- .- Ç~~ld ~ r- l'ho Fei1 Etzhbitlos t II. Tèwflt ud la ui«v tisa vushetd tosorgtoan n . tou.At.u a a s lioswot- d"y la"t.Theévostbs vu dsllght- 1 fo. sa r ea.csd came intl AT ograins sud othe ar susreoduce vas Tn -, 00LIftAT LB anlirupt Stock mailt. but of very gond quaitth vhaat bains a rery fne saplo, saad i............ lu 1 better tabs. sY ce hse yet i O n"os...,,..................__a____ The ladite oon. oC«upiud the chiotf p..U WRI'. part ofet II al, sd ud Véry crédit- IÀXMLT014AliKEt5. AnILRseSleo beres w vu p t i.ss l gond, ud tiUbAWh@" .....*bl te as 1ua Tmshw . 1 am ns S le 0 U mtm c uaàa hir ehilitle» e cotf .'130 D R Y .* . . G O ODmus s, om aheep, &c. the demanda, u . ... ....... ............u..m1mm a a b i e 1&1 t pe ven aio meapaà r-8'.t.W ce f* RlIEI tiuiariug the différent articles' us... us l wotb o enio.Ou_____.................G RO CERIES, due te the Scretayr. Mrreay, sud h. ofioraet thé ascation for NUW ÂDVERTIBEIIERTS. . BOOTS li Be B mm a5Ifvers.*i ho prils HMil! b.oDRICK ANDi TILE FOR BALE toud ons the fourtta page. EB ____________ i.HARDWARIE, etc. A spcial meeting oftte Concil ras rit'A X I D'E R M Y. Ib sribrben ua ss.a «l atteatdos t. belai on th l4tl OaS. Mombera ' t. tth t hhocMWon had the tt-se.B. B. Kean, T. Elllott' 50 Brace of Woodduèk's sudjRmmy.ItwumvedSnd-Want.d by H.J Baket Taidrmies. Lake- aud Jltaauoy.It ss movd, tce shoaba. ar ast Oal. Ï ey must ho in oa ed ana led. Tbat lt.eI nuici- ,aadiiuafor otu0mag. Sirs, s.berasu palCoarl f htTowahp e b-r lit tU .ar'ad ballt a ow" &j3T , The undersigned hlisreceived instructions from sa re t 5of100 fabr urlainformation 17-t .8sal t. t the dioeveryusic- ,ietioothoepwwoe era& eswho 0T TOMAN COTER LOST. M essi'saW a D. &i R. A. LY ON < soat ea. ime hars etJames Grec. l . M .!.siMilon, o T.udsy ltb and Enh. Laing; sa 8 100 for thet g) lius. ttoaeaa Cvr. lak datâtaith of SMYES tfa titae Y, to-tlg disrovcry sud convicîe tionoh perorobu ;Bjau lTh Si« at1!oblige bty tjsahlOg Statut, PaerCktab9=0t1t ,To ofer by Who kiled a colt belonging tu Robcrt 7lt,ýltt@u a ______ SVRYE.atPUBLIC AUCT ION, Netaonconsel. lâe spn tbe pomssno atueiber, Naise Cassi. Lt 1 lot tcm. Nagaa.ya. &hout h - iddt.o J»aiJ.tt.ta er id uug. Tha LWed Remeumralite Frits, 0ON Cnsei met parsuat te udjeerna - our qatod -tap-vta pop-typal', s ment Xsb«1ý 81 présen milu spêt, au s ohlit say. 1 m-utMsrn5ta 11 eoust. NbOte O ANTHONY RINTON. tout meeting rond sud clnuseal. 17-3t* Bir.Ha tr moed tat;Tuesday, 26"h September, granted Rery liauter. a.te . cx-ej 8T RA Y. ptualed i rcpaiing tht road runniag OC., ita tha panairuaof h. abI,hoa. ahhasdr The entire stock of R. S. MANN & CO., purchased by Up thet oaataiu in hic rond dision a.. Brteo lorte&baut theult a L., ais Messrs. L.yon eit a great reduction on the original cost. The ahie. oo:p Tt oassrsoaand t sing es=whole stock will be soki WITHOUT RESERVE, and great Mr. Zisemermau aoreda the ocat . bargains may be expected. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock T ina. a caamitttc aot the s'acte on tîhe BRt, si k t0l Ve Pipes 1212c Per Lengtlip. m. cad day, and to continue from day te day tlll the iil -lac twnshi aut-as ho aroe. RS . whole is disposed of . Amongst other articles will be foxtnd IF 1M""rE CLoi3 3~ IN Canant in tournilla fet. eshola; A SULKY, IN 6000 O R Heba aiea a. ad !iar tockthci ?Jr. Cuacerin tht chair. Cuacil re- Enquire et hi ciacea.. 1- oaactd. Chaicmusareports the By-law, ST R AYE D Flennela, Coatinge, Tweeds, TeWellng, v.ah aeduua Mir. Sluuer.n n uvtdthat aMid Feamthe pr ofaitheat ina.tia IA S A S E O J I Y C By-law bc nw-rSad aiseond1hnd th. Oneo tiem.- Odtt.d hall. B. ra ett, timndauipasnad- - -- chia.. th ortattd Md hita a ttid. 1<iaiirttd Kettîto, Ayptt.!1 gil arAu'hinormtattioa aua-Y 1I Sc,tch Boxta. Hyson, Black, Twankay, and Gîtnpowder TEAS, Calf, Cow- Aadev MaRenait sppereid otatct imstathaîttaaa.y ailha .tablyr.arad- lHsaBoitea., bide and Kid BOOTS, Gaitersflalmorals and Childrens' the ceancil. and pa.cvtt .lus etWU.DEMPSEY. Irn esKatîSe unt arp kitttd IaY doge. tha o*rera 1taît Mikoa. Pop Os-r Irons.HOE __ _________________Snd Irons, ot shichmet uknooa. ýHEEP LOST. IanKratera. O ETHOUSÂND PAIRS: Mfr. rotuer mottaithat $4iM511 lot the v-alue f oeasheep kilîle ly dog. mah r;Im t. a.a aa aheie nendîcsquantity o te rilsusually kept A.o ptbrdsthetUe Carrrd. ,1-8 t tth-atea.taaa t an an a country store. Mir. Ates uoved that 84 622bIc taid stai mWnnmUVIIfllflfl 11115 VUol Jlobc Buckley. for plank anS ccpatrs *6lta ITAMONTN jIT lu m àiiLITZK.SC>' AL~ Mc-Cote iact fr raca a nie. I0XV~J07 iaLéAil sums under five dollars, cash ; over that amouint, aI.obje s Byina tort-aete in-t ,-hree intnths' credit on furnislîing approved security. tonli n.clectorat astbdivisiont.&- iindatbatt sau&t laerasi. Cacitd. -- Tes Ttays. JadA FRAZER XOTICE il hercby gis-an that appli-, BreadTa, Bt-las rectas-rtandaitread t st-it ' csio wlha maeat ah. natt ta- :Kuife Boxes., tint.Mrt.ctter mottai tlaeconeil Ii. ofahhelt5t.batata aftht PtýSotttfCO- Sp)ica Br. OT LSI. tato fo'* A. At ta atitd h. Att ittat- ug jpte omie.etfthe taboit oiunîthe p.-ttsas h.Credfit Valy âl& th TaBxs laid Bt-las. panta .ttnd tht pote., aaattt. sah Ta Boas e!*d By-lavr. s~~ead Colaay, Md t (mt atheait ob.5id Pu ac ,O uui i oigeote hea rnh rm th iatal the rt ring Pane.,0 Mid ssywla ri.= Ot Ottur, adifor'- Presat Waab Batela Mrt-Zimmacumnlatahair Cotnn' t h« eanauta; Chairman reports tlae By- las with amaudun. 1alcal hi. bah dey af Otober. A. G H.E Qiý p a10 ,B D S , Mr. Ctec mova it bthteasBy-laca W H.BEATTY, re-dirldiug th township ioa lertoralI îtît t,, ,ator Stahe.Appata.o Ainda-ellItieh.liat. abi.hhob.Win AND t.uivimioua ha 005 reasa sacaod snd -. LL LWOR CASH. tMd taland pasaad, MYrunîcof th-i, W laol len M ili R C ~coeil tetht canteaey notvtthauitad- log. Carrird. AN D AT THE By-law traita secondansd thted Linta. Gi et thse Best m a a m I I -cMr. Cottr moved that the rtY I i ItlopQI'M M M T H HO timdby1. E. Sos-trig, asu coller...uul -q lar hoacccpted. - o.e M. Zimuaruasumot..! aat, wvItre- es Richard Waton. hacing txpontd nderso the ou graiedby thiàaconeil ma u Tb1nber ihatera fore W .i C0 ILahtne'd A d rs n li o équivalent te the a rsognantad by th,, maont Lt N. 10 2td Cmt. Tecnship of Nassagactya te improca I N KI LBRI DE. tht lino boieeon the Tuwseliîae.110 paît] ita- Csrrlad. - meâoimty due. &., areAU i-.' rt Mr. Zimmenias mottaitht conuil ardu. Fiat utrttl5t5t5toapayaho ni. comiinetth sol t igi- aho ud attfea 43acrso bietba ^ imdjiAt 30e per gallon, or 4 ORthe lad yeasc cy bave ested the aboya ssttu. ircofof e ita suc- à.ta.stm a , a nd m a llons for ot..cey mention thatthsoawd thtilaMtfm tanttof gaaaet @vedipaa.d atto comatt go the oattut.f va At fiat-or$1. o9isth.ia sh.b aeta.hs ea.aSaaPio"Whr t__ - aléeapl t mpoteot ut ock h.tebtogh itotohi. Cuty.a .srb.d thamaca bts ah. efswnlaip ofinses.~'ar mnahs elit= bsne,. a .bll ha ahie tea"Il goudaati.=rCanamsWHLBaAJ. Ccil beun amitteofeth. shoee a W. P. MONTGOMPEY. - PRICES. W. at. tt nlietitedauotatuent ineaarydapsetanant. O<barecbaue Mci. Reinter ntebcair. Cremettra- 12-3mo - (t100ir Itat .long,3 ts) a iste rom riotattuttllar cith pile. apta piesaaftamp dry gatda. mm" eaa haen etofthe tommitte O aetW ey mu- Yq- u th, chois report. tst bylas vthru!rnitu re f th»& bnt 1rZmem mvdthtesid ît.ttstiaustt.ouîa. Tailoring Departm ent by-lw, o no red a ecod an thrd a in ammutoritoin tcoiion tona. er. aitrmr-tead il, ansud the@;h. htlcint ru eedeai Madi tcàoasFlB5T CLTS CtTTBIL ho srptases ythng wst of NwcYork. Md bav- liait. ud paucil -Esuà*lon at ctutrolsrgatltht ctrh-roama, gentleent may st roty apantgotticg parfoo t tling Mr. Ce"s er toStat the sl!-MiMid t ~ tttio "m ofOOS 25 tac paiJolie Bnnten fît Y9li irilnalç fer repair te bridge and iW t St " ""~A NEW FEATURE Aune. entiea. In thidoparamoat i. ar liportaian ime ntamausa qaatity ti BadyMtoCaha Conseil adjudieuda te mwatto. thte 1v D ram Sellais, W. tau st, tcr utom.ro t0arutton ta ab.. raca, sd s. toe t.C b gret Menday lu Novembtc atit, osu 2 ;toMaSia. t 80; iapa' suit et 85; Mn's ansd Bapt OverotSaPms Jaheaa.Voanuni O Fusa. aIBiT NTH DMNIN, Vt4àl t lik raté..Th. u oa&i s uaaplosdid malari an aiSea akenb. GateI o'alok, pm. *Faroibioe fla uurtm.st. Hat, sd Caps, Shirts, Tien, Cltara, Bt..e,, siTo 4 Ciabisi tIr = s~t cotalln suth, ceu. tan- ~.ad5C& "y 7 ttec. ignin. wd eorinsilc esia et(lime said o n almoiurerai wth Rydrccy- "bd& s.Twos bath s i ap.vsnfu saisu ttrda .atla-It icaimira- of th.esyseos i.sue ieSth j1ea wr lauli ersitile. Wiae bnp y tok- e IL -ilulisimtau bp ate ait abs burtasua"eabu rnibslt.t. h Hy Seatylte Ishoes ýece et ulb oui goatull I ell tadaptai Moe ASb lat. ui laoffouff tgthéb ui, lb 'w sputuamut u ta.- Vatbtt la lu*0 oouy .dEsme. BodyWi uiss sa.*aa5t thta t. .tth"br ata iy udtsaedj ta ad umatta a ad jJAMES FLOLLII<'RÂKE* MILON Hauozndm neavdaI7dtjhuPnc à" am" t. 1 ud 0lbo vthar4 ou7it fgt fa. Mdotlat .Tus lest. 44pi««.s trm 82 60op. The cutyh.bo amàmabtaoasutusay ut ao. utuhiar us ai rsebn RAUT 1198CLOTHING, lia. Wtur Wk àata l. 6 =a.ty. Fancy Goods, a"b m CIOnAi.. Ses, adî=ir.Ctm- 1d.n.auth. pacuies.& Hair 01lI Oies & Perfumes, Ia bttIutr buh. iand Flngerîng Woole )f e.ry ahada, hpt am baudI. m ray -ct«a COAL OIL Charof I al dtnstaa upaici t choa.!.pria. Farmor' Wîves 1 P. M. 1OtKAY a-tMsy=-.hrblat at uor utr r Anl ltheMW utos of DRESS GOODSP Mutstram Sabmet aVoas us,0H OOL BOO KS, STAPLE GOODSe" À kmrpu-d Ibtobt, o a.Oiaiu tigm. Quta fér*btaapsua"dPuiosaa oW" I-tbey matuly mona sble. sarpai ti - lia abiutiia vw-sud by*pu«the hobupsa- 540.AMMON am0 I..j. tu~. uT- O..u oa ose MIle ua .reat auaetiona n ine ,movea iboa RlibboxaVelets, But Üna, Sb= Laces, Corseta, Clouds, etc. ; .Mdxni competeutimn&Ada Àl1ot o! amnay ïmaa- c i&uuo- ose and Irish PopinFiguedLstee p also Cobou- asd Fre = cloe eyhmp stu did stock ofPlI u sc wesotoawttle also Broadelothm in le, black,, oliva, Smmd frovu. Overcoatlnas u inlots, Nap Whitue» am .Koeoow Boa,. es, aplendia value. Tailonug doueon 1h. udo&Ready' Made Clothing. AMot of Blankeba er COB r.toPY Cottonh, Doufta, Prints, Wb E w=,Sh.am frori Table Lineus and Towelinga. A 1amea ýmt'Utaýsr Collars and Fronts. Now toit hl ltel ltIs Thiere, Crowu Prince, Bower Tyrolme-sud' logpuma A lot Of mîft FetHRats at 75--- Aà extemstre 5 ua-eh--u'of vGRX«JmoOERIEzs Sugars ranging as follows, 8, 81, 9 and 10 lbs for oo dol-. lar. Currants and Raisins, Fancy Sheah Grocaries, choice Teas in green, black and Japan; 60e Tee, e good article. A lot of Green Tees et il, splendid flavor, cmnnot be ex- celled. Try for yourselves. Biscuits, CoSsee, Spicea, Vine- arPicklea, Sait and Litýisr Good Butter can band. larlèndid Syrup and Molasses ;New Lampa and lency (Plassware; Coal OiL FAMETIS AND HOUB!KUEPERS $ENUA»LY Would do weil to give us their orders, which 91mbahveou best attention. SAil kinds of produce tatken in trade. JAS. HOLLINRAKE, MAIN STREET. MILTOIN Wholesale and Retail! Oe De CHIRISTIE à CG., X51ton. ana am.pbellv5ll, H1aiWuieada luseand choie mtof STAPLE AND FANCY DRY 80008o MILLIt4ERY, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, &c., Sitbl for the f&U emd wiattetai,. ah,ban of.eedet aanadmSa ma,,th- a.,,,la- tow rot s , a n a .d e h ew*ad haiig t.he mo y taher hpoetoceafrSnBiWcta D. D. CHRISTIE & CO. GREAT ATTRAmb&CTIONS. .uttayfor inspectîorw a large .t«of ehoîc goodo. at Fa~io~bloE~a1 M4t Our stock couataSof lt.e N'ewest Styles iu lin héery, Botbi Woei FÙiueluWec!sBeslo. «Om. Iredls. la ho.ASsisa Ladies Wooleu Gombk, Breakfs" Shcla.CloIMAGbmhataus.>q-P lru"h *te W.saue.est hi*Sai«usai ià" "P"blIa ahmw,*.r l*. ta *WMes Il il id w