I -(t.(urnubiau ~ CORRESPONDENCE. IDld h. otcoedc.mison more tihon on. POLITICAL ITEMS. TELEOSAPHY IN OSEAT IIIITAIN. K ~ ~ ~ L tél deéeopinio sereucu repoel 4 othe. o Utr is the ELEOTOSAI FRAàUD raPiMe'- 1'niepqaOfs- o&lf abtu s.ituý &s amate ail"bribe" te Nov ans 1 D le t , O ergoro' overtbotf«ttht D@'F Goegreally Unitleg cie é i- M cprb & P a rk e d"sallm midsslrs agoaeet hlain for Burftban, tii@ r@turoio. oScerfor West1 enmWh&& vitb ..u 101bsop¶uso f iin a: a TUE "EUAII" ~OUR POLITIQAL JUDOE. thé. W"n.igton captulation. vbereby Wuirr eiitledtesrrnert M. « nmsriqre ilIo 1i àiame ue~ .- "g a.i the Ynkeecopîdty tie ce__ *de it se etig E IIP IT TI ! ~h hTe se cithe ilUt the.Champion. Yanee copird tesorregnirte of r. sturam.sjofr, yet , . moitdecut emae - I everigny etr.ioeio ucmmaî.,le-mcela mre t au sado that la bot I A àftelil itw i* -Ii ethe iToroto organ flici. Stavreee Ever ln porpcetaty, mna f. lxoeamlfaae; lud oi,__________ Ü*'tl*l iniigéac ngt c.Bezon ofthe veom ni.aoepapr on-e i.right eofithe vaa incu ee. t t, de ntwcmmDot h ca B t a: r»pi mdn. tahilver tri-tae ' qibfl- etiraYaeie m i.vntbtltigmtea e ait1 * ygrair nd h aeilw e otii, l ______ WI-M!sS 5diiy lledq slstoa o éubtimsfor fin vant oet lumuan ied vitI ahravui ,ad h n Mr B-r-m. iowver, veîunaiiy put vlengu p lmte, ic trer follîîicg famidUlle tse mo t 1118lPareionsplay, a latterfrem noer Connty Judge on et foeestinlaprentmgproperiy rt in cir .te oIn e isecond dy "iPjaoLstd . kngstetisiltte la T. N* m f r ai- -pry rgniaton..bi0rth ée titre. deys ii.fore theprecde ccickcgleiîeo un etabu fer the. Fenian tminvsonofcer rgtu-o te té,Clerk et tts Crevet te pcaiu renPit Icdl at c.eî'l ieti ii G eorge Sm ith PMWY-hb»ossait det our batmgt t de net o4ued te Mar Thomas Mileu-, lerttry. asdd altig npoe led.mnlty sussie OovTrémc-tîî verbe PI-risaai.Im 5351Md ue1t 5a" surpiseeabt a pliticien.ging hie advjes sud ter ttspeet.and cscrtty fer tiiete- lescu iedemand va. a genarloe nGri e iteeot miteèrhas tuet Nw.Mr vEi te wovae. athulb eot dicect.d teouer ieard lcy t1 Jetlli 05Wpg aboutittdscn se tiSceeletebam ecmteil.bttruNv .Ete scrmu. fk o r. Srrnt.- Mr. Brm'a conut eghttibave @en agrcst eaviîîg te iii Osapi ceel dsc.m temachucn- vmb .deebjOt te te itai Thomas mr. tu-tong la desoneng tiime acta ioa beenoe ot mipartisanao itaM Emasobi-liglittove H.dcideirhbbsehcee rum.lay. 5 m o tclescpytcg a5 moIlsu-.Equr. jndge cf t e _InI ton Mr. Mller. vWte. vtth or vititeet or, but hs ioocinmost lma.eiicitcd thcengt h.,.e r mili. It could em rs fl itksia e thi h r e s d L.. u éso h ia to I rs e tbe Con er ativ . et. o her -arl en cî n e But' eclse eiat eee coe tt carg sd orogleceu-a t ii cnt! cO comu. hma cca ionutelechange btu r s .lf-rco Mc. luton bac tee mach the telegrapieyset. làk ie expru-es teedgW.red tebsnbtte, mo Mxi to. cboe.d -fart rgtiesitienoio, n eectteiofdatmoocclfte yste vos@ scaller: il& ramificatoC AHcesT lijMd4tes questoa. bot by sei te lr ts.publioly lii. peittitl pari>-, If h.baihhld hI. ouelry h.gre- funslîn s ra. bnt ira capital femailer. And II< -( D rr te~y 5ltIqUs trther facilîties emontedttee h.-u.-"Y-x.'u O rsdm s aimsdu d immtériel intm- arsoa. aodd er hTaguatitut cdc-e foushie .parlyt Loeat leut vceld bare CouTxG Nosme-On lhe cîbtle 'needred. ait oednt eDei .ttaieed.' i.u kns "cp loay" 14àcuareelinl- te tcé"Medêrale Party, vho bave beu belthospropeu-iy te atenntandsud etltluk t le Devalincet certain thitttthe Qoeremet wva, urger] te bey tsll4g11l1ste s. oudiary mimd. but ho s. hidly bouton at ties sleton.sinOnt- veeîd bave rejoleed et titeir dovefail. tserviih. olrgoer me.sjoyi u- ontth tere îint ci c.I o ombnch- ot n h evtdldes ".tlthte bar a psdstarie. Sustead of novletiglng te pau-ly and cmlimajorir Dmolmt Itlaefle tve met vlthomtsapprciîeiona otltc fa:l- casq d . scide. i. lî4iextremmIlJf05 MU. Titoons. Mgte ies ho .lmacmotte bust litéeaie etbisccontry. ProvI Whcesha atasl>-made mp tiié un.,liovever. For tii. fret f.. dey* yru-sc.of U iteel Canada. W. et oficiai verne. t.e ire. eeAc iJis. m tihs.mith. Nv Te nmitOr Of &5e h*osii.ption ef organuisrreoftcé Weibave s lomger amd dariter cars- .evsitvii tom conttiat the vmmit- ovenciogged-0oe oîamy meacoes sin c cccrsc àâ*Mibst£m-Ut aie v ed ble boston fore".orethte Tory parly. canuetlélor0fcrime tO wit te oeil the. crs viliistand mt videly digèrettffensa!d eder thie stimulofe=1.ety taïs 195ttt6 ai etPlute obj.ct ifiicceucitont. h.e ted.st4stionoet ic c amne Jodge Miller. frnm tii me doijoised. vin. :- and weclsrgrc. ButmI omevcry- B H ATO UY Mietterisl. Oppositio.tDzbg t anmràmth. d<esih mmssum.*ch0Soieag«et- H àte IhafJutOinOtai, wvithm Lot bhlm moi ferget their pelicy te- Ontario. ..33 35 To ndabhailmr.io t i - . B H AS F ai Obamloemtii sVuit lhs tante centamai thon fiaeecoipntbliclyce4 atarda lManitobaeamd Brittih Colombia. Quebet-..... 41£5 ver. sent deringeg ya et th EmM but mueet m» epréfet .sp»Titimial . I doeam o est latgir imprgper tretatoient o et ts- - cnes. ettbity par cet Per-a n lialauqeff. Se lacm s.at5dia- hoeve.u-Ut lb ho mdbttdtejey and peupesot dIc forer.la utheir irst pollcy 380 merly large basleces et the tofeie a hHEADS 0? FAMILIES. min1.115te pound o vr0 f Of e5i0 cne inte rt lten Wh h. sud t.emany advantage.tb ey bave fam>thiing 1k.titie resltctait hlbe occupantce. The nmnagm fer t . I.1Yg" sda iiet te prels. tmcvt..ieiopinion.en t.e plirticiat quegirem te butt im gtasviciation eoedIf . t. ec Peier vii psOetaritopu d elncns.sd ferour e 6 et H EEPR AND *RaabdVe ftbte éditer- We question&oWvàitiiy criaftbotlimé te thespiritud Itier etftth. Const4ta- ctam carry0où the. Goverument agaluet çiroe) le an 5vamke e Z'.Out 60000 -*'uRy Md poehulvly deny ttiine m But te taà partvwith a Party by tien, te ebtatnpltca upriin tenovervltetming Opotoni6...14o en am8t1.Thsii. ritre e t f TE OXW - PULI charge. ~ -~ * peliicel solceert, InProlne. and sganthtéi majority lie teiegnapi for the. carrent year ifEENtlLPBl~ dWmg& W mwuey thastthae Ms..lh. enfircbgntoiveevon the pepletfti s lietiing ae pester Repr.aentation ln eveu le Candapreper. la idcf eut- £1.021.210. Tteetimalsd expeedi-1 ho pitde oa-eiyas. vho tan dis- prviomule tir douésn, pulily in Parltament lts. thefirpopulatioe and lin Previ bnste er.l aion tare in £670000; leavimg sa a surplus Siiold tek.evartage of tie present dîne mJsdpeM g ad fer t.e ace- sud trogitaparitis n nvapape.. or vealthJustiidai t intheir rting itlsla" 1le ome cam. en a tu ustiy ote i.crédit et th. Departmient the .tion. mm ea"se eiyextremely sen - gotngfromlemoc te bons. sdceaing tir o e nbande ttth pltrdpnatet mede cened tititteo4rPe- ol e.e 30.0.S i e.pportuitîy ta sàOtv te atack.at mot hcccieus viiouie .eloclsd and vite sliood lh. thirty million dollar.. smo iftî, mlllen terce. abiciot pioverailtii. cend gAp@iftporeip tnî.terto 5S~vagd.scvd cstl1t9o14hlc pped,audJ. A. Macdonald sud de- acre.etftth. Public -Lands. viittonl vîich.inteethar c he. ave tec e vîter it ',payg. e.i.Hec are tiie .%gllèelcdbmatce. ebave e wun.Blskesud Mtackenzie publicly, flite conenelft te Represculalivea et bouigltrp viiciecaie iiy brubery emtier Publice ccom mdalîll Te altits-i OBTAIN BARGAINS! an vngl ueàt«eVgP""'te epebigTu ntefrtpaeHrnald. ever." The. companies cccrliineot e.- #M cares 1cel for te oficeetuof te c.entrrand&et the roi tf à poli-esaucbaappropriation; titeir retel gteiititofficesein lutreocet-et the-way Ultd r7 y anse. 1but ve vITi mou lied lit anad partis",an, j0 atinov1 li h eano Or Palianintctiroir vctpaernt i fTrontoec@gare- ac csderai dco ntinh.uonsclevitol Rn ABRIIN bsccedfi. e ut parUt e daty andWITThu-safteu-oijact te. I[amaàficc ougeM nCr.CIrey and fr. Aquila cîck, atpmonse t e bTout in dtas tleder ae utced ce heo e. PotI OPI t-.. eseidomaiiy eomp.lled, vrahno"too jde yWoa.ii itelr rouiniesand ctnn~-Province ready te picelge temselc-e. Office, liter. marir bc a telcgncpi ofice. .-ttitisima estepuperar hvoe.lila hé UcOnOwn suanthe UtcOndeieonce eOftth@epollcy vîii réféeccta tii Ccon- suppeorteers - t a oer-eto, and t i ; lunthe PotOffice e Fepcclclacr -gele GREAT BARGAINS i ba t ons veelstacco2brd fite nnypua 'm hess:aedorviiextraîo nt biberntofe<eerW. Tiihea«2lcryof ucighiteing ropuhlicehr. the. judgcs virb Uc-bvettt li oe r cfu-sntîbet-arded the aes ul- orntce t reny ,c.tiyar tucelI< YDRSGOS thé ettm0t teportdieras.ha.i been aoce0dodéaUtspp"owon et ourIcb andtroue12W0,099. ,;rtic;six cîllage aa GRGRATTBARGAINS hi eêcpItersiclite wui ~ ancloive a clia.dier>ondet Gevecuameut. froin thc fart tat wccc.ii. slsofetthsitent.rnloe.NBAK LAA sg té aue. the.u-..pmcity oft the rc-ffimosnctdvth thé admin. Titese and meny ctb.c qesAt ofetfrom pricle tey are Reformera. And theiciteronschatnge&sfer"Porio-lterC< LAA ftie luqn.eti a o e U ofi & et I libartien oetJuslio,ani ve &ail te Uc iecondueuhave canard thoir 0.-en- The Brokvllc Rccordonsys liai, ge' are aimoat donc svay; foc tete- toast et -'- lsI urat ét ,fruit wciileh Chta baîctal rayerot, bu-lae tlîroc te Ontano. c tiberna! cny mn- ov the Juenaivyas be mate m er .grepit ofie. rou-e no.thit lsebtsaRETBRAN ««mllligo m & Il thete r- forth. Th.inteiandunof theitaailci. rtisttthroa' id - .rgatza.' asud tmarceaf the Ceolltad bette, loeok esidonmare titan a aielis. te, h. spsrdbLigit à«#a jad. bi a a'; -yteere- botlie. maitain.d o. a vrite m mamy iiaumualsry appueisont or it vil i slap udor chepa.** travelicti .lcitentg s masage. IN PIhINTS. tismmc l"ype i ofecetaw d imuetitdut>-, and nimferemnste Ucpoli- anb eucses, tite peope viii net re- Blutes mujenit>-over liu-dec in'Twck-e o e.Irugc cities ced tactus mdtbm -*hW -.-h.oteWac.and eauticsofeth countrybythetsJudgee.hhtchf v 'erse icitI verdict remdered len te SouthiBro- eumetoeatft!s-dsagentiresavierae.thubli R E TBRAN e e.mese.wate surk Iblceleilesu- nexécutive ogee nai cmoe a etoant nerwcliOru-c >-r. lime. Pt, iare ea Message ec, Dow tîîae ws lth th adninmtmtiiiu of jn.it.. ner, ccc.th.ecutitidcede liftter nu' SIR JOHNS PRIeE. tcndr tice nuleottte coinpes.News. IN GRENADINES. te iscanfl> ilond aone h dereete. m mdtr mer.Aoôd. -a if derng tioitruen t yeau lite mr-Aoges on nevapaper - 1f~~r.XMiler reomene tireii.estab- op itement et ctreJomu-uA . ic viii 1v, hs ited, icumte liotîs Gar AT ARA «hi h A t ht.é HeXuaidfvecu Tne lShriff et titis Cemty b.eeng aser,.ahje S Cu J ii . bmoret-wontie"neîlateiecbrt li ITEî-au-IP O O S te my It oft onu-n Cambition.nt Uaahon he lie h@ouary fileeoetRight £400,0(a.O N Â B LEabG O ODnt WW 5< PU«& tala ltI gytint 5amtimitionlrse- Bdthél.tîsi us bOtMu- Editer. ceeltihoieetl meii, a e.u-Ilaico iocludee lite pay- Ibis is Iheuîfficiie- tiniit; le-1.- dit-r-;1 GREAT IA IAINS âmay pf@"getaItloteji teMllgeras otu. tit..M I dca pital président oet enci't Hie ser- ment e iîî hni ias@ueî et ive on c repreeitilig extencionu. ereîrR MmâW ils *m& weor.p..toc nrngjiut M.W c.1d ie. no dobt atvontth.ciighl itiyc- liioîîuddolasa yesu- te clu-John theageabilee-roeue. IFLANNELS. 14 mem ..et u 4own. Itimartoticte r. ut I d utb~Ae aepettt; u t ie officeretebalancetf tiltmortel eciol Adjuss.curncititrt- u-riut heu, s c-cpratubupar.idccl the eofdfteecr pe t uo1OTEAT flARGAINS hm m@rme4 mllret ppe tea hu-tf a- 81 . at Ig e i e a eti lJm the iith bta mgl -siuyt s e tit mcmoraiciccart- icni oe tiilayliin aoiri o sadIýVe(a #Pai i a hai- hmfcdu te prt f Poirialpreceet his aeceptimg $elài a putie et seetiment chiot eccurred i i.. vuiopeur"on c romit if bi -ii 1,- hi IN SHInTIrGS. MMec mdl e heuin"b7 teusasan.position. ant o i iviiomcdoubt contenti t u.ous detîiete ol7 ect lu ept huvvhe cltc- year, dà il c ucaiod l r vm. nceinleijtjîiitif -uez i (IIlAT BARGIS 5< Cbliethiy ati et heme chit Ne msmY yum NP téquOM.et i t lef citen b. periodicatlî ynite treato. aidtlite sert deepitcinviiici t ciid blt-et utry dealer* riryle eaIhieg Id* paptu. ase mtter ciat the. electeof tCennty OUcere vs. Toromto ctth -belng aile te tpee ed lie accu-ptidit. Tite violo Getadicti viti, igiteneîýckc Ther roN. H-e;,hî I 5015,Ptsâcc thé Usintérism cec-a-tvoetei by a considésrable party tof conveae anti stvise cit meemiecca et Paliatteet wu&tcoufeeocdiy pozemel tir ucil tuliie et tnth on r' v-lrii IET nonte ieu. ea mfcncssudnumiee. n Otaio. Goumite, ae coiioi-te accouet fou-glit emetckabiy eîddmnthontuent oiinOce bIil or pi iii- GREAT BARGAINtf Olobsis tbm. e étrilaOeitmmn adnm nO tari hecntraloi tte n od con tvertion ofoite Pruemier on ilînt on- pot-amtitracsmirtnxt di y ci. piy. ce 5<isa for e aad famotia es-fr, sad if lie Domintona andt he -nta rdo e tPartly Preso t anti ne doobî , coioe. tTien caaitct a syhabie *1umeut icy mmî;cy o den. I L àeeecn" e s.aOBtglic tis"I te tioccrememts peu-mit ubeln offleers te accepu a nenh.rsiip s.veilias. dc tic ptbirised de.patelies tecive BtY Mu-. Sedamuoren, m ilan iju o 5 LOE lseehsa Of ca e de- &.gml&mct «&m itcsnthte Party poli"t hea etti stue cai toerthe -,Uiont eCub Cu t t;n nwargutmettt§.hliedtroubles.,ai nue.î r eueuh. r.c- 'GRFAT BAItGAINS pelksleausa iumerhhet-sy -no ewecacts ucu-igti ii tsernaoieistraf.hi t -k pois6m ým tgimw v coof' nY ty.Ia m netceny surebeltiretsu edeaceer. cf ceeu-me. mt o e t ta le liît-yel villîet amy asprent ai. ticemplo> -t-s hie fou c int. i.-vî- îIN OTrONS.-~ dâlcsa.. qUsla iM tsetiltenm vcmse y havesa .movsl o e Uc ad crYcaler, te --mie teclub a suceras premer.orosesiable cause, Sir Jeiîe pieof irel - ari,,, coegintr.iîo-.. ci8.dm vIimà-ag i ihmoesfaie-cctUtn fornterly. finamttaliy. smnd heing thoen a member tramaacompote aummtu-oetlt in the former calt. Ho ooud,hî dooit-u ___ andcl am-t nUl 05 U~If ith e e t fJîtige anti Sheif etfeofCthé Central Gemmtte, v*oeîdb wikig^ee&d troincreuh.ng lidttrnauy mdueioncc id. fter itsavoed nem habecamu lice rnu awhle,ble mode. F,m nine-ctu-er <toilm. tia comty ver. onbmitc4te t.étest alteai by the. ciole memicers." tieed et tic obnetioic treal>-. Anti. Supeintnîletesanuit- Secretae iu loh r et publiceopteion. amd lb. promcut I am reatIy et a tole tec cwhat nov vre are teitilietinte ta rcitheb iiwoidlie. wcted titan ve. ore du-i r APOUTICIAJ.JUDQE. iacmmbstevarn canddidates. cliat the Jutige mmes by beg leoteti "by tille et Rgit Honorable* anti a Peu-cnedernose meny propuietet And mcmhre. Ticmatar e smie fOe thitmentidoltarsca -arhebcdae hlieu ras mtbli, uli ci,,ha urn__ comitilh. the rectait. Tii. fate et one tite choi emb . hsmte rfrmet. rititîsh movernuesct. Islespreimg teiegcaptay; tor.,dieu-ose Ws aieuoth c onsi euadrable surprise là aTrentids ee.andth ie otiter vomitmode la o e me- c.Dih. borov t.n sany emene 0 ii s. net te sue theeélieu-e are na o c enpetiig eîoploy- idal of.t1h. 3aï Tout., a ce-ibe lu s coefsl muorltj-. Nitbr oethuis. Ides frein Mr.-Robet. or 1fr. connectien buersthce U.tve venlaes, thore is les. enîitouiatm peu-a. o ts&sh e oa-ene.m t:sd teeeootheélthcrtc hiddo.eane nquaitying forthe- liatiies. 17B otIeh e mi"OmorCoonty Judge. tIent vomiti h.sacceptable. Stepîen.? et Sr John' s.omdden converin ?.Scuodumore employys aise a -eu-y «fudth lf 181114111 lbfiaidc 1ihavaecery rognom te bélioeslitaI Titheu-ryraiseti antiadoptai u, th i Sr Johne vue coeing etongi le is large om ber et youmg ceusem. Nec-, *8lsibités rioganloStof e tcJatge Miler l teitle te t.eelective Jmdge oethte .Me4cratai party andti acttnlng-to iieep titis utile entier an>- tatirsytten 5-eqssl egitls ec-m "Xadatm" Party The spctacle f priniple m pplied e lait wu-offinetUnontClsbarbaetauntfilitic seleti-nbclvheu-mc- sceee anti a cdmwnens.am urnpîy- nMsdmis. gsrh. Ts cphtele t ptodie mapplue lelii scooffce,"Usmn lou"tesdirectiriat o rite etient vere atiît& Il ou-- In sm far ees: ih mud nt ual h th 11tirte la J@11111 eP-17 lml*cidugla Pétitin s. colfasri mathat;of Ourf. To bu people et tuis coqnt>-, sne th era ont the, électoral cucene et hie part>- mo-n seiîd de ail 1h.nighl t; k ATiie fPI' illa -YIW -Wbug & POti-1 euistmt.lé abold vs.eoconrerocartyamhaUvs.unssviesu@maicéraidm.oScnîàdamcrmanc-otites-ciimoe onut hat o halh.tnà bicsa ttcmnatstmm rare bis UI. ou-any tute rie ln hic ove net. anti scoidet Britih onnection and Buitazem a ~n. vIe tiatmatiehimtf lie ofe pleying a mina ef.Ilha.. sOiepetl 5< tiie British gEPepls.ail hsefenucSblaitsigvil- aspart>- priecple.Theyscjlerwantclective ietingetnd responsible Party te ticelioceven. cucceedeti pelcttty. Ha 'hs nie Leglclis liy teêe.lg "ut me ha.dote. By iimatite huer- Jmdgesemr electice Siieriffas; neihher 'asngaleanticae uor humer As.a aeuenreliere. lhe drymes. et an mficil CeAIsA"te. "M la ch s .evaicâti abuce fitedt h. «aid«e tepart>-. via de lie! vamt Tory Istigea mer Tory p.pte' thi erndne .etrpnt>-eingheauerers lie muq etpeuty laif. ~. sictti iUtetie.edaJrtehv.ao.îi Stnife. i scb.sment eout ais rgit.. vs.IDe r- Engisei d a enthen in Gcnmaey gt TRATAPRUNSLLI SOOT 1hM moiJuda&samleuiti h. sleueveu anParty Jmtige ta déie Iii mpertant 1 am, clu-. personai ihoeore and a pension tront. et" ccle ofit t in tltey vatohed T$10 lsecg»M eet eems tin: ejediolal qsestionvhti emltcomesbeoni ltin. eu--t,. Gledetoe. h.anti Lit Party im Canada su7reti i ;andtirantc he ule cuale. T S. Yeurs tMqý vomiti ha. aiffered lnflliaey more suce grwreiet er of merrisgs.THAT MANS COBOURG puclls telis gau-tstite eer Ut b> Ute ot se h hu tn ti. cu-A MODERATE.- titan the idin ot the récent doctoratanticc-entl s acetdlng dey. lit §VbW&po fpaciicanciip. faec r ayiialefins rafalgar. Se Ut. .182. contesu.They veste bac-. beau an- ail chic1, eu- avoprsi aaiy- AT St1l25 PER PAIR. aid te tlb.eobofsu- et.Canadin Mssy oetbliéjutichseatansd de.-cllilated. Ir Wvs. lid enoagit cld a wcultitsk.geai hect. Anti ift Utc 1ab." . uIl t i, t.econfidence et cialoma bave beau quesaiienet. wettiil wvai i n itov al lis Tad aubjacted andîrtl;tftngeing tlue telcgnmpiole i- MISSES, SLIPPERS. hiecseteyte e ierl! t ttel- vtatpu-pnit:i vîî et ec xprsaC.,aI! Tescbtp,-e' Aoalstow oa tiositneu- ceuny te humiliation anti strument iclit ma ne munie te the theiot& i 4 Priirofthirwht popiey wllne nirexresvromg. ecen hieugl irte secret me- leduetuicus e r@as t.epianit, anti ot- BOTSLIPPERS. dus latedemevedly grsât. The an opinion;t 3et l ifn to ue. lalic-e. te liteaction cere emnitvn. te mer.etftthe ene anti esleu fthle N8 > 8 T R rww Wtza udg o rtesuerir etli spriei t fndriat ieJýg-Te tie REieor of tise Chamuupin. Tiie ponIliuilu- thatl ie migbt lave olien-vi lie coumtry (litmuet MENS GAITERS. CI A S M -M rce vbm p ndge ettluseiormotes ymoprei te eti thatfedg- D"x Sii -Lait Septcmbcr lte been acteatet iy a roper epiit lieit coseol viii gain s.metiig:cnt ce1, Cosils ksof theeTownmore of tîciget te ho rccogrec. atnov,.ciien ftue viii the tauomnsie. - BOTS GAITERS. sied ltri ow »b»asi eIooaly m h. oelyte -uxinTahsetti -price outbbu. mysteinmtchange et polu- requin erisaint; liey appiy vlub tat drectoa. veya feu-met au Asociation tfor thcir a>-laccccd. public.tiere i. neormont EiRTO RMABC N n uimnevrsyo hlril avu rmtrfoc t CeusJug Hvngt«pMmutueal ieefl. It procati te bc en! hoftu for amy feeinîg butoietofcon- L RAN.Ttumn ono uerdpoces~At nImnsvutt tCid eve ps*e foe.te Comt Zslg llcim uesp0eti s mchiiepO en urtiug set preitable. Iîî coine. empî. LetJudtoit ai mmipCat îLnn-h neurtpoicWear. ch. lanMongt ttemon t(liqu.t yeux valambie limeesud spece. I voutt poucti of ic. parse-fn, beun t tebc ils tlirty picces ef sjccr. Hecau -clof Fronce do mot taie. iidiy te Ger- - eman cii.e. Hornesofe long yeare - Mdi drect c wit dtU eth OPIe, h. pieacdte scop bret hut! faci thiatby neopictges but tbessofeTaheru, vblcb hic P"n-Tce2m. standing ae-biroken ,tp, aeut hiose aasiprobUy IbSOva . it OeitiCaI Mu. Mile.-sletter et edvie aaoalt sot wve .f5etfttIy kept. Abtosanietuprsmhul o tc-l aidhare. U lei Gr OUugec o apissa etf ever, ns. v tice r m m iitou tcititisan. tHo Proceais Reliccing tat a veil-ou-gcoueed Asse. have aI imes done qocer thhnge in tic Freaci créne t great cîloiiers.j se autid aied opera bhii.;uh.o5atmte .hv-1 nive bshtevn ord--chat station, iholding ilicmcetings ina ecutral erder le gel ntthliebotlem et semne Even in Ibis touu*-y, cher. indusieceIE hal7 II dceiés aPPousm-éC -u I cessiiente greadefoct lu te Or- atnta,,ant ric Utc t ades. w ativeW. bave heerti etreporters aenemerousto te gra st ait Bvi".md & knouvti.t asm-,ediegeaireti lhtbies às.wciter.evu-sîtitanti revardt-ieniteh et es-aie, stiailtmo laI ccu.-genmtoth t e MoetoleParty. or peiece.oet t@ tisiiers o et tii. ece botant ln order taire cuitut îe. activeanti ambitione. vaibave Tad foiai PRmle ft hé otsvera's flot& relier thie ronon vby tîtere te neon-r»Couinty veuittcausesmhnidi5titeucbsngo ciels Oe th~e begîc trtlt;ofcoinperatucet> seucl nomber o£et ml-Wau bassoml Ueacte t vclo-y e oregatcsm.Proeely go Celliieln 1thtof ides.onou sbject. et vitl a portilece oclîro fncite rteerl e t e,.5 hgrnieto.France. in te Geran « iclA g Ils.110oms courcet .If J4 aty aeythe vamt et a Central t entereaim lef raty nl itduilcsertongcnceainFeaeatii.Getn XMle. or a.iethtu- Jtdge, thocssa go Commiaeantidiomagitg body.,, thoi eurcic sdAce,.iercsles llm edet ofhearit eibeu-atroupmye itte eto.vscated lfue Fu.b3 ,T 1f beeoms saatiea. sid ttr.-stl iete oUî niaeela i hccaci ineetta initilans i tac ba tit..~. aree nt -t1-viie.ÉueAetcsaniLr av te té da -m laamms e. 'th »p.. toiô r te Ad the "emt toS ct h. ticket. vdeced. er .ch ,". i . Uha.. mm@ te. h l1eei*e.cK.As r-0 ~oi e C)-m PAE priCes Ofi.Do D. D.C01 Clearing ]3.ots and S - Un !D!ty of te Draç 21:me Pulic.