IAWordtoAll.' 1 . . Propretor.AND COUNTY OF HALTON INTELLIGENCER. ese tpad$.ii.hagd NUBi 2.ILTON, COUNTY OF HALTON. THUJ&çDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1872. U D.T "" ,popito, andtocotspeiimforachabseuentPOE RY. Ofreel, andifa Storm were to arise, My blood waa roused at hsfeds EARL DUFFERIN. tion tae would catch us, for therea inattempt on my lire. He parried it. rtusinessCards of eight linesor less $4 MLTED. little mercy to theship from the enel bItl agtIiln h hole per anoum. ave disposed of my soai rmss- nda dcrl owever c- oeehe clutched my wrist, and The contrastibetween the Earl of Th ubroflines to be reckoe 7 n tock in tradat. minvlltoWl.tel.Tisaro.at ise tse u l ey et orae syngteeaeweencwin teahotei;Df s.n n islstfurpedcs ne~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h spcbcuidesredyincleo essr..themo&bi tte, whawld ninue M lteeMtm ark n, to myself, "My dear fellow, theo more theefoam burst fromt hi& bloodless sors is not uni structive. TheEarl of Aliberal discountaIlowed on advertise-Ibgtenrmyueou innail vrn obwith your pla1.11 atwsm ivers name--gave ut- itimidated nme more thanu his blood-l were mach stormier, ani the meaotsinsertedfor ertended pelioen.rc 1:prn a ;R ICHARD HIUSBA ND .;Ielsietrc oa ) laatocitistoe pryfeigrnhge hnnw Ad4vrtisements without spec fci d sothirlicit fo ar ucsoragconand epcothAtofsmArrnxtheki, bot hvig ee wdldn t r tstxhoe mad oril eot t t was ipossib e r m tthat tie. tios nsrtd il frbdndchrg a-.coid-ide adf-vorwhich I have a evaoye. GT ITMAETuTEPEPE hllca'oiiv adcrwi ingg e en"But ll pay te try Andestfreemhis a r ; but el ixt t e wuniersailly popr, smethayhera cordseingly . eh Oeof which ROBT l HOMRNN ofcthe County of Halton chat h ihebncige ou prtsrs, duced Sharp, or l'mnot--,o-wihalth tegt$fdsprto.see-fromnthef ht he as pee Aay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RGTINIAEOH Apca oie h betWieteDeaei bigblw ldn etenevr upcos gid] inathéand curées lhe struggled. and insuilted by a MObbegin g to l o romsote the pcumasry bene t ofa Cmisile3t ovme,171 'nom ve a "rà ly, wichiâdid notPe ed to ics m o meieews ue.adte n n oitclpryfr on.hth rertisement.and chargced accordingly. . B. -Bing deirous e lizing the bol- Mar.,nY coildence respecting his intent- sudwstehrie atn forcou dnot well refuse tod-sncio badnc o1 f set for minetmen"t maotherlune-exc'ited chests. At last I wr-eûched aRaulre passed by bhuiaHomses of buinss Iofr orsaeata brgin i IN THE BUSINESS OF Perhaps hie hadlm oeéfor yon ! W ule bc t hesip. after mY lhand from his, and stbbe i alaet Lord Elgin was mure my FOURIG MI Ltu.mnvll, S.n love till death doth »ever; ' placing aibu'oyUtomark the post. Thie in the hanid. Hi% knifefe, but with o ttsa hnayo i ucs {919cÏÊ dasen aeowecenr ithtworuofAdsom . hefoamnthfer ayearortw, next two days Jim Crow and I were A curée that ring8 in my earhle threw Sors have been ; but that very fact Ttone,&an owi&ynuexceldlenatiruninoder. Andfcoursey sayum fors. b dMh BER DOLMAGE, ISSUER OF Ilopcalrqeealprisidb ato Ofcurnd urlovewouldhave astedM SY preparing fur un attackonithfie himself At me and graspdmybdoome lMIto tranient unpopulaity uRax -i.,lI et-C-11asd-etilethersiacunt rtir s"- ese. hebru orm an.rn is ani.la,. sebod w.thne.section of thes communit,. Mariae icnssa rn 24 ti ROBERT THOMSON. Adwl d h usiness t théold That, e aps, was éternl ?togt a eagdb ywok i yte to ithtebgolirEmneed otwtotacr ILLIAM LAIDLAW, BARRIS---- r n- We -ll think vesomme tme or thor, but I still noticed that Crow was in anr erh re obekm ak:hs ar ido lvres u arw ter, etc., itten. Monj to loan. MBut y umight t n ouaityour hea...n ed m ood. Afterfat odys eesreghsemdamstsprn aminded and arr-iheplayoedthe MITCHELL., BBP cNsTANRY NANAND ithinsPetthe ship ,was anchored. Theo but ghifting theo bars or wood with a Srole of political partlzan'fMrmr the ellt,a R. MITCHELL, BUYþDER AND , - . ~Themprtty ¾1rseyes ouswanted to win.Ibell was- vung and Crow andI went awige epuge notesai-and became go unpopular that he Watt •Tèem4wl Cfatracor, MitoosO .e16-f. uiE2o 'âzkc2 b im desfr10The n plune MyneAth. Down, down we mankt, No h$ie for is double sabffHe perfbrm DEWAR, Isser à Mariage GENERAL BL ACKSMITEHTelaneIl elyotoebauiu upiinmeeno nteieffort was made to loose the hl<jd eormance in fthe very presence of royalty Licnes. Omee--To" Hall, Mil- O cigbwidrn le cre-asend MYmedermay thlu inkthaeither. Tight.r and tighter we grip- olad lntis "Aeltc ity nthe toyAND HO RSE SH -, CURRYCOMBS, &C., &C. An redie uWater.,or-.arth-madeski«, 1Iwas ver-y fearful, bat 1 provided poid,till we feonrthe ti"coral reef. Occasion ofthëvisitorthe prince of -- HEOr un,...oed linn, fin boae myself with a long and sharp knitee, Deatit self meemoed te Fhe a trifte, Wales. Lord Monek was toocutious E.YOUNG. ISSUElt or MAR-. f TNSTMLTN Telretstc nterony n i Fsaun of leuvca hoir charnonisàgivewich I stock unobserved dowe . aso n aesee u n on ogv fec.btto eevd n via O e limnes nin , eatilow pices. Bde1e nt th.e nat=mral color of1haven, 1O olater boot. Crow stuck oesmaio fm e rt. sgtrengttr Warr of hisimtercOurmewth .the Em . 2--- Pariclarattntonuid tol-horse heig Wb-redwellth the.rfect day. in his belt, saying, vwith ralher a wiasthat of Hercules, under fl thnu-.o obcm oua.H a H.s BuIGERie, Mltn1n. HS-adtotecrn F crnndoher i-essAdth oa oa o o wr ..diabolical laughi, -"j hinek it fi'better! rnce of this demoaniacal conffict.utolrted rhrha admired. Lard cissugenec, MltnOn-of the footAll oron Ih Iland R EPAIRIGing looks sdireo being prepared for watter.shiarka,," and wntolarstfedou ffri terIlgrwat-a ae dpoit o discatchl. Charres very modert. 6-ly Far ther eysthan you worshipped, t you ! Ialos tin h add n'sars.fdraiegatoflash buefforts myfeye sa opee-akingand fdipr t o in r G.kM T ON, B- . A., BaRins-dePoplNalyadCepy h sod l t=fThis opened my eyes a lit tle, andr soeinsand thedis, of uncnscgionganess dulging in it. Murs politicatau.o e er&c Ofie -Crnr f ai adJ. ZIlM ME RM A N "beu""°'°°°'°lcrionsspeculationsilitted through nmY crýeeP Over me, I relea.ed MY ]hold. cial in hbis tastes, J' dawsed racher hurchstreetseorgetown- 2Special attention paid to the orero e*ttg1ban.H a a t efaeCrow loosened him. j, linow little cou much with matteriof State when HNDE WAR, BA tR I ST E RInow ow- ardy A tst, being hulgely big andr strong ;and, about t idi part ; but being an excel - on the platform. and b -fore he took- C_. La rw tt.-ney, oar Puuemanufacture Of Collars' n >theeight -csho1di:m fiedwickedwta.ensünrItucotwihal sdprurdewonasaowo, e. e wnH all, Main ettee. ito.Ml., . h.l.3.m htmdet reat f e , Ilt aylehr fetos oknty orc. hniewtr owhidbym.h ecosnaonhiorigbr ILLIM A.AGA, 111U Z PAN•.And a thewakeinl.kMY fri. . my Seat intheo belt. and samiditheohur- I was stiflinig, choking. dying, When toral career by presunung to leccture W LLIAM A.AGAR, AO SEAPAINT-FoundheiladInshi. hart. rahle of thlecrew and fthe exci emlent of I reachied the surfacew-ith a gasp of the opponents of théeWashington sa e. r GaserandPaerHater" Sop DENTIST JS A RAE, Passim Norteter with longieye thle manter, nwe dippied iintothe se%. air 1 recovered, and was enabled to Treaty vétile that doctrmrt wa» @till an Mau.tæt, aia ___._ I'ealokg.uanoy! Comlman rt liadt passied away, and. shriek.•-Help, help!' whien 1 fainited open for acceptance or rejfection, av OBERT SWANTON AP1ELBE,BAR.. pic-ricz Bis rozsnAvYus ha h aeyo isfr is; t nvcane ol pnst i wa.A Trem lae bfr esutdu.et.Lrtufeiiae ritr tonyadSlioi hn.W IMEMN NA I) g*Boit twas noproifmarriag. eyea beneath fthe wave, and even tu --men, roples, boat and resce, . goes 0n1'mslhe has commenced, gives1 wry, Fokrithe OCicia As gneefor theDon't von kn.iawor fldle.i, àmethe scene was freshl. Thte coral 1I awoke, but theopain sandr dizriness1 f111play to hlieliterary and artistie. S.ty.of A.lton )3t«. e aleme.hf Wtn,1 ilrie, 4Nrh f Fo he0xay fHatn. Almut ri4ajde nherfcara.gest ef, iegrn rhiItraltuc-adconfusion in TmYlhead defy ailltastes, takes an interest in Mouroci RSMiDto . . RB d, aro tofKilbride, 4 miles EZeTh.wa l Ierfi.i.udto; spring ures, covered with weeds andt shells of description, After a fest heurs I institutions, and mnakes hisabode at MitoO% .Ofie.tei.ru immerman, Februaryr 27th, 1872. ly 0.Oneaide with violt purpleing.' ite dep, of every possible variety ot could rise u tl a ebe n ifrn rso h rvnsa strMai. street. D. Ito aTos, M. D., ___ __ lhahe ht-wnr its . clr;te1ih agends aldr-qi e.for tCrow;lhe was ina lý iium.differeni t msorw ieondoubte et a~~I .;A.PRoa-oM.. QLLORDERS left ieitherlit th.C"tCham-|of saff-n the Greek wadding-robe was of 1ing aboutfthe Watler, fdying before fthe They told me, when thie beillvw come theo most popular o)veror. rr J.,C. GREENE, BA R4ISTER A."DApion" Printing Offireoraty.- cOurElh ut erit appronch of the bell as before the broughit, hie lay on the bars as, dead, General we limve ever hadl, It Wld A Átonya-aoiio nChan- 1HAVE ADMITTED BENNET JUL, on Mill Streeltt. of lon, il et-ur ag parentsprIer tin glo • sweep of theoshatrk, and even they graapiug theo gold bag with both beungllanit to remark tat a cou, iery, Notary Public, &c., &ciWellington asPartnerin msy b sinuad the names oftly attended t.The oldovbas, nt the truer love*; grnned with their long jaws, and ded h ands. Theyalso told me that they iderale portion of the Ivrterest tuken eq9ure. lioney fio joan on moderate teran. the nefBrut is " HAGAMAN & JULL." Th" tYcol have Plainly proved ; upon our ap >roach. Down, down. hdbtrsndm rmasakh-i h og fteVc-en at I-l. . E. H AGAMAN. T E RMS VE RY MODE RA TE. se ta- ay-r houghts t.a a.e ioe- down. until tri" lighitvwas dim, and vering atre schomefon r lie. idtoi the e adaaity o rr B. WINN, M. B., GRZDUATE OF Oakeille, April 11, 1872. 41-tf Bome oneriu wi ng for yon te e tuk h rekire Nxtday we setsail, pAd arrivedhsyogancarigCntswo .h t.University of Torontb, Haltonville. -- ------ALSO, AndtheP tii aeyucngv e.with crowbars, shuri) at th1 en ftonotln.atri NwYrk w eems at lemantas anxious A, et Namawea.Cosutaio dy-evry 1-,,Wihsufrlfoenethe comm e"ewrepulse the sarkeand other mln&- hundred punds wae my fee, but theo Maketherself acquainlted with every- Thursday. 1 M3 A DY co1-md ndre-r- . - llya ade tif l--n-with it-ki---Il aqier. ter& offrtedeep, we planted our fLee master gave 'me itmure fer MY bon. thinig which noncerne theo ,nner lif. -.LSEDVIINCUTT.okkeepy-ur host frou theacant chair, on theo wrreck. Instantly wu separat- est resistance. Crow %was still lhaditn of the people amlong lwhomither lot is' STEClrk, DiISI en ecVa un )rfor the a n lton Pro i.. aansd NPiglkilcn awr ie hr- e. Crow burst open the cabin door, i ed hypt i noa o-fur the" Fresenteasst.-rnfo Corer .acesedAnctoner, ccoutan. &c, Ns- oan ocity.Head Otfi.c e McI'Block. Neeruch the shine of th. restf Yo.rAnd after a whLile 1 joined him. 1 pital. 1 called three mnths after, pondeco of the Paisley A doa agaveya .1etscollected.n ontominai.. lamilton, Ont. Preiden, Adam Hoe H'wie.watchied him as well as 1 could all the andlhe lhadt gonte tteback wooids ot - - ---- - -t ---- - Vic-Preidenýt. W. E. SaufHJ Slicto By pouing it -ain the dtust. while. ThunsIwe spent Our tiret the Far- West.--Once a Week. R. C. F REEMAN, MItTON, CoN-. John Grerar; Sc-resH. .m. Whait of your faith, nld friand of mine ? journey, and after loatling our bell, JOSH BIL LINGS UN T HE DUCK. 8ousltn9h..cin.and1 ti nAr 7te 8Milton, March 6th, 1872 36-ly t kn, tit.h-pon tileoers tsrikave trioigital and were hauled tup on Williaim Chambers, in ismemoir p.nati id , . . dal.Cnutaionay.--Te3day M A IN S'"R EET - "t-a'in the earlie•it da -e - e1aiortcowedar of his brofther, related the fello)wing Trio iduck la a font. Thorn int forenon andSaturdy aftrno n. 33-lyGldioteni prfects Manho . Ithnk nd us, gloating on thle vatrious story About their. grandmother.MIr doubt Of tig-ntuait ay so --And etBtonyGfl0 J B.)fl.y cutinir the woman.away ! thongs we bronight up ; they alto haul-gatKer•agrtwaalilekmosne ehsi. M IBOBarriste , tonyJ 1 etakesbut& aaparerib and gives Y-ua 1d,, ek various things to whiich woan, ofrr:plapparnea ra t T hey mnae bitoe thigHk C--eyan er e lrin n g' Evr glahefket nWith-aheat in her, beting, lf fyu da tahdrleexiin tickler on pointsfcnrvrild.ahn n r no n ovfa Milto,Coun-ty Halton. litsf lytsl0 r. sefiln. e- pased Ar er' tit n mNilty, righiteous %critie of sermouis and tu ted jobi. 36-ly. ME0CHANT - ea 424e1 inco.ff', sa.a , and theo &aloer& cracked over* thet!afsevere censor of whait she consmidered They don't kackle like theo hen, onor AE BSEO Georgretown.24th June, 1868. 1 -ly.• galleyv fire theo posible prize of mnoney degeneratinig manniers. Shte possess. kro likrethriMonster, nor hotter like the AMSurBAS'eTiEOt, .._ __ _--teach. and thec master dreamnt of a -Sased a good deal of •charnecter,'and peakok, nor scream like .the goose, 3iel' KiLnthe Sin D n .Over W. Barber & Bron. T AL, pS HETO rER. " e1nacells^ad vr;wei i"n""Ash"e ac"riat!'tdo"'nenp.e*i Bank. o otrealHalto, e then --....DIVRS. Sen ay into&he argo(,end we at f a sruingeer, forsh e possiia-e ti Hrembe ae tarureon'bs.t prctcetwnt eas. 1yA ToYOFPEII. ecosierd f anetht hesal ginedeat sewas en.str id Xr-e hae a ov nt, ant.h anlla JON NETOI& SNS,[JAEREEIVD.·EIhad no t ama e ar ue ncise a certain mauthority in ecclesiastic. on thec water as natral as il, soap Jell NEW TN A ONS g VE RCEIED( HEI SPUNG---deck. and 9h esoe becamie pretty. al matters. An. anecdote is told of bubible, WOCLEN MANUFACTU ERS, LIME- G o g t3r1 Stock, whichà will be fond comt- 1, Walter Btrown, follow a hasard- Well laden. 1 think it was abethehrhvn netkntevnrbe T- r rtyouhn ethers ane, Hato, Ontario. Cvtom Cardinig, plete mi every respect. and which they oua calling. e at aevents, a calling in tast day of working, as we were down hi'r. algleisthkenparioh mnier, eand h et fearti real remov-n =2 ]anin, lDsig. rmty oe PitngadW apngPprare prepared to make up into suits on which, if you choo.etoface dangtr, mteblta rwagain wended ithroughliand. inpresence of anum e d • and their in)nards utei eFanes TedFuIlld Cloths, t., -y nhn the shortest notice, in a style that for for the make of higher rermuneration, his way towvard thic abin, By thsbrooegbuasetogtftt js bu smc et, othoras Batinetsof their own cmake, lw&Ys.o nsanlyonhadlndmade toordei. fashion and fit, perilous adventures are common snue my suspicions regardinig be his elcehim ot)nl.@thatpatiulrlydi. tee is onut a rnmencentquas han or alefor ashor69o. . 20-ti enough. I amni ot too paesumptuous iltentions were quieted, 3 et there Stijl lcteubethis w ca pif rsd: itat has gionea tok eed. q«M Octoe uk 1- ( Q gg (when I say that 1I&am as brave as mou- lingered about i&]trac s of obstinacatbec·'tas a sindashamre:to at'MeeWl ukstar er god sotig RON.EY ! (ONEY! MONEY ! 0.nthesh.,testnotic. Cotton Rage in a n HESTBE 8UPASED o Maurally, and my sense of sulkines, @o that I tookvery1ittle a s ickle n f aier@ceande o'verygoodt omo unes quantity will be rececived aet thir Paper Mi fear han been further blunted by ton- notice of his operations, and I hus1.ied -•The miister did not deny thle you understand the bizaes. ONYt oni uoto suit inreturn oreniEn ighestpriceincashpaid tant companionship with danger. myselfabout different things in, the cagu1etrul noneed Yuhudamaottrefo ONYm luorWo --- ----Ichié Cou y Notwvithistanding the The adventure which I am about to hoold of the vegssel.lher wb.hfthe Socratic method of argu. ahead of them, and let them ily up to ------- .u lohA . H wlade cterelate was horrible enough to e I1think about lhalf n hour muist .theesho a aritr.c.TwHan. Milton. terl erspie. then I was a prncipalactor init, sanjuve, an I wlsatartirertuudto fie 'l.Mararet. you think that one- 1 have ShIOL t heina&l ay, aud guod - ------ -horror accompanies the recollection of cuemngg cast of Crowa countenance ;drs 'tebthisaiedm.frIa Ourmg S ,it. iew.S OshuiBng .meth ng becnath .sanyIdeazy fur all kind ..,e,Or, ,c. Ott a 0. -- ~~GENTSFRNSINS Severnl yenre ra large ves.el bis diver's elothes ; as filelast of fit, 1hn ayIakdoo wy"n nw HAV lesedthee pemies or i .2 ..r ladeon with a mixe 4eargo was bouind disappeared, I guiessed it wavaA ibffg, 'weatr that ribn aon Theaesmekdo ucsta ÓEBERIBi . I, tem or year. Thonroughrepairshaveto New York from South Armerica. and theothoughit flashed MargMras yyorcp ieeof cor ould are ery adt ilne vn ist o ëd ILRIDE Chart Rasberry been made, and new machinery put inuner n ret arAy.Pâtin your orders Striking asudden reef off the danger- mmld-a bag Of money. 1 quietly'surevi)doruite as well,, hit themn. I shot, onje whole after ILLprpstor. A Well eked tarder my inspection, and the Mill»siaenow0, i.first early- oué coast of Floride, $she was wreek- asked Crow what it wa. "icncre ith this uniformsnnnoon, three years ag, at muni, dekoy de f iqor ad e , ndgo lasrnam g dreiaatetiongvePli. and very few of the passengers or -"Humph ! nothiig. Wiit jhave ye turn of affairs, Margaret determinedly duckts, and never got one of thiem, 1 stbna l.y , ° -E. BEWS & HALCRO sailors escaped. The owner, who was to du with it !-'fhe grOwled. rejoinied in an undertone: har n Fer told ovfrthis boren and Cash pid forWheat. Milton April 11 th. 1872 also captain was drowned. The heirs My curiosity wTas 1further arousedl by -'Ye'Illrot have long to ask aie a hopie naOone will repeatit This in J BOn e O Cs adfrWha.Y lived in New York, l9 appears that this answer- usin'srcycniesal BYthe vessel had settled down in the eil.,you amust tell Lme whatfit is, "exo. t day her cap as bound wit fgfàMAS CLARK, Georetoww,0at. Flour, Feedl, CornMeal and Chop Corn for oenhfngecaelheatc f1 kepn a qie s psibly a piece of whitertape, as nd ve ate-H OWA EP UDY . -sale. Macinery m the millfor iany Storm. so as might be supposed cuiwa ic@ rds hnith e ad of er leat. diSNdEPSSUIDT BUMs1seafo e sttion ege h ler cargo would be pretty Wellre- vgledvl . il h huellse wear a ribbor rany mor.Sel of mtv aie i s o t p g oN E. WAT-H-11COCKoul r b bu l i te e nd sa 'hel on willlbe forced t. when unwe - The San Francisco Buletin @ay& it estveesles.SJlyfrm hri aloel sa nd on yuget eon deck,' 1 replied, resolute- PAFiTHIFTIC.--ThieRev. E. IL-t, in theocustom amtong Chinent houmse M3KE4 dangerous coast. However, one of ly- who residedsmomne yearsnt Hampton servante to stipulate with thir em- _,el.B -tf the meq whom nature has formed for •Ira ! ha!is ee Here hie qiietly Court, hadl an oid parishioner and ployers for a portion of Sunday, on FrE ubcrbe hvi ltey an - --UBWELLER, &c., ot-ot-thie.way modes of making drew a long knife- communicant wshom hie hadl been vieit which day they) visitthrconyma I, E psscier hia atelr«ftytae PULCCHO money in this world, having obtainted Quick a. thoughit mine was ont, too, in:g during a short illness. At test the@ in the Chinese quarter, talk over the, b" amait ofpules Thbt the cousent of theo heirs in New York, for 1 alai"ys carried in in My bootn,, edicl attendant calledl and informied news from hume, hèave their beards «»&d@ affiquetsSd an pit, and every Ifn..oonhandis are and well -a..re itte utalrg-a1t n poied " uspected somnethmig of tisg . IM r. L--t flthatlth old man was dy- shaoved. go th rough witt their genu- tttion paid toguet. I stock f the fi nof Watch- men lonthre cot ndionsesuc@Nid. sing wherenlpon he immiediatel-y vwent flections aditsalaamisinjoli& hous»s 3A.ty JAn vMSON e autyles sadquahaiâes- a ws oteoditionhazardete IHe srwdheavily at me fromi ri the to him to adminisefPr theoSacraiel, moke opium &c.. somne of them Walae1spq.W=aec-it ageedWith' My ventur4èest te ie fteblfter which hie told thle 0ol man'& wife closing uip the day's performanices by L Wla6 WAE P0RETR Th mi-m-fum-%tdc. .s a] difrPuleisposition, and I signed articleq audi ***' ju Must tell'HO what(bhat that hier husbanid would not live rang, gettiyg ridof their weeks wages in 1)Man âWeAt.lAC, POPRT OR-1- o, The exmation onddateeror Publig. ahippedmyself. Aftr a deal of oub- is"i si'%aDitchat if there .wars any thing she the Chinee abi« houses, Wh"c Kmis teetu, Milton . TeWalc SclTeclssAWiIn eri•el w pckedu wih noerfelowhé.Bah nothingdalunted, lhe said,-"I wishePd fo say to him she iad better are sothee icky=s logDp istebaiiTon.T.ralr and co siddLvrs acasdukebua iaclwose will seve you deiad first.doiwhlthwa able to under. Street. The sidewalssamwt oteneendn sup qerio re ==°bcondmet as hereater seen will justit-y I knewhlis umigMy vstrength, butlit a-14ier. She immediattely went ci these gre ariousa beings,8 sentr ad coreoa. âmeeee yorBet hsreak rmtebeinn lo nwm w git n kl.hie bedaide and said •John. NMr. L- -- is turhud] le in frocks on the Surface sand 11d Georngeieatown.esudh-na0-1. ýt halid a kind of antipathy against the Crow said again, --Tio a bag; of gold. &ay-@ you ar eggto die. I wisti burrowin banode beneath. Their.dent4 Town H all, M ilt on, . a n pi - "°He b bau fellow, and sbreankfrom his . ottety as I fouind it lin the cablil ndi Iye hlà d when you go to heaven you'd look arelhives of industry en week day.. ¢amadan Hóel, '7 en raM 5i .a oun Mm .e loathsome reptile. His Your jaw I will give yu tie ,.u fr.y r1 hsband, and tell him and routm reekiug vithsamkesaor Sunr- AVY TRET, èKVILE. Commencing onmcedProtide was that of a baboon; his eyes, 'Never wil I bie tdishionest,, I said I' ve hbeen duin ptty well@in' lhe days. A visitor who ventures banside X ariY SýTEEiT AvLer , ra nl . . PP peering from under his heavy brows 4after momne deliberation, looking pae, iloft me, ant' I ofte)n wish Imiighit see has- to step over the prostrate bodies en» mtaeligrcia.i 101MLgA, 16th DECEEB, 1812, Georgetow. MAyTh.187 a-te twiaiked with Satanie wickediness, but perfectly cln. im a gain.' The old man turned his of opiuim'enrokersa. mantieholding &«i hse s wat r2air. 6- Cll ---nd eemd.t beloking all w&asat Let the reader imaginefthe scene in a, eype uon.isiewt erctn hsns gis .iknnshtencrào y.de.2 occkp . ose ; and when he laughed, his Sa- bell forty feet Huider water. 1It would exrs in.n: raisin, hutusell a hittle feti<i breath, decased falie sor, F. CROOK8' ntefo ru am Crtfca«tanieanajesty might have enivied hbisfte at least twenty Minutes t pit he replied. •Lord help thee, Meary, conginneration of oroars nowhere tca Mange. heexmiatonforert la crtactmugly grin.Mdy emoloyershunned him, op. A ierceleghit, peraps) a deadly how ý,doet thee think that 'owd and ,be found outside of acoller reekink win ehel at he sme pace n ad would gladly have parted, with one, might be enished by then. Sus, la'amnas Ibe, I can go ranging al ith the fumes Hfie rowd of Chine«. -10----- CraL; n. 1EL,2him, but no ots.r could be found ta 41- picion might be liushed ;trio body o'e-r heaven to find thy trot husband li Fur fthe s*ake aofdelecable pleaseure tc LxamiNE sTOCK or LOOK A T 'Wmm 13mBil clb Irattelc>ljo M&11112àoz-ve AND KNOW rrils belepw.ehang yý D Of Oummiasema, Novemb. , a,- 2 laum à Lmr DRYGOODS, i .1 - HATC P BOOTS AND SH-OES. ý UA]Klllf&]llt'LE'9 #WAWKINS AND LITT L E' S