - teraclera' mieeting fer ch. study cf che Tirs MÂTORALT.f-Wceld it 'ici h' Iemon. which has ncteely eableil che adybeable fur tlhe a~idâtes for the~ crachera the beUcer ta prelet the Maeatu, hold a nblic"meetie< of trIuth te, their achetai.. but liait maile the electers tl«c tilt @lib.t.iî 1! 1b the ily Mure incereabieg andi profit- Mîse k .ow en hoq a. , mccla r.-, ablie tou h. huece h.po eh by a groat maey. W. baye an oxcellent library cf veniee cf meeting! OP a SA uurilv. eb tient, o. cher. hava becu very fow chr II t.nem~ing cf St CI i blg or damageti durng ch. year. Litage cne 2hfileat. The neat re- Thfre is alec a library cf about 220 <aular meeting wili ttc hetd oii Thora- volumes, fer theoemalleraiwholao. day. it JaeUar. <thon thc inecalla. à bh exerrioce have liecu coedueied ln -tie cf oceoulîil cakte bisa.. siuur mnallern e hocher yean., the L ~ acheter. recicii e b criplure lesien fer Tavuc Mazrum.-A mueting cf escb Sahbath.. W. wenld urge upo. lb. Public Mliedl, Bm~d w.., fieldi i c eb parentsocf the acheter., chat they Me lec~8. Ter ig a o.o ,b tahre hy oecing that che vacaary lb so ol.tc dert ice ohedreu commit thoroughly toe mmo fer ay Sint laie h junior the leacon appointid for tan abah cleprtmnt.TheB'candIbmadjene for we regard it as very importent tu ccl ta ch. 5t4 Jana <bec bbc ap- have ch.. miud weoU shoreil wici Srp- plcations fer thc ait, aion wiII bis cen- thr num'l b feach, n herlla sierd pristent' i.196; aveag atteudanra 142; Loqu. La.-Wehea tha ai uaerage namtarl c veres recuteil esh IdquiL w.-e: esrthi anin-Sabath, 0W8. The. numben cf officers tormaton bas bien laid againel Johne soid tachera le 22; averagie aitpndanre, iinn cf bbc -Wilt Deg." NOlacu, Mij; average atiendance cf vleltor. 4J. fer .q'llieLg liqilor wictlut liceusa. The Iu concluion vs woel o.kitu cea tait up betori a jnumber cf J. P.'@ iympatey and prayore. liat ocrscic lati Mcnday. bal cwipg t?, ch. nen-at- mayb le nrea.lngly -pros rua, and tendance cf witusasseý it wis adjcurned thaîvie ma 0e Mur ache growiug on' insa Reacv BE. or (iL» ENGci.. TIe fiuiiclil rspcrt shows chai the -EngIihes aiee tired ot eidllhîn che expenditue lutiyeer wus 160 29, one nanti cf tu bol; ai iet. bit hundreil dollars eof chic havieg been ex. a-uc iathaehep ef Mr. tteoffl Andrewe thai ce h ir'.Teeept ou cspie faucrabir oith ch, h..î of Pe on a Lury.Teeepc oct nonajj, Ime LM ~ ear <ire $95 77, entt ihsri ttisae fcon the,(ma et m.. cors was a halane dus bhc rireu cf Aaderae. »cc~eHeee e ila 64-52,, t Ett.Je., ad <ae nila crar ý The relat Of thc aunivenroiy servieas ha at..Mr. Aeq re. Uia l.,il cW cnhia ecawen were very Chiee¶ng. n fiac p1ntey &"roa The amnt rsquired ho b. raiee vo. S10 adin fermer years th. aunirs.. sary serviette had eniy rssliied a littis cver half cha aimeut. Tie i.ler. J. LeVcU.vs.-Meurc Hawki ni & Gray in suioncng c h. revoit statal Làthl, cf Cup M~e'sle bavieg Pur- chat the. amnnt raisel vo. as. ncarly tiiase thé Monek 9E IF E. More~a, LâOy- sqi te what vo. requirsil chai ne aub- ville, èad madeo a lauÊs addition lu it, seriptien woeld chia sa b.m liei enp. arn coing ho -Mre c.l7 hueine" in Loy- He gare ch. recuit as fdllcvs: Suiday, »Il15 9ii 0011 "Od pfisoe thst wil collection, $18 80; Prceeil of ta Setuil ib aRa5. ~I < L. are peh 476 0; ffubaeripicu, Mr. Burgor, .1; mg mnd iuicrpriing. aul cýhcreughly'a iotal 'cf $9i 80. e' frisnd" alter- undsid the. vante <f chs ecmmumbiY. <arde gave $4i 70, whieh nemplebi ch. mnd <e havi ne doUbt theY. <li mmiii ainocet r.quir.d. The b..e wes the Lovlle venture lsuctias. &Ul remaniiably àuîdna'~~ a happy -s-.-relu.' , îdresce sicdeIivir.d by Üb. harWovmaaia St ae.-On 8imday Bey. Mesers. Brown aid Eadie, cf ,efeannunnemeb c hat th. Bey Miltoe, Jeffery, cf Tronto, and Blacek- W8, Bae5tonk, of ln.n aid for:-tck efo Oupli. Tu pac i n.slycfMlto. a~te preach , d iape la tc t, inh atinp any lreeed lti Weaeyai Chcreh, unerc tiie excelent ail' m amde Inuche moenig lb.he gentlemen un the ccnaa oiln fro"tr.Espcn hor. tr adasrmon tf he Sabbachsnbsaicii rm e iM. 1chcWahol'an d ~utheairceg t Jeffetrosce and spoliea uvw hld ud leaont§. b ts nme ss ho miy ho euoouragung wcrai ho the eblidrin, thoa b havi aven @ar jW. Bto.- chirh <cri heurtily.r.neivsd. Voe of iteck4it h.iuu ala thak <ae tescand ho ci.sse ge vée.m .s.i.aF vided th e. uhe choir. Tii. choir and the. chilenen sang approprias asiecldueatilutervalsdnrlug the eT... Bexaaa.-A S iria li b 11.td <).V.) ieg. Mi..MeCan priudier atuheergan. ho lb. Tewn Hall. ,bpnc -0 i erra. V.ky great crudt i.s du. te Mr. Jobeso.. ofg eTueoday 80l Dem.r, 878. lu Hariicn fur the maer lu vhiehbha oi f the. bailie, fiul of Kec Churleh. ho. "aet che' oUbdrin ho iag. lu The tellovlug Olirgyafasn *iII a&dres Zih tek b. aeai ho, have a epecial 1hef mue"iig: liv B" . Fleisher, ef aptituidi.Zw-4.Athffr 1hvouai 'deveticua Haemiton, ai*eêh-"T sagelioel exercices the. Meeting di.sried, &U1 ox. iuai.." Thcllev. 1yMiIe O. ce.diegly <sul pluhesdvth the Proesd- ville Sujet-"Cb'iiia Uat u Tii. luge cf th. evsneg. BevJarneiBr*eerîipe, cf Stieetaville; B J.Alexander. cf irvai.; Bey. jâ.. lues the L4~ a E~liDsmali; M aaWOMtca* eu. vit a" t he il~ hr ain ta la. .~tld. la ~ over lbott gid- l pejsis h UjÇ.. fm cube gaiw« ttu or IL b ~ ave mibc da, mt a Umef la lb~~lr sare «I, bfl~ slbiog a..m* ia A Uorry Cluluaa aHappy MNwygr j@Mteii, Of 18 TRE I SIRE ()Ir id lAnd in retuen for the very kind aW b llhuanpira.ge hs.acvdm hlm#cer.asmhi Gommrenced Business In Milton, H, m"kas ch. ollcvbug fr,, Any person or family making a purchase of 820 for caaju shahl rece've ýa copy of the Weekly Globe; $là, the WeeLy Mail; $12, the Weekly Spectator; $10, thei. -1è TÉe shove Fig... wttb. met teo MY Pool Office i. thc DominioLFies. <rlslidi s beas b abice cppctaaicy, aid oblige P. M. McKAY, 28-t Male <fget, iM"ie, upposie lb.ea"rtl oue p rTH,£ MORAL INFLUENCE 0F MAC. BIRTHS. Dr KENZIE'5 ELEVATION. Cesuu,-sMte, blti3*,ih viec o eiICobohe1thL, damia To bbc mcr ii'ltbiei <ho la cagei' Faiia-faUn ambela,m cd àthlai., ocnjy the swet of pluecend MWave y-,la ifsetMâue. B on ths.e t in. ' elevathon cf bis Party tho0ocle .au. la regandeil simply uaun venb meat palute_____ 78 bbm le poasessbon cof the tovelsed prize. WtiatsMay bc îca moral A'1.5e... e MBID f liba"ouecry le te hlm a matter cf le- aa.bo,-p&ae'-EShi Bdifferesce. Hi. aspiratisns are beunsi. on the lliabt, ..WahrBeol. Fr., iecd by the Party cirle it ihn ehtch. faklgwa. Fvsh, te a stA .aea t moeu. Loeklupab ch. necenîelai;ei danghter et the lais RbsiH.King, i le polîcicat ahir bs tbc Deminon Eaq., cf Frafslg.Township. -fiom'e aighcn ucasd-point. vo egard th. evation of Alxander Mackenzie ID if tu bhc Premleretîip a. anëvetfraught yîao.--,-Oahe 17e!. esthUc laaaîof xf wibh the Meut tougehot, eas Mr. Simmon Fea., of ?hkasgar * qalece te cu cnuer~liepreèdeeces. * sor fer b<epty long ynana a. b u - RGISR builibgupeihuge syiem cfeorip. SALE EITR t ien, vices b.ioful eflciceiaboeu - feib thneugh ~ the enire body petitie. WsluNEasouÂ, 81arr Bxc.-Farm ahook, -frees bbheectben cf a member cf impleesnla, h&C., tUc Poprty ef e Pailnt det loe eleectic. cf the Jcqeph H. Jackscn, Lot 1% 51h lieu, rpaniab constable. Of taie carstii. N. ., Trafalgar. -fini$etah1 9'elosk. tff.,cba er chie ayitce, PuupcJte peope Wm. Buritsr, Auet. at large bave béene cemung more ohobe lAoàv, lieu JkImrAS, 1974. falst aes, h 9surface. l. feunoer andlatis lollovera i rgeyfM. ceaMg..m tireeî15sd agula, <ibIs the mot t 4. (uC-ers<vya .. aulaun'effhoeSsry-be eviafeo f Il otcocis. Wmi. SB=gi, Aist. theur long femiligitnniby t h. vas, and moulne cf corrolîtlon-lcluurd te c h. <cr11 fre. hrir «vr'diplacce n MILrO.S MARKBT8. *Puliament ihat te debeuci tiicc l'relili .J d scieces cf a 'eeeàtitueacyi.sae, 1 and chat te lied cf a Gov..i'cienb ln . Muion.u.. Frusuxiv 221 * ercro retalnhbiplace and keephtu- fai!NSiuat-....t....... s 16 1 14 gether hie fuituwera, May tavfutiy s<ngwhist.. les1. 1 1t se lumeauthe mc.t fraudiet î04 - - 70 ce and iiia l Thes.abominable p.055 >2", ----- 5 as ci lg a e .. ......-- ........... 50e plriiciptes htau t y a titrelieg ereua lye..- - - -ce.......... .... -0 t, ch. pav cf tieGoveruneet, prencti AI RUE 2l f am h piactionqhave becu aeti on fui' yea p4.inial.eoit sviry (Piucm PFeue o rwwrsl meenipai o.sa tii o. aliinmetary Smr*.m N b- t e1 ei.ction. Athétuofartthbab ubrwé uteimnvb e do11h ptuer i" ce.......2atg2 intelligent, lhonorable und reapDltable T&all.1...."..-e 0 T mon. supporterseouthde pollny of pic Lard .. ." . ........ li lare Governaiet. coulti lvara ilsDie dIhIappleus.-."....... 0V f tond te ceunîecenT uabit suelu.......i "6 -1 pnsccca . p wf en wid-prad d s - -10 12 aed ucpliy Irrecuilcilionte pepular Rgl. i.18 t mine chobd becence. Aill ietc- - i'o pasa ..ar ......... 50 ce tioca hbee public andl privace meratity uere ihitel oct. Politicien- trainedinle . el cf Sm lotieA. NEW ADVEBFISEIfEITS. Macdonald <en acecuahomeil vlth liroe -facel impuilence. te clfeed the eii ece atd rMOa't laçiie* ace ttheir mutier., eaeTahrWitd aid ho eennteunc cithvulgar abuse, ut EC iEJNO R che . "caiig lhypocits," o. thcy Pr TATaiETHEt U R DE FInmcdtic.. <ho iarel bu bineigh ;j, of ».Apt"m. ii. lauli- <glsat the. reige cf corrujtion.W.Mosiaibl tiag aaiey, ru ho easaciua e!i have ne besilaOin jeaUrmts catMouday, the 11h dey cf Jaaarr s»at, dnleg bisrte .pblicvite « . obeen muechon 1cbi i b.papular i -y. J. 10118. emial, pollbloei ro.cali.y aud tergiver- - Suc. P. a. 1 aactios. encom*,ed and ilitereiF nul Imatou, ia'ti Po,l3w& - .1' yoil imoW7gretly 'atimetated. *Haipliy the ciief aitlsretfca -w I!co8icr-'e moral dlpgralaion haiboce c uee n ulhoch,"tornb of ail the Capnfcca4," tiycel hope ai reaurrec- CAME INTO TU~E PREMISES OF lice HI foloyr. re ov ho ire I ch. ubeitbeLot 30 2balCrasasulca iejehia mibmo f a body fmmm iwheée two yars cl. - Fb. cwaer h,. saom.lta "Injual aaea'fst h.vibalizlag Iinflenepav copaesaMd romemus hien. ho. eacd for everho floçv. Wti bbc clavatien of Aexander Mankesube te JAMS L. WRITE. bc Premerobp, tl en etofhuie. rofag. D-.24J8573. 2634 bgcr oie mers iorleaa' la y tulai la.cever yetntaspcn iL Fb. fieda et pure and hocieqb Goveimeet have machl reison for congratulation 19 thîe change vhieh i.. bis. effeetei d lb tn'thees n poliiel situation, ail mccume tJtIIYALI AlI" r ojcy bsnoelg ir urcocatitgeeci cmcrgbsg frone, ti. icglas cf political 'cerroptien 1*5.1 hlch chcy ene nr Dmb Fb. aplemidlvictories of abnltrgb Y r id Moclcewy demelnarale thM a r ±Oat uL 'I i.Eeboh peope cftc. areM senî t the cee; sel fer 'id..dacr '.l-. B,"fcli asti are moretsdy bban ctci'te zo-1giv er. M Il h ve ptecthUc no»ecly cilrnctlons et lb. polis, b omiei s h. chir uoquaihf csueao- 010 ;BTaiANUAITEu r ient uuspand -plias~.cla h.av1aaersti. Plans, spoesicahions &"dbille ia sthUmba. oritil îb ctsep ansnle cme bu sm aa tUis Mffy'a Ose%. verihe I ed ciaracber. a apleudil emamptlecf a Royal caaadlaaBasb, Femite mai <ho by bard plodlln i dl u- "ldble lntert a ie, r tcG. LAIDLAW, bu =. rs oth troiten emm of lb. loresofimme..ilutreee. TorasisDe. 241h »MO. al tuent of i.cocntry, sailàexampte ___________ eaot failtehoinspre Canadiai yoeuh orsltbh.ee arnd te orn etpfollei [MgaaOflicLat Wllim .sb kmien.! qualitia. bh hbavei bety 86udfor Bla l.respect cvec ot hie pI"tcl pâsita. lb la the prend 111HM M OIE OPW LIM t Âo!aathat lb. hmbicot E .hb."las t Uceyulpci mNeg tif lAm9nalipq if my di <nta Un Cek.y 1%~ ~P.fudlcair. We..tee. ft tWà er oi wu* --A grol tinihaât bbc boy mianov en ce buloe thé 1M jetJ . A.D. haato.uItpgorneeof ui'comsmea ii?4ho amdp *l aclai m11 ccc day bliebthec or Eua5aibeoé a P. %)., sstaa a of ui' pefcot Premier. nses Uc.uil10110 W.bave o.aimd upee Aeyara oIn oeil touatry's hiatory. a"d genertien u ZÎ11l. aI ye;ebr b riadvith pronduit tpdu et Md" selb utroat the pehktcai recorda cf teM mehd lu.t declabve atmsggtc bibveen paitiee a tth dYet ,mneh' Uc mi.k 1pnrify snd cenrupibon, a itrnggic th" «d..g, &ho d.11110.NUcou" vhc'a'eotcd ochomcipatien UcSbvu % remise ost "M gc-ln oui'cnt4ufroin the bandueof a Ofvt Ida"io ha .1,21, finéh Go"i'umdib vboa. palilecal crime. Uc<.mil. s a o I emrulthedM".le ba&a bravas 4ôwu upc hemi ch. r.- < eth alah bsud prebatnof 9" I.OI ortd. th 5e: dt the hilory et thtitrnugkk ia viieb ahame the eta~i estbone. Who wibb a ini swllDUht or. bil-- cmeura o fht aid WILLIAM ZEaunol vs.* lba ttti vhtch WUtIasseo e COL P xÀi aiiecw a pil. ailgool Gova-. Pie Virginlm ua behoa rrned. KOTCK ch 11 ura.u rolea aiaa etBl la-umUita" *k lw a MIn» te the sale ba" siltMo". otbomuw bL a avlPmis OE-EatOg wbbsv tdpg t wr 24v luas and New,- Year'S- PrescW. Ladies Who wish to see articles of Novelty, i Beauty and UsefUlness, must go to JE.Barch.y-& Lindsays AND SSe their assortment of New MVig"rEfiyè See their assortmeot of Nfew Jadke SSe their Iovely New 'Underakirts. See their assortinent of' New Dresses, See the cheapest Wifcies in Canada. Se. tIeir spldodid F'rench Mer'woesg t 50 c(S'. Se tli celebrated Bhining Black Lustres. See their endiess variety of fashionab, Boots, And their ms.goa5cent stock of those far-tamed "WOOL LÂCÈP" ÂNOASTER CLOUDS. F. BARCLAY!,& LINDSAYV', Wher& 'll Goods are kept New anid:Feh il - I lait là amin T- TU PU Lq XcI~oa .& & 00 SM@. -d Cap.Yom. ad,-, amI e bu EIYI~ uneh-apes. tosq mu he, pulls, lm Mt MW gp,dnoiroenoeVnAllltInam nib fo*d 0avilwga hao boo084laigod th"amh. eta bma" m aliehm Mant uniu$b tina0lit"àobemd D.pet-="s lamiai Y-t non..On' vmcis7 Tvfnd , o.prIOsailv i w Gunla' i.asaune I* Polico.n iaotts; vavomaitu oy Csvmi or ivomm e"ds. mn»vomsali ' aswhunb uée&npmm..sa4.al vmiy md a~qaitbn>bi à olollapi Isgl..il.168. GEORGTOWiq. 8a turMeu7by f*Y~u . p Gboomet Second to noue tor.StyUabu ~4CapGe. rm'oou FÀxoy j lai 'Ex-ci 'e4,' mu'kl On*11 fil oe IM ,-uý yI 'l .