Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 1871, p. 4

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Miton, Jaeoaey 20 1870. -r GLEANINU. ]E all 110w Igefiteel ltppinee- Looki lb. dittionary. Wantd- trente eoerrlg for, the MAIN ST. M ILTON. bel tht wun penlee. 1 To keep pofetee froem rtting- Cook anddrlt liem..W. H. STREET, *Tho nobest Ro-min of tuf m ai- Tho cinser ef the at noui-rac. nigpb., h S nJb"mo A catrmlii give yon retiuy niteet as prhit h soka)hsaee a deceter iii give yoLnareiti4 noie A dogenS it definoti n an opinion laid docen mOUe a ea.. A deefit t ork et is vocation lceyt loks docte in the noutb. To prevent har trom tfalltng off- fGo te the toorber'ocoolhâe oif et off. A AStiliwter. Mien.. hunier, et - mite. tht tho beshilied mOte liiirifle New y4rtoi, ô, è téor ttiek elerc cm and ecokerc. Ean gseal in inmigthe puU Drugs and ChemniCalse Pnrtumen, BPaUSIIES, COMBS, A cray Connecticut foremer te-sbutl b l1 IO II n $2.000 hep pen. celichie egent ~~ anti pepereil.I Ifore oG reeoy, i,ieoéat eWw ance lectore, tieclagedt te Norek citona& 6,00 rom ebops. Somo ertl iman Maees certaineet tiet theoavereego ioéed cntaine oe lenotreilaad ieg itcop o~t Englisb pipera report!,tbat theoRat- alan Goveroment bei ordereti the for mitieu ot a reeervo fore. of1,000,000 of men, but for ceat renoon does nt Uleter la the foilowlng epifipi: Ereciti eh eo mmory ef John PieS- lipoi, aerdentifly §hot ai a mark of iffection by bie brother OVEg81TUFFS 0F AL. COLORS. AAd an cihet oehclrnnmally foucei n a dkug ALiO A or Administtration fo Ihaing tue fax offJAINFI AlO OKI planueeenlui wb M. Pd epw à if on mliskey, mot me do." The public Library of Manitobta la noce temporarily tteti op cati erngeti in romin theoGovernent build-i ingsXI tlea iconnortable andi coay rnom, and mii, chen fSoibentipresent s hantisomo apperenre. It comprise abot 1,041yI voume. chiefly saindarti muche of refèeonce. a wecU bounutianti having eam peti oponi Ueo coveen the ceornlve Province ci Xtin nidtblat dito 'a oece pie.0of onnlinlantorobin the darh lnoaore tlotberae on the hro edge. It la net keowu wettloecfhis arise. from ekotrtety or phocplorestooe; but It seoma toetepenti on the tiressing of Uheo loti, ine., after being waohetitUeo phenonenon-dota notrmanifet i: self. A pine.oetstout, Oilîrd nom cothan la udtefarnlah te boat sublect forci.- sbow goin' on bero1" mud a rode boy 1*4 stnck bihqmidloto a toe daom. ..Ne. ionny ; miey?" ,Cana thlsa'0semany people aittin' odth eo tIewdk aclUe ihir babaoff." Ninety-one boira have been eaite ta Mainefte pnt ydar, andi bontlct palti for tUee. A Provitensie 'mm feU dosa thc -*&terdày*- mhflè dreetig a letton. k'*umnfng aginet diccting bItter. HenryWnrd Beecher predicteti 'ibdkigiviu dv tbàiea ii. Oanua coming chen a million of imoney mutl net entitte a man ha aU.lin-el ie. Thse Mayor et aid-lltftdot Téz City, instead cfnleming a proclamation igateit - the doge, g- stbrengh bhc street- wit4i a ioebl-bnrreei abt gon, and shboots flees. Eailroeda have' ne affectio yet theey ongt ha have tron e. Aiàaç Morriiis, bBcontspers. grlnalon bout Montexey ounty, {7aola funi n Idin oman 140 Aàlwýmâsnitel. ttlmtiftht ee$atcetfa tieeuea.citizenliofetTroy &msm"vey0(thilMin he w ise bottons bn"a erneas. w" lb hastbmt A. geeon nOm lng ýtru ul"ne eltbbnon. siomy nigie, suilt b.Dnve -LIke." intwoed tUeogentleman -11k. ha blom my hot off." aàtiocter of divinify, a gentlemans mhose face inticeated generonlidag, vhile open an exchange, i Boson, ffl du %*bylà"'*.: touoe, ' alon t trougb the airecté by wayý e - constitutiloni" %Ma. attlention vua itracteti by a men cbo mat tand- féring froeinUteo e&ibolaoftard drink- log te ngiti bIÔ». .Thopdoetor epstiou but atrangety enougie 00i ~ad Ioa, oaiy ha encounter hlm egain SAt ise &Wtirdne f.eenh elow, cvs.ndý iaq tEWe3th thelb.deolo 900" 90130010BOOKIe VERT CHEAP. LATEST PUBLICATiONS Kept onband adoiantly eeieo. DR. STREET»S Offie. clllhereaitet tee DyneStocet. The Best Advertising Medium in Halton. Bamon@ed'a Leck-Stitcb saews 6*B&Itum 1'aece 8$2, on ceint coron, $35. L T boadintagon ýt...frecr et a great fa It. qnlee rong fere a pireoino caontI. It1 cMe to krn, and rueelOkghta mueh labrin eleeeieg, caeeing it to re the ligbter aoelulet the longer. Wotrth $10 te ai e Srfq,4tieilstareaneent for rleoeeie the bootlef o teh. that aMegleece pot a trll the le-egth orithoutenoving th. emachene. Te sân th.ecmachin ni ddop thhe an towad y-- nt akwr yfroneyoe. Ite neile in arfsmore e.silpfhse incikher machins& A Yiecfrn , O.cll rî9 eefesur,15istc meodlecer, n point cf celui cvfe.Wi- out tbistheout omachie muât soa en id4 tin nceegh te naycof il, Itemneer and the0e qtenimutlin, oemng otten, linse eerlsa I deliver ea" maciearefofly teetrnet la its cas, anti attend te ail repaire gratta fer 12 mentie.u Machine@ st on appeoal te aey a.tdremn Theoms who thinie cf boplo àa eocieg nmaohie i comm t rre eier ci.eteetem y atillof tie Btayet d Aftor a .erefeel enaseination cf rinZI ,acklae.,1 inesier te.Raymnd by a&Uila h eev, 04 bay st ie alotitrises i.#uoic cn ndAmef Ac" nt c mm"ebi Tey it amcedo. SatialacioiteinlU eA"geasa- ted W. LEOLI E In. Agent il-am Gemeiovn. T HE CHLEÂPEST lafe la fff ok nCamada i h Xithm luadre w' on goldlen opinion@, aned ilceing 1071nnfo rOct cil te neereilte, eeok it the teet. Editriola o elulctioa cf nho kigheot one, ao eiTo ranco inelligrenc $0 oute psy ennemi for àekaicopia. ~el. Preeniecop, r o2ory eiok cf tnol copiesnaolvce.r e,k20 cent». Pontage pr. Sîcorte cf etandard eitmprance Ibo lorb cff ifty, t) morth; elubetf on. mire $3 wr) ;ct lubs iof achundlcsilIr, wotk. Ailoertieenento insurtodast anni fcrm rateofl10 ceno ve âe for rock ieeoee Lion. Vice thousnosi uboribere eearerleb thetient of April. Sund for e freo aei JA *dMES S'TItATTC N 1sotntibOnt. 33-4OC lobliaier for thoîepeenetce rPHE aubscriicer nonce o t h à ý wu f MlcCai t ho b ha. pe oe atthtekaove utilarie dcr811 leaeeee ctoI pt tu Sert c'ae rPaie,,orbonh hopsetceeertea ohbe of the usnpîrt scclit erafly accorileil hMne tho e t. SAIN fat§ Foi VIZIT 353m 1f0CWAItCUP. l3.~a 1 Oaal CI a CLOTHRS WRINGEr 11 THE Rellier.arumae cf the hest whie.rnbberel"itiand durale, of snob toupet -tM dry olthon iroîorly andl not break buottr., while they an e wae et ot.t nate .tle S Improved double gears An uaed in pach. Oaly vuosset oce dn detcery th preeore onthe oUlse nne to fadaon.tho Wringer ontube crnau y b onisen oa àtub. 1ly prcif n, and be ilble oY ,î If enresoe crie bard labr, ad&U the Pain and ant yaacoqr&e a rie .nkile it io eyon thé tonateae lts trenoe yeuai:, a Lago fa y. Firet pejoonetai metrea4,Toronto, Otawa anti Lcndoen om 1870. PRIC-E 88. Sen or ofeeete W E LE W. ESIE Wboleasle Aget fer Halton anil Peel. Nelodoces, But Srwlng MachInesM ohse Georgetown. Morcie 1 1870 35Um DAVID LITTLE, TIIE LARGEST SUB-J SCRIPTION LIST INý THE COUNTY 1 THEE PUBLISED Bic Katheson &Keeling, hn m tWIic1a~*C1 MAIN ISTREET, MILTON, TIIE ireuluti.n of ties CIIANMPON" Tecee.te cocnm ttUcLacTceai fiee Coctty tf Holfen of Il oker eneere, tù- rltetheg ifs 1Icoal contemeoroics nd i Ii. connf*oty .nerepoieg. If meUtaiN oRsRan anennonrses Ik aoy Otieoepapoin te vtJty. It ai leoifîd On Il hando f0 ho fhee13ncT local escepoper in the Coety. Il dWuo m tho iCeability andl breity&H theo ecbeu"tocffbheday, t ometaleo the latet u n etarhissune. op the hoceof goiecto prene. XC cotalae more ll eseth"e any Other paper in the .uonly. If 'w taino Itulrspeefteof Il UheeConrte, net gtvoniey -, obenpapeta the Conaty. XC. rates of adveetialog art s 1ev ta thoet cf aay otbe papon la the Cccsty, ita clenlatice bel..5tho targsut, qetly la la the beut mediumonfeesdvetialeg in the Oonaby. if von havea. laà csppeadvnntla iti te* CAIO. IRONOCLAD S O E aftukoctenverlil sg,eoi.iycend poitl- JOSEPH WETHERALD.v,; c' --Mefr n IONLY ONE DOLLAR A TEAR IN 3-Y ADVANCE. NEW FALL GOODS! EUtgtannc tctleetr mmee cuMnoome, anad the publie geaealiy, that they bacc B nova eatdi4oi £ssortmnent of l'aIl Goods, nowle aq4 IMMineln t ogian thad (aaadmrTweed. CloUermode np SOIRIADI MADE G'LOTHINQ.e ]Bews & Haicro. THO MAS Y OUN C P~ntnpdObnBoi$in, Blao0nIh'Bowa and Cea, BentOnuter andi Bng. -4%%= Lautt&a d Page, Ceai 0OÙ andi Lampe; WALL PAPES MN WINDOW SHADE, JACK SCRIEWS, lOTES WRXNGERS, STEELÂ?4ALQAM 1HELLB, FOR XATORIEBS, BCHOOLS, CHURCHES, AND TARX -ir # CALL HELLS. T andeàýîh bneb.wicnt brande. Geode sàierld 1. plain figuré§. No secoondi priee..Wb"$. thanking hl& OtOura for ttluîb.atpatrmnaga mafendeti te lit a tn ibpeut, thé voneIb'ntuth. p ubruti. t«aHand exiae %jeg"odmad prîeebtor puohslsg eat lmr , vlefbl et p ýn the vinai ofthUe wbaIsy, icd Doe sctztlbe iptinâ on hie paiteg sLlait4 rfHOMAS YO1UNG, in a .1ui., Georg«m.foc JOB DEPARTMENT. HA R A &dNalo& a unsaila01ciDoemater- Il W boëobeecMt""evebock 0elJe Type, v e pepeed. vOUe eor.oad f&cMll itl,5 %0 do evety tiesalpum ofciBock, yawl ant la Jobe Wrk la teboluty..1 Bail Prgrmma, Bill Hcude, Blink Foreu, Bp-,Lucre. Corda ofavrerp sie, Cirreinra, Cataogue#, Dmggit' Lubcho, Grocer' Lublis, .Po8ters, Programma. 0F THE BEST MANUFACTURE, Wueod liofor elb inhaiitante cf Italien teai ceey men in teeIConty oueclt to havoe of bhcma Itce.claile te protot ie home ccd fwocey froc Ibat ferocicua ecenty,"Jack Ft." A LARGE LOT 0Er Wilhnil..dat a eeYnsâPmntcrrtaeree Vt. OVCal cO&Zyl Yeuncnt barga,.0 A LARGE STOCK 0F TIN AND JAPAN WARE CONSTA14TLY ON HAND CHEAP. North's Patent Drum Heater Aimnys on bandaoeilenie orcie AX.c ROWLE'S PATE.NT STOVE PIPE DAM. PER, thetestin me, cbecbhuedreil oni.Lfr REMEMBER THE PLACE. C reat Clearing salel WINTER DRY GOODee ]RETML, AT WH47LESAILE PRICES, Monday, the l6th- of Jarniary Aid," oaeamàg for 0»omm&tbmir. $25, ýëR * Af* IMERCHANT TAILOR, IDrtl OfG nio crerna.ed roîtotclloehbie olfeiedn asintebcWOU e gleebimamet belote poecboee lnseero lHe coudcall parficclar attention Weheontcedo Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, ejp W n[AOMU Vin out. OOO00WORTH 0F TO BE SAORIfIOED 1 Farmersi Mechanics, Hotel Keepers English, Scotch and Canad ia.n Tweed s, &C.. &c. tAid Ifeohoidere ibisI.the brotcohanetyoe bav hi attnttnov iagyos t1siesa cetbchamp DitRode W'hioh, choc ma& u p a hlà establihmnt, ciii b.o.id eta Utocoafà&ntly invitesontonee -he hm THIE FINEIT STOCK MN THE COUNITYg AndImgoraetoelaà trft fit. REMRMREII BTHE FLACEO-MAWN 'SThOERT, I;LTON. Miltn n }b $th, 1871. 3 Startling News FBOM TUE Thte sueeriher, beving a wbole bot of - TIMm CAUIM S. F. MoKIN NON & COMPA NY, EMI'OEIUM, GEORGETOWN- YOUR GOODS CHEÂPP AID -I 4 et I g MONEY. GREAT CLEARINC SALmE!1 mhe Subscribera will oeil the vhol. of lhefr I)RIe Y New Dominion Store and Tin Shop, Ma! n, S.IC TWBC E Milton, Opposite the English Church. P. MCDERMOTrT. FALL CIRCULAR FOR 1810 D. D. CHRISTIE & CO&.) Iznporters and dealers in Dry Goods, Millinery Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Provisiôns, &c., Ecerytktag don. te beilville. CIY STYLE ANDI AT CIT PuCES, Lb7' vooil embrace thOn cpportunity cf respecofolly tendetlng or incere thaeh . t OV Partie avfng thtîr saille is pedw V ctontemees ndi frenin.l Huiten for paocre anil mccli adieetest out stock ai this office ccc havete no etice thereof le. ia oira ccmplnte t in&l theodepirtmeats, soe ill C . eeocedring thee nonceby fbah oe. necllte'Se tgister"Le tespapperfaisseey otig in t atage oM thee Inuioeaoanae mioc edfgcr th. MAaXesinUen by bonilenin eery prt of e ooey.e. ehgfcrfrepodieslbthoeaame ebe feîe V (Inters hy mnesil al rsesve prompt asok occli arocs sm in.cihsnee au, etneoacr .ocoad MA TEON pmcs. L1etaiges. Lc. ...... ie el . Ourstoakt . soi snt l teM ty.Wn tei PeIbers anti Prtpostoes a einlyyu. ust«,D . CBRISTiN C Monday, the 23rd Janua&y, r .nd contixiuiieg until the whole is cleared ont, Broad Cloths, Beavers, Canada and English Tweeds, Grey and, Bleached Cottons, Tickings, Lustres, Satin Cloths, Dress Goods, F'rench Merillos, Tartains, Blankets, ]Fur Caps, Carpets, Hose, Breakfast Shawlse rwr nd it Nubias and Scarfs. Tpweplings, Shirtiilgs Table Linen, Mens Cpwhidc Boots, Mpn'a Kip Boots, ýMen's Gaiteis, Ladies Gaiters, Bithnorals, And Çiiildren'a Shocs in great variety. NY. D. & Ra. A. LiN. ý: %i, M x LAe'wC> 1 LLVRERY_>ýSTABLES! T RB gubmdbptoaaomante tb.oh. barcease the above Livey Establiment madle pespaveti te Uuty 9Moti I e hSUit Who may :1,qn1re theen on tht Shuartent Notice. ne£nus Âe.nO TEIS FORt THE ACC0I0DATIWN,0F NERCUANTS CAIiI1YIGC OODS. orApp y tIdla O(Wace, Set Wing cf fies ' laiton lion..." SAVE YOUR W.M Tety 347 n T.tý D.L TO tmoI JD BIt ALL THE

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