Tito divorce of Sentor Su"p ~ fro.a'la'it, ale wuau ailly andmi qol4 a, fo»u ne to rentier la ote xIc ant divt'rceof la !~i~c t Ii t alI 1,,>atittt. Nott lit"e 1a ponrttt.ijî a toli.ot ffecqtio. liaittnhorfa , a iLttlam stt&l'a" t ixenlit tniet vays aniIhait»taof lite. ~ono% tu lait- mcaiaie. Racit fount (I ocdbt a MIS- takeil. hadaoc,,,aotted;at, tu remny it a@ fui m a osie, Mrl. Su- nâerweet quioetin-tt'Europeyterce sitei ainc.dwelt, ttd b l'yier'v frcttatil 'ttitjt'tAt atoiett 11liaisfln-n t. S. th stata,'ry right t. 4lim a divoorce en te chainai grittnai if Aandonîi'î- 'iait-aII partii. Mraa'nhile reotojau ing iii ternisqi respetûl tiertieas.' Haut. atnel Haffper. IL C. of iata hi. bthet-ia'-lar. atiniai'4the lite ment iatiiate rei-Liaiosa vità Mr. Suiiner. andtaigt. obi iagi àtaI.al Suit- ilà-lavaieniga tb hii,,»oaêoseiy as lavar &*lsne f th: bent i"f f til Cariiegs dea r M. Ck.'ha. r.- sig.ed the Eoigration Agen";lor*& as eIing organ hais i-ltia nsa'oory Mr. Cocha,"ha« baen ifMiurd. *IRTId. Bo.io.-Onin.. lOah. !MmW. H1B." tic. da,t.e. 3Recias W- O te tnh t. th w de.f Mr. Itaeid Rtiiio. tai,., ftla ion Jobs Taane. E.qiein.ni f s B"OOL-Os teithit-t. th.iief Me G«oceco iti. E .1tn la, -.. [(soc-On n thi t m- . is do tfMe. àtinharIt,on. ntniafg. iadaaiibs.. qiGm.ja.-tOnte ltt'tio...tiath. dtA Mr. Joit (iliraith. àà itnni a .-a: K&Aaa-dtttL. At nhi,,eca-ftohtei, bie'i. aite. Crns.iatd. t theenott .dthe, 2td tait.. by the L-oJ. M. H.W.e, .1ntaridnnt.-hi. W\l.ty %»on te-ti tiattdite'tW (<i. Eq. ftetnnly ni ah. altnttyo Halnn. aicti-tntnt., ttiteot.ln f oC.W. NaioatKq.. St. Cti e4in o th iat., i ite 'P-Ie R N-t-r. Je. PipeStiit, tMmi. SJ. Lol KEILtat FEMM.. Cathe Saiti May lai. Saaeiooat, .1. ihon A. K, aler. to Looy. dirtnctfoth. lie Usotto FI.-. latn,5 [at .1ni i. o DIEU. laa,' o a rhliti- -,th tinnJo.k he!.i..ad nyithid -f11-- Ej Cash nSystem Griocery. Isaac Cartmew Seneral Grocer, ttnaoti.Semly hiana'- - Ooaoanstehir ry libneaipatron- oge foitth-lAta.nba tch. To ir-u 4oitata beti.nsteataa, i.- ocIla a« our et adoptadte UIY rit FItINCIPLE! a ~ o N o w- ~ mi * w k a M M * o E o 'Q j. 4rns t' o i e pi 'il o j h c 4 o 4 o 1~ 6 R 23 Q -o o iii a> o -o o o j Ai llac.t's Ibid ptnons Saturday, 14thD: Oelune. 187' , nt n-n ',I nlon h e it ltc c, t& vi clnand ontpnad u ni ai Lot Nunîber Tkirteen, Inathe toit onconof nititi NEW SURVEY 0F THE TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR ccfaigieg i.,Ae. cmote orlfeo#. Non iinihe(noacntoi nn ilexntrnOne. and 1 nttand odinid h.-tttn i ddna ni,, .ad T'ltc. IaOO Itnttnldi185 OooOe it tin'-k.n-,aic nneoyon teaytl. *sd th@'neoadnin monene aitiannent at 7 r- oni.,.anddtuio.annnddiy antotgag. Doatiatlhis ah dalfMA2ty. 1873.' WM.tLi XDLAW. 3EED POTATOES 1,000 Bags KILB RIDE. ISUCKEYE, EAIILY1ROSE, KIDNEYS, PECEILOW8. '50 eo Ja Gfonnd E(ting otnaîes, Kîhio MNi& PARKER. Kilbi lh. t;. 44i QTiiOItNtS PAiEN'r tMi'iioeED t3il nd ti(min l(((ne' 1ho iatoa InntinefroInti.gattiaannlnFo. Hi.le,iLo t. t iti gintna onsethe On th.,.t mosnai-bknn T.F.Hont SONZ- Hnenby,.ay 173. 466t. ýWest En.d Grocry Cash for Wool Th.n hii6honnk a'aii oIl b. pil is Cmor e onit.t'for gointeon Wnni Recniioienîcoly tîohappti« .o MILLINERY, DRESS-6000S, Piitsanad Geeral Dr7-GooL-, GentsP 1Yurniahin$g, BOOTS, &c. T1illOaiING DErtIRTMIENrI I.w nnll nppi. it n, Patte-a CinLii O.rCnp Te-annd ionco.iOnooien. Mo.iteep on thitgliiLly t bOnr hi oliet f-in. grternl t.-c In -dier t ot-l gnndo att igitt pico, two thii,'learcoonoooY. lt. -i'hy .nit bhotigh(LtO. 2-Thoo1.n_-onnntheo.olti-c t s Enibt: ith-,n,qutinitanc uildiin o0 W, pnnnh-ionothc bot nt. e-1,o eatnciy L(o CAýsH, ataargeocti Th, lot -I itaed ithd. GOODEItIiÂM & WORilS. Juane ,, 1073 3-tf 1673, PDGCRUL..2$3 JIVNTg TuÀF aJI.vOx4 Co1 E M P0R 1U .,,OGEOSRGE TO0WN. t. 4, 't OULU Dl IECTi'lii1r. I I-NltlN (T litE 1EOPLE Or IiÂLTOW STOCK 0F D.RY-GOODS AIND IZIEADY-.MAD)E CLOTHING,i Whiehitnl ho oni o ompný.t it. 1.cio .ecenytu in; ntli! hît ianaàbit.iia.oDr Important Notice Iotihe Ladi'es. nW' hatove nnndhoen o f. m fi (non-noe lSlitneo frnt'theC tity oi TneOttita i haro fitto ath, ololtf(nnttt doflat ii (, i.ntatn - leintnni deotiag patit ar e tntiunt Ln (inn (to t ihe.. iarena. Indics Ont dl)do n t ge.tatg a ahoici ce &Ilthenlatent.tystotdetteovnatLtapriein. Our Pan.cy Dress-Goo&s flepart].e0.t nil Lo tntanlly attonohon hies tpiioo. ontotteino tII the latan nneitie In that lis.- BI00i hoiet -'1o en . Pîtilo loo itnoailt ho liea hatîc. la HosiL., Goie. fitoti. Lanta ,noie (loto n(ila1.1-toet t iia en Sliawls, Manties and Jackets ini ail the Leading styles. tn e i,c o p it am il inntin iavin m(e klori, e of th'fo ltof EIT diia. in on(tî ('lAce. -ilcM n. I lTi, - -t, G -i iîi;A.ý,q I iitwc . te, b* g and Good F aIl i G rat eed il . no F1-itl Tno. ale A il deedt'tningIre anlcntito i'cti«,& 1iîcettlot n eol t , ei o i. ittctn t;odaet... jonton ot A large inocit ,fii-.3, M atto Clotin n..).>., t 0to hitad Enoyttntn i. no t.'o Ha. iý,i (a. i ic> oleînenett . «io "Sa Uoalai Shorti, CoIlite.. ef., lini&., nll i Obv i. dy. ONLY ONE PRICE. Y'n Mc oitcp -sct4 th te dote butac, M.ca ý o r- al sl. A cati. 'eoorfltlbd S.tetohlctouit-ngtodà.Nttto icyutity ity.aojontîmf uol iati"ndtotitosa. bOne Motta i.. n e 0411 oneaeit.p anti Soulos nf thm. an e a. tiao noi. Il taiy guod. tit t noa gtamtat GRA\,i-r, T.:ÔMSON& O' aq. . >â u e sflBtBusIoJl ta 1< ON AND AFTER MONDAY, THE 9TH JUNE Offer the public the greatest hargaiîîs evtr showîî in the Ton nof ntlo. Their stock ii ail ncw, ltaving, beeil purcha.qed this Spring, and ti Oatins ail tihe usa-st desigiis in Ilicos iuols, the latest iiovelîies in Mil iîel'y, and tite cheapest and best stock of Sta1les in the Ctîuiitîy, l'ke ai ilote of îlîis Ladiles. 1'11E TAILOINiý DEI>ÀR'1'MEN1' ls uîder the echarge of a thîoronugiiy fmsitnahie ('utter, and suits are matie ln thiý lai est -"New Yorl antd loiidlnu styles, of te best Eing,liîand anaidiktn goods. Unu trial m-ill kýatiafy the inuat fastiditrns of thiecorreciieîss tftht tîhont'stateînitt TIIE ILLENEUY£l)EPA litlENT lîuî alreaiy beeomie noted for its beauty, ityli.,linc-ss-and cheapnesa. No lady sinotild l'ail tu iit onîr Show BZoori, nnlether tino bîys or îîît. Special attenti oni giveil tuoNiourîii,, Orders. A spleiîdid ms.ortlîîcnt of La,,ils' anti 6enti' Boots and Shoeý, that M-iil botlî FIT ntANWEAR. TEAS ! TEAS! TE'iS !F.B. & L. mak'e a specimîity of Teas, Farmers ivili save fio 0t 0 eÊ et by purchasing their suîîimer suîoply from tbc'm. Cali anîd get a sanipie.om 0to2pe.cn AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT F.Barciayt 4* -Lindsay,, .fliltoea The subscribers having diAermained to clear out their entire stock of Stimmer Goodl, will Remember this Sale Comimencbs. Mon day, thc Oth Inat., and oontinues until July Iit, Do not'fail to, cail and get some of the Bargains. First corne first served. F. BARCLAY & LINDS. Y. .'W"eh&i .uhnad to ta voat adoota' lILTO'NMArlKEIS. laaaittting a mtia e t it oee tmeeeiy 3. . Bo.11) L .M NT IE~ A . .i bl toatnd Mir iaat e ITO.N. Tiiatoont ith JuNe . î, 20n00) gn o t.I -nalith.antenAtioanýdo..,ptm o ,a I l Whct ......... l 1 5 10 1 (nhl 1ýt lIt(nt il 5 Me.EOI), A VR0" & Co. F ciy rocer i ....5Boot anda hoe iinioha150 tm %Ma t 4h,1873. 484t Bn'tibichaio eiocaitee i e ___________ PUBLIC SUHOOL tenàitfeowgt IÇEW ATVlITISEMENTO. Ti±O~ ~NOTICIE. ar lupise.6 lottedci iti t. geMet Uaaoepaandtx'ejoteurtytaW gm 1TEAS TEAS! 1 TEA S 1l Ion l anionen "yiogin ri.. feoz 46c, ta 85c. per Pound. TRY P. POUND AS À AML General Groceries lttijtinti. e5n Pottnlae Boots & wl.hoes je i . ýtie1BOn T t . -lt lin.gol Gaitnr. lonp bottoat02.50 Al otne God, t eqoaliy 1- A 0.11 tok 01 CItU('KEi'iY&C.i\II on hasal kie - Pn tae gon ton i Sr & catil od si epnfii httod. MIAÂC CÂETME. Mait. Oi NLL PERSON't ARE ER Y oattitoie*ttaiOt nco'otitî(oo-a nite 1,.t. 1,73. payait. i. to t - itondato E. B. Ed.o4,iaor itot lb. . -I ~ .ittaiodity .tgioctaiaaiPiit tatasii. ootidnetin»" D. à ire ROBtERTSON '0i 1873. Wool!1 Wool! Dyeing, and Clothdressing!1 CARPENTERS. .1(115 il. tITCIIE.LL 7'itno Aprii 101h l1573 f Tcntttnod and int,thiin oct.tiu otb. hnd (1V tothe Town Hall, Milton, t'n oon TUESDAY, TREI15TH Or EILY, 1873,1 . ist .loi, &am. Buot Caoittstemwai, iteo ta tai,, thce tiitalinteintiahoe riculmtonrteSeondi A0'nnoltntCitttoOro t -pront tht.- tilt (o ioii tthe .a-oPl-aon i Ioiday, the 21st Juiy. 1873, Fnrm of the nti. otitcpncinanl ci-o iv,tt.otoi-tmt. ooon h ittnd on aitî'- noin t oho ('neint vponI,tnR. Litain, Eo1, , (t'o16 Anan.O Cotdioate, oct - tify te Cnniy Tnope tsv .,t Ito tth., the 200h ofln. .tf thtti itni»I,ý,onet tietocO tfor eais i n.;u.tiioîoitnta(O1. -otnpaiit yite ta'iotit.il t. ,Tt'I flotcteol niutoonnc rcqoteod hy thuita 1t, of e x inca ation. Seot'tay Baetof Etaodne Cooaiy (<ato JOH-N BIGGER B EGs I4ESPECTFttLY TO IN in u.t n11,Mt t.han 'p-îtti a Genou-ai Groceî'y and Provisi- on Bu>iness u in teStore directly opposite the Thonnpsonflouse, Wh."o haintcnds t.ilin ia rytttg ia th. aitocou.. nilntiiam. Hing fsaictot aiy 'htoenit emmando..na oght foe oteit. Bnetduncetto euh proioae -We Ihconlaun nn xtagond ntZkof tJooey niih vivill uni"lo 1 n oil. IS F . - TTERS ontcoito ay' 187.. nio il i. th. tPoffic, &alMiltôn.SCHOGL OF TELE6RAPHY, h .ti lt Jani. 1M3. Bye-imat toue.Wiliaim RÂMILTONt ONT. Catlii M Ltl Jinnt Miu Ciaobn Jon uMia SE(<Ua i M-'Glanîjmi-tla tylti U.doe th* Paticiogdi0 Pica... cciii tdcaay tof th@ ahoi cîco GUÂTWUUTU win plim al eqanere cctise. ua WVW LWLT UC. Wchac,ýericàati lasud ,aied aicet- W. D. LYON, .hioh ~ 0 fsg m eoy nv cti.. P. MAU iin of (mmnecd.am vI.vhig "*-Ob 01111, SaI~ allirs C -HILI. MILTONII WILL BELL *LNRY vIB HAL, t À ý 1 1 ý