I r VRAMucN cC -cittpeut r". !Z d c 3I H , me. TIc aeaeed c D li Lpu ch bongth lèâ, on e- t eF Snpply oued Rigi tee-Il Who Me-y Reqeire them on the. Shriest Notice. qqccîtly It Ce h.iceal medeteloi aleertimCe-t in the fClentJ I va only a country sureon tnd sh ca c h e ibe cctttuY eimîc cf a teerete! l Morcoc-cr, thlledem daly impreuceil upon mu- hi lier eleher, MNe. Kellogg, tiia.l l>iyc ifr4t Marc-luge hal tercecociltue lucret affection.c" But erjiher othlie faclo c prevailed agate-t my hi-c forhler-e-u deoire 10 have ber fer my wtf. 1,1 have been faCClful to yiu for itu yi-crs,' hIeid t10lber Iriefflt I iiicalllie feith tO ponU utuo MN. lifcio ecd, whtether you merry mc e eo.I Fer enever cIe li-id octi lielanil te me. an-d ihen 1 rlaqei@lcee i. it te stise and cf tuy precmiced vit- leng iervcd teer, and wonuli lut. lIce i aDeloy Lytitotu cmcwetud cf &U - alconceeclonly ru. lKellcggrt- rota hat lookacrocilie rowd ithet me-de me go ieitcicaige for lite 10 the only eomie celui ai c-er h-ide- loc-tng leok or word froc i ci. OLEANINOS. Tàm earc about 30,00Partîle-ns ln Lady Don le rnanegà itheatre n gedlzagbe-5Eu1. The twety-Ilfth amnlvermarofethlIe Poes pon'i pctlate villocreur in Jane. * - fummer regiding in St. Bloliuar * sIpped vhile druvlng eateneket cf vater. faling bead frt iur thue cccl. Uis rigt foot br-camec intauiged intilue rope. ad e-l e ciccined ccsi-pc-ld in in hic peaiie u entlileatb rieveil c' hm f5tM eati.Illp fforii-g- .Socce cf h. neighbono peeeirug cu-itrit ihat creed vire lice-cil pecîe-c-iitg feccu île directioneoethCs ea-ll, bl ot uct Cdecc i TEAIS FOR TU1E ACCOH11OflATLON 0F IERC11ANTS cw ïRY1G OODS.1 4W rpl piphi., Officc, EatWictc-f tht 'Halece lilcicici" JOSEPH WETHERALI Janelirdi y 20 f. 180. D. NEW FALL GOODS! EGt cnunceto their uemroe»cutcmer, md the publie genemalir, hat they have A1ssortment of ]Pan Goods, ncleiding au the lateot 'ylet al a nothmd 0CA;- maT.tecde Cloths made cp l.te. I .MSIJIO rnC p et fitg-aateed. RQMRL&DY MADE QleOrtIr(Q 'Maelonuthe peml,echuch Ml e hfocccfld elue. Bews & Hiaicro. T HO MAS YOU NC, tisey preiteed quwety ce tir ceey. ....... R f4~ i feI ~iu Tise pecople cf îhe Iue in wet c tIc DUIL1)R îauîÏARH DI M N IIINu ýcT EL% dececeec reaideil arc cctiimrcil 13 flic parlibioere foc oi icrceisigatiiug thce_________ preîonged abecce cf thie deeciocci Paili, and Oilsletieg, Blaokamith's Billowsanci Coual, Bent CütIer and Bug- wtth mom promptitu-de. gy Staff, Rabbi and Spekes. Lie-ts ail Pega, Cee-I 01 ead Lampa,'; Tise late ise-vy Chace camc ut an cea- WALLIe PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES, e-cky seaaon for Cisc taubcerccu. JACK SCREWS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEEL AMALGAM I3ELLS, cacigthoracithC large icatiitis oh FO FACTORIES, SCHOOLS, CHIURCHES, AND FÂRX Chetr loge stilin te hueis, a'uil little AL BE S. p-eta ofgettlag tbcmrtaicrra th for Chia euslon ut Iait. liiTh( iiQr c r e ourasined damageo Cboh Nasbe-maak, Trac and Ich-eaocf tise chisttreads. Gooee are in-ll plein figurea. Nu - i a~welllg thce river 10 e-n nUteteocpclt isltieekithiceaesfuttlbrl lre-erede u - - - C haigist anl ce-rryicg act-a bl- De-ie-thm Ce- tbe puet, tise teciscriber iavites the publie ta eall and exmine biu geoil and bridge, to the grue- incae-enietcec of: peice esfori purchcuuieg elseeisre, as lie is fatiy postel up ie- Che raita ot tise Ce-eecttlere- l Iai- r parte cf thc 'country, e-nil e-o effort wili b hanIting on1 his part Co gite satCefaecien.1 cocetry the damage i alsoumaiclt e' - HOMAS YOUNG, cosdeale-r.ee$n..tte. 39l sate-LIet, Ge»rgrîoira. If yddu be-ta *becie-asate supRertacleezll.c t ini ho"CICAMPION." Il ycce e-d ypue-ifae-e-ly visis lukoop pouted aiet l'co. tau wrli l m odety sud poUt, ccity sUbseiltr the 'OH A MPION." ctp iNL.Y ONE DOLLAR ÀA TRMIN ýJOB DEPÂRTMENT. ilAVING acdula ae-astitY cf n at e-- Type, ccce-M. pccpaod. ce ntsaeaied ilci- tics, tadoccctp diirapeioaoi%Àccch, FeecY andPliJ.cWorkithelahat style. Addcree, Bell Proprctcmes, Bliieuh ot-eue, Bp-Luira, Carda ofeiurey usie Cire-car,, Catalogues, Deeggiol.' Label, Geoicru' Laelis, Posers-, Programmes pFROMIISOORy NOTES, RECEIPTS, J&c. Eccrytling doue ic CITY STYLE ANDI AT CITY PRICES. W Partie i-ei Cae tbills pitcd et Cic ffcue c= aee Ictice thece i- uirt-cciin Cbe "Oute Begioer, ji e ucpulier geea, ec hicl i-je-a rce tdadnetaege, a, the crculationu ut tbc (lcucecxicà ecy le-cge in ecý a-plie-euhe Ccuuty. 4w Oiciersby mail ccilrecccie prompt at- tentionc. Addreisu w-tmeiitioffl to MtATHESON &KEELING, Pchliaeda-cil Pupaitere, Milton The ftubuczriteer, havie1 e- wbcîc cci t of 1IRONCLAD STOVES SAVE 0F TIIE BEST MANUFACTURE,, Wucle-lýfic he Chul-heituts i lie-iCcetbet c-cep cintle hic f'ctc tt . be e-cavpn tA the, Irce-claite si)pc t-cimanccd f e-e-uy lrotceat flrcccum ecemy, -"Jack Fruit." A ARGiE LOcT îOF Wiltlbc lcl t a eTtci-uhceeC5tave cclt icWe(e-Il crly iltyuuweat argea. à A LARGE STOCK 0F TIN AND JAPAN WAR.E CONSTANTLT ON HAND CHEAF. Nortb's Patent Drum Hfeater Attamys ce-be--ilsedl c-ede Co urdcc. c'èlt IIOWLE'S PATENT STOVE PIPE DAM- FER, tiese iuute- a, toi;c cuisbadredm ce-e CatCh,. REMEMBEA TE£ PLACE. New Dominion Store and Tin Shop, M'n, Milton, Opposite the Engiish Church P. McDERMOTT. FALL CIRLAR FOR 1870 D. ID. CHRISTIE & C0O, Importers and dealers in Dry Goods, M illinery Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Provisions, &c., Main Street, Milton, and King St., Camp- WE would eebroceubisoI, ulciCty (c-h euchtyenecieg oct -iec.er heaeh iBncopeilci.all thedepueutcccand cei elilic rueccc-dic.g Cteccucu inbytfech ici. th Id ot c reeg b ye cie e iclcu We ccl l ýI cci c ui t ec udo t f.iC ilei rci l Ie-i id c ou e-a- fecute- f ir ccthrCht aey cthceIcnc Ccuad h c-' , adt e h-e aiooccid il. -ieocucc.cihccerioiuct ciîtaI c eibut-te ii e u c b t ia P i d lc ue G c ee lce cct a ic c -ic icc iceCt i c i c i RcdieaecchcocmliciflO Wuecyuic.idmi.cCiO.~.thiclch Fiiacm'g"or e .liMc e-tiocîe-cehoic; Z dlctc etî diiti - es ir Iciccedgc-to_ eya liiiclca re , u c. e-civoet'. leg rccseccl oci - .ll e scuTe. celacy eC yoeocertcicapcCccc-brteeaihaip ccuIccucoecuorc. YOIJR MONEY. SALE! GREAT CLEAR INO The Subscriberi will seil the vhole of thedr - I ose 8*LLI8a Monday, the '23rd January, And continuing until the whoie is cieared out, Broad Clothse Beavers, Ctanada and Engiish Tweedse Grey and BieaChed Cottons, Tickings, Lustrese Satin Clotlîs, Dress GOOdse Frenchi Merinos, Tartanse Blankets, Fur Caps, (2arpets, ]Dràwers and Silirtsi- NueBiekastandSarfs, Towli ndgcrs, Sitne Tabele Lne, Shris Mabe ns CwlieBots Meîî's KwipeBoots, Men'saiteroos Laies Gaiterse Baie aitoras And hilden' Shes li gra ariety - gr Ik 3xz u1.. ]ml AL . I ...-1t, - -. W.). & R. A. LVON. THE T ;io I G~reat Cléarîng Sal W 1 c -.STREET, ORE<OF ~~WlLOTor N! ORE WINTER DRY GOODS, illc c t Ic a t l l e Br o llE T A I L , A T i. ccoi ccc iuc c i licl cc l li e gritphx .cricclîccRtie bc Do cientlT c r Li gltlai ttiu -rrI,ite*2Wm U.Ethea t uab b l..h>ad det, lc steUsp«ePMhi f ýIor . a l o i m d al e i' ler l b . ci e i R &C R1. cicoe.I cctii cghiut le lii ltcfsflc, le uel-cc Cct cit ~ ccO cteo amr o v ,ie d u b le gntian e a r s Mtahhe6 t f Ja u r xeqi ot-l fîîc cfiicc coîiti ccci cml eeitr ci cli il. llce e -t eueaia0bl ee t m h i e r -ic a n îc o . , i e t s e v n sl c d i eez 3 , O I T HCce E R ,c $ 105 'H J N L S N ic a i - u g c c a m e t e t forit . io.ecelllgepih -u andce-el isarhlshce-ad-ilthpe-i ai(int tbc t 4i c111191 ' lfî uife e rToCul îr e er. cccli I plighme l0,)eccIttý,Ivn41t ar h Mnus et ils ci îrc ihtc ci iiof~ne .eclh gll I-c " .rt lieiilene. lol1 innd cee ifo.oeothony o t teh a l t a . r I o h a l m d R S E S O I Si h trld I t t h ,it-o b ic eo net he c - c e licste -ic i . e i oe. th, lenld uc pt,,ap ce i t lit ccetieiti ca iV th I IE C U T-______lag____3. it r - ai ünrel orno Ot w a iTnn ,i A I ayü dC M'otce, BND el]tholcjMth itb,,tmo lg ci,'mN"tc u a is tc ' l i . A tti i i vrAi qt e e i e l îccite ccci Gcccgcloice andtCe n 1 scIa Py I ll 'ti aq cc 910111nr thee be re k tcoiiecctb 3- I e.tiil 10 îcucîîi ccii Il. eu la e etcte h obee i o t e i crouccII t e IViFiAc. Idell19 Arac i s ccacbiet..cnrcle-tii.luctete haut cccii ht l tan.le th oe raCc alle rei g «lc or l e c g a i c . l c r ltcî t l a o - .T hi . . h e t m a ch i n ,1e ft e * £ a 1 ' " "uleD ... t S , b ý h n s - k , e cifeiicce, cecea li, a udali lied utBrailler sautt I, c3r, l ettS er.e t lc c o t e o s a V t a d , ti tR e l Tot A e en e ev i cu I f CIIII 'I, # L t fo e i' îci q Ilthc tili uic woetil t et ti'msliier c. drtton, l cad. byaorCia A ilkWW~II agu~m~M R H N A L R ~ OD hile-home th c 1 1,1itîc ilcl ati ccli ii eawt'OFi-e-ta c tisamuctid. T. T odas t e e h,1 9 l l ier votus 'I ,bouati leNDID aS.9 oRTm En T Tdu CIE PESii citb Maesenct, i-1,2clu: ue cii ic cui-c t le'.e- Usecuicee tct tor 10mc ha I tc ejiistrouce.c T.e w,sipie fucc cpe cing& eaiu b c cinei pb e. M n toe a l . I ,r l t i l. arom - o gn t i nI nternatetn* K e li geby a m tri&' of1 1 o C i have eteY ou r lŽ icli I Tn'.111r u a- fn nun itimse Iel, iinin- a r - ushCIc l 5c. cof* ch ticanc M urou'd cvihîi lricg cc. a iM: lier NIDD cuntryIHat hf h retoigd t.e Niîceci'cand - cci oucadietcseccc ccietwtif cced lier, Mr, 110 tar.lIt is cii c CTempety o e-t thra eItOcciiiéhB oa i C o h. , C s ii i r s to rt oi h iuaca a m tracdaiofccl seeîcer ecinccaài Pccaagclcr oneluïhobear tire cc higocce pti t o O- jci'lecteeLcc et ilciCr ic eec tc olKb olteeiten.11i ceecicir,, ac'II bcch irklr tenin ohi to .m eus k u -(11 .cci id,-1 i cc iedi uii c the cc hie,>4, cc "fîucc hl c MAIN arm rs, M ecaTsMILeTKe per ccc i c cc-lt. loi-dct lir. i tQbciei.E boy jde crr o apovIcnit . . S HOOL DW 30cet er S frs igecpe.B d coths Cnda iweeas rn hyaes l ic ticîl t pcsieuid t e a i n r e c tw c e-l cîe mutko hn l eoeIlaan'eli ict,.2I h cicce A oneiiiyelimeîSflaa àvaaeoiiithlb guve meBOtue loch mierticti.sii eroeidn.iii Pie-oc ao unOi..IF r es e h ne, L tl K e es possible!"r1 ùclie m taidec r lax c fgro me f Pi) lluIe t Cn e£, a c et-ce.r uccl iHlcthelliepile- iulaCteiocn eni tec -ChIAI IPON' V'oIY>Lei ,ÉLI-V-m=doE 7aCUN0TYKN O &CMAY humo homv eai iOU iT icariC i0 ATETtUBLCATONS uberdîlealce eilecchch cii ieccdi n e camied a r n d tIr grave tcftie be-atipe pu a t cec cci.e hic e cp yo f i-a Cc oftis e etlCy. in-c atthncia o nuice h le hee sanmde o cer C eeatcecleD.,chscictll cciipTHci c d -Ic1cntmoaxeald li eecli .ecodcd hm il ii,- eC. taityi de- Iisa e-L ol is cc epeeclbrlth se-as c ovtir VI ucibci egr wîhmeKou cchedae ccccciyccicd.liectuael-CeCcciTH PE ME E fcmlCE 0R ' la THfET IiLON. I ven homec hapicr mc itAn .TET P fictUB LIsmCAO S e d thdiecccce eimhlletp e-idlc"eliyail C lo uied br no te ravel i 'So reirbs ,yb u nfnt a piw - i n tepapi n ottheutde y n , ..t« ,fý i The hilelDtiiocoridiccuein thci tic iiIl ieaicto n C l utei the e cbuccc pef u a o ul c tp mStptonLanradling Newsreeie wa hm ahppe a ntom- I I-ccc isc . i th t itcad pe it lth te ce teebici cuii. ic - cc x~'r Iituict-cu ccoeicalcccsCsuce-ey oCce R01 IR hall gui for ced 10 etiycur t -i8 f h dy T he Li tl D a sy s llies , ig it ý t ie r pcto e p -cdUi t c-utai, th latst ow.in ech Nsue lit Ilîccet ('CIa Teacté WU iii e-uc calt e-ut uiae-e-acce-ce- N MAIN IrREl licion -iBd et, e-g. WOUek. e~ Mr..4 Acq(à~e ctted,,aad tha -a eant-ceuic hi. t~iiact ni Ili thel i J)OEPPt f1l1W tri uei.thatl -ilh cee-tel atte!,itu THrO.I4 ~CL BDUSStuCe- ecly. Ecce iaciliug .uhi T LIARDO B EastTorento, The mccci icetu eblu Rccîauecnt fttiéd e-C ailthc, {'tgactcortherfi e-g Toroe-teoi eccicicciatiet lit Dru liuor/ atu..iN. l'e- ztl - - c.. e-t 1tATi- D II, IcII A mu i 3iii - c taýlIt iith lý;u). cl J I.li'v KA fýt'. wDME rMUýo Z-:L4c>yial CIIRISIIII & 0, 1