NEW ÀDV C tTISiiMENTS.B a&ntnbl drmlere-Ng c maiT oelp EQISI-lltzzup.± r qtj! calablas I(LéiuUmietI, efted ta Hita Exrelleîîcy the. Lieutien- ~EQEIUIEEHP-Baa Ouncuci> CLoTtI[INC.-Geutlruiell u t Aiij STRAY lîa. ant-Govereor, repr.eaug- etc-, =ae à u. ,Win 1 pîeaned ta learu that Mr. John ma. theufr',rnoetfhia.bîe bra littiîî 0îasctON&îui raee the la i61t". MoLTON »ECEMBHaute lm received His o~t ~Naughtoon, vlanbaus.» long and faitâ- and lsapeat suit of clathes is te lhe the alnises the ib.coitnir, MLTNEiCMB 1.JýI' gacfions reply t n SOLItafocpreaeut2d thni Towuahîp hoat t he Mamrnoth House, George- AT inRh -a ntreliirow.'lfi o-iet taeHt.ouse, ad fatad ou LOCAL I the TELLIGENCL towu lIn addition te he immeuse h-e iio oo1eyni nia TO OUR IA EDaS. 'ild ,lutI. _____________Eqoigs t Ievhaba tSof titilangouda u ftom .. la-ai W. C. BEATY. "l1t M.Homu inua ueteit 67 tOAi> T.C. Watkin's advertilenasut. dcnet th e-eoshpblilte, 8Co ctteatîislone of lihaont a s lin N NoNIL.U _____ ~ ~~uaOS CcO ISISwithla 1en uel ctsatam Me .Encelleacys limuatera te cousider _______ ruattoTwîi nihCl ly utr1rmoea hema aho IJAI UUIUKU ~'l.tOt'NOTICE. of puhîtalera, aud iu order thatall tisethie gracions speech ut flus Eaoeltenc7 QUADRILLE PARTY.-A quadrille Owing ta iill oiltli, Mr McNaughtau able bonnes in Loudon, Engluant I CaaAleUPNait18Bray have au ,appor 1delivered attlaonuiEtoe ilS e ed intheNelson Drill Waaïcampeledteittaretire trou tie McLeed, Ainderson & Ca. Alotli0' Pure Suffblk loir Pig, 1oti1îlo meagCht Shre Bid <onFriday evelaiag. 250h jutt. E6queig Cauacîî, oai wliiclilie lalTaOOmto ouipieatly Chiooce Ne-war Fruits, Fruelte it. eretaudaeeiutLi ,rerahon etasagti itoetse <ifttubye - bren -011e yea no aaTilE Hmicclonrali ortierwu t- Wro M. Mit s ellvaida" etLo 2,rereainspetanigtbgaa fstveti te outitaeurtes mre aurepreseut- b a membre for tweaty-oeyae soteTlgaho rePest 2à.Naaa Pny . ~D. SCOTT, seamin, me ii Issue ao paper sert cd. cLcSc L-h Mla ut aut he tarient saîjeitation of Lis auswee the follonecaimdrum If FUPUE iOE,&. week.We tîauk urîreudu or tnelrTbat tlinHous as itua îleclaeed tie Sehllat ill re-apea ou Tuenday, numuerustiua i a glîcrei a ra aaî oiauu a u ESTtOÂ. Wo titakaolspurealnnng r ta a. neit iu ata nand le. caln- Sud Jaury. .L"Jfa.[ oue l i a.LVJtefie..EI.en t peaiac n upo uigti ateut inoilauprenout sate tra Seul mitti oust. mlliiery prospectaofilnacua.. muve au muendiaen tt the addreunF R X M S Canner 'totItieis aI the iiotaos. ymar, anuStrustt tUme rnay rettiaru ail questions mhicin miglit lb. brouglit COivrol-See George I3neeowisad-u- orliu eigîit scut& amavacat, saoulSila iLeuocveiât iiiost, a ed S. .Te. iti roenweit igor ta aur woek -affer brfore it.rrieet l atu od ut lTRi Esos-nTedy ergi uteOpsiint a i 2IoFn aen o 1 ,"cniii h r n reo einig propreer uitliitleoraulin tCli rpoci triamthAe wuia gau ai- OrTeue ualos..OuTesof inrilt a h Oiiaila a u. li isFii Rtiaefc l 1,3ylig-polua.the holiduys. We Chailt ofîr c-Aditecuaini reply tai)li@ Eacelleacy'a id ulor Chiitmas or New Yenies gifaé illiUamiSire mus taieS brmaro lias odireas mitliout amnadmeat slion Tua,5Sco,7USa Oaa Toat Il otiuopa.. 113' JOHN McGREGOR. latiouu with our patrons may cotinue geuos speech involvodd bis qacatiaa i %oulS gice ]li ascuil.IHonnir ou a charge af tealieg a saudte iglit1scatsarare vacaîîy 1Alo-tIfit goalhe a. pleaat lu 1872 uni iu the Ofthte appeoval or couîlomuutiao______ SALE 0F CHOICE TO' R A Y E D. ailepalicy at Miataters. ad hey tram Meas. Camupbrll, iidan-, Eaqaeu- la sraag a auieud theo udirenia rlira , s ytne N. 3 Sfiu.,alom ;'-rla teapi gnue uud heaiselves. ln thei-courue of file Scînte. Il tSE Bu.-A meeting of aheineig. ou the 2lot a Novesîber. it ap- eigt t as arc vaanult. reait riglit taea sasine teeclosure aI tlio suhuceuli. earîîv ckaîlcn one ndafûeupremoud .oftltîeîeeîiag Sycomore IBa, Hall Cu ili tl lieedi --* C d i iai taio yaychi, aIdnd wh itecolen Mberry Chrisiatu anud a Happy Newof utite fluse toward er ntWlaesH oFiday îîîciîi . Aleacei . fapimoereseliorooco nleii te bellit a oa, a ueauo1a rty. 1yenr.inThat Miatotero tiave blorentedclo ilîeaHtlo idye-lg uil, ot0tlepectîeoo Ut en i o ,.yroelard telle îCENisrElr O inracitiofaictuafour diisiionsiî snl t 8 50 SocoAi.uAltat tirdarize ta ce- ta lita inttadei destnatonsaylug Ilie T >_________ 232 AI INESN atairen lplace, anS have acier bait ilnested. waa goiîîg ta Morisou, wîe lic le ncîla bu y e rog. The ,udoeied oilselU by ITAE.PARLIAMENTARY. coateol oa ilhe Houi'. r - etoDra.tlemnde u enxi h ujc ITAE.That fic MiaiAleriiul palicy co, o AGntcoioorea.-The Annual Meet- rul waH0 ulue odidt ~I nbcfrLao îtoalj Fmuu tA pconoioeaf ilaaahuaiiie. ~~, TiTCODYmnt iunportant queston ha&cea cou-i -ni oflie Terepahip af Trafalga ue teudl-,aienaCelt lo Fro an tN.S., rulugaofrthestiutmeu-ehLo Hua OCC.Camero ramnced thie Semned aSdreversent îaug ieJrvspoiey atd nfinli t Dur-Inti )jileadr8 obseet tagu, 3Iaprng calci.. iwread whimta. oedehate anS routeailciltlîutfor tel 1Uic oIotl alre o aurJutatireck. Thie Cour oer 8 y- elcAmyne iv sa ch at a- cd.Ita maut af conifidenice ta MiaintaruHuges Ooal Puceu u otfra imflian I t iile orofarale urpalusifnds -A otiheA foodta he ecovry f te Hose e dsculs fle umenraint f ,Tiiot ftue PeroiicialTrausurerhbas. Sil Jatry. 0572, ut 10 a. nu.ut7OP9-SHTL ITY Jnml illesiASl .mdiOHSO 1 r. Blakein tailer absencet ut iglîl iii roimeotoesi'e ififtic hostile attitude ____a__ nd iait daegd flita.. Mr. Dewar toicountrly luasleeîi set apart outeaiihly UOP9s OEMLT - AaiJHSO.tie House. ceigneS lits office. liLog- fltnfi ConadMr. Laittor for tfila inaid o ailwyetrrs.OeON 22-i ByasP. . mmbes rpreentog 70,00 erms,-,That theo coniuoauee iu office lut tue ilaino li rnileo lcrenuaiatîîg Miiiter aiou î îdercatnt- nisela ta-niglat (Tliarnday). Ounte lrisner. millioni anS a a laitdollars juicioualy- LSR.log otnefuoflersuaiîl iarc-ýnce nt varianae reitt ficeveentag of Weitarsaly.7t i nul., e rpeaded meutd it rdctv fSaturday, December 23rd,- Cam t Ple ruilss t 1 ilieeiîo. y Poîpulation.le arngly SefeaIdis pirit Of ftic coutttutioiî. Oîîiug the feotival of St. Joha the .JiE!.-Ttie Brantfordt Epoiran- gond - but Cie reaOevatioa of nioclite lx-,Althe tiaher eontine rouet 1atlouue tssc Came to the premtliîirutlmaopothey t aieGverume T fint t a upptel noteS bYIn lîtanho ol Iayepnc o iersoiliiiyNý;A i 2. lai Ces..N.S.. Trafalgaabos<ut lathe enîlO liipuî ouotuthelot iioy ai Eveageliat, tîeîm etîthbca umv-iigifor iiioiicn Oi dolofJlicirr aedrte ti eauîîtîtit ithe5th sd Rh secs.O,SAGAWYA, eotu &Ve.spiutca.îcas-1bt, hiteliiotîli A rullier warm Sehale cauoed in DecenuI ýr intant, anud la Iloil>,-iustallation or Officcrs. Gîîeîoo, ate cily roitur etf fie Ov,î Minitîro. silliut - a riliiimentary iayedasctasintqltt tho- nîduonilnti t;u 1alilul .dsailt whit, and c i l încl wih .a Tl i ou hetit brdu. - roua nite. The i m aete iais rlaRob insn, olthcc, Oliver. oult muwnting ta ita Suty if OlSeule Regiuie. Me. Goedoituaii Po r chiek, o a viionsîcan pcildîe ohidiceoit. *FotUproeriy mdpingapDan. rcoche, Sinclair andl ainr ia sl olanrme(O l Baiu-liaumiltuslaSaSel yîrseuO Cirhetmitîo aahioeînuuy pos nutsuti fianthimodsosnu It3t THOS.Oalerte nter rt crcnumstanuel'lt lbolîtireeou flic strengili ofithe deteat et for the Coiity etni, rant.le diin abecopo il tetaut ioI utilalcertua- TO.ELO"~ toh part ntl eihtheleSpealieo eat) malle provisioa foOie cupeadi- iaaccaTloele. ýLO TA.LE TEACHER WANTED. Icheeked. Tic umeudîcent of 'Mo. jure.uder Ministters posescuaiifsitahle Creiit Valley liItolivay liy-lam ia the city et Des Moines, ou Fridcîy tY vole iion-i'oriihoce itanay Mtnttry 25-2t -B. H. KEAN. Wood (îS. Victoria) reathîciinegativeit confidence, ai lic nioiioî aeccesay Otie Coaîly Ceuticil. A farmner saliemeeuiug ast flm roiiu aer co-rli ioîltcioping te carry anuasile- -_____ For sbel Sottui N. 7 Tesalge. alîl miheu a dvison.te curry oa fie pîîuicservice aoutl wCYliloidg a tiiup t'ee test a vo1 e hc lîîietlleuîtfou- patiiu fîaîîgtîteilitî dngeir ta publoie AT isiie Appuy pesoî.uy, ntbhe toc cY8 - ou la , - ALL iropdaanasnilpîa. uuiu iaia uaIefiinata e lieent."e3a reILt ai caaie ntat taleGarera y Dauiuu * rce lousie, W tlic vote as mua luleuonUMr. Blake'.a-That filleîîone ngretIa file tîcut othermiue no on0 e wi e eioosly tai- Cemelvry oafit pýice. lie eures ia.l eî nese htOierr OIN ANDSEROSON,1 FICHU)HE3iPSTiOFET. anuiint wschh as caeeied loy rematuing Miuuttersabsoutit fhave jîleet. ielîlîîpîîut atp elilîlîro, liai ii- laitmatie mue mate a tast question,ad M i1tcma. S3t Truste"c. yeis, 40; aays, «t. A.eong fic ycuo. adviocd lis Excellency te conttnue "0- -li tivt ili hie tainiîy ftaistenu- Set Orongc e îcofidence ta theA tîlenu liti Officeo, -oîîd hlltk)>Y 11012 llith8 SOCIAL. sociail inioi ofthue Soa- LOST.PlieTho urntiîarenîeat fîfilca-suit et Ilcaucil tii cîîîiîîcr flic ulrerouilia- OlienlîC Mr.e Hchr me reirio-I.ali Eaa-tcoy ttloi ofv flic da Siassortiti leht flhic-e-- ii-.nt.liemenui amofioathettu nouietIti guiloivaet icOppat ET.ABL18E5144 ÀAnoterlai yJohna Fithine tîtLe-4the voe tinos receivedtsalihau foncd liett u Alea.' o WuclOia.l c tird eg 31,leuiyaa lctliedinit Chîîiu eti Caaa- tiotoaltic waîuilviole ii-eoA- Bwtu o r =acg50, dted 14h Dcc eiist., 'llie Preîîutcr moyeilasau i raiien lt. Atessei ail!liii telivi-reiI lialia-liceanuit tal îloi, (lis ustll iel-vil F-r 1h. ale-PURE clîeetg .- e.T efey e r o aldi. oliotaroeaieya-ocaevaooat]lieuvit lii us p5yait hoai5nlcrne . ý Oaei Mr. Mailcanie ilîcu rose ta deive mnil lic9 ho~~f nlaryi tlroi Rov. in (tinMltoan. l soei i~ e u itei oDueadM dcns SirferWlc 05, . eatet laluDocl l--uitntemenie -ueuîîîî tlîieas. M- ___Chir_____liinatend______and_______e tet.. payablaeIa mowhsasiordeisAoi t he ist iîupitaat speechilie ha s md u t tema ntmenaoint___________________ts, lusaiar aStaitstia llian.idIsuce ea e iii flue Local IHoa...or appropricioinîoîTORONTOitMARKETSn.e poisn utsie onda.tad. Fnid riLiait, if oun r-asseiaiblinltuiecrmaaîfourniIJBON1OpARKMTS. noessa.evlntbu htu ped Fo Ls great pucliameiia exC- tealie tna liiiîy, lie woîîltnt onee Tu Si.-i lla- i s iio calenito le NSlN-. lDI,îe . I.. li Toii tare at871. peiecand uni omedge of ouliie a.- tcnder hie rcsij0atieuu. flie odveriiavmriît etF. W. )IlIiOn l t,,oif IUile..eCo. i-1, tof a 0e1,18 O - W AT 8ITRAYED. firean auis uiu ltl in dlat,hle ta pero- Ate uur eict tioii nS I I,,1 iîups Ise urougrs oppoîea tali n he ,eîthh etio 10r Oijoîil îîîeul anooier ceaiin. Ihe lins aî o o le0l, -s. Fhaintic theiu. a tIcsaliecihr, tnel ivhthewhunuws deictet ly- adý'ekou bnd ndun dobtiloîi arMARRiÏ£0. 111 h17 reitç n te ,-eise.ucoftet ére, n.Oue eî-oir ttrîiy-Geeml lia. hait yct te afce;I Yeu .. -îe veiiuihyofiCîai(ANUTF. Il,.tihe 1 t.. Paonid oesd.mitttuniaua oahes he lisltceolS- it.26cclersttiaandnooasa ay - .s lu flliictlapc l,,irI Dp-io 6Oupa 0 i 5 N 001 iih.srhedslpots ;ou smahy &al reiu piia.viihe mihll SiiFrauko *s agondh le,- Il. i1el, outh, ec laI-ca -I uhi-ý ~ 5 IKT. Bblsad ParBcs uanil, rata. Asy p 17 tical m aesfc, H eviaatticror Saaii- -~ place tho iraei-at. Mi Sarali Anr. veaageaP t ae-Iita-r ai inormaion a miii lesi te thecroacti-yofatthecofthCle Premier a-tt l ic îuoît uathiag Tîati-iîî.evîa e x.lllr g 1alîaItc..Bu-uIa ... iia-î Da Ml aî ut i taldiclii.s abse wül 1bosusiiabip reumedbyithe eh. Teufl lesevae n r Bawes-1 f I," Aai TN Dc 0ha S113 bo. 1 milie, Lt 24 , Sc ais., S . .S., Traualpr. aircuian d ui iieâriit Cflc Patent -aldeesa îîliai ilfialcoup doeao Tu o.-.Tlie unnuhohl t tî.e îi1o. Tica1r2 Ji EH IKT uUttiuasfl sri- aur vsgir e te icPaietaîît aiuatiiiia AD.Th iebes felaDED, dI . 251 eno~ e iti aea ~Milieu lleasBaindîLave blra-ofirio- "A NIPflFhh 0v PAr 1thelaspeillet.e i Sc';c"ugel h 1 28 Diaries for 1872. T Yeu. _.a .. . 44 aotereaoagui te seitre thic valoiabla - len.A sMoueacp i.lia'- - irly 61-2 6:'CASac .G a nd t. fieot a Mo. D.ia-ooCa- p1ial,lieiot, iili C0'ti. >3lar i t cit elleta abePu Pece ~o .ç.en act. lie conclude anuable andlea- Ny.... 2 services of Me. P. J. Luolian.of etNor- Sah ya. leait.a. Ue ldEiaca iasoe ablute ____________________5îal fooia ng nvucds b ali )te froSt.oalir aie ta it r fficetly tuotructit- altnulier of Sali 5eîisîe. Dr te a1-10 l, .1872. paragrph of theoddreas amcalcs c Covaon<ii oth mounos. t-ut.lentnetghloorinoin-ec da-4heo75,hlC5A A 9SU -I .W afo àt , rlcni, AnS me tnfurtw yoar Exclieacy TFDT tien. Satiichay. Dc 3d-1ucod H A ,NIS A, TRUSLENVIatLapTO, 3î5lcon a large at me hure au coatideco tnthe Afterîthe transaction oetleoriuîu 00.- Fariirc. &c., of Di-.Stre-eh, IOALTON TEACIESS.S-t, l'ddal rm1 .1 eITEardAsoebousfAme. usn and iedMiîitrY. mmicil a atteuaPtiuîg ho curry b instte Han. J. SauSirîtlie MacsMilton. r... Podîreail tait 53 terus uuuhu. lsi oie n u ttinrefcreuee ta thec cîîtra ofthîe dosaIt rase and cteret tutn a reciere esuaINVriLLc.-MeuSl'. uHais Aeetioie. .and.., îsialllTIfllUiG 25ic3t AIle. tue S. E. haaItoflLot 9,a-et Conaes-edfod f$1 ,0,an sîuepatioa ut ins cireiutanen mtich icit led np anS Littheetiare puaselfelticp stockli d av, e. 23, t.-i i i b iuler. ___ Pion, Traieun, villa guet arjiocet. huar ranglit oitli Saur taeubtic liberty taeOthe note ou ,iMoiidoy. Iae hean- siOandt aioMro.lbert Thoona. Tiieopuenu IIe, Mlhtuo. Thes.Otaboriforeislassre I ed. -n aoncsititationarguveraunent. noupecethîîaot iliierheala u lc t neeut iii carry os the buissin fuluicv__________________ àhlots f ceisare sa- rslaithinaile uaHou. J. S. Madonaldithcu toliorecitouty course leD uopenutun alenu sut hlli ait Stand. îîiey are lintli tveabhyRE 0 V L ! tueaiafet ahe ton, dMitoin.Ahenuitcosehudi-it heSdehato y delanag pareS a -t1oiniafhli ants fif eaetchaWM.LADLWthttOo Giirlenet moult cotinueR Iia Eocectency.îandithat ulîey kmoresistho CountvanuS Surcer, Municipal Eisuioes. Eu-î,î.piaelapiooid.eue-aoui LAODLi ,mutou erely ioht office unti their std teaitesa reihh rec-tver. thiecenfi-tAi,>clause-,.iblieu ailelOatcp - ta tascliurge Olîir daties asheretatore, snacrescouru hu bren appishet. tcnce andS upieurt, of Ohuupuhoîta. Os Meudoy Othe lth matfictueraei- (ta V.> iiithe uatl tuene ir operhy coastitutrd Ur. Ble apicie lirîrtv in repuy. ________ nations tiI the townsohip andt lesn F'OR 1 SnALIE, uhold gise filera a gesala Liit te ad-he foe ouciedttoday. RBITRATIvOaa .-Pa-tica miîo uet ed ouoil mere helli. lu plaeas where Town Halle Milton, Jos. I.o'wrey 1 retire. crnor rahîcul uupeî hulr. Blcke 10 teru, o to camply wt teproviie aoftfileue tu te esesauy anulier scre r gterp FRIAso. Cabintarofa ehichi tue fius-ugla thc Act reetttutalOearegistraton of lon iuate flue polls io viliec peet on Cuînercilg . NOrrhlaritl eesitaiog uouly ivre The Sebate oasr.Ma. Udetssie'u eseoitasin t, ra e-n ver. eke; - us eala ntd ousriagea Meuundciyý. lit ot Jauaury. Oîur Ilaulcks t eeme~ CuTTERS, DUGGIS &cu.vila 0apl teuad wnt. OiO asreeedb Hn pM.obe'aoanil reoumeMrlae; armeatebtonthia, deatfrliî Mfonday,1t Dcmeh 81 se£va mtA psers uatouy attromuu.snedh Hu M.Preuin]oSecretury. M.Ma îckenzie; mut do wpritetoattendt i e e io etetmei tri o --Wgn,~Segs,&. teeh-eyisa.Csrcie, reho nupporteah fi'enmotian. Comianuitouer of Public Worliu ant mtter l'y the 31stiusel, us tthe fuaioflihelrocCctillil. 1At lea-heali, p. nu.c. ei.niidalCmia oî-nsssMr. Bake thon ecierreil tothie poni- Agriculture Mr. MeKellfir; AtleyG-ElORGaEOWN. Tbuuueuisl- ei -aselietalreioved Lie establishmnt epitheirling Alan, a.uIlentalliéad inusauiieg a.. tis ut tt GuvrarreeeluDivisiain Re Gneral.arsCboxe. Tcosihicieah but The giuraasiavrasoie. fuoJohnIr. Baber, Eq., atre ilelcit iiltaiupiacMr. Chutes oni a- saiblachk. G enerl. Mr Croos. Th otherseatsJohn . Barer, Eq.,acat tuercteho'ile.a W.eaplae, hiueho- 5~5 A unuspl«tbiei. tàdg aai ire OSficatos ti i ve ef are sut yel huren hthet, arr cunupeliet ta îrouecate %al parties lIerre loyacclamuationu.lHugli NcKay, Ti, i pnpty s omt . firme-divituensdinpi t. rltali hall beeîî __________ urtagiîug fliuma. E.0r .lc{noTun.aTedy h Dcebr atnS. itn Tein. orha ihrongerd ontth ruehp Th e s lp. Selisaiusla: Oppositions munît itneS SiWTSANFIEDfliecisuWihnie Gerge C. taiytoot. Do. Stniru, Cao-igte-clnu unrlennpeetv.uuhsusu taurs f od. wmO ie uhaeetinsrasaiS er trad uont RTERnîaELacTa-î.-Ti lectonG. C. Mciîinzie. Rbuiertt ro c, C. t9.Iý hr i speae uratheb@n s caeofthbiuv trm.o m is. d vigoou eleiionmtiuuCeieymarealueuiy, nS elaeaaya-n f&-oty«wfurninaI Faore TnSsor,~4eiutre ~~2HE MODERN JIM BLUDSO.,for Publie Scheeli Trustara Osn ait parts Sparling, Charles Tler, Johin CorCandiatshr.e,ud oisoncertificat-eshtiann- Ju tîak of buges cutotersig., JH E T the eostittntional duty o aî sa-(rUf,u tahîe Caapiane.) di.lO Joaf.haMloste Wîiît.MrtuK-aet.J a oya- eelg-letbsc, eu-rs choolgt arcepy Snitaueiiufenacert rn prnsz1--t carllece aeue;handathoieor fa- tochis i &Ai l i et i no tvic sîhîsAue ft s hr fle-tOa tueera..ment reniung mbe. ilbLal ost tir Yn ssrehy dont rendiT ol egrupli. toloimng secthie retiring traatr--q; W. W. Roe, Daniel UuhuKezie. Joiseph clii- -na. Ira- li c.enscit e fos ca-end as sacioie-.aanee i confidence et a aujurtoY Ofthae Bouse. Tiit otan hase nece heard th. E. od r aiosISei a-in ihltctelThnuu Yong.onoratsii f iant scon Just, arrived bid beenateS ulpon. oitinut regard Ho SastSieidtuci te tleîlip oftate tate ube f ebeslietAnS tic offielie Ion-eS ns meS. Ward. Ge. SouiltaNorth Wrd, W. Lawrence Rase. T. G. Mtheaoa. Johin AI] csndidstes nmuleit lh7ic>3ertiO- > AT mica the n-te mas taires mhiloldi ted- Tiry cenlieSait aaSaittbeOunglaO I WilsJum oCarlelyntati aJohn Kenned ,t, an wih liF c f ha-saoitl itinatiabliddnnalbal .5an5 edt thîr foie. Thuns he insutsceu le tu e r errams ioe.anS atd s ot au Ae'.,t.t. n. N, RLtl. IANI~ IILLII8IE~ cange aoftîurerueCIn1 O, hu f Lus pirty making Mhîhal; SALa Or JaWaLoR.-Renunber filue Io«. Tii. hast foateru mttidrem. b Po.uAbste p.t-cen-JSEILWE *IIIUU ~ ~ ~ lu ~han rusin4en uh1ar1, w mer If ennui' andstaissTaulieoapSaint, greaC sale oijrmelr.lochs. retce SLei onsi.IiPt lilas m na in bumofîS4 mers, tesst Tues Sundfielt renaît iII Ifie blI, and taury gonade ut George Bneeums FoNIELSe.NF. TRECIaLY 130 memiers. cl.> î85%. Full nsea fsiealabe RaiS, ctbtsnss.o ai S.M i-Murn f Znsr Cash Store 1 Choice New Fruits, sa-eu oun t f3l, 15 mare absent; lu ThotClie Weasuulpport fisnuppnuSersh teaida teruai off his stock a h ae as V ,DtilaTimsBue.Couty Ha! a. îSt. bes14mec anea, nitC ButlsOfor Grite he Ladt a nrsd. eut remunueuative pricen, anS Cie suie Juin Waidio. R. Milher, W.1,J. S. Ker.Milton. foi N-r.. 187t. 21h5t. F105, PZUX, uPOCEs, &.,i FOR XMAS. 19 lis Fisaonamaita-s. Tua, Ns. 7c.OsrTetuai81 a npis. GBRAT majontly nguaut tise Gourernient mai but surent lu 1864, wre Iesr. Sand. field Mcdoldulit îielt recigueitu ltiiougi tuere ere, out i uit mem- hais Il aseate n daulthe najorit>- ugeiist hlmmabut treuon a uiiin. Tics Mr. Trrauirer Woodt rose,oeil, after hailS>-lludisg ta the gruerai jr-isctpleu gutding Une action ut Ait. He aras goasins lus ml, frthbe Startyrd Cre %v Grere atout on Oie Ooeversarst Pup. Lui taHihreuy grustead hueltegiotry Iloeeit anaey lungey chap. Thcy hadrereit aud teunOed he GOnCe Snscolt Iu tue Oppuiia'i a-nde. 4d1 Iauîgieita. the mhirlisg grud. s' tase flere. atr s nun iprtuuity for par- eisatsg presesta for atse huîito>-, ee u uis ndvertisemrn. MAyOTVS COURTs.-Ou WOdscaduy, liii, Wm. Gibboansaoppeordilhatar Mis Wosiip tou issmèr a chug. af ieIoaioaaly eahrriug the store ai Mr. Januen Hohiorake, Hilton, oathie suarsilaofuthe t a tiloer. The yT iIn n ul *mnttratiuas detruteit iiiaovote ofaij prinaser uuceeetin t ant.t. pron iun lS *Partmeut, lie nId tiat hie telt bruni t eut thte dan- of redl'aiug oume, ta the stisfation outhaie Mayor. Mr. ta respect the cabra ut Cie Rosse, suit Whîra tiepeope liaS their smy, Lutueorefc.Caeiamsul recognset la Cie oharocter uand temq They riretai thCe Grita ta Pueiasarat, L _____fr _______Cseisise expreun by= nrittofeaîiakisg p.PaaSuYTItsÂ.-We are is receitt e Nelouit hmaef anblete bingany hil Wan ofConfdene moio Aubcissuacisherthy t. Torontoratird the F.W . M II.8.1S Min suhaitherooete dr6d Astthingu huokit gener'ls bhue. votaitotCic istereîtset tlie Conaola BagRas n pbstnhkeplegsdhabu poud a haIt office. Hi§ relations i mtihît fihera, ouime bu,, cumsin elien Prenhyterta Chureli.1 peuse o role«unesoleadited. liait aireys becs Wood reiguit. hu a marnu alcocoteofutPresbytearia" ~r o E~ urS1; osud lhe Wmuai el, if tic>- BluithCe Saint stot fira a hils post:uUnion. Suascriptiou 02 a peur laru- 0 ePnsativeet luoffloe. afford h tem su],MHsaSol>-mai cea-Srve thousnsit Oiohy tn adrauce IC. HaciettRbn A.D URDWAER ITOHE IN isdepenident support, s. tara. hie ara ycar so ,, -iairan ror ahIe. Wa 0ton saC a sisig te ha lent ss uîss nSparea. W After à number of melabereshailex Se SasSgie t saunaSasils dignity, mtsiitic nom puihatisa ever>- sac- Vu~ <e ~euhl~ reumet eir uhuma, Cils division ion And smore ati mlgit anS saut., eue. ce cuitais'notion mua tekes, sud That icit ras aie Comuination Mu- Wlaa-nha il nsiatî lip s bhelaCeGovernenrt mai acais defeated chebn, rm gt.MTal Whm owaeoàtl ke o bn abyya nnaai, 36. lMr. Barber Tilli dr aeaai.NTSciiac.-Tie trequese>- it JVP à" ofkCb agin Cv o lUeOpposition. LusSer m-los Techer Wsnted " strilkes thé Te p harpso iclthe dens ere But poor Abraham oa i s sethaoret, lyofewisr ur fatwc Stoves, Tiuware,Glass- ho en uveal- g et ta noneir Sot Gry SurssadIv ra, y fureppretrafuercl w-areCeeA O and isneput t e 0 rsoitSon casheS Os the -feeanSdireait of being lhet, eal heuta ister Ciat tiere wmao warè 0 1 a tafr pesa Baye W c meisapellet Witi hilsiets und it hegriefs at seceit>- et qitaliieS Ctoucers in tuis Hardware, J hehUveenet ta mta tor thelr sus lhome,: Provnceu. But ssci it appentai esunstinor s<Mlsni tue aStres.But t test the preisure grem an starog. tal o h a.î o tameigo -hi ii. prsa~ tue>- lait saleStueei5ens. ta Ie5ept. The saint ta reige mua hreet; rui-ntt se u t srig AtMwIsas.Pie Ge <lDAv. Blake ouceupt ie hepremiersechair tue Guelphi Boardt of Tatu on Mas- C am lhmgWIa7n O» p A Ma sagewurecairedi rmtle Te SunSfielS of PIlatie -SorsO. Sa>- evestia Ilut uo fewrec a di tC Chs&eu.,jmessut-Goveraer. in repl>- ta thîe ra.i ep et A. â NU ffJAMe s saamendeS, tnforéaig lie Tie Saittotieîeftaf theSpeaker ota. appicationsu meorual euuet ga.ns Uat le moalil bcipleane a Wt thoasrureasse us airtiemeut for ixteen touchers t aire iota eceaideratuon sanaest. Tie grndataswe os Oie siehf ta taid, ta replace the peesent staff tn the tares A'çin svlius h oaba. sn ItorIl b>- meuta eb Bsou gît h ple onuit ta «iosied sever musr. achoota. Guelph trastoesare enilent- Une BirihlBrasaum orthlaandalIske a ging lelalo I. Saihre,* to tue beaitu of Blck tue lptsapresned iththielathat changes Ala ta Uc»0tPUte ilstenering s nasa iutoUn ai.sdtSss ebal tit cair (miti regard ta saheal mattera et idi tue Set Susta>- lIn s.m , Utuehé t ahc!aleuaUu anlTill S5as55.ld'sa àSautt.nreult>-- lesat> are btih igîtuome anSdans- Pib. t'a asocial ClansaiZllg. hansi. sngs lavolmulhauin uau.. pot usael longeribe'd rusey ai-are. xing, isel«Qa auj pr'rHe isseilthOe fel.lmg solUoUa c E.J. - unS Cuther Seclitud. For Drpaty. Reeve. Meues. Houri- Faster. Benj. Eager.thelaetttar retient. For Couseillure. Meurs. Janues Cottar, Wa,. Hrtbottle. J. Ibuatar.fI. Peset, B. H. Keun ont Archiialt Cunup-~ i bell nuîmiîîfed for lierre. Thlomasu r it re Elliat docteS Depîîhy Heere, John Ramée 'y, George Eutrbeoul and John Keauneleeaitcounoiihoca. Jth uck uitielectet Reeve, unit Dr.- Hock unit Mr. Kennerdy caueittare. Henry Robuinson. M. Cheesu and A. Aismaon noninatet focr taepuohy Bernes. Thisî townahip nom seul t f mu Depuhy lia-ces ta tin oCuuuty Couuetl. C. THAYER Wa. Choy. Jais McNaughtan, for Uderra. Chare Symen, Williamu ReEser>- sud ThomaHume for Dep'yfRerves P. McPheresoe, J. Warren sud G. Wriggiesreartii for cauiviora. ' W0 W R t Wni. MeCraney, Maoer; Peter A. MeDouguit, iteeve, re-electaitiy su- elotnutios. Wstrt Na. l. Grorge K. UT AS instsek, ont ie offeriug ta Oie Ciioni, W. E. Haganias nitndJere L 1pubhii, tha ubsapesa ad ma.t exten- miai Haasnaon. ehctad 4by ' oiiîiuivSe aisortaicutof tiun. Word No. 2. George F. Lewis, Jtoh BBhuyJame Kely, JohnQGel- 8IGI I OS F88817888 Word Na.3, F. J. Browen, Wm. B. ,"uefans ffegd in Une aIBattu. Chîtolu, Wnu. H. Young, W-. Ong-Ee atialo in hiz ige keptua- nssuctured Irrite, lOsu ar up, Wm. M, Les sudto ha a prpionaois ata iSapeiuuica A Joseph Boas, uomiuateit, Smilms.eailn wli Sied. Me MILTON, e Ky]ade Cofflu M.William D. Tyos, re edut- el BenvaunitDr. Freomon. ra-cleeteit E*ptausahat"y -aund. Mayor. East Ward-Dr. Robinson, Jus. Brothers, S. Ceu4ter sud Jobshn N 8!AN EA S liattoe somisuteit lue eouueiitoes. North Wooit-Jasper Martin, S.F. T'lran ha. >ueiacclt. Far bics, sud Iiecala attsidsd nts isaet South Wsd-D. O. Chritiec ua rb.Bn A he Rollirsbc auS Heurs Watson eeced MAIN STÉX&T. 1IEORgETOWN. Thomsaianisavetri Sutsonts a nd a&% The lut cf December next, To aIl gouda n tph. Loest Ilemneralve Priers,l FOR AU "Csomsusd soi.. Sue tue iramusa ha. pnid in iy Unit tus. W, D. & R. A. LYON1 1Mita-u. '1ecl. 'î1t, hall ýClustmas - .p q AT THE Medical Hall MiLtox. JOUST BECEIVEO, 7%ic Bruuix olWrhucoe, Thei Jitish 1ort-ii-on The cColla ger uni tefis, l'le Clîîîiteo., Th5e Chittrewe Frieol, The Liire Houe,' The Sdsaayt Homeo, Ais, îhe potuia outmubiou Moor. Mltonu Pape, - &ct., -c. Sihli. lyrn, losel, Prnyer B3ouis, Clianul ,, e. S. Cuiioa A serph.e ssrtmît e DIARIES FOR 187. W1rietnq JIecek,, >1irro re, Jiruches. Cosîbe. Perfuuueero. Note Paver. Feolseop, Jdlank Boots, Ifi'uuurauîdunu Joehi PoeO et. .Scioot îlýog. UCut Oit. Lanîp (llauesia Bue uerî. The Canadian Almanme fer 1872 ['ea, Coffee, Tobacco, Pipes. Afln stocki of Osurus& Merci.' cueheIstd Perfected Spectar'les. j>. & A.P. ROBERtTON. Xmas 9;I1FITS* L. Burrows, MARTIN ST., MILTON, Ha aapisedidotesti Clocks, Watcl Chaii 185u, Lins, Rings, Albi4ms, Work Boxes, Ladies' Companions,- Jewelry, &c., Suitalhefoe Chi.itein unitN- e - V inelt. te Au sold 4telaei.Lnsc Aniituh idnys, st Catie0anine andl ha uustinceet.'tn nyerere esnIoutnilO u huve x=ainet AUl the stock reiiug ounha irîlhaap"Id ON SATURDAY, THE 23rd INST. Att 1s'amuI, At huas tore. aclf Me. Kerr, -Caaaîcil tue cheaper tUn pur centthuil ,rmoetâ, loc, broua, .a ui ii ntlesâ va prie". Me] Sdent purtuei tacle mua .Morcir & CL hua viited informe us I brateit pmrtt chas qiaudri uine aîîauîiî ta is palt a gires. ta I tielesaue s Mauyer i:nr lag Ciat Chu bo au uneru 4agit. Dru. Meitical lsa supply eau mea, esuils.i -kinda ai vis luge iglura. tis usastem ehanget fa-s uave me fi tiemn eedt abuse nWho i are sufleris, glaises, te i triaS. Sent Tnu LxDi A uplentdidl in& off miih - The Pet Tere ane Ia.hiuu Pi Ilstratifum Efearat; mil iiteary mat partlenlorly Preucoot bie aepatmeut .udmSrully a -lady eaald i Pubiaiet Phitaitelosil HOLIDAY hure, peaple go tfrrieir doalot. the toma, t. th" ceepestCgu ta estiesav meal skis, Ai atak sets mns saei pilfe ilS b, and colonra. patterne.1 importa-S à pro icatarlhr anS stair ai suit Gers. chilitreules in te uao AnLueftos a& 9m mumummm 7Llý Thi. tUil k saS a-> -Ele s. a The ft foiS PlS jaiaDYD asacnhing lm. BurisEton fgesuicil Ca coulI * sud Biedgia tbaElectocu c sdyMNr. taaunit pi Th6e Ianu nait - AId tia orilceSi4 jobu Thoma pensons. teP N. Enstc ng tesaemit olage ai WaS -ou Barliîigtu slosed Cthe bridges taril way ancras.e Beac;tand bai repartee lingion Hoac ot one W. J, AIlumanie ta trein tue C tuoretore as -on u sîch Mr. Atan of Tumuasl sud à 70 ha r ait certainr yeuos18lma sisse bren a parbiluaas. able tO pay, ràturon, sud bu instruite con., N. D. AÂvutelsi Mr. W. J.8 beut uf Cie Mr. Zimmi dunssed the 51