EODS' inary Çeepers roW ies phu' yoan. h(ORGETOWN- )NEY. nuary, red out. fils, an -us, Gt eÂ~rs, c ucIy., MORNING (ti AFI dlUN STREET. IO,, ,ny,,U' th e o f eoitctibiig, 1'05.UM E 10. Ç on i ot se pid, 2 eîîbg hagedNU3IAE1 -il u te S O ADNEITISING * AND COLJNTY O0E IIALT( MILTON, COIJNTY OF JIALTON, TIIIRSI 'ON, INTELLIGENCER. APPrapn6.)1871. iligtceLise1IsCoii th frsiiertts .W.Barer&iho., onircttnsertjoii ad t Barberit & Brots., TL ihkmlu.%vatz ýiI thitdo" and tee rcutper lino focr ck ucttqsee 1 Litt The Lcok icoss tho £rowd1 o br1f l a îoru cd ai i m tptr u i -inkiî. rI e. Wiiiila dc. SLLteil a jîîeto. efttljof teigtjicro oitî Druoequ$4 fuel. IVER MINUFAt3TIRERS ! -Lecklittgrlitni frococinasaIlMl'rhici iticeocul Ia id beui -jeuhutte ah. eiebtlcijt .tuîiaci-ttgi T iti e ttia lic e e tn ije e s C o lue-îik c;41. eyic -sktid leu h -e t lut-e iti'e ittlila te lsulîte cl he ipere -Ofeesp e e b errik aci rel o J iEUt.re ,1,il ig ite r'trttI-A LOVE] STORY. ede a>go -rrle hal f Cli. ac fîo th tut lr e guibe o aidtîîetnt ýluer". je-ttit 1 tth pc c Pid Mjejee. u asca e lOf ttL,ttare iioft! eclli îtenîît:e. ite LIel c -ILc>"IKrg c >«o la. s Ioilciteredto cer thera, son T hut i kî ften lit titi, f)tlitàr %a e Iig lure i l i r,u i lu i'- soli Milion ý ýliit., ýilý,-,fltl,ýlt,,U.g. ri.]"t -the intee-voetnig Masoresufpooablr pun- 9gLia of tome L- fiujpoueittl roclsaclau. cr01 tivre ectii tcr lîuied it eîi.0e. i Alieaijsun t ato5 tVri e n etixon p iu iiedt glti'vut ustreyPrlotlug and Wrappiug Paper ceY &ki£TiotisScliorii, Imet a -'look crýIltiecCia ichurei, 1Iho creetic adautetîhuit cndLdt ec ifigîit t tue jîtit ire ,s. . tion$'nerted ilt fobidan chargr[ se-ý It i tua Y atsicre it tiasîet upen Or ever kace. It waî a look O uocl faiilstic g.iîieg fuiteler tîel if' cil tue1 -- 1 itL%-e iUtji ItolpCe of hua torIritROSSIN BOUSE, ACTON. OL(IB- &Ct1IBESme i, but MYcriillene f itis svut 'dquiepefert,tberoogieympcttyiitiiiiccieit it ýULL h i a.v.citiirsie hutlilit' 'iiil nijl iitih .ctî.eh i 1 paethc pcsrYucntc ayTHE SUIIISUsIBEIIiE ikitTO CIOtM Illeau contograîtie he cetsaand le te irsnLOce ceipafe, c ireeaitenof n the puliic Clit lie h.t hic. is eietse oet hi ,lriest nceo. Isîssie Raselai aly te acte" s orenrl> as if fit wece oct> lc ie 1 bave gplid ressaut to kece tiiladdrvdasrto ii:l, eluvlt 11;aatli irati] ---- _ iotmetin , ote. itjeEtii andl c l _-staed, __ __ -- ___ Ctwctenlet nr tBi e u idnsbtg ynicci or otueachuug in it. Lî iieicaotuly goillooiia lu lic i fltoietiir.t ttxs eeî lftjtlyh dri-t nîletire 5, ce nGlye w ee éd olat - 1 - ,ý- lie miimk li, i ,i bîttut cci t Cli, ici r"on fsM llraprctc U_ - ,h...FIE AD LIFE IN- i,ilrinteliutY ifylltfliîuc NepaiuntCkejoecuonua sd.u rot'e ieme1g. Âui l_-iu iai5.mna>'wîr oýl tthI 'au'cpetti'tl I eb t & C Aee.13l hnl.pceiclbtidisCli teb8bawii i . . - _'L t hadueenlft toniesby.my anre e estteo tin ec tes or- 1,eet I ,1_1c11 n ta ii Clii.ai ei os_, mt M. nt..I a tiidig Adte y% C bex ver atte 1 et. Lithu D.tiiî huit tue'l lb uut 1 meuh Ccl pr W Et teef I S S U E R O CI E ' - e a ll prf I dli r o , T e1 ljt - r, , ilts c d t e y . e' IM r - h lo n 1x o r k A e s t y r s e v e r s a w -t a r k g r s . y v e t c e t y g a r r t l s a t î c i i i r ~ s u î t î i c n i e f r n l o~---LLÂM LAILÂ . BRS-Atitî,Ilrchl tt, îît's ilaiytrrtd. nureietî uither hit-iovely, gratis. womatulî i Wou tel ou o ceCIL su hittsatutjCe Ce tiracttr. îo W te,,uet.. Milie. Mersey te lea.32 TEBAPIN RESTAURANSTAND BIL 0NTARà m ure >onquoeiét e e erbe imedbyide, ocît short ceaiLots u ;i- i ihul(ihlt ii ut îIllue nau tutu iif luerhîtuoti reltin4 OC MÂR-'O T LIARD ROOMSt m 887 andNAIC 80ta Kin t.ilas atn necnhua " ide1t oec-eneltr out hiu iic u -tir leittt c,îîuîiCucte I _ PRaed o-EuTronatoVParbe -Ifrk Ciniuthrre sman eI uea>-tecird, orepteflctarrathat isolt e îl>Siarhhuee.iuucIlle .u5ttitfoc]het trcslsi'e cc: e .le Qet. IIO. (IICLs&I], ar EOIUEOWNNl orkN s a-th le umer ofpcocierity whieh neyesldalfiihLry, orrnarrow betweru fbe r eiauea p iugî,-ii, lit-uIu.u 1 - îlîîaeîîuuj uel l tul,îîg', lilu LItJEN*SEnt. UC-"ÔisoteiCARLIS,ptî PrnPriet I ERGTW bDOINEILE ala mdii>ly nat uplloi -, iitli a taer i du wtli iie jrajijuauy irieae-uirerl ir 'ur it s t. ut ,t ii ir %1. e t it E_ - - " -A--_FR- T etZEEean, p l u ni ceadifeet- cu-srtvi.. i, hiivalilg\,113e j eeA.ritr h.Cent table n. ssRestaurant t a Canot.. tMe&]& csp . UitaTgatflbxe ieutlohock aéos tahe creist teckai m hui.efbCu-Y.HIý - ict it ai loeue. Wnetc, Liqsern med E. N. R , r prietor, inait u ion e Cier hracluilcx>e ne uleuau nmhieCi si fliglie n lcu eeilltextue allic a i e, 1 î lu lut ild il iul i te l-i :su tI ili. te liteelnetbans lheciii ' U'-ovrtte t bct hu. heuaiolf ,eetaiale lte îlltt-l.,iiI.;.»i....tutu tedIil IURAI SetuuiCeee5,cc pirete reec stylo. T-O,, Ccxrliii eit- LU espelfslly stiit een le eelia bequeathe t u nit' hO hbaut- hoc eyca ut, in a Mil ertSe oiibouaîtii.5uiîeh uih o ltu1îi.îthiinrliti foChele ofhe c! naMucc ce usees: n STIcelofero.e 1thwlid mci s- oft isefhis l sie cueki inbclntii. oomyetliutrel ý e.coc îee jc unatil san dhus nGy comme ais icltte Tiriplin te cgivenflma ai ,,as oisxiprepaee 5 osslîsseu itr li tiI lu tIiveuiti Ci lii lattt i TeroeieAprii 201h11 - ,5-I ica etoi i-pn cth a e dot eta Q einlli reet. Thee Ctlit; fer inam>lheurt I htll a ver> >.IllilI lo' ruiu o lt' iatal t __--g1o-tinothetitute titi hahinuttersluillyic eitti o'd mjideu Bigleaihai luerti tut litt R . STREET, M. D. PHYStI , _lt cih ia ielcloiatetr et drwtilti rig .poureOpijionboho aar n fgalîliju iaii1.rueu rs ýily,(IL.t le i uuruCr-Cuiiig-u. Luire1 WY SuýeI.cuiieiAc.uclir. O , hitticeecul- ------- tte ille ofti tiientees i n the anitigii'blac a-gLia ail thri,.LEcli wshoi loccrudthIemuuuue l au' ' - - - l )ý(.(.ic" ni cijlece, el bis deug .oued iujet.. Milton-t W ,lac ' 2 CW H otel I1isiitftsrtc e rdlg cnti u togi Ctheirpsnitorle s tCee ît ee> CiI00cmc eleic taclet u iuhhthtll r l'u- itI a î i"I' tit i .u t ithie coulte tf lutte g5euliit G. MsATeCEst N,. Si , IARRIIs- t î TO i, ()N T xirtirýet.e'. a i les cf itacile foc nec1 aed ecener nf Cthe big lieuse Cictet 'llier lad> chose îîl cît ls getUricUa ýC-uniLsl je-su igii ii"it I a hgi igII IlrS. Kellogg:, util ,,*tre c. tic- hUrtMinad_ 0 I.soes obaoe, il it se ccmfcrtaby i itI1 tien bat lct me itiee-tus ntôt o alrsîno l I tci e ue ogaiît litet- u t i ll Our irneMoett t eciri Platcus Tmitce î~~~ il îusrhîuu u, iltuutlafrautît Chernistrncdi, h.tegeIaue IHE Sahîciirei o i i rto t h l-l'u Pota. Taile Tojue, tiîoctlepurcsanu, atduh s u-i ut li thelt ___ ___ ~~~i .Llie tCai he a, mceelaibis neHat"ovceytipileg ettm n oMaille. osle effileoniuse, eairooket ripou maC, butate iras stoeducginsisete .li- I tfmi- saýlutl 0lii> il !tI,! oltltlaysae a TOR DE XI, t.. i CICaTE I Clii th e cear vilStatt ud i"(tscc St,u e E Il 01011. ascamon i'eWi lte do,'" ite village tchi, tlkieg lte ie Icer cf il a- tee> tr tut r hith uhiruntiilIiti tItIh 'litlllte fiu ittu ,iC eN CrDEWAiuetr, NeCeR PuTljR, 1 sr i wl lef o le e hi ous CidIt Gecegriconor u Malitc 111k toif1rs daîf Ai o& .f, eHal Ma steoit :jte estmrcrIek1pieicP1 c eit0____' idioru ; -'lineriagile,' ini ocheithi - )1 lat> ef calier more mature lige thtuu Sre1 ILLIAMCA. SCA,iI OSE PAINT to epla e lote-1 nlWluoahuuit t.bil,-t o mci- THE -SINGEFt slhang.ttuiuiti-eitifs'.ittii.I iiilteu Illa ut>Lutee Irse I I li-i l -ser n - tl5 ' îe hhîimriicai, îhen tferrct pei li e gu uIcr . lie si gto el t u l u utut uil'u.lthe criionsîthat -uit s ___WALLACE F. M Ill WING 31RM hv bren Clu Ocy, nd s engt, aîc liel ireujo. cic errer silisr, "l hrietdiiimuîlttt nlir. tuttull2 ltt:lihil raischiiof cted e 1C iteGIBBON. ;, Atlcrxev-aC-Lawi -- l',- ------------1 - ceci I hle ectoeu sevecuolrouneds, uudcsacd lur wi.ing charotcf lire Çltt~ta isie. ieugîue lssuti ut ln. e c iut LP. ahttccje kc,._r_ C..e. rc. -rl[tti ChiT lOY ALL OfDI:S IN THE aile aele eultne c eret t eunefn5 iil l_._--i______y_________mad._________ liertI i, ,iiniert cale.e(uiIl Itees;tideiItieee 'il 'sLI)e lue _ _ .t l",_ "t. Iuu s boiseï1 o ee huetrede ef My enersecenecht tant tomne. Thcre1 O ERT SWAN"TOuÇ APPELBE,BAR- 1, - 1 t' ý , cac i, t i the Howenid ctmI, ,i-h 'Is hll-.lie' uui-eti suppitîu ilt, uic cîl t viJuSof 1tu0ietu g flinî thuc;ituille1 R0~iucc. Alccne ced atjriae leCiud- ~ vSs "'~u? ttnt l uts ultuje ie'l.iciSm etiil il'r whiiee iircilnco.lii s octII lied ssea lin gxullet geure Cht I ier ac cilnlutie tiInttshorts icra. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 '.i ;;Ofiji.iciee c îe-- c te lircisn myself halo my ireor aslli01j ail mont oc Chi iCne Cat ent ee hcluuart tofliniiti huje h lus t _ ______ - s 1 p I arecuimue leihg t i iyhrclanetseul, and jsdgiueg felue te aulileelsprltleo nnics Sie stIh hu üdI ll ltiu iiilitic.tnsviuuîi1i lesulits sils u tc lie ld1 Casel t' fEsilon. __________ ,,, . . , Its Warks arc Nestiy Encaseiinawmn n hs twstri etUil VI letri ,t1tc nÉa lc J. C. GREENE, BARRISTER AND . %il ý' l, - j, S., a ru sca Ste .u no r ciî-r cili ln. le crnet thne c ,ec seissegeeilteoCcail ljiegs unutaee Pc h.-ctc ie ita l u inf i iisuit l l 1 rippîje ii til ît e l 3quae M cytjeno o t erres ", e t. _.i' Theýa, r, c., ue h.tiriset in Glee sc hjîn s-% shorlu have refeohenul frcc blig lie. MsV - %ltht.,),i.l,( mlI>iiisi -Fî.URE O Oit 'I. 1E-ST R F N D STEEL, c.muclýt.'inheîtsex. ureagîîuxgLu be - da I ig l 1Ieri>u u ac a ili t u:tuttIiiýrllIý(ýli( nib-ýýt 'e,,, eee,., .,n"-ý- o O.ý-t.,t eO , .e luxi ýjý er snltnmunuui, olvetn5aaoufinii lu i î-uu ilt(oit:ILun1e uittlriult:thmu ti i s ip OBERTSOO0.S . . C. M. Git.D- tu i Ls' Fint -t ic- 1r l i n i'tie>antauluui co ntnseevca- huti f teti >0 ltC i us-e rvitto-'tii l utiii Ilu I ? 'Clulie hitsm lt-t n ltulut n.i-ity ifSCc1 ttlu- fu Ciiust-iil' c, îh. u ftî ui stelucct ,ta-utuIli. iutiitnllxeul ru'ns ,rae. oferel the, iht. Otimn eîd'ess- îJ. I. l .1ittLit ,ýi.I5iim u i h'ith ichc tutbx, -- - îsuusîrri'ogîuur ' uttiirinesltlic 1ne e r Iini t ii 'huîu Iut lctgî e ucthîîiîîîsr 5e-am tee ral x %it,O t tenst.an jgi lrmeyv t iut i. I iit l 1:1 .--,f. îýWýiî - lý".. ltreaii tut iý,tIt, iyo 'd.icii util luceiliglutuaist, eut111ei, Ielien lrcetunuueuue Lec feir0:1nnel r u ', c. u ta elurtstciu. affl 'ietl f htcraii uitî nutit tîtilt t1tillu t 1ttile Clii. uii*et if i-11IitIttindiit.>gILlarhuerthec ujuetalan etuttI îurfinieucertile>lîîve îp u11talcs 1 st Wtiiiitcohi't :o h aichh t and fd lite the J ceeuce. one coti totii ci lute- PestcOfficeSF-TII i .I'u-î ' Bh' xWiiculme iih .ieiu l 1ue ccuis iti't-t i uic locie theeciîueoeab(If i . Ln w-, el t tC heurclierl> ta c nethu 'io, l T .teU iest fTotno atil e eunrointhenhlcl'tt 1ý,lut .,:;,it aititthl . îiigiferskntriir n t he iItulil 'i(ifitelll'tt îuilîlutuîuil nuluuuli cf ricuitaIiiu- hu-les. t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~tC R LSTR.IiC.tortueCOhC CrrliiccIntcntii uni iuitu eeutlac iiuutirr lihLt hi,5 huîla uuuli ficlui;euicn ne icfCliscutotaiug ritntssuc ai -îruuruî h lu' cins îrîsrs h ies Tlltu i J_ s ýy. crt, C iteciu daccre ere c li , t i e s i e i tr Cu_,ite ti etrI i rsi met ut. m ' "' l' i aýi ,,hutiuu teuc isel puululie di tou lueu e ta l airn ar teni eîudi e ju w -it oeg u e rll i a rc' tlie iuied ctieh.Arc tet n, -adiec ioii t y ,i ira It l , 0, .c tut14 i W 1 01 Ii, i nuritcn- iu u ernu tntb> s'luuuiienlC Inn iul te clc ui fG nlen t its-if.sl ti u t'ii r.balit it tt ii acu a b ii it ' u of i0 li uec Iini -cet, p.mC, dii, C eemssitnriej uen ps Turîday 1 ctti i t;s, aild heutrr Ic At o ett ,,I-.1 thu iNatscollyos n tisleeg ucuKn. mcm,' lic unit, lut I0d1et kece I()ti Ososd-ýuýi.eA ,unat cX - 1.,iâ tur ,khrc t .tsuSîîlIth i l titis 0I i 1I VI TTTCTfl 1 E, ierrý,-ti , -îl'Ventcn Ccb% ll cfthn gay I et , niru cc m ue iai nele oaOetc iigee gsiu rli 1 ent a ~ Ci i> i hr hu~ .gýIý Dýt.c11ýedenom..ý.. orne a auai "dtýlit ,,l,!ý__ u'th tle gruufîeye Le c f trth lgler tice Snd te ie ctibaretgl t ires tuel snmisuuuuuutjartr l sconteu! litr. cy h edp î1 b.gau t- *1 , 1, -,, . 1 - - _lie, u r meyl cy o a e c e el iepin tniiteraI. cou lutuctuirnwhomdvtilus ltaeuhall iaieM l L..14wr e r i> vuuu thi t l nriiiu Ge. t .hre,9si a s a..t a7tucs elerei L uu 1 We a-e -1t1C.an-r 1Ltulu -i i 'tî tce.'s Llýàvi.g il eaiteeiiiF-m 8i ciit Tieaie R - Bm yINSo my nui iltreedfot un>ndrtli tot-ci L".u1el,-'Ci loo lie ac'Mohu sci ,b poritiontutlir ejlsuniti c ti-if hear Sit jusiKelinlclggiuh oTrhaecl _________________________SI,_".________ Gus ts1uàll >tli, 10. 0. itnlilo clcbn n 0he llcsu ac i l1eteiy c 'ucxucn iliereis, Ia uloo cf lt itiliu îî atsthojiec ei e JOHN n. EWTON &y Satra fe on S5 Csessctisah ýN ï.Cli ,î,pu 'cuicît (owab.sauabute se wrhi ou.ihtu le rtîL oin eut- ei tf suit Ceci eofutîh lmlix ecus,- - ICce Oe rjCeiti Cid,, s ta ,l î tl, u ts i ýtk î1su ibr u teb ilg oft eg ayet fcl clit e C oieccu liga pta-eoslie taie u se ellucel iheo _si " hc 'Ld sr ui t iuiitu i i f tlithiO rg -- - -- - Elaeei T e tzIFoUet.CctLti,ùccît eathciplkrr Aie laitre.t-ut Iii trgr yemaptijeg le titi Icueiept x S a e on D e titi. aes tr eetc y over e-P Rlis tu ile heof ti etste aiisuf thieallUndtauuing lia M.aD. feale'.fr or ci i5t r cc Ham lton, cd- Aliliecsr 1ea5juiiiuuh t i Ssinit"-eaucenTue banane aideîgtueatorlelion fcsicS-loniloo. C mlae offt Ihatalgry.laaid OiSlie atiion 1 for cîc en m i rte t - lies I era rint ygl e i e n>'t >; or nty 'IâlMe Lyni te, C idit aluUuiof fire ced il eg apeu Si c Lahu ne e Dnsî JOHN__NEWTON___&_SONS,__._eceucqec.i>. ac goniec. ceoliidlimy lul mnnnsr1as peeaipto,, t, ' ZCsM RsA4 EOT Teeau uIt ti a hes i . f hefe Alo e r 1 wa relli m'u isut Cer, h n ir ls er i huseea c e lth e e ue a t tIenle sc' ut> 1- it(îe l i;tiiferoht crt fY ce ttcy iteoltias , ont c>,cas h lb a ri>fulle Il le rI ice Ca I - cr a rtonrnrtrie t t r t oh ednli pt e ia ndt c> ef nt uei Y i l Todýth ic Isu r I .1 - lime ai utl cii av ilin Wotl 1AVIG icaut sc lllrksejik lspLIrMTErer sia ouliCl cf als hxiffmIlsiuam'agaioh hu ao:'rdeltten ChaI 1 ho t , ni suelph u toeutltadtuil bloccber nuitstacrectlelgrnluerli nr',!ow obIscrvis Irorinsjy rejsthelet niast.tnilleoeffiieiucnin llco &OMOhonIngjm S ' .lotcr", g pri;pt idone.,.ullnet imege'. à as-'IriniItool_ miie denaiiInthelall liesi>,ndsetenai>en ec)ugiliretbe lieregg'ay, gootw ee -teed i foubu oocash o. ri5ioto lieitte- -its jt aConCle, uueurn te !nenny" --no Mlace Cln e r you to ,I meininea io ie Ccu" d st aftee o ie Si L aenei Diet ou hto0j-y. la 'w e.bf rs wr e. d- ,t,.S- , l i eahdGen al nM y Oct1er>t . c89. hiee my im rloc sicr.houle thatY t ,U ie G orieownc24t urp 18 8.eoe c uece uhast t eyendeCt>'nwhlcmts, ha I m atgoaxne olshi1efas meap ealu tobuirtlitrgb Ut berasRtae"'liagenferu n bscab rupo ZIMM RMAX DEN IST, .liehad aill- -n 11-tle III ýl '"', - -' -_ wu O faed wth m eààneia deare u. Bythe oKeibegi of théenterotantJO H C2.atRLI, sciasssurhal oui inlMchlyreporte batmtha sherdeydbut he Chatodyuteiilgdiiiefse. Zimaierumas. Nos 1, to I.1&t andi o uet e ayW&tl ie mea l .t le rtirait01 cbont Ce e b fut i h u d uli i o u u 1 e a e y d a n xi i beeun Itocceecf tn taînsi xthCiiitiae aaf-s ethe ocisite. ftetin-,averd >' imaSlcinor,"heIicugh, mut ietci>- ilie cfner- vi those s1iirb0 Oh amac as tfhoi hoqetdmt heA)su t Cekeej s sarp l okviction tab.er bteCcc thau, a er.a L nf l ilIrseutuirctshesaitahnlobem ath omnli3IERCIT. COREL,. H Carnag,ý>e as l aWgg Bo M..ak lng. uohea.peig almtof CiPhâleoaer bolauseflnfle bult oproosforseseselere ee o peeelâ leChnaCi - '«q -hiY Pronit aiadisne- IlSTOP ANDinowSEE Yea-,)tdhainku.d OI emate sloeguetoa suesat li andcametenionlc' user"ulhaeva *gvnceihei bilko. rsra ,tîcmuilhofosuA ICRST-yLSS LCORE-Same, Clin rntai th couse eAndicîtern aNner t Intl intoinre mi" C ne 4ij'las . C . h55..5Ï 1. - __ lswngeirk l TotmotOu aa o M bebi. li& g 0l ntim ti na& tes mh o me hr e uts t rm i a, h ha!t ccod eum e waekxguytufxureria ber tîu Ringc forYle care î ' I t aooîwoeder'etIl botrOeresY Atfiithemonie uijfenlc tlarex eve of th ~ Ile about K atil ba t y ue ; iiLi>.t ichgcle nyayCtIîîh i iiace~exsei' o o . 1saei ~ oCcaeetW'eba nceint i bilcIecc lul anffo t w-iaf tblefuitern Theasrrcct ehm. friig t oc'lriotlylc lsu olt Sd (,etO . 1 Ti tîih.airirie seie a l-kitnieg. o r -11iîcd 1ie huilec emcaeus l sitee e led ric mb it til har iciît t letxCe tIhcl it ,roGdi cf hiossrt1maandrirais. - thcuciano, anCiteitauiy V AIN ___ _______ __MILTON , _____ __ For ioeaallie Titî ut, Li ethe Li esv"Aeds oitas tiretnac."eslctraid, Chusasesh ceinu>of-etiteîleut> frttirdaii I feil a ixern l Ceecl estuço on te St rc .vpation AMotel.AS IIRSESIO5e, g ehndin a cmoetts tcamrcy luxe. oe,îîo angîîî>yfo cotratoîtî mae ueer dlii.it JOSEPE HZIÇD- ------RME-L-- -c! (.N)l IAKE I thil rouetonîTensty] Maniaiiaurbazase goti eellliri lied-x onuncntu yetlicesisten irtie nibertuurut Cc iiiui ii CluiI ISirtreej "T omotw def i detriicil umt- aiiatlm hrg- 1wed Ilsi ak isenty ayee tole- abofut iethaýwino ul tiandtl teait- atrevei Iii- enehuit licegilonalo Ot i5ar re 5 eeeeeCcbi 5i08 L 55 I S d hy r t re, licciae qanlsd p - ok arai.d lct l tiîn ceuly sias heer nt I Blm r sspyc aointietthmae. chaltr i- uiSc L>uyen die îIu a n ijble guiltiera luit ur nit Il roade Stlat Hu, smhiETo lich dîe y - neo0tifc s uce e cre inc ýiý,tý erirlt,17. 3-1 n eoktr 'rln fte bzr . e 0kdg ie ntn à . Wo àr» waIffote, lâtir écc piZý' the ost ak pticaltirai the G eatliceca,"fMe .ulsaut hectpioyer yobietsitasaielleaM seuieed n îliers cgg" t.t , tri " iltii e ot ea ieÉl xre sit, sn as U aer. lily CoecRmpaiol, elkbeefAuehi tr gocI, 0fleli tsueei'iuetuuith as ranchicashhucet mecrînso wriigocdcytlierb Iladenglit-for Lyctteen tacbas gene, clîîîsey. biîiuuhier - gîtero ocro arfo agsinno ilt 'mctEL net jheitioeeliyPineeedi resnry i tas lieuter uiclun'_suitis'1gîuiteuuuîî>, iiitnu>' hueueirand. îtîut a ___________ i f eeec.C. tDiPhîi Rî 'I uututEa.i-. tut 5u iteemeMssa e Mmet, aii Al IauteIcu .. li lo arc tîxea ï iam ce. Complase s.eT e eelestisaIe ohl UTobe-hlosctj teefilthueked e n, mthspeero.co.Tillelyen c cxofinit ce.n - E. Dsu t e Garn ke i th t e len R A 5 HNop s c C , c R St m s i' i iiR Eu r dluMnt CiEr rlD w c s sx u - Be a e e u l be p e li s c h e r sg I i m d t ' fe c l i in S iI brn iuyRINcT nd zrOtEL -t.WE TGN eeluiîire c nîtelro erycecienFLLO S'cultîo t hertfait s I Cci i eec abee , adsihleyctlnd ce he> u. ua Ihn groci tst1uru ie ai elt a Iitult ic eunneit Sqsce Cisse, sieO . iaceîa FonilDiget'aiOtelicci ýL icilel, Lae Lxtle, lire ht ce fiele en tebAnd e1aes td t a cC adtend Lyeaîo s"t il d e lit f oc rLceue .t'Csa oe D g ieeo ss, sci s,&c, s el le î l AKCuc t ei rur.lue !- y iseuid g g oKnilt e al-iggie e er sgunsCsu.S I net il senil i t il 1 epeca tisse unpesulhiceecurin- br uZi-' dail, m o CesIlicua yomupeecue. silure ceehdsa. .ta aiel staioeacemel eC usmettee ii e par Ighil>a' c ientl c R elI e -s 'Ired eh e h cl lie 1hree l cc>' rak- anlie rsl eto sccflcf fle -c itxctui is Kleg rib tesI-cioms lotiA.-Tic taileoes. ards Cait o Cie Deog-tothecet ec e Cirruls Wiha tn O ur, Q t î. e ln gtonSl>.m orivs afroîtsrite rlîcm dt3 ofteLk b Y uceito_ iiryg ay nefo aSIcrt evl cbyhl osalifrtsonx et gilî Mciiiit ~ tegtu i lut ue tlin til -= LARK, Gri ecgrebis O'if. J'JJ4Jpy bs never bItOS tijiuliiuO hcitO f ouîtirecounrylts itre; nd l or a eiiforg tut>' fuir ailelia Chie luller th tle k s tb ru-Iy ,Lutd t - g ea ,,ac re u iat u,îuuc. .21 -rneîîc 1ehlhy 1pe h i te cc et a e v1eielctt P cias . Mu w u ise B ieru. yoc îjîl thnC i .voext(berlllteriu Cii t l r cii eont e ta I ai t@l hee I. hoJ",reibi- t L rII Mc tc i Blalio te rs-.f - O - fu .utî Itte let ifH ESt ' c ar nth-tu t andiTsu- icei hol nerti scth ecîniu îusfî Jon,"t ju' liii su- n ujîtnif a-'tctui e iitisIwtuitidit th i utlle tIti caeu t E rto irr aitasiie aide te ofltuhîlCklstteucl i IXs ftr ipr idecisodrwhs ýe,,Ms ellg ad e vr ad a iewslnii S n i tcljg. liacairltl o i à- tn C. . f Co s rp iol;o ta f ( il li roc luvth lnt e K 11,12 sfi c il i s p ul llc G o o t a un ia i- S loc k d et é e l. i e s e lle r f r t u si e 5 SC' W io iA D . ', , L R Yd m uher s w e 1 h1a i l r O s g e e c î l c k c p n C e r o h uher 1 iy ,ls r r ( P i e t u t u csu u u u D i irdtýin I " dr a -y core h tra i udrcuicSt fA r s e I çoniust f;- i' ,,il. tuti ,,Iý,.t l n it h ansutlsuuuu I uhjurctIxttunhjotiS tuMur.lina bst -ee ie futch e , l aint ifiii i .ceei tîiiîuuuu egg ineti gît _________ ________ _px-,psitice ce tie-IIIeu cf iket- 'ccun tiinI ýti -tým n ahoalytrs ,te cu ty tonm i ýra eoier' on Ic. uutlr st"ofhunuettii lut uittl.,in ny icrig lii -Of C is c ,C or t a of J h e oui OrOS tuai t' h i ent ih" rsrcla ii i e s of Glu --n e c sortie ps s yle n m u cc o ie " lu uufi-,eajîl if r Oiu'te a illeiîuuîî 1 M. . DeGar e r e r opan;j - liiimwoa - - - --- -- - - id lenvtidIl iat na el NaaneO- I oncuthe fryeut t EL OW 'io tire-ur andigo 1Turf i rntail o 1t,55 nýlhuuueustandeitt re Dai> JUS it th gee - ici lite-i curl it L n D BELNGO E M iA ELLIN T DIVISall b On adÇnOonoRTSh\ hdhou olugaze.thics 1amrniligarepuindttu tii attnd hI -- W bhtSit sal tori rorN, luth. lureieVietws on Square -uit> pncluiiScorli hessrut sases luiseieo.hI -.tiet sy enesul acdultpaccule etn 4 rk tue aaete eth t o r tellu nd tioned a lw p c.t m ae uuttut trs. K l logttu g e ~sh st ic nr i t e nd Ys ardsjI 5 Ca i a h D ;sto r u t a iu ltear h c t e iu cf tc c m î eth cs î l t c oral g i ne t c " -- Wjlhfro , er Pu t 1ri ou for in tietri. sItele, i ti l i a e O i o rt 2 4 , 1 8 t .j t Ii s g i î i e î T R O i S , M I I I I R r . t -fIl - a i C I l i cb iua i l i u m . - - Wellintoliq mrdc of heiecceditn lrg e-lsP in ît I0-CnP?7' 'YiP o IPPoP'e ulto hciterflo -ol8enlg htiiwsvr adIfrir ncm h uto w ,.",;d lM - - - - flic cppcctoetjty cf .praking ta lier of tceg l "ijeWord$ What 1I feit aire she eircadygc e ci l inefreinMy tcantier, ly tCie instinct cf t!lnt file, betoei cx-n, camne tt last. It caetoolj a Prosalec IaY. Net undier gped terc wr.c il giren telime; flot hy uic rive ce ide ;ont tuiler Godls frcce(.ky.1 batt je Mrs. Kellio o8îtrietly couvrît- liena 9i îtetgroube, cicr.,the cpirl of the c'ontry Coo n Phieaerr wos rampantt, did i lied mY love clone htý 1 ciii Cafled inotiilily ce11e licllgg, )bot thal lad, being cnt. 1 lied aýcd lili ecetel,fua nd t temb- ling, il Mýica I;Lelnore' erse at home. iThe resose wmî in b Li-lttjn, Fiai i %% a-lte t Cto lier prceene efS. t Lii Cimue te tijnk tient. t, v4tuef mIier% iri endet, t ieottid hoî ieblic tirili e% ire itefure, eiglitj.ii. Myt tiraLt %casitet e aClterCcd for m i e t lttlercabot tit. I gre ted lier and ieteced tny Mjt itin te i one breete. ICcii hec M ilcit ;e h libe c e te feonthe~ irs monttettt hatbdgoïnelher. Ci. kairay iee breeti witlt xy ferevol tt! c. mv tetesit cof feeling. I ixrayet fitr lier loe twiti n paceiln Chat mald lt- r Ietatite, C proettioilhlo ihet, yi wile, tare ced corrow ashonilbi sîreegers te 'lier ."My laive ol lielît ce freio i ery Cieg-rom Cth4 Celilre tiof na titiienefricîcLe-" 1 1 -Y~in. excitedly, snlitet ehhorst ontý Oh, stop, stop! Oh, Mer. L:nto1 >-(la wiiinerer fergive ame; Ses, yo siî,itetl yî el l ho yo 1reel you ivillî0 ae gQet-oite cnd g"cd-ant terca,,lttettae thitoigiet yon. it alti eegzt etl Ite sire Leucetce I)eeittl.' t doîit' 1-:îî now î lt iîîened durittg thetilext ti iitiatle. Cl1 ireCte titi antdtti ttrit îey fae in nty liîef.1 li1' r t Irlliti il by. itteeetiof lkula bliglIjtl il tait. Bt I seién C renioýd îîîy bandetsfroenîîîy burning cyces li iress Landingearie, iniith ccci igi- fut pitin iiiier decc ftuèe titet I leered It ler mote Cîtteer. i1 1will tell yeîî e11cf til tîes,i lie neiti ctftly. -liluet îee Cac taek.bry btila Cittt nîglltif lthe bîil. I ha' itnit titMinelog ltte -t cveybod yomyecît hpeople, Iitleen-ee80s tecsrpd oiniltit steenriage. lIe. Lyntoe,tdojot ltitk tif etcieed ly -and-aed--, away cmv." emoe X îtbcyedliter, aedtliet m'as Clie t ltte 1 sci erns Ducicy Bloe On te tlra cf ili lienlthli I rnt auiitorîtes oute l cîtccsfoaiiy# Slîetituî'.inliîî I ceti e reckiIod teLy le intt e ite tle Woiditf QI e. Daisy itallite Lady Du-etCe tthec ft r f cîcetis. 1I bore etilnt dDa*1YCte loeocf ýty hf.lcaee keIotre81h0 lys ýud. it Front ithe dy tinat I kurie Chat'I tao er leSt ber. Iieregave a Cedet W rai y cr looktrt, eClititglit-to acother w .4ti Iy èdtLott aîueglot my ptofenttioiaein C- Cereecs sicîju11pybeeeuse hOmme ltfejsnd t 1 t e tpieess cf: chiera i wre tes1er- Ai in utéiin.loBt 1 grecv a giý1ve. ltjiîicC, siexî, erIf-ebsrbed lain and 1 su linutd e cntiiy life. Ci About fonr Toues cllapse, ani titre. I. y roean of 'same chaengea n totih Id fuoaiiiy certîimktances, t as i4emed as cudisabte ltat my other sLon4d Ctao al up lier abolie with me. Sho 'was 'a ts wideîc. mtt I sene luter oeiy sas i con- igletjtîcnitly, In a quiet waày, Il¶raidaid il mati te te ieppincaa of bote of as tu .WhoIL cameer te dU lwith Me. tUztroeoeicuaiy I relaxci my habits of na merbid self-cone eplatlsn scier the healthy, luvieg initame ot my mailler ry twho iead hues me. And though -I en noyeregrew agay or geouttai i .1 ut berais a beteneani happior an& tu We vegetated on l in s uWay fSn lt fiveaorsixynSa.j Theiittr eroldaof aY ýGIoynebat cSaid lonsg aga tta tkn re aoy inteecatine mns à maryinsgine1 ng cnd the Young ladies wheha4 basa h. cidren wbea I camne smSlg thons In lsokei apas meas"aiot aof1*1. bot oftmg"I altogotlior. M V. sn4 MÉ., W"Kellogg haditepk îp asorit of uaurfer ,le lysitées inha-me.Tiait illa t-4.i th &bout one vory thooemontie @nêjP au-ivitedime teding whtthe;a? Lad eguiaely OC Choïe dilaas un. IL iade houae meuin bofUr alise a* Lady Divett-nat ta aie, ineýssiebat lirtusotetLe ic'sA oest aaflr bgrias OCtaeucf voico 'bat I coulai coitaNU tan te. lir. ca f ut- At laRt the qoactol siipped b>', and tiecre cacm e tivItatInta dine wtb ite Kcibugga. I sihoaii net hava es, noticite tedbct itdia not escape n myesotiero oobservation. Ah. comn- te useeniaut about il ja away Chiot was