CON>rIN12OD F0OV t IAST PAGE. >5UfHAMAk PiILEClIRCe01V lei .cte ccpare tîlnt eete Iii. lVrth TeSS ITauï jWeiOt iî s old I U ,. ja I l1 I J ., civii ntilc ii tuil irt pic-e cfli lèv If sot. if is liuc palier lap iy aijke. Ihlt rtoe en. yc dol IORNERÀ>L AGENT' FOR1 TE SALE 0F in c*îoy so 'licfaut. Scie forch, chioh lv b abs thec.Uiljug u iiIg . f che pcollfefor cny get tulth ac ticettc 1i le Ic IIIhy! ci i'eing % lte ot c(.)ne o hein ccl i c c cc (XI, th e lhcc if aollC n ie e &Acclfiit] c.irINg *i lle preiflui . lc ixhfc -m-a'Ioc e o u t Wu look Uaker,j lcoc oo l IcoL- ro ic-own cSc catc y >co u ntthoc cc % h> c lans Si. oco ico f hie u groestI epoer .îrcli. c l:i oe c; itned. fa ail a neolioîco et.ocoac!c. cc e cl,,O raeOc Liio ~ ~ an notet..y o ccicroe cd i w~Io s c h Sldgeobîrc N x lr' rc l k cari lie coti l e 0C'15 ptecoim u. do.l frac f i cc o c th or acctao r in r acd Cep Je el h oie. II oi >0 o ooooîof er i fe u tog ia ti,)ý Oc coUincthecoacicu t cctch ocoar îta liote WO ote &iio ofutiàiach emi57 loithathge tlic ch o'e-cswlcc li ai cocco peoslo.'itflchcocoa etd. b cooloica ic o uh l ot Gcr hcl orrbocd ( et fo"t'te aille>00iii. M ccc aup bliWoct sic m th, front SW TCattent Stoogit it ":I o lîctpd le ry il dhaveto . pepooti.orpo rt ion% ofche.>>5 la. ic Anm..àER 2I ete êlére to alcla- If 1l 0ite et co rt oh, 1>0 e . Oco c l 4 anio dtoc>&vin& c E GLS L VE S Iakpuusccec.dhssejuscmaillecec,. ckccebccsb ilr cîoo tc itterccile ai p ranrd thc tconel.iu&o lYMN* ecbhole orbd y ooct rceuo ccuycs csoal us. ok c suklrcu uhav'ocudbebs hoiolcyflc iog lot herySe uiéat r-I epard id. em 4,1il. --__________i-__Inuit o' cinsscc." ot ecîsoie rche Ocgio mecbes. slioiy y chhcu -c eccltII cctýl ctîgpîrte e *Whc .tîc - ha Geandc i1 th e al lO TErcu ib h cco css.chci toi s oouc clhcfoss osles iay o f iriigi tetv tS.ofCils dLiohoutti " I o etain. ccucssLEVERcsIctlle tsspc.oin ad cirâ co coctrmeso pen bDI >uttr termeTh e N PER be Ilorcrt flcg o in.t it 1 f. Is itS.N.cTHMko' 1er ON Ybir Ircoldm ub li. Bcd é%sWILîLoIAMbSu.Snae of Instrumet averocol theotantouf la ors C llete tqct;tiressl cig lbs . A EORTs'PerÏdicLY luis. C'1. --e, Cyines. dSvt1 foScA YY.smn ei »n ohfrdrbliysd 'yo oie u aebu ' cis ea rogeltoi g o l- eceaFof cul.le)hwc ).& .P.Rb.oican mOci erte em 3-7td Wnm, .)H. o UNGitode Issun e r ufadMerraiage Licnce sodu g e lao latee i lt iecar h ioohe coco-ys-oc= iicg c h, ,nk . eota t nn hclàm1 orimd ihte .ýmtoe yeti gc Oc, cOedGreaOsoci calilotemedy, tuaIIAVE lscIond Ittece presuiAcea fors M iaCideeq f cs cu sain ccii eco oh or ès , peuid co rs oc h .ii bs c si oet.ypt .c d r fl Ym 'EhssîOs ll ilconu soIII ir codieiFlttc. ouis nhr gMilQW.13eOUNGow, surofMs2t.. Lcnss acfccpcicitbr ln b asm euccoflecre, t i. itaue rechu co i. enfui ingîin h. ah p i o h a ELE1 Tics.f oiObu urand "c cbcskbcllb ' flmce s,.c-c cc .fesc/o stoecr i jol itcIrdcf t ou li s &c c e admONTES & Il1 tof ceîOcr hrouiud ho r ep iv df daiOccllc b1 l Ccacci f gofa oeyclin M ih e ,a ee le sodmtnwalciryptnud 'Hrciae olcts on ttât ' oon t bl a 'liooc c h e c i.p*si. sdeh. Me i c i fiB foit vsa Cmpbectrll oi di th la y o ucoihcu hcPlastefo A i c-Soi ob c phsLaccdPgcCc t s cou - Whsici Orlurd f . lie cicosncf , ianh io.bc- te tlocrdadoc cocitre .c ________fr__ eat WIA IND WHRS dhis à a c u r'm os o cma it e - kishsnoioe.llelc occh h Ryu eMlfo 1 15taO mUtce îaodrtacig tut the10 cfcc"Il e8 oed ou. coming commencement. citOPalliu tce leibhei beo bd~ lo na, i d Leot , c t., tou DNeO N1N E EA .'Pi e àn i o, \ in ,0 csa thsB lli anSoaB i Cl esPrylnilB g Ccctjitoill kicn . 1 &ittiin.of thek lt hccco ucn ssicc5 ohe î À eXro Oscl itbalefterchis lcou Cec1h yStris nWIie, th-Mco. upilloel. f wiiils ciflo c ait i es, S tu ToH bsco andol ott e ,lt utr h acds. (lo odu ashl O ln fLaspe, N Moa cnhc sc Plc on le.bila.Caltnecr ao mm i cusolucf cot11hschtuchl:raconite WhlcOhothig is aslsec s leudhesJAct.csg e tedei 5 h.cctc00hctEWtuiSlhnotesvraeio scîheeiIerzacllestbe ahitemooey. or ascoiiehitroodass bcd ~ ~ 8100u 12à Icd Ier.eoue occhdoics Cdibot n o.u . î M \~ O Tocan- Iala-o bcc50do iî of natsOfurethcD.tcctootci Sîha 1ottinlied , br hgte ndalteor Cilapbellite Fr ae__DltA.1.______________aml ______ iti ebu Ts adTbae n h cocrtbrne Gns aiedi panfiaco.N wm the Ur t wfl ofcit. e s tld frtt adUon ofie.Te it hep.tth fab c r yeth pbitl ne iiehs n rmca Csaicy. aýothl e rsbt Oire.a to >0ulig cnu t. ik ojucnA alhe lOMgv Oraio c icle -d'b/In JCCecdevi au ho atc one- WcoTCH&CJOCK 1 h cduccclcoiîhBrasdlecia. -hh'sccadhot Acd et d ieservif u tc tî - gie coIlucelho I ota us fihiolui cr Oon the boelji. W a ocoom od îules cl oheogh Ocs rcttocat~ e e LJ prEtRr h Sheotistors lîcîes otir hrbngtheu C thCL oli5D> a hd ckopfosstcchcfie Oulesu o! et t,17. -fU rvald rveslB ts Iceotctoc- hcsfc. .>fse I oolooe - ccei cc ucreecc lWcu A'chtil e , ace o thanc is , erî ch !-pr, abot luretLt -cr .., ER lasthducreshte wicbsuc,-Iuwu - HN ldfI, te ATcyfLieLt,,.c-- Afldd5htÇAbgllllkuhofctboerucoht M Vi.LT yficidt P(flocrcc Wbm pou irccludmltua.coci Ml inthechuhtfini oeeuen l oc cc oeodhcbco ccrout nVoieooîcriC; wooLrtheDcOISE. offni i t c ri~ f.hccitos ,buhs Acol ittio.d ta ullutîsitp ucrfccs.n bad uoicare ound -1 achrbs Actccc~Ofacsbaca-henJ. . ir any befit ,R Ico nt,-T ici.Oc oc cOf th-Eiclin clollcimi.Ci qcc Toy Ocsi TRabocst oer ornechuc.u hecoite A clvith Lccgenn &fl tle ed us Ac cN YO d osW (hE ALITE IR.W. . b-d l b coetcitefe cci it coobe e, 1 ___ I éocdc~icctoc roul whe. te lecAddco 1 odRu vv . Bo es, c hQe * codu;Imteà ttlbgrlctme= tenst pr1 lu smo- dav 1 h bcc-thecio- IAFr cnLO ,R ONT Tao"Il;ui raosc wrebhrote sc cdii' l,-idih ave s b en ïo f lcvrco-cdycbu'Lne evrs E i. icosc?-îu T C."RO N.rcoi Stcd em oferoîuaîd atc Ai "udibu tthotck; lfuJ.IL WELL CHOPP ClidFRdcFRt SL Whou Ye cu ~Icodcch ROV DUIIou e seolanrotelIeILTONWK&, IIOil5NE 187.t=rday, fo l5thsMofrsJUNE.' se cltscieo4i o n este uli e .I SO mpc ,Tad i oicdcisaioho,* . h tlAie wioteuiciry îourocfioLon Dibil;g ec ca r uh,! Bdid.î .toys a---rI fhclcheos.ce Sacoioocco ESccte t>etoANO CLOT yDRESSIE f100 os oea # rud e; fbtu hueoas~ ilnter sacot.Jbcc,u. cf Obth.oti Tcdbo DGRpOT. Clc Di 4 leub'mlescosCsie 1%bt:k= hlable te itcDctihsscs c ison f1iprcn f Ad Coi yn a boneu _ _ _ __ti lou5s, leoile Ihtnry itsd sllauiicd lb f ut 3Z lau fecpr e 4 o - ___-_ __ _ _ _ Clccohuon N Pon c*hoeto,, rocicecni-ltcii g und du ccc caloq ,. T BOW, cdUosihcoOa1lhoc.ococtowit cohocc ie g int. CHPiEy FcyD FOR SCc Hfa l m ami oencth Trafalgarlorccgh MMi &ysiroo. cc. 1t8)2.blh elenich AMoMyer. Uico auc-thau»of lMecLcON c& cccpcccte, chc il a coolo he ofsc isrs cf iat properi cc f MI l-e&bout Are ut e ccichuseiec lo> ct-a soia e10 me su putci y e h- PMls. - O t e M lale fcoIdc Joic urElt &Co, iEci &LAcDîhc TbscLItsgs Iier, Ru- .%ANFCTRI A00ln, ceaibUcfleteMinIha scOcto eweccin chc dioutwc. Ofccoes, Tri rhet Pinrce][ CperMcntsVILLE lid to be diets Iirestiisinhle.e vrtthe-ldcc, uelato"'ofocco bcoiy mm ieni xhwefrý ____________ scou1lic . S e vchind u t h e SCiuocop. C dcoea n acsi ieU ite c. Fcr he irucin o fi thdiciers ooCtcicbl, Cia-e 11h, 872. 8i' Acccin àr d eoiyafncd . ta cklcoSimlce cuie the nfieru Shisb cived dycepiA, ccd o- IiisChic0 b ba-coD iaccit icfch.locyicco frre -WOL!W OLth pae heau, eceitiicosetc. eccoque heopc> Pitin, f he 21 ut WISON & M MASRR.PRO RIE OR tno wlbda-cccl cf atalic it cchicod rle mMANeFACTITRElOS 0F TEEd on cliapI-tohctca- ouioclieol aIhciotnwrlme clnl ccctor biocThcci eciioc il wilmeilolita, Jo,. pocbooMrced Oto hanfroro ilcedc is- it12, d - 20 abl Manne JuIIomasterwhc fl orrihbc hageccc ecccu trc e ri-dit2nomer inAR MF OR SALE. usUre PeosiZn, Wlclenry&or ill.-ivi eeeLNccet o, 29" fl 20 or1.d___________ hoIeIcaer otilk.Er cei p k t ai ccw-ra. 14 61Blo5 4 4 t b m Aise.ciC milirsof iii - Mti-Ceanasfoirth csd. Callaslcucki ooOu, isscp RI CUeROO ITEO L U u i GI (Cocon. cnurnoie e cO Spots; 1 P îaents u ro r impeto sCIE, A T thReD DICI G MAhGI s w A XPR ITO e- ! cc-suiccfObcircccscoiictcou CUTUstageLE ENT.Ai iIt- thil>aci Caahc. - ..,-- - .F ci.b! c h & h... p y&c-to ..u circ - 11.1. l AC H RS N G i O09 La GRANT 7c0CO.Y g6 Empoîhin of Fashion, COMMERCIAL STREET, OUCE8501 TO 8. F. McEINNON à 00.) Ab o f m MUtL.upsic$sor ricfs GREAT BÂRGAINS. lBargains in I)rea Goodo. Black and Coloured Silka. ci Shawlii, au Maîîtles. Printai Briltiants Cottons. Flannols. as Tweeds. >0 Ordered Clothir.g. lieady Made (lutilîng. Hats and Caps. utShirts and Shirtinîg. Bargaun8 generally, and ail new and faglîjonable. Any quantity of African Dianioîîds in collars at L GRANTS& CO.'S. A largo lotlof Doll7 Varden's tu Iîand at L GRANTS & CO. 5S. Ilerenaber the place, andi call. L. GRANIT & 00.'Y. Goirgulon, Olsa- ld. 1872. Ail dauoiptlouu ci MARkEU& [OMPER W9GONý c A R R A^0E S. B3ITG GIES, &CI5 Fres, the 'Very Best Materlj And b-p FIRST-I'LASS W('BKMEN. 1hylci scfc .jmpro veetssd w R. HAWTHOI(lr Mille. ÀAril ich.1872,. sc GREAT F. W. MILLS 11-scý eu p bcasî-kbqls,ad bascpc.ds T 1 N - SHOp AND IIARDWARE STORE INi Gurnminsville wbsrs heu cUcScsccccîp bep ou bccd#c litrge icccbof Stovès, Tinware,Glass- ware, Coal 011 and Hardware, At thelow.ccaoh prbces. Chas smlg wy Fru. s-tv F.W. 311IJ. Agents, Look at this. FOR SAILE, Ai-mstrong'î Patent ýLARGE ARRIVALSFloorCleaner, AND ORMSTRONGS PATENT Sly VE PIPE SHELF. T w nship, County, r Prv ilu- cial Rights. Amc Agest &dto il NEW GOODS, JAMES EIOLLINRÂKE,, MXL.TQ.J JALL AND SEE THEM., JAMES ROLLINRAKE. Seil County Rights, To oocoliborollsdoicorola a-oflursi, b =pa- cscljltu c"iie.d, or, If f-ic A. ARMOTRZafO. ON TA Rlu Marbie Irorl4, MOOEOWN AND ORANGEYLL. E.N. OUR, Proprietor, uac4 cf spthlug lu chuecuabla Unce ogleebila oll,.hs ilu propsoud te givesco gcodcund lspsauuuctlsls mecy bic cubl es Om h iC orh, lu ths Unitsd Staicusudcil cont cinue le glys 4sfu!elleP.-Rcvlug cs icci c splendid sacssort e! .f 11 hîis a! Mut-ie far XMUscneuli, RSoueu.,Tcasbatsei Poste, TsabeTop@, Maclupuasucon d *veplhluguausd la Nubis. E. N. ORE. G@scesOaw,Mcr 1711,1869. e*.Of Hats!1 Hats ! Hats!1 MILTON HATTIR là-FUSRIE, I.js coreedibohi* Spring Stock, Ladies' Sun Shades, CLOTII CAPS Tuioi.120h Macks, lmi. * TAUaISDAY *0R cossh, etMiltonu, naîOt j- pD- MATHES Proprltr. oFFpIG&0-N VAIN ,uauouc&bîrcn. tiadateOf i lismotgaPcd,l mîcîbo a OAE F AD VERT: pa55UmsR Tob.aUaber oiilcstble s911d Mccupem*Oll4 A liborul illccuc ollociOtc Msuscalaisrtedlfor extededp Adrfircluccos cotOpec lolsu»rOc,,dtll l irid,&cud cordtaglY i & lie pscunstlu advjal«Ccomocpany, Oc ho deorOl8nsut.auî siaugcdc IILLIAM I0AID)LA ter. et.c, Milton. lMau De Lbists. 0 o c on - -. _______ flels Ont. _ fc sIca. ScRsu. b.M 3 c1trh o-is..Itsurcscuci iltlcci 01rs . hiicl s VOOIIT SM > %,TON.IPP hriacer-. cooa Sol Sci t0âhei1le. cioel Ur.hRO. 1).b . P. R- IF -c c, D'ieMi ho . lios 1.A. P.lituuuuCOd. x r Attcrur'ScL-w, Soli cciry, fitary Pulchit e., ho. 41caru. blMneicoylý-on MOla B.WNM. B., GRA cccApc. ebI. cIoIcdcc SL, C. PRFRPhAN, Mli u-cllbwg Phy.i.vdccci c Mj-s, dciîy. t(Consuicltaicn foruasncd Oatctniia- otemul MtIOc, Cict Hcleu CIfcerc 34 King Os> FieldamirSalao l er, prt-c u 5c.scy pes. JOUN NEWTI à W1O1LË-NMAh'IFAC!TUR nu-c, Hatcuoi..C dcnccig, ci-bob Drffcotug. Bulisct, Pcf hir cc n bacnd, forsseufor otab or c Oceho.r 25ch. icol>. W ILLIAM IIUIGER. Acciccoirfor ci. Cci., a15,Cc.eroIAgent fcr ch. Ocrol Wor.. titationce -W Milces-Ait coses lt th c Miicc, Fhrca" 1 tc. 107 MKONEY! MOIEY! iC.borscct-. JOHN DE 44 r~eulas ILBRIDE, Chant K pssdie. A Wesil bcd brdoud fiqccrc and cjablina. THOMAS CLARJK, BUlSSE& teanadifrcnchu crl. ecrp saum"c rcvesllcng pohîe. csai c oplies bcsciers. lcc sjcierbvip bolicioc. oa cf apublic pet Aclestico pcid tc-c cr,. JOLIN cWALLACE. P -Ecouc c hu.lec co inlco. cther" Tbs bouc cica ansd îiuars. ud ilotrpsleco Caàrv umails.