-With noomest ennes itre la an NEWzKIwx142m. epoob in lilta oh.te Eyaeoa n si algitiry iattenedo. Tiie ronaequeloe 1NS VÉ1N t  F018869 le thal lihe globe a %. ot qoitte a coim- 4' piiely disoedod oith dila, tie la thasan eh'.étedll asfviio. a- Tiide4iciiL' eau ho made Iriopor <j.' bn , s ol cauactibythie ' Jua.ê* ofN age. lofià c4okat andno m4jt i th on ea. wll h. rd. of)J& M~ te Je .4J % o h t h é « M fl o r ng f c a l To t e r . 1 - % u u a = t i J . a a .e t o the.elm' inWoraol tient tie purral Lt.aa*btime Very aene of trais av- *by aemrncy of locn iîooldba' li-e ok? et the rerements. ÇOURTHOUS, MILTON, Pdrt.d Spcta- tlen LadE? Glotor., tosofocoreti b T~It ;aMORRIS & cO.iln ON_ eirompralb yýFen, of fltiiig -h 8h yo iencltê1 Ioaeet the reqiiro. Tuesday,th 28hdyo ninU~ a~jaticotar cae. Dm. D. C..p £2=br11o, Agentsa aI.. JaiiuB4iis*t Mlton.I '0.ecaalaoa te a .ntonnoon thing Pecoliiw1 alcative in 09 n t a mLot:. tllilt befiiâ e3r"- nnd e"r. l>4tyLOTI. bis Tu T6t beue-oth5 'A . Mh. ofIi0 l duebteia4lve5h.ab lèvae htea Wd gncdfIiii onPr en. ér ncm popsîrtion"nuad Sate in the 9am .Soph. 9 a~ian iuel aniag, ber tien obi@ aaurgy ana. power'* tiliýhonin thi usailm ad W. D. Lya o.Iy wben 15.0 botta i1t iroperty ad t h. lôth "' Ama, 0-h. i=onac tr-wben tiafrefritaîdieffeor thiend itS 00 bd2die.imt~t 01tthe auomndunenp3auX keditha inSh. will aid W.D- cYOn la duaaty. «Iibit h qn bt attract0ot. auti LM vithe .W=-, n1ebout le y aue. Ay pakg ~ bdtion Fcm cir at 2 28 Jowder anea Heatve EnCy."* I «'>ann'...... 1601 noldbei of 0 one sarab toteal ....... 111 vibeoon a àcre lobe usa na Sée 5nin 331 dof m e Dôant ýtu ait it., ......... ....ani. :ef:Mer na466anond ah Wlbhe WljltinanEnglia, 1 40 ngnature ot rd Z& Co taon enco 5nitbElo,. .sean baeng. trhl4 na. New- EInI L ae.l a153 mt.. prpletorg lor 41iada. Gecegatac. ......54 91 '-l i t ~tcda Ioro oè.., JchiilHtaa,.. .....1 50 Did ynd0 u hi ý n m oi ... erinei a ee*nton cal, ti, o pyqem- àl t .- imnaa, n*an..388 rose 75Kriy aicaly egbçted.M teuad 'l't hz 5011.....17 niutnfatal d dis 0e ii.g mua VMa n ...i....a.... 0 Connitmtios-hbul r c t4jj&d tw, itanMVi ....a.. 5 25 at once is gmralipjeasy 10 cara. If Witiam Umm.t....ro 2 75 yon ara îro4jied woàacotd or eongh. Pal. MeDannol : 36590 -Brya' Palmoum Waferar"l ih Va e a 1ei. t39 fotianoal é31aciiiia inurttpit l . *.jIL ....3. 80 They egoIn ulisage rl*agid -mCark. L.iUe a6 50 geueraliYt, r a& wlen<.eId i Dr. T. B. Win.....927 iane. solfIl y NDroggl<e0 anti mm :Hanmpton..... . 160 roinnry dd.: n. Prie.25 qanla per .JR1OC1B box. r n Dted 131h Janaay. 1873 29-2t NEW X>VERT1Sx 4ENMI. 9APPELBE. 0h yI~e . FL$TR4Y lIENS. GRIlOG ' !cA INTO TEPREMISES OF ~ Y tbe Fnomn.nB,.tei. Miton, Fp.- H... Illec.-. iritqu«atet. pi-y ..p-en.an tatateni..&Y. -Isaac 1aum erL GEORGE GARVIN. - . .lacoy 1. 173. 293 tncenoKon 2 c~, c1j BUFFALO ROBE LOsTr. - T eTntthce eeinof the 9th iot. EGS ren to 10iroros th poo' A Buffalo Robe -aHonte Oa,,et. hi- B.. ÉGaoS r aoo $cr4dagooi,-. Lot 2. 41btcouiu,o,o, .o - l.o mm.. E7dio u.Lot il. 415 Con., Trafaibar. The flodrwoil tb*t. ba filb. titabI- ienod on ca cadî Iheni triOS U'~GZ7 Jaoioy 1.103.FRANCISRED Ger Jt.15183. 2-2t ?IDIIIL WJIÉlaning Mills. In thepcWianslatety obo péd by Mesur a 1>D. UhrWite làCo., y ~THOS. E.BBÀGE. -Proprietor. qirad i ela .oe1tet bcai H wmka Jw alanb.mjtian. t*m . t hajalctto Biur iiÇPSELL TRLCTLy oannamMe rs tp o advtng aoo .b4EI-À] nTa.ao aal.oiTiOV ni * oe1à atOt a . at comao n~a te@$O g TEvrnieqTfNse4i ï 4l Sosa Pickl. Pet Bariq4 'O.FEMALE TEACRES f, Md, dh dmd45»? the ~08EI1ESLW an FOR SALE. à to VMeh,», d" dm dFresh Oyatera aI MeKsy'. oebedadaollnad. , tf ~ O~,- Am h .s~pnel s1,*Oa. Ai~.bot ity nmm itabe for lumine parpanni.Toema ampr. Apply ID the pepoin th- bfao, JAXES CARRADICE, 29 lit * FOU'ND. t USD, A LADYS PURSE. oon. itdigntaimai H o.iay. l'h. hnntmaI.inpecttry. I Viton, Janoaiy 12. 1873.Onit WANTED, W P. PANTOIN, ESTRAY HEIFEII$ Fact No 1. Vckay hanse Ihe Sons md Inignel nioeh et Dans. md Oboat la lb. l'ont ut .Viltnn. bnnldan La ho. néod aboaninhua alande at .acrh nahteeaad ea~iaiatne, thcrafoa. III. la yane adoantega 10 paenh.aa al VtKayn. noubr Lot 15 ib Con., N. .. Trai.Fnnnfadi a M K y na. TWORIF5ÏRS, meaaYux cid pant.. merd, the other md md hite. l'h. we 'ànen a aw--aapeop-1t. pay oharles smdtateks e &y- CHiABLES EOAKES, Voaaby P.O. 1-naiffla., Dan. 30, lm7. a2&.39 ]ESTRAY. CAE INTO THE PIRMISES OF Fe o thensbaciber. Lot 7 75bCucon Nnna.y.conoat&out t1k.lt %acii ac N. tat, 2So. ye od STEEKO. o-ne Md. othe igbs cotored; alto, I1on yancd Hani. 15le .«oae ia eqoated twpro-. protooly, i-y bergesan d latisoantoate JOS9EPH GRAHAM. stnna.awqa.Jooooy 00, 1873. .18.3b - MeRayn n t o dbalt Ciolben STIZAY HEIFEIt. ennot . ipqd m S y-hveWqooty. -- OaS halwt has hioeirdigan md Pajeatnh. CITRAYED foM t e prenenioo c bia OvrconOn. &n..artaanld .aey macb oheop. .uetniaamoce&boutth. 1 i otm u - "th". m bonn aTcw. No tmnhoaen bae. LutaV, iatC...N.. Teojw.atiee a Iwm Oho aé»a@ailondao. -dcihita Hodo.,.car yole otd, uhit.ar an c tombaod. Aoy pern ogiobs.. foreonion tha ii ltedo boe..eeoer i be s"y JO)HN DOARN. Teainieer. Dec. 30,1872. 28-3t ESTiiVYlIEI~ER. Bloaters at McK.q'a (IAME ijoethe preanians ef the tub. .J cribeor -abthocol«e1 . meber. n rd and -bit. Heu«t..oc 700 Id. Ttb. d us Zrmieatidt- p-eceprp.ty. i-y N. 9HUERT. Lot 10, th c., N5., .. aln j&Jone"y .h. 187Aî n823t Fact No. S. C AM itt lit peo3 f t.o h. O en. n e ,oic tm eou .ad pbr NEIL 3 UlL.-18 Eodaairratafceiath Ldiethnt *28-.31_____-hi. ab kcntFaey (;oicoalnrY lbei.-,1 Theroba, ia. atiort ot t fth. otien ubera TRI ing lil -".sduIabl oFCY infWo'ad-- n 08 ontothèn inocan. tneaoodnidec pro--bi o t,,at. O R SLE. ChistasPresentse t Me- 10.53e. J'HE UBSCRBER 'FERS FOR ajoaN.tToan ce O07 LL NîceOP ce eNhie ot.oot Noaioii 3. t ;nciaen P. Ocontining 10 0 om Sce an75 iouolno, reiltf ....d &»d in à odatat. j icltivation., ercnintdur ,a11 tiobed. SASIL. DORS %.d oa ..; a- .d . .u .%hbnd. 'Fr fuelhor i-tiocan PPly tOc Mciici is, C" C. ALEX. PArrERBOII, Nnlian. No,. Mt, 1872. 223ma nLL nacea lOP IST (O LETTRS Lumber Lresaed to Ordr! Eo-naiaing in tht Oakitte Pot Offica s Abbtt Vins B Nixon Walter 8 2 P2El'-LAS STLE. Bent cGo Storr John II XS-LS TL. Ccbinhy A gu.a- Rmitiy Miss Brîdgel HawkinsGcotE0 Smitath m(Pait qe .Kaotan? ofan W 'iltian u . A Reg MGalo Jcon, boin CapI Ei0a P eti""nliq ig&yoe f cthal,ttîta06 IMPOVD i'28-31tIl. BAL'<ER. i t W IST OF LETTE1IB shc ed9ado hotlnotIS amd on j resoctbh taterm&IEbAININGbithe PottOanO, aI ilttoU WAltnekecena5.d.op tethlt 1Joaey, 1873. «r U wrk uý-»d.BaeraaJiG H t1i-oto A J VataleMoona G,,noa. nni..A0ari-w. DMi-LTON TROMAS EBBAGE. o o « .un LeceiMJ CribmaRiila VoMCnlioniMiniM iot, Jnnmy ep1. 103. 29-1, Ditt,n Jamii Pretotice Wn ______ --Dizn A That Banith John ANOLOAMERICAM HROTEL, bharo Plat Wa A. htetamt: e.n. faNb.Haeniitlo. Pamon.calingteerany f theaovc,. tIr OatThonn Ve.leproet. je. ofha nSlpiaoaoy t .y nedrti.oL Ont'TLb.atVLde"ejttAUgal-Ar. --L lieibcîbeIB te team.n NE1W MÂRBLE OK amok--- Fact N;.*-& ~THE "NEW S T QRE K. P. BÂRCLÂY 8& L!NDBAYP In order to maintain their reputation they have already &%eqtùredfor aehing clspap sud rellable Dry Goodq, arn nov rushing out their stock at auch reduCed rtea usviiiconvince eeryoue CREIPER TRWAN FEIFBRI nui at pruent havlug a Cheap Sale of Clothing, Cheap Salc, of Blankets, t:'. 'e,~ Cheauèp Sale of Dresý;qoçods, Cheap Sale of Clouds & Knitted Goods. BIR(GAINS MAY BE RELIED UPON'l. Our 75 Cent Tus i. Alreadg Celebrated and in Great Demand. F. BARCLAY & LINDSAY. Milton. MEADOW'VA-LEU PROCLAMATION!. E AXE PLEASED l'O IEAR THE UNARIXOUS APPROVAL o00 N OTICE0FREMovAL VUSTOXMS DMIT PilA T THO$£R WIACJES ARE flan theri obiauh.gd hy «" hr mn, md OamnG .I Z T 1 IrrJ o Or rIs COTTO *8, FLMTINELS, SLAPIKETS8a V&ablg 2aIoabaei ap on had te uttct pui.pl ehanla ~Slattatt-o. u lstUtp th. lFact No. 6. Vi d p aonh t Gc&i l m a la nipt..m- qniaSaohand. bie dai E'- liat bnitTonmthay ar bot gli .i F..iUOnt .ntengtheir Soad.et hietie d P. m. VoKay'a cl b hdE ae oinietr ed tmy tbn Wl'o. oEt unOi BeautifulBreakfastShawis ia?. McKayu. CrImn, Bootsand Showl, ' HA LE , 9Faut No 6-Laaty. ýW, iý- fo raI .«Ye:Wtocm t W OIILD atootttcO lot li:t 4 lh" itho. casaneeti ooic. fc e n Fnamers Peoa lce la noe.n= au ~il5e~)aaooey01h.SFNTAL 7FENCING &.,& .-aon«a«n"epn ithani asMoKa?.thal «Im 1'Pre te SsIi or os RA TL "a on mdndtaS S & obU A ~mudd Rt l t'n..Ap i O,y A ,f ý er od ts le ePrion.s. lath$ Éui tWrlaalks MAaie; ame.n' ie tilm hl Vitp,~ HN DEWAR. Soeel.tun r4 ie for flu.ildi>'gs Ct got Order. The Cheapest Clouda in the cImt . Xu,172. 2-tf TE APSTGLC ÇIlJR~.4..g Sulge, ]EÀS SIDE 0F GUËLPH STREET.. Town of M'tou at MeKay's lT£ CR 15 tTI T B HC>AKURr4Na*paaarihAI,1Sl 1 leVeb T lie Vuon.Pa. 8e- . . aK Mferiaees atti Geal brns Gd", Bi??.., Poplans, Monrusag Go.ds, Blac? Litra, &C., &C Ar machlvenhiau t Om 1h7 ald b oghgt for la Tomae. Duringthe Tlghtueua of th. Mon.ey Market w. Semued Great Ai ouf Purchases arc Made foi Cash ai a large saiing, CALL ANI)SkiE TilOSE SPLENDID 11015E BLANKETS. THOSE HEAVY WHIITE BLANRETS. TEOSE BOLLANDS AND TABLE LiNENS. THOSE HEAVY STRONG ALL WOOL TWEEDS. AI *0 cannspo ynd Ousr Urdered Cloihitige Departmtnt! 1000 FITTI-NU &.,RIUTS WELL 181I1110, AMI AT L4IW FRICiS. Oumwap a n o ""t at..d a'ih TIes.Prefiv O.rama Miel bla seClsp. Grcosry and Crsckery Doprtmont weII Stsckod. tom fraom 0 mé go0, t00. Clrrat, . 5 iàs. fer 81 00. aetaetsiib.. si 73. àMEADO* VAdLS WXLL4 Ruomoye to their Large New Store Seit. B 9! H otel.ý Monday, the lst December,' Whiaphaa hffl .I-t" g-&od.S ]WB"E lnLa" ôOaa. Emtreerdisait rg ia.goin MinWLci«n. Faao )rM a"nd, Fra?.weeoa., t;ouo ëien k' Bsnisla Iha., W., L-.'ai /a8" ae.a apeainlaiiaaoà.a a.- le MW 41K.D-1IAND OIDEIIED ULOIINQ EA1W\~ Ou, M&» GRANT la anin S a"hot. tnrtup ~ou pri amoka. vu au *0l th. d, fanCy Dreos Goodo, Shavis, Jackets, Fur ansd Fan-y N. B. -Ota Voile l-"31o o ulat, Liga Sains., SaPint..md Qish EsRatu orSaonhabr the pùin.- tOaEmptailan, Oegoca.' GRA -T, TH-OMSON . 00.'Y Ina...lafou. I. IlVas a& a Um dilaenigle Cnh'8-EIOI, dla, anat.. n lIaiSon i» "tubat l rSmuted. Y that they m Wans 1 &ay-iL 1 1 1 "wu. - --r 1 ij_ 1 11