ni anad comfatig.-" By a torosogî ktaawIedgs af thet atureil oa s iiclt ,rbru a'insaof ligestiasas nutition, fui a aesal apptieatiol of tise fiac proportieastfWsccl-seiocted cacaos, 'r Etapa lots proied *eOuar tseaklfast -tabtas witlt a s&ictely Savaoraiboccrago sctois n s -ua. Sanie.Gooite. Moe sss y ti taoiiigater or msilk. Escis jaokto i ttsst.asilc-" Jantes rirs & Ca., ltaoeopathic Ctsosttlst. Lotois." Aises, aakecois'so s oo (Cocoa sud coadesased sautai. QrtTr ORCoT-cu- Tthc lditto tiesil- ciae kossu as ts OGetlSlsoshso1e Rome.ty assolMUSttil i i ttc to ta Ot e the nst srclisîsîr cisctivo aid hiott jssicriswenssuîaisg, afte a lasag atl anceesct asiste ceoiseusathe pores ofities oina sta a teehtico is to- sîsiýecaita Ostssfe lihe isitrities frona tlise iity ls-toogh thi sstia otltets. TheUeuié,dj aiPills aucasihacoafs- stcty cecsosisodosi ase tia sat, sscesle assd asisat Msenstof stieainutg thia doestite ed, sittsaut seelteissig liesasst oele î s isossso oiigtise mssst feebto. NvIltess ro fctssss ics-îss chilsit or imapure ar tise lssastbcesa foandssttihe se,c,î,iaaa altiated. tli soediieseseet2oa rnsiyand effiéttsl sssenosstf e th's e Iafossraer anssd oretitg te ltt er. 10 osay tiis I-t" Esiai af titis oehsx'etes i tatiu Medl- -it ahil sdisardeocai leaenis fcsinthre £Z 05cm. T'%o s aeoos EIssaI A'svo ses. 'tVies,'ý! tsestd Mess ceac hesadS i liscasua tsy art a greot pcotecionsOs thse drot asnd loga, ssand ai osols ta thiais Isecasl ppoeratoe. Why shesuid sa-us -Brynsa PLI]sîsole Wa'fecs T" Becacsae otea uaed fur s'stsist, cotas, ttckissg binhe tiscant, lsscseesa &o; tsoysetlit itauam. Illiistec-8anadailascycc use tisets, )li3- Basaecomosst tients, ast i Olgoca nitssthiit;apoeaesoasytlsey are lts -veps*- heut tuedicios la -existence far ca2ca sslr aae i.Saisi y al todieine dealera, ai 24 ta pec hua. 'Hetece-M,' inosa litecasala pce- tetoiO asosw. sevts-tiaItMise fitass ogiu 4ilcatisos si ùbotoerc haohsérea itjs stalag ýSheeilaso Casalrvc Cootios fsiecocy olgisi focsa seek-; thse saise eeca- thec sighso finc4 aic 6 algîs; shet sate focs a ilcit coasndassi Oice as meseih fac au ox.T're additionsoais littia fine sait Milt hc au adeastago. 'e ihave heact ecentlis of sevecai ste-rs scses of spineat l slse eeed hy Johnsn'us dysau Linisment; ose case af a uas facc-ti o ceessOlai scio blaDoet doscsa1 dtys machforc totac veacas. The. h-alsjcs'taild icst lho 'tilcse tasa-l. Appiy the Liolosessit raid, ad ascsb lj e mowith the l'osed. FrouatsgeusC-7sc in dots e slo Oft Spectacles the Oodecsigseosi b'rets tee ta fit tisaesee fotr Dy tise>tisa tOf tise Usa-c rigiteti ru.ea aof LAZAtOUS. IMORRiS & Co., teia- ceeebcated Spoctsa cssai Eye ese c1a a)Geptcd h-att osod1itio.Saof tise tigns. aad earuccss ealaistis- f.ctiss -Dcs. t).ad A. P. Ruhectuata solo AgonIs afor Mlton.s In Now York, a anous in eelo stade a wagec tist lieocotcoh u al se s atiselta dawnshis, thesat ta tia bndie. Na 050e isai lise ae- cetmpiiiseithtie font tisastse base ucetoh misa stade thte bot 551usd thae tîmiseila tty ths aisel, ansi sooa' it aU iatuay. oinehiner k ou tise cais. Hf thon ea. Of coseas ait effortshaiots tis te usahcol:, aet-ie- mono h, lisse,. heois ttteeS vuaes-sa; as t ti à's- ssec tffscec sai-iýsu about wtb his apeesansdisedes in I ne tisa is iaoupcassibly peisfsst. These pcticaijokesaceoeec- saeasg. jessl forihe saiolf a iistaet'sasec msent titis masi]saObligesi s o crr- that ambreolaia saitis hlmOseis atese.' A Frenoissan saing fieqespsntiy Iteard tise wscd pressa made usa of ta 'sstpersassdo, as"- press tisat gonîle- mess ta toaesaceshsents", Spress ia sstay solgi. t",ttssagbt he sautaishow iiss taiense ly stg s nynsayasots tersa, sai thoeseseale- sna racatOnse es-conis0 ta ccy ast jas c tmaay, Pray aqueezas ttat iaeiy Os Mark Tiais flumitales as instance eatragesossestea - a a Whsu i'aia nggail tal saas acci- dienistaty ilamssp, asaioaiy gtsae iteest muantes ,"%l'ssdackil ou tpus' day nsc the test tisse. THE Opiaso, thes Itaijas Gseecn- mtaaocga. daotisea telegeai cora Ot aitianos ýiotasos l'smjo. ttua, aaitoiatterepoct tof s-tioh lisas ,seebaita barod. -Tlhôee la aotliag. jO ays. onsre thi a csrdhai uiet-standjnag sansat sa massafac - cieicaijsmn. Thgo ppsjatmestoro M. Fournjer as trench, Misisterut tise corofeVia-ctor Eeannet lisas' giron great asitjisactjos a haeOisLibecai pnty in France. Th is Tjbertes saits at M. Fouraisr's missjon sela Osdiasipoto all miiaaderstaading teotteen rs ansce and Itssty, and mtaistoanfriendtly etue tiaorbasic tet i oinuustries. -This0 laudeittesa isepoc otM. Thi ers ia tiling ssp tiis appoistnent imai gicea asmach disao-tisfattiass at tis Quatiria natifation ut tise Tati- AuntIllntis erohaoga givesanase- souant tata seriossLice jana neighhaing iscaliiy, îassty ass Gn.t seidan uot oiueg present. Do sue iras eo. A Iliacinatti dcsg ciorclias becn giag argente toca ose(lit7 to waiec, -by mttak."1an- i hiicai bisssa. McNua-LO lTua.-A gosuins Yankee ut Liî saho tea ta lig g pie raitIsi a O ns0O Il*sith Tnn 1i s lwsghfisç a O14 )?Doits fisu isthitof il?1 Tiase aebst ewespoatins of seiine .isl a bacai tsotd thimparcalat isentî stIb oople asy peut lentgls4i tsa.. Osohiesea iTome'lEetcl ilpeiy a preaueta sf in ci stmessitiseliéestOila tats ban nws a h esetes e. ts.eede irOea ofi itosse. Sietsbsîshysoaieasoas tbat aeaieiseeuaybsisrmes soeealigeedleis in cetain issai proportienseof gpestaseoor.- -ad ceoauitsaîefeta shî asolai noeer aiforet easahiostiduas. Tuisses e bsts tassotiosi et tiaita obessictal change tAiS;a pace, focsisspa omspound soiafi eostd at bys osy possibitsty b e madsetroanay tie ..esai.or teproposrtiones ofth.n"mutain arcetcta, se sss- ether issocediestes. anaa cstsrely aterestfrocm asything essr bctr moe msabil easestommt uash- incoault,sîUi asias ascldeeasngs's tbus ac modiisa ccir betore taco-seoea. Iteaataiasiogaabai a r thor oeoittiit tiqalde. coaeseenstly thhagby -sapestias. NWbcecevescapplieatPsuct Oaa bosft et e*ecy-- -,ý e brgag etb Cere prepasatins seael ifs iim etl st in lbatscssx usa sssgi t ýtbe ---Iquaetity o ai lmih tlaey ma otai.. AssaiNORTHROP & LYMANi, New. s-ctte, Ost.,SoleiAgensofor tihe Damtinst Nacm--Eectric-Sseeohanad Eteatejend. Tte Great Female Eemedy, Job Moses' PorIodital - illa. This at'ssuabte msedy isnititieu thie sres et al thace paiststt aid danuoasadia- osaa 5 se-ijeh ttisa mais constittian s o. t- jeot.Iteeescais.geaemcai b.-sct.ena,&ssapooiycueacoay bn celtesi TO MAIiRIED LAD28 It is peolaaioey ositoai. Il mit, ie a short ti-s, hioj, ea the atasthtyperlti elth ceù slaity. Phese TOtowosd soc Oc Salco buOe f. dur,.& te.FlRAff 2l'E MONVTHS if Prea-sases, a tseare-- tte is asm Ii- ml e btet «5aiooiaetiesr tSe ore afe.,,CasestofNe. -ussandiOpaatAfiee- tiot, uslaos the sB asi nLimbs Fatigue sasnightasotesPapioubn t ise hecrt, itysta anda W mai es. tta e tbeasi5il f..t Oo a crehfee aiiaotbecmeuas ae fiii ad a riusjt ss-eo esay, aie sat ostae cas as&oalssay DeaythiisghurtSal os theconsatitutions. uat itiow isa.lthe paspbict&rosmlnch pa-se-sicehsesalseb-c siipe.r-a. JOB MOSES,.2NEtSt TIRE, haie Pssgrtsti 4steo aLaton -losa ni.Qt, renent 2aeltolla 11-r al oyrthee sufl. .Fsnoiby . 5.Stre& i. Watsns Milton. 9-ty --'URE 0F MRONCHIT1F.- ESo.-Thits iBteoe titf ],ontt tittoc yuea. aga 1 hcoaie sLet-t ,ith Ero.ahitn, scbioh itotsatot -ighiaoocesseols. t mas ssS.ati toa ,the osant oftb-thati hatlt was era-siest for thbesmisu the ollte ofadm--O coiig la the bes tsbosp fItm straclias. 1triejd tbsoo of ah-e ast etimctPh-siciaes nhe comity of Nschumbeandioer aboust aa-ssca- il,tae coeiie auy beet. InSa st 1 eontiaooei got:eg sose ailthe tims. At inst 1 t ae-at try te Geat haaosona teay, t btsgb hattia uaid akis t, assilshant w. es b beiottl;itstoeacl itls bottee, I ce satae -it sastil t bod ases tiser Laatls, wsa-iote ha saatisfaction,1t t--cai ahIsstsac estIl -s- 1elbelo.PrCatar, ta myitiss' 1a has-e bsssso ever ne. -J01t1-9 SLVEIt. Smoa nbette reme.,I etac!J, h, t1b lac of Aseil, A. G1).170. J 31. WELLISG-TON, J. P- - Bascasestet, Avril tth, taiT J. Cs.%Ea-ateeIfots,., iThite esetita-thatuaa- sle as %-as 1c- c with Lc-ý Otarsase. Tiso dscheal giar ectp. Ho saidhsetaengi seorettale-ootosl,sa-d mo-BOssn costld seat elaoc. A3alastrses-,rtleste.- ohmase .bottle eithte tsat Steli-seca Recda-. At the expira5îtionoftaiIe daas -ais ,yosptams m.eo aicddia- bete. Sho .r ttstsed ta inapraco ta eapadty thatby the tlms alia bad taksons Re. b lse wmab lle ta eit sp. Ba- tiso oetiaonu. et of t. cosoehgb wupooteetis- contoceai ta hsolsb Yas mac pouish the tas-ic tso h eio T1. C. BROWN E teessai Motboait miissthr FROC? AI TH~E <LAD TI-DI-NOS 1 ibss tht e FTSI Sa ons-ueo Ruasse urss1 PIsessotheieh nslstIdlas M,deeissesrau, Doctse Leýs - sePhso.sO tbtOoctTriho aofSbhosoes,Bfletj,f Colisthis aoating, tbeoat soaa-eiisouanasi atonsshu scrs tlsosserti.oshastO.Rse"isthtaaaabs sf Casadien Hodiosil Hlsohaybaagouaa h seoidatnom l a ti-s CbeBeb- Dr, Podopyto -ois, Qusstis .iaeaed, Dasstciion, IHysnaas.Cm nisatststom.teet ic beastsha thoeapasitios ai thec aubinod Medtoise o e au osa8go1bouoioe.!y ehaasi i.dainda i mpasmsid, Shat it le made the mas sreots. boyp batut at tthe nytton nlu o a-o'etisfac.- toeyasadresic asoe. Noamtter w(iat yoeraienat may b, or of h,logscnasil stw,11tiiadtth.aepot aid.oeshsjb aysaha-tisa caaidmasseer inwbiebyss rcseseatoec1tes Tbis meliei.eies ptssaot andsietsteota'r,, aadisosarrastoi, asd maa-Pffitivety bfiea lied npouha mabos aoraetcu reeof ail dineans of cie Tahosst.Longs. Lies, Ruid sica-, D551tiýes-Orgae, ote, au motuaiSesm. Onha, Ohe vuaos s ksinaiiteaotsHuoac, a-ad att sigouon esoseg .afroso imPoctu-of the blomi, esep-isg tise thtcaigtagsesofOesiamp- tles. Fartbrinformation, mitb futl dire,. tisns for usiaî tbo.Gsout Sboahaoes Icsusaia asai Ptts. asd ootsaitdstg teatimoaial, uaid ... tiftsasate ocs, oul'oefitaicrd ha-te- etrlssg th- Teo.utiý,.th. Hasai-bsob5 ur the AissoaaaidCi-auesica oty eospestabit tacossttin thei)oaisioo isOts Prjcg eflmiy Si trepint boilec51 Pls sver bax 20 cha. DIV ISION OOURTS rOIS TR E A.R 1872.- Jaue Mur. May. Jota'. ectt. Nos. ......-it6 fi 17 o1 ta a '0 VIcLL, 23 5 1 -3 ,S 5 i G.eRetsnOcssee0 1221St 9 12a SeTONse -....;1-29 SlOi0 8 9 t1 Slsco'gett il ta e3i-10 it Nessozr, usai u ta 6 15 4 t TMOMAS'MILLEO, 2 Jndgo . Haihan. Lime! Lime! atISUB3SORIBER RAS CONSTANT~. IY liu bondis'enhbeat ljmonsais peomises one mile aiaa iS 'wqg., t da s ase 42-3., D. a0SBERTSOŽt. ' 2 715,5 people Il go te Cabinet 'ractory, Lowville, To boy those FUOPITURE ? imptIt b.jsanc ae.the ha. nemhas, .ssw dathe supestmd.ape iVRJ. -H.iSCH-OOftEY, -hey -0 ansigetthag', e, fies s- 1te a .ttted ys S ratrath&nsstats*néc-ylas'g. cirlsetf t etf&eots<eesmôtbtac sg = i.sassentbcag hhag aseiaea her bn..aideably, dent thât aba c& eoey tiafatioin sfilis50& re.t sc s, both forn ateaad duabai!ty She ou dsalai lpeial attatio to hec oery NE-ATLY FINSHED HEARSE, And ue ctot 0evaaeiE.itiasusinte Unierttaari. n COFFINS kept mtatonshaei _t ~ tis. '- Of,tuo tsa-s etc, tthat she lit MsioilPt SîN Ts I M IIN.thie'4 sho i. s ee.twltUi glas go.d atiatasltion, To C %-,e Muhokro. at oio ,rpacti 1 wsa , 55 g lasss al e ho asad 5.y that 0110has a =LR S9TST ER. end WiU gif lo i n-abmsâ sand di&ýntecb.nd,'onreasas ý. abtesiaea ORISUIT SEM Tlietssdoas aplyi and ne a y ruspect, as loaoy Cash Store4 l1i' W UlM'~W - tJ. G. Wi11son, T4c iIst of December next,1 T- Wsl at th tbowest Remia-ruiai -rýýQ rtca&y ra.Only. ,Aniaccoosttami -t-esaisOshe Oesom-atW 1,-->di in byahot test e'., & t.A. LT-eN Miltes, Nae2s .'l JEWELLr EP.s- &C.t --ý Nest CLchgsetBri k ok GeWoxget own, Rlubisur ald Chaap Jcwcliery, 19vitc.4h(-Ïnblictfs enftl 'ite.mtie ltb RUSSELL WATCHES, -AMERICAN WATCHES, ENG1JSIILEVERS, Bstpis. Detsrcd. ("eslicea, sadi scteb, o aI kiss. d d oi d aniOliooc JrcoOcry. WATCHES anai CLOCKS st iss-tt pri-, uaid sacesntod ise t.0 vous., tIse 31é. A. - P]RÉZER, maeslrpuatfa -j., 'Ir. sseltois-th is pis,t. j ity fai atistisa'rthta ttsch sOk rissetliae-5sejeo- tlsse Oeghti s-asc H8a-aow tfiolisaehaof saceiieeey,. h pots -jelow ý'Toranto Prices. PeriSS. se.. R. -H.1WTHOR-V ,jl RRTtI .TAStS TN-IS - siusrousn shtiseo I ibs t h 0n.0e CHRISTIE âa- W eILL IM AVFEW te.Se' Show a Large & Choice Stock G.0odsliînported froin British Manufactu rers At Haa Street, Milto, snd Kin.- Streot, Campbselile. D. D. CHRIISTIE& CO. Tise suisacribec5baaitg a eboloflecci ni LRONCLA $ SOVES QPFTIIE HEST IMANUE-ACT114E, Wsutdit te a nt a ntsfalti iset t etoeyosss the C.sesay oagbtchsesof -tboseoet as- . c t.opetesthiahomerad l ei as oasse-wy"Js-i s..' A LARGE LOT OF ,ie Wi thasa-ryasipu tgeo verhc oast. W Cnii oeliYo -rant bzgais..A> A LARGE STOCK OF TI-N AMD JAPAN WAREe CONSTANTLY ON Al.ND CiEAP, .North's I>&tent Drum Ileater Caiad raesstie îy-ss,îssetcsU*' tsseaddmde ta erais AIsOr HOWLES 'aLT --T ,Io-%,E PI15AEi t as teeee .aPERl, tli ,e b t i. - te elee- h a e - ý.";- PRMEMIEhIPaTHE PLACE. cCY?FINS ti 'l- -'l e-j u IIU t.sSiA 5oaeOeoer jo Grcer an U» e-stete s es-i 'ASOCIATION. Incue'psestl isp speeioatOo ise Do- issnios aPsrliismcst. Guaanlea Capitai, s590,000t. LIIJESEB U~TIM~BR lD OFOFItE, Ai IC HALL, For he Coaai.q 5/ faltosg. os il ;Sters.esc ituh, wlîbcstrict- TERMS VERY MODERATE. ALSO, flbt sitotA aid eta ppti-made, Dg you mant monos? IaaAsi' t aid taalsatoe rtoc.isoHasilit. Peesissiai asai iles Socioty-. HeadOffice,. Strnses' Btoeh, ifaomilsas, Oat. PeeslctstAdam Hsç5e; Vias-Plrmidtsot.,W. R ise. i oieS Hiton, Martc taS172. R -y BIRONThË Fluingills I HAVIcsdte gibespcem sasfora teseusa, ~Tbte,,ôlids e8uts aro rataeadondbsmâcbjsooy puttan ucder ma- tuspeenjon, aid th.sMill.iamsens-sinfist oicssuniscstoe. SpraiaI attantioo-n Cash pald l'or Wheat. Flasr, Fendt, CeeMeui and Chrp Ceca os .t.Maà Desryimn- h. tte QRINDING CORN IN-THE RAR. -- JAS. SCOTT. TO RON TO, Ii?1.-n-stMinsita-OdCasa, Na V . P. 1as-lacai, Lea. oea lion. NiteM. Stactt-r, seattce. TheaCCnadiass13-ksof aiCa.met. ThisAesoitlait.sotCesarassteSa ceca Banioissdnwemênt, cod'tSOssa0s LiA Paliolem. aaeeainl s h uartt usa lnustl otoctostOleth, psofits g5uantoosl the Motosi it o loiay Hoiaiaee. DR. ROBEROTSON, JNO. E.ATtERRE, itti als... ; Agentf, 1. . miftsa, OalvtBoe. New Dominion Store and Tin Shop, Mia'n, St. 'Milton, Opposite the English Church. F -- P. tMCDERMOTT. Q'ac>eo tovvii, <c:=., BUII1DEI1 llI1I)IVIIE" .1111 !110N AND iE1 Painstg, ansd 0 ils, BAtlîg,I isaeslh' ilB CI]owes ad Coal, Bon tCOt teran d Bu g. Ly Stuif, linbbs andi Spobes, linsts and Pegs, Coal 011 andi Lumps, IWALL PAPRMD WINDOW SHADESI JACK SCREWS- CLOTHÈ,S WUINGEPRS. STEELS AMALGA M ELLS, FOR FACTORIES, SCHOOLS.('HURCHES, AND FARM C5ALL BELLS1 Teas and Trobaïccos of the choicest brsosis. Gonds msctcd in plain figure-. No %ecosai priese. Whie.thihis bacattomees fortiethe brnl patronage exteredtot hlm ia theopho, thse sabseriber i nvrtest lie publie to oall andi examine his coods d prce lieoe ucsao isuoo sfltlW poste&i up in the mania of tise .country, and iasaffort miii bc wa tiog osritis patittogive satisfaction. TVHOMAS YOUJNG, 3D-ly masin Street, Ceos'gto te. s m0'KE R s! liE THAT r'N2 <Uz - U 15 STAMPED OF FOIt MYRTLE NAVY. -TÂZE iNO CIIE.P IifITÀ TIOIt'i Hamtona, Pebatasa-17?. IONTARmu -GEORGETOWN* MILLS. i,-es. nsg tho oitI hisnoli, sni aitor JlRGIOiINDBNERL. tsi csaese opatiaIepetsoteeaimltso i Casoso, lieaa se itasitatoimt sating tiast bou .-.ff' D clos ai ntire stsfieon bitsinaqutattity M, B .i.A51 .LFOpIiebor, amd isaaty in gitting ts, aIl tlsst sosîl it a trial. Cash paid tar alilkittaogrisnecs OLropeulasigaicît thatatila t thie uil. VV ec,'ou, agytbsng tun uhe Iiarhle P. f. A lame etoastietsof aICaed.aa i 1e aal sh l rpTdt Plaite onban, fr sle t 4 pe to' cinoasagoodaudobcap ait artirle asay LAWRENCE ltheoboisecshsaigpralsoleieta Apoi lis-l dl2 4- Itis marhie fis eos bsbrt machs in the - United Statsasnd iltacontinuea teîia-a CARD. atketastseit avIottnssfaa apleaida th ,care.i~sta~ staffa ftenadsttonso, Temhatoaea, HAVE DMITTED D IENNET JULL Muassatate "c njl. W. E. HAGASIAN .E.N. ORR. Oakoiite, Aprl 11,1872. 41-t. Geogelswa5Mae ilti,iit9. 4ItI ils-Si Hats! Hats ! Hats'! MILTOOS HATTER & FUIRf, Spring Stock, Consasetscof Silkc Felt 4§Itraw IHats COMMERCIALSTREET,' AU aiceiptostof MARIKET& tUMP[R WAGONS) CA". [AeEA, Fcom tbs Very Dest lYaterial 1 F1RST-CLASS. Wi1R1LIEN. Wnt Al tise iatàlt ftmpse-em-tston cgst R. HAVTIIO.PNE. ititon. Apsil Ssli 1872. 4dOtO GRIEATI mUPIS F. g oný Wo.1-ke[ing adIý oS T IiNý-1-10IOPIBAL14:S 101110 Te srbm lilie-l isealsestua ff-dtec. Apps~Isecely te t4s es., i fst4 lea- leter, r, L .5,et M~OWEeR~! 511 RE .&PE Rsj THRESRE4~ AND ~42~ac AGIUCULTUtAL II1iL~I~T8 GENERALLY~ J. 1~AWIIINII< & St~S, PALER~«[Q~ E~tabiî~he& 184Z. tx IM Gu nAtast ouo.a erna ANIe)tHAR.DWARtE STOR£IO' itse soeie.taaaly koora mahaod a Stoves, Tinware,Glass- *ware, Coal Oil and Hard.ware, Chas. lEemmiugway, Forenmaît. Civ ls-.V,.MI il». Look at thts. Ofi SALE, Acnstr::gs Itcitcat Floor Olear.aeu,' el NI) A' liaL-T](a Ci S t EI a-Tus tE PIPE a-OTAN. Withd:aitht. latu oat ati spmaaaea t.i y. aa.Th. -ast dueibit masQifu e, The Liiht Buokeve Ball's Oombined Our' Patent Tap)cîiiog Bar,, TiscEast tsa imarl,,t ossane o ofsiisa iv- T7he Patent Lilt er, Ais. tieoMst Mele.t eTable Tilto os Dsag T7ao Tconrovédai 'uas Roai m$hutn Ad1As , i a-- ,atly tlia sat egoi.t vorfi. f t, fadoemOei aaofOoes sOoestsstiipo tit .tseetl' i- e Sowt 0 ItviTOMN, es. taN yRTI$Ay TH'I.-t El ',tJI flMAeY NF XT, J. MURRtAY, Teonsiip Cioto iicqsiaeg, At'tl t. 1872. 41-3t. Close of the Lists te Share in W,-,stettar t o to ng. peho., ai h.y s' e- ot- thsla e i r fud. Tho the next Division of Profits. ,impI.oaaae.rkisg,'eat-d otoCatthag Ma. e chaso lnue Canada Life ESTAI3LISHED 1847- C~ASHI INCCME OUR si1000PER DBU SECU - RITY 0F OViF5, 2OOoO For thi esee --i- 55etioteo c IIJ LIEiISTS FOR TIIE 25tTI ER sillhb oeerdon 30TII APITIL INSTANT A.te a onaeeaor s e othat date sait lib- ttainatsc labasoOs inth.oficettt othe Ceem- of she Cempcay, anal tho lace- esa Iteiy - slau SUa cvricimpeotantacds-ostate nee ser Sans -fsOAppliiatio, Iet.til.deportosuaid Table. ot Rates mac se ut o1y aI tha Compnys Offie.n r-eAgenciee A. G. RAMSAY, D, HENDEItSON. Musualse. AgenttasMiltrn. H ARtt WOOD L.kS:D FOR SALE. IrnPloughs! IRON assi WoODEJ'zoWL0SzNgiyý and i lescyP lois.asoft-lloL Palîcrtsc, auites osan Asi. OUR LA.ROE AOoý'oie"taesttiofl taàt istod. usnoimei et ftoraisethem os-ailty ilaseso and par,' teaieit.a-d-ecessaande .s -ocly, ases-o mer euýit aiesaysabls te toppia thsenusahor i OUR I IJOPSE POWERS. Sa oec~atreasthe yr eiaboi ue s, ast,' ace li.toplidtteIOdta h.o fbouaitrof essa- osluliit he -tr s t . ALr tMO Re- mitout"AERM Se ý'E IBi.gert-foa.tht Lt 12 i.ta onh c th Land Hollera of diMirent selusn, Ladies' Sun Shades.inig.a Cvs io o a s.C.,TEaqee-siee1.e-1tt ilgUseea1 aeetes Iron FtaàsC i arg r , CLOTH C APS.u,.i,1a0-0 ttisol Aloss pcpGly .A d- -- -it Lg nl nsl,1ý LOT H C A P S ~ ~~4PETE R sPoGN motta Fao taeoeeiietas- suss ddest- Cr tIh ghe.spre pi lrne.f.u.t'RE'eea . s'seA,: . Fu..Jg LM¶,LC -OS J BSsTEDO. MvuhOntIuiattuiî- Mîlesa, 52h Marchs 1872. P7-t Mo ts-u" -m 4 eeob, ut MitOse tHaisan JD.MATHlESO' euns osthat(rmthe datofsb Fziist ent,4puiineortbe fis ina egncarda of etgbtiians pr anneel- trhuatmhar otllasIi5)es-tt« ,îte sp&co ocestied,,aieasiihht ,,Jid Itietete- Atliboral istsaatio*edemt c etïirlgneOedtas eatended petrit -AIescttoam.sts eitbentgecjt lIen, sgeýrîtdtill forbid.aa(t ai cardînct? AnlO -'Otictaet OBIidOT 5)otmpacI, tdolu , oc t. atio.ltey ettae t tta. MOaal . lisea -F.-BTi- ýçiit4 Oaa , Ont etUnlioneeAin dos Martin t. l, Mltt5 - jîIgNlIt, BARR 'r D'- gthtttO5N 1 . _%tr titre AtBAt aklleto Ors - ofl*t -.oefi'4i D. ltitTeSW e- - 2 ~Si 5sijitM uf Pu. lic, ' t.Aaajits igi t Lo.lnoiitn-es. ,,nsLct4eOlOluO,1 - w~l ,)tiý,,us-LîCS -o.t R etinn , M. 15.,l'nu-D 'y-cae,asfuya. la-jtitu fasts bteorsorf, alOOtt-stt5s a;asrty. ai) 't. et909. 500 fflt.t" F tlti\OAN, !.Oilts liWmf-an a sa-.. i-S'l. -O..p-te'eesettheela-sr,- Diiltm Cse Cashar le .. alasssi stha soar" Pot l5atjnctsi thjc ,a te aSt li0at, htasi a tbers OO Osibrib li v n .0)0e. Gasobat sA [MotiO to ij ý,OtassalqWarhs aiteuittsoe1-0li 01il s .it.siestot at abst Stjl-tOmt t aO.5e5tid te Mjlbtn, hes l,tilf- T ý-NAess5st5 S TRt E' Towishi, County. tro rpV!5-nQl Th.uin aeet ju.t einthe Go l.a ANs.,-,estrsssOeUR a iLLVEIb,-l Sell County Rights, laliollow"f Culâj ROIXjý