Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Aug 1871, p. 2

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.- ~~~~~~~~~or the las.ý few LOCAL. .1 MTtE LLIGENCE. NawBooumr edving t G. S's, ngtatse o declars lit was her ,gNN. Tue «ly Balise iearsa in Eut« yeux, grumbled à "----- Whe bu ou 1isaid th. met coplats se*k of cousin, hnMcWain, who did the... MILTON omaue gh» Quelun hbu con,.. HrIO Benor, -Tb@ Mni Hgh Sochool posis &« onrfat rnnfont deed, and not Coyle, an elhie dirut The able M ,AG T1018L t g >t.maintain so ecldddat M °-Pm °" Xoe"y' IMth 't.e Wte 'rn1 #-- C, lent 01 Tote. stated. S sashe mentioned Coyla fit e«ht Ja ««S THEx Democrats of Kentucky have ment froam the oter world ; an. the cernr, Magrueo The nest meeting of e e pndIawkm ped leWsin hi threatened t kil leIf A man ln trial for mtrmer la elected theoir condidaste .for . Geernor grat English publie are epecially th. Telsn Comui will bie hield noir Mond»y exh avoir. Bug'r the chesa"s, she told on him, and haed further bum went to sleop in thé ooart-ofh by moriy f 0s00,whch dsunztiona that Hor Mijesty shourd again1 evenr °rgte an ha"i •etw.Paega promised to givelherf $500 ihewould iren.mlisofngw patch to thre New York Tribune statesle rani her.eoplegt one atte oc-, Coxvrcran.-The boy Blin, . who wau te tmember that dollar ta. rm e tr eseinedwtoabeksta8 im la a decrease of 60,000i as copn.ie bu long the matrwstied last week for stealing fromt Mi. George attach little credence to this panry. ofiiv wi h he etinsoflat. rouhtupin the House of Commlons, ILtLn r oh asal ascnitdYt Off RTrait.- Eightee Dent. per I1i. this $trang woman's story. catie Isoeprisofheseoth ;$S when Mr. Gldstone statd that Hier and sentenoed to one month's impriounment in paid for nice roll butter. Beacon in haies Still maint ins hile innocene andde tempts are being made to reviv an MUesty was anxious to aper &ai for ebah offente, every altebrate week to be Or «ides wanted at 0. S§mith's. A spblendid dlame he knew nothinDg of the murdr breeches and &hebuckles. Tri£ Washiugton corespondent of lepargi stock of old ryn. Malt whi.key and other Mrs. Campbegll aper quite uncon- yonldeatteNwE - the New Yo~~~~~~~~~r ol-o ial Public and to hold her Cor eessltery conement. liquitre On joant- Renmaber th.s "at, eerned, and her odfte ae h 2 aisa h e h autoriy-staes ha whn asforery, s oon Couhr hth ovu.-Hwe'Crn ndHne e for twenty.ave cent&, nd-thrat, tea at 80, matter very cobolly. Hevsie eode a or accpk .of a grown auho t-s&t&tht he M-wouild permit. Front thisi&tiis to be korth si in the cell Tuesday, nd sthe twotmet, ph*Ayn-iu reside, m Butwell left the internal Revenue infrd tha the age@rie gare two exhibition& i Georýgeto«wn or, minialked a hearated a fnhig The byr@"ia btretch a"d Departmuent there was a deficit in the in erdttth Queen hau bean an 1Monday, bitfora very lage audienes. The -_ nsa a a nd h ai-sddteGeinbn mn staup ccont-no etade evlid forsome yearspast. Of course Proomeio in the, mong wu& a ry Sne I R Tés l9.td lvs iga et tobemahld ashoal le fNwYr étaml, econtsnotye mad upo this s a "udicient reon for Conclusion, àight, but the luide performance did not in. .HAMILTON. -At Tte"dhe onte22dm yth e some f ete lie fiel upon nbebels fNw two million and a quarter dollar huhoeteexsac fwihi elude aarthing particularly norel or startlingl. fait. -te will of J.R. Hanilton, Eni., this mont extraordinary afs . toe eeai es sfE N Ery eo"et to lie resiretted. P.toeLr Exrmorm-The Provincial MITCHEL-On the 27th oit., the wife of wlijeh they wele édeeping and k1 TcRfrmerté et south Waterlow Agrimlara A m .' prise Ha bbia Mr. Miit bonl perla, of a wun. War Preparations 1n ermay. Ar andlai en eta P intenid te hold a grand pie-nie at Galt, imued. it contrains the usual amont H UNT'ER-O-n th. 4th fnst., th# wife of Awn a enfl n xrse sg on Friday, 25th inet., at which Mer.A TaAVELLEnR whol haslaely visited inomto oere h rvnilEhb Jamies Hunter. Trafalgar, of a son. A letter fromn Berlin in the Jaena by physicians for asfe and relba ,in Maak •~e4m the battre fielsfWohanGre.• HARRISON-In Milton rn the 5th inet. de Genere says: "-The Emper o pu e.Sca ntsnwsy.ann -D R C M O T T O KS &ensie, McKellar and Blake. talittt thtihitinwhhisobehdtisyaatmi the wife of J. E. Hariso, Esq., V. 8. Germany, Count Von Moltke, and plie In Partion's Purgative Pilla.ha ether prominent moebera of the Re- Ot ay opKfie I iion the earn- ton on the 25, 25, 27, 28, and 29 tf septum. ïa a n. Criunt Roon. and all who have Cay- JUDoE sioNE on Tuesdayrefuse for paty re xpetedto e peset, gè n toseoccsios b ben uchbar UEMENTAtyr on the 31st uit,., the thing to decide in military affaire, nse grant a Carit 6f kbeas rpesin fote Prfore ofec tha ou n underrthed in Engl and an perhprswf o âeR B. Mment, ofa son. the samne phraise. •Let us bie ready P' case of Tranchemmnta e, who is e sm Tite ilomr o iat ori con- indrteion mepreentead in er- h sl f Z R3 MOR 1 o. oigo am in a poCsition to be able to inforna in gaol on the charge'ofmordering&athl fttency wil doubtless ture out in i Teninlymeersne nGr celebrated perfeme spectaclebé and eye igia... D AVInsON-At the residence of hron, you thaït formidable paaion r ker's labo. Secretasy, Mr. Gned gret frc ontheocasin. many. The field of Gravellotte c- eilaganinaig.W sai. A. Davidélon, CampbelleiP Sarah, belag made. I have. .s be asented Mcaulay. srn cupies fromn fve to six English toiles fied they wouild bu appreciated. They arm r I Iv.eÊg s vdob anwoogtt nwta l Victor Hugni's fortune la estisae GovRNO Moman ha aginin length. The tombe, or rather wonderfully perfect and eay to wear, no G a-i ftermi rmy wiH et over 2,000,000fa#nes, and yet son hi for lma trenchei , ar8ctee vr l hse-gimmering or waving duainens, or tropties- ---- --ne -n -- -nieil .hr the Franco Prusian war ho hal S. F .~i M cK IN N O N &e C O .'ut --'t nthe Sit"n't, lent; perhaps-ofty in one grave -ay PE*S y°*-'-" -"'"° "" I"" L. freid -m"'il'1"btoice -nin ther lnabo-a 'eo of the murderer Jo& Mesner who ie a fair estimate, In one, however, Tu&casas.--The f.ooing i a liat of th. C"NFESION OF MRS 1A0RLL fomd ntihtnin h a dertanged on the suMmiet f le -411ock of StIl and Fanevc Dry Goods is now complete for the Sommer tirade. Being DI to be hange next rday.ll Enetl y immdtel faing t rv therenchOM teahr tho at scceeded in obtcinin crtist-he fllowraing whor ichre lpfome jeTeus dýe am hich ehy e der oter word, he-1 aonyPai . ECT IM RTE R8, and posesing facilities unequalled by any Hou»e in the County CI ,ghnigfrmre snt"pae ih iga t rvt hr r ae a., eter exMiai, oeond ca.. t n the teemr ft h ecec e rt* ho o undegr- o Th eSpnshauhritis .aa te ment Ralton, le are enabled to offer iur customters a botter and newt elas of ont" in New York.aWlln e.te interred 2,00 corpses, and of thesle graB, Peter McLeun, Robertp.hans grap fil ron eo se am be the tood andl themimeao wiatnbe aci O nefo rat. ofrt s ad , as was one onetim arriy 25 are Fp. MLacanlE u, Josephto. kà Emmtt, téhe confesin ofe Mr. Capblfh them crsm wel. Thao re in raeps illthe bate f ril. rthne supposed by criminals oft the Messner Duy2 r rench ,Multipy 2,500 WU. Maxwell, Mary Ann Mille. Duncan 1wife Of thre victim. As will fie seen, adopted, but the system is not decided edpDie ocnt rr tedhv ei prxmteycrec conto h Mr hrtUJh A rc as well s that of Bavarig, both being the aid-de-camp of the Due de ft-argh D R Y theD GemnEprr ep nGrmaI d read t Gaveot aOnte Mar -hrel JonA r. orpon lier accomplice and paramour. considered awkward to handle. But lieer, and the Dalke .himWeflsa maI dukemn meo k so Thren tatist freott jle MIrt SCRooL.- A meetinr of the Public Coyle, but whether her confession the news musket is the great subject of = anmmoned se à litnest. eyk Atoe pifrant ay e u lm sea t pangu ort býtr's n db O"u imot paseng ruat hend 11 ncesl at the iTy, or riaie rem frt Pr"author- ScolBar ia eld at the Town Hall, on:will have thre efect of mitigating hier interet. At once the needle-gun ws JmsCtce ofWalhlgo an a- Stm>st ae ulity.Bgis i a. i et nsuas rere nvrfoe headOIM&âýdl ofstn rate hhi , il anot er war gienModa.eenng Te emerhpesntwee wnpuis mitfofterarmaehatrjete, ort o eaon-Get b. riis sbjctarddheew&'enw t-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o th tCPciv agin il e ven hasry. nyrtiueowfin"Pari by amanofwhich to work of the PrussIn soldiers in charge of the iMr. R. Willmott, chairman, and Mesm. takenin the bloodydeed rea:ains tocause it was ton heavy. and next, be-ý claim agint the United States~nerea i1 surplus. T wo or three new promot- grave&. Possibly, a quarter of a mil. Exiger, Smith. Rixnn. Freeman and Robert- ccse ausleaits anewstoo sh.e@ort t e Wmiiashatonreaty. Hokeauev e NOn TIC an"""' ed°ev°° y " y""d 't lo ives on all aides froma sword, lion.- Nin- applications- for the Position of (Another femate prisoner has been yards, witAe the Chassepot reaches his factory at thebeginftg of the rlae·1 -i*Z TI F- II P RI E . there are thouisands of others who ar disease and various causes were sacri- ho bd teacher were received, and that of Mr. |placed in thre ellI with Mr.Campbelll l,500 or 2.000. But thaet is not the and hie claimts a large Soie as companhr thoghttsujecs frimeril ptens ßed n te lte arPeter McLlean, Stewarttown, woo accepted- |fer thre purpsse of, preventing her. distance desired to bie attained. Ex- nation for the toms of his busines.seen nofa Printe Oc per yard;: piles f Prínts at 10c, worth 12je ; riler of Cottons ac, 8ç and for nobility, but are as yt -----og ati ape maar o 255 t persnu. Th Icoo doin an ijur thersefanprenhaprvdtaa o lde wTen Stin rme a:..' no poaqunn 10c, wboth more moniey ; Dundau Cbtn Yaro S1 25; Holly Wihite Cotions, 10c per yard. nm . eurcg RBBL nn iyi hewrdieiloeno odd tit.O 1.00 yards ye Oeno au timayt in a it aonawe i he hile m kin& ae pha there en much corruption exercised in Rm - ebeggtoM.E- thre matron birs. Doyle that elhe wishi-hecne.Mrovtefath ohrdystorgh nr Thefrind ofNaplen hvenottheadinitrtion of ita afairs as in arArrn Trafalgar, while standing ed to see thre Counity Attorney, Mr. been remarked thaet, no longer being thre constable that th.ç ptluer, * yet given up hopbe of his restoration, the City of New York. Millions Of an ftron oefrith te n tueday dut ocecinsonct This à eteanwa atted ablres tof a mhe iatacke wiha a an to beentn q leader -h or anù puanofg mua th tc emburd, as t a ly 25 nrtia irew w. if wo MY credit the report of an dollars of thre publie fund& have dis- gftene andr yrai; a unnct i toia a eh Chasspot and erder have Tie apel bngbker the tre inteviewa coresondet reenty apeare, ad threisno ne t ac-downtret. Teytunedntote Matinprisner mth usul maner sheprovdthaithy ar mor acurat natraly lokedaouniforisprsch had with M. Conti, late private sec- count for the long. The money has House shed, and in endeavoring topas on voluniteered the following statement : than the needle-gun, and great atten- er, whowano heetbefndme inar or n an l s -'f Napoleon. He believes Na- doubtless found its way into the both aides of . po.t et once, they lefi th' loig stat t o lvfl reative feriority of thre Prthapn en- AI mie. r psne haed mde- pIeo isli er atil popular wihteFec ocesofhs hocmoetewgn behlind thema, with the longue and to thre death of myv hàusband(. George 'Io notable thrat the Generals remarkedfothsaen.hihhadrc dte Pouse eve effort peltr have the quein andei tO thmd o cheRadas lso ett e 1ocok;wawr atc.s tutseth to the Frnh tie tas it wasc tole frans of restoration of the empire submitted forant account; of the immense @unie asleep, the bmby and 1 in, the bmek of' commencing writh cannon. The 200yuglde fBri n b nbet to a plebiscite. expended on City furniture, plastering, BILoc's MAAZINe.-The seteber part of the bed ; 1 was wakenied by Generals will oftener makre strategical hbouldt have thre honour of preseni gwr b &c., there is no response, the Dene number of this spirited magazineý inbissed my husband calling out ; 1 heard somne excursions, which Count Moltke con - th golde laurel wreath and dehlr e a Is ow huseoldwod iePR R ntis til uderthemaageen Tac E'Paris paplera Statle thrait thre crata knowing full well thtt and till retainis it interest and originality. onmie ani Ir t t e t A hc e s inror William là 1 hi ethe te utPO)ýRB BUgbNE, the cmieofegnesapitdtacinwllotbear Investigation. Fo ra ait ecl toeo h etstruck ; my hutsband managed to get thricngwd b iparoe i the laitafry li capita. moe anpltatnuer foid n report UPOn the Onstéruction Of a This is a ploeait &tate of affaire for .B hgme ofits kind in hhelcountry Ia- . d trggled ounid a lttle while sericel admte& co as ou e or tioneve, adhe applatrifrth = thrie Champion Custom Clothing Cutter of Am ria. nlrn Fthe ehMÇ btel thos whose incomes are devoured by d,,est a e t«l em of the mnit ed wtca ed no ame for the kiiie,ckandi 1 Mlke desire ta 'if one day Frnewt the t* Vioe file y en Dotød · h Am ria.Enlad n Fane av acptm taxes. TeNwYr Banrdable kind, and 1a ,mber of illustatedM articles. gt il ; thre man called out, 'l Donl't should attempt to take hier revenge, because of her goatbeauty, buta _ oayt Ladie and gentlemen, call early and avoid the gaast ruoh in the alt-non. the plan ot M. Thome de Gamond, and suggests that the people should refuse 81 59 Per year. Thome, & Taibot, c3 cýon. ftch it here, or lIl muirder you to,,, shie abould strike her head against a bei cavu h disungi l hesB Oe n thaet the works will aoon bie commenc- to pay their taxes natif they r grener street, Boton, pbihr, and 1 dropped it ; 1 knew the voice ta Wall,,'dr the wr wn hospt fitlne.ndrt S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d .n Fon ,C . * "°e side at Dieppe, and on the assured that their money will not are --ller ha tio ii hmaoyle ; my htusbanl of i edy andinheraer of kiec ' other at Newhaven. The cost of the Rpplaed Mfor-O Mtnda reports ooo ferich, an olhn stucin Ma.oa EMPORIUM. GEORGETOWN. k9 ple o h proeo nihn a were brousht into Milton that àgrl, f.mr with thre axe. Whiile het waMyn o . m giet radwe 9o . 5,00 work is estimated at $45,000,000, and few scheming politicians who haeyasraninhitohdbefu thre floor I said to Coyle, - Oh1! what A correspondent -to thre Boston Metre Enzth a P taten. cti six years will be required for its com- conro of th Muiiasoermn aternakont i ihn e th rotwn at cu fron nvha ar ov murdering, George for f', Trareller, in apeaking of the North- etratanFaicocnedeThM pletion. .f .h ,uiia oenetRtlmlepitwt e hot'tf He, said, Il We had al fusis, and I always west, describesq Manitoba as a land thaet suf'rarn should be tmstowedt-irlo plto.of the city. This le anoAther evidence soar to ear. Even the name of the supected sid 1 would hav my rteenge." . 'flowing with milk and honey. He women through the medium ofteŠi.Clr of thre beauty and freedomr of republi- mudr rayugmni hsnihohosi,"OteeIb o use Iin tryinig to 'Msyse:_ ballot, while thre melut nihe- ær h TE ltest advices received in ca ntttosa hyaemn dwsgiven, and the town was indulgedj in a escape, you wvill be- found ot." Hie "l Think of it, ye fnamers ofNew edlucated to do thecooking. Shie a mni Queblec aettle thre final withdrawal of oerh w n id first class eeation. The wholeutory appear said, " No. 1 will never be, found ot, E and or of the Middl Stts who men are better adapte<thki lWehe the liperial troops from the garrison wy. adiicates thre miany t) have been concoted without a shadow f nio one will know it." Hfe thenU told 1lose up) on youtr broad twenty acres thýa women, because the former cnaqet. of• he Dminin. he Sxteetiaadvantages arising front a system fondton e have nt been able to an mie thre story 1 was to tell and which i fields with pride--think iof a valley no bear ansy amount of heat and smair.tsrd. Rid te a oind Thetherdn under which every man ia granted thre certain the name of the author of the fraud. al'ter-ward.s did tell. There wasb no level rthat; you Moay turn a furrow, Un- tohe sands amdoi of hm ofll gttsys Rfean te etachmentsaet Quebec privilege of voting no t e lit in the( roomli, but 1 could see, a broken by hillock or hollow nave at atgte n mk oms ulta aga received oresSopeprLore-Eit mattr bnw -, ---.-tl:ntlgteo;ht itnus ier crossing, fry miles in length, if you cannot see across it. Thoeylia".h brktido in te autumn. Thorsem ate stake hie mayhiave in the country. VOLImmZR -'f.o(r Muray wM in town rthe, fetlmà, nor Vébyle's dreýss. 1 you drive your team fromr the east to smoke, and cookinig will give thehUs bthe Southeec foti6tin.Tons et or how incapable hie la of exercising on Tuesay ev ningaiting in the forMa- don't kntow whether lW *%,;t bloo:dy ; the west across the valley ! Thinik of anabtunidaniceof it. Men, she declari ai bhe Sot eedi .ortiscaprivileget prpr.NwYr sto favlnercmayhr.Aotiy o)wn pttcoaut gtg no iood on it. Ilut ting youir lutghl Into a furrow at are, the liest cooks. 'Jlihe quicks"e. laburtocomlee hefors.Itisrulemd by unscrupulous men, elected foýy meo" wri a ye was killed; hie jus.t told mne whbat to neahWsign.Such a fil-row nmnn onboard ship. Hie had baton"Ply 'HEfatfaedstte that ete irfot.Ii by unscinpulous votera. and the say and to wait for some tllýl ime before. yoni nubght turnt were % our tenam aflil apoon which he would dip nto ever-eead No 'ac-e ser MAMMOTH " being abouet to takre stock, and being afiraid atetug oHaia people are publicly robbed by themrby th Mar Wen calny rceiv noto givinig thre alatrm, and then he wenit at Breckenbridge and drive it to Lake ting, aond beweenavr would li k dicn rm 'Ilh- pile of rods on hand, has determined to reduce hi# vtock to the and thec 78th to Bermuda. ad . . reaho whyur af trt class coman Fhul no awy - was afraid t() tell the trulth Winnipeg. in liritishj America, wrere ilthecspoon. Ait wonuld t have thnet. Ic on yoff g theZgic the best and cheapbest gooda ever shown them. _a e ytentr ftercn erie ee n etutn fot ilb beenulse Covle saiid that if I told on niot for thc crossing of the streas dn ht h ol hv sdåpnya TH Me f -On lmat ho stitution they are unable to overthrow spared to accomplish »,) de irabile an objet. him 1 wvould ble hiang-ed toom. Invrtiuayoth dRveofhedozten spon ]cn t sae roels. anJssu HE mn oMoun Plasan, O io'teur, and have to grin and bear the The battalion will bie called out for the annmal told any13 of inly fa--inil%-. not mlother North. diteutla t& oe oes" he obt C 60 der .~~~~O & have discovered that skirts are a much whlsl!prpito fterfnsdilo h 5ho etrbr u sytit orfathàer; they knaew*nobthing, abouqt A yearago tis vast- expens was are strong argument eainly. On teb ov whll morecomfrtabeawokin dres thani ford dil not knwthe the wil asstembl uta et it, n either before nor after; l ofteil aiment a solitunde ; but now It in quick score Of econromy; but EliZabt hihi M oL eocl, ý de'rson &pantor ons, rande acoringy clonsthenfo illegitimate purpose . e Do•-we hywl sebe wankted to tell mince I came to go.with fle. Thre Northern Pacifie Poul- don't tell us hlow she relishedthCarec pataooâ ad corinl cotebut 1 was afraid I would becane road is§ thre cause of til unparalleled viands thug cooked. Sht wouldasottth. MAMOTRHOSEGEOGEOWN temslve thsefemnin aticesSale MILLncaRN.-we regret il, announce Loo; it. wia tir e fear ot beingsplec'.d CI igration. The railroad will not ,commend them to takle charge of tefrfo of aparl wen orkig i th Geds. Tac murder of Campbell was one of the destruction by tire of Thomas Short- that preventedl my telling ; 1 did not be complete d to the Red River before !bbebcuete ol eenlyta h This strange proceeding they justify Ithe mont peenliar and horrible crimes roed'. saw mill, 3rd lin., Eýquing, .n Fn- knlow what Coyl ve would say ; 1 feared Setember ; but thre immigrants am ecOnOmical in the useo tosesado it by various arguments of health and of the day. 'The diret report of the daylf"Oo 1ast. The tire was occasi.-ned ,that lie would throw the bl-une on mne ; hiere abend of it, taking pomssiori of moari and watert ai cofrt n ee b sr trlcrime, thaet the poor man was roused by a spark from the engine icetting amiong ' 0°le told mie hie wouild have shot im the choice landis belongingto thre Gov- It siems thaet Baboo KenlhubChulmnaz Ioiet fro hisn his scrystipyntnerfomwhahi in Lie led but thre pistal wvould not go ernment sections, each man stakmng Sent has undertaken to introduce precedent, and they look forward to a from b ed bi to be maniered and spresd -o raphii befo)r- it wasb dimcovered .lot; 1 doni't know where hie got thre of hils pre-emiption claim of one haln- formisin connection withl marrae-r na timre when men and wooe brill wear ,mangled in a most brutal manner, was rtal; some of the workmen had greait dimeniuty aixe; it was mny husiband's axe ; hie dred and sixty acres. Manyi of thre among hli@ countrymen, which if io l t C O T~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ TC -ra ciohe fhein Ple-e -wtotcr-'-" -' eot- h --e retrs fr--theý ilrninr bud would know where to get it. settlerm have made arrangestents with tinued by hils sect ndi âread by ta C O T N reference to anold and foolih custerm.,, ever might be the murderer. But ing without a severe scorcing. MF. short- ANIR"e. taken rlad c anyn and thae y lessende wilhtheaout o feaen- .hn h when the bloody-deed is fixed, by her deed'a los in estimated et about 3,0.Mr. PHŒBE CAPE L 1L It is estimated that not ¯leus th mon amn noo Hindo famillcoesopn &fal demeriptions, have advanceld 25 per cent. We cano, howeve, ofer, ountom THE Halifax Chronicle maires a very Owne confsin upon the wieotteJ hn Ladlaam utined ai lana ofab ut Shrtly afrs attting this tir. twenty thousaind ponf have etled Lhe ckinow n ee Bro o, tng pairs bigthn h indurnenM we have hiad blre r.iers in the manufacturer's hande lmfor me tim v chareaantD.Tpe.T unifortunate victimz a point of atrocity ch00nby the adstrutin of hstc plaind a. Huthmon, Mrs. Cambe desso i re logth neabof That imratio i the, aed o theunir sep ate Maedhat led afe.dda beforetheri,. Remember then, at he MAMMOTH gravi reagissr Tpe.I is reached at which even the Most chnfrs n uniyo tc otinda neve ihCye n a hw ont .aadeas en The lar.g a t n fthepyared ofd the w aucrdatek CIBRlG$L ry Whte Cottons and print@ ovill ;fered 25 petr Dent jower accuse@ hier of using hie Position an S in thé uame building. Mr. Shortreed has to hils cell. She was there veryfot aaa>a-envrylret[hn e e.adth ardko Pansde aie'mebr f heGvenmntt avaœhardened most gtand aghast. Coolatinee sold the ait. and the standing. timber t. quiet and comnplosed in hier niiind, to al1 Manitoba. A gntleman train Mont- was tied w t thre words. "l Yolr hear D R E S St thet ake ai e e cunry and poria te ntee st o an d deliberately the iendish act h adt Mr. Sharpe, of Acton. and, in partner iip appearances, and only de girous of real, who ) has ben spending a few v ine and mine ls ."o This eec .ri D R E SS O O D S.- seml ad rends .n be .. the ,S-c-eo. ',eruogm no1-w codeversrtboLai w hleer ta aim eersan neeocan noh nem t o it fot eh "ul stck ina lu;pid Iabey P ead Luatres; stuff goods fro 5 cete to the facts of the case. So .eiu of the fact has been yet established, &bu oetami Phobe Cam»pbell-Well, Tommy, I hom'es in Manitoba, three hàudr utd orel:h epneo -2,patters tu choose from- hagwoldageter atn.there is no doubit thaet a guilty inti- have confessed It ail,. miles north of thre fine of theNrhn weddingi which fell chiedly linthr cagord dacyagfo somtim existedbetwee BAS BAL.-On Friday last a lively gamne Thos. Coyle--What; have you con- Pacifie flailroad. Thre land@ herte are bride's fther, was no great thrat ire of odnary men ; but ineheM. took place in Milton, between the erst and geRnet mchmfroeti xsedbwe fessed. just ais inviting as those in Manitoba ; order to comduct their houSho Docto's samelss avwal f it re Campbell and Coyle, and that crime seod ninas of the Sycamnore Club, of this 1 Campbell Why, the muirder o)f but having been subjectsofthe Queen, affairs econogiialy puor fathier@ kille Have lso eenthe McNabb adbir, his reputation is was the cause and precursor otflthe town, the second alie being allowred ai x men George Yti id o did. it1Vhti with anad the associaticnte bd thboerduhesa.ona hywr cent ; but ,,atilt able toofer ou bmllo rios Ourconn past Spoiling. yet more horrible and diabolical deed. out, intead df three, the usua number, this yo ud i o hte!wth ecnda Ctire noqu Ibr.vrth lma nvfle epartet isn' also cope.rct on arind hal.rit cla. rkasi arel u l,. on which they are nowr arraigned. gming them . greaot advantage. The tiret Co apel-o knwv1 wel l fos th aso ishn fetyo hese Hnr . od o efronMie i ih lueery cae guarntied. ATameigo h orso u-Campbell wa a steady, industrious nine ha donned theoir handsomne nie, uniform what it was for. ansndter pcieere= asuedosptngblond, sreneabseo lie Instruction for Hamilton and man, who, un'fortunately for himself, for the tirait time, and with tire impmvement Cye-a tbcueh hkdt nesenaae htmkste n ekeso h tmcb h M L I E Ow Wentworth the following verymsnsible married into a family ot very question- in their appearnc Ithere alsosee t me in thre mow ? oatroctive."1 ise Of Johinson's; Anodyne Liniment. Eveer novelty is stck A mag.ieeftrand. slto aonaly passed:_- able repute, though, according to th.eu°n ni m ey hnled th qnitl returne t lir cell and au An exchange isays:-Tfie examina din -This name eonds obrso -psu-agorgeons a«sortaienut of lowers, Feather,"Ta amc sfml ecestsioyo aywtess hybl a laatt eod n hy-wn h adn oewslf ohsonto notebueo h eettit hti ri tcaca -no _areI nowt requiredb aw trach telivedY tthr veyamcbl.Th or"thi opnnttit ceeit ha wo tecinsthesrag-caace o iilebilrexlsininNw okviig eut.Th am e o

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