BttH tNEiW ADVERTISEMENTS. j n, et tic'Olci i ccc liE?3., cd a Don. licc c't. lu ncceccc. -ccc il he 2a, c -i. cif,. uf i t-ce. spi sizesel Mit. .teci t. i te., URI, \ t t hic. 'T. 1,Ucc t h-t ttc~c t i 715v i ti% ct rnd NTiicEi, o I1 t:'U *F-I (; ciend i .moite ce l"ce..cUr tt.ctetd Eiýtu'lCouiuy of 1HaU<m ec'tc t t li TITtO'tttc, n ) hecI jourt Bouse, etc" ccl ccîc"ctXIh ,.te i~c~' do cctt.-r'fotf Ililtoi'c-cc .-t lt a n-y7ý Mach I13 ..d h' tcivt, C- : l ,iJu'ch-c11 thi Seocote h. ei tuc"Le ect.ecc .,dct- ycceeTti. A 1. tctL. ltie.eefC'... ed ait eht. NEW ADA ,Ieit e<IE. pcettte c" arnforSaeicet eae onmOBTy FIMd-. th sAL. a.t crtty icti cet-ate - 12.. 18b,3.inue-tOth vlieecctoc I .làet ia) 1cae , ccCtthet 1-trnî f S fle or 1 StLeae, h. cec otty, eJ. o 1 t, . N'ett e ttatettee n"cce cffi ore1- .'ef Silur eet-ccSecg0. tch E ot t i fCN o.EWA, j T.ri»c .eetcccic ,cth I.v --tcie. 33cf tt eeeic . ,cctieed.& .Ietitm. W3.. iVic Ucthecicc:,tT. Hotel for Sale or ta Let.- vEUqee1tet. loch Fcbrcet1 1 7. 'L -t FOR SALE~! THE COMiMaERCIcAL IIOTEI., À Houg aLe, Ht.t i .e Viie l' l. hTeetc 3ite 'B ELONGING TO 311Z. SCOTT rFocr c.tciIe3»pt;ot Dpatcecc l'Tie lot c b-tccact JOHý'N DEWAR, BcfccAce. ccc c-th Fruit.i3t e~dG.~tcceeecd . te fcolyBarcteer, &tc., Mlon. locttpeclece. 'ec coecCt c hlIulte Surroghtte Court ofi Mltonc1'c. Ncie ih-ceLy gptcee thaf Hoge Ceeter Or kethccccec ..Fýtcc. cithe (cenet c iltet. actccr.i tcacfcceencctr.h-c.alerhcicref acd ccctcd c-, PetcM. A c1citi're coc , e lc. ctcclie. nd Stave Tiinber. -LU t te f ,,ncceyI*ie ANTED AT 31ADcOWV.hiEftutccc'Mitc, Eq.of ltrccte ie c Y? ifOf~dtS ttet iWi ,tac ~ gste Cuctrt, etfli th e tcfto cf0b ,000 Cordeiclccccc'cdStececl1te cftthe cad Hcghicete GOitLERH-%h7t & WOIITS. e ot. .tc- ettit Idof Hc.gli ic an d ci. i. 03 30fS. cttic.teteofcthflicT-cc tcf 70tccc. de.ccic. Focncmc oic, Kjbrtd. Dtcd thi. irtt d.y etFeb-accac. AD. t873 ___ai oelKlbie P. M. McKAY XI AVISO reumoed the ichrecor thiti' IST (OF CETTEIlS t f ect cdmi * seloftchet týli ecdpub- Re Mccccinth- Oehtiitr.-t OfEicefe lic. te the 1. t ceoc.y, 1873. U2-i W. F. it-S ccce. p ,c\i-c i Phce e T W ______ -- BIcctccccccc tlcice1cM Farrn To Ilent 1 Bei Jocccc Sctth IH i clrtcceec ,% E c icctc .tccc teci itte EIGLT i, IST COXCEhSiON Fc'cJ.if" '11 Scccch t.- C BE quinc ý C? .,ottccttcg f20 A-cce. Occe Mcccic (dcc 7 ciceMr .fthe t, o àa.o F7rce c'the icec.ty. partee, caUin u neoc h h0eILe For tcrniccd p cceec.1 iy tucfinec-e~Ccectt 1kho ttc.. Torcte. ortte D. Robert-oc r ri icp - .cy titc -cc o.iccccd. Jch Dtte Eq..Jîicc 2_ te f. B.hLMEii. 8crtc lfii73. tff* pctmttcOe. N.EW ADVtERTISEI ENTS. STOOK TAKING JAMES HOLLIN RAKE, HAGAMANI & JULL A RE NOW OFFERING the ibalance EXTENSIVE STOCK 0F Winter D17y GOO4 At and Below, Coît. Ttche bl. cfvhicit Must be Cleared Out DT Previous to Taking St(ick-, anu 10 make rooîn for his Spring~5 A C I occdi, lm Otrmined teooffe te ite pecple.ic t dieaed ccerceelteg.conrcf t M R H fte icocece cf ]Rio Large Stock of Winter Goods At sueh REDUCED PRICE.S as wiil astonisît al mio wili giva imeieecciTc thecwho wish tc iestteeirctccey to tbc hceiedceetcgr, ttc Mnaned Cland you tell bc cotvcoedceCerng Sle itco emrc peii.furcrc ûe oecf tic Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in the County. CASH! CASH! CASH!L Money Saved is Monay Made. To clear a large lot of Eng1îsh aria Ca=a&i TweedzS- OiBBI)EBRE8, BBOAD CLOTHS, OF-VRRCO.ATINGS. Lady-Matie CoatacPan l-, Vests, Blankats, Fancy Flannals, Wduey. Xrn-JldcFlcccfsFaryDccec rtfs&F.afcry Cotte... Çeggg9 Nhirts and »rawers FÀNOY CT BiRS ND BOWÀY. GREAT BARGAINSI GREAT BARGAINS 11 e qoeries, Groceries. Grocarias. Choice Teas and Sugars. Uresokof Spes Essences and Fancy Shaif Goods. lare toc aes JAMES HOLLINRZAKE P cc .W7 or.211 Haavy Wool Blanketa, $3 60 SplendidallwoolTweeds 6,5 Red Flannels,-- 25e to 35 Haavy Fancy Flannels 36 Winceys - - c - 9 Fine Scoured Winceys 15 4511 GOMUda arkettin ais. IVgu-ca. No E=ibigEHfee Caîl and be Convinced. HAGAMAN & JUI.L. Jmuu7 la. lm3 11.1 W.Important .)Voice!p TAI lO0RIJNýG! F. BARCLAY & LINDSAY, MILTON, Incordto npy à wat mc flin tlu.cvk.ity, . of . c EXPERIENCEI CUITER, I eue- tetecd in the getti»g "p tf Fachi-.1.lci ciCfhicg in th. E tlicheandA-cicce tyil- ca nv it. .11 cette ci. to. - c..t ftcf.1ad i . -E cl ttieg gec.t., te.c-11i ad leve, fheir encere ' 'ith the tat p«.cfc etif.faefioeetillib.h.lid. Inee.j.iith t.acecc, e e Cce.dtae T-erd, BceFiti.-cY Cet. fce. &C., &t., in which mmtec ma .cr cti-ttef lectin. ci cce eonharO, dpdýn- -be. ped ý re.gcd.. upcctcd fhcU Over-Coats, Pea-Jackets, and Ready- Made Clothizig. WVe hava rscoicved a furtbur -ctpply of 111030 FINE FLAVOURET3 GENXUINE TEAS. So highly appreciated by our Lady Customers. F. BARICLAY & LINIDSALY. P RO C NOTICE D UIRING0 lilEiIiT AND FiL- L111.1, 0t0c114 .. ftIýficic CRLITLY REUI'(EU FRICES FU~R SFlT$t ROBES, BLANKETS. NUBIAS SC.ORFS, BIlA WLN, D)ress-Goods,Winceys CCOTIIS AND CLOTHING. Corne and Sac the Bargains Be Yom Bey &ielrheer. TEBBMS-CO4BI OR PRODUCE. We Ciecer and Ti.cctiy Seed. for Sla GOODERIIH & ORTS. Noeadeccee. 'LAMATIONI OPit NI 0 v ALIr OF TRV EMPORIU19Z, EORCGETOWNg Reinove to their Large New Store Noxt Bonnet-t Ilotal, ON Monday, the lst December, icethcp hep. hy ..itg G(IccO.ncd, Rehi&b..Cec('cci Tc etiti ccntinee re civte allbec.t,.li.cof fti licCc. et itet ccd itcicdaity. Fciraordinac-5 Bargccie in Wjtcies, Faec Be-esà Coc-dc, PFredn ch-ienci. Cettoce, Floeels, lal4c,&c ., aitihc ke morium. sp"ciel t tcect. Oàcdrtct e t u ItBAI-1MIDE AND OIIBERED I3LOTHINC DEF1PI1MENTS. F AS HION A BL E tOte ME GRANT is in thtécccrit teringcp oreceece.ttcett. - 1 t hé lcceet Oc Fancy Dress Goods, Shawls, Jackets, Furs and Fatt y Lumber Dressad ta Order! WOOlcn Goods, &Cý V; FiRST-CLABO pryLF Als,manufcterc01 mina &adý ju A &Ui. ý.pctflly-lkt MIPIOVEI) SUCION FIJMPk N. B.--Oce 7tt eto ccNo tdccebe Cc-cgeseale, Sceil preit.' and Qeicitl.,t. cWltic h aee dciiitrd cenctcrt eotie.ce des or PR.e , th. -tie., t.EccitrtlGmo. Or .r.ceeaccttt sw Aul t,'k.hgcataee.i GRANT,,T1'-OMSON & TROUIAS EBBAGE. ~t-....tS F MKe . tr i--iciei. uh e Acton.,Jte-cy 1t. 197't. 20-ler PABLIAMENTARYNOTI(mr HOUSE 0F COMMONS, TUE CI8EItK'S OFFICIE, Oîiae-e. mObJan. 1,"9 ]pISATTf) TBE 5iu ]U of AtlHoec tic.jteinhy &I' fliotfith. t for Receiving Petitions Private Bi.Us. On Weditcsday, te 201h d.r.- of March riait. ALFRID PÂTRicZ, Cicr. of fMe Houcr u-fd FOR SALE, 2 Pairs of Bob-Sleighr. 7ERNS r_-sr. Appt7 to- Loi 5, Ced ('<et.. Z-e7g.- A ONMAN lO LEAIC7 32-tft. IST 0F LETTEOO iiii'tAINtf"('int4 Pontffie, t Mâfte, opc ticthctnFelie-. f1 73. .ý (C,IMcMi7ct c.eetDce (2c1-g. Theteet 7icinacceKceitec cie,. ?ct .. cet c.à Jcc Perce. -eicg f- a-cc-cith, aloeI. 1.- '41i ici e t . a m eyto vicrti.d. IV. 1). LYON, 32 3c P.Ni, P. M. McKay Bj EGS LEAVE 17o INTIMAT. titct.endcifetlith lst Day of March Naîxt, tOc. eteede te Carry0cehic licjece a& jPURELY CASH SYSTEM. P. NI. McRAY. Miitec. Jeee3clIe22d, f873. 30-if Lowrilk .}P1illsq DEPOT. br' occeccehg to tefcrm diecin. fi. itf..te cciMiltcccacd eeeectadlog -c tf fy t ha They have Opennd FLOtTP & PEED STOIRE. li-v 17111ETONY V- cCl i tcy ciii heer cenliacd Fli..,and Fectoilcf ci iicci. )Deckwte 1lce.-.OancitCtti eaci & (Sis. 1c ccc.c qcccct.tîw. ccc f. KýFMIt & SMITII. Mtlitcc. Jac-et; ccc.t73. 30 11 FiillSALE, 117WcI -ct fcci cc icit1. 4tCon., Ecqoc-« cecccccticeccc Eccte ti.- c%. th, Ecîcce 1teo ct 15ii.ccc ccd' c'cIcl e lcc 0itecc ticl 1-1cctcCccc th.- iccet 29 iiie .litt Dî -AUTO ISf Pl1aning Milfs. THOS. MBAGE, Proprietor. Day.. offl dot Jiai k -j hi - -- -- 1 Il