F _____ ~ ter Appebe, surgeosn04M, -Ther. baintely boeaa înarked cui Ht.s.d 114 b. pemi.. nIlb.184.o aP mse w"-w i ce tk djti Keatlug. ,Sergeant-Mej, [MÂsId O-l.C. of St. Oil rtly.glceelavlue of g, trIrgcd rin tbO he bu aillenil, c tra etr ala-sokon b 7 nou.~s o s he. r 'i I adfur -Milton.l lh tgh. 1i1yIug- £15 lOo n th a lfq uo f stigedibtte lmof a chfut,.tP ALm «: TeAl Ma. = .cli ([a..biu C.r..ol. LIeut. ~ lows <and delesilce rejolces in the Yasin igo the sharon. the par value of U ~~r e u~ TbusllEIsoj.s.sliE~ls! . ..oosy, Cae cgy appropriai. sanie of ISrl sm." Wbiliaila£20 l0à. each, u-erelînoW tedaALL AT THE OL>STAND AT IIILTION SEPTEMiEF .,. iO4i.~ ot1~. :17 o.~.QVOITS. -zA iloittolgas cnpiBYO ntcadiiy lnd lb-y appreeiatediu l in' ~ n.c f h.hciio o l~~f' TO oue READERS. I\.l'ipoy iogtCa.put tIA)%-%ille, betworu %Siilonand uuini- vaile, Othat£119 5à- ces flhe offciai of Jung, s yeu hiifrOO ncifat h.ite cf M i -l-1 arberl-t.ScS:oîrEoaigc Gondl- ioonvile playî-rs. rcaultiîîg ae folows. qUotefion. And tthere is every prospect face. The voirin oe.sted ta a»oveoI- % h IaIn ti pologide lui our rioîbc- 36men. 'la muooville. (là point@; Miltoun, 1221 iut.pyoa o nk la.y lnI mne ae Ibis ce-.h for flo- lînoteul Alinaontotfi ajut frMl o f t leir fartier edvance trere 1 13m-1' K -hg-A fire il wyA.v O No. 4 Comopny, Norval, Capl.c. or- thecloseMilton 5ar. arfoei -______ îeiiiîgniti cuî Ourd leoorl- vile, Lienit. Cuie. 34 men. heprudefthufoce yt luaci o anAd I ElIFWAORE muse.- Ail atour worhnîen, suce fle Ni. 5 Comopany, Acton, Colt. Allats. -Tào% o tisnneSiectclces, ecunbavePuetmnaein. Adt AIES ATD nIM es aeo dêvil, are acin cam aI Oaculk, E Itroc. 47 mii. nugrealer cqlnforît flinî aperfect imnît, chicli lias sen 3000 failiâ Apià i 1 ci oenodotto11hJrT C 41498-11ty aeeeluntccoi. unit ce ciiiN.6 opn. esn Cpa pair- soei an on ieirociroit trom W. by flic policy ftint docidoit upon a ce- OCiobestoolby thre kn t. D ry olbo boit 0 sr loag »be c ecau tîin@.Let L Soale agent lu luis place fîr 400110e of the grade. thon permittiog HORNBY UNION SCHOOL, R G O S have se0117 551maI Keros Liet. lîrchin. 30 me. Lanarua. Morris, & Cos luerfecteil lhepeiugofet flrougl carern tmchi.-foi, ate cenndoiminudah le &ifi le.>. cas.. posOirblae fr lA . SpectaclesfiiCîli. o . cogo tu New York. riiin policy liaApiCuIn cimaetl.fos teCalcai;of ccl I Groceries, mc~~~ ha ti iol.uieabefr":Licot. Pleon, Enigu IRobinson, 40 lceadhelaS fIu oi.ai soedsic. emi na y nofi iu preecun @0cnlilee1 aliuerasun 'tCir1-XA-ensf l. ....- the Dircrtor thecirod ad tpic:CrocIkerA" gat(3R C RIFE S, alfo Cer-oru. ndw fti&reCULAN.- nîetggfi the Mil.enables h iea st eca iiR. S. HALL, r c e y ta in oc u tber dulgenitce tonsreTho band lei lcldeilin fileisroture, ton Curling Club ci lielîeld t Mao- dendu lapon flic stock,. cli îlias, ____ tha luaukugthe idulen e nd a lu compocf men fiemoi the Oak- ina Hotel on Fridu>- evcing neut. ut Ilieretore becs umorc snlglîlfor by in SH O ES,) muatit il li net lia <enlei us. villUeand Noera cenpaules. under flic 8 O'cloch. A fuil ttendance l cid sor-laulonWu.r5TAiBO > iitO T'IS & 80O Au lia. olunteeracll selreturn tli iable lcadership ot llasdsîsfor La- qeuTe.a"ipirnitbui esu nu lic --. - 'rbePa. .1.,,>r .Pu.i. o Pou dtu seaalf ceet nl b coc- Ilum.traniuctcd. ACCI DENT-A ad accident occorro i Tho:P61MUtc.BH Â RD W A RE pella i l tisu af lte tes heTîctentua re ey conifrlable and - - - at the Great Western ciiway stton Of th. lais Djan .I Rnehioy eotniohe e c. 1h.W A e c chilicll nolinai ie lca swsconveiently iltei op, tbogge oethie P .MK uhn0,osbn f b IWligon Square et 9 oclock on fiegi.te -)f Bithi. Dasîhue. Il ce..cid of lmporlsnce. aftcr chice 'bal' Georgetocn Company parfi«ujrly sic. irssogoki ofa.udy made oothing inste1herodiccnnfyciaul.Jmn foc'n. agoiaciooltherNgons.,Saboub renms the lisse of t'te ful sheet Pa Wlîcîvsifiug tue camp wce Ld nCusy lei o l.in1h listi inoita conductor ou tlîaî liac let Au1 .yp-cinje peeuicn cf th.eia.cc ii Sat y the Barre]. OPOtntYo eiu h enn r ul c d th lienryhbsat atuciiai. He se so errbedaia luîucc itlccou a favor bYScounuieatinwith ubut bpavetnofy0f cu b tfote en aI drib p-i"d teoht eim . cuiWonmarchantterbedah Aputitle JOHN BUCKLEY, butLae e ouîtat res hecue-ictlaCountcaneun ndomUwithsafy. (Gice c"aengaged in couîuiiug care ut theO 41 ,om o.vi.P.0 14 tt IL M. SWITZLiI TUE ORO"S. icumeet Ina.> Of d'untlîhey would do bhln a iuii bd.. g cicu ilach.. station. dieu by soume nusolie AIITb/1TTf LC. heudesgned has reCeived instructions from creuit le eheir officers u leliis respect.~caen auagbed belceoin tieu. And heIdes The Granit Truu crop report for Tbirconduct in camp bas au fur Leen G RD.CEATr A TCliTeRitreAfiCcreeoungfoelirhec as871, uli.ciumil tmunîtaut ionsbarcestexcellcnt. ceiveit n uplcuudid t ock of staple and crunned ietweu-n tbe -- iaffers." Dc lb itintre entla lissrd an o th fncydr gnds mllier,______eg,%vM essrsauo.W TtAecD.eh &Me sR.W.DA.D-RLYONY O ileatie estl. sisuit sitonflc The Ouhille Hachor. boeai hc ..cil byi-left Toronto cilli e fîcîglut traienIt 1lilt page ce publia aportion of the bozne -&.wil te n i nmWsrtmfeoriiug f. Ibis coutl>. lu Au imprant discusionenil: place tesnd to»IlI et the loceat possilib la-puî ire cdock, andif uit mc- Juint rend-frinpcinnnugooc fcîiegoatToofrb "i fProvince ef Ontario tIh. yil îminlutha Oakctîle Conscil on Monde>.. Proi.Parcbasers cilI Sund if ta th emuiiatal> afier bi@ airival nI Wcliog- o npcin ag.tc fcoc oda oofrb bea a us.est bounteona ose, andt a relatice tO thé proposai purche. by lltem5it te give lusi a SilI. toi Square tîme thîe Aecident uccuru-ed clos e oeasatboof 0<the.report shows that muciclpaity-ofethle Oakville Har- MuCANIu' IxciTIUT.- A 1lo t o alb u for ut 1. real Wernb -'liI beabnst b.fu-acr e l.bor. A ly-lac, - introituceit 1».Mi-, lulsbc ja rnaieth Hmo of h astWesternc, nd uIM O T & B IJ ' PU L CAT O N 1 Demi"al.aIlarge have neyer blnesr- Barclay.cwui-utendaccondifilie. suit theexccellent library outhIle Milton ca cr3cpopolar cillua clilcho knccw I mwarmlcd cill a egote abudant re.- ilt b suluiitted tea v ote o fliepeo- Mechaicu' Intitute. and anuotherila-ge -.H uumrieadwsC . taoboh 4 egrd qAaIt ad leou th. 23eit October. Tbc by-lac - - duxete n h ous o bouut 35 yeaus oftage. Hi& houme enu tar, bllaasregrdsquufo>. ad l~cep>. n apo ma os, rstie " in Hamilton. ta chicb Place ftle boity qualif>. asitbolb Icy. Ani Ail chose prePOca te ris. tIi.sm et $12,500 fec relue. Th A cl b osand cas remoceit for inlermeal. LI prspcrity lu depeuient aion theis.. for lb. purcuLnsft fbelarbor. ariglitoi-loonl Who arent imenîbers of FThe uit iEstaoishm nt.l hure luecoiîuember hà bioa. greagl mfer thaukfulncs.. Ti. tre t partoftufhe ecenimgcwas tle intilutioululd join it aIonce POî T_________ I heentrestok f RaSveM &CO. prchse With a aecexceptions, lbe faîl ducat taken op cill i e rim disacusion ou ta b. in lime for the rcaiing scaton. M lentt a ionu.scrimouiiiy i suajueed u>tMsrs tocky o f retRdcion on the & O.,rigi as. Thy liu do.,remarkabl>. ccll. andtnusa tîhe lolbocing mo10tion:euoc -tle otaotnliv-ineraiug i fuicwiocsoc il osodWIH U RSRVad ra 2Ntocrue cr thelir cn anl leinere LotofteMess.îbdilioîunreutinonte rgia cs. h grenier brmatlb lIas noaalbugnS Inca Mr. Young mored. ccouiteit "r0'b>.usteih o.rtopnomiatuois ul huCbuobncg-o illcb>i cr uiicccnioeu bran a manetd al ocmecea 'lc sucs. aad taklng isteo coa.uereliom Il WIereals. tIie Ceuncil oftîe Tocn baI il Fnhioau sud otboolo..ic audA.. gtothàiug upIuierhave ontresb cioocn m.sok- css.i f h brai a icî bectinuSae t omnea 'lc the. tuait>. of Oie ler>. saitthe bigb of Oakille %re abost tu sulomît te the foi honsehoid itaature. 7he indnocouet. chiel eltizenu unleveiicuît ycu-cm. iii Oad esttnu fo dytody i h prise,ce ana>. resaubl>. expeott Ilal ctepayeru ef nit tocs ealiy-lac tic forclusesbinb.agiariooff.r.d hy thePuhiith- Celutroeru>-na tao lether filue I hîlepf ludo oigtote rtce wl e o th Mn Mt ü coef esable tîîem te treat for the luncu-clise eco sdrfni, as u doay ho doia. hy A of Itie chaiid uor ii oi ere tIs.seslag ssses ciiofe Anice Hrbola r; nia ouel fin aa ao&ie,. yosoy. S3«0 cl aiod prie not Ien bîoiui st tyl mI ocesccc iii ut ufy, aMPled roveu and pruaPerit>..ansoIt n hr@.tepicia bepu-.miuîa. rnhiishol ants8cBroadway, rZthe tehîgu- &ir-uuîuiali, uf Adg oifeenzrieto 1M I 1 thâttsgmal; addlio»a clîl b. aade te ia viccia ootemPlaiis liPiarliaseone. wu@ onulierr b-t ivoyage, 31F,' -. l'i«__ __ - ýï <y' qi «» u ý R Y C TO», S IT z tl aggit scnaanulated cesltb s ____compcblei.t w uunl nt Qui 1-c uurang litl4 et~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I Ib osi>.l u rvnele ~st Tha it msy bc pnt. anudt epo tLcErshmucc r o theim.npasibillty it gcttiuug riueîl, Berlun Woobo g, uucg er in o bs.Ic uIo Iigcg idc uî c As lnes otns wes oe Ofbear.lti&mieohria sultable cuidfionto0aiesffi ULi NETANEX.- Aefurhorup the river.flue quecstion ida îe, lns c.Aiea l))cs oiins Tediiiwlig 9-1-n aregeaea.n"] p ta lb.average. ciat faciities for slipping. etc.; gladtic are lIaIlIe cemmicttesof bLceARGEou mreheroun iuuîguui -bIe*,aing toilahecenstlnueit drouglgt. "ilsitThat the tolls andtcharies of Milton Meccbanice' Inuilufe. ]lavc de rcuuclu cof orer 4.(M l ouOc. are aoc in L a. i brerb0-ui7ci t ca trains ta get sp a concert. on Tues- cour"cose tceaructionufur lIce mune 1110locrthe average- TÎhe a>. eau.terests<itthu tocs and uurrouiiiug de>the l7th afOcetobeuroSeat. (the qoiremeui of Ilis commcerce tflic te. Hsoni, Black, Twankay. 'andîlliîpowder TEAS, Caif, Cow- libcever, rerkably ccll surci. In country ; erciiflg of Iie Onunt>- Show). wdueL Monîreai Comuimioners uaie deterni B Sh3katSunCbo cuidu (cicci ci, lotier> bacy lunneiou etc ide an(l KidI BOOMS, (Xiters, Balînorals and Children.s' the Fichas.of Qcec I he primmg IlAnd cherras..the Count>c ot Hnu- ce ,havero mOdoubt wilb puor a suncera.neit opon theue cîurgemu-uî nuitl*ui)- Wr cocuilfluonk Oucr fiiendlo anduflic uublicgergc-uv orte orIHOES, tonan oreparicuarltbeTown- Anubca it aditiotiu o theo auo. puoementof flie, clînoel. utwlb ui.teatno,;dslitaerl-a. cwheat inenauaverage ci-oi, onls. harle>. ship of Trl l )culd bc largel>.entb.a oceusrinake it morcîlutno -ycodiicgt ic c.cc.udicuituieu-ull sdtpomhave tuaed ioutlcîl, the hay beniflit ine, e event oftthetfir acu ituyi bOton. ted deepouAnd fluec ouk ciliinco ul>- 11yILlOTA 3L 1~H '4 )I A ~ I A R -eap ingond,. a"ithlb. Tot conpapro- being poaseascof othe barber, as grlîl . m a ~bc exuurusivc. iut it wiii ike thoue. 1. WLLOT BL. N H Ù S N A R Mi"eàalarge retours. ifouiuite an bc sobrit, te reooreutis ushp.- iueÀf Ilue . c as Kisg Louis îof Davana, hla.proiiit 1- i tii- o tl iîiu olflceu-cha à%e oreote ares ndbetfront beucoieg Free- e :?r nI\,ir al Icdî\<qunttyofoteraricesusall kept iuportanîimuahoslo f sgriculture in tIbis cilb msittse b. appoiulcit toi confercr o blaet nite lieuthuetewit musons1. 9tUitb' rîie SR eeaaty-am à gond crep. ad soit .Oe>. cillathe Tocwnship Councl of Treflal- uokoo ooinn ioc ethaac c.{ei11 iluitiy sorel. laner cMMU"I asam *tsprisma," cill b .c iLtae dccof aaking Ibean ta of Milton, andintmake groicn MAhuMARE.IKI M ~ tse i.mater foincenidecetuos. billie cestablishument fou- lisifa,,stck WLLCEANI)_RE D.-O o11 aVr>. profitable ene. soit i iteWAitLoCEuffcies]ti-est tii .the mi ai. WIgl ili er lanstsare afliceit citb ta"e és asnas t 11 ancb.cluc s yos nl-arriring, le cil lit,ut the csidonecof the cide. f.nhu, .iii sunîs itoder fnveollarIIIs, -(tsh ;over tht m ti nt, car. Pestlence. ani thler ire culamx- Ilonglit odrisabie. al mid tftýe teoilchat remgaina oi bis enaer goodit .11-ainoite ou Miton. t. MguCoce*thri-i iiuntli.o' credit on ftirnisliing approved sedirity. tic, ll, i tb avire lnd a e shujuit of the Maor, Mr. îrhIuy soit ofal iud itui er->-loc figu.-e dauphIsuf BienaiAnderson, Il cf tIs c.laIisfvoet ataeper- lb. mor.'m-llaiucCcuiic Mîhignn. 1 - Fricnits. soc id your lime il YOD cantDiE. untteit te reup '0jPesosethe rmuit of The amotion cas escarri flie fol-- rancgveP01.M90. ml BKR tQuoJ.i ccYeh fAc.______FRAZER-________________ osr labom a ni tetarejlce aver ie full loclng division:c Y«&-- 1Rs.le>.- br --v. . Mç--- a Aeau. cBfE cfAMt .C rk (, c sog~5y ait boaatâiggssarveachéthe ear nol-de, Gaîie, HARMAu. 'Ouug Ad soit uXILLFAn-Te Paltsek. Enormous Arrivai of bas glven fohtin laremouse ~t uBarclay.. Ma y s .bSnoc.u, chûto- HîîmAc ee-AL Â -TLenoetcoco tho l3th muf-, et~ ~ ~~~~~~~~Ti l.hsuds.15alIiIbr h motionswu dhçPoArtci b>.Ccntral Fair aI Hamilton, os the 41h, Thedecaised vcssal; th. timcofhbisdoatb L..V tvhî atMhait rcg-nitufrLbtu îeGetPIRA lUV L are abondant rmsusa for tUaubtulseas speeches fromuneis s gandSit 5mansd Othu ut Oclober, are eueking the W. M. cf Crdit XTr'iT fGAeoTgetown,. andC OF ait piais.te the Girer of ail these larclay.. audopposcitby Couaciliors sutiafaclor>. prigrcua.ledunit tnap. hi&orom Ins ere yaterdny I tece ouf-l od EW FA t.lftGOD lasse McDosgiall andit.G.LChiiseholm. , proacluiug cenîpletion. Tlue eatensire te thoir lut rcoing iinc by a lanueuorU m.E -oa*a.----- ~The ly-lac o-a tbeîu taken îup. andit pria- lust o leoinfrîL eou eiu andtgiher icdoceunnts hare cfuliuuciebothemu.und ethee 0oug TE VOLUM<EN fl AT OAKVILLE. M. hsoocecluleAmesdament n siecedet frn.tlng tlîe nttent ion .0 alMs iyaei 'qsjtcuehin ~w s i - ,Nna mte2t atnBt-reaiuulos tening toqsasl, Oe by-lac, o n dciggtignlibituoru ii al porta of hoecamoc slh.Io iorrycgeAND tOhihws egutireit.Tii. ly-luw1 tie rounu-ry.unit ctrieo are MIEES UtA.>i-(i--21OVV .ATuc niglil l eain frat îavebececes- tirectmion.ipnîTycf corn-e â- mi nigM n cam monthave ee ercettog no lit île e tTt -6ue1Iycnt ti doubt.Set2t,17. E R T -1V Z À TA iimgembe taen>. cho liait ot peuple fccl Ilat Utceinutoriài progres. - Ceot O 15 1-1 experiseaiedtheficcissitudeas oitier- soit prospcrlty of the olaeban been Cîto. cari>.anud gel you- chice cao e,2. 1 * 1; isg. as ltse niget was col sot tLe cals toolong crempcd anit retai-tei thIe tiione beauliftal dua.gouda. siacln Oa. .. ,,..ý. 38 40 poureit ducs in e masager fiitcouldi ncubelonopîed it pouthe lippis; in clondn. croog-ovcrn. breakfat abacl, p0"ý f0 6c7n*_ _ MMO HH U E b. sast>.properi>. upprecalet bye the shopa of reiiouns higla telle at etc.. unit a lresokowoe od, H1ITNMRES AM ýa HH U civiia cosfortalil.scae bletly a rour- 1-cure legenerel feeling ia le facor oet aIG. Sacitis. The direen gaulaarceoîru oI 7h 51 isg lim.The ceisstece. lowecer tlhe by-lnc. We lalI rufer-agulu la ail nec. ntancuel woos-tii-he attention Di.hi Whost Il81 26 t 27 bo l.itscmnuIci . e-oc trt:fhe cubeL t dregfret 1ha1 oui-fuîl of loycra. Ail goals markcdin iplain Treieii.... ... O1 2 1 24 bor h iofr ihhri ot-report ut theisuission in uuaioldub>- ]fige:BoOul&s * ..wZ.........d.rs.. & 2 lade..a"itver>. lt"legrenîlimmg cas crociteitoct. refi otonbag h obad tBarioy.. ............(0S 3ý c e A d r o o hesiabshutttua. ceathor. .There lu $4 50 per itonan. Remuber thut dollar (Ot - - .6 i 2ii.F M I N N Pos." ... . ....... 60 (2 oa suleet. licever. on clmarh beîh Naun.wey. Cesli. toa ndtIbal the bu-geaI stock ut liur- Egs R ......oi .... .. 14 (i51 M f admusolien speak cith nu littie -let undit e ii l tnnels idnut G. Sanlîba- Botter, . .. 20 a5 bu reteuo6thcic olucece thue.ko t- cîc&c th.ccc aone f clecitt.cocc-, f-e thé- Ocî.oillecclccl fseUlg.sà"ale soerasi mursi-ise-The coonicil met paremntel ta id- H -e-u-- ___th.t tendeittho.ir cuinnafo rthe laothOre ve-,u u.)-ld .uy (ccc choc- ar-e (ccia dnlgein nt theuaepesae oftm Milia junrement, on ufonday îLe 1511) Sept.. D ri8ENIEXTS. pr. iobabhleontilcith. ncraeupIri.e.iiulcioccfci.Whcicptduhuc lbperi.at Tislueba he hesaI li.esunl i ieand otpInce. The ceiveit Ibe Octoloor number utfSis FO SAE.cou tit l.oc~;i Oeeouneca.hcsci.eaei.prcth au.l. ohIfOIcls hc elave tes cd (lue aboeâero i . lucm. f of tutifs suc- bycuan. T ih laisel utte tcab- meniberne er nl pneocit. 'flue beeve splc.idulmagane, unitfinit il. as ua- F R AL.fcci-the atie n c .Npecefo,- îc hav e-ouena st,-chda untensive, icattmctive. o-muce aay meonticn thut e h0ae old th. inogeit 03005 t ago noueer isipoust a a nwie he ae entet Complet. l ue cf ontho sai ieagnh cf ine. Our m4t. ici. --CheapGoudasudiuo Socondait n." W. haoue sol In tise s.atter ot clotlilug. Thos. lu the chai-. ual. replet. citbItue clîcicest maling. A SULKY, IN 6000 ORDER. m te&l eth: Urmt mehall hiefbe t tIlo. -o t C da o ueaa WOd thmhe nîc, teerncinstomcer shui n ho a - icîlsudi e u basW ed itritE ecapale chéare soolusate cnnngh The minutes 0fat ametingwecre Harpers stands forth pre-ciscs.tl>o m EnouionunIbee it ion UI(.'oA.I~'aaavc1s t PRImiS- W. bave them' n.limiteiluosctenunt inuccry dprut. Oeriuqbasde te psent alaformu (Il pressent e cery miTets Ourt Oe.atui nganec mn.~~1~a.5 ~OJ4.OLL8...J O otin ftlucoddfu d eolecn ia popiofbsmooao plebsil ppeairace trou the pissal- Mr&. Jo, a ciitow. loloiig fSec ani ilbraitpnseeuuds 'urnitur !Waoccechc d etheo li.-otnandtupain&On bic-c huîhoeoucVccofol u rOc eâonc t vilisaponts adcape 1nthechîlurecodsier nlnc yuors o ge. lIe cempilation of tIi. naller wt .ae.1. càcOiadmgi Ant. unbmet .bo hencc ine ceon reluclia ii îla easey applit , perusîlly for ru-let.iund cbieb ita pagea are1fibbcIt, lhave bee 10(1 Wpieccaet pic-ic.fron10,1ktac 7- emin einSrpePaneitdFigru-ojLulcît[ ai tiSsU>. davoit of Aniîsiury oig i->. havIsashniet Ithe ceuncil of hler reccardeit b>- npopubnrily As usbeund. nlcc ei lto leTeuoIoc c.ciBintit ile.Weuhechccldcal.rgo rng D pa tx e . bslng urm>-edi n bats rangig fiusm tu-adtitote condition, it cas moveit ly cd au t idtedesieite. Il in eminenîl>. n cfcc, c,.,., lk n Clrd ik, t. l na ef F15 lourAhStUlConditonhe.uolciseo>tico aind lte ei ia fieie ieaae etedgiidMi- Esstei-loakseconiteit ly Mu. fumibymagazinc, and no iatelligentl iectemio g TcdthS ceomic o eeteae >.aoc ri>- pan et f Neiok.de tatr- - ittVnteaIicuomof $2W1b. gran-hî-lonaeLili hoildb it b.tit il.meta plst. andinla nte ifaIlHlises. pattern&sd e aWra. Eaterlirook fer Ihe relief M- --- -an- I.les andt siapes;twie îIiîJoseph'& oae u i cid itoc. Cairci. Tur lriglulest,thu entcc.andtheAIboF A I R s« s"t a Ilpatelisg.', Iilefajor eleps. molfu, obcoï iTiearmnwlrmntuisat-tO .,etopy.n og eommandisg lbed beau prosiseit b>. ls uI> centit l ocucaeisngfae tnus, aetohallaco. nt fthcondo eu»y eotîhi eot -îiln1tecuctcs l coco cou crulce e~pie inu Oul In-couprmntl u mottino neomn.qatto edyM d lti nritereo th Il 1isngomfut$13 34 be ocueounIkumt.aealihit Icîofth.a ai «Ofc - p a o s re on ecscwnyo( toI>a flehrge of Our l inercc rou te ticnrncocct lacc rcu m m r we r C e to n thm s qu ot ty fRit> Mn d o t1ke,.peoc Zid 1 Tl.,..,Weilsn, being wo durcis mitcfnheiheaiungcitstock ofbigotsuh-ccsoccuMoneeDheacrueyccîtWtetk thehnu-tocccfccciu-tfo lhte iiae cu-y Mtomà SeiitantWe ;uoyec Ouo@atea5 r Ilen's an teey h o gomt uoudcae eetm, oio tb. Depancsmtthild c plthunrtansignein h .oftebooa s suitnîocaPan ceWeathidoncsusdua tael]ae-. Meccieaet tyStot. leoedi ,O éu. e JLe* éasi n _c ..mao _éli .1p id t ai.ahuct.Wlsn biclcti value cf tbree lucep hmllit - hy doge n hc aIelco u rtPetaltcooc h-.gciorcfplcit.ciloh.caumh.Gmt Î- w. mn Tha ~ abs ~u us w5~VE CoolclagS* lseS~'55. Stovo PI lires a» sn Tu-e rre>c 4u ar T-1erlI c At 3 H ig Jc ma& mff3sh ~an-co-c q ~to~