Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Apr 1871, p. 2

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- ., , ,ý - -- , , ý ý , , ý . . q ,ýý , - ý ý ý 'i . 1 1 1 - . ý 1 1 . ý ý ý ý i 7 , - - ý 1 . ý : r ý 1 1 . . . %, 1 1 ý -1 1, e, . ý 1 ý 1 1 ý ý W e ý 1 i . 1 - l ... r - ý - 1 1 1 1 . 1 . ý 1 ý i . 1 - . 1 . 1 - - 1 . 1 . 1 1 .11 ' . -, - - -1. -- - -. , , - - 1 4 1,ý,1, ,-ý 1 .1 -1 - 1 1 - a.îmuâiea WOCD 1 ýW00D! ý WILL JOHN SANDFIELD RESIGN? - ý - ý - IIIIIIIIIII - - , , 1 ' o ; ý - - - _and thp, CI)DIIII[Iùist, ativalleed fi) figlil Ottawa Correspondence. view, and induiced the Ilonso, to puits ---- -.,Il., - 1 'suit tire Versailles tr Il,;. Fort valentille. - - i lie Manitoilla Act. Duririg tire recess, "A Prophet, Truly !" Of 'C,7- ý,injoillitillý ta II l'W hnids of wood will bc tak- In viev of tire ce ý of the ]aie [Fretin our oirn Corresporiiient.] H o rse ]B ills - ilëf,(]--iýs ilotlititlllikf-].Y 1ý ,«" Il 1,ý,."".:,t "f -hoiI-tiý,- for vlections in titi, sild(leilly OpvIIed,ýIrV (III filera, wlicil however, ,Iqr jà)IIII-S(ý(ýnig to have re- Tlivre is tilt il(ý%%.,IIlilgýr anywhere. il, f1voi. of et g(.Iltl(ýIllitil p ý Ni If ,1 -livoil iuri, . s Province, elle illipor- .tilt bel - i i . tunt and inferesting glii(,ý,tioli i, b,,iig ,(,:,%.il, (;,,,,' ]Y Of tllc rvb(ýI, 1'týtl*,,ýitý(.(I. 'rite result of the Ontario elections ci)"" ý at- lis mon votili. ý à . ýit tllall the Toparto Il th, l'il 'Ni iý', ii"Ii.,tl,. lit(, lire illered the illatter, and Cloue fi) fil(, ForinLed in the most thal, poIitiva1ý,o c7.1wý - -- ----ý_wwýM , , z ,ral lýýýr,ý,--,,ýi,,ýt ivitii 111- . . a(,tiolIiýt shackles. l li 1 ý - liscussed, Vi- -At what finie Sir( couchisioli tient it 1% as tttl%-iý,11.1Iý , . 1 ý1o . ,- Ç' , 'UAI, ofoo ]OUI] te, 1-.11. t'l, l','L.11 or tIi;ý iloat- 1 - ras cý,tlt.,o,,l ('ý,11,t(ýi*!];Iti,)Il union, (Ile te 1 Paffi l 7',-Ii,,I)-,tih. T ho.h. iý ilollo. %ý it là ,,,,,I"(,-ti,,ii;iF)ly lie re 1 \ -I!ý l'b,'T'71ý7,'IG'o'rr, et- ('().. ;37 lit, A.,,,eliit)lý- lie ;,ý,,.Iill c,)Ilvt.:,,ý,1, 1 ' -, l' ) ý it-I'l et). fil& 01,1),),itil)II, loir loir tractive Style, and f oý, 111>(te-lI,1.,ti*- fi> ,1,11,I.1-i.)I. .,Iil-Iý%,ýlIllý'ý", Iý,,,, 1ý;lý:;i - iii:iriý*r," 14 aliol limil 1 ý, S , , .W. S"""""' !"", the ('1I('itilk-l' (If elle' .1- iý.,) le,- Lhe 10w CýL'CaSh priclI -tll:tt;l"lllll,ýý; tlIý.:Iii-.;O.fl!lý- ýjo'-nl lit-i vaff er il ill lie (Il . ' , , Y i SIII)S(ý,1,14,11t oIi- ýt-eh- il": ý 1 SU(> Ili il the 1',,iý,-,Ii;ll-,%%ili,ý, of illeil. ý Pari. "",tI,, N"Il, 1 - i;.L., and ii P. f. ' ý il" ý large, litiiilioý ' ', .... .. ' )ýqlIiIlioIo (Z"%.,t. Ilipil tir(, rag-lait ;Iolol I,:IIIý %%itl, 1'l"r', , Il' J'I', ýýiIpIo,(ý elle ,Jr1fýf]rrý ,ýý l lil . 1110111[ced that; tire, (")%,fý1,11111l'ylt ', 1 -O domil. Il fooIý thelli-I'N surprisc, oVoIlle, il;I,, a oleus,1145 >411blafI C:Illil.]ýl(.,ý111-ý". if 'j, ,."",f;,iitl.%' fo'ru- Ill'i' I how -iinqui p') iru T. 1, et- (-o.. . park 1,ýI'r. .ý-l-liý important ChI'ngCýs haýe beeil illud,, news ot'a 'n,11, %,i,-l.pi-ý i'.,i- tilt, Goi- "" * 1 ? at the - Cham pion " of- . 1 j 1 1 (,i-,ý-. arc v'l?. 'ol'- .tq,,,il., lit that c.: . . 1 . . , . te F, ýuiro, i l'il,' ly ilot oeil\ il, 1110 jl,'?'ý,iý;1"11", but ,jet fil(, crantent aliol elle ilviliel"Illi.ýatioli lof tire 'vl o-ii tIl, l.,)lll(ýst opelle-el, tho.%. %%(q-,ý . . gs 111A il, SIoW - Conti 1,11,- . ý1ý on-1 art, auf?éfWiýÉ, 1 . the Illipprial I»iLi-li:itii,ýlit, te) Colifirla i . . tillll,.(I"ý11(t %Vas; and sp 1 :i .fI? . 1 fice. ()r"'*%'," fil-' Leille,ý', iii-vûr ,4-(-s,:iiiei, opill' ' il "" "*"""" ý il toi C"Ilieract - Political charactvr (if fil,. Ilvw Hanse. Colllllltllli.ýt'. , boldIv (ltýfialIt. X9 if drew Ili-al, te) il tilt> 1 lent livas sfy - adlýqrtiIýiig (Il mir 1oirrýf e-,ite-,ý. 1011I b:,ý, jet 111111listalivable laligliagl, , y LI'f . S t ,fi ta sa , v, nobody elose. Il is f'-i,.Iit-yii.ýt slj:Lck-l(ýqel-p( chose, tho-Y becaule le'. 41e-ili,,]),l rati Ce, M r. Blake ilkoved tient the Bill te be prislig ta rate]] applause foi- have the ilücol ta tixk, ý . ý 1 . . coligli'llille(l tire Patent Colilloiriation, F ARL!A.MENTAýIY SU!M-4ARY. bat they never dreanipt, Of si) cril.,,Iiillg an "enter ,." the other iiever (Irvams Of its list of e' liidependf ý scat te file, :Iiiii),(ýrilLI l'itrliiiiiie-iit, bc LoCAL IN-rELLIGENCE. nt, soleil t'. . aeo; elertifig tilt. ofher dav ;rail tire Inini,ýtry will Illid theiliselveti - ri TIO defent. That alliajouity (,f28 could Éi,,t solibloittoc a Tor, ovv, il 1,,I il, ,V,,,,,, ,:,^,i,ý, (ý above ai ' 1-'çt'ise pr, 1 ý ; ,,,,,ý,>,,- . . ( t il, C-1ýr f9affl ian q bampion, Id te this parlianient. ltl',,Nll'r. 12- Wtkil,*ý ,,,I,,rti,é,..It. I s of t c wà at Lire very best, but barely able to 011 wediles 1 IV Mr. ponald A Sillith, ! be III into a iiiiiiorili in oppo'i- 'l'ho et, -- - --- ,,, 1,(,r,,i,,,,,,,,I>:,,,,ý l'ý.tfiri.jl)III-11:11i,ý,'i. lýI%%*iii!)I' f > le à ïI gov(,].Ililli.llt l'Iý,;i.ýtqll this illotio BLý,xt N%'el,-ný,lay. il 111 is 1)(-%,(;r lion, 1,,,t.f.,I-IIillg lo:oIý, 7,1l,,ý ,,.,.,, bc crow neil , 1 The anIY Reforra. Journal fil Riflait. ý -S I-irk, tionto ùnornious patronage in tire ILII(Ijlleg(,(Itllat file 1,011, 1 f nIuý 1)(""'(' ille- Ili' a e-1)('t)IIIIý'.; crie 1 ý ý - - - ý ý cotilinand a IlluI vVen if elle th', lt(ý%vl% ül(,Ct("l illoiliber roi j1k ý . o hard a, Am,,ezF", ýpapfi - ý lent Nvill be miroir 'Mie C-ort of A,ý,,,,,, will hu hell Thils -," rond offlo- orgati juir (,.j-(,ell(,)i(,I- eh-o-tions than they overi 6 - 1 - - - - _ liIt'n' llflèj)ctjfli'eit,ý give tirent their support,. Manitoba, Nva., intro'l'irud atrll to?ý)k his 1 hands Of ilitýit.,,IiiII(ý(1 jet corrupt prac- retidy approved of tire ineasurvî bye atSÊEi).s. -';t-e W. If. Streut'm siolvertisertient 1 if * IN 1 -- -- *ot'tliiý (,(>ý'eriiiii(ýtit of' tliv day. Iiiit ilýii-li;tnif.rit.11 'l'lie hest MILTON, APIZIL t3th, l8il. ' It is elainied. and sa 'fur lis we cuir "eut 011 th') -Nl""ý'tý'r';tl l'I r passing tir(- "ýlýiiiitý)b;k Act. Mr. Blak -ue .1. illtll(. world Ioý dictiol;oili ýtS Crever eves il ý, sition vrith respect ý Iti*à)1'(- the electois, %vas lier idea fille replied that elle proposed 111(ýll,.Ill-(,.q of fi rond garl,ýIe epll"t,ýt;liiill)()(ýtlý71(%%,Illý.ýttý%,%ý;giiiiri ilifillence, alid file ploi Vaille of fliil ý judge, il ils 1)1.(I1)(,).Iy clainieti that the policy of thi, oppo, Y thvir latighier. But so i Wn -- - - / ---- ý --- - 1 . ý ' 1lý, 1 . - AD.Mý--ZI1ON OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. ()pposition wil, ba, a Ci : tý û ý workiog ta repez . 1 tiré itein (if .9211X)MI-Mir t'or ,publie extità-d Offl% ' f t byood ýMuIitoha, and enibrâc ' 1 1)l-i)1,1t" 11111% be elm t lit, glace ilir, C -- huifflingsat Halifit'c' was adopted IUI ý tourne (1 ont, alid in I filvc of flint fa col F,ý!1 fiold and ga"I' il ., ,d., for the ýeý",. eý"'I ýIi'-o ', 'iýae ilto,ýt Iiiiportatit meaieuri, ofth, inajoriI ta car,, elle file rogii:ttiI)ij of Y ý British Colililibia, and ait ledit anitisvoi %%itli :1 .i;ý 1 luli, - . . 1 . Sir George E. Cartier, liiaid,'t II ' ýr lire)- ý seu lr,.i-y \ýý.t,ý,I,,, nI11I'ti.-loeýut. NI lit> :Ill Ver- Teloll'Iraple has never onc .1 1- 'o finit- :et flic opelling . Ilitý,v ;tri- begiiiiiiiig te, realize finit evell vert II his wart-S IiIýv ,Il Street Illiclister pr ,o,ýlit session is t1rit by Nvbieli tire il" """iliv,ý, > ces that mi.-glit lier'vartur Il(. admit- , - - - , it, With a]] its well-ki 1 cheers. lion. Mr Langevin stated witl flic zisllit:lll(.(, ofall .,;irýj(Iliii AIS .""*' ' " "' i, "",i .... le f th" , ...... t y or proclýIilil, tilt. %-il-tilI., (If hi-' -1119-t't tion ta hrag moi bhister, 1 : Goverlinieut 1, ,d in spit, (of tilt, next Parliainciit flic iiiiiiisters vote woultl býc zoI this Session III ý f i 1 ('ýý1-l't, f-Il el', t, ial of ,-ý,,,-, , itloont a ilory , ý , 1 ÎI the! l'Ilion. And, illort-over, lifte Sonic lIilil-iiiolitlio.(l (IIOrýkUPPV never more, fleuri clain ay succeed , . %vill lie obliged tu) resigii thosir port- the Suait ýýtv ) - , elec one , -ilig (Lodgcs alloi ail the gov- -t Nvas fon.sod with, flic , o . , 1 1 of the ,,autres: protets of elle Opposi- lý ý larie ennui, but .ý 11) the Mailitolia AI ý ""'* t ,a tl','L%,-Ilill- iiwiiwývrie, bat thC.ý f,'ý,,.-( niellent is .. 811> Craillent put mange thvir prospe( , -Il le-LI ou Morolay 1-t. Theru vv.8 no clin haillIv Ix dv,ýI-iN-(.(I. The 1 . il 1fiý,îi. Ili carrying air adiliress for the foliI NVIien the first Parlialaclit was ()'- -tS of kli')ý%1(ýtllýtli;lt:it any fillie if coiffil: 1,,,,,,,,.,, ,,,ý,,-ý-,*,-r t., te,ýý,:,rt. aloi se) Stupid as to lie led aNvuý- i . . 1 ý! 1' 1 - - -Ity on :111 test fi 1 . di.solved, the si 000 and .ý-2ý5,0.(M)O, for lenlarging il[(. ý re-ciretion lire of t he Sliiiiiiiest hiliel, be r(ýl>(-ýiltý,1,or ainviitied by this Par- ý - - . ý , )Y illuloi of its Soi inter fil(. ipp-)rt(ýrs of,, the Wellaitil and Ottawa. and >'100,000 for and they ni«V iI II sails ;il,- , . n"isy loeillacit% , nilol finve illore .,e.-Il,(t '11,NV elle l'terrien admission tif British coluilibli 1 1 N.ý,S.ýomN F'y,ý The (',>,It of lý,ý'I.1,,n for II to Ili.(.(.])t ýýe-li'-Irili.,o- Mili,110111 fil,, lut, Parlialli it Governaient were, tri twice as ' Hantent ; whvrvas ;tir luiperial Act is liI how 1 th-ý 'J'ý;"I"Iil, 'f N":,,ýiI,ýl,,,-,-yl, ý,il1 l"; hubl Il . 1ý ý Confeleration. In iIIývviiig flic Il devpenin, tir(, St. Iýlivi-(,ii,ýe betI a , cordiiIgIý . It lis irrevocable so fiir :es this Parliainvlit is "il .\I.,,I,1;,ý,. April t:., loth, ,I,,t,,iI fil, 1 Thinking "1,ii)1)1(-" Clin dvtect driveli inuly I)oastiiij2 of the , !, - Ititi.)ii.î air whI t'he ad"Iress i, forind- iiiiiiierous ais tilt, Oppositioil, -,nid ivere . 1 ý ý gýIve tire able tocarr Voleffi a higIL liaeid what- Kingston .rend Montrèal. ,%Ir. ,,ai! they look iipOn Ilithlie que.tions in ,11 eA, Sir ('.Pii-gt, E. Cartier 'y )tort of il eý)11(".rli(ý(1. - II and flistaili jet a fi-alling aitielv quito. - t",."tý>-rv,ý ý 1 1 ' bat the leiizie criticiSeoi the roi [c neN light. For iiitlil](ýIý the verv next ý ' "' t trivd by : - .eeI,."eý,,ý--l lamil -'l'. , 1 ', thrit watt ý ý 1 1 -- --- li., ,Iiii(ýk]N- lis a iý rit4.i-,':iiicl;tllý, opillioli, satain elle (;o%-(.rillll(.]It. 11colist, plafilly ta illiti-,--.itlù(i flint no (,Vr Illeasurë à III I)Ielistý(1 ; . allait flint 1 ::::ýýIlIS Of 1 I* frol'i toile (if' 1 11(Ir4)Iigli collI %vell. ove tl'illk, Calial ('ont lit i'siollers, and rl kilu il Ud (LIN aftvi. the elections, the so-Calied , .ý,-',"""Irlý,,:,,.,,,",,,, '.tii""."""""",,, ý ,i!ýý,rý,à"oýý- l;. E Jeu :N, moilirication wotild 'bc allowed, an,, peofflo by et very large iiiijoi-ilI have ' .1 es to v11ý,,dc tire real que, rl'à ', .. à . . T o,ý lý'.,,Iil,-,i.g C ý% hich 1 h(--ý Ton ' N, forin nient il"' ul«I sh(alid le mit fallu%%- prop ý.", 1 glictovil their disupproval of tho that the Goveriiiiient were not prepur- latiotral polic% ', Canle hofore il](, t'afled, and tjhe question cueille fairly '11 tee hulol ait Ste,,art.w., .. s.tue, citer s Y Il(' fI fi) file 1)l11)("".,; profession." For, ta uýl*(! III , 1 that flic Gý)verninUnt %votilil accopt 110 . . cite alillourice sonle polici for tir(- flouse, and Soleil moi[ aýs filtre 1 -isole rend dety, 29tlo inott. -Ili,"ýlici!. -oirto Telegraph ý et short'tillie ago. -l'h ý tcriliq except those ,),ýï,ýrv;l. Tho Pro- ture. After recess Col. (I re- JIB(ý:'tY who liail last ses-sion votUd f r b fore t1w 1 touse, whether tire -overii- jet probably r(,S'l)()I]Sil)ltý t'Ill- Illore of titis sort Of brag, lit election vilico of British et)lllilltèia culit. lits t John $and. "' 'lied à il i 1 d iliperial 1 OItlu,ýN-ri,-, ý ý a sti le ; if .1 i toi be scen ,xliether or no tirent ]rail a right to ask 1 s. -Thu ltov. .las. Breckeririilgo, drivi-1 and fust-Iiiii tirait liný otii(.r pilb- .Ill, a 1 haS situred tire debato on, tire British tire durty air ci) il, tilt roulil . pro field and ]lis collerigueys WITT eadeavor ' .(ýKI)ectillg 1 Il-" ,,,ý,ý.. iIlllt--ýI int', file- rI.,t",.l o I-ý;, of 'licjà)"r":tl "11li 'If -,%Ieýv York lis flecli that if literally cea Il ý forain 59,000 ta 60,000 inIiabýtrlI tý colideliiii 1 if the'stroligest ternes. 'st ('xl)("'i ""-il t Of' the kilid ils Poli- sinile. Afterthe Il . no)ütit 1 01000 of whil lire turetain their grasp of power, in Collilubia Tesoloit joies, *)III tha et 1 Ili - ical propheeN . The London 1'rei, e à i,) oI;ýjI e a solile I)N- col , eyllites .1 leve . 1 lis net Opposition was malle te) elle i Botli gentlemen declarell dont they Cannelle, wliieli had telle; foi been tSlt,,r-, (t'i.,,,Iililn Preshyteriale Congrugation nt ,ai( '* glotte of' tho popular ilisapproval as, ý . IPpro% vd of by the Câlialliali Parlia- ý 1 . ---ý- --- , tllre,.ý once tried the saine )-(,1eý but prol tie boast WlI tir, Il, ; ý havre very little kiiowletlge of aliV ex basis of representation, iiL Mariitoha. ý had alwaos belivveil fil,- oliLlI %V -r 1,Iý(li.ýtiiig that Mr FoIcv ivoillil A prophet of lies deserv4 shovi-n lit tire aw regate nuinher of 1 . ý i Is evil , aient. This wrIs III %vay flic quo-stion Ai (,TicNwý:it. Attention iý; ýli,,,t,,el t, il., a fil ý 4 - ce.pi; a ettalparatively sinall part of tire vie flic ferais of British, Coliriabia ('11 tIIiýs : and 0111Y evil. .Nir. flarrisonjustified 1 ý ý ý tes cast; III tirent and their - ý ý ', be elected fier .North Waterliiii, ivlien ý,tOoo1 lit six o'clock ou 1'lilirfgl;Iý- Ni huil , ard of .'ilor. (ý'e-)rgt 13iirr..ý,.i in another col- - no hoiior lit uny country., - . ý . eoiiiiI which is distant front il,, ovor candidates. Tire mii)iý,,try havo socur- point shotild lie accepte(l. Tite Gav- bis vote OfIllost se-ioli on fil(. grouild , - Th, Publie, trolly P! Ile turned his Colet in liloi itý-gave lep - honor,,, then, (lacs et 1 two tli'ý)li;;liiil iiiile-î; yet the-- OI . ý cordilig ta fil(-, rides of' tire Hanse, 1 ,ülen, ' aile ,xery ,,,,,Ii,!,n- , elle atsk in dis-tist. 'l'lie Tel(ýfil'Ïllliý deserve ?-Ber1iýi Telorgr( le . -traordinary 1),)w.-rs over tir(, li Croulent was soverely critici,ýed for ý tlorat tire dilty illight possibly wolk it was laid over till lJI The .. i. Mr. Bun.)ýSý . - .1 . 1 - -, . , fiers now stepped irito tire shacs îIf tire . : 1 - ý . l ý1 G,)vtr-iiiielit has biiiiid itselfto pay to "il oc, ' collec(liiig su ilitioch. as II ploposed Sittelle golod in tire direction of briligillg n'. --- - -- London Oracle. Witte a liard flourish 1 ---*-- 1 ,- ý Vois iicov nieinbor of tire Ca Ilfeilërýation expendittire of very large siiimi of ý 'te t obi Sir George E. Cartier escaped BlIoNTE -;Llfý.'Il,. -Th,- ettatai nation of the of triiiiipets it bas assaini lhe ùaýt ta do. tire Antericaus ta coinscut to recipro- S 1 ý Hop Circulai -ý , j tire sain of ;:'ý-)2(3,ù90 aiiiiiiallN-; elail to aloney, l111:1 tire selection of siteii for ity. Mr 13caty do-Clared ho hall froin lhe diflicult, poition, Tels gavera- iiiiil.9 attuneling Iýronto, 8,1-ol ,vil' fait, 'offmantle of tire elder political Elijah, - ', ý - build a railivilly ricross tire coiitineiitýat Provincial blii Nvitàioiit cotisait- On '17hursolay the debulI Vraie rü- C ted for tho ., national poli ,, . . ,vall, pIacedý in by yiel,ýitig ta the Illace iiext 'I'litireiav, April 13th! Ali in. and Mois fair to take filet character NEw Yonx, Frielay, notera, 1 ; thé expense'of, ai the least calcu fatian. ing the representeltives of , tire people 0-1 suiiieil by .Mr. Jone,; of Halifax, iwil. V, ý Cy In 1 t tvore.,otod in tlc cause of eliiention ar. re.- with vqual ,uccess. For insII On Tire transactions this 'y . . . thoseiniportauturitters; thatirainistry afI Claquent speech, inoved ail e"tirety.blitli:t(I ilitended te) illove V iews of fI Opposition, and arrimait c- PTýctfuIIY invitvd tý e fou ire, unt. the 25th Jalitiarv last 1-'lýi;ilt jiiiiior beeii on a large seule, uni 1.le ON'E 11UN-DRED MILLION DOLL.%Inq. NO ilig tient ail ,ýtl(.ýs(Ijiy lie would in ro- - - - -- ,litote IIII allilouticlul the follow- to-day closes very terni, V .1 ,lent cold b, sI out, and linfortuil- , III - là in poNver Nvithout tire confidence of 21"('Ilil l'le Il t te) flic resoltitions - tkat , 1 sitrvIy lias boeu maille, loir 1iave the, tely was absent wheil elle measlire duce re:o ý Iiitiý>iiý.ý'til)à,ii whicli ait addresà Guý£Ni1oPmiug of our inillinery, mantlu ing :- telidency ta air advanc«. ý a majority of such representat ives. il" Prol'Osed eugugement rAuýýi)üctillg il . to lier MaJ7ty wolild bc fcoutided. .MI ý.rlýt Show roula., eui ]ý',i-ILýy, 7tlo Aluil. Il ,ý,,'ýIr. Blake iIovýs net frel suite in "et' t has been ochlI - .j 1 ,ý , otonoil engineering tlifficulties of elle à . tilt Pacifie lZitil%%ý.,Iv, wolthl, in fiiiallý plissed! Now tire trotte is.Mr. Wr Illovu .et i.in"ie- ýtok- ,et -,I>,ý Il I site 11la at; au ,en estim, Under those ciercunistances Ive confond i 1 . ý (-ý)III ;:lis - ,,,,iitli I;i-itc(--iIliere lit-liit(I.,tiii;i" III b"'Ight or ille t' tire route bc ated, yet wb have Beaty tvice 1('C(Ii.(I(.(i his Vote against ' Choloq', ýtI-Iao1 ,-I,-ýý;,.,t l":11;ioy. -'of, - of ('111N ,even Not,-.i la't elecri à ý 1 U We note .1 siil^ purch; I'. z ' that the ministry, by roclaining offce il,,, opinion ,il Ihis Hol press te),) Ottawa, 27Vý .Nlýti"C' , lý71. ý - ý 'il- le bal"., isi-,8'8 011 lorivate te 1 rablily and blinelly pledged the faith ' . 0'tolingeoal to tilt frve list. The 1 Lod ý\,eýlrýý,ie &- C.- . 1, ilot likelv te) 1",I, """(, il gain 1 v ý, l ,ý ' tilid sjnniding tir(' peaffle's iil,)IILY, ,vill lieý'ivilyul)olltll(']-t- .ýolirv(ýSot.(,'ýilliLda." 1, ------ -ý ' I)v tir(- saine partN Nvho toi ofcariada ta procoed ovith tlà2'iintler (>tel gentleman 11111.'t have forgotteil iýeIl Couricil. i, illill'Il o\(La -Ci 1: iolate aile of elle ni est irriport-ilit Sir A - G Magill and Mr. 1, . thail he %N:i.,, il d ()ieO bale lot r fciredto iii e l< 'f tak-ing within two years, avoir fîmsh it v 1 1 Ith ,lu t'.1 l'y ,ai, iMonens, lent. lie- i, %ýiým Vilwigh fi, kiloit- 11, ;, - . . . . lI or-ýo-..Il %VU Ni ill 1w Char itable - e - : '. 1j--,ý,n -,f.I;,.;,.- - - -- ' lits 21.50d, .; 1ý prilleiples ,« Olir constitution by AlInli'! .,ýlIo)Iv SI agallist the . ,O il , ,I a 'le lýlrIr,ýt, (ll,-itl,,,t, li'pi Plett%. go-d t'tel- il 1)ý-.'-'illlli:i,. Blit a f . 1(eth jnelet. 1 .1 within lieu ! It is inteinleil ta provide i . ý and ,;a.ý lie forgot if. The - national ('-,iýiiieil miýt 3rol April, Illustrant ing Il ".041 portion of et . 1 whicil it is holil tirait file exc ZI proposed Colorierons t,-xlo,,[I(Iittilý,ý, and ' . - tll-intiu,;.ýtodý ý,f ý[ý,>.e g',ýýýlý -.1 Ieat %o1ýStIwfavt! ýý,11.%, Mr. Blake IIISV 'i ý el, - Al'alits ta thý extelit of ý,i-,ýLý--f"!Il. mil poIivý ', %vas dult-litud by a nIuIorItý - (et . iuýi'iIInlnenfI . lit tIi:lt tillie il t "IlIv - f, Ira, 1)(4-li for .1 lon lI sailli not hold office %vithont possessing Sir Fralicis Ilircks rt . . inellibers ait ,prv.ýcIit printi in the 1)ý)ul:iji,,11. -1t, .,ýifeý," hii.t. J. ýl)!iL.,I, althougli ý '\IcLýd, ,Iiilýr.ýý,. il, ý lions ofacri's, of whic, ý 1 , h On'arla es ex- . nillutus Ur LiSt illuetilig reail and Cela- the i-,».,ti!L Pi'l)%(.(I, vaS .,I(.tll;lll% ,lPFVoý b% one of orir Jar 1 1 ' 32 jet il flouse of 138. TIIi. wa.ý ac- ý & co. ', 10 undoubted contirleilee of tire he Corelli Ilot aliSwer Mr. Ma,-Iý,ýnzI ý . VhilV 'chese livavy pur peck'd ta give 1 I TI à t?! lZe(-v(5 rellad'a commun -ti-origl-r in Sol Briice, ;III ,, 1 iýizio il illions, as bc- 1 tillilly il voit(- of %%ant or' C,)Illil,.Ilc(. in I- ý 1 il ll()t.ý.(et hevii productive Il 1 1 :i rinvoi. -- --- - -- i , loll-ruýilli.ilt, tirait ali . i . nicmbms. By holding on ta tiroir qiieýtiouý, rtý,I)t>ctiiig Il,(, calculatiolis Cation floin 411t. liait. J. Carling, res- 'ýl.%RPa.11; E Li -F,,,::-. - ',rr. Durerait 1)e%ý;ir y lultil in tel[(. et .11provellip fI ,six and seveil liulidrcel tuiles of! 1 intil iie7t fait or winter, thero which lie hall maillé. After several fil(- goý-eriilll(.Ilt. ýýý'il[(- front tir(- Illet r. V 111ce., 111( 1 . 1 1 1. ,Ili in VuIueý ri -, ý p aces 1 ý villigialit labour, ý h-I-i,ýýlthv .,!-Iýý,;"tIý,-,I.t of 1-j', of le IIl4Iillý" the Ill"'f "(")""'y ,ertaiffly given il illut-il Ta 1 , raffivi, that the rugidation tel' ii tai Ill is mie ý 1" roýiiItit (et' th, ctOisýifito-iir\, M r. av will. 1).I.si thrangh ýbi,, t will ho mauv opportuaitiei giveii ta OI specello-S, th- alliondinvlit Nva, 1 Il. V, illulott tire n-12ural niarlSt, rtiitic ý . li t - . . . . -Nli,,ri.Ig,à liri,ýýýý, vi,-, -m, .iý , Spinit , Ilv v.aS -Nvise ý 1 ,ý Il 1 il the appoilitalcit of' lier ' Il te, Province, ' but for tire fifteen million , of, the 111."t important ft[li'tiý,li.i of' a 1 ; 1-11- ;H r!, ý e Ili" 1Iý le. , ý ý , b y illi support. rend tire patt hiitory loSt by a vOI of ',),,ý te> G3. A or, ' . rý-,i;ý.,ý,1. Iný..nIiu,, Il :iýýli,',,ý , "' 'th, . Il ,l )elle]] igulet for thel 'I'o%Ç'11.Sliil). ' ý'- fillow it," toi), and (]III rail . 1.1. j'Il clasvs uasier fi) inakt: .- ý, (ýoý-(ý1,11111(.Ilt. thert. ýý Cru Cil l-ilinstillices 1 l 1 1 , ,. foi'( Ill-, holdvrs .. à ta 1 'taku olýdiu no.d gý'I'r., tI., il-Al 1ý î.111oUo4ý fI aint hi.ý -, illli.iI'l'it% l' . . -aeres, which Il- , of' the G,),,,,rriiiieiit vrill give rist- t,) ta postpone tilt- coiiýitiýýrlitii)ti et il,(! - i;,,", Y01 011 V ,,Vvil l' of turiall le -ý . - ;,contri'])iite, file Govei,-"'IL'bt Of C-Lu'Id;l ' rygr.tv-,s-,ispý*";ý)LI, if il-)t palIitivu question wa, also loSt ý b% 85 - colillecteil with Ilois oIIIv.ýtioII %%hi - -11 ý .Nil. limiter 111.)oý,.(I. That tire sueur oý ly. ý oeil ý lit lllý,t (1-c't Nvill II jl'to, "III , lortilility ta gvt rid of î , , l ve Y -) ta 15, ý folie- (loilans por illonth, Coulluiý11era', ---- --- ýIw ii.t,,,,iiiiie(ýiii niajority of '407 ! Ili)%%- "": o're Mas iln'aleable. 6 ý, nill 9: an' elle yearly suili ou ý)Ilc huit y, that iiiiýv,)- G 1 - ;ýý - - . . ' - IIIcýIlIi Nvill afte , r which, the II.,ilým; ý Malle il enipliaticallI olle oÉ,co:jlielellé4,ý 1 , , rh- "ý:iti,,., of ... il, i., that for ire)IIII(,C, - 'i'ý)\Vtýr,,,iiý('11ý)%Vwlttcllil crt aiiiI -tý '. oli% idud ('11 loir. filent thr lir't efJ;Lllll;tl.\ , be lourd Joh ,à (1l.%iý-, If c, , ý:. ,etl 1-;ý (IroÀl thoilalid dollars. Tire es7iý'.,itl.',- ' b,ý attauppleq tý) (1,1,:,,,,,., ,iiielný,-rs ýýl;lck-cilzi(",.s arlacinliliClit, %VhiCILý W. I ,i Or O() cofflidence in tiie gov.ýi-niOvikt. ý ý rlIu,ý i, r-ptfoiIý ,ali,,I t., th, io.1,ý-rti,,-- 'l' - 7î,"ýý:;r'- .ý ? 1 Ofthl- illarket with more 1 - Sir Frliitcii IIi;iv1ýý';6iic1 bis c(>il(-;tgti"s ý A" P-ttiýIii foq Ci, support ofati iii.ý.Iiiý, ,,I,ý,,t ,, . pli was arso Verv i;eeii a inI « a, file, III III , - 1 ý ý a il If th--ýro is - . ý so la't Il' !)ItýIl;7,:Llt.1tli(ý I .,ý,liitiuiis , 1 ', ,of ý'-e,) centà por lie Ill lis te) lye vilculatea ' sud c ust -'Y al 1 -, ý ll.ael(.el I,ý,, the. oj,:IiSý ,),et f _,, . lý "". 1 1. 1). ('hiýýLi, & i ,,., -! le- fý,%v Ny'.Uli, a,,,, iii il , challipil, ],Ili]) (If lo-w (Iliv., what ý ta (Io witIr 1 ý 111)ý:i tire population btija"', (30,IIII)J, al- 'respect left i - 1 p-ý,eud Oir.a"Il C1.111illittue. 1 1. tel, tlI.ý pailler, lit ýl.(.ýý[IL illiýl,-r fils Caro.. 1 t',naled ,:ý"q1,11.;1l'. ]-'-,Ifý,.!.ýlýý,ýieiizi,7"1 elle- - .Niiie .\I;tit%,r,'* -a %v(I'Ilý-1,11(ý(ý(1 A m at ' . tu, In iiIýUýq-.s of tilt- Iva', . 1 gimillol duit tilt . 1 ý o--',!Ia',ý 1 ürial ativance ln Cai I ivd 1 le ;--, , - -'l -,l1l,.otiiý ,-(""- Cabal I fraded, off their le *iI therc is , ,ý .et ril.:,I-. IN- \ver-( ý principle, file Ilext fortniglit do ,Ili g lie) arctzt-cte iliforillý,1- ý ÀobniiliýtraI tlicy will r(ýfýi.,,, ta Ou ;,ril:lv 'Sir ieuorge E. oI ' ,-.,ý, blalikUt acte ,ý ,ý. > ý 1 Ili . i i e - 1 i C i. 1 1 t il t 1 à e Ce e i L i à t r,, - t 1 i ý i t ý i u %v o f ý 31r. Co[tur ýllý)%-ýýýl fer Ioavlý te) prol ý 'le, l'd .ýÀ,ý, 'tabi,-Iiol- tý for zti'l.iti-iite)i*',ý fàý ý Clllitr;l(.t", tiollibat it, is Sa IIIIIOL. vitel is,10 be , 'i vo-ili a 'inajorit e of fin, inoveil coiici,'ý-rellcv i - - - -- .ý,ýýýt',"" ý,,.ý,l, , -, ch Y .il the ri-,ýIltitie.:i,. ý tire .111(>,tiI,:i ý%a, gI , il 111-Illit ,)il file ý Sulit lI p.-II à,t>.J,,>Iiii G.,roI,,llý ý.,ý-1(1 ý etc., alid IoatfIIiIý% piedicted their ' -1 t - a ý .te, ven -ta il . 1 C fil(' whill Of till' ; ci-cage, atelier tire Traite j 1 -reri accoriling , 1 , IL,,Il OlI - 1 C,-zi-M"iý111,«-r ý i;'tr-. l'i- 41ilon- rutitri, ' ', tloý.,iit ýîo . , in, t-O týýe resý,.1t.ý of Hoii.ý-ý, nivrely sltioportiag t!itw. and wlivii Mr. .M;ieki-;'ziI, eir"I',tl . ý - groillid tient fro;II tir(- lliý,ý%lo.(Ig,. tli(.-,- li rire saine bý,ý recviveil ullil read. - 1 1,, r ,,f thi, - ,illet l..,ýazin,- ii 1, f, - il, (;I"be,," :tieeltli,-] 1 vall file-1 il>!Ijt." And 1 lit 1 t -cach decc:itii:il cýllIs, lintil tl,, p()pn- [ 1 . l - pro -îli Lpore reiiiiiiierative, .fï wvLi (ligility by roc- tett-tl;tý_,ýtilisttli(ýý,1,jý.0,t'tý:iý11,1,,I'L-ýtttir(s : 1 il iva.s ilot in th, public .1 ic(l. > , will Il titi . I 1"1,,Se'S ( il 1 ' - Car 1 1t;,iil'l; I,-,.ý-I, t, --rý ul-,ýiaý!. roaleil %vital vainu out thL, 1)1..)i)!Itýn 1 *1 ý ý Il (.11(1t.(F ýlII(lI fil(, Ilext Croit; W il e ý . 'ïLitLýn reaches, 4ï).),ooo. .- Tire s"I of signing tý,,ir pewers ilLIII tIu,ý Illinois ,If . " la Iv d fila, tir ! 1 I',til ilote re eived and rall. f,ý'tIir, , ,ý,i,, ý,,i,!i, n týý liý.,-Ielle ', ith tlt- !ý,ý, ýI a, diol elle- otllvr. 'v( à j ',';e),OW ii W bc given by file 1)l)IIlý,-,,- ý ' , 'of the selluille, and e fer, si t à ZII)oli>li flouse d(Itios pendilig ý , j'ý 'l'Y Man Of il'(' (Ii-cliiiiiigtilai-k(-t woulil -) have. tire ci)iifi(Itýiie of th, et)llýiIt(ýr;lii.,Il lof fil(. là-Sollitiolis, shoillol file r,-.Sttlt of JIe,ý,tia - rions iloov going 1 ,,-ý, aild iýý ý-ýrý,,,!iný]ý- ,!,,;,!, ;Ir th, ,ý,lý- 1) III-Il %% ]Io soliglit lý(--(-Io-(-til)ll %vies clol- tait Of' the business. ' Oi ion each year for Vi e cbarg, -.3 Of gel, ý-- ý ' 1 iption Jo-icý , :ý ; p, , alolo'. 1. 1). VI -,, t ini):ii,,i.sl., rejectiý(],,ýi'e %ýo-, DdýEi that tire, Ilervage will ho 1 peuple. If II ara aIIý)%v,,1 tc act Il(. ,,,,.,;'el>iltý(1 till ilvxit .,,ý,,i,,Ii te) gi\c on lit ýý*liliiiigtý,ii. ,,Ili,-IV if flic tiolà frOUI J') iý , kinie, r,-g.trdiii,., "'. "Il [il, tvVý>:"ollov, 'nIck uý 1);"Iit('Ilt i- cawsv %ve believe this ta 1 ý :ý entourent, l'Ail survires arc to be pro- ' - cý,:iýi,[,-i- th.Lt thU th- r(ýI)r,ý'L.Iltziti\,(ý, ti',olv te) Coll'ilIt liolise hall corifidence lit file' Goverii - ho- preelligal to his faI , -ý ý ý otherwise. %Vc iiiý13 tire' tiii-iiiiiý, J ,,,,II,,Ir 1,l.I,,t his ploiturt% le, 1 - , 3 - - -- "(à With ai] fi tie reniedy calculateil t( lib vided, the salarieî of the LiO;-,t(,iiar.t f ,rit)[ S"Illitre.. -Cazi-iud. tpe otlicr cotitust,. Ili 'rorouto Mr. . 1 . à i IL!Idaltl(.]Itiilý,priiieil.l(ý.-3 of i,,,sjng)iLsitile %vith, ilicir c,,Iistittl(-Ijt.s. After long , ,,Io-litý-ýsi'veilllï\ atlI,ý ],;Ill ofily III,, in Wellill- IL, ' ýl i "T'r) \\'ýI:Z[". --J'haý« Irdhur Ta a permanent licalthymark ý 4'.,)vernor lind iIIILo,ý arý tu, b, feuler by J (,,)ý,er.-iiii(-iit are (li.si-t-;ý,ar(lutl, aa 1 th;d .le l'aI the motion Of vuzie ý ii"si,)Il votoul 'fou ffiv diIti, 1 IL-ali alid C ,liiel,-i-,-d. 't lý,eitle',.*' lot hie, loi- ,t-i-'I - iln', ý th;lt NIr. Mack ,ý-tlit-v , ('t')Iil,, %%oilloi litalzo, a gruliter initake paying prices. ý . callada, wbich ais,) assllllles var , . ý ', !iýI'.,," ii, aIl tiut ou, , 't .,tý 1. .. The ,non t . Iltivi Il(. mail, in 167 .,Ii(,iil4l le(, :ig:lill Xe, C'Litario iS governell by et CabýII OF wa, l"t J'V -ýý.-, te, (',4. ()tII1-,ý ullielloi- I %votild have ;t,,ý,,ýlelýIl tir; IL-Claration taev C(,Itiiiii-el(.I*I-; L. ý Ili thiýi 1 ý . ý é -..; ' ý . .1 HI. Altoil t loved, ,1,:Iýit the Sain of a: ' ' citV .1, il, ,ý, it,-ý-,ýilts of the weeli, 076 1 other biirii1--ii.s wiiieh, in tire aille.- ý'do, e irreýjioiisibIe mon. Ili eiý-e tire inelits llverc ý!Iso lo't il] III , of' flic (.I)vI-ilillitýlit, and alloued t - Iý 1, t ,o'. ,,ý,,e t II ,ý- ý, lia;, .,Il - . il ý -7r ,,,t li , f ý Iiuceýptoo correspondial wee lie 83 bv paid G , ,,i;,,oý .%1v!ý,-l li'.. for ffl ali ý -, ', lit tlir(ý(.-Ie)III-tji, .et, lit- coli'tittlt-il,.i(..s (il* s49 l'al-, Provinecs, are b-irri - 1,v tire local ,à;ý-- ý ' f- 2. -t ,ý.leitiI','.e,,ýtt."ý,, 'ýýI"!.,;"I, cniier tlo)" rial ami advise the- ý JIII tho. firlI %ti Tu whoni lit- Totai ruýè,lt. .f th.' ý.. foi. and rop ri: il],, a I.l-iýI -viiA. ,fotal ,,,,,Pt. C,.,,semon f . ý ernalletits. Tire âiiiliIjý,ýr of rq re., - 1 . Ott 'atiIr(LIý Sir Gui'rge E- Carter datios te, rýuaiu illitil iiuxt sesion ,ý,'(ý. -I'ai i .11 lii, lit,. o , ,11 ,-1 , , tlI,ýl,. Lioo,àný,- is alli, il lire- pýUvurI,-Ss. The question . pondue, ! , - ) -(,ilil Lier, - tm"lnt-(-,ý)verll-)r te, eollv(!:"ý, t ho inoved tire ,,lývoIlol 1-vallilig of the ' vilien tire r(..ýLIIt (et , tilt, Joill ý t Iligli coin- Mr. Ziie;iii - -fil Ili iiiý)\-el, 'f!':Lt tlic I dent Dý,!Lr Tn. (,ii,î to Mr. Wallis. is trot a.i ta his elec- Y'a', 94,939 baie$. ý. tives in tire Serinte j- Oi.ec, and in t'le -A.%-se.ý ibl.-ý-, it haà been slt,,e.st(-(l that a . Tr(ýit.-iui-,,r 1);i4- J. IavrUneý- L% SIa.m, 1 1 --- - - tion, bat lis ta tire nIlýjoIiI he NYill PRICFý OUitItE.'iT OF EMP9 IN 1 Commons ,qX-ý-;àbout one alember for the m,,,nibers of the Opposition 8110111(l , ý ýý Idres% for tire a(Inài,ýsîeon of Brill i mission oN III be known. Thuir r(-I'tt,,al ToW Iltýý,t lie, ,, jost r. -i--i front tire ;,,,.p.,, r. Crooks' -,.siii-l)ltis wits MARKZT. ý1 1: . - ' Sýi::f7, t'or a rond seraper, and rep î - ý ý every 2,500 of th', population (exclu- ' Columbia, whicli Ivas carried III flic to (10 si) shovvs out merci V finit the . ai" ý)[aIiiiý,tii Hous,, (.,,,,4,t,ýýI,-,, ýC rire, ju:t 171, w hile jet East Toronto, where ý ý i petitic il the Lieutenant - Governor todo delféat of amenduients proposeil by House ' ll-,ý%iiig the finust an(ilirg,ýt lý,tt)fdrvg,),>,1.4, theV výere divided, tire eýl)ow(.rl(.S.ý ,is Opposed te th, ( , ilig il plough.-Carried. . New Y.ak State, new ............ . sive oI Indians), while Ontarfo has one ý Bo, al wc have no doubt that the Mr. Mackenzie ami Sir A. T. Galt. en an important 1 ;Qveriiiiient, , Mr. ZiiiiiiieýmitiL inoved, Tliat with ' 'ý',,",itý' fiieiiollist.ý" gave, Mr. cari flic "' nI .... - "' >-,**'*>** ... * ... ý-. > 1 ý . ,lothi iiiilulýithiiig, eversh-,%%iiiiitlie %vise.nfin., ý ý ......................... . 1 . I, for every 20,000. No ivonder thaï; tire rirzestion of publie 1 1 . . .If IIa1týqI. N'o', éïtill toek, th, I,ýa,1 for ord- bi-est il scare " he has liail for mairry ý'%riuhigoolus. . ý - . ý . Governor of British Columbia gliould ý prýyý-r of such. a petition wo . uld lie Se vera, Bills were nelvanced and the policy, but lit is a oleelairatioli flint in regard ta thelcomnillilleatioli orefosiali 1 ........... ýé- ........... . ý:. gr.mted - - trsolis, the ýIeL-k be- imitracted ta 'el ýlýetliinl,,. Why? 1 ,cloirie we ý-e,,I, the a (IaN . Failiiig lit carry Storniont bý1 ohi- ...................... e ............ bc Il ani.wed" ut the goiieroýsity of the House went intc committee of Supply. 1 t,ýle (,pinion of file 1 ýoII, t te à -ern- 1 beýt cutter in the DoICI .,,;e,. .ýlý,r- 5 vote,ý, and wialling ald Yearlings ........... ý ........ ý ........ 1 iloi - hiliastor of Re:U(l Divise- t NLýIeo,1, ýý,1,!,.r.,II & (ýý, Torý Ki Olds .................................... Dominion Goverument, winch has On Monday tire British Colintibit ' aient really (10 net kilow what tire ton Nýo. 1 - Î, 1 tlilit jet tire p ,rfà)riiiýiiice i.uro-.iIý- . . ngston, Welland, West Mid- EMMET -WE -- - -- dIesex, Kent, tire tvo Elgins, Norfolk, gilanteil more liberal terras than ,xere ý , 1 FRANGE. ý 1,11ced in the , ' 1 No. 64 Pester ý .. retiolutions würe introil «. 1 public intvrest-ý refluire of lois statitte labour, he lovo Ur thi li- alid several Others, lookIi veli -'Poý%-er- .i &gked for ! . - , On liiiother important question flic ý l ri Senate, by tilt,- Post Master General. ý (I' ýý%'I"r *e 's ""tý"l .' foi' ý"Un,; the "est less," doesii*t it, El ijah. lit Sa in , Senatorde St. Just, Inoved et post- 1 . ý Vert referred to, siiiricieiitiý- ta rry ý ,net ,1,,,n,,-,,t g,,,,,,,i,, il, 11iItýý.. Ilim st-iz 1;1:iuiil',l)ii tire prophet declared: o-Of ý 1 1 The financial aspect of tire opiustion 1 Tire Talc elections in Paris appeur Ponctuent of their cowideration, and Goveriiiii( lit orily saved tli(-iiis(-Ivo.,3' off flic water'f'rom flic lIigli,,v.ty.-(,'ikr- of 1)"It.i and 'Ib),ýs are of ,uperior illaI -I .ýll-.IIri)wli", clection fleure citer ho, ira - . Mounted Rifleme r 1 ý by no nIum to show the rical state of frolli ile>fi, 'et by yiulding to fin, viv.w,; ' """ lot a "ý'ý'il "";"", on ý,ýý9t, tend lie aise, (lo)ttlIt.'*--ý'Ir. B. went, back to ]lis - . , e 1 . is alarininà Althotirgh. the Gavera ý pI1bIiý feA-liL g-. ý for of the 33l),000 the debate Nvas adjotiriied. ried. ý In his report on the si IrI say that týiis great r ilway will . 1 of flic Oij)(,,itit)ii. The question in- ý -týuk ,et faeto y .a et lu flic Hanse Sir Georie E' Cartitr ' ý .ýir. Huiiteli nio)ved, Tient III, sjal Of k,,,,i,, ,,et hanI fi,, largst cotiiitiný-,,-iýt)iiii ta add tri) 2012 of militia, tlieAdjutaiit Gene W. . - 8100.0)1WO, it wa' ý r",isýem(lvç)t(ý.s, oiilyl3OODl) exérIl 1ý -4 was voliether the goyeriiiiient $5 lie grante( 1 ta Lake Stilliva,41. l'O 1ý -t'on, and Printý 'f ti,- I,,ýt ýi.ýý,lity, fror el SIIITItis " aguillst lifinself and lits tention to the importance 1 CO.e ofily , .3 stated miglit; be prorogiied 1 , ý VoIý J ,vhidi ho, - lit tallit, in uxrll,.l,,ý, %,gs butter patI lie ('cuire Wellington, said 1 ih tire House tliat tir 1 therir kiglitgffraucltis-,. Tire attempts I t'le 110a"e actual cost would 1 _ )ý 1 Of tire (LIS ]rail any riglit ta ask or mounted infantry as an at insurrection in Lyons, ý S tel (III Mr. Clbl-t%,rriglit moived an ý the b(-iiig(li.Sableilb3- àige- sickrie.ss, aile, 1 ýh.iuI pork aorol lýý,t.t,,,ýý. tire oracle, '- as .Nlr. Ciarke lias thrown Il tire enorràoiii quai of $21,').f)00,- Touloilie à' r ý Reni2mbýr il ,ý - , Iinperiaý Parliainent to IeL"i.,Iitte re- infirinity froiiII obtaini hilliSvIf ilito flic haricils of tire country's ciefensive inilitary forýée" ý il envinies, lie must bc preparcil ta II et'rvice8, p' , au ,o-ter important chies have failed, address to the Queen. respectilig tire , il, the necos.-sar- 1 Dý)Uior Tua, Prurivila houti, sach .il; tire defe .ý - 09-a ! a debt whiell, in ropartion to but Paris is the centre of terrible-ex- withoirawal of tire troop ý front Canada. ! site cting Canada witLout haviug first' - the Coli sefl Ile rices. II NI r. Clarke's T'cailla raids, titis descripil - i He 1 complained of the apathy of tire ý subrnitted the proposed legislation to ViI Illea"s -fý G111111;FT111--ýS-TV;c.- W, oIMtt1ýll host Il cý,ii.,*t-,Iit(-iices II were jast 9129 vues al our mirribers, ià infinitely kreater than citement; ,a reiga of terror lis titrent- 1 lit., .w.. aýr'i',"d. - ' Generul says, no brikade , . 1 ' * 'of 'i"-' ý is of great v lie ; and as ý thilit olI the LI'nited States. It was Iiiil)eri:Ilfoverijnieii't in ri elle representatives of Carialla Ili leur- 1 - , Fliat tll(',IX',titià)il, ý we'k II noli th, chieng of time. in th, agaiiist tire proplivey. That'is ail. strongly urged' in i1i;ý cýIlI of debatp ened,'and ,maillions whi,;pers of tire Hantent a.ý,s(ýiiibled. Tire iLiil%-crs,ýil ,U,,I,,t ., ýobý.Cd., and -wife Geor,;ýt,%vri stage. Te M"', IcAv's G.(,rg,- Nft- LuLon in East Elgin was another Il ý , Scott iiiur(ler,,tii(Icoiitr.i.ýtetl:t witli the or cKirill ý . 1 Guillotine arc,, licard. ý,'uurly two IiI diSpluVed 01, hhalf of tire ý 1-ractice hitherto has beeli, whUif lui- as at9r3,)..-ý.,ýi-iýin,,at'%Iilt,,natn.,il; re ,O largely 1 to'va pet of tire prophet's. el Ho will bc "lent of cavalry- ln th- l. ýý -tirait ifour national debt is à , lýill,,r il, 1 ocetilr.itiiýil of et titriieil," said EII Ilby a band- we have, in ail, 1665 cavali leundred thoilsailol. )"evo aiready lett ' , -rial -quired ý e l'# aiu lureving, ,'Iliflon nt, t:30 1, m., oi oI-jýing at . «tý- oyer any man 'the -force of -e inere.we(l'we ivill bc as lielivily taxed ý ýOlI Of tir ýig,ýbway oppos'iI Let ý ,ý-,- ljori ., > ' Abyssiiiian puisatiers, and movet, ,,, i pi legislation was ri to ' , 'Oole 111; cd infantry to a 1 , pari . '-il il, tiM, te) ý,ý,e ý as the, Ameri,;i.,1.-3, and elle of tire most the clI aliel l'-7vilbers continue ta fly ý transmit ta fier XloJvstý- air address nuut' ý -et nect v'-ith th, Efin factionistit can bring against Ilim.,, active luilitia, but ýinosto: ý . > 1 ' - ' ý belle Ilotised of Parlinaient, and il 1 tell antil required for who have lied tee underg. th, triai of .tat, tin ý . ý; il ho 9 0 0 c m ýý 1 . ý - - t, resolutiort that the witli(W.ýiwal of tire ý lier toa!"ýbùtoveeI1 the, thried allol li potent arguments against annexation 17170111 i', .sa lha,, many of tire 5tr11ýU , 1 foillided itpon resollitiolis adopted by ý jolis, sonih of Dit , reins ý stage sond the 5 ý>',1,),k ii for the east n'o' Dr. Wils o ' troops i-j Çýlleillitte(l to cause great 1 , file tir calices wust. This ,vill be a great relief t. those settld tient haIgýome nirojority by tire art,, of the servîce. Th Il 1 1 will bc ta-ken, II At tho lu,ýv,-ý,t appear deserted. TI o watchevord Of : lit Ir ý ,, simple ,addition of the - majoll ' te ' cru" t Il f r re 0 . . 6 ý 1 uneasiness. Thegoverinnentaccepted port I be gra 1 1 estimette of tire amourit njlces.ý".Iry, te the Commune is el Death ta the rich," ' loir . ' rond prippos for the crectioli of a : on a journey lot Mont- -mer formation ow several additi .. tire resolittion, Mr. Mills' re. - a. soluti ý such III tire Imperial Govern- ý -- 11'ive o',lock in the iiiiiiseif. Of mi(ither Refoi -Mr- 1 two .work and mahitain tire line, il, il, ce,,_ "Death ta lanclý,)ývLier.,i," Death ta 1 ment has iiitroducocd tire noec-,;.sary -1 Pl, intI aloi ,,ill bu eluly lopprudatud. _ ý id el his defcat i, of fut-orinterierieembil - ý 1 ta priait orders in Cotitieilý etc., luiving , siriall buildi as. ace of rilsidclire. 1 propqýes sliall- bu raised 1 . 1 ru1.atIýol thit Ne III ratie coach y,ýar Pr'e"ts ;" arrests are frocipient, and Our governilient chose to : Il *ý On is now proprietor of the stage. certain. Nft. Wliceler will belli; Iloilo tary dietriot. ý ý It WOUI bg .1 1 e ý $5,000,000, which, with. the " t 'È denanciations of 8uspected persans the force of law, as the statutes,.was men'are- -Carrititl. 1 : - -- - - - -- 1 - by a large niai,,rity." Mr. Paxton le, ercs 01, passed. Tire speaker deelared ,Nlr. 1 depart front dois sourt(Il. constittitional. That Thoruas 1 1 do, Éle. . el lopielche ijah with just 846 "'O thiuk. to, raige one or inadchorirly. The'insurgent Central ý .Nlr. Cotter Il moved, KIL]3hII)F.. -Wu are glad to hear'of votes. OfNortli Siincou aise, tire troops in this city and neI ý' the capital, will nearly equai Ilec 1,11.1à, - pructice, rend Sublaitted a Iiill ta the saf- 1 - - . Colbey«s Bill ta repeal the Insolvent t 1 à" Baxter lie anà is lieil ý prescrit revenue of the Lýoiiii-'!jiý)il ; ýCoTIiroittee lias beeti active in forming Act out of order. Colonial Sectretary ta bc bý Iiiiii soli- 1 eO igralit, agent, fur th appo'r't'd rui front EuroPe (If our frisoid, Mr. D. lýTc. oracle said,' Marcli Iltii, 1- Mr. Ardagla for if raised here they wo le, while other egtitli;ttei, b:àI on t'le e, . . On Tuesdav the third rp..ýilitiý .f fl- ý nlitted ta tire, Iniperial Parliaine.t. i , - ý - - i , o ,et - , 1 niciili ý 6litY ! Nab, of the enterPrising finir of MeNab & Par- 1 leols; ira chai A. ,If ýýuiýntIýýavaiIablos for e8o . - -- - 1. . . . ...... Lý nol a Jean gwalt-ý,()YIaJ(ý)hfllü(d;ýfllullgdh'týirime Line, ;, -a- . . Il t , 1 , jonck in tlie late parliainq jrjV;ltýý al (J'ilard., inoveil on courlevie, wlieil Ne-elected by a larg(t niajority. In adiliitted fliat lie liad endeavored to in the Ilouse hütter versed in coil,;ti- 'T Ralph Evans. a negro, ciblç and tlicy werc met by tli(týýloyýtllti-4,oj)s. The bribe, Mr. ýIcNab to arrange duit lie týtioiiaI niatters-poiiited lit the ni)- says. Il Nly voyage to Europe is in A C'Ierýyinan writing te a frien il DODDS. - On Sattirlay, the 1ýt jnýt the filet, if is tlotibtfiil if' Law Lord janies sent te the Virgiiiia peuiM woris tc, tlie lion. g4-iit!ý in: w IL., de f Jýýhu f eap 0iotilà - go ri;,,Iit" upon the Bill dis- constit Lit ioiiiilit,.y of this ci 1 rse . They (It-fillatelv have dis- W _11 1). Edgar %viIIý go to the Secord a novel erinje. He aslçèd fl sinile-1 aud liatii the IREI)PATH.-On M-nd.y, the 3rd inýt was sacli 1 a dolt that his party threw fin. il eltey of tobacco whi b9quet tc S;f, Ulio thL rebuls, Dominion oflicials, coiittýiitl(-(l that if was a violation ofý t'le ' f""'lt&"" f t 0 IL 1 thý ýif- of Peter Redpath, Iiiiii ;LsdL, and the -1 Law Lord ', net fitsed. ; Evans armed Iiiiii-S' the pil'Ic. to carrj if to 'ýl tllis sid( 'J'i', ;Liigl a general fiction ilien tollowed, te- the Goveriiinicnt considered of the l'éderal systein, and tliat Manitoba of the Pertiviiiii Syrup have resclied l'S. ()fttt(,Atlaiitie. Th'ree boules of 9 on. 0 nly went 11to the I)oll.,," witil his ol(l iiiiiýllet, hid behiiid a with Ili.; eonjljliifwiit.ý, It'igiiitlie fIigýjt of flie national reat importance te defetit He was all other provit DUNCAN. -On Wedneý,1.y. til,. 5th inst substitute, but caine within 5 votes of ed tili lie got file tlireu in uot précfive the full 'ýa n ices finit illiglit Ille fi-4)111 the fangs of the fiend allzillown if the wife (J John L)uticý,111, ,icotclL 13iý,,k,' hcaring hini-inueli fi) file fa se bi-ouglit Cieni At %a -ioii-ý other points there by Mvssrs. 131 Li'ter lie adillitted, should ]lave ciý-,,Pelsia-" D%-speptýJcs should drilik il of a dLL.ghtýr. prophet's disgust. And if lialf 'of gi;ýilificalice of this caitiplinjulit. si, 91,Z,1«11-'ý- and others, aint ý1 cu1iýS',itil[à)ii frein the saine Iiigli froin this founfiii clinacteristie of the gallaritry of the luis becil figliti",--tlie raniparts wer(,. Cartiei r. wl, 0 1 ED. wbat we liear be une. 11r. I-,Llgýir is 'at PFTýto%%,sl Coitipotui(Iq e Frelicli Citll.,iili,"tii inav bf- localled tiglit boots com- infied and the, utillost excitement illoved il resolution çondemning in source, lis flic offier proviiiers, and this moment IvgaIIý- entitled te file Hý,poliliasphitr's is prescril told diat it j8 gîýiif-r;Jiy iiii(lersýood 111" r(-v;iil(-(I.' On Mon( ay there %vas an sti-()jjg t(-riii.î Dr.' fi -table, 111.;*,it),iti()u J)ý- sn%-_ BRIDLI-,Y.-At BOYne, near Milton, on sent. The ý'()Ittl't'ut Elijall was.jngt lis tirst pli ysicians. in, every cit tl'at the Iloii. Tilley will be the, 1'tillbl;er*s c4)nj-sý0, guýLI'RIltev,(l by the saine higli iiiitliot.- i )i âl ýionday evening, the 3rd in9t govertinient oI)j)oýýüd t!jis ng that they inake a man forget Maria,'tlit- bel- e(l wife of Wise 1ý, Lient. '.)f Cqjum1)iýj. immense tire near Vie Champ (le Mars, but il; was- voted down Iby 93 te 51. ity. Tlie hid otlier miseries, Mr. W-. E. egard-to East Nortlittnib(,r- il; lias beeu introdnc, BradIty, aged 19 yean. land: Mr. Eyre% handýýoinemajority'a.tJioro'Lig1kly Githédox prel IL

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