- - -- - - -Ir. .5 . *. . ..do5 e-~ .-. . .2.~.... e ~T..J' .i~t.. o~Jiy'6'. - *,: esLel'A î»q Î!' j Hop 0 -4le?. u»fion.Medicai H1all *eeys ronsLonds on, y aesu~d iait, eonirmialg forasre sports oftin- t nte absmttes aitishe êtset M INST. MITN ir o tise Englietà Hop paanatissIM I ITI t liit; th resait s. se topseafO N'IOTSM SN t,(soger mosiseti, ta Qut. àn i-O~ ILT SM SN creaseat tictaanli teten Suipees, and an alvatore itn vtaluesersaoct prtis.os at descriptions exceptittg std. We '0 ftlly concr in tlwo0 iion ofour Lns. FOTI C1 bigietstt4bscenites W. H. ST R E ET,'- tlsat tttes san 4 jba os itsf th. Teoeehop iÇu4slt etkaSinste and -isîktfgs" .o am na i5is iooteBt a, eniised esstetssstyetend nothisig te gave caus or alare, n.da.,d-yot May, ose tisothéd sicistandadeot aof that cis favorabise ivattier the in. sesty oe, aseetlse )eoend ho tDavid Hstgye*eet~ ta s uiese tty apasaranre et tie pat aesy Alos Eeq., asoot-I et tise ,ttthesakid lot", leistlettlsçe.s i tlo ,~9 siSnO5os.Aprjoeby P. 0. lored tisat tesHetp' u ueia yc Haison,on osto ose tise etoreliartd awugeanfrougis ieatis is ayo uut tablet sgen te man Oter, 1).U. lifeupaetwl te i hoiseseot tc.pA tposare il tsititthe publia atatot rasas after tuoietes Mth "fto.etd*%a atftsguai acredrhotgittise Hsp Aitparti-s indebtel ote sesid sassesara, vine-tisoagis aiotresty iftt'iso i amieseed tome ea rirpaymesn t tte3u ,ai he ias apaa c ii rtver, asti yitŽtd -&idosetos.trCSai he ias oiltilll;te ,srtba ndtaou ett,,rîs, Dateo t e u4sysof Jas ume . . ., 1870. iowevessacaeteetiteltbdrtobaad WM. LAI)iAw vise.,sadtiseir devastationutanSy soissilrtor Eutte Perticsas, perhofe te seasosalofre tise tiop& ______________ cattire aremaris dreaded biy greivere. INFORMATIOF RSISCMS Na t seets or loiglt hgve issus knoasasusE, OM ép tju* thie p tns tisa aesteyhe. aay conaidieuiste extent usii aftee tisa Hope iere inthietur, or asar mase- A ity.AN tereiplatise srmods,& 460 baise o.F 319 ble.arm ers. Teta eeepte et th. sasses,5.665 bais. rt: xore eSo, 10,46C ba". siZUPou etaies tyer, mess (Prom te Londanirewes'Jttari.) D T T JV Tise Englis ptantations are tanloy ( WIN t e atosueisronnections as aes statr odto, 0 in abs Wo ar et.of0Fth.LUCnitRd cstU ad Canadta, w. are thia yenspesparsOtL aLR eaeraly as@ regardstol and as ps. py pndo. As an MaY, toit, the ceathie sac sse "raty againt itie vise,Aaaiotsatoeaoelysd acee chics. iavîng btorsensaotragedl ly tise Ad&I twarilse.l ondi u very Warin ceatiser ta tise latter partuom csAri ame on qikiy, only te bo cieheily tise coisi nigits and 1 I-etr c morniaga of tise preseai moatis1 Tiu,e aersnt awried te fidthe 1 tie unarres ita ge5t1. elintsutoaofl tise more important districts attaeked ALSO A toi les andi tiv. We dot nt tgres iitisFRGh tfitose Who sperlate t thiste tite apon FRGO an erlcy tligit.tut tan eoiily setter- SPLENDID ASFORTMENT stand iow groreere are troatoied ly tise îrying maseotiroogh wchaclu WBare PaC.CUELT01 %11 H awvatFleece W ool Yes YshOutesel.st SIAIIflNERY AND POOKSI . . . . ... ... .. .... 7 O 10 .hio . ..... ...... .... 7 8 1 . i ....... .... 2 3 4 Thany houe i the Uff ty. IMMET WELLS, No. 64 perSlt., Y.SOHfOOL BOOKS NIsr. tiotlh Waldst Emerson ba« re- tue-nesi ta biohomeinaConcord. Main.F-rsoars .e -,f fitodoto. ottiAOYt.S 5.1 'ns , aaor r ssvo aer oodotEY CIEP murs gratiird ly bis Caiforiesip. bot dont s i eve noisue s nOteVR CE ilss e y s emeit Valis bt tet 11tii tiseanffr oely thisg intata country tisa atute WILSCON & MoMASTER, 555o;ue p itorieorg." 5S csgt1s T.oNo-". Jmas 7h. 1871. pisîcissat, 80 00; Tesa-lsl 812 te 2$is; "., 1 26te $1077; Ot,47. A.t; Racle. 5ktegon5.; Pc.so- 5ete 3c. HAMILTON 7MARKETS. HonIrseN, Jane 75i, W.1 DàiM -eu ,5 te, i ttO e le'Osy oti;Ot., ete 51e; Pes, AO te 82; Bttes, lie te 16; Ens. 12e te NfEW AI>VEUTISEMEIHTS. JIST OF ETR *e&ui lissaoeathe Geretown smaet.Offce abs he atJsa ri 17. BAllateaa R Ocede, W (2 Castst. C 4 Owen, Mr jtosWas Smith, Ltciadâ losesi, Catiserine Siepia. GOS(2) Lcprth. Jon vase, MnCggt MaKomes Hagis Watse, Jobs IteEslglt, Je. Wright, J (Bakter) Perosa adifS Msecy fet ab -es tettrse cui plese M enyabare d-irtsed. L.W. GOOI>EXOW, 50-xa Posafteas And Soda Water Cogatay on hasot dsiag the mesuas E. B. EDMOND'S. AUthindsd CONYBC'PIOMRY AND BREAD itsp subaad mas»ul. àMito, Jas.. Stb. 1871. -t. IFARM FOU SALE in te tewMabp oi PaMchsi. 10 miles isee Gaph. t162ees; 1M 5 s.Ienfleendi-e&ai lesýet ced a tise ha ut y, isS Osa ia bsuildias. Adores ess abed cdplesas of cass. PaVfr faSa esass piye DansasCaenpbait,Âbetsýyte P O1,Otsre LAZARUS, MORRI8 & 00, Montreale HaveVa, itioco Stetatise taaasad de- CELEBRTED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, APPOINFD M IL L AND F&RM*PROPKRTT FOR SALE. T BETrusfteraunaderetise iili othe Geo. Abrey Offrteb itoitr= 7.psop ty.utasto outhe ~O~LS! Y"LAW BiM M fl aoesicsl ii astinitcict ro, A By-Lac lisolmid "oet aieé (reditVeRal a am y bygwraeg ta rsu ts ae qt~~'sttiirty tlonsend dllera to tise Company by way fof ssts, ced to usas de. - ietares tierefesu cd te autisortaise he syieg Of a epGil rate for tise payasent lesaN.neaflÈ~. 1,15 of tise deietures aniteroët. Daiins~d et ~Wuaae.e, by tise Aet f tise Legilatice of thse Province et Ontario, pamesd inosns. etise tiirty fosr emrli ofaneHec Mîejeety'es eipe. tecurporattcg thf -Cndst W, bave mestmMy o siau mda Ue seeto f TWEEDS, FLANNELS And àa gessal asostasen et Dry Goods, GIIOCEIEB, Crockery, Hardware, BOOTS AND 514055, &C., Valley Railwcy Ceoapany, it tepresied tisat as, Mnniciputity or Mustetpstitiie, or eny Conty Mssietpaiity, or Bsy Iportion of loy entaisMsicipsiity er Meateipulitise, se Coeniy lutaiepaltl, wiicis amy bie rsted teneecrieg tise sasâteruction of tise mud Bailirsy, eotroseongi ry pari t -wbicb, o ser,5e iei, tise Rtiicaynor cetk onthtie said Compssyuis.Mpuasorib4eiioaied, May id and amsist tise Baid Compssy isy lnoase, se- anteeýýtieg, as §vgtiis ds ey hy way of isonus or otise mestise Compny, nerissig-Municipal Bonds as ne ta àid of tise Comspany,.and otiseemise, in ssis mnner and tesob extent, nse ssis Muateiplitia, oe asy of tiessaesl thisik epediet; prnvided aiccys,. that se Fncb nid, mes, basas cr guarantee shahlu e gises esepl sltaetise pusg af By-Laws fer tise purpose. and tise adoptiona of sncb ByLawa by lise ratepayers, ns provided la tisa lMusicipal At for tise reatios of deisis; AND Wsszeioe, tisa Mnnictpalitiy ni'tise tocs of Milutasbas detsrmlîoed to aid cnd amisi tise taid Crasdit Valley Ittilway Company, by girtag therete tise auraofni thiety tisoaand dollars iy wsy otfiboum, endos th u aaiisrty cosferred by tise eaid Act; Netlob sapsaedIn ay sasry*~ JAnis wuaac&eS, le caMr thisasd sijeet isto efoot, it ila eecmary for the pris aniqonis, ebiis asi mt t aeid Manîiatity to taibe tsaid tam af thirty theususd dolettes.tes &Hekn wich n on mat. e Aso paeuh toi,. asner itereinattes metisouedi Wool Cardinýg & Cloth Dressing hon eO arsaIITs, Agtoit Wa rtaSti oasbeo t banha asci thff, osho hase selibarlIy pttaiad se tastht oies tissy ysar.csnofeliit àanontinea-of othe mem, audnuaanssnsloes mcpoibi. sissocicoR.0 eaaste jA5es t &litiates. li5,5LESt BROTHERS. Otataiir ay 7th, 187, 8.tont ANIs WazagAn, il ciii reqeire tise suas of tisses tbaeaasd titres isuadred do:are ta be raisttaunnsally tsy epeelal raie for peying ties aid dait af thirty thousad dolars and interes os tise deientaresetatoietond therefosamiereisefter mennsoncd ; Axn WnasÂecA, tisaeotnt eftishe ciols raessile propeety of tiesasid Muaaialty, irsespective of aey future iscresta"oethtie same, and aIes irreepes- tise of asy incame la tise nature of talle, linternat or dividlende tenu the caris, os froas aay stock, sare or tnteresttentise mrk upasoisteis tise msneay ste ee raisd, or any poatisheront, mey ise inested, and aies irrespecaise sf coty inenase te ho dsrivcd trous tise ienporsry levestent sf th iseatkssg fond bereissfter menaioneni, or any pea thereof uoordiag atise loiet rsead )Aueemeet Boit of tes aod hluntipaiity, Seing for tise year mne thosaond elgisi iunisan andi sevcnSy, tasasneundrsd and i oxty smies tiouansd eigt isuodredtiand fifty dollars; AN is> IVieS, tis amsanaio e lisoitiug dehl of te sîi %Itioiptity le ffAl ffl A ltthe tues etseveta iuadred dollors for pincipal, sud for isiarott ba anmet W It 0)VYeb eteen dollars sud ftiy Ceua; The hightetewh p rie pido aitt ay saoiit ni g.ond.-icniOsOLat tht GLENWIL .IAMS ANI)0 WtniaoAa, for pying tise iaiercst and creatiag as eqali yearly isiing farsd for payitg tiesaico deisi of îiiriy thousanol dollersase beselsafler meatioseot, i, ilrequire na quoasaialpeci,,l rois oeonesenseul iaety-esen hais. dredîhs of o cent in tise dollar in adidition Wtaitl otiser rates te ise levied ini cti soar Th.se NoioUa are gainlon seelirot aoekooi .-That t la ealland meay ho iawfsi for tise oldM n'aiy te.aid end s re a redfosseose i ng a la. îrge ao nt 1attisttise tredit Vslley ltoilsy tComspany hy givise tierets tise taum oft iity Ifîiîoussand dollars is y haoou. CAR;DInc, slinlqn~, MANUFAGI Ui1ING 0Olt CLOTH DRESSING, A5t tih iâj.t estes. Haing th.sctin- tgeo.th.t Best Machinery Nooni"oto-, end fiut rImsso,ssa r o.ltoa o f Igisicgeanales stielartioto. LATEST PUBLICATIONS Est Ciottisa. Teret, lanante adl.nkiso Kcpt uhncdand wwaas5yrssseB.&J.WiiIi5 tiisanilusse, mar idua. n. as 3tot DR. STREETSOffieesrilb ereftaer heset 1A IdPkmysF ýeDr* Store JUelise i îuB IlîCampin."îî New Goodsa Nassagaw-eyaj SUM MER Fors"ls, va. Parcel No. 1. Aaetoceealest eni, 4stôrie n laisigt ; c m aitta teaine nietne bostedriisî bous, ismin@ahop, and atout 25 eamono tend. Prias $7,0.. TereoS2,50 caieh, i,leO payaisle 6 mgntiaterte isdessonatof themiatweeftisalais Alexander* MnCua, cjiteest et 6 pesr cnt. aesiabkannuieiy abs balace, 83., D, PYabl- in equsiannal insotoonat.. .655 isterst ce tise chats wnnsa npaid et thse siaite 7pas tt, psy- stluih lstoiment. Parcel No. 2. The east soil cf lot Fs. 3, int absth cout- assen cseptse portionisued lutapastel No. 1, and tati'ietnatig sertit af the teavelled rean. 10acos, more nr eui, 40 S am tolarsl Sels ea esily tmee iasi l hwetdw cli;sti sso m isSlto nte. Frite, ON) pes anse. Trm-841,00saab ; $706 Mntheclterthe deemttlabtemidttmof abe talexiaaader IieCsa, . absrevensto»d, ed th&balmce e mm asnupeat FNo. Parcel No. 3. AU tabem portiao*sftlto. ,a.ni.tceasi hll f loiSt. 4 inabthe t ami oa t isedin s aportena mîhthesS abamiteoe tory se in pasces iot. 1, iytas issimeaS the loaverd eSo d ike paatte sWinti-&o a0 Md abat paseine abs dwelise bosse ot Epis- rdu Chapmmsn cd abs ceollan tsetory, 2W0 are, mnsorelma; 125asrs clessd,iseals tlenbeWe. 1/pas thie pastel aers ieacatone, " ssagismst, and absss iaîe elilalhoas,4 amnew isesebar, 72x36, sltis atea tabesa snrt en bse andaent, and ther bul-d ines; WaisCcgond mars. Part ai the Viltege of Casaba&ielie n tea altt. Prias 555 peà ceea Trma-OloLd as h; 31,6W0 6 th ft«ab ath.absdoete of tisa cados et abs Iti Alsaandas MCssasaboe enetied, .dn ab. basasabsthe - n ac amiNFs, 1 Parcel No.,4 MEDICAL HALL, .Tis e sot bei, sntise eut isf aithse vent haSsi, of lot No. e, iaabs tis nocwsiatoand A thi Se genht fr tisasPWae. TeY at t otosid lot Fa. 5 iyiag sortis ai bave takeaesretegirsve eod antmatiomscrsars, aea Uit avesenfadeaseinthe abailtp nifabsiatus asdtmo l tea rnds0ats,- no igents te meStthebequireasecieitsUSta5e- "; 40tnomses lereo, apen wsiiobthss isa e. Asnoppestuity ciii ta tth'% 89Sd@d sus dcellngtbe, a huame ho, misothon psoease, at cii timo, iees.oeas tTaeesSled , foit&hWrîlath terySuit nfelase-. -Prise. 8OZ pes mcre -Mendsg a mi rseeigQseatsi 1 mics.e250 casit; f8607 mg enities Tes " ,ais sussb. asli. t idesSUP- &ath b e ee. c absmetIs tvoi ths lai" BRf OFJTT osas tiserbsai7 gisas cric, jjàndm Lofta, as aons.= ,tan d thO on;, fsea e siesaasaecott ouf b the m hey ena spsna a=ct.etec if bcise psepaasy inet.ts it ibtm iio eatis ona bym sst .gsut ~ esg a feiig ofrelefto t lsi ter MatosMd eonatheianeof tise atay Pie- PâDUCtt.sNO .À CLEIt1À AD DISTINCT e tl5 FISION, sm in tus sêtarw à Oonodhit. pead to e Sabt ireTomante te(bt. Tlisy amctheonlsapectsacliet lFor iurtbnrparsisu5uraappdy te Ste-AbrmY peeissol a m mil s e it ti/ O sn tie 1umauos to AMi ar e ti.CilnPEST teasse abs JOHN DUWARB RSTalays lateag eÀ" rosaU ithout Barstes. change hstag 5na55y. VanleaSisiter. OPWE RMPLOYNP FDLEAOeSU j 1 iltnMay 3.181 4-i New Goods., FASHIONS! Mrs. Willmott & Miss Belln lia 5oast edorae, testa Millinery and Fancy Goods, n Mteotse es tyl, ad asyobap se old inte atoeti,,,s their ii.w styles in -Millinery. New styles ins Slawls, New styles in Parasols, New styles int Mantdes, Featiesr, Flawerr, Lages, RibisosSilkso, Satin&. Gimps and 5rsges. Alw m abonancie etoi Leies ' Rose Hon5 Shisteti, Coreta, Pocbet Hnenisercbkt, Mar tFte CUasi. CasSe, Linsa, SolifLinings, Toolt MNss, tyots, etc. N. B.-Ladie s hise te have meai n d dreaaking doeetoldo ell tat issse tiodemnt an aly mason, m th,e -n,.t otorb omitg fromdiffelrent part ot the contriy, es nTomate and Hesita, moka. lit eienot im"eaibie aseoPiete Osdse nt th. tons eppaista. 47tf WILIOMOTT BELL. t 'rhst people aul go te urrT-)Ci T l T I b T ' i.i ta i shall bc lenfui for tise yurpostoasoid, fortise Mayor or oCier seadof fvi sit vid Moicipoiity to cause sny numehesfel eiesioret te bse mode Cur soct sonoof moesry oasoyhk rcqntrc o testoaid pospose, nti sas tbaa iwenty dolarosecis, asd sot eceeetisi site risoi the istount of thiity thon- rond dollars, isiclo eaid doistaturte8stial hco ased coit tise seul of this iud Mounictp.liiyand ho igncd hyVie 7Mayor or otess iead of tise Musicipulity, or by snob ohes person s aasyibcnutioruned isy Hy Law oi' tiseMunicipal Conseil tsigu tbs same, and iountersigncd hy the Tueuurr of tse îoid Mluautipality. 3.-Titit tise said dsiepuatsashall bs unde payaisle la tmcuy yoars fronlise day iercsaitcr wentaitoOsdothiis By Lswtet abe effýet, et the Bankb of Toronsto, os Toronto, andtshahl base ttecloed le aises couponsfor ths payasett of istereat at tise roietnd in lise masser horeinalter meatinead. 4.-Tisai tue eid deisnres sal beacs treat et and afae tisaraientf is per ceat per anises fromth ie date tisereni', ciichi iuerest t@bal] ho payable' hait yearly vsn tirsaiday ni Jasaary ced Jui an ais ycar, nathe absofetTorento, la Toronto. 5 -Tisot for tise purpose of i'oreieg a siskiag tond for payasent of tisa -5i dSetares atn tise internât siereos ut theo rate atoresoid, u eqasl i .,ecarate c ens crut and ssuety.ese isundfedits ni' a crntaite deoltar uhali, lts addition as nl vases rate@, be raised, levieni and ieiiected ta catis year spon aliltise cassable pas. perty le tise sai Masieipaiity datieg tise sald ereso e ssuy yeae front the eomn ignoeffeet of tiis ByLan, uniessa ctitdetures gCisuibchoamner pid. t.-Tsait iseBy-Lnm nbli taeseffet on, ftrands fter tise &sttiey of Auistts, le tise yoar ni' nue Lard ose ihouaSd ctght issadreti asdOeaveoty ose. 7.-Tisai the dMontsure toits igaed and ieuaed as afoeestid esalho deliveeed isy tise Tresesarer et tieseaid Municipeity te tise trontees eppoitai (or toisa eppointed) ilacerdasse cils tise twesty elgistis setion of tisae"id Act iseospors otng tiseoid Cretiti Valley Rtimsy Compay. S.- And it is furthse enacted by tise Municipal Conacil afsrenaid, tisatishe votes of the clectors of tis aid Municpahity il bo taken on the said proposcd ByLaw et tbe following places Siat in te sy: For thse Norths Wsrd, at thse Towa Hall For thsce Et Ward, et fliasons oloS store; For tise Sooths Ward, et tise Conrt Hoase; On tise twenty-sizth day of Jone, ia thse year of our Lord one tisouoand igit isadredsud seveaty one, csmetacag St the heur cf aise o'clock in tise noraisg, and losng t fise oclockin atise afaenoon of thse&&mec day, aad that the followiag will bo the Rcturtisg Officera for takUng tise said vots: For abs Norths Wara, Fredericis J. Joncs; For tise East Wasd, William Book;, For tise Sentis Ward, William Plautoa. TARE NOTICE, Tuai tise abes sas truns rpy f a prsposed By-Lnw wlatcts watt tontaten latte cosnadeettiosa by tise Cutsnat of tiasMnaacplty ater se n mntis fron iant trot pablication in the CAi4AsotAN CaîAans'os, tise"daeof siicis tiret publies- tiona@o Jasne tnt, 1871, and tisaitihevstes of tise etectora of tiesaatd MunIgi- îoîity witi be tolor tisreos. For the North Waed, et th"s Town Hall, fur wicl Mr. Frodertck J. Jones te illetrisig officer. For thse E"a Ward, et Claeksons nid store, te oticis Mr. William Bock la tReturning Olleer. For tise Soth Wart, aitishe Conrt Hanse, for noiioi Mr. William Pantoi le lietuesong Oltlgssr. On the Twenty-sixth day of Junie, A. D., 1871, Cosmtesciag t nine 'clock in tise forenon, and ctOeaisg t ive osctsck intes affiersoonaof thesaime day.- F. J. JONES, TOWN %ýCLERK. Town Clerk's Office, Milton, May 26th 1871. 1VI . -bl. [A. RU IVIYLfli ý MNEY! MONEY1 MONEy. Farmers Attention. Cabinet Factory, Lowville, $8,000O TO LOAN. APPLY Tht- Tcobertissor FLRNITURE 1 JOHN DEWAR, JR., HUME and MoCoit haverse intod S4 B a.. t 1. 11Hh, oiht-."e.n e er a Simpy beoame, sne. thehoosisu m e n tnde, thesopssontncudsoft____________ ohreylssImproired Herme Day P/fR Ja la CIIO I.1E , Ni OICE T hi'iE PUBLIC. Fork, and Knife C:bned." a ty sire. M 4TILDA Rffl9, i ,aor rt --ros.It t irth asfetsriso t the S- Ttoya.sioseiistiasoi st teta . nitstetetsa ssieassscaratscith land1t-tthotottu rot eut ito roiai Eahibtniat1870,andoi» eto f e Tas a"aaatrdteilodoo ns rMSiUP.EtSdepethyd gtzrt m il,lss yuotifyhepuh asytsin fthti tsd in the Domeinit. .y batises mmba enas h9aca esyisstoeose tee a tsuous onbani.said debta niiniseabs son outra noine . operU eau nndosa0 by eolitug a h tsu-tliettdttsalle senetenraie.ncnteseteoha yyiatoon tbrhpureisasersieenior reephet- stases faectatiaeaisrsasmd- biscsssia tshule.teslsesyab fsi~' ootirttlieMSay 2Oeab 1 *871 5s5THOMAS HUME, doua ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~o abtts a iesayetsato slisgciads.bt o etmno iosisy sGEORGE McCOLL. She eau asi apeisiattatiso t br rsy Rquersise.May1871 SO-t. NEATLY FIN SHED HEARSE, STATUTES 9 ILNOF«VDSLSD Mi cnfi aeedent ot plingeese tiaCcatitta in thes Usdttabisg luse, COFFINS bspt 0 7'.4I i cnttstvtton iSd hse olo latrsa otuiiynfosninaa, bidesec,te aat ms is socieuserccebueests * 1 Ni ACl¶lNttn is he o eta 1cttt se gtut ction. Yisraiis eevd f h leC " rs, anisthes Paantbi gi5otd Ms ay that shab hm u " QotaoaPrinasr.Itamuutoarad te esl FIBS CL B TU ?;9Lýced ciii ilt rders nitisane s m and dipaisb, cmd on 'renois Stasueeonte muielpl ýlft O f eet ery ecos .bem.a.CtiOUET 8RTTfSlanbed heapy, and as ndiney reet, . tny t 50esnt.,p-rotn.andiat. nfioiehecn5(gro Me Ph kphisa oDentdehts u.1 CSriattslacrCetotoo W lte d Oràtt. rýiàtee W- Ti 1AVINO eammeoeed bliaineso aM abs h.alors tatai y ocapiataby MrnJ. S. HATTON, saspettîtly.zetaesa e ansea ies oh t bs aa. He a a caenduoi tnSsio esertiiuspetainiag te abs buei nec.cd as assalrowatet ouenarceat inbhieino,eCaii sahimasdrosmrssisteob"iti. Hebes a fui t mortesmof BOUSE FURNISUINO çOODS, CONSISTINGO0F Baskets, Brooins, Brusiies, Dusters, Pails, Tubs, Sieves, Mats, Matches, Mopo and handles, Clothes pins, Butter prints, Butter bowls, &C.e &C. Wiltelu area attays Sept an lanni. Ait kind. ot Jeis Wosb in topper, Tin -and Shee! iron Ware Fesaspty catandeo t i GALVANIZED Isou LAVE TROUGS Cleu sp ta t asei, ced eiais e ntie insa sert le gaoenUM&"CAso Nyd- Agol eaa-t.à§dbtkiaociaeeIN 8% 19191 linE CEITENNI i ceiesedaUthlle eemb ê teu., tweeseed eitcd eatssyeseet$ BOOTS AND SHOES. The arS seps tSh b Mlteesas m r t LSmeiomm en peme v b hoost..d Il msMe"seuata cc"5un beet railue baseee o mhat Dollar Boot, And tias bo Ply Sumper., ms is a% tylea RATS AND CAPS. Ceenpstaig tise Lord ofi us, Cmsc ~PenseAos.,Tartana, Gtadsloue ced altes siraisieMeSsuibaya, ced dm1 fEe"sa d4 Sitraw Hats 0,5 CN Wali Paper. lu Utste ens e chee isca. bALIMON TOI A feuhou!bares ytm bond. GOAL O0L9 39 sents par ggllost tour all.Us fas duar GOLDEN SYRUP@ fis eat ceesrao ta 10mUt Teas!1 Teýs!1 b ave &gan eaesdeatassin oaé5 thbImasaa pi. -TMt=*M.e jeN MA bisot et PaiesPsedu ae oi extaCrockery & Glasswar, o Satltseat out Rsmesettat WILL5%IO'FT'Bltb - Gardes Ba ises, Ho sdéo, lseceleDue Sorbe, Boy F-11N ste, ctcaya m hacd Cheapest and Best FAUMERS' PR*DUDE Eeisb tsh inest e bsCoaay *01110 WIILLMOTT. prille tu asai cag frpa tiga That $ Tea. Gooddsltousuinimy pas tlthe joMu. GECOROBE main. Dress Godé. Jno. Willmott M1~ING PRIXT$e 7-WN 871 g & CG dix -il Umm I'J MILT~ A CRAS NeGE00sM~a ~ Nueeedataeueaq41e ginA~ r4O~ 1 lirINWAR