mn oe 0ê4 o pi z o 1- w o o w o <O o z oz 1- o E t-i 2~ *0 ~~ri u c ~ . 8 .! iband ittniy. Sh 01006, toe 1630o ~10.7 Matgazineoasjustnt 6.noîo b0, O ,~.~>d' I C.îoi.î,teopierise al, old and young. t o f th i d l u the poo t od bo ant e-oi 3>0 ooiveo higher promut li ote aodso f 608 .dano. od îeoo if î Il i p.o yea.. Addr>oo '1Thoas & Tolbot, EÂARLY ÂRRIVALS7Vefidflg P i cOywkes specility f bo0 s;Ntebav. lok. soto li. todo and tb.d tîtt 11.00 AT0. tidabloeu n ilton61..itubbert AT oand oveoeof r ea 1 00lsription. lies.uet be Ia favorite .,.tl i photo. sale merclonots, fur ho.. nllog a lUne att pholoalopolce& Tbeoo io this mod- MiA'W Kil NS & L TT L va>tDiM,1.000000, if yon bu7 7000 hS ots and situe& fro.. P. 1M. NMKay, KAW KI S & L TTLE 70youcao SetO tbo.o .0puired nhoo ool- et woo1., CONSISTING 01? ~nglshScôtch anid Oaiiaêà ~ daiiTwedg -. t, i 10.,. ÂLsd aud 4~gna~dian Flanuels, praIiIiMil. ioe ld eM oMa* .'Iff ha heir rmal value 10 mai rçm f9w owar>erge jmportatiolIs t'HAWICINS &LITTLE'8, CUbMMINSVILLE. Th.Lody Jooto os. i.d .11hth t. . Loy J".a. Mf .d, Atnd Sir Tbotos. lor>d .s. atout of lin1.. Aud hi.. otga. os ,èrts>d hi. .s. - dito, Andt h. 0000 geen ."Ooo ila .000> h And o. batoooa.oaly bma>d i.1the 00<0, And obh. o .oOtooily 0fond.1<M., And th.y .oooà1o'1tfpsto, And h. Dos., ad 0t0e f attcd<ta.e b.iffat and h du" ~ O.1.0 0 W.oo .ooy0a. as5loth h o e And .boooetlwtby oent >r .86000.0 lb,, ls.o. !Hum! 'Houm! Oo...Gein, lZeoro.e ,oo,. t J..,oh...o..! AUl sortaof.0pbooO.0M" 040000005of pà Térei0deo. f th i .oqoi i .oeui in btoto long lof polkio. 10 to..f on to etat- ihà Sir Thotos, pho OU 0en ..tbunti uto 0- uologit; in.en e.04.ooobSi .0 w .mb.81.y â6. spon d Ms M6..ibolell y. .11.10. you.d t.sdooid. Mb 10y 06u0, blem H..maloofihr grief .ooid bove N.on..s.gnt. hniooh Iny poo.o..ut oa0600 net o ro. ou d photogoapl omoth* Wga- laryid a. P. Fautes, 0000 n00O .Md 8066. in. bqmda o les haèl01104*0aveu ouder4. soo.l.ihauotho.. .05Su Thoni.. the God ondthe 6fai là« Je*; .Feinasof 011 .1... o. bond or munt to c6640. Tht statue of Sifr Walter 5,010 de- tigtontfto CênOral Park, Now Tora. has %jTiebof00moropo. the. Louisville De.o000tie Con- vention bave ooo.imnooly nomb.ate o the Strogh"t t M. Charles O'Conor, ofet 6w York$, fur the Pre.ldency. and bM. John. Qincy Adun for the Vieoe-Pro..01o cnuooL.:-O.. the. 0211, h. 00 Mr. Th.ofmChi.hobo. j., .ofàdaughbe.. GLAM...-AO t oohw00dion the 22.6lest., 6the .68. a Mr. Tbaim dGlou. iof 0 ans. fl~T.o- Ro3000000ths.4th ii. y th oy To110oD. Pmen.i Wl ".1... a...t 811.00But.. t . mmb. 0900. 01.1.6Of.sgh' W > OM do.te.q.. Ajuso.-.auU-E 5U . Ja* ter .ouiM .s5h l. ...Al. t(oAml... oth h.iai th .04. dssad IW.,J. .H.oW.slb. M11W«dod.tollMu lmmahM Matby. boB .ai ut Yboo. a L NE0W ADVERTIS2EI. LOCAL iNtTZLLIGKNCL ____Cal_____MILTONd m.I...C-60. Clr, Win ton .9 thé b b.i0.,dbd .* .z1E o] Él! "ait. M.,otyo. f.,.,.l, d.0 I goCunL.-MoL lAtioot's social wil 1=wei Ac mti à "1R. IIJTEoRAt oaa.. f. of Mr.d tlvnioRhaustsa.n. 1.F 00 < NpaliIlllONG THIA84KSTu> 118 set t. a. ,ged 61lVou...«do àà*081.. 0.6.0...for th. libéral pâtr' Gaas. - Ois . .thé t ns, WIIli. Go«.. ome hèftWý beoowe ow .yhm, b.o.. t qoczàL.-A soial w0llhé 11 a.. O0by i fMr . 1. WWb. < Natio. ua00.0 tilfistotht1,0bob in 16 ,o.oob.tutihg et bis et hm rési. ,odence, lad Une.. Trafalga, . Mmeththe ti.. = me ..ah. g.. .tb10â Nou .durc. a10 ..tou. h.o60M I _____- MOMMERCIAL STR]EET, _____________Tooro, sopO lita.. 187. ÙÔ1 0. 0rn--W .O &to b ytbrtkoht p a . ............. s ,19AUld.oroiptto.sof Ith runi M. AU" mau . o n. h o met Ma., el4 . ... .M............. 120 1 <1 Pme A.urins ccientlutwne, A 80m. Vot.owo ...........o .o.-.........0..0... .. 1 1 40 B trS .>ý »'In d far oatr t- essor- 5. - tY&GGIMES m&C%; V O FIU.S. FOR .............t ....... 39'1 te1.. be t«t 1 n t. 2tà nst A plytu .I 0 IIMWlo Set tth,92 . FI lth hhoo,. , M I . ........ .. M lt4And II -î,,f (Ju.o , shall L . . t . ........ .... 45 , d.ys.inîlonntlo. a. thofltboI.Wtgo, r.-Ià FIRST-CLASS WPRKXEN. &., lzo & iootlty 0Sh... #__ rl'AUIlIth 0. t wI0000 t. »dO*.>050 Cali M . s -- -__- tylea manfactura&. - ~ o..d do.. STRAYED. !Oloo pIl: .1HAWTHOI'NE. Mo.0.att woà. onho"dy ob..g o>6tft.o p'RONI taIEPREMISIÉ8 CË TII Mo.... M.Dool -d Willi.oo. J. P.'., .ob.oiber.,on the 2M01.Aufft, t, GREAT Ooa.ilt., o. oon a 1 p.eo ejoyinoaDivol..Z-oot aIo, ra.o d th bi ,t. 't Caut tial prferedby hom oyte-- . d. . borne.000potti.g o..ood. The owu defond.d by Mr. D*wA0 blly. AnIopérp.a.o. f',..tio f ta.. o ::0,:Ad un eoain.tote m:.:000: s.-, .di eAtb.lIyom*..oidS JI II 46.ià.1 c. JAMES'W .EIR. Trafalgar. sept. 701, lt72 11.3 0rWtt jlax-tun IMod. aaCENTRAL EXHIIBITION - 5..ine, tb. Prooipoy .1 C-Pt. Arou .W I L a.Th. po00ooooowu...,Lod . o fodayF.W I bfo W. Mcrâ.ty And IL Ble. oEoq...nnn i n J. P' Md. bay ta....ooît.ooooJ f., trial..Ui!U Iii8fIfl .go.ohtî.o.gsihopo Otoflth.oo-te 1.od b.o Idtt. Wl,.mg..e,.e-kpn,,tdhupbJ Ftoc, W.nib.go..Sqo.o, and th.. thar.o T i NwSu1 t.ond i th. 10>0000 '. .-..o. Tb. poo.. WILL ËË]IL IZ-SF .00 W«0 ye@t..dy »n ...odiby lh. J,,dg. b, toi 001.ut, inj. IN TUE VIN OR ÇUELPII, ADUfDA1S~1~1 ParT nizzs-O S.-iv t0n.gONTHE CUiminsville frutlthio,. mad Ag.oo.. raid .. th. dot, hd, Sud aBd M4of eteber,Wb.b.011o.l.tIbpo bdt b.o.. A loding,,t'io . d 1hi. pu» al9o beéh.wl. ae n ad éoles , Md cendio.o o,,oel..tu th. ffî.d- OPEN TO AILL. large..t*&a.if ..A pooioot medolm"tot .gbtAotiof Soe," ' up000ni a.,tplOOS t.o.ttnd ivitnt 1.00 pays£ Lin-os ,o .X T PÈtr.00 o ov s, Tnware,Glass- ,l.«u ith .st..Thé ,,0. h, .b. 1 t. .9--. '0040f,(; .1 h, .o ~ 1~o.. 4 8 lb7 h<O,t ar, oal 011 and tbh... bus Wgol.. atit. pt io hi.oî-1p. . uhottePrvHardware, a Iolly OOdt.,di b.00 . àthif outo!î'i. gardo., - .. ly daog'd a.. f- ,> m.. îO 10 i d08.6d o r ..ta.. 4.t op- o f ÀAîtb.l.,to..iLooh PriS'o »0020,1001t. Lp.jîtoC ool, 'I, h, Rîd.Ot rbr... orchard-f th- par ooties, ..ffered .i4htly. G. MURTON, JAS. LILA.Chak. e..Ingwol, IFerons@. -- e -.00.1>0Y. 1 PrW0dùi. Go.s- oucno ftd(hoto uIPh. Attg. 15, 182. 10-41. i1 F. W. %il .1.2. stock of tiogernitg ,tnd lelo woola of every kioo.l hint iP.Nil. IKioi new tore. Ili* ie'oto ck is b,.tutifut e - to look al. Yoti an,:,to >ogît tao.p-' u g R,1.uo2,AZINf FOR OCTOBt. --Cool watl.,oîoo t hotd, cosoqoooo- 6y, . poplo bogo te 01,1.1.of tboir bl! . - 0<1-i- 11- r2 E-4 iq PiyctiurePhaines! S P. eANTOO PfltGUtM'"ER; L(lut* .oftstli./01104, . su di". .udhb.m. rOPUWle, acu.o.. &H -rde.ofor po.oooOiraSaOs M., t h. S. P. PÀNI17O. MUhotM, Aùgbo. ta.5t. 1872. -Yt TR UEI Ii LIgRAgÏ 0;@t UM[1k1 Day of the DrawiHig Fixod. No Pootpole.wàt froou ipt.mho 28. To là@ Puba.. nTra " sd tolho télbio 1.i6sY of Krattr tohylosd.f.d fa... ta.. 1-il. mie uu .m" or f.. tpS tf h. s.oont 6ie... ing in th. iliflt oa0. i.10the Plie LLoorof, hoa,* b.lroW me .,s. 61.01. cruot o&"n. ci thé1. Oft C.o0 tu m o t . .poublie on t hiodm .th.t th. doo.w i., place cmtl6. r bar 2a1b=po., ead qi 1 " b. PLt0ttn, l. "vai, 40.100/0fo ioktls 0.0.(b.m .iry S00.. ot otoooi thé.United0 30.0.,.4 nd ruzcbo.ior. . çiob.o s..oo cmo.omt o.. *d..i.g oS thé oppoltod tlb.. A o.filmt oIoi.ol fol.. . th.p th the o01..on .for i.o0. . de,6. et.. 61.1 omfi .Y b# .010006 .f th. leu- p.o.o..or ido.0t.e hé. bodtor thé8 Ingq flt. 1 b. .d004 0s c Obolo~~~~ mllt e.Ii0ly .s ill b.u. 10 Os olo..d h in. 0. tohtuait. h- .ooo.r a0ims Oo.for th.. do.'o. .t la ia of t tto. ..0 Il6 0.07ryotofora ticetVe .bd011, ao t do0, bot mil,Uiftbos..b.ylo6 b.y.hg un 1 Males ae't4m a.o.. too.*mwy C toaIi.lJ W.b, d.îho. %batt out, la"0.....m.t00 hs. tb.y *010bu.ho.. t. 0.1.1...bott olvu.. T.,.. E. BotLm". Agent Poblic Libooy Ksattoby Lt>.io.Ky.. Augut o lt,1912. 9- o.1 712 .01 12 01. o> ~ 10 12 o01r~ 'i 41 o.' ~ 12 o 'G .1 e 'G di o i i 42~ b. t' i o ~: I 368W ÀAVEITIaSEEI0 $50 0,000 0Mb Diutributoa SEPTENMW R 28 THÉ DAY. TOUTICIZTUNMO ORNT. 0a .oGto0 de if 7 n. totho hmo it.l mensi cla..,m .8.ttwi a... wm Vtd 8..> on.oty S tutt . -W18 , .1013od tlo.y ool . bot dy. 608.0 od 01.07. à"old te101otIht livin in Oy ... .y th a1.800."'-.t..tio ot -.d i m' 'l as a- .p.oi~a b. o .a.,h. à sas la b 61a'd 0.. e U « 1001... *ai dwk.i b ot ... .. ... ; 1 . ... . . . . . . . . . . ...... t . . ... a.. ..I; m ..... a f........ 1.. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .... . " . ..... 0 " ....b... T .... C .. ... t .t....... .. . . .ti. (114oo 0 2-W O " .0. foot. 'Km. ttootti 0 21 O.oio of.1* .1 25 700100 35 b m11..lst. Ototo0. 43d f 0.t<,o.d00 0btl .1 1h tMl b.o 4mbd .01.0 60 f 0 ICEO bmt O *o.ot>t otb 00.oote. odttatimt o..ooau.. .1o.a..oo b.... us!.. rien 1Xe; And t do d mb atpo.dfur.16 *r e o.d toa te d.à. 1oVAU"0fol iht Paiowtogto 010o, o Er 1. thoi &gincz1. to0, 0baLto on and Ilo01 on» ita. outos, . t .- wio.to1 20. : o a0 ,: Ils Whl o. tcli, 0: .qo..db 10;.. 04.o, m 8 otobo dois tike& o 1 1108; .le W.0 f., &'M; 113fklr 0.000 100 %ot ...h. ....«dk. 1.0t0à0101001 Att Oioh.eita h 14o olici tta..od., aboy..n'p00 ave Imade with &Ughé r&IoOt.sud0 a.. Fo.o0. t téoleml o théOo ctfot. »SeotI of 0a.t b..T.tih t.bl0. looir di ote &lp u à" tô 00040. 0. No.~~~~~ 4,Pbitia.. oliq à4.Oow THO . ar"I llAthe e. II1MLe;TTZ, vil aÀooot PteLoiy . ,K"%90»Uy Pob" Wu Atr or inov à"on Ai to0 . Cooodta.o lOï l<o fo .O.. bs..oOou .3.oy h mvUINJ!U. h? l é N iTII J'. G.ulie W ia llso ih wil ropalu o.the L . i ... m t tlPV iiN1T E to'-O o ib.g oo..y a n01 0 f00d0oow. and10f .hM&.in ogo d t .1 oapu' 0 tro i000bg hvonot. uOhb.60ey. h. .po PatenteroIno Prfce Co 6F.06.5.. 8,10 LYotnolo.. Fu... pend o0 0bo. a Oho pla o- .t.' 10 Ill.J.G . . WLLSon, )DS*.