$lcaviu.- Theret NuS hobé ivine- MARRIED. 8«"iSelu thse Suutuhtcsch ýD. V. ~STRAYED on Sund"y eeseiug liset.. t ie noucai Xa -llIUuu. -Ou t,lô i bîut.. hy the heur, but nue nluthse urieg. Rut. M,. Bell. et cth. e wido uihu JIRObt Lot I6. Oih lou.su.Nec Ss-ey, _________bside. meoe-,KUhidu. Mr. Abrmcu. TrIébller, ebeci 5tb Augcet, . y WRSLYAO.TIî Rer Itlus1t0l.tt. Sseth, 0 NIrl"%dU-ter .f tjte Ite the lick star onthe foebectd,whteonth. W33£Tà.-Tie ev.RobrtBel. Jmes Barie blly, aed th. pint t th. 1loft humu heubru Off Leurilte. prertedlu the %V estycu - - î. the.esesedcofthte bs-uie horstsut Chus-h eh se, ie theseniusug aed IED. jol~ c eveu aitt Souder, Wtu.large aeind acteatlve tusgrgctsuuc. Surni Oc tie tk 0Oebbes-. JSoj, cVun, DAVID B. KENNEy Aleinfan sudt snethGflSmih. a, CAs-TIiqTees.-Tite tuts-rtil- MloAw4mste.ITO FT ment glvec. by Captaiu "brhuas, lue 8ALG8E. J/T0 ETIt thse Teupes-ceeHall, ou th.e eeong - EMAINING ie thé Putiffits, t Oir,, ef tise coue't> utow-u.4 es-oc atteudrtTuue 5Uee-se-sdLt s P to th. let octubes 1871 thse Hait b. iug itted t l@jimpose te.and ShouscinToosuf Ms- Ocesen l Keuc. o i E ecpculytencd tihe auien.ce irsqueutty én'.tN. i cme, ut11 ertic-2n9-ugeh mLcgiti . 4t -,N. S. Nelme. et uaencnl. HuIchu Mi E RoinsonJnh appaude tSoSut dactlug dght ut tise Wse. Burges-, Auctioces.Ps-u.uicts-c uthcu.l.te =c .'@ tt rics-gare uHorigis-al s-ccfy*il aOcOeue.-Fur t<ob. &c., cil phasse, ytise7 cru d.crtIuL. Theptleatrckecr ct uigiet utre.Deunc-Rubeuson.u.,Lt t. lttW. 1). LYON, Med eutertciutiug. ccd tirice hu did (C..sqebioter Milce, et ecue. 14-St Petutus- mot aite bleperios-en îuieus-ut aricli J. A. Fs-user,.Auctieuses._____________ itt. Asy uone chu icteueditout Tuatout. 29t e oBxs-uuHueeeu. tetti.Mlo og o 2 jawcy fully ecatisfied. chesp. = cd fi seet tMr. tLevi M lo o 2 ____________Wit.re Lu 4. Su luoeie N. S., Teelugur. ese-Buycu. W. W. Ruse, CONCCET--A concert. edter- tise Auctocees-. 1.. o ceupio theieMrtsietuititr, FIuicco. Or, 18- Foret siens. L., ut bis. .F wu gve inttheTown Hllttn Fi. Jin_ cang eerMilton. W.Vt. icy eveesua atu. Ts u t : rgui7 rr 2.,tuII r lu-Fus-se tolk I, .tO R, ec Mteue.-y Tuesduy e, iug, et setended. The lisoi -d-e te le tje k H .tc t,,Lt , 2Sol . -SStore, Mea ire tl, - t_ u rg ammeutedtlualitentl$804. Tievarionse Trat.lgars%.- . 1 . u...S lhttUcse e, l te-Rton rts eniu peefrmeruuably tilitteiristrte. usied Musuc.. S-Atsi-. F-tarte -gool stcaic. ous-Alîr icuiteute uattend. lIse dilte. sURsis- pestoiff ltaieîity. t,rh.' isp.tes »Ile u-Sh.hud'lus-ei Milton, Auguet22u.,1872. -tf whie auslidLou Weil, nie -cuis e r- tu- -IftT. H. Hurisen. Loit 1, t Cue- ftaiso epestics-try sentiusiîîg tle NSTruterur W W Rus. Auiuc H o Gelt The-soret dutt ly ESTRAY COW. F R O A E Me r.Ltha scuit MeKar wes vers ARTS 0F LOTS NO. 6 AND 7. tee-. The Nus-tel Basudbu eru liti T RAY E 1)teese th. p-ui.efuth.be ebh- lt re..N. t>. S. Nulso. utue- jeu. hMldly mieesi i lii 'sA-jribes. Lt 2,b2..dLin,e eieon150 tacree. Th-i .tepeie ofu t t»a et. . RED U(1W. uit, bs-us e eu ickb ehe uîep-ru Tu-ie-scclc t te. cait Iteou oe uhes-hus-es. er ieturscionsoftihsbikoý-dfau tbil»"alrg sSb» odP. es suet es-y 'oe u*cwittbe ibeeislully ,d. uhsr. curlv ihin aucouple «elations. A vote uotf thu es MR. uNBI i-uebe.-puerdft.ci, - N-s-t i eteru jgivee te tieNrvctBsd.aed thte dies .Eetiueeieg Otuber luth. 1872. 17-2i Rule.7 etThe e 1elus-tv eiill h.-icd àcd pautientitcho sa, kiodty Soouk inoie lots- rdîided i»nuit î.ueeruiee. p"edtis e dlete-diseeeitbigl. FARM FOR SALE. Au,310.16, stu îiduf riisuoenuRsu. qpleemd ct s.euteticiesut. --Fus-rItircsuî, [plyw ____ HP eubsribe.,ffes. ftue sl. hi turn. i, o T. D. IIASRIcION, BIR1 S.ing 1t0 cs-s. muersmls. S«ter.lecs-d -f MN &e-Osssielâ inct t.cifeoitAe. othue Pmc i.Feru tel shed, u1da iuteNuis- Lcil w ue eiae boue. scu guud tulle andiac rueu W ow Gý.-utise iut.. t w.ueue su PoPeesus-O tise ps-eii..W . -B w s B.Siss-. tceous.ite ef - T J.C Geee.Ea .RoIRIIT SHOIITREED. TRAF4,,GAR. ONr-. -- reure ublOI 17-lt OOD t> WORKINGS 0F ALL 8 NEW AISVERTISEMEINTS. do sh.tu.t cutiue. . ceutueuie4 cc mK mm wsmm des GRAIN f- OPPING CROPPEt> FEEI) FOR SALE. October, 1872.-Tstigr tc5d.17 4tf Bargains inuHorse Blankets. Bargaiuis in Bed Blauktta. Bargains iu Winceys. Bargains iu Cottons. ]3argaitls i Flatsels. Bargains ini Teas. ]3argains lu Clothing. Thoza heai-y fine wooled -faucq striped horse blaukiets as a cure for the hsorse ejîideuui -, for $250; Worth $350. N EW ENTTERPMISE T1T In aMilton, F. BARCLAY Whu eint ussp..d.g eh.nly the.cb-pe"t -cd , DRsuctssuh lllY GOOIS trs.-fs th ibpc-pl.efeth*li.mtey et M ecs-sierle. us-t itrlu-.. cdmi t. x th. pteoejeid oulS. "h pi. systue cil . edupted ine&U F.!tkcrutieucit. g07tcofut l. dcyat 111tuo, Otl th, 1872% MoILLrON&IONE - WOI.EN WORKS Are Vowe in Operaoi. Carding, Spintsing, Weaving, DYEING. MANUFACTURINO. AND CLOTH DRESSING Oucecii t os- ..cd Dseretel.i. lth FlouringMills JIIAV E lensed thîrur lrems-îoefora brr rud,--crbiiory p-uîin ods- eiyuiîps-i-, nd th. Ilie Md. e-e c.c ie is-t cle.sucscug osd-ur li-ettt.ctiu. A-roi Cash paid for Wheat. FI.u.Fc-,l',(t- 1-1d Ch.p C-retts ..lc. Mcrli-y je.th. seIlifor GRNIOCOLRN IN 1 14E EAR. JAS. SCOTT. Ibos ý heavy wide scoured winceys for 19 cts., worth 2.5 cIs. IF 0 E c mi EA Very large stock of Clotlis, in full varitfty, nearly ail at ohd priecs-25 per cent less tissu presetit value. Best fitting clotbiug nmade to order at lOwest possible prices. PUll otok of Dress Goods, Fur Goods, Rats, Caps, Boots, etc., etc., at letissu anvB5ue. Terms, Cash or Exchange. GwOOJERHàAM & WO.RTS,9 ANZoD GENUINE DRYGOODS MILLINERY, CLOTHINS, Boots ana& 3hoes, ~rc>COr±O MEADO WVALL àt.educe., fUisO.es-.179. 16-4t TE4CHERWANTED. ]HatS1 HfatS1 à SECONDt>CLA13S TEACHER -&& aciei.4 f« s" letieNu.l, Nu.-- =ec7e. "i ig u s-mite the.cur. NEW FALL STYLES 0F WILLIAM WEItt. css t1)i CEB.IC41 NOTiCa. 10 t t h e l u e td a nal o e a s U s Issea et6.u A i s. o bu iee.td os r.- d151eeOter 151si7. n il !-i *o seietu "dT«d? tn as- m lgit* pube ti A TT SàedRI s- ~ ~ I tUW IBbuCs-IVKs-d eeSI lis pcs- EAT CB»OCes- .cibutstc T hshbeuldeit is ietire tatm Tie etp riuet y 1ee . d 1 &. , u 6llr 6uvs- ac THuq7. O N.45lm, W2 . lsgcsoat ot eU.e-1 u lss AND HiARDWARE- IlALL AT W. D. & R, A. LYOIN'S, NUMai St., Malton. ON AND> AFTER TIIE FIRST DAY OF AUGUST The sebees-theru tiltconut theis- bues stecet-ctly ru the CASH PRIX. CIPLE, andedstpose uf gussisouty tus- reaut> pay. Ait peeer.ss lnelîWto tise fis-enof W. t>. & R. A LYON cre- ruqurtel te paycy teis ceouta cnd nuo imedetluy. W. l&«& 1A."TOI. MXltee. Jets' 17, 1872. 3.1j, : 0 w CO o 0 0- 0u2 - c Ca JAMES HOLLINRAKE, HlAS MIUCH PLEASLIRE TT lNIM2Tn IS UIIENOCS OtsSTO- se-ru tIhe je ebuwesg ae ecqoi4o as esesmaUoe Engrlish 4. Can&dian Tweeds, BILOADCLOTI3 & CASSIMELE! ii1tml>Lo fc>xr tU«>W*I ek&l llteieg puetbaed thpes-gsond@ tuforu îsle M e tis sl t e WeetcRoud. us- sas elles-ver> decided hes-gete. 0::â-T<loring Donte n the Pranue. PatentS for Inventions VXPEDITI(OUSLI*cndfp«lp-v ce. 11ces-et iu Cussesie i el ite.r urdupse. Patenti ueet.eeer-nue hasse. S.cud tusrpieied Isisteetires.Ageesy te .partiittUn s-e. UENRY ilioNs', Ottawa., Cucl. Meobusilel EneirisîseSeticitr ut Peeius aed Ds-cghiuoîut. 38 Auction Sale. FARM AND FARM STOC, e.y. 21-t Irtobu. beegithet attubhl. lss-ectsiitiegutlof 9 -u, ),L u13i.1101 CccesmeusN , T 19;3e, Sses-es oIes- et acd le à high et.eItitilu. tise eu ceS tinhesc. Th«-reonse ethop-s-siose 26tc of us-hut uts-joi0 1.-or, bcele, 2 bepdu, tee-enda laege a.liu' -e- l.PA) suet ,-cinqcenLutl4.alli leorteeand cith ,i-cuhilaueIr Tseeimae ikm ,ceet tisceol #au. Atl oceeid lose lui.- petat, buuliold lus-ltere. cnd aeqecu. T H HXIIISON, w wROOI. Pomps-ier. Aucitr Ts-etclgr, Ouit1. W52. iS FARM FOR SALE, %H'E SUBSCMIBlE OPs-EIoS FOR &SceI.t.South F.ute ltclTAu13. intl,* 4th Cuieqelue utTeaurs-.CueetyOni.1. tue, woeiiitu 100 scrs- eut?" of ciic es-e.lous-eu, ase u c esleestisi S«Mes-ofd rlti- octi.t, the blenuce i. ---dotetch hordcuc- timbr, ted beildiege. larets eern.01 ol wutosecIed, anset7 lî Ilthe lances hiltuof rs-r miiesand incru-I er. T'Me le . spleeidid tus-s, saut la sîteutsedt iimim mil ufMilt- tehsC,mty TufutHuttes. Tes-c ersy lihos-olepp ets scstss unetheprseelau. - u h roreo Pfirtnorship tioticg. "Dgemis tso-efiatteerrI1xen-obuu. et the rilcrf uf Brs-utae, ihe Crutyuof Heltr.lihe tlii rlY lisen dielydi by seetuelt oceiths-e udî-s-igesd .berles ,11ell s.s- engts-us eid buieeee hrcu wl h--cts bee-idulyteed eees- ilîseer. oi t thé,-d e-ece.Salle.s e-e c-c, - l clim-Rie ugiio ud ire., ced out' CHARL.ES BlL. EBYFNEZER NILLMFIi. Bs- Se, Slth F3.,Sesubue 1972. 413t. S. P.PŽ IN Photographer S.P.Panton Mes Jut rs-oedsja tot of Of tuostyle, wlilrlihlieil etîl54; pîe crut 010cr tîse ii luesst calu, c finlut If ALI}tTMS! Ait luwest pliîe, Sîlciol Olli-ulicI ils-ul-te itLige Wi,îl. lirali pic- turs-ere-gIi For Sa:o or to Rent. .41 FARNf F011 SALE11OP TO liENT. *l -sfeeulit 10, 2.d r,,.. E.,eig-ereu. = ., ho.e ew rus-o-s-lert, cou rce cd e-u-rt.ilnelg 20 umes-of cedar et-I uei. FurIt ekicro eapply lb) SLIIBF.Ol MILLS Ta Je. W»-heele'r, >Q WAeTC & CLOCK .luh utf the t.,, lusisidesdeiptire et W".is i. ceuetyeel"nd .se WLadie Wol ce, JIali iWaehhr, udeirifii Loi-a-Lver, Plrîil iLr -rr, L)rld-nlîcîl trs, ylindliîerr. AI-e, àcous- uI.rtucad huedeuý ser cteent ut J-ul-y ut o 1ail eeeeîti.ce. H.oh-bue. cpeito c rîi 1--e,urcuMu-ros & COR, eeisit th lIi Wdi -11ruland iopece. li,,etnt, o 7ît. 1 172. 45-if 0O14 TA R i.u wMarblc H"»orlim GEOJRGETOWN AND OIIANGEVILLE. E. N. 02IR> rorietor0. OLsopseitîîtlly eolricib hte-lu tN EALTIFUL 1BRAIDES 0rCOLOIL n h i.Il tiva gl ad emp the ris-ic D l e bu iioeou,lî-itg per-ounetlyseles-ts- Ladies' Breakfast Shawls, Polka Jackets, Blsck VeIvetc«eli .eMAelie fs-us tht bset dorssntise Usiicdlittreeî cntinîlue te gis-c Scarlet Napped Vcuetian for Ladies Jackets. ecstera(tlcss- Huvîc cisteu t Ceaplucdid eeos-5mes-i tali bleds out Mres-I-fs--s lIrsuserels, ltrsteT.msbtereo, Pretg. Table Tope, Mutlplceccsud Milincy. 11Iliinry ! anti a laree ssorteB-.teN.se-dORE.bî me'nt of Fancy Goods. Geus-Etwc55tt1e th, el00. ou-ut ]RE ADY-MA DE CLOTHING, Ivw iW-( Compny iluî"0 e ,et Choice ausortment of Green and Black Teau, and a large, os.tt&"e cinthe e . "tI Z t stockof fa4ney shelf goods andl general Groceries. sii .idrliuiir cci enqeuusib thee". - iwd tliiem. 1caytense Oli t- WOOdutshe oreeteeh -sth.ibeVOlani Ays-: J-AMES HOLLINRAKP tendtte e r -cîhurou moeurnsete. te- sui Billet7 tus- usxscuctsu, edsfurtu cises SW- H. BEATTY, SýtsI-sicis 0C ompany. Toueheb-, th OcM e-47.- ll tock of the1 *egard to thes- se fleceisary firt for cou- BLE PR) CE5 'JcNab whexu ýFact! reWest of Clotha. it stock of hop starf of th-nt Winlbe Klty. competeti de sy ug if we koop ureis and TaBoots p -meut