IN TEE U'BU Ilr0 Madl and Han ess Miaker! eun at tIc presai Umm INIS, AIItRgI h bis puclsew as.sPieueseth. tutiecitPises.. lticetog Globesanseul Gte-Tropeur? toue teimulu etsns ioeSgis 3.usotetvtarre .cttu tep ivsltud lie cuL. It lh.m-- .me miletetsdu h setli.utuhel-s eh.gttoeinet iu.»romsutt.Oaree sseeu.cihsuauostsu .Itulthlet y ylse bis à" ltee Wtbuth-.l ,eeuuie, scIestetuvittett teuetc -f-t ui u thu. uteaie t~o. v-e Il .asieeisi dm-tctcult.set .otuietdtetlcciru sevreqelcet G muOTNWESTERN RAN.WAY$ »UUC !01 LL E ~ 1 bm ue"OR ii u t m.............. TIcKelel h lCongvogation cOr tar" bsihlavibi eseotly purchaesd aeià u - mx actes cland atittt. are a Stw f .1ug Wils Vas ou s at re as- t proE M É A W II tly edv e au Sac Ingrnoie To WflCn HAi BEF.q ADDED IN CANADAi [cu ïul a ddiiksu tu the fcstival, BEL' theccni4 «" it t;rwliàt tB W L S hy vocal sud ictrumcctc.t tuai, fàoam menabote cf 1h. Chir, aasocte YM te terletint addres e £a the lb. vThos.'IL'AT W T T. TA ~ z! McI,1th Ircembeotcf th mission. mu VW »A~ss ususs the Bey. F. Trumayne, of Miliu, but peal9 the. mot 7ptcamcg itettrs"t THE WIIOLE SUPPLÊME74'I2ED WITR THÉU ing pmtttbe evefb apceeedincg wu »bÏ~eee*ation *of à hacbce cld SiniTl7tjift wadl M&It 1,y th.eci& rgregai.Iul YAIIIinum ils., s a l toIe of Itai, r ec tien cf ias serm , ns r The Rusitiau Atliletes, frOM St. Petersburg, and the Chie peusentsW»nvueacompssiid viith t, Jugglers, newly I#dnd, .anj iniconnection with which lelloviAg aPPrrOit. addrece., Tht. i te Wonderful Tr.tiîea Dt098, IMofikeys, Glâts boutlfor thtcb vg ady: yithey Iii um. and Ponies, 0i of which form tble largest and let orlie'oag Moy st cumpiete travelling in either Hemis- 1bMe5u~.OgmtteSt. ceorgces phere. The whoie to be Seen in flblecrnou Mm-W. thte subor etUSt George's Chuceh. ILevrite.l's0 riip-r,î, S EP IL . i .1 V it bsd tht plesore of hcmng tad by jou tain "deightfal ptof publie votub.p. in WhiearaefliA opOr bearttes oi oes «Foi only7 Ond Tickret. 'in eetdst pcisestO the TrhanabGo& "tJ1Iv55s nbeeoevrd paur cficiecy ase AND W1LL (ge Md teedifféeen tannéims ta vhiAehmbleeRvna uXHIBIT NMILTON! va rs svices by tcsccctmg -ybp ttON Wbs Wsts a momnet»ocfOr regard sddsmAsYocloocmh at lmy ye. qq.ise Céess,,u is s jtceits fthe tapt diglit o'f Sawa'y Aft .& WilbU.mLoV* âmoes "d lb, neeUlese d l tctsety, anoitl .e taostrooghoct the, [lotics*rair:au betematt7. THE ONLY COMPLETZ' MENAGERIE ON T-HIS CONTINENT. S@iged en hehalf cf tis Coogregation. FmmuB"zm4)Choroh Wros le»s mth. 1872. "I --APLT. Èb autA. Chcà Wrd«, f St. aigcc Mi ' n- i s.-I btg teste te thassb yoo wâVary mOace ogratitudc for tht sqe.emsyigvial ~A U ~ EN = Je ou blls reed tu e m te vimi le rmuiBomges, - c I cm abte .tetMe. tt ecO..rcvx tIc sevice tcf l horh. Next ttet -o c ae.uc utttdcv appm"c 4t0"candcitstcsatiactof ~j ii ueusvv My *vc commance. I prize. ighty led te.1 a.eskî.t.iu»s teslamsnydmy yfripuandstin t4.u cvi. . rjenn 111W Malles le beu -1 lrau cta s «dUd- M.. dents sosforcisheil cf yoor attachacent£ a"d l,ledttc"moret4"acrompna ilnfcmYpstsritc-s1fe1tht t art muerysi cvcsc'EnAÀh!ÂEAD ___ 5tltkt T'1% IIMPDAT CRAN CAL.4N thic y nseeoit db., ume neT FRÂFRR 0 d.IPO :ýýi me A. or d. 0LleCY M s. .tL MOORE Ics"enet hare peais. ntidte cfIMf1 ACRA CM Cclcohg e bsicg-Leh ctsrgcd. Vittiju wheexeflout lias sc1cAsn mille cf: chIli *and drovoscit AN ?cterbe BOCK @va me cfta esar <h fnitscqL IIoo bEy defroyt byA. Ti. oSatesee Tse GrundTe lRaâilesttiontetof *AOsitMuAANO &inTOtMAET it OPL The SUoCKn min .fl'. LTLII JWOOL 1 'V-OOL The mdndl,jodîa.îa oc tWlLsON& hduM.UTE. CtOgtteta, j ut.eth, t872 a C= ffm C= E-mï , ô z o F1 g o ~L1 o = irA#e odm e n a arbi nmtrcwb E sp rI* et lhslsq5Machin e=gtZr. enet sIc llt2wht .1 . ..cousethemte it inon.udey. Ils ou rotqua id hoe,eehsMy ct bne Wser maih tehet ic : c inttte m te rt du e ,, eest . ti c tc t t u c ocrcc.h teitsted., à tl ti.e VU les. S T'ht ab" er md clset m ueeie tbsmhs.i, uaud bute =ettut u tseiilte a 1-es ste- Judge tur yourestu.e E. 8. . cDONALD, HP . rOr 4 Aget, uiten . t. e ieu 1.1 Amte, lOtsJu*, 1872.1 Mture. Oteegcs, Macpherson S& Co. W Ofilhe CtANIastuuuou th*.3etb otu.. useuculi MYv that se tem impesotd uea hby Jupb Btttbec. Wt.ltvtoelietctbctvtt svs. t.bes aottsttetht efee-t ut eW othuuojiut hegIMetulutc tht tettimialc1.ctb. scusPoli. We.tlu atM*tacYt nttt the to.imincll iotu uu,i (-.tebe letst cc. tutotuet>' tord .t i uu-rlu. ALE.XAND)ER lIANN, JOHN MANN. .A.t'l 78CAMIPBELL, IecnEtepe, Acue. 5-3t SERVANT GIRL W4NTED). L- pae.Aply tô mas. ME. M tibuitecte .pit . .WLItte ist tsruitiete bave eto"elthettstof seenyyeee, essoootlheo 1:.r.tetdutcbltyaodbliahoitee.W.,and halaber tvnrdo seamytit, est astactooi t'ocloit Eu.iitises tiet eos ten hi ttsmtrqeslymcpoitiomt.teallie rerebu ewn. L.lJ(2U tiNTOF TEN PER CENI . t.r thiMd si .tlagti ttI.t e tht. mes 0AuI latruente gutî.tot tot fite ycire W. 13. TOUNG, Issuýter of M%.arriag< License- Osheie, Ju4 tett, 873. --t- le the Sur.-ogatc Court of the A REPLY TO " JUSTICc.Y ire County of Haiton. ua N THEE oODS 0F GILBIERITDAVIS, Du&& am -te. ticetdinyeor tapetni test Isis .1 the To ofuutNeleon, inth. e o-ktetui-0. . idtMytu-- areltroote Coouty ft Hal r .»An' cau . ooed. ta t., ii, r'o frsiv1r. e -mo .-b-»u oucretofetStatt ut jh Victotia. Chap. îutlotathu o ds .Lta uking a !Mt. ct orits ed (tlltrt Ilatie. Loettotc . -ut ,tic.' and futr yly. If thet U Toetehip of Nlson. in theect uit Hal-oethtu,. hote,uktmnweuot. c t c. ton, ho beid m et aboUet the tootty.fiftinw icobist ptintiplse ., tto et hy esieg sy 1111ot:titorub. 1872. ste heubY etified te 'suc utbithotuborty. Nou.e.,,v1 I ohli . te Tbsutdsu et W-lDc0-Dtt t,.h ýt nri-.BASE PA B. Sqscet P 0., tht rxuotetfetth.-tt tth. RICATION, ed that the mesibit,1tpur. lluee hierI ls-D. r o er e efret chctd M. Joseph Breste, u ln it lytac e. thnd tCtitiie euto-th. f.11: sy sîtiettrtorye.nduitthat ah. testi- moaiesit t dccitumuestbc foll1nuai plamedin hjable droo wut tI pletote, ,u.tiiiloo e uti cli,.,a tutnet fýth ,mcs.u I toille o ft yoo te boI the cî.S-utte s dthcentue.,et ibt*sourittest 0atur -it e st etea ,, e ns that 1 (itsMr) b.1-1 b! ulie,, utin detct ut tedf ay hou, ty t,itud tbst *eh tîtuer. qt, ue1j u llhqtudod frtatthEýtt:ets tis-eith m.e. mtoe:muy sme Whoult eIsttuestofetthetusvet fthe ost mttsie hieyurpesc. erhiciheuta te att-te t1otroiimaein poueed temabe.Itt. D.ttedIl Jute. 19M2. 50 lit Yocsstocry respettclly, CEISHOLE hà1.2.11E, ISdi NICHOI.AS OLOVER. 4-tseiitees teerstd Exoeetcs Nelsot, Junellse, 18r'. Glt K vil 4/ I I j lit M lit 1) o M di M Wl 'c 't Eu' et H o O E a 0 o g Cà E-1 0 E1 02 -1 p4 01 E cAB- *1 ~ ci' I~l E52~ ~ epel o 'i i N e 4 84 .0 c te' 'E ns c et cf t:'. ~ee cf2~ I s~I e! s~i eJ ~ -I o2~ 6 o Z o U2 r~i i g o Alesci ~Loi GREAT 1 B R- 0" e Blargains inl Disse GOOd&. u ft~- Cottoe& bidered ClotltdKg. -i Iteady Ma&o <éZubLag Hatit snd (%a:s . srgain Shirte and ÉÈWUB*g gmeerly, sud ail ne ýnd Msy quantity of African Dianda in coliasst L GR&=~ CS A I&rg lot of Dofly Varden5s Ltu band R.gnember thse Place, and a& Qesottuso a*. l mtf. LARGE ÂRRIVÂL0 NEW GOODS, JMS HOLLIN4ÂeWB, ~Exz'T~ CÂteli ÂND SllýE -T-5*. j'kmE O Ui. id tc S . mi M"soni ami sm le R~ad*- :1112£.Z~EÀD WEUAYEI1 UIe?»DUCD AND) auE r(t thceicspaeeeese. Tbreelses. a mi a eIl aee JUCP RSd srOL400IaStCO. Pzo.sceuC. Lets,. UcI.. i o O~SO~MÀdCPIIRSON.* ro7.. [1> . À.tgenst, Jfwttoia [7atou Cafrmo, ONT HEL YOUNG, fthR L.9N2rl F TH SALE -i